Annex F - Borrow Pit Management Guidelines
Annex F - Borrow Pit Management Guidelines
Annex F - Borrow Pit Management Guidelines
This document provides guidance on management of borrow pits. The Contractor should remain responsible for
managing borrow pit operations.
Borrow pit site reclamation (also called reinstatement) must be completed prior to handover of the road section to which
the borrow site was used.
4. Site reclamation
Site reclamation (reinstatement) should be completed prior to handover of completed road section.
4.1. Stockpile reuse
Overburden stockpiles and perimeter berms shall be placed on the excavated site and graded to the desired
slopes and drainage paths.
Reserved topsoil shall be spread on top of the overburden with more topsoil focused on sloping land (minimum
depth on slopes: 150 mm).
4.2. Final slope and drainage
Suitable surface slopes together with drainage ditches and conduits – as needed – shall be constructed to
prevent water from collecting at the site.
Final slopes within the site shall be a maximum horizontal to vertical slope (H:V) of 3:1 or 33% grade.
4.3. Final cover
The borrow pit operational site including access roads shall be thoroughly scarified as needed to help establish
adequate vegetative cover.
Project Location
Project Manager
Borrow pits are an essential part of road building. However, they may also present potential adverse environmental and
social impacts:
In general, the contractor will be expected to carry out the construction works in such a way as to minimize the need for
the use of borrow materials, including careful attention to re-use of excavated material as sub-base/base where
technically feasible. Contractors shall “Observe a minimum allowable offset of borrow pits from the road (set back out of
sight of the road) and minimum longitudinal spacing in relation to the allowable free-haul in the BoQ”
Where borrow pits are to be left open, for their use in regular maintenance programs, the responsibility for their
management should be assigned to the government entity / local authority in charge of road maintenance and compliance
with the borrow pit management plan monitored.
Standards Generic definition of Identify the most environmentally sound source of materials that UNOPS
definition materials required for the is within budget
road rehabilitation Use material from local road cuts first, but only if it produces a
fairly suitable, durable aggregate for either embankment fill or
surface stabilization material. Local borrow material can be very
cost-effective. Upon removal of material, the area should be
restored and receive erosion control measures
Identify indicative quantities of material required from the borrow
Define the needs, in Minimize the number of borrow pits by increasing free haul UNOPS
terms of borrow pits, for distance in BOQ
effective road Cost estimates of the borrow-pit management plan included in
rehabilitation with minimal the BOQ
environmental impact Estimate the number of borrow pits to be opened
Define the standard maximum size to be excavated for each
borrow pit
Define the standard buffer area around the borrow pits (proximity
to dwellings, water course, and presence of natural vegetation)
Review the preliminary site assessment, undertaken by the
contractor (below)
Site selection Complete a preliminary Outreach to the community leadership (e.g. operation, hazards, Contractor
site assessment prior to restoration)
undertaking excavation Written approval from community leadership for use of the
proposed site
GOSS clearance for land use
Discuss with local community the option of retaining quarry pits
as water collection ponds for watering cattle, irrigating crops or
similar uses. Highlight issues of disease transmission and the
need to prohibit its use for drinking, bathing, and clothes washing
When siting borrow pit areas, avoid using sensitive areas or sites Contractor
that drain directly into a sensitive area
Borrow pits will not be located in wetland or densely vegetated
Test pits/excavations to confirm the quantity and quality of Contractor
material in the proposed site
Determine presence of any groundwater