S P M 1984 Volume 2-2.pdfcalculo de Calculo de Pilotes

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The study of wave forces on coastal structures can be classified in two ways: (a) by the type
of structure on which the forces act and (b) by the type of wave action against the structure. Fixed
coastal structures can generally be classified as one of three types: (a) pile-supported structures
such as piers and offshore platforms; (b) wall-type structures such as seawalls, bulkheads,
revetments, and some breakwaters; and (c) rubble structures such as many groins, revetments,
jetties and breakwaters. Individual structures are often combinations of these three types. The
types of waves that can act on these structures are nonbreaking, breaking, or broken waves.
Figure 7-66 illustrates the subdivision of wave force problems by structure type and by type of
wave action and indicates nine types of force determination problems encountered in design.

Figure 7-66. Classification of wave force problems by type of wave action and by structure type.
Rubble structure design does not require differentiation among all three types of wave action;
problem types shown as 1R, 2R, and 3R on the figure need consider only nonbreaking and
breaking wave design. Horizontal forces on pile-supported structures resulting from broken waves
in the surf zone are usually negligible and are not considered. Determination of breaking and
nonbreaking wave forces on piles is presented in Section 1 below, Forces on Piles. Nonbreaking,
breaking, and broken wave forces on vertical (or nearly vertical) walls are considered in Sections
2, Nonbreaking Wave Forces on Walls, 3, Breaking Wave Forces on Vertical Walls, and 4,
Broken Waves. Design of rubble structures is considered in Section 7, Stability of Rubble
Structures. NOTE: A careful distinction must be made between the English system use of pounds
for weight, meaning force, versus the System International (SI) use of newtons for force. Also,
many things measured by their weight (pounds, tons, etc.) in the English system are commonly
measured by their mass (kilogram, metric ton, etc.) in countries using the SI system.



Forces on Piles.

Introduction. Frequent use of pile-supported coastal and offshore structures makes the
interaction of waves and piles of significant practical importance. The basic problem is to predict
forces on a pile due to the wave-associated flow field. Because wave-induced flows are complex,
even in the absence of structures, solution of the complex problem of wave forces on piles relies
on empirical coefficients to augment theoretical formulations of the problem.
Variables important in determining forces on circular piles subjected to wave action are
shown in Figure 7-67. Variables describing nonbreaking, monochromatic waves are the wave
height H , water depth d , and either wave period T , or wavelength L . Water particle
velocities and accelerations in wave-induced flows directly cause the forces. For vertical piles, the
horizontal fluid velocity u and acceleration du/dt and their variation with distance below the free
surface are important. The pile diameter D and a dimension describing pile roughness elements
are important variables describing the pile. In this discussion, the effect of the pile on the waveinduced flow is assumed negligible. Intuitively, this assumption implies that the pile diameter D
must be small with respect to the wavelength L . Significant fluid properties include the fluid
density and the kinematic viscosity . In dimensionless terms, the important variables can be
expressed as follows:
dimensionless wave steepness

dimensionless water depth

ratio of pile diameter to wavelength (assumed small)

relative pile roughness
a form of the Reynolds' number
Given the orientation of a pile in the flow field, the total wave force acting on the pile can be
expressed as a function of these variables. The variation of force with distance along the pile
depends on the mechanism by which the forces arise; that is, how the water particle velocities and
accelerations cause the forces. The following analysis relates the local force, acting on a section of
pile element of length dz , to the local fluid velocity and acceleration that would exist at the center
of the pile if the pile were not present. Two dimensionless force coefficients, an inertia or mass
coefficient CM and a drag coefficient CD , are used to establish the wave-force relationships.
These coefficients are determined by experimental


Figure 7-67. Definition sketch of wave forces on a vertical cylinder.

measurements of force, velocity, and acceleration or by measurements of force and water surface
profiles, with accelerations and velocities inferred by assuming an appropriate wave theory.
The following discussion initially assumes that the force coefficients CM and CD are
known and illustrates the calculation of forces on vertical cylindrical piles subjected to
monochromatic waves. A discussion of the selection of CM and C D follows in Section e,
Selection of Hydrodynamic Force Coefficients, CD and C M . Experimental data are available
primarily for the interaction of nonbreaking waves and vertical cylindrical piles. Only general
guidelines are given for the calculation of forces on noncircular piles.
Vertical Cylindrical Piles and Nonbreaking Waves: (Basic Concepts). By analogy to the
mechanism by which fluid forces on bodies occur in unidirectional flows, Morison et al. (1950)
suggested that the horizontal force per unit length of a vertical cylindrical pile may be expressed
by the following (see Fig. 7-67 for definitions):




= inertial force per unit length of pile


= drag force per unit length of pile

= density of fluid (1025 kilograms per cubic meter for sea water)

= diameter of pile

= horizontal water particle velocity at the axis of the pile (calculated as if the pile were
not there)

du/dt = total horizontal water particle acceleration at the axis of the pile, (calculated as if the
pile were not there)

= hydrodynamic force coefficient, the "drag" coefficient

CM = hydrodynamic force coefficient, the "inertia" or "mass" coefficient

The term fi is of the form obtained from an analysis of force on a body in an accelerated
flow of an ideal nonviscous fluid. The term fD is the drag force exerted on a cylinder in a steady
flow of a real viscous fluid is proportional to u2 and acts in the direction of the velocity u ; for
flows that change direction this is expressed by writing u2 as u |u| ). Although these remarks
support the soundness of the formulation of the problem as given by equation (7-20), it should be
realized that expressing total force by the terms fi and f D is an assumption justified only if it
leads to sufficiently accurate predictions of wave force.
From the definitions of u and du/dt , given in equation (7-20) as the values of these
quantities at the axis of the pile, it is seen that the influence of the pile on the flow field a short
distance away from the pile has been neglected. Based on linear wave theory, MacCamy and
Fuchs (1954) analyzed theoretically the problem of waves passing a circular cylinder. Their
analysis assumes an ideal nonviscous fluid and leads, therefore, to a force having the form of fi .
Their result, however, is valid for all ratios of pile diameter to wavelength, D/LA , and shows
the force to be about proportional to the acceleration du/dt for small values of D/LA (L A is the
Airy approximation of wavelength). Taking their result as indicative of how small the pile should
be for equation (7-20) to apply, the restriction is obtained that
Figure 7-68 shows the relative wavelength LA /Lo and pressure factor K versus d/gT2 for the
Airy wave theory.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EXAMPLE PROBLEM 16 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
GIVEN: A wave with a period of T = 5 s, and a pile with a diameter D = 0.3 m (1 ft) in 1.5 m
(4.9 ft ) of water.




Can equation (7-20) be used to find the forces?


which, using Figure 7-68, gives

LA = 0.47 L o = 0.47 (39.0) = 18.3 m (60.0 ft)

Since D/LA satisfies equation (7-21), force calculations may be based on equation (7-20).
The result of the example problem indicates that the restriction expressed by equation (7-21)
will seldom be violated for pile force calculations. However, this restriction is important when
calculating forces on dolphins, caissons, and similar large structures that may be considered special
cases of piles.
Two typical problems arise in the use of equation (7-20).
(1) Given the water depth d , the wave height H , and period T , which wave
theory should be used to predict the flow field?
(2) For a particular wave condition, what are appropriate values of the coefficients
CD and CM ?
Calculation of Forces and Moments. It is assumed in this section that the coefficients
CD and CM are known and are constants. (For the selection of CD and C M see Chapter 7,
Section III,1,e, Selection of Hydrodynamic Force Coefficients CD and CM .) To use equation
(7-20), assume that the velocity and acceleration fields associated with the design wave can be
described by Airy wave theory. With the pile at x = 0 , as shown in Figure 7-67, the equations
from Chapter 2 for surface elevation (eq. 2-10), horizontal velocity (eq. 2-13), and acceleration
(eq. 2-15), are



Introducing these expressions into equation (7-20) gives


Equations (7-25) and (7-26) show that the two force components vary with elevation on the
pile z and with time t . The inertia force fi is maximum for sin (- 2t/T) = 1 , or for t = - T/4
for Airy wave theory. Since t = 0 corresponds to the wave crest passing the pile, the inertia force
attains its maximum value T/4 sec before passage of the wave crest. The maximum value of the
drag force component fD coincides with passage of the wave crest when t = 0
Variation in magnitude of the maximum inertia force per unit length of pile with elevation
along the pile is, from equation (7-25), identical to the variation of particle acceleration with depth.
The maximum value is largest at the surface z = 0 and decreases with depth. The same is true for
the drag force component fD ; however, the decrease with depth is more rapid since the
attenuation factor, cosh [2(z + d)/L]/cosh[2d/L] , is squared. For a quick estimate of the
variation of the two force components relative to their respective maxima, the curve labeled K =
1/cosh[2d/L] in Figure 7-68 can be used. The ratio of the force at the bottom to the force at the
surface is equal to K for the inertia forces, and to K2 for the drag forces.
The design wave will usually be too high for Airy theory to provide an accurate description
of the flow field. Nonlinear theories in Chapter 2 showed that wavelength and elevation of wave
crest above stillwater level depend on wave steepness and the wave height-water depth ratio. The
influence of steepness on crest elevation c and wavelength is presented graphically in Figures 769 and 7-70. The use of these figures is illustrated by the following examples.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EXAMPLE PROBLEM 17 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
GIVEN: Depth d = 4.5 m (14.8 ft) , wave height H = 3.0 m (9.8 ft ) , and wave period T =
10 s.

Crest elevation above stillwater level, wavelength, and relative variation of force
components along the pile.






From Figure 7-68,

From Figure 7-69,

c = 0.85 H = 2.6 m (8.5 ft)
From Figure 7-70,
L = 1.165 L A = 1.165 (63.9) = 74.4 m (244.1 ft)
and from Figure 7-68,

Note the large increase in c above the Airy estimate of H/2 = 1.5 m (4.9 ft) and the
relatively small change of drag and inertia forces along the pile. The wave condition
approaches that of a long wave or shallow-water wave.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EXAMPLE PROBLEM 18 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
GIVEN: Same wave conditions as preceding problem: H = 3.0 m (9.8 ft) and T = 10 s;
however, the depth d = 30.0 m (98.4 ft).
Crest elevation above stillwater level, wavelength, and the relative variation of force
components along the pile.




From Figure 7-68,

From Figure 7-69,

c = 0.52 H = 0.52(3.0) = 1.6 m (5.1 ft)
From Figure 7-70,
L = 1.01 L A = 1.01 (138.8) = 140.2 m (459.9 ft)
and from Figure 7-68,

Note the large decrease in forces with depth. The wave condition approaches that of a
deepwater wave.
For force calculations, an appropriate wave theory should be used to calculate u and du/dt .
Skjelbreia, et al. (1960) have prepared tables based on Stokes' fifth-order wave theory. For a
wide variety of given wave conditions (i.e., water depth, wave period, and wave height) these
tables may be used to obtain the variation of fi and f D with time (values are given for time
intervals of 2t/T = 20) and position along the pile (values given at intervals of 0.1 d). Similar
tables based on Dean's numerical stream-function theory (Dean, 1965b) are published in Dean
For structural design of a single vertical pile, it is often unnecessary to know in detail the
distribution of forces along the pile. Total horizontal


force (F) acting on the pile and total moment of forces (M) about the mud line z = -d are of
primary interest. These may be obtained by integration of equation (7-20).


In general form these quantities may be written



in which CD and C M have been assumed constant and where Ki , K D , S i , and S D are
dimensionless. When using Airy theory (eqs. 7-25 and 7-26), the integration indicated in
equations (7-27) and (7-28) may be performed if the upper limit of integration is zero instead of .
This leads to




where n = Cg /C has been introduced to simplify the expressions. From equations (7-33) and
(7-34), the maximum values of the various force and moment components can be written

Mim = F im d si


MDm = F Dm d sD


where Kim and KDm according to Airy theory are obtained from equations (7-33) and (7-34)
taking t = -T/4 and t = 0 , respectively and Si and SD are given by equations (7-35) and (736) respectively.
Equations (7-37) through (7-40) are general. Using Dean's stream-function theory (Dean,
1974), the graphs in Figures 7-71 through 7-74 have been prepared and may be used to obtain
Kim , K Dm , S im , and S Dm . S i and S D as given in equations (7-35) and (7-36) for Airy
theory, are independent of wave phase angle and thus are equal to the maximum values. For
stream-function and other finite amplitude theories, Si and SD depend on phase angle; Figures
7-73 and 7-74 give maximum values, Sim and SD . The degree of nonlinearity of a wave can be
described by the ratio of wave height to the breaking height, which can be obtained from Figure 775 as illustrated by the following example.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EXAMPLE PROBLEM 19 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A design wave H = 3.0 m (9.8 ft) with a period T = 8 s in a depth d = 12.0 m (39.4


The ratio of wave height to breaking height.








Figure 7-75. Breaking wave height and regions of validity of various wave theories.


Enter Figure 7-75 with d/gT2 = 0.0191 to the curve marked Breaking limit and read,

Hb = 0.014 gT 2 = 0.014(9.8) (8) 2 = 8.8 m (28.9 ft)
The ratio of the design wave height to the breaking height is

By using equations (7-37) through (7-40) with Figures 7-71 through 7-74, the maximum
values of the force and moment components can be found. To estimate the maximum total force
Fm , Figures 7-76 through 7-79 by Dean (1965a) may be used. The figure to be used is
determined by calculating

and the maximum force is calculated by
Fm = m wCD H2D


where m is the coefficient read from the figures. Similarly, the maximum moment Mm can be
determined from Figure 7-80 through 7-83, which are also based on Dean's stream-function theory
(Dean, 1965a). The figure to be used is again determined by calculating W using equation (741), and the maximum moment about the mud line (z = -d) is found from
Mm = m w CD H2Dd


where m is the coefficient read from the figures.

Calculation of the maximum force and moment on a vertical cylindrical pile is illustrated by
the following examples.










* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EXAMPLE PROBLEM 20 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
GIVEN: A design wave with height H = 3.0 m (9.8 ft) and period T = 10 s acts on a vertical
circular pile with a diameter D = 0.3 m (1 ft) in depth d = 4.5 m (14.8 ft) . Assume that
CM = 2.0 C D = 0.7, and the density of seawater p = 1025.2 kg/m3 (1.99 slugs/ft3).
(Selection of CM and CD is discussed in Section III,1,e.)
The maximum total horizontal force and the maximum total moment around the mud
line of the pile.


and enter Figure 7-75 to the breaking limit curve and read

Hb = 0.0034 gT 2 = 0.00357(9.8) (10) 2 = 3.3 m (10.8 ft)

From Figures 7-71 and 7-72, using d/gT2 = 0.0046 and H = 0.91 Hb , interpolating
between curves H = Hb and H = 3/4 Hb , find:
Kim = 0.38
KDm = 0.71
From equation 7-37:

and from equation (7-38):


FDM = (0.7) (0.5) (1025.2) (9.8) (0.3) (3)2 (0.71) = 6,741 N (1,515 lb)
From equation (7-41), compute

Interpolation between Figures 7-77 and 7-78 for m is required. Calculate

and recall that

Find the points on Figures 7-77 and 7-78 corresponding to the computed values of H/gT2
and d/gT2 and determine m (w = 10,047 N/m3 or 64 lb/ft3).
Figure 7-77:

W = 0.1 ;

m = 0.35

Interpolated Value:

W = 0.29 ;

m 0.365

Figure 7-78:

W = 0.5 ;

m 0.38

From equation (7-42), the maximum force is 2

Fm = m wCD H2D
Fm = 0.365 (10,047) (0.7) (3)2 (0.3) = 6,931 N (1,558 lb)
Fm = 7,000 N (1,574 lb)
To calculate the inertia moment component, enter Figure 7-73 with

and H = 0.91 Hb (interpolate between H = Hb and H = 3/4 Hb ) to find

Sim = 0.82
Similarly, from Figure 7-74 for the drag moment component, determine
SDm = 1.01

Therefore from equation (7-39)

Mim = F im d Sim = 1619 (4.5) (0.82) = 5,975 N-m (4,407 ft-lb)
and from equation (7-40)
MDm = F Dm d SDm = 6741 (4.5) (1.01) = 30.6 kN-m (22,600 ft-lb)
The value of m is found by interpolation between Figures 7-81 and 7-82 using W = 0.29,
H/gT2 = 0.0031, and d/gT2 = 0.0046.
Figure 7-81:

W = 0.1 ;

m = 0.33

Interpolated Value

W = 0.29 ;

m 0.34

Figure 7-82:

W = 0.5 ;

m = 0.35

The maximum total moment about the mud line is found from equation (7-43).
Mm = m wCD H2Dd
Mm = 0.34 (10,047) (0.7) (3) 2 (0.3) (4.5) = 29.1 kN-m (21,500 ft-lb)
The moment arm, measured from the bottom, is the maximum total moment Mm divided by
the maximum total force Fm ; therefore,

If it is assumed that the upper 0.6 m (2 ft) of the bottom material lacks significant strength, or
if it is assumed that scour of 0.6 m occurs, the maximum total horizontal force is unchanged,
but the lever arm is increased by about 0.6 m . The increased moment can be calculated by
increasing the moment arm by 0.6 m and multiplying by the maximum total force. Thus the
maximum moment is estimated to be
(Mm ) 0.6 m below mud line = (4.2 + 0.6) Fm = 4.8 (6,931) =
33.3 kN-m (24,500 ft-lb)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EXAMPLE PROBLEM 21 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
GIVEN: A design wave with height H = 3.0 m (9.8 ft) and period T = 10 s acts on a vertical
circular pile with a diameter D = 0.3 m (1.0 ft) in a depth d = 30.0 m (98.4 ft). Assume
CM = 2.0 and C D = 1.2.

The maximum total horizontal force and the moment around the mud line of the pile.


The procedure used is identical to that of the preceding problem. Calculate

enter Figure 7-75 to the breaking-limit curve and read

Hb = 0.0205 gT 2 = 0.0205 (9.8) (10)2 = 20.1 m (65.9 ft)

From Figures 7-71 and 7-72, using d/gT2 = 0.031 and interpolating between H 0 and
H = 1/4 H b for H = 0.15 Hb ,
Kim = 0.44
KDm = 0.20
From equation (7-37),

and from equation (7-38),

FDm = 1.2 (0.5) (1025.2) (9.8) (0.3) (3)2 (0.20) = 3,255 N (732 lb)
Compute W from equation (7-41),


Interpolation between Figures 7-77 and 7-78 for m , using d/gT2 = 0.031 and H/gT 2 =
0.0031, gives
m = 0.11
From equation (7-42), the maximum total force is
Fm = m w CD H2D
Fm = 0.11 (10,047) (1.2) (3)2 (0.3) = 3,581 N (805 lb)
Fm = 3600 N (809 lb)
From Figures 7-73 and 7-74, for H = 0.15 Hb ,
Sim = 0.57
SDm = 0.69
From equation (7-39),
Mim = F im dSim = 1,875 (30.0) (0.57) = 32.1 kN-m (23,700 ft-lb)
and from equation (7-40),
MDm =F Dm d SDm = 3,255 (30.0) (0.69) = 67.4 kN-m (49,700 ft-lb)
Interpolation between Figures 7-81 and 7-82 with W = 0.16 gives
m = 0.08
The maximum total moment about the mud line from equation (7-43) is,
Mm = m w CD H2Dd
Mm = 0.08 (10,047) (1.2) (3) 2 (0.3) (30.0) = 78.1 kN-m (57,600 ft-lb)
If calculations show the pile diameter to be too small, noting that Fim is proportional to D2
and FDm is proportional to D will allow adjustment of the force for a change in pile
diameter. For example, for the same wave conditions and a 0.6-m (2-ft) -diameter pile the
forces become


The new value of W from equation (7-41) is

and the new values of m and m are

m = 0.15
m = 0.10
Therefore, from equation (7-42)
(Fm ) 0.6 -m diam. = m w CD H2D
(Fm ) 0.6 -m diam. = 0.15 (10,047) (1.2) (3)2 (0.6) = 9,766 N (2,195 lb)
and from equation (7-43)
(Mm ) 0.6 -m diam. = m wCD H2Dd
(Mm ) 0.6 -m diam. = 0.10 (10,047) (1.2) (3)2 (0.6) (30.0) =
195.3 kN-m (144,100 ft-lb)
Transverse Forces Due to Eddy Shedding (Lift Forces). In addition to drag and inertia
forces that act in the direction of wave advance, transverse forces may arise. Because they are
similar to aerodynamic lift force, transverse forces are often termed lift forces, although they do not
act vertically but perpendicularly to both wave direction and the pile axis.
Transverse forces result from vortex or eddy shedding on the downstream side of a pile:
eddies are shed alternately from one side of the pile and then the other, resulting in a laterally
oscillating force.
Laird et al. (1960) and Laird (1962) studied transverse forces on rigid and flexible oscillating
cylinders. In general, lift forces were found to depend on the dynamic response of the structure.
For structures with a natural frequency of vibration about twice the wave frequency, a dynamic
coupling between the structure motion and fluid motion occurs, resulting in

large lift forces. Transverse forces have been observed 4.5 times greater than the drag force.
For rigid structures, however, transverse forces equal to the drag force is a reasonable upper
limit. This upper limit pertains only to rigid structures; larger lift forces can occur when there is
dynamic interaction between waves and the structure (for a discussion see Laird (1962)). The
design procedure and discussion that follow pertain only to rigid structures.
Chang (1964), in a laboratory investigation, found that eddies are shed at a frequency that is
twice the wave frequency. Two eddies were shed after passage of the wave crest (one from each
side of the cylinder), and two on the return flow after passage of the trough. The maximum lift
force is proportional to the square of the horizontal wave-induced velocity in much the same way
as the drag force. Consequently, for design estimates of the lift force, equation (7-44) may be
where FL is the lift force, FLm is the maximum lift force, = (2x/L - 2t/T) , and CL is an
empirical lift coefficient analogous to the drag coefficient in equation (7-38). Chang found that CL
depends on the Keulegan-Carpenter (1956) number umax T/D , where u max is the maximum
horizontal velocity averaged over the depth. When this number is less than 3, no significant eddy
shedding occurs and no lift forces arise. As umax T/D increases, CL increases until it is
approximately equal to CD (for rigid piles only). Bidde (1970, 1971) investigated the ratio of the
maximum lift force to the maximum drag force FLm /F Dm which is nearly equal to CL /CD if
there is no phase difference between the lift and drag force (this is assumed by equation (7-44)).
Figure 7-84 illustrates the dependence of CL /CD on umax T/D . Both Chang and Bidde found
little dependence of CL
on Reynolds number Re = umax D/ for the ranges of Re
investigated. The range of Re investigated is significantly lower than the range to be anticipated in
the field, hence the data presented should be interpreted merely as a guide in estimating CL and
then FL .
The use of equation (7-44) and Figure 7-84 to estimate lift forces is illustrated by the
following example.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EXAMPLE PROBLEM 22 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A design wave with height H = 3.0 m (9.8 ft) and period T = 10



s acts on a vertical circular pile with a diameter D = 0.3 m (1 ft) in a depth d = 4.5 m (14.8
ft) . Assume CM = 2.0 and C D = 0.7.
The maximum transverse (lift) force acting on the pile and the approximate time
variation of the transverse force assuming that Airy theory adequately predicts the velocity
field. Also estimate the maximum total force.


and the average Keulegan-Carpenter number umax T/D , using the maximum horizontal
velocity at the SWL and at the bottom to obtain umax . Therefore, from equation (723) with z = -d

where LA is found from Figure 7-68 by entering with d/gT2 and reading LA /Lo = 2LA
/gT2 = 0.42 . Also, 1/cosh [2d/L] is the K value on Figure 7-68. Then, from equation
(7-23) with z = 0,

The average velocity is therefore,


and the average Keulegan-Carpenter number is

The computed value of umax T/D is well beyond the range of Figure 7-84, and the lift
coefficient should be taken to be equal to the drag coefficient (for a rigid structure).
CLmax = CD = 0.7
From equation (7-44),

The maximum transverse force FLm occurs when cos 2 = 1.0 . Therefore,

where KDm is found as in the preceding examples. For the example problem the maximum
transverse force is equal to the drag force.
Since the inertia component of force is small (preceding example), an estimate of the
maximum force can be obtained by vectorially adding the drag and lift forces. Since the drag
and lift forces are equal and perpendicular to each other, the maximum force in this case is

which occurs about when the crest passes the pile.

The time variation of lift force is given by
FL = 6,741 cos 2
Selection of Hydrodynamic Force Coefficients CD and CM . Values of CM , C D
and safety factors given in the sections that follow are suggested values only. Selection of CM ,
CD and safety factors for a given design must be dictated by the wave theory used and the purpose
of the structure. Values given here are intended for use with the design curves and equations given
in preceding sections for preliminary design and for checking design calculations. More accurate
calculations require the use of appropriate wave tables such as those of Dean (1974) or Skjelbreia
et al. (1960) along with the appropriate CM and CD .



(1) Factors influencing CD . The variation of drag coefficient CD with Reynolds number
Re for steady flow conditions is shown in Figure 7-85. The Reynolds number is defined by

= velocity

D = pile diameter
= kinematic viscosity (approximately 1.0 x 10-5 ft2/sec for sea water)
Results of steady-state experiments are indicated by dashed lines (Achenbach, 1968). Taking these
results, three ranges of Re exist:

Subcritical: Re < 1 x 105 where CD is relatively constant ( = 1.2).


Transitional: 1 x 105 < Re < 4 x 105 where CD varies.


Supercritical: Re > 4 x 105 where CD is relatively constant ( 0.6 - 0.7).

Thus, depending on the value of the Reynolds number, the results of steady-state experiments
show that the value of CD may change by about a factor of 2.
The steady-flow curves shown in Figure 7-85 show that the values of Re defining the
transitional region vary from investigator to investigator. Generally, the value of Re at which
the transition occurs depends on the roughness of the pile and the ambient level of turbulence in the
fluid. A rougher pile will experience the transition at a smaller Re . In the subcritical region, the
degree of roughness has an insignificant influence on the value of CD . However, in the
supercritical region, the value of CD increases with increasing surface roughness. The variation
of CD with surface roughness is given in Table 7-4.
The preceding discussion was based on experimental results obtained under steady,
unidirectional flow conditions. To apply these results to the unsteady oscillatory flow conditions
associated with waves, it is necessary to define a Reynolds number for the wave motion. As
equation (7-23) shows, the fluid velocity varies with time and with position along the pile. In
principle, an instantaneous value of the Reynolds number could be calculated, and the
corresponding value of CD used. However the accuracy with which CD is determined hardly
justifies such an elaborate procedure.
Keulegan and Carpenter (1956), in a laboratory study of forces on a cylindrical pile in
oscillatory flow, found that over most of a wave cycle the value of the drag coefficient remained
about constant. Since the maximum value of the drag force occurs when the velocity is a
maximum, it seems


Table 7-4. Steady flow drag coefficients for supercritical Reynolds numbers.
Average Drag Coefficient
Re = 1 x 106 to 6 x 106

Surface of 3-Foot-Diameter Cylinder

Smooth (polished)


Bitumastic,1 glass fiber, and felt wrap


Bitumastic, glass fiber, and felt wrap (damaged)


Number 16 grit sandpaper (approximately equivalent

to a vinyl-mastic coating on a 1- to 2-foot-diameter


Bitumastic, glass fiber, and burlap wrap (approximately

equivalent to bitumastic, glass fiber, and felt wrap on a
1- to 2-foot-diameter cylinder)


Bitumastic and oyster shell coating (approximately

equivalent to light fouling on a 1- to 2-footdiameter cylinder)


Bitumastic and oyster shell with concrete fragments

coating (approximately equivalent to medium barnacle
fouling on a 1- to 2-foot-diameter cylinder)

Blumberg and Rigg, 1961

1Bitumastic is a composition of asphalt and filler (as asbestos shorts) used chiefly as a
protective coating on structural metals exposed to weathering or corrosion.
justified to use the maximum value of the velocity umax when calculating a wave Reynolds
number. Furthermore, since the flow near the still-water level contributes most to the moment
around the mud line, the location at which umax is determined is chosen to be z = 0 . Thus, the
wave Reynolds number is
where = kinematic viscosity of the fluid ( 1.0 x 10 -5 ft 2/s for salt water) and umax =
maximum horizontal velocity at z = 0 , determined from Airy theory, is given by


The ratio LA /Lo can be obtained from Figure 7-68.
An additional parameter, the importance of which was cited by Keulegan and Carpenter
(1956), is the ratio of the amplitude of particle motion to pile diameter. Using Airy theory, this
ratio A/D can be related to a period parameter equal to (umax T)/D (introduced by Keulegan and
Carpenter) thus:
When z = 0 equation (7-48) gives


The ratio LA /Lo is from Figure 7-68.

In a recent laboratory study by Thirriot et al. (1971), it was found that for

Combining this with equation (7-49), the steady-state value of CD should apply to oscillatory
motion, provided
or equivalently,
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EXAMPLE PROBLEM 23 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
GIVEN: A design wave with height of H = 3.0 m (9.8 ft) and period T = 10 s in a depth d =
4.5 m (14.8 ft) acts on a pile of diameter D = 0.3 m (0.9 ft).

Is the condition expressed by the inequality of equation (7-51) satisfied?




From Figure 7-68:


Therefore, the inequality is satisfied and the steady-state CD can be used.

Thirriot, et al. (1971) found that the satisfaction of equation (7-51) was necessary only when
Re < 4 x 104 . For larger Reynolds numbers, they found CD approximately equal to the steady
flow CD , regardless of the value of A/D . It is therefore unlikely that the condition imposed by
equation (7-51) will be encountered in design. However, it is important to realize the significance
of this parameter when interpreting data of small-scale experiments. The average value of all
the CD s obtained by Keulegan and Carpenter (1956) is (CD )avg = 1.52 . The results plotted
in Figure 7-85 (Thirriot et al., 1971) that account for the influence of A/D show that CD 1.2
is a more representative value for the range of Reynolds numbers covered by the experiments.
To obtain experimental values for CD for large Reynolds numbers, field experiments are
necessary. Such experiments require simultaneous measurement of the surface profile at or near
the test pile and the forces acting on the pile. Values of CD (and CM ) obtained from prototypescale experiments depend critically on the wave theory used to estimate fluid flow fields from
measured surface profiles.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EXAMPLE PROBLEM 24 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
GIVEN: When the crest of a wave, with H = 3.0 m (9.8 ft) and T = 10 s, passes a pile of D =
0.3 m (0.9 ft) in 4.5 m (14.8 ft) of water, a force F = F Dm = 7000 N (1,573 lb) is

The appropriate value of CD .

From Figure 7-72 as in the problem of the preceding section, KDM = 0.71
when H = 0.87 H b . The measured force corresponds to FDm therefore, rearranging
equation (7-38),


If Airy theory had been used (H 0), Figure 7-72 with d/gT2 = 0.0046 would give K DM
= 0.23 , and therefore

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EXAMPLE PROBLEM 25 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
GIVEN: Same conditions as the preceding example, but with a wave height H = 15.0 m (49.2
ft) , a depth d = 30.0 m (98.4 ft) , and F = FDm = 130,000 N (29,225 lb).

The appropriate value of CD .

From Figure 7-75 Hb = 20.6 m (68 ft) ; then H/Hb = 15.0/20.6 = 0.73.
Entering Figure 7-72 with d/gT2 = 0.031, KDm = 0.38 is found. Therefore, from equation

If Airy theory had been used, KDm = 0.17 and

Some of the difference between the two values of CD exists because the SWL (instead of
the wave crest) was the upper limit of the integration performed to obtain KDm for Airy
theory. The remaining difference occurs because Airy theory is unable to describe accurately
the water-particle velocities of finite-amplitude waves.

The two examples show the influence of the wave theory used on the value of CD
determined from a field experiment. Since the determination of wave forces is the inverse problem
(i.e., CD and wave conditions known), it is important in force calculations to use a wave theory
that is equivalent to the wave theory used to obtain the value of CD (and C M ). A wave theory
that accurately describes the fluid motion should be used in the analysis of experimental data to
obtain CD (and CM ) and in design calculations.
Results obtained by several investigators for the variation of CD with Reynolds number are
indicated in Figure 7-85. The solid line is generally conservative and is recommended for design
along with Figures 7-72 and 7-74 with the Reynolds number defined by equation (7-45).
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EXAMPLE PROBLEM 26 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Were the values of CD used in the preceding example problems reasonable?

For the first example with H = 3.0 m (9.8 ft) , T = 10 s , d = 4.5 m (14.8 ft),
and D = 0.3 m (1 ft) , from equation (7-47),

From equation (7-46)

From Figure 7-85, C D = 0.7 , which is the value used in the preceding example.
For the example with H = 3.0 m (9.8 ft) , T = 10 s , d = 30.0 m (98.4 ft), and D = 0.3 m
(1 ft) , from equation (7-47),

From equation (7-46),


From Figure 7-85, C D = 0.89 which is less than the value of CD = 1.2 used in the force
calculation. Consequently, the force calculation gave a high force estimate.
Hallermeier (1976) found that when the parameter u2/gD is approximately equal to 1.0 , the
coefficient of drag CD may significantly increase because of surface effects. Where this is the
case, a detailed analysis of forces should be performed, preferably including physical modeling.
(2). Factors Influencing CM . MacCamy and Fuchs (1954) found by
theory that for small ratios of pile diameter to wavelength,
CM = 2.0


This is identical to the result obtained for a cylinder in accelerated flow of an ideal or nonviscous
fluid (Lamb, 1932). The theoretical prediction of CM can only be considered an estimate of this
coefficient. The effect of a real viscous fluid, which accounted for the term involving CD in
equation (7-48), will drastically alter the flow pattern around the cylinder and invalidate the
analysis leading to CM = 2.0 . The factors influencing CD also influence the value of CM .
No quantitative dependence of CM on Reynolds number has been established, although
Bretschneider (1957) indicated a decrease in CM with increasing Re . However for the range of
Reynolds numbers (Re < 3 x 10 4) covered by Keulegan and Carpenter (1956)) the value of the
parameter A/D plays an important role in determining CM . For A/D < 1 they found CM 2.0 .
Since for small values of A/D the flow pattern probably deviates only slightly from the pattern
assumed in the theoretical development, the result of CM = 2.0 seems reasonable. A similar result
was obtained by Jen (1968) who found CM 2.0 from experiments when A/D < 0.4. For larger
A/D values that are closer to actual design conditions, Keulegan and Carpenter found (a) a
minimum CM 0.8 for A/D 2.5 and (b) that CM increased from 1.5 to 2.5 for 6 < A/D < 20 .
Just as for CD , Keulegan and Carpenter showed that CM was nearly constant over a large
part of the wave period, therefore supporting the initial assumption of constant CM and CD .
Table 7-5 presents values of CM reported by various investigators. The importance of
considering which wave theory was employed when determining CD from field experiments is
equally important when dealing with CM .
Based on the information in Table 7-5, the following choice of CM is recommended for
use in conjunction with Figures 7-71 and 7-72:



with Re defined by equation (7-46).

Table 7-5. Experimentally determined values of CM
Approximate R e


Type of Experiment and Theory Used

<3 x 10 4

1.5 to 2.5

Oscillatory laboratory flow (A/D > 6)

1.6 x 105 to 2.3 x 105

3.8 x 105 to 6 x 105

2.26 to 2.02
1.74 to 1.23

Wilson (1965)

large (>5 x 105)


Skjelbreia (1960)

large (>5 x 105)

1.02 0.53

Dean and Aagaard (1970)

2 x 105 to 2 x 106

1.2 to 1.7

Evans (1970)

large (>5 x 105)

1.76 1.05

Wheeler (1970)

large (>5 x 105)


Keulegan and Carpenter (1956)
Bretschneider (1957)

Field experiments
Linear theory
Field experiment, spectrum
Field experiments,
Stokes' fifth-order theory
Field experiments,
Stream-function theory
Field experiments,
Numerical wave theory or
Stokes' fifth-order theory
Field experiments,
Modified spectrum analysis:
using CD = 0.6 and C M =
1.5, the standard deviation of the
calculated peak force was 33 percent

*Range or mean standard deviation.

The values of CM given in Table 7-5 show that Skjelbreia (1960), Dean and Aagaard
(1970), and Evans (1970) used almost the same experimental data, and yet estimated different
values of CM . The same applies to their determination of CD , but while the recommended
choice of CD from Figure 7-85 is generally conservative, from equation (7-53) the recommended
choice of C M for R e > 5 x 10 5 corresponds approximately to the average of the reported
values. This possible lack of conservatism, however, is not significant since the inertia force
component is generally smaller than the drag force component for design conditions. From
equations (7-37) and (7-38) the ratio of maximum inertia force to maximum drag force becomes



For example, if CM 2 C D and a design wave corresponding to H/Hb = 0.75 is

assumed, the ratio Fim /FDm may be written (using Figures 7-71 and 7-72) as


Since D/H will generally be smaller than unity for a design wave, the inertia-force
component will be much smaller than the drag-force component for shallow-water waves and the
two force components will be of comparable magnitude only for deepwater waves.

Example Problem 27 and Discussion of Choice of a Safety Factor.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EXAMPLE PROBLEM 27 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
GIVEN: A design wave, with height H = 10.0 m (32.8 ft) and period T = 12 s, acts on a pile
with diameter D = 1.25 m (4.1 ft) in water of depth d = 26 m (85 ft).

The wave force on the pile.




From Figure 7-68, for d/gT2 = 0 0184


From Figure 7-69 for d/gT2 = 0.0184,


and, therefore,
c = 0.68 H = 0.68 (10.0) = 6.8 m (22.3 ft)
c = 7 m (23 ft)
The structure supported by the pile must be 7 m (23 ft) above the still-water line to avoid
uplift forces on the superstructure by the given wave.
Calculate, from equation (7-21),

Therefore equation (7-20) is valid.

From Figure 7-75,

From Figures 7-71 through 7-74,




From equations (7-46) and (7-47),

(11.1 ft/s)


From Figure 7-85,

CD = 0.7
and from equation (7-53), with Re > 5 x 105.
CM = 1.5

(16,700 lb)

FDm = (0.7)(0.5)(1025.2)(9.8)(1.25)(10.0)2 (0.35) = 153.8 kN (34,600 lb)

Mim = F im.dS im = (74,000)(26)(0.59) = 1,135 kN-m (0.837 x 106 ft-lb)
MDm = F Dm.dS Dm = (153,800)(26)(0.79) = 3,160 kN-m (2.33 x 106 ft-lb)
From equation (7-41),

Interpolating between Figures 7-77 and 7-78 with H/gT2 = 0.0075 and d/gT2 = 0.0183,
m = 0.20
Therefore, from equation (7-42),
Fm = m wCD H2D
Fm = (0.20) (10,047) (0.7) (10.0)2 (1.25) = 175.8 kN (39,600 lb)
Interpolating between Figures 7-81 and 7-82 gives
m = 0.15
Therefore, from equation (7-43),
Mm = m wCD H2Dd

Mm = (0.15)(10,407)(0.7)(10.0)2(1.25)(26) = 3,429 kN-m (2.529 x 106 ft-lb)

Before the pile is designed or the foundation analysis is performed, a safety factor is usually
applied to calculated forces. It seems pertinent to indicate (Bretschneider, 1965) that the design
wave is often a large wave, with little probability of being exceeded during the life of the structure.
Also, since the experimentally determined values of CM and CD show a large scatter, values of
CM and CD could be chosen so that they would rarely be exceeded. Such an approach is quite
conservative. For the recommended choice of CM and C D when used with the generalized
graphs, the results of Dean and Aagaard (1970) show that predicted peak force deviated from
measured force by at most 50 percent.
When the design wave is unlikely to occur it is recommended that a safety factor of 1.5 be
applied to calculated forces and moments and that this nominal force and moment be used as the
basis for structural and foundation design for the pile.
Some design waves may occur frequently. For example, maximum wave height could be
limited by the depth at the structure. If the design wave is likely to occur, a large safety factor, say
greater than 2, may be applied to account for the uncertainty in CM and CD .
In addition to the safety factor, changes occurring during the expected life of the pile should
be considered in design. Such changes as scour at the base of the pile and added pile roughness
due to marine growth may be important. For flow conditions corresponding to supercritical
Reynolds numbers (Table 7-5), the drag coefficient CD will increase with increasing roughness.
The design procedure presented above is a static procedure; forces are calculated and applied
to the structure statically. The dynamic nature of forces from wave action must be considered in
the design of some offshore structures. When a structure's natural frequency of oscillation is such
that a significant amount of energy in the wave spectrum is available at that frequency, the
dynamics of the structure must be considered. In addition, stress reversals in structural members
subjected to wave forces may cause failure by fatigue. If fatigue problems are anticipated, the
safety factor should be increased or allowable stresses should be decreased. Evaluation of these
considerations is beyond the scope of this manual.
Corrosion and fouling of piles also require consideration in design. Corrosion decreases the
strength of structural members. Consequently, corrosion rates over the useful life of an offshore
structure must be estimated and the size of structural members increased accordingly. Watkins
(1969) provides some guidance in the selection of corrosion rates of steel in seawater. Fouling of
a structural member by marine growth increases (1) the roughness and effective diameter of the
member and (2) forces on the member. Guidance on selecting a drag coefficient CD can be
obtained from Table 7-4. However, the increased diameter must be carried through the entire
design procedure to determine forces on a fouled member.


Calculation of Forces and Moments on Groups of Vertical Cylindrical Piles. To find
the maximum horizontal force and the moment around the mud line for a group of piles supporting
a structure, the approach presented in Section III,1,b must be generalized. Figure 7-86 shows an
example group of piles subjected to wave action. The design wave concept assumes a twodimensional (long-crested) wave; hence the x-direction is chosen as the direction of wave
propagation. If a reference pile located at x = 0 is chosen, the x-coordinate of each pile in the
group may be determined from
xn =

n cos n


where the subscript n refers to a particular pile and n and n are as defined in Figure 7-86. If
the distance between any two adjacent piles is large enough, the forces on a single pile will be
unaffected by the presence of the other piles. The problem is simply one of finding the maximum
force on a series of piles.
In Section III,1,b, the force variation in a single vertical pile as a function of time was found.
If the design wave is assumed to be a wave of permanent form (i.e.) one that does not change form
as it propagates), the variation of force at a particular point with time is the same as the variation of
force with distance at an instant in time. By introducing the phase angle
where L is wavelength, the formulas given in Section III,1,c (eqs. (7-25) and (7-26)) for a pile
located at x = 0 may be written in general form by introducing , defined by 2x/L - 2t/T in
place of -2t/T.
Using tables (Skjelbreia et al., 1960, and Dean, 1974), it is possible to calculate the total
horizontal force F(x) and moment around the mud line M(x) as a function of distance from the
wave crest x. By choosing the location of the reference pile at a certain position x = xr relative to
the design wave crest the total force, or moment around the mud line, is obtained by summation

N = total number of piles in the group
xn = from equation (7-56)
xr = location of reference pile relative to wave crest


Figure 7-86. Definition sketch: calculation of wave forces on a group of piles that are structurally
By repeating this procedure for various choices of xr it is possible to determine the
maximum horizontal force and moment around the mud line for the pile group.
FD () is an even function, and Fi () is an odd function; hence
FD () = F D (-)


Fi () = - F i (-)


and calculations need only be done for 0 radians. Equations (7-60) and (7-61) are true
for any wave that is symmetric about its crest, and are therefore applicable if the wave tables of
Skjelbreia et al. (1960) and Dean (1974) are used. When these tables are used, the wavelength
computed from the appropriate finite amplitude theory should be used to transform into
distance from the wave crest, x.
The procedure is illustrated by the following examples. For simplicity, Airy theory is used
and only maximum horizontal force is considered. The same computation procedure is used for
calculating maximum moment.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EXAMPLE PROBLEM 28 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
GIVEN: A design wave with height H = 10.0 m (32.8 ft) and period T = 12 s in a depth d =
26.0 (85.3 ft) acts on a pile with a diameter D = 1.25 m (4.1 ft). (Assume Airy theory to be

The variation of the total force on the pile as a function of distance from the wave crest.


From an analysis similar to that in Section III,1,e,

CD = 0.7

CM = 1.5
From Figures 7-71 and 7-72, using the curve for Airy theory with

Kim = 0.38 ; KDm = 0.20

and from equations (7-37) and (7-38),

FDm = 0.7 (0.5)(1025.2)(9.8)(1.25)(10.0)2(0.20) = 87.9 kN (19,800 lb)

Combining equations (7-29) and (7-33) gives
Fi = F im sin
and combining equations (7-30) and (7-34) gives
FD = F Dm cos | cos |

The wavelength can be found from Figure 7-68,

L LA = 171 m


From Table 7-6, the maximum force on the example pile occurs when (20 < < 40);
Fm 102 kN (22,930 lb).
Table 7-6. Example calculation of wave force variation with phase angle.



Fi = Fim sin

FD = FDm |cos | cos


F() = F i + FD

F(-) = F D - Fi







Note: 1 Newton (N) = 0.225 pounds of force.

1 kN = 1000 N.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EXAMPLE PROBLEM 29 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
GIVEN: Two piles each with a diameter D = 1.25 m (4.1 ft) spaced 30.0 m (98.4 ft) apart are
acted on by a design wave having a height H = 10.0 m (32.8 ft) and a period T = 12 s in a
depth d = 26 m (85 ft) . The direction of wave approach makes an angle of 30o with a line
joining the pile centers.
The maximum horizontal force experienced by the pile group and the location of the
reference pile with respect to the wave crest (phase angle) when the maximum force occurs.
The variation of total force on a single pile with phase angle was computed
from Airy theory for the preceding problem and is given in Table 7-6. Values in Table 7-6
will be used to compute the maximum horizontal force on the two-pile group. Compute the
phase difference between the two piles by equation (7-56)
xn =

n cos n = 30 (cos 30o)

xn = 26.0 m (85.2 ft)


From the previous example problem) L LA = 171 m for d = 26 m and T = 12 s. Then,

from the expression x/L = n /2 ,


Values in Table 7-6 can be shifted by 55 degrees and represent the variation of force on the
second pile with the phase angle. The total horizontal force is the sum of the two individual
pile forces. The same procedure can be applied for any number of piles. Table 7-6 can be
used by offsetting the force values by an amount equal to 55 degrees (preferably by a
graphical method). The procedure is also applicable to moment computations.
The maximum force is about 183.0 kN when the wave crest is about 8 degrees or [(8/360)
171] 3.5 m (11.5 ft) in front of the reference pile.
Because Airy theory does not accurately describe the flow field of finite-amplitude waves, a
correction to the computed maximum force as determined above could be applied. This
correction factor for structures of minor importance might be taken as the ratio of maximum
total force on a single pile for an appropriate finite-amplitude theory to maximum total force
on the same pile as computed by Airy theory. For example, the forces on a single pile are
(from preceding example problems),
(Fm )finite-amplitude = 175.9 kN (39,600 lb)
(Fm )Airy = 102 kN (22,930 lb)
Therefore, the total force on the two-pile group, corrected for the finite-amplitude design
wave, is given by,

(corrected for
design wave)

(computed from
Airy theory)


This approach is an approximation and should be limited to rough calculations for checking
purposes only. The use of tables of finite-amplitude wave properties (Skjelbreia et al., 1960 and
Dean, 1974) is recommended for design calculations.
As the distance between piles becomes small relative to the wavelength, maximum forces and
moments on pile groups may be conservatively estimated by adding the maximum forces or
moments on each pile.
The assumption that piles are unaffected by neighboring piles is not valid when distance
between piles is less than three times the pile diameter. A few investigations evaluating the effects
of nearby piles are summarized by Dean and Harleman (1966).
Calculation of Forces on a Nonvertical Cylindrical Pile. A single, nonvertical pile
subjected to the action of a two-dimensional design wave traveling in the +x direction is shown in
Figure 7-67. Since forces are perpendicular to the pile axis, it is reasonable to calculate forces by
equation (7-20) using components of velocity and acceleration perpendicular to the pile.
Experiments (Bursnall and Loftin, 1951) indicate this approach may not be conservative, since the
drag force component depends on resultant velocity rather than on the velocity component
perpendicular to the pile axis. To consider these experimental observations, the following
procedure is recommended for calculating forces on nonvertical piles.
For a given location on the pile (xo , y o , z o in Figure 7-87), the force per unit length of pile
is taken as the horizontal force per unit length of a fictitious vertical pile at the same location.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EXAMPLE PROBLEM 30 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
GIVEN: A pile with diameter D = 1.25 m (4.1 ft) at an angle of 45 degrees with the horizontal
in the x-z plane is acted upon by a design wave with height H = 10.0 m (32.8 ft) and period
T = 12 s in a depth d = 26 m (85 ft)
The maximum force per unit length on the pile 9.0 m (29.5 ft) below the SWL (z = -9.0
For simplicity, Airy theory is used. From preceding examples, CM = 1.5 , C D
= 0.7 , and L = LA = 171 m.
From equation (7-25) with sin (-2/T) = 1.0,


Figure 7-87. Definition sketch: calculation of wave forces on a nonvertical pile.

From equation (7-26) with cos (2t/T) = 1.0,

The maximum force can be assumed to be given by

where Fm and FDm are given by equations (7-42) and (7-38). Substituting these
equations into the above gives


From equation (7-41),

Interpolating between Figures 7-77 and 7-78 with H/gT2 = 0.0075 and d/gT2 = 0.0184 , it
is found that m = 0.20.
From a preceding problem,

Enter Figure 7-72 with d/gT2 = 0.0183 and, using the curve labeled 1/2 Hb , read
KDm = 0.35

fm = 3,900 N/m (267 lb/ft)
The maximum horizontal force per unit length at z = -9.0 m (-29.5 ft) on the fictitious
vertical pile is fm = 3,900 N/m. This is also taken as the maximum force per unit length
perpendicular to the actual inclined pile.
Calculation of Forces and Moments on Cylindrical Piles Due to Breaking Waves.
Forces and moments on vertical cylindrical piles due to breaking waves can, in principle, be
calculated by a procedure similar to that outlined in Section III,1,b by using the generalized graphs
with H = H b . This approach is recommended for waves breaking in deep water (see Ch. 2, Sec.
For waves in shallow water, the inertia force component is small compared to the drag force
component. The force on a pile is therefore approximately


Figure 7-72, for shallow-water waves with H = Hb , gives K Dm = 0.96 1.0; consequently
the total force may be written
From Figure 7-74, the corresponding lever arm is db SDM d b (1.11) and the moment about
the mud line becomes
Mm = F m (1.11 db )


Small-scale experiments (Re 5 x 104 by Hall, 1958) indicate that

Fm 1.5 g D H2b


Mm = H b



Comparison of equation (7-63) with equation (7-65) shows that the two equations are
identical if CD = 3.0 . This value of C D is 2.5 times the value obtained from Figure 7-85 (CD
= 1.2 for Re 5 x 104). From Chapter 2, Section VI, since Hb generally is smaller than (1.11)
db , it is conservative to assume the breaker height approximately equal to the lever arm, 1.11 db .
Thus, the procedure outlined in Section III,1,b of this chapter may also be used for breaking
waves in shallow water. However, CD should be the value obtained from Figure 7-85 and
multiplied by 2.5.
Since the Reynolds number generally will be in the supercritical region, where according to
Figure 7-85, C D = 0.7 , it is recommended to calculate breaking wave forces using
(CD )breaking = 2.5 (0.7) = 1.75


The above recommendation is based on limited information; however, large-scale

experiments by Ross (1959) partially support its validity.
For shallow-water waves near breaking, the velocity near the crest approaches the
celerity of wave propagation. Thus, as a first approximation the horizontal velocity near the
breaker crest is
where Hb is taken approximately equal to db , the depth at breaking. Using


equation (7-68) for the horizontal velocity, and taking CD = 1.75 , the force per unit length of pile
near the breaker crest becomes
Table 7-7 is a comparison between the result calculated from equation (7-69) with measurements
by Ross (1959) on a 1-foot-diameter pile (Re 1.3 x 10 6).
Table 7-7. Comparison of measured and calculated breaker force.1
Breaker Height
m (ft)
1.1 (3.7)
1.16 (3.8)
1.2 (4.1)
1.3 (4.2)
1.3 (4.2)
1.5 (4.9)

fDm 2
N/m (lb/ft)

fDm 3
N/m (lb/ft)





1 Values given are force per unit length of pile near breaker crest.
2 Calculated from equation (7-69).
3 Measured by Ross, 1959.
Based on this comparison, the choice of CD = 1.75 for R e > 5 x 10 5 appears justified for
calculating forces and moments due to breaking waves in shallow water.
(a) Calculation of Forces on Noncircular Piles. The basic force equation (eq. 7-20) can be
generalized for piles of other than those with a circular cross section, if the following substitutions
are made:
= volume per unit length of pile
D = width perpendicular to flow direction per unit length of pile



Substituting the above quantities for a given noncircular pile cross section, equation (7-20)
may be used. The coefficients Kim , etc., depend only on the flow field and are independent of
pile cross-section geometry; therefore, the generalized graphs are still valid. However, the
hydrodynamic coefficients CD and C M depend strongly on the cross-section shape of the pile.
If values for CD and C M corresponding to the type of pile to be used are available, the
procedure is identical to the one presented in previous sections.
Keulegan and Carpenter (1956) performed tests on flat plate in oscillating flows. Equation
(7-20) in the form applicable for a circular cylinder, with D taken equal to the width of the plate,

The fact that CD approaches the value of 1.8 as A/D (eq. 7-50) increases is in good
agreement with results obtained under steady flow conditions (Rouse, 1950).
The following procedure is proposed for estimating forces on piles having sharp-edged cross
sections for which no empirical data are available for values of CM and CD .
(1) The width of the pile measured perpendicular to the flow direction is assumed to be the
diameter of an equivalent circular cylindrical pile, D.
(2) The procedures outlined in the preceding sections are valid, and the formulas are used
as if the pile were of circular cross section with diameter D.
(3) The hydrodynamic coefficients are chosen within the range given by equation (7-71);
i.e., CM 3.5 and C D 2.0.
This approach is approximate and should be used with caution. More accurate analyses
require empirical determination of CM and CD for the pile geometry under consideration.
Forces resulting from action of broken waves on piles are much smaller than forces due to
breaking waves. When pile-supported structures are constructed in the surf zone, lateral forces
from the largest wave breaking on the pile should be used for design (see Sec. I,2). While
breaking-wave forces in the surf zone are great per unit length of pile, the pile length actually
subjected to wave action is usually short, hence results in a small total force. Pile design in this
region is usually governed primarily by vertical loads acting along the pile axis.



Nonbreaking Wave Forces on Walls.

General. In an analysis of wave forces on structures, a distinction is made between the
action of nonbreaking, breaking, and broken waves (see Sec. I,2, Selection of Design Wave).
Forces due to nonbreaking waves are primarily hydrostatic. Broken and breaking waves exert an
additional force due to the dynamic effects of turbulent water and the compression of entrapped air
pockets. Dynamic forces may be much greater than hydrostatic forces; therefore, structures
located where waves break are designed for greater forces than those exposed only to nonbreaking
Nonbreaking Waves. Typically, shore structures are located in depths where waves
will break against them. However, in protected regions, or where the fetch is limited, and when
depth at the structure is greater than about 1.5 times the maximum expected wave height,
nonbreaking waves may occur.
Sainflou (1928) proposed a method for determining the pressure due to nonbreaking waves.
The advantage of his method has been ease of application, since the resulting pressure distribution
may be reasonably approximated by a straight line. Experimental observations by Rundgren
(1958) have indicated Sainflou's method overestimates the nonbreaking wave force for steep
waves. The higher order theory by Miche (1944), as modified by Rundgren (1958), to consider
the wave reflection coefficient of the structure, appears to best fit experimentally measured forces
on vertical walls for steep waves, while Sainflou's theory gives better results for long waves
of low steepness. Design curves presented here have been developed from the Miche-Rundgren
equations and the Sainflou equations.
Miche-Rundgren: Nonbreaking Wave Forces. Wave conditions at a structure and
seaward of a structure (when no reflected waves are shown) are depicted in Figure 7-88. The
wave height that would exist at the structure if the structure were not present is the incident wave
height Hi . The wave height that actually exists at the structure is the sum of Hi and the height
of the wave reflected by the structure Hr . The wave reflection coefficient equals Hr /H i .
Wave height at the wall Hw is given as
Hw = H i + H r (1 + ) Hi


If reflection is complete and the reflected wave has the same amplitude as the incident wave, then
= 1 and the height of the clapotis or standing wave at the structure will be 2Hi . (See Figure
7-88 for definition of terms associated with a clapotis at a vertical wall.) The height of the clapotis
crest above the bottom is given by
where ho is the height of the clapotis orbit center above SWL.
The height of the clapotis trough above the bottom is given by




Depth from Stillwater Level

Height of Original Free Wave (In Water of Depth, d)

Wave Reflection Coefficient



Height of Clapotis Orbit Center (Mean Water Level at Wall ) Above the Stillwater
Level ( See Figures 7-90 and 7-93 )
Depth from Clapotis Crest =


Depth from Clapotis Trough =

Height of Wall
Figure 7-88. Definition of Terms: nonbreaking wave forces.

The reflection coefficient, and consequently clapotis height and wave force, depends on the
geometry and roughness of the reflecting wall and possibly on wave steepness and the "wave
height-to-water depth" ratio. Domzig (1955) and Greslou and Mahe (1954) have shown that the
reflection coefficient decreases with both increasing wave steepness and "wave height-to-water
depth" ratio. Goda and Abe (1968) indicate that for reflection from smooth vertical walls this effect
may be due to measurement techniques and could be only an apparent effect. Until additional
research is available, it should be assumed that smooth vertical walls completely reflect incident
waves and = 1 . Where wales, tiebacks, or other structural elements increase the surface
roughness of the wall by retarding vertical motion of the water, a lower value of may be used.
A lower value of also may be assumed when the wall is built on a rubble base or when rubble
has been placed seaward of the structure toe. Any value of less than 0.9 should not be used for
design purposes.
Pressure distributions of the crest and trough of a clapotis at a vertical wall are shown in
Figure 7-89. When the crest is at the wall, pressure


increases from zero at the free water surface to wd + p1 at the bottom, where p1 is approximated

Figure 7-89. Pressure distributions for nonbreaking waves.

When the trough is at the wall, pressure increases from zero at the water surface to wd - pl at the
bottom. The approximate magnitude of wave force may be found if the pressure is assumed to
increase linearly from the free surface to the bottom when either the crest or trough is at the
wall. However, this estimate will be conservative by as much as 50 percent for steep waves near
the breaking limit.
Figures 7-90 through 7-95 permit a more accurate determination of forces and moments
resulting from a nonbreaking wave at a wall. Figures 7-90 and 7-92 show the dimensionless
height of the clapotis orbit center above stillwater level, dimensionless horizontal force due to the
wave, and dimensionless moment about the bottom of the wall (due to the wave) for a reflection
coefficient = 1 . Figures 7-93 through 7-95 represent identical dimensionless parameters for
= 0.9.
The forces and moments found by using these curves do not include the force and moment
due to the hydrostatic pressure at still-water level (see Figure 7-89).








When it is necessary to include the hydrostatic effects (e.g., seawalls), the total force and
moment are found by the expressions
where F wave and M wave are found from the design curves. The use of the figures to
determine forces and moments is illustrated in the following example.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EXAMPLE PROBLEM 31 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Smooth-faced vertical wall ( = 1.0).


Wave height at the structure if the structure were not there Hi = 1.5 m (5 ft).


Depth at structure d = 3 m (10 ft).

(d) Range of wave periods to be considered in design T = 6 s (minimum) or T = 10 s

The nonbreaking wave force and moments against a vertical wall resulting from the
given wave conditions.
Details of the computations are given for only the 6-second wave. From the given
information, compute Hi /d and Hi /gT2 for the design condition:

Enter Figure 7-90 (because the wall is smooth) with the computed value of Hi /gT2 , and
determine the value of Ho /Hi from the curve for Hi /d = 0.5 . (If the wave characteristics
fall outside of the dashed line) the structure will be subjected to breaking or broken waves
and the method for calculating breaking wave forces should be used.)
(T = 6 s)
ho = 0.70 (Hi ) = 0.66 (1.5) = 1.00 m (3.3 ft)

(T = 6 s)

The height of the free surface above the bottom y , when the wave crest and trough are at the
structure, may be determined from equations (7-73) and (7-74) as follows:


yc = 3 + 1.00 + (1)(1.5) = 5.50 m (18.1 ft)

yt =

3 + 1.00 - (1)(1.5) = 2.50 m (8.2 ft) (T = 6 s)

A similar analysis for the 10-second wave gives

yc = 5.85 m (19.2 ft)
yt = 2.85 m (9.4 ft)

(T = 6 s)

The wall would have to be about 6 meters (20 feet) high if it were not to be overtopped by a
1.5-meter-(5-foot-) high wave having a period of 10 seconds.
The horizontal wave forces may be evaluated using Figure 7-91. Entering the figure with the
computed value of Hi /gT2 , the value of F/wd2 can be determined from either of two
curves of constant Hi /d . The upper family of curves (above F/wd2 = 0) will give the
dimensionless force when the crest is at the wall: Fc /wd 2 ; the lower family of curves
(below F/wd2 = 0) will give the dimensionless force when the trough is at the wall: Ft
/wd2. For the example problem, with Hi /gT2 = 0.0043 and Hi /d = 0.50,

(T = 6 s)
Therefore, assuming a weight per unit volume of 10 kN/m3 (64.0 lb/ft3) for sea water,
Fc = 0.63 (10) (3)2 = 56.7 kN/m (3,890 lb/ft)

(T = 6 s)

Ft = -0.31 (10) (3)2 = -27.9 kN/m (-1,900 lb/ft)

(T = 6 s)

The values found for Fc and F t do not include the force due to the hydrostatic pressure
distribution below the still-water level. For instance, if there is also a water depth of 3
meters (10 feet) on the leeward side of the structure in this example and there is no wave
action on the leeward side, then the hydrostatic force on the leeward side exactly balances the
hydrostatic force on the side exposed to wave action. Thus, in this case, the values found for
Fc and Ft are actually the net forces acting on the structure.


If waves act on both sides of the structure, the maximum net horizontal force will occur when
the clapotis crest acts against one side when the trough acts against the other. Hence the
maximum horizontal force will be Fc - Ft , with F c and Ft determined for the appropriate
wave conditions. Assuming for the example problem that the wave action is identical on
both sides of the wall, then
Fnet = 0.63 (10) (3)2 - (0.31)(10)(3)2
Fnet = (0.63 + 0.31) (10) (3)2 = 84.6 kN/m (5,800 lb/ft)
Fnet = 85 kN/m

(T = 6 s)

Some design problems require calculation of the total force including the hydrostatic
contribution; e.g. seawalls. In these cases the total force is found by using equation (7-76).
For this example,
Fc total = 0.5 (10) (3)2 + 56.7 = 101.7 kN/m (7,000 lb/ft)
Ft total = 0.5 (10) (3)2 + (-27.9) = 17.1 kN/m (1,200 lb/ft)
The total force acts against the seaward side of the structure, and the resulting net force will
be determined by consideration of static loads (e.g., weight of structure), earth loads (e.g.,
soil pressure behind a seawall), and any other static or dynamic loading which may occur.
The moment about point A at the bottom of the wall (Fig. 7-89) may be determined from
Figure 7-92. The procedures are identical to those given for the dimensionless forces, and
again the moment caused by the hydrostatic pressure distribution is not included in the design
curves. The upper family of curves (above M/wd3 = 0) gives the dimensionless wave
moment when the crest is at the wall, while the lower family of curves corresponds to the
trough at the wall. Continuing the example problem, from Figure 7-92, with

(T = 6 s)


Mc and Mt , given above, are the total moments acting, when there is still water of depth 3
meters (10 feet) on the leeward side of the structure. The maximum moment at which there is
wave action on the leeward side of the structure will be Mc - M t with M c and M t
evaluated for the appropriate wave conditions prevail on both sides of the structure.
(T = 6 s)
The combined moment due to both hydrostatic and wave loading is found using equation (777). For this example,
(T = 6 s)

Figures 7-93, 7-94, and 7-95 are used in a similar manner to determine forces and moments
on a structure which has a reflection coefficient of = 0.9
Wall of Low Height. It is often not economically feasible to design a structure to
provide a non-overtopping condition by the design wave. Consequently, it is necessary to
evaluate the force on a structure where the crest of the design clapotis is above the top of the wall,
as shown in Figure 7-96. When the overtopping is not too severe, the majority of the incident
wave will be reflected and the resulting pressure distribution is as shown in Figure 7-96, with the
pressure on the wall being the same as in the non-overtopped case. This truncated distribution
results in a force F' which is proportional to F , the total force that would act against the wall if it
extended up to the crest of the clapotis (the force determined from Figures 7-91 or 7-94). The
relationship between F' and F is given by
F' = rf F


where rf is a force reduction factor given by


where b and y are defined in Figure 7-96. The relationship between rf and b/y is shown in
Figure 7-97.


Figure 7-96. Pressure distribution on wall of low height.

Similarly, the reduced moment about point A is given by
M' = rm M


where the moment reduction factor rm is given by


The relationship between rm and b/y is also shown in Figure 7-97. Equations (7-78) through
(7-81) are valid when either the wave crest or wave trough is at the structure, provided the correct
value of y is used.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EXAMPLE PROBLEM 32 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Wall height b = 4.5 m (14.8 ft).


Incident wave height Hi = 1.5 m (4.9 ft).


Depth at structure toe d = 3 m (9.8 ft).


Wave period T = 6 s (minimum) or 10 s (maximum).


The reduced wave force and moment on the given vertical wall.

Figure 7-97. Force and moment reduction factors.



From Example Problem 31,

yc = 5.50 m (18.1 ft)

(T = 6 s)

ut = 2.50 m (8.2 ft)

Compute b/y for each case

(T = 6 s)

Entering Figure 7-97 with the computed value of b/y , determine the values of rf and r m
from the appropriate curve. For the wave with T = 6 s,

rf = 0.968
rm = 0.912
rf = 1.0
rm = 1.0
Reduced forces and moments may be calculated from equations (7-78) and (7-80) using the
values of F and M found in the example problem of the previous section; for T = 6 s.
F' c = 0.968 (101.7) = 98.5 kN/m (6,750 lb/ft)
M' c = 0.912 (163.8) = 149.4 kN-m (33,590 lb-ft/ft)
F' t = 1.0 (17.1) = 17.1 kN/m (1,200 lb/ft)
M' t = 1.0 (11.8) = 11.8 kN-m/m (2,650 lb-ft/ft)


These values include the force and moment due to the hydrostatic component of the loading.
Again assuming that the wave action on both sides of the structure is identical, so that the
maximum net horizontal force and maximum overturning moment occurs when a clapotis
crest is on one side of the structure and a trough is on the other side
F' net = F' c - F' t = 98.5 - 17.1 = 81.4 kN/m

(T = 6 s)
F' net = 82 kN/m (5,620 lb/ft)

M' net = M'c - M't = 149.4 - 11.8 = 137.6

(T = 6 s)

A similar analysis for the 10-second wave gives,

F' net = 85.2 kN/m (5,840 lb/ft)
(T = 10 s)
M' net = 139 kN/m (31,250
Wall on Rubble Foundation. Forces acting on a vertical wall built on a rubble
foundation are shown in Figure 7-98 and may be computed in a manner similar to computing the
forces acting on a low wall if the complements of the force and moment reduction factors are used.
As shown in Figure 7-98, the value of b which is used for computing b/y is the height of the
rubble base and not the height of the wall above the foundation. The equation relating the reduced
force F" against the wall on a rubble foundation with the force F which would act against a wall
extending the entire depth is
The equation relating the moments is,


Figure 7-98. Pressure distribution on wall on rubble foundation.

where M"A is the moment about the bottom (point A on Fig. 7-98). Usually, the moment desired
is that about point B , which may be found from
M"B = M"A - bF"
The values of (1 - rm ) and (1 - rf ) may be obtained directly from Figure 7-97.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EXAMPLE PROBLEM 33 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A smooth-faced vertical wall on a rubble base.


Height of rubble foundation, b = 2.7 m (9 ft).


Incident wave height Hi = 1.5 m (5 ft).


Design depth at the structure d = 3 m (10 ft).


Wave period T = 6 s (minimum) or 10 s (maximum).


The force and overturning moment on the given wall on a rubble foundation.


For this example problem Figures 7-90 through 7-92 are used to


evaluate ho , F , and M , even though a rubble base will reduce the wave reflection coefficient
of a structure by dissipating some incident wave energy. The values of h o , F, and M used
in this example were determined in Example Problem 31.
yc = 5.5 m
(T = 6 s)
yt = 2.5 m
Compute b/y for each case, remembering that b

now represents the height of the

(T = 6 s)

Enter Figure 7-97 with the computed values of b/y , and determine corresponding values of
(1 - rf ) and (1 - rm) . For the 6-second wave,


From equation (7-82),

F" c = 0.26 (101.7) = 26.5 kN/m (1,820 lb/ft)
(T = 6 s)
F" t = 0.0 (17.1) = 0 kN/m
For the 10-second wave, a similar analysis gives
F" c = 30.8 kN/m (2,100 lb/ft)
(T = 10 s)
F" t 0 kN/m
The overturning moments about point A are, from equation (7-83)
(M"A )c = 0.52 (163.8) = 85.2 kN-m/m (19,200 lb-ft/ft)
(T = 6 s)
(M"A )t = 0.0 (11.8) = 0 kN-m/m


and for the 10-second wave,

(T = 10 s)

The overturning moments about point B are obtained from equation (7-84) thus
(M"B )c = 85.2 -2.7 (26.5) = 13.7.
(T = 6 s)
(M"B )t 0 kN-m/m
and for the 10-second wave,
(M"B )c = 12.7.



lb-ft ).

(M"B )t 0 kN-m/m
As in Examples Problems 31 and 32, various combinations of appropriate wave conditions
for the two sides of the structure can be assumed and resulting moments and forces

Breaking Wave Forces on Vertical Walls.

Waves breaking directly against vertical-face structures exert high, short duration, dynamic
pressures that act near the region where the wave crests hit the structure. These impact or shock
pressures have been studied in the laboratory by Bagnold (1939), Denny (1951), Ross (1955),
Carr (1954), Leendertse (1961), Nagai (1961a), Kamel (1968), Weggel (1968), and Weggel and
Maxwell (1970a and b). Some measurements on full-scale breakwaters have been made by
deRouville et al., (1938) and by Nuraki (1966). Additional references and discussion of breaking
wave pressures are given by Silvester (1974). Wave tank experiments by Bagnold (1939) led to
an explanation of the phenomenon. Bagnold found that impact pressures occur at the instant that
the vertical front face of a breaking wave hits the wall and only when a plunging wave entraps a
cushion of air against the wall. Because of this critical dependence on wave geometry, high
impact pressures are infrequent against prototype structures; however, the possibility of high
impact pressures must be recognized and considered in design. Since the high impact pressures
are short (on the order of hundredths of a second), their importance in the design of breakwaters
against sliding or overturning is questionable; however, lower dynamic forces which last longer
are important.


Minikin Method: Breaking Wave Forces. Minikin (1955, 1963) developed a design
procedure based on observations of full-scale breakwaters and the results of Bagnold's study.
Minikin's method can give wave forces that are extremely high, as much as 15 to 18 times those
calculated for nonbreaking waves. Therefore, the following procedures should be used with
caution and only until a more accurate method of calculation is found.
The maximum pressure assumed to act at the SWL is given by
where pm is the maximum dynamic pressure, H b is the breaker height, ds is the depth at the
toe of the wall, D is the depth one wavelength in front of the wall, and LD is the wavelength
in water of depth D . The distribution of dynamic pressure is shown in Figure 7-99. The
pressure decreases parabolically from pm at the SWL to zero at a distance of Hb /2 above and
below the SWL. The force represented by the area under the dynamic pressure distribution is
i.e., the force resulting from dynamic component of pressure and the overturning moment about
the toe is
i .e., the moment resulting from the dynamic component of pressure. The hydrostatic contribution
to the force and overturning moment must be added to the results obtained from equations (7-86)
and (7-87) to determine total force and overturning moment.

Figure 7-99. Minikin wave pressure diagram.


The Minikin formula was originally derived for composite breakwaters composed of a
concrete superstructure founded on a rubble substructure; strictly, D and LD in equation (7-85)
are the depth and wavelength at the toe of the substructure, and ds is the depth at the toe of the
vertical wall (i.e., the distance from the SWL down to the crest of the rubble substructure). For
caisson and other vertical structures where no substructure is present, the formula has been adapted
by using the depth at the structure toe as ds , while D and LD are the depth and wavelength a
distance one wavelength seaward of the structure. Consequently, the depth D can be found from
D = ds + Ld


where Ld is the wavelength in a depth equal to ds , and m is the nearshore slope. The forces and
moments resulting from the hydrostatic pressure must be added to the dynamic force and moment
computed above. The triangular hydrostatic pressure distribution is shown in Figure 7-99; the
pressure is zero at the breaker crest (taken at Hb /2 above the SWL), and increases linearly to
w(ds + H b /2) at the toe of the wall. The total breaking wave force on a wall per unit wall length

where Rs is the hydrostatic component of breaking wave on a wall, and the total moment about
the toe is

where Ms is the hydrostatic moment.
Calculations to determine the force and moment on a vertical wall are illustrated by the
following example.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EXAMPLE PROBLEM 34 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
GIVEN: A vertical wall, 4.3 m (14 ft) high is sited in sea water with ds = 2.5 m (8.2 ft). The
wall is built on a bottom slope of 1:20 (m = 0.05) Reasonable wave periods range from T =
6 s to T = 10 s.
(a) The maximum pressure, horizontal force, and overturning moment about the toe of the
wall for the given slope.
(b) The maximum pressure, horizontal force, and overturning moment for the 6-second
wave if the slope was 1:100.


(a) From Example Problem 3, the maximum breaker heights for a design depth of 2.5 m
(8.2 ft), a slope of 0.05, and wave periods of 6- and 10-seconds are
Hb = 2.8 m (9.2 ft)

(T = 6 s)

Hb = 3.2 m (10.5 ft)

(T = 10 s)

The wavelength at the wall in water 2.5 m (8.2 ft) deep can be found with the aid of Table C1, Appendix C. First calculate the wavelength in deep water (T = 6 s),


and from Table C-1, Appendix C,

Ld = 28.3 m (92.8 ft)
from equation (7-88)
D = ds + Ld m = 2.5 + 28.3 (0.05) = 3.9 m (12.8 ft)
and using Table C-1, as above,


LD = 35 m (115 ft)


Equation (7-85) can now be used to find pm .

= 331 kN/m2 (6,913 lb/ft2)

(T = 6 s)

A similar analysis for the 10-second wave gives,

pm = 182 kN/m2 (3,801 lb/ft2)

(T = 10 s)

The above values can be obtained more rapidly by using Figure 7-100, a graphical
representation of the above procedure. To use the figure, calculate for the 6-second wave,

Enter Figure 7-100 with the calculated value of ds /gT2, using the curve for m = 0.05 , and
read the value of pm /wHb .

Using the calculated values of Hb

pm = 12.0wHb = 12.0 (10) (2.8) = 336 kN/m2 (7,017 lb/ft2)
For the 10-second wave,
pm = 5.5 wHb = 5.5 (10) (3.2) = 176 kN/m2 (3,676 lb/ft2) (T = 10 s)
The force can be evaluated from equation (7-86) thusly:

(T = 6 s)
Rm = 194 kN/m (13,287 lb/ft)

(T = 10 s)


Figure 7-100. Dimensionless Minikin wave pressure and force.


The overturning moments are given by equation (7-87) as

(T = 6 s)
(T = 10 s)
For the example, the total forces, including the hydrostatic force from equations (7-89) and
Rt = Rm + Rs

(T = 6 s)
Rt = 278 kN/m (19,041 lb/ft)

(T = 10 s)

Mt = Mm + Ms
(T = 6 s)

(T = 10 s)


(b) If the nearshore slope is 1:100 (m = 0.01), the maximum breaker heights must be
recomputed using the procedure given in Section I,2,b. For a 6-second wave on a 0.01
slope the results of an analysis similar to the preceding gives
Hb = 2.1 m (d b = 2.6 m (7.9 ft) > ds )
pm = 337 kN/m2 (7,035 lb/ft2)


(T = 6 s)

Rm = 236 kN/m (16,164 lb/ft)
The resulting maximum pressure is about the same as for the wall on a 1:20 sloping beach.
(pm = 336 kN/m); however, the dynamic force is less against the wall on a 1:100 slope than
against the wall on a 1:20 slope, because the maximum possible breaker height reaching the
wall is lower on a flatter slope.
Wall On a Rubble Foundation. The dynamic component of breaking wave force on a
vertical wall built on a rubble substructure can be estimated with either equation (7-85) or Figure 7101. The procedure for calculating forces and moments is similar to that outlined in the Example
Problem 34, except that the ratio ds /D is used instead of the nearshore slope when using Figure
7-101. Minikin's equation was originally derived for breakwaters of this type. For expensive
structures, hydraulic models should be used to evaluate forces.
Wall of Low Height. When the top of a structure is lower than the crest of the design
breaker, the dynamic and hydrostatic components of wave force and overturning moment can be
corrected by using Figures 7-102 and 7-103. Figure 7-102 is a Minikin force reduction factor to
be applied to the dynamic component of the breaking wave force equation
R' m = rm Rm


Figure 7-103 gives a moment reduction factor a for use in the equation
M' m = ds Rm - (ds + a) (1 - rm ) Rm


M' m = Rm [rm (dm + a) - a]


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EXAMPLE PROBLEM 35 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
(a) A vertical wall 3 m (10 ft) high in a water depth of ds = 2.5 m (8.2 ft) on a nearshore
slope of 1:20 (m = 0.05);

Design wave periods of T = 6 s and = 10 s.

The reduced force and overturning moment because of the reduced wall height.

Calculations of the breaker heights, unreduced forces, and moments are given in
preceding example problems. From the preceding problems,
Hb = 2.8 m (9.2 ft) (db = 3.0 m > ds )


Figure 7-101. Dimensionless Minikin wave pressure and force.


Figure 7-102. Minikin force reduction factor.


Figure 7-103. Minikin moment reduction for low wall.


Rm = 309 kN/m (21,164 lb/ft)

(T = 6 s)
Hb = 3.2 m (10.5 ft) (db = 3.0 m > ds )
Rm = 194 kN/m (13,287 lb/ft)
Mm = 485 kN-m/m (109,038 ft-lb/ft)

(T = 10 s)

For the breaker with a period of 6 seconds, the height of the breaker crest above the bottom is

The value of b' as defined in Figure 7-102 is 1.9 m (6.2 ft) (i.e., the breaker height Hb
minus the height obtained by subtracting the wall crest elevation from the breaker crest
elevation). Calculate

(T = 6 s)
From Figure 7-102,
rm = 0.83
therefore, from equation (7-91),
R' m = rm Rm = 0.83 (309) = 256 kN/m (17,540 lb/ft)
From Figure 7-103, entering with b/H' b = 0.679,


and from equation (7-93)

M' m = Rm [rm (ds + a) - a] = 309 [0.83 (2.5+0.80) -0.80]


(T = 6 s)

M' m = 309 [1.94] = 600 kN-m/m (134,900 ft-lb/ft)

(T = 6 s)

A similar analysis for the maximum breaker with a 10-second period gives
rm = 0.79
a = 0.86 m (2.82 ft)
R' m = 153 kN/m (10,484 lb/ft)
(T = 10 s)
The hydrostatic part of the force and moment can be computed from the hydrostatic
pressure distribution shown in Figure 7-99 by assuming the hydrostatic pressure to be zero
at Hb /2 above SWL and taking only that portion of the area under the pressure distribution
which is below the crest of the wall.

Broken Waves.

Shore structures may be located so that even under severe storm and tide conditions waves
will break before striking the structure. No studies have yet been made to relate forces of broken
waves to various wave parameters, and it is necessary to make simplifying assumptions about the
waves to estimate design forces. If more accurate force estimates are required, model tests are
It is assumed that, immediately after breaking, the water mass in a wave moves forward with
the velocity of propagation attained before breaking; that is, upon breaking, the water particle
motion changes from oscillatory to translatory motion. This turbulent mass of water then moves
up to and over the stillwater line dividing the area shoreward of the breakers into two parts,
seaward and landward of the stillwater line. For a conservative estimate of wave force, it is
assumed that neither wave height nor wave velocity decreases from the breaking point to the
stillwater line and that after passing the stillwater line the wave will run up roughly twice its height
at breaking, with both velocity and height decreasing to zero at this point. Wave runup can be
estimated more accurately from the procedure outlined in Section 1, Wave Runup.
Model tests have shown that, for waves breaking at a shore, approximately 78 percent of the
breaking wave height Hb is above the stillwater level (Wiegel, 1964).
Wall Seaward of Stillwater Line. Walls located seaward of the stillwater line are
subjected to wave pressures that are partly dynamic and partly hydrostatic (see Figure 7-104).
Using the approximate relationship
for the velocity of wave propagation, C
where g is the acceleration of gravity and db is the


breaking wave depth, wave pressures on a wall may be approximated in the following manner:
The dynamic part of the pressure will be

Figure 7-104.

Wave pressures from broken waves: wall seaward of still-water line.

where w is the unit weight of water. If the dynamic pressure is uniformly distributed from the
still-water level to a height hc above SWL, where hc is given as
hc = 0 .78Hb


then the dynamic component of the wave force is given as

and the overturning moment caused by the dynamic force as
where ds is the depth at the structure.
The hydrostatic component will vary from zero at a height hc above SWL to a maximum ps
at the wall base. This maximum will be given as,
ps = w (d s + hs )


The hydrostatic force component will therefore be

and the overturning moment will be,
The total force on the wall is the sum of the dynamic and hydrostatic components; therefore,
Rt = Rm + Rs


Mt = Mm + Ms


Wall Shoreward of Still-water Line. For walls landward of the still-water line as
shown in Figure 7-105, the velocity v' of the water mass at the structure at any location between
the SWL and the point of maximum wave runup may be approximated by,

and the wave height h' above the ground surface by
x1 = distance from the still-water line to the structure
x2 = distance from the still-water line to the limit of wave uprush; i.e., x2 = 2H b cot =
2Hb /m (note: the actual wave runup as found from the method outlined in Section
II,1 could be substituted for the value 2Hb )
= the angle of beach slope
m = tan
An analysis similar to that for structures located seaward of the still-water line gives for the
dynamic pressure



Figure 7-105.

Wave pressures from broken waves: wall landward of still-water line.

The dynamic pressure is assumed to act uniformly over the broken wave height at the structure toe
h' , hence the dynamic component of force is given by

and the overturning moment by

The hydrostatic force component is given by

and the moment resulting from the hydrostatic force by


The total forces and moments are the sums of the dynamic and hydrostatic components; therefore,
as before,
Rt = Rm + Rs


Mt = Mm + Ms


The pressures, forces, and moments computed by the above procedure will be
approximations, since the assumed wave behavior is simplified. Where structures are located
landward of the still-water line the preceding equations will not be exact, since the runup criterion
was assumed to be a fixed fraction of the breaker height. However, the assumptions should result
in a high estimate of the forces and moments.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EXAMPLE PROBLEM 36 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
GIVEN: The elevation at the toe of a vertical wall is 0.6 m (2 ft) above the mean lower low water
(MLLW) datum. Mean higher high water (MHHW) is 1.3 m (4.3 ft) above MLLW, and the
beach slope is 1:20. Breaker height is Hb = 3.0 m (9.8 ft), and wave period is T = 6 s.
(a) The total force and moment if the SWL is at MHHW; i.e., if the wall is seaward of stillwater line.
(b) The total force and moment if the SWL is at MLLW; i.e., if the wall is landward of
still-water line.

The breaking depth db can be found from Figure 7-2. Calculate,

and the beach slope,

m = tan = 1/20 = 0.05
Enter Figure 7-2 with Hb /gT2 = 0.0085 and, using the curve for m = 0.05, read


db = 1.10 Hb = 1.10 (3.0) = 3.3 m (10.8 ft)
From equation (7-95)
hc = 0.78 Hb = 0.78 (3.0) = 2.3 m (7.7 ft)
The dynamic force component from equation (7-96) is

and the moment from equation (7-97) is

where ds = 0.7 m is the depth at the toe of the wall when the SWL is at MHHW. The
hydrostatic force and moment are given by equations (7-99) and (7-100):

The total force and moment are therefore,

Rt = Rm + Rs = 38.1 + 45.2 = 83.3 kN/m (5,710 lb/ft)

(b) When the SWL is at MLLW, the structure is landward of the still-water line. The
distance from the still-water line to the structure x1 is given by the difference in elevation
between the SWL and the structure toe divided by the beach slope; hence

The limit of wave runup is approximately


The dynamic component of force from equation (7-106) is,

and the moment from equation (7-107) is

The hydrostatic force and moment from equations (7-108) and (7-109) are,


Total force and moment are

Rt = Rm + Rs = 27.8 + 21.5 = 49.3 kN/m (3,400 lb/ft)


Effect of Angle of Wave Approach.

When breaking or broken waves strike the vertical face of a structure such as a groin,
bulkhead, seawall, or breakwater at an oblique angle, the dynamic component of the pressure or
force will be less than for breaking or broken waves that strike perpendicular to the structure face.
The force may be reduced by the equation,
R' = R sin2


where is the angle between the axis of the structure and the direction of wave advance, R' is
the reduced dynamic component of force, and R is the dynamic force that would occur if the wave
hit perpendicular to the structure. The development of equation (7-112) is given in Figure 7-106.
Force reduction by equation (7-112) should be applied only to the dynamic wave-force Component
of breaking or broken waves and should not be applied to the

R = Dynamic Force Per Unit Length of Wall if Wall were Perpendicular to Direction of
Wave Advance
Rn = Component of R Normal to Actual Wall. Rn - R sin
W = Length Along Wall Affected by a Unit Length of Wave Crest.
R' = Dynamic Force Per Unit Length of Wall
= R sin2

R' =
R' = R sin2

Figure 7-106. Effect of angle of wave approach: plan view.


hydrostatic component. The reduction is not applicable to rubble structures. The maximum force
does not act along the entire length of a wall simultaneously; consequently, the average force per
unit length of wall will be lower.

Effect of a Nonvertical Wall.

Formulas previously presented for breaking and broken wave forces may be used for
structures with nearly vertical faces.
If the face is sloped backward as in Figure 7-107a, the horizontal component of the
dynamic force due to waves breaking either on or seaward of the wall should be reduced to
R" = R' sin2


where is defined in Figure 7-107. The vertical component of the dynamic wave force may be
neglected in stability computations. For design calculations, forces on stepped structures as in
Figure 7-107b may be computed as if the face were vertical, since the dynamic pressure is about
the same as computed for vertical walls. Curved nonreentrant face structures (Fig. 7-107c)
and reentrant curved face walls (Fig. 7-107d) may also be considered as vertical.

Figure 7-107. Wall shapes.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EXAMPLE PROBLEM 37 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
GIVEN: A structure in water, ds = 2.3 m (7.5 ft) , on a 1:20 nearshore slope, is subjected to
breaking waves, H b = 2.6 m (8.4 ft) and period T = 6 s . The angle of wave approach is,
= 80, and the wall has a shoreward sloping face of 10 (vertical) on 1 (horizontal).

The reduced total horizontal wave force.

(b) The reduced total overturning moment about the toe (Note: neglect the vertical
component of the hydrostatic force).
From the methods used in Example Problems 34 and 36 for the given wave
conditions, compute
Rm = 250 kN/m (17,100 lb/ft)

Rs = 65 kN/m (4,450 lb/ft)


Applying the reduction of equation (7-112) for the angle of wave approach, with Rm = R
R' = Rm sin2 = 250 (sin 80o)2
R' = 250 (0.985)2 = 243 kN/m (16,700 lb/ft)
M' = M m sin2 = 575 (sin 80o)2

Applying the reduction for a nonvertical wall, the angle the face of the wall makes with the
horizontal is
= arctan (10) 84o
Applying equation (7-113),
R" = R' sin2 = 243 (sin 84o)2


R" = 243 (0.995)2 = 241 kN/m (16,500 lb/ft)

Similarly, for the moment
M" = M' sin 2 = 558 (sin 84o)2

The total force and overturning moment are given by the sums of the reduced dynamic
components and the unreduced hydrostatic components. Therefore,
Rt = 241 + 65 = 306 kN/m (21,000 lb/ft)


Stability of Rubble Structures.

General. A rubble structure is composed of several layers of random-shaped and
random-placed stones, protected with a cover layer of selected armor units of either quarrystone or
specially shaped concrete units. Armor units in the cover layer may be placed in an orderly manner
to obtain good wedging or interlocking action between individual units, or they may be placed at
random. Present technology does not provide guidance to determine the forces required to displace
individual armor units from the cover layer. Armor units may be displaced either over a large area
of the cover layer, sliding down the slope en masse, or individual armor units may be lifted and
rolled either up or down the slope. Empirical methods have been developed that, if used with care,
will give a satisfactory determination of the stability characteristics of these structures when under
attack by storm waves.
A series of basic decisions must be made in designing a rubble structure. Those decisions
are discussed in succeeding sections.
Design Factors. A primary factor influencing wave conditions at a structure site is the
bathymetry in the general vicinity of the structure. Depths will partly determine whether a structure
is subjected to breaking, nonbreaking, or broken waves for a particular design wave condition
Variation in water depth along the structure axis must also be considered as it affects wave
conditions, being more critical where breaking waves occur than where the depth may allow only
nonbreaking waves or waves that overtop the structure.
When waves impinge on rubble structures, they do the following:

Break completely, projecting a jet of water roughly perpendicular to the slope.



Partially break with a poorly defined jet.

(c) Establish an oscillatory motion of the water particles up or down the structure slope,
similar to the motion of a clapotis at a vertical wall.
The design wave height for a flexible rubble structure should usually be the average of the
highest 10 percent of all waves, H10 as discussed in Section I,2. Damage from waves higher
than the design wave height is progressive, but the displacement of several individual armor units
will not necessarily result in the complete loss of protection. A logic diagram for the evaluation of
the marine environment presented in Figure 7-6 summarizes the factors involved in selecting the
design water depth and wave conditions to be used in the analysis of a rubble structure. The most
severe wave condition for design of any part of a rubble-mound structure is usually the
combination of predicted water depth and extreme incident wave height and period that produces
waves which would break directly on the part of interest.
If a structure with two opposing slopes, such as a breakwater or jetty, will not be
overtopped, a different design wave condition may be required for each side. The wave action
directly striking one side of a structure, such as the harbor side of a breakwater, may be much less
severe than that striking the other side. If the structure is porous enough to allow waves to pass
through it, more armor units may be dislodged from the sheltered side's armor layer by waves
traveling through the structure than by waves striking the layer directly. In such a case, the design
wave for the sheltered side might be the same as for the exposed side, but no dependable analytical
method is known for choosing such a design wave condition or for calculating a stable armor
weight for it. Leeside armor sizes have been investigated in model tests by Markle (1982).
If a breakwater is designed to be overtopped, or if the designer is not sure that it will not be
overtopped the crest and perhaps, the leeward side must be designed for breaking wave impact.
Lording and Scott (1971) tested an overtopped rubble-mound structure that was subjected to
breaking waves in water levels up to the crest elevation. Maximum damage to the leeside armor
units occurred with the still-water level slightly below the crest and with waves breaking as close
as two breaker heights from the toe of the structure. This would imply that waves were breaking
over the structure and directly on the lee slope rather than on the seaward slope.


The crest of a structure designed to be submerged, or that might be submerged by hurricane

storm surge, will undergo the heaviest wave action when the crest is exposed in the trough of a
wave. The highest wave which would expose the crest can be estimated by using Figure 7-69,
with the range of depths at the structure d , the range of wave heights H , and period T , and the
structure height h . Values of c /H where c is the crest elevation above the still-water level,
can be found by entering Figure 7-69 with H/gT2 and d/gT2. The largest breaking and
nonbreaking wave heights for which
d h + H- c


can then be used to estimate which wave height requires the heaviest armor. The final design
breaking wave height can be determined by entering Figure 7-69 with values of d/gT2 finding
values of c /H for breaking conditions, and selecting the highest breaking wave which satisfied
the equation
d = h+H - c


A structure that is exposed to a variety of water depths, especially a structure perpendicular to

the shore, such as a groin, should have wave conditions investigated for each range of water
depths to determine the highest breaking wave to which any part of the structure will be exposed.
The outer end of a groin might be exposed only to wave forces on its sides under normal depths,
but it might be overtopped and eventually submerged as a storm surge approaches. The shoreward
end might normally be exposed to lower breakers, or perhaps only to broken waves. In the case of
a high rubble-mound groin (i.e., a varying crest elevation and a sloping beach), the maximum
breaking wave height may occur inshore of the seaward end of the groin.
Hydraulics of Cover Layer Design. Until about 1930, design of rubble structures was
based only on experience and general knowledge of site conditions. Empirical formulas that
subsequently developed are generally expressed in terms of the stone weight required to withstand
design wave conditions. These formulas have been partially substantiated in model studies. They
are guides and must be used with experience and engineering judgment. Physical modeling is
often a cost-effective measure to determine the final cross-section design for most costly rubblemound structures.
Following work by Iribarren (1938) and Iribarren and Nogales Y Olano (1950),
comprehensive investigations were made by Hudson (1953, 1959, 1961a, and 1961b) at the U.S.
Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES), and a formula was developed to determine
the stability of armor units on rubble structures. The stability formula, based on the results of
extensive small-scale model testing and some preliminary verification by large-scale model testing,



= weight in newtons or pounds of an individual armor unit in the primary cover layer.
(When the cover layer is two quarrystones in thickness) the stones comprising the
primary cover layer can range from about 0.75 W to 1.25 W, with about 50 percent of
the individual stones weighing more than W . The gradation should be uniform across
the face of the structure, with no pockets of smaller stone. The maximum weight of
individual stones depends on the size or shape of the unit. The unit should not be of
such a size as to extend an appreciable distance above the average level of the slope)


= unit weight (saturated surface dry) of armor unit in N/m3 or lb/ft3. Note: Substitution
of r , the mass density of the armor material in kg/m3 or slugs/ft3, will yield W in
units of mass (kilograms or slugs)

= design wave height at the structure site in meters or feet (see Sec. III,7,b)


= specific gravity of armor unit, relative to the water at the structure (Sr = w r /ww )

ww = unit weight of water: fresh water = 9,800 N/m3 (62.4 lb/ft3) seawater = 10,047
N/m3 (64.0 lb/ft3) Note: Substitution of
, where p w is the mass
density of water at the structure for (Sr - 1) 3 , yields the same result

= angle of structure slope measured from horizontal in degrees

KD = stability coefficient that varies primarily with the shape of the armor units, roughness of
the armor unit surface, sharpness of edges, and degree of interlocking obtained in
placement (see Table 7-8).
Equation 7-116 is intended for conditions when the crest of the structure is high enough to prevent
major overtopping. Also the slope of the cover layer will be partly determined on the basis of
stone sizes economically available. Cover layer slopes steeper than 1 on 1.5 are not recommended
by the Corps of Engineers.
Equation 7-116 determines the weight of an armor unit of nearly uniform size. For a graded
riprap armor stone, Hudson and Jackson (1962) have modified the equation to:


Table 7-8. Suggested KD Values for use in determining armor unit weight1.



CAUTION: Those KD values shown in italics are unsupported by test results and are only provided for
preliminary design purposes.
Applicable to slopes ranging from 1 on 1.5 to 1 on 5.
n is the number of units comprising the thickness of the armor layer.
The use of single layer of quarrystone armor units is not recommended for structures subject to breaking waves,
and only under special conditions for structures subject to nonbreaking waves. When it is used, the stone should
be carefully placed.
Until more information is available on the variation of KD value with slope, the use of KD should be limited
to slopes ranging from 1 on 1.5 to 1 on 3. Some armor units tested on a structure head indicate a KD -slope
Special placement with long axis of stone placed perpendicular to structure face.
Parallelepiped-shaped stone: long slab-like stone with the long dimension about 3 times the shortest dimension
(Markle and Davidson, 1979).
Refers to no-damage criteria (<5 percent displacement, rocking, etc.); if no rocking (<2 percent) is desired, reduce
KD 50 percent (Zwamborn and Van Niekerk, 1982).
Stability of dolosse on slopes steeper than 1 on 2 should be substantiated by site-specific model tests.



The symbols are the same as defined for equation (7-116). W50 is the weight of the 50 percent
size in the gradation. The maximum weight of graded rock is 4.0 (W50) ; the minimum is 0.125
(W50). Additional information on riprap gradation for exposure to wave forces is given by Ahrens
(1981b). KRR is a stability coefficient for angular, graded riprap, similar to KD . Values of
KRR are shown in Table 7-8. These values allow for 5 percent damage (Hudson and Jackson,
Use of graded riprap cover layers is generally more applicable to revetments than to
breakwaters or jetties. A limitation for the use of graded riprap is that the design wave height
should be less than about 1.5 m (5 ft). For waves higher than 1.5 m (5 ft), it is usually more
economical to use uniform-size armor units as specified by equation (7-116).
Values of KD and KRR are obtained from laboratory tests by first determining values of
the stability number Ns where
The stability number is plotted as a function of cot on log-log paper, and a straight line is
fitted as a bottom envelope to the data such that
Ns = (K D cot )1/3 or (KRR cot )1/3


Powers of cot other than 1/3 often give a better fit to the data. Ns can be used for armor
design by replacing KD cot in equation (7-116) or KRR cot in equation (7-117) with
Ns3, where Ns is a function of some power of cot .
Selection of Stability Coefficient. The dimensionless stability coefficient KD in
equation (7-116) accounts for all variables other than structure slope, wave height, and the specific
gravity of water at the site (i.e., fresh or salt water). These variables include:

Shape of armor units


Number of units comprising the thickness of armor layer


Manner of placing armor units


Surface roughness and sharpness of edges of armor units (degree of interlocking of

armor units)


Type of wave attacking structure (breaking or nonbreaking)



Part of structure (trunk or head)


Angle of incidence of wave attack


Model scale (Reynolds number)


Distance below still-water level that the armor units extend down the face slope

(10) Size and porosity of underlayer material

(11) Core height relative to still-water level
(12) Crown type (concrete cap or armor units placed over the crown and extending down the
back slope)
(13) Crown elevation above still-water level relative to wave height
(14) Crest width
Hudson (1959, 1961a, and 1961b), and Hudson and Jackson (1959), Jackson (1968a), Carver
and Davidson (1977), Markle and Davidson (1979), Office, Chief of Engineers (1978), and
Carver (1980) have conducted numerous laboratory tests with a view to establishing values of KD
for various conditions of some of the variables. They have found that, for a given geometry of
rubble structure, the most important variables listed above with respect to the magnitude of KD
are those from (1) through (8). The data of Hudson and Jackson comprise the basis for selecting
KD , although a number of limitations in the application of laboratory results to prototype
conditions must be recognized. These limitations are described in the following paragraphs.
(1) Laboratory waves were monochromatic and did not reproduce the variable
conditions of nature. No simple method of comparing monochromatic and irregular waves is
presently available. Laboratory studies by Deullet (1972) and Rogan (1969) have shown that
action of irregular waves on model rubble structures can be modeled by monochromatic waves if
the monochromatic wave height corresponds to the significant wave height of the spectrum of the
irregular wave train. Other laboratory studies (i.e., Carstens, Traetteberg, and Trum (1966);
Brorsen, Burcharth, and Larsen (1974); Feuillet and Sabaton (1980); and Tanimoto, Yagyu, and
Goda (1982)) have shown, though, that the damage patterns on model rubble-mound structures
with irregular wave action are comparable to model tests with monochromatic waves when the
design wave height of the irregular wave train is higher than the significant wave height. As
an extreme, the laboratory work of Feuillet and Sabaton (1980) and that of Tanimoto, Yagyu, and
Goda (1982) suggest a design wave of H 5 when comparing monochromatic wave model tests to
irregular wave model tests.
The validity of this comparison between monochromatic wave testing and irregular wave
testing depends on the wave amplitude and phase spectra of the "groupiness" irregular wave train
which, in turn, govern the groupiness of the wave train; i.e., the tendency of higher waves to
occur together.
Groupiness in wave trains has been shown by Carstens, Traetteberg, and


Trum (1966), Johnson, Mansard, and Ploeg (1978), and Burcharth (1979), to account for
higher damage in rubble-mound or armor block structures. Burcharth (1979) found that grouped
wave trains with maximum wave heights equivalent to monochromatic wave heights caused greater
damage on dolosse-armored slopes than did monochromatic wave trains. Johnson, Mansard, and
Ploeg (1978) found that grouped wave trains of energy density equivalent to that of
monochromatic wave trains created greater damage on rubble-mound breakwaters.
Goda (1970b) and Andrew and Borgman (1981) have shown by simulation techniques
that, for random-phased wave components in a wave spectrum, groupiness is dependent on
the width of the spectral peak (the narrower the spectral width, the larger the groupiness in the
wave train).
On a different tack, Johnson, Mansard, and Ploeg (1978) have shown that the same energy
spectrum shape can produce considerably different damage patterns to a rubble-mound breakwater
by controlling the phasing of the wave components in the energy spectrum. This approach to
generating irregular waves for model testing is not presently attempted in most laboratories.
Typically, laboratory model tests assume random phasing of wave spectral components
based on the assumption that waves in nature have random phasing. Trum, Mathiesen, and
Escutia (1979), Thompson (1981), Andrew and Borgman (1981), and Wilson and Baird (1972)
have suggested that nonrandom phasing of waves appears to exist in nature, particularly in shallow
(2) Preliminary analysis of large-scale tests by Hudson (1975) has indicated that scale
effects are relatively unimportant, and can be made negligible by the proper selection of linear
scale to ensure that the Reynolds number is above 3 x 104 in the tests. The Reynolds number is
defined in this case as

where is the kinematic viscosity of the water at the site and k is the layer coefficient (see Sec.
(3) The degree of interlocking obtained in the special placement of armor units in the
laboratory is unlikely to be duplicated in the prototype. Above the water surface in prototype
construction it is possible to place armor units with a high degree of interlocking. Below the water
surface the same quality of interlocking can rarely be attained. It is therefore advisable to use
data obtained from random placement in the laboratory as a basis for K values.
(4) Numerous tests have been performed for nonbreaking waves, but only limited
test results are available for plunging waves. Values for these conditions were estimated based on
breaking wave tests of similar armor units. The ratio between the breaking and nonbreaking wave
K's for tetrapods and quadripods on structure trunks, for example, was used to estimate the
breaking wave K's for tribars, modified cubes, and hexapods


used on trunks. Similar comparisons of test results were used to estimate KD values for armor
units on structure heads.
(5) Under similar wave conditions, the head of a rubble structure normally sustains
more extensive and frequent damage than the trunk of the structure. Under all wave conditions, a
segment of the slope of the rounded head of the structure is usually subject to direct wave attack
regardless of wave direction. A wave trough on the lee side coincident with maximum runup on
the windward side will create a high static head for flow through the structure.
(6) Sufficient information is not available to provide firm guidance on the effect of
angle of wave approach on stability of armor units. Quarry-stone armor units are expected to show
greater stability when subject to wave attack at angles other than normal incidence. However, an
analysis of limited test results by Whillock (1977) indicates that dolos units on a 1-on-2 slope
become less stable as the angle of wave attack increases from normal incidence (0) to
approximately 45. Stability increases rapidly again as the angle of wave attack increases beyond
45 . Whillock suggests that structures covered with dolosse should be designed only for the nodamage wave height at normal incidence if the structure is subject to angular wave attack. The
stability of any rubble structures subjected to angular wave attack should be confirmed by
hydraulic model tests.
Based on available data and the discussion above, Table 7-8 presents recommended values
for KD . Because of the limitations discussed, values in the table provide little or no safety factor.
The values may allow some rocking of concrete armor units, presenting the risk of breakage. The
KD 's for dolosse may be reduced by 50 percent to protect against breakage, as noted in the
footnote to Table 7-8. The experience of the field engineer may be utilized to adjust the KD value
indicated in Table 7-8, but deviation to less conservative values is not recommended without
supporting model test results. A two-unit armor layer is recommended. If a one-unit armor layer
is considered, the KD values for a single layer should be obtained from Table 7-8. The indicated
KD values are less for a single-stone layer than for a two-stone layer and will require heavier
armor stone to ensure stability. More care must be taken in the placement of a single armor layer to
ensure that armor units provide an adequate cover for the underlayer and that there is a high degree
of interlock with adjacent armor units.
These coefficients were derived from large- and small-scale tests that used many various
shapes and sizes of both natural and artificial armor units. Values are reasonably definitive and are
recommended for use in design of rubble-mound structures, supplemented by physical model test
results when possible.
The values given in Table 7-8 are indicated as no-damage criteria, but actually consider up to
5 percent damage. Higher values of percent damage to a rubble breakwater have been determined
as a function of wave height for several of the armor unit shapes by Jackson (1968b). These
values, together with statistical data concerning the frequency of occurrence of waves of different
heights, can be used to determine the annual cost of maintenance as a function of the acceptable
percent damage without endangering the functional characteristics of the structure. Knowledge of
maintenance costs can be used


to choose a design wave height yielding the optimum combination of first and maintenance costs.
A structure designed to resist waves of a moderate storm, but which may suffer damage without
complete destruction during a severe storm may have a lower annual cost than one designed to be
completely stable for larger waves.
Table 7-9 shows the results of damage tests where H/HD = 0 is a function of the percent
damage D for various armor units. H is the wave height corresponding to damage D. HD = 0
is the design wave height corresponding to 0- to 5-percent damage, generally referred to as nodamage condition.
Table 7-9. H/HD = 0 as a function of cover-layer damage and type of armor unit.1

1 Breakwater trunk, n = 2, random placed armor units, nonbreaking waves, and minor overtopping conditions.
2 Values in italics are interpolated or extrapolated.
3 CAUTION: Tests did not include possible effects of unit breakage. Waves exceeding the design wave height
conditions by more than 10 percent may result in considerably more damage than the values tabulated.

The percent damage is based on the volume of armor units displaced from the breakwater
zone of active armor unit removal for a specific wave height. This zone, as defined by Jackson
(1968a), extends from the middle of the breakwater crest down the seaward face to a depth
equivalent to one zero-damage wave height HD = 0 below the still-water level. Once damage
occurred, testing was continued for the specified wave condition until slope equilibrium was
established or armor unit displacement ceased. Various recent laboratory tests on dolosse have
indicated that once design wave conditions (i.e., zero-damage) are exceeded, damage progresses at
a much greater rate than indicated


from tests of other concrete armor units. Note from the table that waves producing greater than 10
percent damage to a dolos structure will produce lesser damage levels to structures covered with
other armor units. Concrete units in general will fail more rapidly and catastrophically than
quarrystone armor.
Caution must be exercised in using the values in Table 7-9 for breaking wave conditions,
structure heads, or structures other than breakwaters or jetties. The damage zone is more
concentrated around the still-water level on the face of a revetment than on a breakwater (Ahrens,
1975), producing deeper damage to the armor layer for a given volume of armor removed. As a
result, damage levels greater than 30 percent signify complete failure of a revetment's armor.
Model studies to determine behavior are recommended whenever possible.
The following example illustrates the ways in which Table 7-9 may be used.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EXAMPLE PROBLEM 38 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
GIVEN: A two-layer quarrystone breakwater designed for nonbreaking waves and minor
overtopping from a no-damage design wave HD = 0 = 2.5 m (8.2 ft) and KD = 4.0.
(a) The wave heights which would cause 5 to 10 percent, 10 to 15 percent, 15 to 20
percent, and 20 to 30 percent damage. The return periods of these different levels of
damage and consequent repair costs could also be estimated, given appropriate long-term
wave statistics for the site.
(b) The design wave height that should be used for calculating armor weight if the
breakwater is a temporary or minor structure and 5 to 10 percent damage can be tolerated
from 2.5-m waves striking it.
(c) The damage to be expected if stone weighing 75 percent of the zero-damage weight is
available at substantially less cost or must be used in an emergency for an expedient

From Table 7-9, for rough quarrystone:

Damage Level, %
H/HD = 0
H, m












Therefore, for instance, HD = 5-10 = (2.5) (1.08) = 2.7 m (88.8 ft).

(b) From Table 7-9, for D = 5 to 10 percent

Since the H causing 5 to 10 percent damage is 2.5 m

(c) To determine the damage level, a ratio of wave heights must be calculated. The
higher wave height "H" will be the HD = 0 for the zero-damage weight WD = 0 . The
lower wave height "HD = 0 " will be the HD = 0 for the available stone weight WAV .
Rearranging equation (7-116),

from which

Since WAV = 0.75 W D=0

This corresponds to damage of about 5 to 10 percent if the available stone is used.

Importance of Unit Weight of Armor Units. The basic equation used for design of
armor units for rubble structures indicates that the unit weight wr of quarrystone or concrete is
important. Designers should carefully evaluate the advantages of increasing unit weight of
concrete armor units to affect savings in the structure cost. Brandtzaeg (1966) cautioned that
variations in unit weight should be limited within a range of, say, 18.9


kilonewtons per cubic meter (120 pounds per cubic foot) to 28.3 kilonewtons per cubic meter (180
pounds per cubic foot). Unit weight of quarrystone available from a particular quarry will likely
vary over a narrow range of values. The unit weight of concrete containing normal aggregates is
usually between 22.0 kilonewtons per cubic meter (140 pounds per cubic foot) and 24.3
kilonewtons per cubic meter (155 pounds per cubic foot). It can be made higher or lower through
use of special heavy or lightweight aggregates that are usually available but are more costly than
normal aggregates. The unit weight obtainable from a given set of materials and mixture
proportions can be computed from Method CRD-3 of the Handbook for Concrete and Cement
published by the U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (1949).
The effect of varying the unit weight of concrete is illustrated by the following example problem.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EXAMPLE PROBLEM 39 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
GIVEN: A 33.5-metric ton (36.8-short ton) concrete armor unit is required for the protection of
a rubble-mound structure against a given wave height in salt water (ww = 10.0 kilonewtons
per cubic meter (64 pounds per cubic foot)). This weight was determined using a unit weight
of concrete wr = 22.8 kilonewtons per cubic meter (145 pounds per cubic foot).
Determine the required weight of armor unit for concrete with wr = 22.0 kilonewtons
per cubic meter (140 pounds per cubic foot) and wr = 26.7 kilonewtons per cubic meter
(170 pounds per cubic foot).
Based on equation (7-116), the ratio between the unknown and known armor
weight is

Thus, for wr = 22.0 kilonewtons per cubic meter

For w r = 26.7 kN/m 3

Concrete Armor Units. Many different concrete shapes have been developed as armor
units for rubble structures. The major advantage of


concrete armor units is that they usually have a higher stability coefficient value and thus permit the
use of steeper structure side slopes or a lighter weight of armor unit. This advantage has particular
value when quarrystone of the required size is not available.
Table 7-10 lists the concrete armor units that have been cited in literature and shows where
and when the unit was developed. One of the earlier nonblock concrete armor units was the
tetrapod, developed and patented in 1950 by Neyrpic, Inc., of France. The tetrapod is an
unreinforced concrete shape with four truncated conical legs projecting radially from a center point
(see Fig. 7-108).
Figure 7-109 provides volume, weight, dimensions, number of units per 1000 square feet,
and thickness of layers of the tetrapod unit. The quadripod (Fig. 7-108) was developed and tested
by the United States in 1959; details are shown in Figure 7-110.
In 1958, R. Q. Palmer, United States, developed and patented the tribar. This concrete shape
consists of three cylinders connected by three radial arms (see Fig. 7-108). Figure 7-111 provides
details on the volume, dimensions, and thickness of layers of tribars.
The dolos armor unit, developed in 1963 by E. M. Merrifield, Republic of South Africa
(Merrifield and Zwamborn, 1966), is illustrated in Figure 7-108. This concrete unit closely
resembles a ship anchor or an "H" with one vertical perpendicular to the other. Detailed
dimensions are shown in Figure 7-112.
The toskane is similar to the dolos, but the shapes at the ends of the central shank are
triangular heads rather than straight flukes. The triangular heads are purported to be more resistant
to breakage than the dolos flukes. A round hole may be placed through each head to increase
porosity. Dimensions are shown in Figure 7-113.
As noted in Table 7-8, various other shapes have been tested by the Corps of Engineers.
Details of the modified cube and hexapod are shown in Figures 7-114 and 7-115, respectively.
As noted, the tetrapod, quadripod, and tribar are patented, but the U.S. patents on these units
have expired. Patents on these units may still be in force in other countries, however; payment of
royalties to the holder of the patent for the use of such a unit is required. Since other units in Table
7-10 may be patented, in the U.S. or elsewhere, the status of patents should be reviewed before
they are used.
Unlike quarrystone, concrete armor units have a history of breakage problems. If a unit
breaks, its weight is reduced; if enough units break, the stability of an armor layer is reduced. For
dolosse, for instance, model tests by Markel and Davidson (1984a) have demonstrated that random
breakage of up to 15 percent or up to 5 broken units in a cluster will have little effect on stability.
Breakage exceeding these limits may lead to catastrophic failure of the armor layer.


Table 7-10. Types of armor units1.

1 Modified from Hudson, 1974.

2 Not available.
3 Units have been tested, some extensively, at the U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES);
not all units were tested in two-layer armor layers.
4 Cubes and rectangular blocks are known to have been used in masonry-type breakwaters since early Roman
times and in rubble-mound breakwaters during the last few centuries. The cube was tested at WES as a
construction block for breakwaters as early as 1943.
5 Solid tetrahedrons are known to have been used in hydraulic works for many years. This unit was tested at
WES in 1959.


Figure 7-108. Views of the tetrapod, quadripod, tribar, and dolos armor units.









Two approaches have been proposed to control breakage. Zwamborn and Van Niekerk,
(1981, 1982) surveyed the performance of dolos-armored breakwaters worldwide and concluded
that most structures that failed had been under-designed or had experienced construction
difficulties. They formulated lower values for the stability coefficients to produce heavier armor
units which would be stable against any crack-causing movement such as rocking in place under
wave action. Their results are reflected in Table 7-8. Reinforcement of units with steel bar and
fibers (Magoon and Shimizer, 1971) has been tried on several structures. Markle and Davidson
(1984b) have surveyed the breakage of reinforced and unreinforced armor units on Corps
structures and have found field tests to be inconclusive. No proven analytical method is known for
predicting what wave conditions will cause breakage or what type or amount of reinforcement will
prevent it.
Projects using tetrapods, tribars, quadripods, and dolosse in the United States are listed in
Table 7-11.
Design of Structure Cross-Section. A rubble structure is normally composed of a
bedding layer and a core of quarry-run stone covered by one or more layers or larger stone and an
exterior layer(s) of large quarrystone or concrete armor units. Typical rubble-mound cross
sections are shown in Figures 7-116 and 7-117. Figure 7-116 illustrates cross-section features
typical of designs for breakwaters exposed to waves on one side (seaward) and intended to allow
minimal wave transmission to the other (leeward) side. Breakwaters of this type are usually
designed with crests elevated such that overtopping occurs only in very severe storms with long
return periods. Figure 7-117 shows features common to designs where the breakwater may be
exposed to substantial wave action from both sides, such as the outer portions of jetties, and
where overtopping is allowed to be more frequent. Both figures show both a more complex
"idealized" cross section and a "recommended" cross section. The idealized cross section provides
more complete use of the range of materials typically available from a quarry, but is more difficult
to construct. The recommended cross section takes into account some of the practical problems
involved in constructing submerged features.
The right-hand column of the table in these figures gives the rock-size gradation of each layer
as a percent of the average layer rock size given in the left-hand column. To prevent smaller rocks
in an underlayer from being pulled through an overlayer by wave action, the following criterion for
filter design (Sowers and Sowers, 1970) may be used to check the rock-size gradations given in
Figures 7-116 and 7-117.
D15 (cover) 5 D85 (under)
where D85 (under) is the diameter exceeded by the coarsest 15 percent of the underlayer and D15
(cover) is the diameter exceeded by the coarsest 85 percent of the layer immediately above the



Figure 7-116.

Rubble-mound section for seaward wave exposure with zero-to-moderate

overtopping conditions.


Figure 7-117. Rubble-mound section for wave exposure on both sides with moderate overtopping


Stone sizes are given by weight in Figures 7-116 and 7-117 since the armor in the cover
layers is selected by weight at the quarry, but the smaller stone sizes are selected by dimension
using a sieve or a grizzly. Thomsen, Wohlt, and Harrison (1972) found that the sieve size of stone
corresponds approximately to 1.15
, where W is the stone weight and wr is the stone
unit weight, both in the same units of mass or force. As an aid to understanding the stone sizes
referenced in Figures 7-116 and 7-117, Table 7-12 lists weights and approximate dimensions of
stones of 25.9 kilonewtons per cubic meter (165 pounds per cubic foot) unit weight. The
dimension given for stone weighing several tons is approximately the size the stone appears to
visual inspection. Multiples of these dimensions should not be used to determine structure
geometry since the stone intermeshes when placed.
A logic diagram for the preliminary design of a rubble structure is shown in Figure 7-118.
The design can be considered in three phases: (1) structure geometry, (2) evaluation of
construction technique, and (3) evaluation of design materials. A logic diagram for evaluation of
the preliminary design is shown in Figure 7-119.
As part of the design analysis indicated in the logic diagram (Fig. 7-118), the following
structure geometry should be investigated:

Crest elevation and width.

Concrete cap for rubble-mound structures.
Thickness of armor layer and underlayers and number of armor units.
Bottom elevation of primary cover layer.
Toe berm for cover layer stability.
Structure head and lee side cover layer.
Secondary cover layer.
Bedding layer and filter blanket layer.
Scour protection at toe.
Toe berm for foundation stability.

(1) Crest Elevation and Width. Overtopping of a rubble structure such as a

breakwater or jetty usually can be tolerated only if it does not cause damaging waves behind the
structure. Whether overtopping will occur depends on the height of the wave runup R . Wave
runup depends on wave characteristics, structure slope, porosity, and roughness of the cover
layer. If the armor layer is chinked, or in other ways made smoother or less permeable--as a
graded riprap slope--the limit of maximum riprap will be





higher than for rubble slopes (see Section II,1, and Figs. 7-19 and 7-20). The selected crest
elevation should be the lowest that provides the protection required. Excessive overtopping of a
breakwater or jetty can cause choppiness of the water surface behind the structure and can be
detrimental to harbor operations, since operations such as mooring of small craft and most types of
commercial cargo transfer require calm waters. overtopping of a rubble seawall or revetment
can cause serious erosion behind the structure and flooding of the backshore area. Overtopping
of jetties can be tolerated if it does not adversely affect the channel.
The width of the crest depends greatly on the degree of allowable overtopping; where there
will be no overtopping, crest width is not critical. Little study has been made of crest width of a
rubble structure subject to overtopping. Consider as a general guide for overtopping conditions
that the minimum crest width should equal the combined widths of three armor units (n = 3).
Crest width may be obtained from the following equation.

= crest width, m (or ft)

= number of stones (n = 3 is recommended minimum)

= layer coefficient (Table 7-13)

= mass of armor unit in primary cover layer, kg (or weight in lb)


= mass density of armor unit, kg/m3 (or unit weight in lb/ft3)

The crest should be wide enough to accommodate any construction and maintenance
equipment which may be operated from the structure.
Figures 7-116 and 7-117 show the armor units of the primary cover layer, sized using
equation (7-116), extended over the crest. Armor units of this size are probably stable on the crest
for the conditions of minor to no overtopping occurring in the model tests which established the
values of KD in Table 7-8. Such an armor unit size can be used for preliminary design of the
cross section of an overtopped or submerged structure, but model tests are strongly recommended
to establish the required stable armor weight for the crest of a structure exposed to more than minor
overtopping. Concrete armor units placed on the crest of an overtopped structure may be much
less stable than the equivalent quarrystone armor chosen using equation (7-116) on a structure
with no overtopping. In the absence of an analytical method for calculating armor weight for
severely overtopped or submerged structures, especially those armored with concrete units,
hydraulic model tests are necessary. Markle and Carver (1977) have tested heavily overtopped
and submerged quarrystone-armored structures.



(2) Concrete Cap for Rubble-Mound Structures. Placed concrete has been added to
the cover layer of rubble-mound jetties and breakwaters. Such use ranges from filling the
interstices of stones in the cover layer, on the crest, and as far down the slopes as wave action
permits, to casting large monolithic blocks of several hundred kilograms. This concrete may serve
any of four purposes: (a) to strengthen the crest, (b) to deflect overtopping waves away from
impacting directly on the lee side slope, (c) to increase the crest height, and (d) to provide roadway
access along the crest for construction or maintenance purposes.
Massive concrete caps have been used with cover layers of precast concrete armor units to
replace armor units of questionable stability on an overtopped crest and to provide a rigid backup to
the top rows of armor units on the slopes. To accomplish this dual purpose, the cap can be a slab
with a solid or permeable parapet (Czerniak and Collins, 1977; Jensen, 1983; and Fig. 6-64, (see
Ch. 6)), a slab over stone grouted to the bottom elevation of the armor layer (Figs. 6-60 and 6-63,
or a solid or permeable block (Lillevang, 1977, Markle, 1982, and Fig. 6-65)).
Concrete caps with solid vertical or sloped walls reflect waves out through the upper rows
of armor units, perhaps causing loss of those units. Solid slabs and blocks can trap air beneath
them, creating uplift forces during heavy wave action that may crack or tip the cap (Magoon,
Sloan, and Foote, 1974). A permeable cap decreases both of these problems. A parapet can be
made permeable, and vertical vents can be placed through the slab or block itself (Mettam, 1976).
Lillevang (1977) designed a breakwater crest composed of a vented block cap placed on an
unchinked, ungrouted extension of the seaward slope's under-layer, a permeable base reaching
across the crest. Massive concrete caps must be placed after a structure has settled or must be
sufficiently flexible to undergo settlement without breaking up (Magoon, Sloan, and Foote, 1974).
Ribbed caps are a compromise between the solid block and a covering of concrete armor
units. The ribs are large, long, rectangular members of reinforced concrete placed perpendicular
to the axis of a structure in a manner resembling railroad ties. The ribs are connected by
reinforced concrete braces, giving the cap the appearance of a railroad track running along the
structure crest. This cap serves to brace the upper units on the slopes, yet is permeable in both the
horizontal and vertical directions. Ribbed caps have been used on Corps breakwaters at Maalea
Harbor (Carver and Markle, 1981a), at Kahului (Markle, 1982), on Maui, and at Pohoiki Bay, all
in the State of Hawaii.
Waves overtopping a concrete cap can damage the leeside armor layer (Magoon, Sloan, and
Foote, 1974). The width of the cap and the shape of its lee side can be designed to deflect
overtopping waves away from the structure's lee side (Czerniak and Collins, 1977; Lillevang,
1977; and Jensen, 1983). Ribbed caps help dissipate waves.
High parapet walls have been added to caps to deflect overtopping seaward and allow the
lowering of the crest of the rubble mound itself. These walls present the same reflection problems
described above and complicate the design


of a stable cap (Mettam, 1976; Jensen, 1983). Hydraulic model tests by Carver and Davidson
(1976; 1983) have investigated the stability of caps with high parapet walls proposed for Corps
To evaluate the need for a massive concrete cap to increase structural stability against
overtopping, consideration should be given to the cost of including a cap versus the cost of
increasing dimensions (a) to prevent overtopping and (b) for construction and maintenance
purposes. A massive concrete cap is not necessary for the structural stability of a structure
composed of concrete armor units when the difference in elevation between the crest and the limit
of wave runup on the projected slope above the structure is less than 15 percent of the total wave
runup. For this purpose, an all-rubble structure is preferable, and a concrete cap should be used
only if substantial savings would result. Maintenance costs for an adequately designed rubble
structure are likely to be lower than for any alternative composite-type structure.
The cost of a concrete cap should also be compared to the cost of covering the crest with
flexible, permeable concrete armor units, perhaps larger than those used on the slopes, or large
quarrystone armor. Bottin, Chatham, and Carver (1976) conducted model tests on an overtopped
breakwater with dolos armor on the seaward slope, but with large quarrystone on the crest. The
breakwater at Pria, Terceria, Azores, was repaired using large quarrystone instead of a concrete
cap on the crest to support the primary tetrapod armor units. Two rows of large armor stones were
placed along the shoreward side of the crest to stabilize the top row of tetrapods. An inspection in
March 1970 indicated that this placement has performed satisfactorily even though the structure has
been subjected to wave overtopping.
Hydraulic model tests are recommended to determine the most stable and economical crest
designs for major structures.
Experience indicates that concrete placed in the voids on the structure slopes has little
structural value. By reducing slope roughness and surface porosity, the concrete increases wave
runup. The effective life of the concrete is short, because the bond between concrete and stone is
quickly broken by structure settlement. Such filling increases maintenance costs. For a roadway,
a concrete cap can usually be justified if frequent maintenance of armored slopes is anticipated. A
smooth surface is required for wheeled vehicles; tracked equipment can be used on ribbed caps.
(3) Thickness of Armor Layer and Underlayers and Number of Armor Units. The
thickness of the cover and underlayers and the number of armor units required can be determined
from the following formulas:

where r is the average layer thickness in meters (or feet), n is the number of quarrystone or
concrete armor units in thickness comprising the cover layer, W is the mass of individual armor
units in kilograms (or weight in pounds), and wr is the mass density in kilograms per cubic meter
(or unit weight in pounds per cubic foot). The placing density is given by


where Nr is the required number of individual armor units for a given surface area, A is surface
area, k is the layer coefficient, and P is the average porosity of the cover layer in percent.
Values of k and P, determined experimentally, are presented in Table 7-13.
The thickness r of a layer of riprap is either 0.30 m, or one of the following:
where W50 is the weight of the 50 percent size in the gradation, or
where Wmax is the heaviest stone in the gradation, whichever of the three is the greatest. The
specified layer thickness should be increased by 50 percent for riprap placed underwater if
conditions make placement to design dimensions difficult. The placing density of riprap is
calculated as the weight of stone placed per unit area of structure slope, based on the measured
weight per unit volume of riprap. The placing density may be estimated as the product of the layer
thickness r , the unit weight of the rock wr , and
(4). Bottom Elevation of Primary Cover Layer. The armor units in the cover layer
(the weights are obtained by eq. 7-116) should be extended downslope to an elevation below
minimum SWL equal to the design wave height H when the structure is in a depth > 1.5H , as
shown in Figure 7-116. When the structure is in a depth < 1.5H , armor units should be extended
to the bottom, as shown in Figure 7-117.
On revetments located in shallow water, the primary cover layer should be extended seaward
of the structure toe on the natural bottom slope as scour protection.
The larger values of KD for special-placement parallelepiped stone in Table 7-8 can be
obtained only if a toe mound is carefully placed to support the quarrystones with their long axes
perpendicular to the structure slope (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1979). For dolosse, it is
recommended that the bottom rows of units in the primary cover layer be "special placed" on top of
the secondary cover layer (Fig. 7-116), the toe berm (Fig. 7-117), or the bottom itself, whenever
wave conditions and water clarity permit. Site-specific model studies have been performed with
the bottom units placed with their vertical flukes away from the slope and the second row of
dolosse placed on or overtopping the horizontal flukes of the lower units to assure that the units
interlock with the random-placed units farther up the slope (Carver, 1976;


Bottin, Chatham, and Carver, 1976). The tests indicated that special placement of the
bottom dolosse produces better toe stability than random placement. The seaward dolosse in the
bottom row should be placed with the bottom of the vertical flukes one-half the length of the units
(dimension C in Fig. 7-112) back from the design surface of the primary armor layer to produce
the design layer thickness. Model tests to determine the bottom elevation of the primary cover
layer and the type of armor placement should be made whenever economically feasible.
(5) Toe Berm for Cover Layer Stability. As illustrated in Figure 7-117, structures
exposed to breaking waves should have their primary cover layers supported by a quarrystone toe
berm. For preliminary design purposes the quarrystone in the toe berm should weigh W/10 ,
where W is the weight of quarrystone required for the primary cover layer as calculated by
equation (7-116) for site conditions. The toe berm stone can be sized in relation to W even if
concrete units are used as primary armor. The width of the top of the berm is calculated using
equation (7-120), with n = 3 . The minimum height of the berm is calculated using equation (7121), with n = 2 .
Model tests can establish whether the stone size or berm dimensions should be varied for the
final design. Tests may show an advantage to adding a toe berm to a structure exposed to
nonbreaking waves.
The toe berm may be placed before or after the adjacent cover layer. It must be placed first,
as a base, when used with special-placement quarrystone or uniform-placement tribars. When
placed after the cover layer, the toe berm must be high enough to provide bracing up to at least half
the height of the toe armor units. The dimensions recommended above will exceed this
(6) Structure Head and Lee Side Cover Layer. Armoring of the head of a breakwater
or jetty should be the same on the lee side slope as on the seaside slope for a distance of about 15
to 45 meters from the structure end. This distance depends on such factors as structure length and
crest elevation at the seaward end.
Design of the lee side cover layer is based on the extent of wave overtopping, waves and
surges acting directly on the lee slope, porosity of the structure, and differential hydrostatic head
resulting in uplift forces which tend to dislodge the back slope armor units.
If the crest elevation is established to prevent possible overtopping, the weight of armor units
and the bottom elevation of the back slope cover layer should theoretically depend on the lesser
wave action on the lee side and the porosity of the structure. When minor overtopping is
anticipated, the armor weight calculated for the seaward side primary cover layer should be used on
the lee side, at least down to the SWL or -0.5 H for preliminary design; however, model testing
may be required to establish an armor weight stable under overtopping wave impact. Primary
armor on the lee side should be carried to the bottom for breakwaters with heavy overtopping in
shallow water (breaking wave conditions), as shown in Figure 7-117. Equation 7-116 cannot be
used with values of KD listed in Table 7-8 calculate leeside armor weight under overtopping,
since the KD values were established for armor on


the seaward side and may be incorrect for leeside concrete or quarrystone units (Merrifield, 1977;
Lillevang, 1977). The presence of a concrete cap will also affect overtopping forces on the lee
side in ways that must be quantified by modeling. When both side slopes receive similar wave
action (as with groins or jetties), both sides should be of similar design.
(7) Secondary Cover Layer. If the armor units in the primary and secondary cover layers
are of the same material, the weight of armor units in the secondary cover layer, between -1.5 H
and -2.0 H, should be greater than about one-half the weight of armor units in the primary cover
layer. Below -2.0 H, the weight requirements can be reduced to about W/15 for the same slope
condition (see Fig. 7-116). If the primary cover layer is of quarrystone, the weights for the
secondary quarrystone layers should be ratioed from the weight of quarrystone that would be
required for the primary cover layer. The use of a single size of concrete armor for all cover
layers--i.e., upgrading the secondary cover layer to the same size as the primary cover layer--may
prove to be economically advantageous when the structure is located in shallow water (Fig. 7-117);
in other words, with depth d 1.5 H, armor units in the primary cover layer should be extended
down the entire slope.
The secondary cover layer (Fig. 7-116) from -1.5 H to the bottom should be as thick as or
thicker than the primary cover layer. For cover layers of quarrystone, for example, and for the
preceding ratios between the armor weight W in the primary cover layer and the quarrystone
weight in the secondary cover layers, this means that if n = 2 for the primary cover layer (two
quarrystones thick) then n = 2.5 for the secondary cover layer from -H to -2.0 H and n = 5
for that part of the secondary cover layer below -2.0 H.
The interfaces between the secondary cover layers and the primary cover layer are shown at
the slope of 1-on-1.5 in Figure 7-116. Steeper slopes for the interfaces may contribute to the
stability of the cover armor, but material characteristics and site wave conditions during
construction may require using a flatter slope than that shown.
(8) Underlayers. The first underlayer directly beneath the primary armor units should have
a minimum thickness of two quarrystones (n = 2) (see Figs. 7-116 and 7-117). For preliminary
design these should weigh about one-tenth the weight of the overlying armor units (W/10) if (a) the
cover layer and first underlayer are both quarrystone, or (b) the first underlayer is quarrystone and
the cover layer is concrete armor units with a stability coefficient KD 12 (where KD is for
units on a trunk exposed to nonbreaking waves). When the cover layer is of armor units with
KD > 12 such as dolosse, toskanes, and tribars (placed uniformly in a single layer), the first
underlayer quarrystone weight should be about W/5 or one-fifth the weight of the overlying
armor units. The larger size is recommended to increase interlocking between the first underlayer
and the armor units of high KD . Carver and Davidson (1977) and Carver (1980) found, from
hydraulic model tests of quarrystone armor units and dolosse placed on a breakwater trunk
exposed to nonbreaking waves, that the underlayer stone size could range from W/5 to W/20 ,
with little effect on stability, runup, or rundown. If the underlayer stone proposed for a given
structure is available in weights from W/5 to W/20 , the structure should be model tested with a
first underlayer of the available stone before the design is made final. The tests


will determine whether this economical material will support a stable primary cover layer of the
planned armor units when exposed to the site conditions.
The second underlayer beneath the primary cover layer and upper secondary cover layer
(above -2.0 H) should have a minimum equivalent thickness of two quarrystones; these should
weight about one-twentieth the weight of the immediately overlying quarrystones (1/20 x W/10
= W/200 for quarrystone and some concrete primary armor units).
The first underlayer beneath the lower secondary cover layer (below -2.0 H), should also
have a minimum of two thicknesses of quarrystone (see Fig. 7-116); these should weigh about
one-twentieth of the immediately overlying armor unit weight (1/20 x W/15 = W/300 for units of
the same material). The second underlayer for the secondary armor below -2.0 H can be as light
as W/6,000 , or equal to the core material size.
Note in the "recommended" section of Figure 7-116 that when the primary armor is
quarrystone and/or concrete units with KD 12 , the first underlayer and second (below -2.0 H)
quarrystone sizes are W/10 to W/15. If the primary armor is concrete armor units with KD >
12 , the first underlayer and secondary (below -2.0 H) quarrystone sizes are W/5 and W/10.
For a graded riprap cover layer, the minimum requirement for the under-layers, if one or
more are necessary, is
D15 (cover) 5D85 (under)
where D15 (cover) is the diameter exceeded by the coarsest 85 percent of the riprap or underlayer
on top and D85 (under) is the diameter exceeded by the coarsest 15 percent of the underlayer or
soil below (Ahrens, 1981). For a revetment, if the riprap and the underlying soil satisfy the size
criterion, no underlayer is necessary; otherwise, one or more are required. The size criterion for
riprap is more restrictive than the general filter criterion given at the beginning of Section III,7,g,
above, and repeated below. The riprap criterion requires larger stone in the lower layer to prevent
the material from washing through the voids in the upper layer as its stones shift under wave
action. A more conservative underlayer than that required by the minimum criterion may be
constructed of stone with a 50 percent size of about W50/20. This larger stone will produce a
more permeable underlayer, perhaps reducing runup, and may increase the interlocking between
the cover layer and underlayer; but its gradation must be checked against that of the underlying soil
in accordance with the criterion given above.
The underlayers should be at least three 50 percent-size stones thick, but not less than 0.23
meter (Ahrens, 1981). The thickness can be calculated using equation (7-123) with a coefficient
of 3 rather than 2. Note that, since a revetment is placed directly on the soil or fill of the bank it
protects, a single underlayer also functions as a bedding layer or filter blanket.
(9) Filter Blanket or Bedding Layer. Foundation conditions for marine structures require
thorough evaluation. Wave action against a rubble


structure, even at depths usually considered unaffected by such action, creates turbulence within
both the structure and the underlying soil that may draw the soil into the structure, allowing the
rubble itself to sink. Revetments and seawalls placed on sloping beaches and banks must
withstand groundwater pressure tending to wash underlying soil through the structure. When
large quarrystones are placed directly on a sand foundation at depths where waves and currents act
on the bottom (as in the surf zone), the rubble will settle into the sand until it reaches the depth
below which the sand will not be disturbed by the currents. Large amounts of rubble may be
required to allow for the loss of rubble because of settlement. This settlement, in turn, can provide
a stable foundation; but a rubble structure can be protected from excessive settlement resulting from
leaching, undermining, or scour, by the use of either a filter blanket or bedding layer.
It is advisable to use a filter blanket or bedding layer to protect the foundations of rubblemound structures from undermining except (a) where depths are greater than about three times
the maximum wave height, (b) where the anticipated current velocities are too weak to move the
average size of foundation material, or (c) where the foundation is a hard, durable material (such as
When the rubble structure is founded on cohesionless soil, especially sand, a filter blanket
should be provided to prevent differential wave pressures, currents, and groundwater flow
from creating a quick condition in the foundation by removing sand through voids of the rubble
and thus causing settlement. A filter blanket under a revetment may have to retain the foundation
soil while passing large volumes of groundwater. Foundations of coarse gravel may be too heavy
and permeable to produce a quick condition, while cohesive foundation material may be too
A foundation that does not require a filter blanket may require a protective bedding
layer. A bedding layer prevents erosion during and after construction by dissipating forces from
horizontal wave, tide, and longshore currents. It also acts as a bearing layer that spreads the load
of overlying stone (a) on the foundation soil to prevent excessive or differential settlement, and
(b) on the filter material to prevent puncture. It interlocks with the overlying stone, increasing
structure stability on slopes and near the toe. In many cases a filter blanket is required to hold
foundation soil in place but a bedding layer is required to hold the filter in place. Gradation
requirements of a filter layer depend principally on the size characteristics of the foundation
material. If the criterion for filter design (Sowers and Sowers, 1970) is used, D15 (filter) is less
than or equal to 5D85 (foundation) (i.e., the diameter exceeded by the coarsest 85 percent of the
filter material must be less than or equal to 5 times the diameter exceeded by the coarsest 15
percent of the foundation material) to ensure that the pores in the filter are too small to allow
passage of the soil. Depending on the weight of the quarrystone in the structure, a geotextile filter
may be used (a) instead of a mineral blanket, or (b) with a thinner mineral blanket. Geotextiles
are discussed in Chapter 6 and by Moffatt and Nichol, Engineers (1983) and Eckert and Callender
(1984), who present detailed requirements for using geotextile filters beneath quarrystone armor
in coastal structures. A geotextile, coarse gravel, or crushed stone filter may be


placed directly over a sand, but silty and clayey soils and some fine sands must be covered by a
coarser sand first. A bedding layer may consist of quarry spalls or other crushed stone, of gravel,
or of stone-filled gabions. Quarry spalls, ranging in size from 0.45 to 23 kilograms, will generally
suffice if placed over a geotextile or coarse gravel (or crushed stone) filter meeting the stated filter
design criteria for the foundation soil. Bedding materials must be placed with care on geotextiles to
prevent damage to the fabric from the bedding materials, as well as from heavier materials placed
Filter blanket or bedding layer thickness depends generally on the depth of water in which the
material is to be placed and the size of quarrystone used, but should not be less than 0.3 meter to
ensure that bottom irregularities are completely covered. A filter blanket or bedding layer may be
required only beneath the bottom edge of the cover and underlayers if the core material will not
settle into or allow erosion of foundation material. Core material that is considerably coarser than
the underlying foundation soil may need to be placed on a blanket or layer as protection against
scour and settlement. It is also common practice to extend the bedding layer at least 1.5 meters
beyond the toe of the cover stone. Details of typical rubble structures are shown in Chapter 6,
STRUCTURAL FEATURES. In low rubble-mound structures composed entirely of cover and
underlayers, leaving no room for a core, the bedding layer is extended across the full width of the
structure. Examples are low and submerged breakwaters intended to control sand transport by
dissipating waves (Markle and Carver, 1977) and small breakwaters for harbor protection (Carver
and Markle, 1981b).

Stability of Rubble Foundations and Toe Protection.

Forces of waves on rubble structures have been studied by several investigators (see Section
7, above). Brebner and Donnelly (1962) studied stability criteria for random-placed rubble of
uniform shape and size used as foundation and toe protection at vertical-faced, composite
structures. In their experiments, the shape and size of the rubble units were uniform, that is,
subrounded to subangular beach gravel of 2.65 specific gravity. In practice, the rubble foundation
and toe protection would be constructed with a core of dumped quarry-run material. The
superstructure might consist of concrete or timber cribs founded on the core material or a pair of
parallel-tied walls of steel sheet piling driven into the rubble core. Finally, the apron and side slope
of the core should be protected from erosion by a cover layer of armor units (see Sec. d and e
Design Wave Heights. For a composite breakwater with a superstructure resting
directly on a rubble-mound foundation, structural integrity may depend on the ability of the
foundation to resist the erosive scour by the highest waves. Therefore, it is suggested that the
selected design wave height H for such structures be based on the following:
(1) For critical structures at open exposed sites where failure would be disastrous,
and in the absence of reliable wave records, the design wave height H should be the average
height of the highest 1 percent of all waves H1 expected during an extreme event, based on the
deepwater significant wave height Ho corrected for refraction and shoaling. (Early


breaking might prevent the 1 percent wave from reaching the structure; if so, the maximum wave
that could reach the structure should be taken for the design value of H .)
(2) For less critical structures, where some risk of exceeding design assumptions is
allowable, wave heights between H10 and H1 are acceptable.
The design wave for rubble toe protection is also between H10 and H1.
Stability Number. The stability number (Ns ) is primarily affected by the depth of the
rubble foundation and toe protection below the still-water level d1 and by the water depth at the
structure site, ds . The relation between the depth ratio d1/ds and N3s is indicated in Figure 7120. The cube value of the stability number has been used in the figure to facilitate its substitution
in equation (7-125).
Armor Stone. The equation used to determine the armor stone weight is a form of
equation (7-116):


= mean weight of individual armor unit, newtons or pounds.


= unit weight of rock (saturated surface dry), newtons per cubic meter or pounds per
cubic foot (Note: substitution of r , the mass density of the armor material in
kilograms per cubic meter or slugs per cubic foot, will yield W in units of mass
(kilograms or slugs)

= design wave height (i.e., the incident wave height causing no damage to the


= specific gravity of rubble or armor stone relative to the water on which the structure is
situated (Sr = w r /ww )


= unit weight of water, fresh water = 9,800 newtons per cubic meter (62.4 pounds per
cubic foot), seawater = 10,047 newtons per cubic meter (64.0 pounds per cubic


, where w is the mass density of the

substitution of

water at the structure, for (Sr - 1)3 yields the same result.)

= design stability number for rubble foundations and toe protection (see Fig. 7-120).


Figure 7-120. Stability number Ns for rubble foundation and toe protection.


Scour Protection. The forces causing loss of foundation soil from beneath a rubblemound structure are accentuated at the structure toe. Wave pressure differentials and groundwater
flow may produce a quick condition at the toe, then currents may carry the suspended soil away.
A shallow scour hole may remove support for the cover layers, allowing them to slump down the
face, while a deep hole may destabilize the slope of the structure, over-steepening it until bearing
failure in the foundation soil allows the whole face to slip. Toe protection in the form of an apron
must prevent such damage while remaining in place under wave and current forces and conforming
to an uneven bottom that may be changing as erosion occurs.
Toe scour is a complex process. The toe apron width and stone size required to prevent it are
related to the wave and current intensity; the bottom material; and the slope, roughness, and shape
of the structure face. No definitive method for designing toe protection is known, but some general
guidelines for planning toe protection are given below. The guidelines will provide only
approximate quantities which may require doubling to be conservative, in some cases. A
detailed study of scour in the natural bottom and near existing structures should be conducted at a
planned site, and model studies should be considered before determining a final design.
(1) Minimum Design. Hales (1980) surveyed scour protection practices in the United
States and found that the minimum toe apron was an extension of the bedding layer and any
accompanying filter blanket measuring 0.6 to 1.0 meter thick and 1.5 meters wide. In the
northwest United States, including Alaska, aprons are commonly 1.0 to 1.5 meters thick and 3.0
to 7.5 meters wide. Materials used, for example, were bedding of quarry-run stone up to 0.3
meter in dimension or of gabions 0.3 meter thick; core stone was used if larger than the bedding
and required for stability against wave and current forces at the toe.
(2) Design for Maximum Scour Force. The maximum scour force occurs where
wave downrush on the structure face extends to the toe. Based on Eckert (1983), the minimum toe
apron will be inadequate protection against wave scour if the following two conditions hold. The
first is the occurrence of water depth at the toe that is less than twice the height of the maximum
expected unbroken wave that can exist in that water depth. The maximum unbroken wave is
discussed in Chapter 5 and is calculated using the maximum significant wave height Hsm from
Figure 3-21, and methods described in Section I of this chapter. Available wave data can be used
to determine which calculated wave heights can actually be expected for different water levels at the
The second condition that precludes the use of a minimum toe apron is a structure wave
reflection coefficient that equals or exceeds 0.25, which is generally true for slopes steeper than
about 1 on 3. If the reflection coefficient is lower than the limit, much of the wave force will be
dissipated on the structure face and the minimum apron width may be adequate. If the toe apron is
exposed above the water, especially if waves break directly on it, the minimum quarrystone weight
will be inadequate, whatever the slope.
(3) Tested Designs. Movable bed model tests of toe scour protection for a
quarrystone-armored jetty with a slope of 1 on 1.25 were performed by Lee (1970; 1972). The
tests demonstrated that a layer two stones thick of


stone weighing about one-thirtieth the weight of primary cover layer armor (W/30) was stable as
cover for a core-stone apron in water depths of more than one but less than two wave heights. The
width of the tested aprons was four to six of the aprons cover layer stones, and so could be
calculated using equation (7-120) with n = 4 to 6 and W = wr /30
Hales (1980) describes jetties, small breakwaters, and revetments with slopes of 1 on 3 or
steeper and toes exposed to intense wave action in shallow water that have their aprons protected
by a one-stone-thick layer of primary cover layer quarrystone. The aprons were at least three to
four cover stones wide; i.e., if equation (7-120) were used, n = 3 to 4 and W = wr . In Hawaii,
the sediment beneath the toes of such structures was excavated down to coral; or, if the sand was
too deep, the toe apron was placed in a trench 0.6 to 2.0 meters deep.
(4) Materials. The quarrystone of the structure underlayers, secondary cover
layer, toe mound for cover layer stability, or the primary cover layer itself can be extended over a
toe apron as protection, the size of which depends on the water depth, toe apron thickness, and
wave height. Eckert (1983) recommended that, in the absence of better guidance, the weight of
cover for a submerged toe exposed to waves in shallow water be chosen using the curve in Figure
7-120 for a rubble-mound foundation beneath a vertical structure and equation (7-125) as a guide.
The design wave height H to be used in equation (7-125) is the maximum expected unbroken
wave that occurs at the structure during an extreme event, and the design water depth is the
minimum that occurs with the design wave height. Since scour aprons generally are placed on
very flat slopes, quarrystone of the size in an upper secondary cover layer wr /2 probably will be
the heaviest required unless the apron is exposed above the water surface during wave action.
Quarrystone of primary cover layer size may be extended over the toe apron if the stone will be
exposed in the troughs of waves, especially breaking waves. The minimum thickness of cover
over the toe apron should be two quarrystones, unless primary cover layer stone is used.
(5) Shallow-Water Structures. The width of the apron for shallow-water structures
with reflection coefficients equalling or greater than 0.25 can be planned from the structure slope
and the expected scour depth. As discussed in Chapter 5, the maximum depth of a scour trough
due to wave action below the natural bed is about equal to the maximum expected unbroken wave
at the site. To protect the stability of the face, the toe soil must be kept in place beneath a surface
defined by an extension of the face surface into the bottom to the maximum depth of scour. This
can be accomplished by burying the toe, where construction conditions permit, thereby extending
the face into an excavated trench the depth of the expected scour. Where an apron must be placed
on the existing bottom or only can be partially buried, its width can be made equal to that of a
buried toe; i.e., equal to the product of the expected scour depth and the cotangent of the face slope
(6) Current Scour. Toe protection against currents may require smaller protective
stone, but wider aprons. Stone size can be estimated from Section IV below. The current velocity
used for selecting stone size, the scour depth to be expected, and the resulting toe apron width
required can be


estimated from site hydrography, measured current velocities, and model studies (Hudson et
al., 1979). Special attention must be given to sections of the structure where scour is intensified;
i.e. to the head, areas of a section change in alinement, bar crossings, the channel sides of jetties,
and the downdrift sides of groins. Where waves and currents occur together, Eckert (1983)
recommends increasing the cover size by a factor of 1.5. The stone size required for a combination
of wave and current scour can be used out to the width calculated for wave scour protection;
smaller stone can be used beyond that point for current scour protection. Note that the
conservatism of the apron width estimates depends on the accuracy of the methods used to predict
the maximum depth of scour.
(7) Revetments. Revetments commonly are typically the smallest and most lightly
armored of coastal protective structures, yet their failure leads directly to loss of property and can
put protected structures in jeopardy. They commonly are constructed above the design water level
or in very shallow water where their toes are likely to be exposed to intense wave and current
forces during storms. For these reasons, their toes warrant special protection.
Based on guidance in EM 1110-2-1614 (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1984), the cover
for the toe apron of a revetment exposed to waves in shallow water should be an extension of the
lowest cover layer on the revetment slope. Only the cover thickness is varied to increase stability.
The toe apron should be buried wherever possible, with the revetment cover layer extended into the
bottom for at least the distance of 1 meter or the maximum expected unbroken wave height,
whichever is greater. If scour activity is light, the thickness of the cover on the buried toe can be a
minimum of two armor stones or 50 percent size stones in a riprap gradation, the same as on the
slope. For more intense scour, the cover thickness should be doubled and the extension depth
increased by a factor of up to 1.5. For the most severe scour, the buried toe should be extended
horizontally an additional distance equal to twice the toe's depth, that is, 2 to 3 times the design
wave height (see Fig. 7-121).
If the apron is a berm placed on the existing bottom and the cover is quarrystone armor, the
cover thickness may be as little as one stone and the apron width may be three to four stones. A
thickness of two stones and a width equal to that of a buried toe is more conservative and
recommended for a berm covered by riprap. For the most severe wave scour the thickness should
be doubled and a width equal to 3 to 4.5 design wave heights used, as illustrated in Figure 7121. According to EM 1110-2-1601 (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1970), the width of a toe
apron exposed to severe current scour should be five times the thickness of the revetment cover
layer, whether the toe is buried or a berm.
If a geotextile filter is used beneath the toe apron of a revetment or a structure that passes
through the surf zone, such as a groin, the geotextile should not be extended to the outer edge of
the apron. It should stop about a meter from the edge to protect it from being undermined. As an
alternative, the geotextile may be extended beyond the edge of the apron, folded back over the
bedding layer and some of the cover stone, and then buried in cover stone and sand to form a
Dutch toe. This additionally stable form of toe is illustrated as an option in Figure 7-121.




Figure 7-121. Revetment toe scour aprons for severe wave scour.
If a revetment is overtopped, even by minor splash, the stability can be affected.
Overtopping can (a) erode the area above or behind the revetment, negating the structure's purpose;
(b) remove soil supporting the top of the revetment, leading to the unraveling of the structure from
the top down; and (c) increase the volume of water in the soil beneath the structure, contributing to
drainage problems. The effects of overtopping can be limited by choosing a design height
exceeding the expected runup height or by armoring the bank above or behind the revetment with a
splash apron. The splash apron


can be a filter blanket covered by a bedding layer and, if necessary to prevent scour by splash,
quarrystone armor or riprap; i.e., an apron similar in design to a toe apron. The apron can also be
a pavement of concrete or asphalt which serves to divert overtopping water away from the
revetment, decreasing the volume of groundwater beneath the structure.
Toe Berm for Foundation Stability. Once the geometry and material weights of a
structure are known, the structure's bearing pressure on the underlying soil can be calculated.
Structure settlement can be predicted using this information, and the structure's stability against a
slip failure through the underlying soil can be analyzed (Eckert and Callender, 1984). If a bearing
failure is considered possible, a quarrystone toe berm sufficiently heavy to prevent slippage can be
built within the limit of the slip circle. This berm can be combined with the toe berm supporting the
cover layer and the scour apron into one toe construction.
If the vertical structure being protected by a toe berm is a cantilevered or anchored sheet-pile
bulkhead, the width of the berm B must be sufficient to cover the zone of passive earth support in
front of the wall. Eckert and Callender (1984) describe methods of determining the width of this
zone. As an approximation, B should be the greatest of (a) twice the depth of pile penetration,
(b) twice the design wave height, or (c) 0.4 ds (Eckert, 1983). If the vertical structure is a
gravity retaining wall, the width of the zone to be protected can be estimated as the wall height, the
design wave height, or 0.4 ds , whichever is greatest.
In the design of channel revetments, the armor stone along the channel slope should be able
to withstand anticipated current velocities without being displaced (Cox, 1958; Cambell, 1966).
The design armor weight is chosen by calculating the local boundary shear expected to act on
a revetment and the shear that a design stone weight can withstand. Since the local boundary shear
is a function of the revetment surface roughness, and the roughness is a function of the stone size,
a range of stone sizes must be evaluated until a size is found which is stable under the shear it
When velocities near the revetment boundaries are available from model tests, prototype
measurements, or other means, the local boundary shear is


= local boundary shear

= the velocity at a distance y above the boundary


= equivalent armor unit diameter; i.e.,


wr = armor unit weight for uniform stone
W = W50 min for riprap
The maximum velocity of tidal currents in midchannel through a navigation opening as given by
Sverdrup, Johnson, and Fleming (1942) can be approximated by

= maximum velocity at center of opening

= period of tide

= surface area of harbor

= cross section area of openings

= tidal range

The current velocity at the sides of the channel is about two-thirds the velocity at midchannel;
therefore, the velocity against the revetments at the sides can be approximated by
If no prototype or model current velocities are available, this velocity can be used as an
approximation of V and to calculate the local boundary shear.
If the channel has a uniform cross section with identical bed and bank armor materials, on a
constant bottom slope over a sufficient distance to produce uniform channel flow at normal depth
and velocity, velocity can be calculated using the procedures described in Appendix IV of EM
1110-2-1601 (Office, Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army, 1970), or Hydraulic Design Charts
available from the U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss.). In
tidal channels, different water surface elevations at the ends of the channel are used to find the
water surface elevation difference that gives the maximum flow volume and flow velocity. If the
conditions described above hold, such that the flow if fully rough and the vertical velocity
distribution is logarithmic, the local boundary shear b is




= average local velocity in the vertical

= depth at site (V is average over this depth)

If the channel is curved, the computed local boundary shear should be multiplied by a factor
appropriate for that cross section (available in EM 1110-2-1601, Office, Chief of Engineers,
1970). If the conditions described above leading to a uniform channel flow at normal depth and
velocity do not exist, as they will not for most tidal channels, the local boundary shear computed
from the equation above should be increased by a factor of 1.5.
If the local boundary shear can be calculated by using the average velocity over depth, it
should also be calculated using an estimated velocity at the revetment surface, as described in the
two methods above. The calculated local boundary shears can be compared and the most
conservative used.
Calculate the riprap design shear or armor stone design shear using
= 0.040 (wr - Wr ) dg


where = design shear for the channel bottom if essentially level, and


design shear for channel side slopes

angle of side slope with horizontal

angle of repose of the riprap (normally about 40o)

For all graded stone armor (riprap), the gradation should have the following relations
to the computed value for W50 min :
W100 max

= 5 W50 min


W100 min

= 2 W50 min


W50 max

= 1.5 W 50 min


W15 max

= 0.5 W 50 max



W15 max

= 0.75 W 50 min


W15 min

= 0.31 W 50 min


If stone is placed above water, the layer thickness is

, or 0.3 m (12 in.) minimum


, or 0.5 m (18 in.) minimum


If stone is placed below water,

to account for inaccuracy in placement.

Equations (7-133) through (7-138) are used by choosing a layer thickness for a type of
placement, then calculating the dg for W 50 min (dg min ) and for W50 max (d g max ) . The
local boundary shear should be calculated using dg max ; the design shear should be calculated
using dg min . If the design shear matches or exceeds the local boundary shear, the layer thickness
and stone sizes are correct.
For uniform stone, dg is uniform so that the same value is used for calculating the local
boundary and design shears. In the special case where the velocity is known within 3 meters of
the surface of the revetment, the local boundary shear equation for velocities near the revetment
surface can be used with y set equal to dg This gives

Setting this equal to the armor stone design shear, and solving the result for V gives




This is Isbash's equation for stone embedded in the bottom of a sloped channel modified for stone
embedded in a bank with angle to the horizontal (the coefficient 1.20 is Isbash's constant for
embedded stone). From this, the armor stone weight required to withstand the velocity V is as



Impact forces are an important design consideration for shore structures because of the
increased use of thin flood walls and gated structures as part of hurricane protection barriers. High
winds of a hurricane propelling small pleasure craft, barges, and floating debris can cause great
impact forces on a structure. Large floating ice masses also cause large horizontal impact forces.
If site and functional condition require the inclusion of impact forces in the design, other measures
should be taken: either the depth of water against the face of the structure should be limited by
providing a rubble-mound absorber against the face of the wall, or floating masses should be
grounded by building a partially submerged structure seaward of the shore structure that will
eliminate the potential hazard and need for impact design consideration.
In many areas impact hazards may not occur, but where the potential exists (as for harbor
structures), impact forcer should be evaluated from impulse-momentum considerations.
Ice forms are classified by terms that indicate manner of formation or effects produced.
Usual classifications include sheet ice, shale, slush, frazil ice, anchor ice, and agglomerate ice
(Striegl, 1952; Zumberg and Wilson, 1953; Peyton, 1968).
There are many ways ice can affect marine structures. In Alaska and along the Great Lakes,
great care must be exercised in predicting the different ways in which ice can exert forces on
structures and restrict operations. Most situations in which ice affects marine structures are
outlined in Table 7-14.


The amount of expansion of fresh water in cooling from 12.6C (39F) to 0 C (32 F) is
0.0132 percent; in changing from water at 0C (32 F) to ice at 0 C, the amount of expansion is
approximately 9.05 percent, or 685 times as great. A change of ice structure to denser form takes
place when with a temperature lower than -22C (-8F), it is subjected to pressures greater than
about 200 kilonewtons per square meter (30,000 pounds per square inch). Excessive pressure,
with temperatures above -22 C, causes the ice to melt. With the temperature below -22C, the
change to a denser form at high pressure results in shrinkage which relieves pressure. Thus, the
probable maximum pressure that can be produced by water freezing in an enclosed space is
approximately 200 kilonewtons per square meter (30,000 pounds per square inch).
Designs for dams include allowances for ice pressures of as much as 657,000 to 730,000
newtons per meter (45,000 to 50,000 pounds per linear foot). The crushing strength of ice is
about 2,750 kilonewtons per square meter (400 pounds per square inch). Thrust per meter for
various thicknesses of ice is about 43,000 kilograms for 0.5 meter, 86,000 kilograms for 1.0
meter, etc. Structures subject to blows from floating ice should be capable of resisting 97,650 to
120,000 kilograms per square meter (10 to 12 tons per square foot, or 139 to 167 pounds per
square inch) on the area exposed to the greatest thickness of floating ice.
Ice also expands when warmed from temperatures below freezing to a temperature of
0C without melting. Assuming a lake surface free of snow with an average coefficient of
expansion of ice between -7 C (20 F) and 0C equaling 0.0000512 m/m-C , the total
expansion of a sheet of ice a kilometer long for a rise in temperature of 10C (50F) would be 0.5
Normally, shore structures are subject to wave forces comparable in magnitude to the
maximum probable pressure that might be developed by an ice sheet. As the maximum wave
forces and ice thrust cannot occur at the same time, usually no special allowance is made for
overturning stability to resist ice thrust. However, where heavy ice, either in the form of a solid
ice sheet or floating ice fields may occur, adequate precautions must be taken to ensure that the
structure is secure against sliding on its base. Ice breakers may be required in sheltered water
where wave action does not require a heavy structure.
Floating ice fields when driven by a strong wind or current may exert great pressure on
structures by piling up on them in large ice packs. This condition must be given special attention in
the design of small isolated structures. However, because of the flexibility of an ice field,
pressures probably are not as great as those of a solid ice sheet in a confined area.
Ice formations at times cause considerable damage on shores in local areas, but their net
effects are largely beneficial. Spray from winds and waves freezes on the banks and structures
along the shore, covering them with a protective layer of ice. Ice piled on shore by wind and wave
action does not, in general, cause serious damage to beaches, bulkheads, or protective riprap, but
provides additional protection against severe winter waves. Ice often affects impoundment of
littoral drift. Updrift source material is less erodible when frozen, and windrowed ice is a barrier
to shoreward-moving wave energy; therefore, the quantity of material reaching an impounding


is reduced. During the winters of 1951-52, it was estimated that ice caused a reduction in rate of
impoundment of 40 to 50 percent at the Fort Sheridan, Illinois, groin system.
Table 7-14. Effects of ice on marine structures1.

Direct Results of Ice Forces on Structures.

Horizontal forces.

Vertical forces.


Crushing ice failure of laterally moving floating ice sheets.

Bending ice failure of laterally moving floating ice sheets.
Impact by large floating ice masses.
Plucking forces against riprap.

Weight at low tide of ice frozen to structural elements.

Buoyant uplift at high tide of ice masses frozen to structural elements.
Vertical component of ice sheet bending failure introduced by ice breakers.
Diaphragm bending forces during water level change of ice sheets frozen to
structural elements.
Forces created because of superstructure icing by ice spray.

Second-order effects.

Motion during thaw of ice frozen to structural elements.

Expansion of entrapped water within structural elements.
Jamming of rubble between structural framing members.


Indirect Results of Ice Forces on Structures.

Impingement of floating ice sheets on moored ships.
Impact forces by ships during docking which are larger than might normally be
Abrasion and subsequent corrosion of structural elements.


Low-Risk but Catastrophic Considerations.

Collision by a ship caught in fast-moving, ice-covered waters.
Collision by extraordinarily large ice masses of very low probability of occurrence.


Operational Considerations.
Problems of serving offshore facilities in ice-covered waters.
Unusual crane loads.
Difficulty in maneuvering work boats in ice-covered waters.
Limits of ice cover severity during which ships can be moored to docks.
Ship handling characteristics in turning basins and while docking and undocking.
The extreme variability of ice conditions from year to year.
The necessity of developing an ice operations manual to outline the operational limits
for preventing the overstressing of structures.

1After Peyton (1968).


Some abrasion of timber or concrete structures may be caused, and individual members may
be broken or bent by the weight of the ice mass. Piling has been slowly pulled by the repeated
lifting effect of ice freezing to the piles, or to attached members such as wales, and then being
forced upward by a rise in water stage or wave action.
Numerous texts on soil mechanics such as those by Anderson (1948), Hough (1957), and
Terzaghi and Peck (1967) thoroughly discuss this subject. The forces exerted on a wall by soil
backfill depend on the physical characteristics of the soil particles, the degree of soil compaction
and saturation, the geometry of the soil mass, the movements of the wall caused by the action of
the backfill, and the foundation deformation. In wall design, since pressures and pressure
distributions are typically indeterminate because of the factors noted, approximations of their
influence must be made. Guidance for problems of this nature should be sought from one of the
many texts and manuals dedicated to the subject. The following material is presented as a brief

Active Forces.

When a mass of earth is held back by means of a retaining structure, a lateral force is exerted
on the structure. If this is not effectively resisted, the earth mass will fail and a portion of it will
move sideways and downward. The force exerted by the earth on the wall is called active earth
force . Retaining walls are generally designed to allow minor rotation about the wall base to
develop this active force, which is less than the at-rest force exerted if no rotation occurs.
Coulomb developed the following active force equation:


= active force per unit length, kilonewtons per meter (pounds per linear foot) of wall

= unit weight of soil, kilonewtons per cubic meter (pounds per linear foot) of wall

= height of wall or height of fill at wall if lower than wall , meters (feet)

= angle between horizontal and backslope of wall, degrees.

= angle of backfill surface from horizontal, degrees

= internal angle of friction of the material, degrees


= wall friction angle, degrees

These symbols are further defined in Figure 7-122. Equation (7-143) may be reduced to that given
by Rankine for the special Rankine conditions where is considered equal to i and equal to
90 degrees (vertical wall face). When, additionally, the backfill surface is level (i = 0 degrees),
the reduced equation is
Figure 7-123 shows that Pa from equation (7-144) is applied horizontally.
Unit weights and internal friction angles for various soils are given in Table 7-15.
The resultant force for equation (7-143) is inclined from a line perpendicular to the back of
the wall by the angle of wall friction (see Fig. 7-122). Values for can be obtained from Table
7-16, but should not exceed the internal friction angle of the backfill material and, for
conservatism, should not exceed (3/4) (Office, Chief of Engineers, 1961).

Passive Forces.

If the wall resists forces that tend to compress the soil or fill behind it, the earth must have
enough internal resistance to transmit these forces. Failure to do this will result in rupture; i.e., a
part of the earth will move sideways and upward away from the wall. This resistance of the earth
against outside forces is called passive earth force.
The general equation for the passive force Pp is


It should be noted that Pp is applied below the normal to the structure slope by an angle -,
whereas the active force is applied above the normal line by an angle + (see Fig. 7-122).
For the Rankine conditions given in Section 1 above, equation (7-145) reduces to
Equation (7-146) is satisfactory for use with a sheet-pile structure, assuming a substantially
horizontal backfill.


Table 7-15. Unit weights and internal friction angles of soils1.

1 After Hough (1957).


Figure 7-122. Definition sketch for Coulomb earth force equation.

Figure 7-123. Active earth force for simple Rankine case.


Table 7-16. Coefficients and angles of friction.



Stone - Brick - Concrete

Coefficient of

On Dry Clay
On Wet or Moist Clay
On Sand
On Gravel


Angle of Wall


Angle of friction should be reduced by about 5 degrees if the wall fill will support train
or truck traffic; the coefficient would then equal the tangent of the new angle .

Cohesive Soils.

Sections 1 and 2 above have briefly dealt with forces in cohesionless soil. A cohesive
backfill which reduces the active force may be advantageous. However, unless the soil can move
continuously to maintain the cohesive resistance, it may relax. Thus, walls should usually be
designed for the active force in cohesionless soil.

Structures of Irregular Section.

Earth force against structures of irregular section such as stepped-stone blocks or those
having two or more back batters may be estimated using equations (7-142) and (7-144) by
substituting an approximate average wall batter or slope to determine the angle .

Submerged Material.

Forces due to submerged fills may be calculated by substituting the unit weight of the
material reduced by buoyancy for the value of w in the preceding equations and then adding to the
calculated forces the full hydrostatic force due to the water. Values of unit weight for dry,
saturated, and submerged materials are indicated in Table 7-15.

Uplift Forces.

For design computations, uplift forces should be considered as full hydrostatic force for
walls whose bases are below design water level or for walls with saturated backfill.


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Engineering Analysis:
Case Study

Redondo-Malaga Cove, California, 23 January 1973










1. Site Description


2. Water Levels and Currents--Storm Surge and Astronomical Tides

Design Hurricanes
Estimate of Storm Surge
Observed Water Level Data, Breakwater Harbor, Lewes,
Predicted Astronomical Tides
Design Water Level Summary


3. Wave Conditions
Wave Conditions on Bay Side of Island
Wave Conditions on Ocean Side of Island




1. Selection of Design Waves and Water Levels

Water Levels
Wave Conditions on Bay Side of Island
Wave Conditions on Ocean Side of Island


2. Revetment Design: Ocean Side of Island

Type of Wave Action
Selection Between Alternative Designs


3. Diffraction Analysis: Diffraction Around Breakwater


4. Preliminary Design of Quay Wall Caisson

Nonbreaking Wave Forces on Caisson
Stability Computations
Caisson Stability After Backfilling
Soil Bearing Pressure




1. Deepwater Wave Angle ( o)


2. Calculation of Average F ( o)


3. Potential Longshore Transport Computed by Energy Flux Method



CONTENTS (Continued)

1. Material Characteristics
Native Sand
Borrow--Source A
Borrow--Source B


2. Evaluation of Borrow Material


3. Required Volume of Fill






This chapter presents as examples of the techniques presented in this manual a series of
calculations for the preliminary design of a hypothetical offshore island in the vicinity of Delaware
Bay. The problem serves to illustrate the interrelationships among many types of problems
encountered in coastal engineering. The text progresses from development of the physical
environment through a preliminary design of several elements of the proposed structure.
For brevity, the design calculations are incomplete; however, when necessary, the
nature of additional work required to complete the design is indicated. It should be pointed out that
a project of the scope illustrated here would require extensive model testing to verify and
supplement the analysis. The design and analysis of such tests is beyond the scope of this
manual. In addition, extensive field investigations at the island site would be required to establish
the physical environment. These studies would include a determination of engineering and
geological characteristics of local sediments, as well as measurement of waves and currents. The
results of these studies would then have to be evaluated before beginning a final design.
While actual data for the Delaware Bay site were used when available, specific numbers used
in the calculations should not be construed as directly applicable to other design problems in the
Delaware Bay area.


A 300-acre artificial offshore island is proposed in the Atlantic Ocean just outside the mouth
of Delaware Bay. The following are required: (1) characterization of the physical environment at
the proposed island site and (2) a preliminary design for the island. Reference is made throughout
this chapter to appropriate sections of the Shore Protection Manual.

Site Description.

Figures 8-1 through 8-5 present information on the general physical conditions at the
proposed island site. Site plans showing the island location, surrounding shorelines, and
bathymetry are given.


Figure 8-1. Location plan, offshore island.





Figure 8-5. Bottom profiles through island site.



Water Levels and Currents--Storm Surge and Astronomical Tides.

The following calculations establish design water levels at the island site using the methods
of Chapter 3 and supplemented by data for the Delaware Bay area given in Bretschneider (1959)
and U.S. National Weather Service (formerly U.S. Weather Bureau) (1957).
Design Hurricanes. For illustrative purposes use hurricanes "A" and "B" given by
Bretschneider (1959).
Hurricane A
Radius to maximum winds = R = 62.04 km (33.5 nmi)
Central pressure

P = 55.88 mm Hg (2.2 in. Hg)

Forward speed

VF = 27.78 to 46.30 km/hr

(15 to 25 knots)

(use VF = 46.30 km/hr)

Maximum gradient windspeed (eq. 3-63a)
Umax = 0.447 [14.5 (pn - po )1/2 - R(0.31)f]
where for latitude 40 degrees N
f = 0.337
Umax = 0.447 [14.5 (55.88)1/2 - 62.04(0.31)(0.337)]
Umax = 45.55 m/s (163.98 km/hr)
Maximum sustained windspeed (eq. 3-62) for VF = 46.3 km/hr
UR = 0.865 Umax + 0.5 V F
UR = 0.865 (163.98) + 0.5 (46.3)
UR = 165 km/hr
Hurricane B
R = 62.04 km (33.5 nmi)
VF = 46.30 km/hr (25 knots)
Umax = 8.05 km/hr greater than Hurricane A (8.05 km/hr = 2.23 m/s)
Calculate P for U max = (163.98+8.05) km/hr
Umax = 172.03 km/hr (47.79 m/s)

Figure 8-6. Hurricane storm tracks in the Delaware Bay area.


Rearranging equation (3-63a),

P = 61.16 mm Hg
Estimate of Storm Surge.
Bretschneider (1959) gives an empirical relationship
between maximum sustained windspeed and surge height (both pressure- and wind-induced) at
the Delaware Bay entrance (applicable only to Delaware Bay). Equation 11 from this reference is
used for peak surge (So ) computations:
So = 0.0001 UR 2 10% (UR in km/hr)
Hurricane A (eq. 3-62)
UR = 0.865 Umax + 0.5 V F
UR = 0.865 (163.98) + 0.5 (46.3)
UR = 165 km/hr
(So ) max = 0.0001 (UR )2 = 2.72 m
say (So ) max = 2.75 0.25 m
Hurricane B
(So ) max = 0.0001 (172)2 = 2.96 m
say (So ) max = 3.00 m 0.25 m
Final results of storm surge estimates from the empirical equation of Bretschneider (1959):
Hurricane A
(So ) max = 2.75 0.25 m
Hurricane B

(So ) max = 3.00 0.25 m

Observed Water Level Data, Breakwater Harbor, Lewes, Delaware (National
Ocean Service (NOS) Tide Tables) (see Ch. 3, Sec. VIII and Table 3-3).

Length of record:

1936 to 1973


Mean tidal range:

1.25 m


Spring range: 1.49 m


Highest observed water levels:



Average yearly highest: 0.91 m above MHW


Highest observed: 1.65 m above MHW (6 March 1962)

Lowest observed water levels:


Average yearly lowest: 0.76 m below MLW


Lowest observed: 0.91 m below MLW (28 March 1955)

Predicted Astronomical Tides. The probabilities that the water will be above a given
level at any time are tabulated for Lewes, Delaware, in Harris (1981), page 164.
The lower limit (LL) of the hour by values are normalized with respect to half the
mean range (2.061 ft or 0.628 m). In order to tabulate the elevation above MLW with the
corresponding probabilities (see Table 8-1), the following calculation must be done:
2.061 (1 + LL) = MLW elevation (ft)
0.628 (1 + LL) = MLW elevation (m)


Table 8-1. Astronomical tide-water level statistics at Lewes, Delaware.


Design Water Level Summary. For purposes of the design problem the following
water levels will be used. The criteria used here should not be assumed generally applicable since
design water level criteria will vary with the scope and purpose of a particular project.

Astronomical tide: use + 1.5 m (MLW) (exceeded 1 percent of time)

(2) Storm surge:

use + 3.0 m

(3) Wave setup:

a function of wave conditions

Table 8-2. Tidal currents at Delaware Bay entrance (surface currents only), 1948 values.1


From NOS Tidal Current Charts for Delaware Bay and River (1948 and 1960) and NOS Tide
For spring tides.

Example charts from National Ocean Service (NOS) (1948 and 1960) and a summary
of tidal current velocities are given in Figures 8-7 through 8-10 are given on the following pages.

Wave Conditions.

Wave Conditions on Bay Side of Island (see Ch. 3, Sec. V). Wave data on waves
generated in Delaware Bay are not available for the island site. Consequently, wind data and
longest fetch shallow-water wave forecasting techniques will be used to estimate wave conditions.
The longest fetch at the Delaware Bay entrance F = 89.3 km (see Figure 8-11).


Figure 8-7. Tidal current chart-maximum flood at Delaware Bay Entrance.


Figure 8-8. Tidal current chart-maximum ebb at Delaware Bay Entrance.


Figure 8-9. Polar diagram of tidal currents at island site.



Figure 8-11. Determination of longest fetch: island site at Delaware Bay entrance.

(1) Significant Wave Height and Period (Wind From NNW Along Central Radial)
(see Ch. 3, Sec. VI,1).
Average Depth Along Central Radial

Significant wave height (eq. 3-39):

Significant wave period (eq. 3-40):


UA = adjusted wind stress factor = 0.71 Us 1.23

(eq. 3-28a)

Us = surface windspeed

Example Calculation.

U = 80 km/hr

(22.22 m/s)

F = 89.3 km

(89,300 m)

D = 0.01 km

(10.37 m)

UA = 0.71 U1.23 = 0.71 (22.22)1.23 = 32.19 m/s

(eq. 3-39)

Hs = 2.61 m

(eq. 3-40)

Ts = 6.55 s
See tabulation and graph on next page.

when F = 89,300 m and d = 10.37 m,

(eqs. 3-39 and




Frequency Analysis.

(a) Wind Data. Wind roses for the Delaware Bay area are given in Figure 812 (U.S. Army Engineer District, Philadelphia, 1970). Assume that sizeable waves occur
primarily when wind is blowing along central radial from the NW. This is the predominant wind
direction for the Delaware Bay area. Wind is from the NW approximately 16 percent of the time.
The maximum observed wind in 18 years of record was 113-km/hr (70-mph) gale from the
NW (daily maximum 5-minute windspeed).
(b) Thom's Fastest-Mile Wind Frequency. In the absence of tabulated wind
data (other than that given on the following page), the windspeed frequencies of Thom (1960),
adjusted for wind direction, will be used. Thom's windspeed are multiplied by 0.16 to adjust for
direction. This assumes that winds from the NW are distributed the same as are winds when all
directions are considered.
Table 8-3. Thom's Windspeeds:

Delaware Bay Area.



Interval (years)








1 Adjusted for direction (column 2 divided by 0.16).

2 Extreme fastest-mile windspeed.
3 Extreme fastest-km wind = 1.6093 x U fastest-mile windspeed.


Figure 8-12. Wind data in the vicinity of Delaware Bay.



Duration (t) of Fastest-Mile Wind.

t = duration of wind in minutes

Since the durations under consideration here are not sufficiently long to generate maximum wave
conditions, Thorn's wind data will result in a high estimate of wave heights and periods. The
dashed line on Figure 8-13 will be used to establish frequency of occurrence of given wave
conditions; calculated wave height recurrence intervals will be conservative.



From the dashed curve in Figure 8-13 and graph on page 8-20, for Hs and Ts as a
function of U find the following:

The computed wave heights plot as a straight line on log-normal probability paper (see
Fig 8-14).
Economic considerations as well as the purpose of a given structure will determine the
design wave conditions. The increased protection afforded by designing for a higher wave would
have to be weighed against the increase in structure cost.
For the illustrative purposes of this problem, the significant wave height with a
recurrence interval of 100 years will be used. Therefore, for design,
Hs = 1.09 m (3.59 ft)
Ts = 7.78 s
for waves generated in Delaware Bay.

Figure 8-14.

Frequency of occurrence of significant wave heights for waves generated in

Delaware Bay.

Wave Conditions on Ocean Side of Island: Hindcast wave statistics are available for
several U.S. east coast locations in Corson, et al. (1981), Corson et al. (1982), and Jensen
(1983).1 Data are available from the mouth of Delaware Bay; but deepwater wave data are chosen
for statistical analysis to demonstrate the method of transforming data from deep water to another
location in shallow water (i.e., the island site). (See Figure 8-15 for station 4 location and Table
8-4 for data.)
(1) Idealized Refraction Analysis (see Ch. 2, Sec. III). For purposes of this
problem, refraction by straight parallel bottom contours will be assumed.
Azimuth of shoreline = 30 (see Fig. 8-17)

Wave Directions.

The hindcast statistics are available for the Atlantic coast and the Great Lakes. They will be
available for the Pacific and gulf coasts at a future date.
o is the angle between the direction of wave approach and a normal to the shoreline.
Used for typical refraction calculations given on following pages.



Table 8-4. Hindcast wave statistics for station 4.1

1 from Corson et al. (1981).

2 Only durations > 1hr are shown.


Table 8-4. Hindcast wave statistics for station 4 (continued).

2 Only durations > 1hr are shown.


Table 8-4. Hindcast wave statistics for station 4 (concluded).

2 Only durations > 1hr are shown.



Figure 8-17. General shoreline alignment in vicinity of Delaware Bay for refraction analysis.



Typical Refraction Calculations. Use d = 12.0 m at structure.

Shoaling Coefficient:

(eq. 2-44)



H' o =


wave height
deepwater wave height equivalent to observed shallow-water wave if
unaffected by refraction and friction
wave velocity
deepwater wave velocity

wave period
Refraction coefficient and angle:
(eq. 2-78b)
Note that equation (2-78b) is written between deep water and d = 12.0 m , since
bottom contours and shoreline have been assumed straight and parallel. For straight parallel
bottom contours, the expression for the refraction coefficient reduces to



spacing between wave orthogonals

deepwater orthogonal spacing


= deepwater wavelength in meters

(eq. 2-8a)

(eq. 2-11)
Typical refraction-shoaling calculations are given in the tabulation below. Calculations
for various directions and for a range of periods follow (see Tables 8-5 and 8-6).
The following tabulates the results of example calculations for waves between 150 and
179.9 degrees from North (angle between direction of wave approach and normal to the shoreline
in deep water = o = 45 degrees) ; d =12.0 m .


Source of Information
From equation (2-8a).
12.0 m divided by column (2).
Equation (2-44) or Table C-1, Appendix C.
Table C-1, Appendix C: C/Co = tanh (2d/L).
Equation (2-78b)

Column (4) times column (7).
Ks Kr can also be obtained from Plate C-6, Appendix C.


Table 8-5. Breaker angles and refraction and shoaling coefficients in d = 12 m .


Table 8-6. Summary of refraction analyses in d = 12 m (numbers given in table are KS KR ).

1 Angle between wave orthogonal and normal to the shoreline.

Refraction-shoaling coefficients are summarized graphically in Figure 8-18 on the next
(4) Transformation of Wave Statistics by Refraction and Shoaling. The
refraction-shoaling coefficients calculated previously will be used to transform the deepwater wave
statistics given in Table 8-4 (see Tables 8-7 and 8-8 and Figure 8-19). The resulting statistics
will be only approximations since only the significant wave is considered in the analysis.
The actual sea surface is made up of many wave periods or frequencies, each of which
results in a different refraction-shoaling coefficient.



Table 8-7. Transformed wave heights: significant heights and periods in d = 12.0 m.

1 Numbers represent transformed wave height. For example, a 10-meter-high deepwater wave with a period of 14
seconds approaching from N 75 deg E (in deep water) will be 9.255 meters high at the island site (i.e., in a depth of
12.0 meters).
2 Numbers in parentheses represent the number of hours waves are below given height and above next lower height
for given period and direction. For example, deepwater waves between 9.5 and 10 meters in height with a period of
12 seconds were experienced for 1 hour in the one year of hindcast data. Equivalently, the wave height at the
structure site for the given deepwater wave statistics will be between 5.307 and 5.586 meters for 1 hour.


Table 8-7. Transformed wave heights: significant heights and periods in d = 12.0 m (continued).

1 Numbers represent transformed wave height. For example, a 10-meter-high deepwater wave with a period of 14
seconds approaching from N 75 deg E (in deep water) will be 9.255 meters high at the island site (i.e., in a depth of
12.0 meters).
2 Numbers in parentheses represent the number of hours waves are below given height and above next lower height
for given period and direction. For example, deepwater waves between 9.5 and 10 meters in height with a period of
12 seconds were experienced for 1 hour in the one year of hindcast data. Equivalently, the wave height at the
structure site for the given deepwater wave statistics will be between 5.307 and 5.586 meters for 1 hour.


Table 8-7. Transformed wave heights: significant heights and periods in d = 12.0 m (continued).

1 Numbers represent transformed wave height. For example, a 10-meter-high deepwater wave with a period of 14
seconds approaching from N 75 deg E (in deep water) will be 9.255 meters high at the island site (i.e., in a depth of
12.0 meters).
2 Numbers in parentheses represent the number of hours waves are below given height and above next lower height
for given period and direction. For example, deepwater waves between 9.5 and 10 meters in height with a period of
12 seconds were experienced for 1 hour in the one year of hindcast data. Equivalently, the wave height at the
structure site for the given deepwater wave statistics will be between 5.307 and 5.586 meters for 1 hour.


Table 8-7. Transformed wave heights: significant heights and periods in d = 12.0 m (concluded).

1 Numbers represent transformed wave height. For example, a 10-meter-high deepwater wave with a period of 14
seconds approaching from N 75 deg E (in deep water) will be 9.255 meters high at the island site (i.e., in a depth of
12.0 meters).
2 Numbers in parentheses represent the number of hours waves are below given height and above next lower height
for given period and direction. For example, deepwater waves between 9.5 and 10 meters in height with a period of
12 seconds were experienced for 1 hour in the one year of hindcast data. Equivalently, the wave height at the
structure site for the given deepwater wave statistics will be between 5.307 and 5.586 meters for 1 hour.


The following tabulations are to be used with Table 8-7. The first lists the number of hours
waves of a particular height were present at the structure site. (For example, for waves 7 meters
high, with a 12-second period from 75 degrees north (from Table 8-7), wave height at the structure
was between 7.088 and 6.645 meters for 1 hour. Therefore, wave height was above 7 meters for
1 x 0.088/(7.088 - 6.645) = 0.199 hour. Wave height between 6 and 7 meters was 1 - 0.199 =
0.801 hour.) The second tabulation sums hours for a given wave height and associated frequency.
Note that the total hours of waves less than 3 meters high is given, although the listing for these
waves is either incomplete or not given; these totals were obtained by completing the calculations
using the data in Table 8-7.


Total hours in record = 8766


Number of hours wave height equalled or exceeded given value.

1.99 hours/8766 hours = 0.000137.


Table 8-8. Deepwater wave statistics (without consideration of direction).1

1Wave statistics are derived from data given in Corson et al. (1981).
Curves showing deepwater wave height statistics and transformed statistics are given in Figure 819.





Selection of Design Waves and Water Levels.

The selection of design conditions is related to the economics of construction and

annual maintenance costs to repair structure in the event of extreme wave action. These costs1 are
related to the probability of occurrence of extreme waves and high water levels. There will usually
be some design wave height which will minimize the average annual cost (including amortization
of first cost). This optimum design wave height will give the most economical design.

Intangible considerations such as the environmental consequences of structural failure or the

possibility of loss of life in the event of failure must also enter into the decision of selecting design
conditions. These factors are related to the specific purpose of each structure.
The following design conditions are assumed for the illustrative purposes of this problem.

Water Levels (MLW datum).


Storm surge (less astronomical tide): use 3.0 m.


Astronomical tide (use water level exceeded 1 percent of time): 1.5 m.

(3) Wave setup (assumed negligible since structure is in relatively deep water
and not at beach).



Wave Conditions on Bay Side of Island.


Use conditions with 100-year recurrence interval:

Hs = 3.59 m
Ts = 7.78 s

Wave Conditions on Ocean Side of Island. From hindcast statistics (wave height
exceeded 0.1 percent of the time in shallow water), use
Hs = 6.0 m
Note that the reciprocal of an exceedance probability associated with a particular wave
according to the present hindcast statistics is not the return period of this wave. For structural
design purposes, a statistical analysis of extreme wave events is recommended.

Revetment Design: Ocean Side of Island.

The ocean side of the island will be protected by a revetment using concrete armor units.

Type of Wave Action. The depth at the site required to initiate breaking to the 6.0meter design wave is as follows for a slope in front of the structure where m = zero (see Ch. 7,
Sec. 1):
Hb = 0.78 d b

where Hb is the breaker height and db is the water depth at the breaking wave.
Since the depth at the structure (ds 12.0 m) is greater than the computed breaking depth
(7.7 m), the structure will be subjected to non-breaking waves.
Selection Between Alternative Designs. The choice of one cross section and/or armor
unit type over another is primarily an economic design requiring evaluation of the costs of various
alternatives. A comparison of several alternatives follows:
Type of Armor Unit: Tribars vs Tetrapods
Structure Slope: 1:1.5, 1:2, 1:2.5, and 1:3
Concrete Unit Weight: 23.56 kN/m3 , 25.13 kN/m3 , 26.70 kN/m3
The use of concrete armor units will depend on the availability of suitable quarrystone and
on the economics of using concrete as opposed to stone.



Preliminary Cross Section (modified from Figure 7-116).






Crest Elevation. Established by maximum runup. Runup (R) estimate:

Hs = 6 m
d = 16.5 m
T = ? (use point on runup curve giving maximum runup)

1Waves over 6 m will result in some overtopping.



Armor Unit Size.


Primary Cover Layer (see Ch. 7, Sec. III,7,a).

(eq. 7-116)
W = mass of armor unit

= design wave height = 6 m

wr = unit weight of concrete

23.56 kN/m 3 , 25.13 kN/m3 , and 26.70 kN/m3
cot = structure slope 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0
Sr = w r /ww = ratio of concrete unit weight to unit weight of water
KD = stability coefficient (depends on type of unit, type of wave action, and
structure slope)
The calculations that follow (Tables 8-9 and 8-10 and Figs. 8-20 through 8-25) are
for the structure trunk subjected to nonbreaking wave action. Stability coefficients are obtained
from Table 7-8.


Table 8-9. Required armor unit weights: structure trunk.

1 1 metric ton = 1000 kg.

2 Represents damage under sustained wave action of waves as high as the 1 percent wave, not the
damage resulting from a few waves in the spectrum having a height H1 = 1.67 Hs
3 H1 =average height of highest 1 percent of waves for given time period = 1.67 Hs
H1 = 1.67 (6)
H1 = 10m





Figure 8-22. Volume of concrete required per 100 meters of structure as a function of tribar
weight, concrete unit weight, and structure slope.


Figure 8-23. Number of tribars required per 100 meters of structure as a function of a tribar
weight, concrete unit weight, and structure slope.

Figure 8-24. Volume of concrete required per 100 meters of structure as a function of tetrapod
weight, concrete unit weight, and structure slope.


Figure 8-25. Volume of tetrapods required per 100 meters of structure as a function of tetrapod
weight, concrete unit weight, and structure slope.

(b) Secondary Cover Layer. The weight of the secondary cover layer WR /10 is
based on the weight of a primary cover layer made of rock WR .

= weight of primary cover layer if it were made of rock
WR /10 = weight of secondary cover layer

= unit weight of rock = 25.92 kN/m3


= 4.0 for stone under nonbreaking wave conditions


Thickness of Cover Layer. Primary and secondary layers have the same

(eq. 7-121)



= thickness of cover layer (m)

= number of armor units comprising the layer
WA = weight of individual armor unit (metric tons)

= unit weight of stone material (concrete or quarrystone)

= layer coefficient of rubble structure


Number of Stones Required.

(eq. 7-122)

NR = number of armor units or stones in cover layer


= area (m2)
= porosity (%)

1 k and P from Table 7-13.



Volume and Weight of Stones in Secondary Cover Layer.

Number of stones in secondary cover layer:

(WR in metric tons and wr = unit weight of
rock = 25.92 kN/m 3)

Volume of secondary cover layer:

V = rA A
Volume of rock in secondary cover layer:
VR = 0.63V
Weight of Rock:


Table 8-11. Summary of secondary cover layer characteristics for tribars and tetrapods.


Thickness of Underlayer.


25.92 kN/m 3


The equation for the volume of the first underlayer is as follows:

(equation derived from preliminary geometry of cross section on page 8-48)


= crest elevation (m above MLW)

= thickness of cover layer (m)
= thickness of first underlayer (m)
= volume of first underlayer per 100 m of structure (m3)

The equation for the volume of the core per 100 m of structure is as follows:


(equation derived from preliminary geometry of cross section on page 8-48)

(5) Volume of First Underlayer. The volume per 100 m of structure (in thousands of
m ) is shown in the tabulation below.

1 Valid for tribars and tetrapods because V1 depends only on and r1 (r1 is dependent on the
armor unit size, but not the type).
See Figure 8-26 for a graphic comparison of costs.


Figure 8-26. Volume of first underlayer per 100 meters of structure as a function of armor unit
weight and structure slope.


(6) Volume of Core: Tribars and Tetrapods. Volume per 100 m of structure (1000
m ) is shown in the following tabulation:

See Figure 8-27 for a graphic comparison of costs.

(7) Cost Analysis: The following cost analysis will be assumed for the illustrative
purposes of this problem. Actual costs for particular project would have to be based on the
prevailing costs in the project area. Costs will vary with location, time, and the availability of
suitable materials. Unit costs of concrete are shown in the tabulation below.


Figure 8-27. Volume of core per 100 meters of structure as a function of armor unit weight and
structure slope.

is as follows:

Cost of Casting, Handling, and Placing Tribars and Tetrapods. Cost per unit

The tabulated costs are graphically presented in Figure 8-28.


Rock costs. In place, when wr = 25.92 kN/m 3,


Figure 8-28. Costs of casting, handling, and placing concrete armor units as a function of unit
weight and structure slope.

(c) Total Cost per 100 Meters of Structure. The following tabulation sums
revetment cost by weight of tribar unit:

1 All costs are in thousands of dollars per 100 m of structure; all the intermediate steps of cost
calculation are not included.
For a graphic cost comparison, see Figure 8-29.


Figure 8-29. Total cost of 100 meters of structure as a function of tribar weight, concrete unit
weight, and structure slope.

The tabulation below sums cost of revetment by tetrapod unit:

1 All costs are in thousands of dollars per 100 m of structure.

Note that total cost given here does not include royalty costs for using tetrapods. For a graphic
cost comparison, see Figure 8-30.


Figure 8-30. Total cost of 100 meters of structure as a function of tetrapod weight, concrete unit
weight, and structure slope.

(d) Selection of Armor Unit, Concrete Density, and Structure Slope Based on
First Cost (Construction Cost). The preceding analysis is considered the first cost of the
structure. To complete the analysis, average annual maintenance and repair costs should be
established for each alternative and for a range of design wave heights. Maintenance and repair
costs may modify the conditions established here as the most economical based on first cost.

Type of unit: tribar

Weight of unit: 11.5 metric tons
Structure slope: cot = 1.5
Unit weight of concrete: 24.87 kN/m3
Cost per 100 meter of structure: $3,180,000

Stability Check

KD = 10.0
wr = 24.87 kN/m 3
cot = 1.5


W = 11.5 metric tons


Volume of concrete per 100 m: 5794 m3

Number of armor units per 100 m: 1288
Thickness of armor layer: 3.37 m


Volume of first underlayer per 100 m: 5988 m3

Thickness of first underlayer: 1.52 m
Weight of underlayer stone: 1.15 metric tons



Volume of core per 100 m: 66,000 m3

Weight of core stone: 0.00192 - 0.0575 metric tons (1.92 to 57.5 kg)
Volume of secondary cover layer per 100 m: 1271 m3
Thickness of secondary cover layer: 3.37 m
Weight of secondary cover layer stone: 2.421 metric tons

Diffraction Analysis: Diffraction Around Breakwater.

For the purposes of this problem, establish the required breakwater length so that the
maximum wave height in the harbor is 1 meter when the incident wave height is 6 meters (1
percent wave for Hs = 3.59 m ) and the period T = 7.78 s . Assume waves generated in
Delaware Bay.

Depth at breakwater d = 16.50 m

Depth in basin d = 31.74 m

From Appendix C, Table C-1,

L = 91.98 m , say L = 92 m


The 200-m distance, therefore, translates to

At 200 meters, the wave height should be 1 meter.

H1 = K s (6)

= K s (6)

Ks = 0.167
From Figure 7-61

x = (8) (92)
x = 736 m say 750 m
required breakwater length = 750 m.

Preliminary Design of Quay Wall Caisson.

Since the quay will be protected by breakwaters after construction is complete, the caisson
will experience extreme wave action only during construction. For illustrative purposes the
following conditions will be used to evaluate the stability of the caisson against wave action. It
should be noted that these conditions have a low probability of occurrence during
Hs = 3.59 m
H1 = 6.0 m
Ts = 7.78 s

= 12.0 + 1.5 1

= 13.5 m

Note that the bearing area for the quay wall acting on the foundation soil may be reduced by
toe scour under the edge or by local bearing capacity failures near the toe when the foundation
pressure there exceeds the soil's bearing capacity.
Further information on this problem may be found in Eckert and Callender, 1984 (in press) or in
most geotechnical textbooks.
1Probability of extreme surge during construction is assumed negligible.

For preliminary design, assume 75 percent voids filled with seawater and unit weight of
water ww = 10.05 kN/m 3.

Nonbreaking Wave Forces on Caisson (see Ch. 7, Sec. III,2).

(1) Incident Wave Height: Hi = 6 m .

Wave Period: Ts = 7.78 s .


Structure Reflection Coefficient: = 1.0 .


Depth: ds = 13.5 m .


Height of Orbit Center Above SWL (see Fig. 7-90).

ho = 0.40 (Hi ) = 0.37(6) = 2.22 m



Height of Wave Crest Above Bottom (see Fig. 7-88).

yc = 21.72 m
Wave will overtop caisson by 1.2 meters; therefore assume structure is not 100 percent
reflective. Use 0.9 and recalculate ho .

ho = 0.36 Hi = 0.36 (6) = 2.16 m


Dimensionless Force (Wave Crest at Structure) (see Fig. 7-94). For

Hydrostatic force is not included.


Hydrostatic Force.


Total Force.

(10) Force Reduction Due to Low Height.

b = 12.0 + 8.5 = 20.50 m
yc = 21.36 m

From Figure 7-97, r f = 0.998

(11) Net Horizontal Force (Due to Presence of Waves).


Dimensionless Moment (Wave Crest at Structure) (see Figure 7-95).


Mc = 0.24 w ds 3 = 0.24 (10.05) (13.5)3

(13) Hydrostatic Moment.

(14) Total Moment.

(15) Moment Reduction for Low Height.

From Figure 7-97 with
rm = 0.996

(16) Net Overturning Moment About Bottom (Due to Presence of Waves).



Stability Computations.



Weight per Unit Length of Structure.

Concrete, wr = 23.56 kN/m 3 (25 percent of area)

Water in voids , ww = 10.05 kN/m 3 (75 percent of area)
Height = 20.5 m
Equation for weight/unit length:
W = 20.5 L c {(0.25)(23.56) + (0.75)(10.05)}
W = 275.26 L c

Uplift per Unit Length of Structure (see Equation 7-75 and Figure 7-89).


Lo = 1.5606 (7.78)2 = 94.470 m

p2 = w w d (hydrostatic pressure)
p2 = (10.05) (13.5) = 135.68 kN/m2
Equations for uplift forces/unit length:

B2 = P 2 Lc = 135.68 L c

Summation of Vertical Forces.

B1 + B2 - W + Rv 1 = 0
16.979 L c + 135.68 L c - 275.26 L c + Rv = 0
Rv = 122.601 L c kN/m

Summation of Moments About A.

B1 (2/3) Lc + B2(1/2) Lc - W(1/2) Lc + Rv (1/3) Lc + Mnet = 0

16.979 (2/3) L2c + 135.68 (1/2) L 2c - 275.26 (1/2) L2c + 122.601 (1/3) L 2c + 5894.2 = 0

Lc = 18.298 m
This is the width required to prevent negative soil bearing pressure under caisson (reaction within
middle third). Assume Lc = 18.5 m.
1 Rv = vertical component of reaction R .


Coefficient of friction (see Table 7-16) for concrete on sand
s = 0.40
Vertical Forces for Lc = 18.5 m


W = 275.26 L c = 5092.31 kN/m

B1 = -16.979 L c = -314.11 kN/m
B2 = -135.68 L c = -2510.08 kN/m
Fv = 5092.31 - 314.11 - 2510.08 = 2268.12 kN/m
Horizontal Force to Initiate Sliding.
FH = s Fv = 0.40 (2268.12) = 907.25 kN/m

Since the actual net horizontal force is only 601.39 kN/m , the caisson will not slide.

Caisson Stability after Backfilling.



No wave action (protected by breakwater).

Voids filled with dry sand.
Minimum water level at -0.91 MLW.
Surcharge of 0.6 meter on fill (dry sand).




Earth Pressure Diagrams.



Total Horizontal Earth Force.

FE = 2009.034 kN/m


Total Overturning Moment.

ME = 12455.10 kN - m/m


Moment Arm.


Weight/Unit Length.

Voids filled with dry sand:


Uplift Force.
P1 = wd = 10.05 (11.09) = 111.45 kN/m2
B = 111.45 L c kN/m


Hydrostatic Force (Seaward Side).


Summation of Vertical Forces.

B+R1v -W = 0

111.45 L c + Rv - 410.56 L c = 0

Rv = 299.11 L c

(10) Summation of Moments About A.

49.85 L c2 = 10168.426
1 Rv = vertical component of reaction R.

Lc 2 = 203.98
Lc = 14.28 m
Rv = 299.11 (14.28) = 4271.3 kN
Required width of caisson = Lc = 14.28 meters.

Soil Bearing Pressure.



Summation of horizontal forces:

FE - Fh - RH 1 = 0
RH = 2009.034 - 618.02
RH = 1391.014 kN/m
Vertical forces:
Rv = 4271.3 kN/m
1 RH - horizontal component of reaction R.
2 Factor of safety against sliding should be 2: hence FH 2 RH for safe design. Caisson should
be widened.


Coefficient of friction:
= 0.40

Horizontal Force to Initiate Sliding.

FH = Rv
FH = 0.40 (4271.3) = 1708.52 kN/m
F H > RH 2

Caisson will not slide.

Summary. The preceding calculations illustrate the types of calculations required to
determine the stability of the proposed quay wall. Many additional loading conditions also
require investigation, as do the foundation and soil conditions. Field investigations to
determine soil conditions are required, in addition to hydraulic model studies to determine wave
effects on the proposed island.


(see Ch. 4, Sec. V)

Using the hindcast deepwater wave data from Table 8-4, the net and gross potential sand
transport rates will be estimated for the beaches south of Ocean City, Maryland (see Fig. 8-31).
Assume refraction is by straight, parallel bottom contours.
Azimuth of shoreline = 20 degrees
Deepwater Wave Angle ( o ) . The angle the wave crest makes with the shoreline
(equal to the angle the wave ray makes with normal to shoreline) is shown in the following


Figure 8-31. Local shoreline alignment in vicinity of Ocean City, Maryland.


Table 8-12. Deepwater Wave Statistics (summary of data in Table 8-4).


Calculation of Average F ( o ).

Equations (4-54) and (4-55) will be used to calculate the potential longshore sand
transport rates. Since the wave angle o in both equations represents a 30-degree sector of wave
directions, equation (4-55) is averaged over the 30-degree range for more accurate representation;

where = 2 - 1 = /6 and the + or - sign is determined by the direction of transport.

Special care should be exercised when 0< o < 15 and 75 < < 90. Further discussion on
the method of averaging is given in Chapter 4, Section V,3,d. The results of calculation are
shown in the following tabulation and also in Figure 8-32.




Potential Longshore Transport Computed by Energy Flux Method.

1 Q , H - 2.03 x 10 6 x f x H 5/2 x F ( ) in m3/year where f = numbers of hours of a specific

wave (Table 8-12) divided by 8,766.
2 Negative values represent northward transport.


With a shoreline azimuth of 20 degrees,

(Q ) south = (996.9 + 781.4 + 109.6) x 103 = 1.89 x 106m3/year
(Q ) north = (28.6 + 631.2 + 1036.3 + 316.9) x 103 = 2.01 x 106m3/year
(Q ) net = (Q ) north - (Q ) south = 0.12 x 106m3/year (north)
(Q ) gross = (Q ) north + (Q ) south = 3.90 x 106m3/year
Note that the computed values are suspect since the net longshore transport is
northward which is contrary to the field observations at the adjacent areas (Table 4-6). Except for
the net transport rate, the computed values appear larger than those measured at various east coast
locations. One of the possible factors that contribute to this discrepancy is the wave data used in
the analysis. It is noted that hindcast wave data is for deep water at a location approximately 240
kilometers east of the shoreline of interest. Furthermore, energy dissipation due to bottom
and/or internal friction is not considered in the analysis. Consequently, higher energy flux is
implied in the sand transport computation.
Since the hindcast wave statistics are available at an offshore location1 approximately 10
kilometers off the shoreline of interest, analysis of longshore sand transport should be based
on this new data rather than on the deepwater data listed in Table 8-4. By using the procedure
shown in the preceding calculations, the potential sand transport rates below are obtained.
(Q ) south = 1.17 x 106 m3/year
(Q ) north = 0.66 x 106 m3/year
(Q ) net = 510,000 m 3/year (south)
(Q ) gross = 1.83 x 106 m3/year
(See Ch. 5, Sec. III,3)
A beach fill is proposed for the beach south of Ocean City, Maryland. Determine the volume
of borrow material required to widen the beach 20 meters over a distance of 1.0 kilometers.
Borrow material is available from two sources.

1 Station No. 32 (Corson et al., 1982).


Material Characteristics.

Native Sand.
84 = 2.51 (0.1756 mm) (see Table C-5).
16 = 1.37 (0.3869 mm)

Mean diameter (see eq. 5-2):

Standard deviation (see eq. 5-1):


Borrow--Source A.
84 = 2.61 (0.1638 mm)
16 = 1.00 (0.500 mm)

Mean diameter (see eq. 5-2):


Borrow--Source B.
84 = 3.47 (0.0902 mm)
16 = 0.90 (0.5359 mm)

Mean diameter (see eq. 5-1):


Evaluation of Borrow Materials (see Fig. 5-3).


From Figure 5-3, quadrant 2,

(Source A) RA (overfill ratio) = 1.10

From Figure 5-3, quadrant 1,

(Source B) RA (overfill ratio) = 1.55
Conclusion: use material from Source A.

Required Volume of Fill.

Rule of thumb: 2.5 cubic meters of native material per meter (1 cubic yard per foot) of beach
width or 8.23 cubic meters per square meter of beach.

Volume of native sand = 1.65 x 105 m3

Volume from Source A = 1.10 (1.65 x 105) = 1.81 x 105 m3


BRETSCHNEIDER, C.L., "Hurricane Surge Predictions for Delaware Bay and River," Beach
Erosion Board, Miscellaneous Paper No. 4-59, 1959.
CALDWELL, J.M., "Coastal Processes and Beach Erosion," Coastal Engineering Research
Center, R1-67, 1967.
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ECKERT, J., and CALLENDER, G.W., "Geotechnical Engineering in the Coastal Zone,"
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NATIONAL OCEAN SERVICE (USC&GS), "Tide Tables" (available each year).
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NATIONAL OCEAN SERVICE (USC&GS), "Tidal Current Charts--Delaware Bay and
River," 1948 and 1960.
NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE (U.S. Weather Bureau), "Winds Over Chesapeake Bay for
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SAVILLE, T., Jr., "North Atlantic Coast Wave Statistics Hindcast by Bretschneider Revised
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THOM, H.C.S., "Distributions of Extreme Winds in the United States," Proceedings of the
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