Synt Report
Synt Report
Synt Report
Current innovative trends in the car industry are essentially based on more and more sophisticated
and dense electric and electronic systems, leading to still growing electronic noise levels, and increasing the
the risk to miss the EMC standards, as well as to perturb the functional integrity of the systems. This makes
more and more acute the need for numerical prediction as early as possible in the design stages, to avoid the
limited technical and economic efficiency coming from late stage management of EMC issues.
This paper describes the approach to early EMC design of cars experimented under the AutoEMC
European Project, granted by the European Community, which gathered car makers, software providers and
researchers to address this topic.
An original coupling procedure between 3D Finite Elements, Transmission Line propagation and
circuit modeling is described and validated on basic cases of fundamental interest for automotive
applications. The application of this approach to realistic full car modeling is then presented, with a short
description of the software adaption performed to reach a correct level of industrial efficiency. The question
of the sensitivity of EMC properties of the assembled system to uncertainty on local details like random
bundling is addressed, and a conclusion regarding the practical use of numerical simulation at early stages
of EMC design of cars is proposed.
Politecnico di Torino - Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 - I 10129 TORINO
ESI S.A. - 20, rue Saarinen - SILIC 270 - F 94578 RUNGIS
PSI - 20 rue Saarinen - SILIC 303 - F 94588 RUNGIS CEDEX
BMW AG, Dep. EE-131 - Knorrstr. 147 - D 80788 MÜNCHEN
In order to predict the overall response of full distinction : usual structural CAD for car body,
systems, such a multi-level approach implies the usual electronic CAD for equipment, and (more
cooperation of corresponding specialized codes recently) specialized CAD representation of
[4] : this paper describes how the AutoEMC wiring (e.g. CATIA/E3D).
project implemented such a strategy, based on
loose coupling of specialized solvers sharing The multi-level approach retained in this
common CAD information. Project was therefore to keep the use of
The main features of this multi-level approach specialized solvers at each level (rather than
are presented in Chapter 1 for the four main trying to target a global resolution), and to
problems in car design : cross-talk, emission, loosely couple them by allowing 2-ways transfer
immunity and antenna design. Chapter 2 presents of relevant data and results between each solver
some of the fundamental validations performed pair, with the convenient reacting of this
to check the relevance of this approach by information when required.
isolating some critical articulations of the loose For all the four problems of major interest for
coupling paradigm. The application to industrial automotive EMC applications, this may be
problems is then discussed in Chapter 3, where symbolized in the following way :
this numerical strategy is applied on a realistic
vehicle with internal harness, while Chapter 4 Crosstalk Transmission
adresses some specific issues related to industrial Solver
Emission Transmission
Finally, the most salient conclusions of this Line
work are drawn in Chapter 5, with emphasis on Geometrical
the difficult question of reachable numerical
accuracy (formal predictivity) versus industrially Immunity Field
relevant accuracy (product variability), and a
suggestion is made about optimal use of
numerical prediction in this area. Antenna Field
2 - Basic Investigations