Angel Oak Elementary Arts Integrated Lesson Plan

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Angel Oak Elementary Arts Integrated Lesson Plan

TITLE OF LESSON: Grade Level(s): 3rd

Andy Goldsworth Inspiration
with Shapes How to Writing

Content Standard(s): Arts Standard(s):

3-W.2 - Write informative/explanatory Anchor Standard 5: I can interpret and evaluate
texts to examine and convey complex the meaning of an artwork.
ideas and information clearly and Anchor Standard 7: I can relate visual arts ideas
accurately through the effective selection,
to other arts disciplines, content areas, and
organization, and analysis of content.

Lesson Procedure:
a. Hook (something to get the students' attention)
b. Instructional steps
c. Formative checks (progress checks throughout the lesson)
d. Summative assessment (description)
e. Closing (how you will end the lesson)

a: Review art terms from the art poster, what terms mean and are they in our art creation.

b: Write a class sample together, based on teachers’ art creation. Create an introduction
and two detail sentences as an example.

c: Walk around check in on students as they are proceeding, see if anyone needs help with
coming up with thoughts as to what to include.

d: Students will pair with students to look over each other writing. They will edit and revise
each others work and use a teacher created rubric to grade.

e: Students will have an opportunity to share out their writing piece with their art work to
the class.

Differentiation Key Words/Vocabulary:

(support/scaffolding): -Organic shapes
-Geometric shapes
Students will work with the teacher in
small group to develop the story.
Students will be paired with an -space
accelerated student to go over their work. -form
Acceleration (extension):

Students will be encouraged to do more

than one paragraph for their writing.
They will work with lower students during
the summative assessment.

Resources: Ideas to present/display student

https://otterlakeartintheclassroom.wordpre -Twitter -Bulletin Board

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