Hanes Newport Lesson Plan

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KTIP Lesson Plan-Art Education

Intern Name: Dakota Hanes Date: 02/03/2022

# of Students: 10 Age/Grade Level: 17-18/ 12th Content Area: Art

Unit Title: Ink Drawing Lesson Title: Alex Trebek

Lesson Alignment to Unit (if applicable)

VA:Cr2.1.I- Engage in making a work of art or design without having a preconceived plan.

VA:Cr2.1.II- Through experimentation, practice, and persistence, demonstrate acquisition of skills and knowledge in a
chosen art form

 Identify essential question:

How can spontaneous decisions create art?

How do you adapt to the medium?

How could this evolve into something more.

 Objective(s)
In this activity students 17-18 at the 12th grade level will engage with the technique of continuous ink drawings. Students
will achieve this through the spontaneous of creation of ink drawings by the vehicle of a game of jeopardy.

Anchor Standard 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.

 Prior knowledge or focus

Before this lesson students will have had experience with drawing and usage of ink pens.

 Summative assessment(s)

Students will have a round of critique between after completion of each image to see whose is most successful.

 How to facilitate the learning of students with disabilities.

Students with sensory issues that may have issues with the texture of the material will be provided with an alternative
m material to create with.
Lesson Objectives/ Assessment Instructional Strategy/Activity
Learning Targets

Assessment description: Strategy/Activity:

Objective/target: Students have engaged with the Students will choose a category and within
Students will follow along and critique process and become the time limit create a continues in drawing.
create a works of art using the acquainted with the technique of Once the drawings are complete students will
technique of continuous in continues in drawings through the decide a winner for that round.
drawing. The critiquing each vehicle of a Jeopardy style activity. Activity Adaptations:
other’s work. Students with sensory issues that may have
Formative assessment will be issues with the texture of the material will be
achieved by ensuring students are provided with an alternative material to
engaged with the activity. create with.
Summative assessment will be Paper, Pen
achieved through the rubric provided.

Differentiated Assessment Plan:

Students with sensory issues that may
have issues with the texture of the
material will be provided with an
alternative material to create with. No
change to rubric.
Procedures: Describe the sequence of strategies and activities you will use to engage students and accomplish your
objectives. Within this sequence, describe how the differentiated strategies will meet individual student needs and diverse
learners in your plan. (Use this section to outline the who, what, when, and where of the instructional strategies and

Beginning / Review- Hello, I’m Mr. Hanes and today we will be playing Jeopardy with a twist!

Motivation/Engagement –Now, for my good noodles I have a reward for you. A gold star!

Background Knowledge – Before we get into it can anyone tell me what a continues in drawing is? …… It’s a ink drawing
where you pen never leaves the page.

Transition – Now that we have some background let’s get our supplies together so we can start.

Major steps in activity

Phase 1: Collection and Preparation of materials

1. Hand out paper and pens to students. Also placing names in a hat for first round pick.

Transition –“ Student’s name” lets begin what is you choice.

Phase 2: Criteria Creation and Origami Instruction

1. After drawing students will decide a winner of that round who then picks the next category.
Transition – *Repeat phase 2*

Phase 4 Extension:
If class finishes early, it is free work period.

You guys are some good noodles!
Historical Background
Continuous line drawing is an accident art form as one of the oldest forms of human artwork. Used to show motion in
artwork and symbolize the nature cycles of the world before being picked up by modern artists such as Picasso and Klee.
The technique of continuous line can be applied to multiple mediums as well Film, Photography, Painting, and Ink.

Concepts Excellent Average Poor

3 pt 2 pt 1 pt

Student Engagement Student has engaged Student has engaged Student did not
Students will judge with either the with either the participate
each other’s work critique and the critique or the
based on criteria they creation of criteria to creation of criteria to
have created. judge the work judge the work
Student Criteria Well-mannered Student had some Student did not act in
Students had during course of outburst. a sportsmen like
sportsmen like activity manner

Craft Continues line to Attempt at a Student did not

Students will be form an image continues line engage with the
graded on the ability technique
to use the continues
ink technique.

X/9 points

Reference Material:

“Jeopardy! Game Template for PowerPoint (2022).” n.d. SlideLizard. https://slidelizard.com/en/blog/jeopardy-


Siegeltuch, Mark. n.d. “The Continuous Line: The History and Roots of an Ancient Art Form.” Www.academia.edu.
Accessed April 25, 2023.

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