Acoustic Analysis of A Tractor Muffler: David Neihguk and Shreyas Fulkar
Acoustic Analysis of A Tractor Muffler: David Neihguk and Shreyas Fulkar
Acoustic Analysis of A Tractor Muffler: David Neihguk and Shreyas Fulkar
CITATION: Neihguk, D. and Fulkar, S., "Acoustic Analysis of a Tractor Muffler," SAE Technical Paper 2017-01-1791, 2017,
pipe (d3), the fourth chamber is an annular concentric tube resonator 1. At the solid boundaries, which include the outer walls of the
with three interacting ducts, d2, d4 and d5. The outermost annular duct muffler, the baffles between the chambers and the walls of the
of the second and fourth chamber are filled with absorptive materials inner pipes, sound hard (wall) boundary conditions are used:
as shown in Fig. 2 in the hybrid configuration. The total length of the
muffler is 521 mm. The overall Ltotal/d5 ratio is 3.
Figure 1. CAD model of the baseline muffler
Figure 2. Schematic sketch of the baseline muffler hybrid configuration
4. At the perforated pipes and baffles, the acoustic impedance for
There are three baffles, one in the upstream side (upstream baffle), the reactive muffler configuration of Figs. 3 and 4 in stationary
one in the middle (middle baffle) and one in the downstream side medium is modeled by using Elnady et al.’s [8] expression. For
(downstream baffle). Then baffles consists of a rigid section and a the hybrid muffler configuration of Figs. 2 and 5 in stationary
perforated section as shown in Fig. 3. In the baseline configuration, medium, the Kirby and Cummings’[9] expression has been
the downstream baffle is impervious, as a result the third and fourth used. The present study uses the texturized fiber glass roving
chambers are connected only through the outlet pipe, d2. manufactured by the Silentex™ process and the Delany and
Bazley model [10] of complex characteristic impedance and
wave number extended to low frequencies by Mechel [11]. The
Transmission Loss is computed at a temperature of 305.54 K.
The acoustic impedance of perforates is implemented by applying
a semitransparent boundary at the contours of the perforated area.
This is conveniently achieved by using the predefined Interior
Perforated Plate boundary condition in COMSOL [6] which is a
function of the hole diameter and pipe thickness.
5. The dissipative effect of glasswool is modelled using the
Figure 3. Schematic sketch of the baseline muffler reactive configuration
poroacoustics physics wherein the flow resistivity (fr) is
The geometrical details of the baseline configurations for the hybrid obtained as a function of the filling density (fd) as given below:
and reactive cases are given in the Appendix.
3D FEM Analysis
The muffler is divided into different domains which are then
discretized into small finite elements. By using the acoustic pressure
as the independent variable, the wave propagation is solved in the
frequency domain using the time harmonic pressure acoustic mode in
COMSOL [6]. The governing equation is the modified version of the
3D Helmholtz equation:
where ρ, c and ω are the density, speed of sound and angular Figure 4. COMSOL model of tractor muffler - reactive configuration
frequency respectively. The following boundary conditions are used
to simulate the system [6]:
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1. Effect of baffles
2. Effect of acoustic cavities
3. Effect of location of pipe perforations
Effect of Baffles
The muffler investigated here consists of three baffles, namely the
upstream baffle, middle baffle and downstream baffle. Perforated
baffles introduces acoustic interaction between the acoustic
pressures of the first, second and third chambers of the baseline
muffler configuration.
Figure 12. Effect of Baffle type on the Transmission Loss of tractor muffler in Figure 14. Effect of Acoustic cavity lengths on the Transmission Loss of
reactive configuration. tractor muffler in reactive configuration.
Figure 13. Effect of Baffle type on the Transmission Loss of tractor muffler in Figure 15. Effect of Acoustic cavity lengths on the Transmission Loss of
hybrid configuration. tractor muffler in hybrid configurations.
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6. COMSOL Multiphysics, Acoustic Module User’s Guide,
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7. COMSOL Multiphysics, Application Builder User’s Guide,
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8. Elnady T., Abom M. and Allam S., “Modelling perforates in
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1-11, (2010).
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Figure 17. Effect of placement of pipe perforations on the Transmission Loss J. Sound Vibr., 217(4), 619-636, (1998).
of tractor muffler in hybrid configurations. 10. Delany M.E. and Bazley E.N., “Acoustical properties of fibrous
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Summary/Conclusions 11. Mechel F.P., “Extension to Low Frequencies of the Formulae
The following conclusions can be drawn from the preceding analysis: of Delany and Bazley for absorbing Materials.” Acta Acustica
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1. To improve low frequency performance: make all baffles 12. Selamet, A., Lee, I., Ji, Z., and Huff, N., "Acoustic Attenuation
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2. To reduce low frequency performance: make the middle baffle 13. Munjal M.L., Acoustics of Ducts and Mufflers, Second Edition,
rigid or impervious, reduce length of first chamber. Wiley, Chichester, UK, (2014).
3. The baseline configuration gives the best performance in mid-
frequency range (400 Hz to 1400 Hz approximately).
Contact Information
The parametric studies presented here represents only a few insights David Neihguk
that can be obtained from the Muffler App. As such, no attempt is [email protected]
being made to present a comprehensive parametric study with regards
to the muffler under investigation. Rather, the emphasis is on the Acknowledgments
creation of the model and its conversion into an App that simplifies
The authors gladly acknowledge the valuable feedback and
muffler acoustic simulation and extend the power of simulation to the
suggestions given by the reviewers.
hands of designers and engineers. The creation of this Apps requires
the involvement of multiple resources like designers, analysts and
App creator to put together all the requirements and best practices
specific to the muffler design being Appified. Herein, lies the value
addition of the App.
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GUI of the Muffler App
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ISSN 0148-7191