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Slope Stability
Lower San Fernando Dam Failure, 1971
Definition of key terms
Some types of slope failure
Some causes of slope failure
Shear Strength of Soils
Infinite slope
Two dimensional slope stability analysis
Introduction I
Slopes in soils and rocks are ubiquitous in nature and in
man-made structures.
Highways, dams, levees, bund-walls and stockpiles are
constructed by sloping the lateral faces of the soil
Slopes are general less expensive than constructing a walls.
Natural forces (Wind, water, snow, etc.) change the
topography on Earth often creating unstable slopes.
Failure of such slopes resulted in human loss and
Failure may be sudden and catastrophic; others are
Failure wither wide spread or localized.
Introduction II
Common Type
Movement of Soil Mass Along a Thin Layer
of Weak Soil
Base Slide
Toe Slide
Slope Slide
Flow Slide
Block Slide
Movement of soil mass along
a thin layer of weak soil
Hard Soil
Toe Slide
Failure Arc
Slope Slide
Failure Arc
Flow Slide
Block Slide
Some causes of slope failure
Geological factures
External loading
Construction activity
Excavated slope
Fill Slope
Rapid draw Down
Steepening by Erosion
introduced dynamic
forces. Especially
dynamic shear forces
that reduce the shear
strength and stiffness
of the soil. Pore
water pressures rise
and lead to Gravity and Earthquake forces
Geological factures
Sloping stratified
soils are prone to
slide a long weak
External loading
Loads placed on the crest of a slope add to the
gravitational load and may cause slope failures.
Analysis of a Plane
Translational Slip
Infinite slope I
Infinite Slope: a slope that have dimension
extended over great distance.
The potential Failure surface is parallel to
the surface of the Slope
Failure surface depth << the length of
End effects are ignored
Infinite Slope II
Assumption Continued:
The failure mass moves as an essentially rigid
body, the deformation of which do not influence
the problem
The shearing resistance of the soil mass at various
point along the slide of the failure surface is
independent of orientation
The Factor of safety is defined in term of the
average shear strength along this surface.
Infinite Slope III
Slip Plane
Infinite Slope IV
u mz w cos2 b
tan '
2) m=0 & c’=0. F .S
tan b
1) The maximum stable slope in a coarse grained
soil, in the absence of seepage is equal to the
friction angle
2) The maximum stable slopes in coarse grained
soil, in the presence of seepage parallel to the
slope, is approximately one half the friction
3) The critical slip angle in fine grained soil is 45o
for an infinite slope mechanisms
Finite Slopes
Bishop assumed
a circular slip surface
Ej and Ej+1 are collinear
Uj and Uj+1 are collinear
Nj acts on center of the arc length
Ignore Xj and Xj+1
Bishop Simplified Method II
Factor of Safety
Factor of safety for an ESA
c' j l j ( Wj (1 ru )(tan) j m j )
Wj sin q j
tan j sin q j
cosq j
Factor of safety when groundwater is below the slip
surface, ru = 0
c' j l j ( Wj (tan ) j m j )
Wj sin q j
Bishop Simplified Method III
Factor of Safety
Factor of safety equation based on TSA
u j
cos q j
W sin q
j j
Step four: make table as shown and record b, z, zw, and q for
each slice
Slice b z W Zw ru q mj l=bcosq Cl Wsinq W(1-ru)tan’mj
Phreatic Surface
Procedure of analysis Method of slices
tan j sin q j
cosq j
2. May Filled with water: reducing FS since the disturbing moment increase
Simplified Janbu’s Method I
Janbu assumed a noncircular slip surface
Assumed equilibrium of horizontal forces
Simplified form of Janbu’s equation for an ESA
fo= correction factor for the depth of slope (BTW 1.0 and 1.06)
Simplified Janbu’s Method II
sat=18 kN/m3
F’ =33o
No tension crack
Slice b z W=bz zw ru q mj Wsinq W (1 - ru)tan' mj su b/cosq
m m kN m deg
1 4.9 1 88.2 1 0.54 -23 1.47 -34.5 38.3 159.7
2 2.5 3.6 162.0 3.6 0.54 -10 1.14 -28.1 54.6 76.2
3 2 4.6 165.6 4.6 0.54 0 1.00 0.0 49.0 60.0
4 2 5.6 201.6 5 0.49 9 0.92 31.5 62.1 60.7
5 2 6.5 234.0 5.5 0.46 17 0.88 68.4 72.2 62.7
6 2 6.9 248.4 5.3 0.42 29 0.85 120.4 80.1 68.6
7 2 6.8 244.8 4.5 0.36 39.5 0.86 155.7 87.6 77.8
8 2.5 5.3 238.5 2.9 0.30 49.5 0.90 181.4 97.5 115.5
9 1.6 1.6 46.1 0.1 0.03 65 1.02 41.8 29.6 113.6
Sum 536.6 570.9 794.8
FS 1.06 1.48
Examples # 2
Slope satiability by Bishop’s Method using excel sheet
Soil # 1
Soil # 2
Soil # 3
Examples Solution
b R
Three soil layers b
Soil 1 Soil 2 Soil 3
su 30 42 58 kPa z
' 33 29 25 deg. zw
w 9.8 kN/m
Soil # 1
Soil # 2 2m
45 45o
d 4.5 m
l 11.5 z zw
d/l 0.39 fo 1.06
FS 1.04assumed
Slice b z1 z2 W=bz q mj Wtanq Wtan' cosq mj
m m m kN deg
1 2 1 0.7 59.8 -45 3.03 -59.8 71.0
2 3.5 2 2.5 274.8 0 1.00 0.0 152.3
3 2 1 4.3 182.2 45 0.92 182.2 65.9
4 2.9 0 2.5 123.3 59.9 0.95 212.6 38.9
Sum 335.0 328.0
FS 1.04