Geology 3 PDF
Geology 3 PDF
Geology 3 PDF
Quantitative Analysis of Landslides 1. Definition of slip (sliding) 2. Translational slip 3. Rotational slip 4. Analysis of factor of safety (FS) 5. Surface subsidence and sinkholes
Three types of slump failure Slope failure: weak near surface materials;
toe failure: extended slope or additional excavation; Base failure: flat weak zone at depth.
slope failure
toe failure
base failure
Slumps usually occur in humid areas, groundwater plays an important role in slump failure. In springtime, after the thawing, after heavy rainfall, slump failures are very common in all natural slopes, road cuts, out slopes, and embankments.
M R FR armR FS = = M D FD armD
where MR is the resisting moment and MD is the driving moment. If the resisting moment is larger than the driving moment it is a safe slope, slip would not happen. The FS is greater than one for this case. In the case if FS is close to unity, it implies that the driving moment is close to the resisting moment, the slope is close to fail.
Driving Moment
M D = riWi sin i
i =1
Wisini is the driving force on the i-th portion of the failure plane, parallel to the failure plane towards downward. After multiplying the driving force with the arm of rotation ri the quantity is the driving moment from that portion, or the contribution from the i-th sub-block. The arm length ri is taken as the radius of the circular failure plane (an arc).
Recall the Coulomb-Mohr criterion for shear failure, for each sub-block we have
i = C + ( ni Pi ) = C + tan ( ni Pi )
The above formula is in stress format, multiplication of it with Ai, the area underneath each sub-block on the slipping plane results in the resisting force
MR FS = = MD
i =1
r W sin
i =1 i i
For a practical calculation we can further simplified by approximating the slipping plane to be circular, so the arm lengths for all the sub-blocks are the same distance r. We can also take the contact area on the slipping plane as the length li times a unity thickness d. Finally,
MR = FS = MD
Wi sin i
i =1
i =1 N
L = l i
i =1
dL = A = A i
i =1
Now we can integrate the discussion of slip and toppling. The question is: under what conditions the block has toppling and under what conditions it has slip?
Slipping No toppling
Lowering the land surface by a vertical downward movement is called Subsidence. The mechanisms of subsidence include: compaction; consolidation; plastic outflow of weak layers (organic, silty layer near surface, etc.); collapse of subsurface openings.
Arch-shaped bridge
Subsurface opening
Subsurface opening
Angle depends on the rock type and the joint spacing. Rock type and joint spacing together determines the effective strength of the country rock in which the subsurface opening exists. However, when the width W is large enough, surface subsidence will occur.
Refer to Figure 14.2: Angle of break : On which slide likely to occur; = /2+45 is the angle of friction, a physical property of the rocks. Angle of draw : Angle of draw is measured from vertical, from the point the plane of draw meeting the ground surface, the mass moves inward. Practically this point (F) is taken as the location where 5% of the maximum vertical displacement occurs.
The plane of draw is always more horizontal than the plane of break; i.e, the plane of draw is always outside of the plane of break. Point B: vertically above the boundary of the opening: the inflection point on subsidence curve. It corresponds to point D, the zero-point on strain curve. Usually, OB = OF/2.5. OF = W/2.
Point C: C is the point with maximum tensile strain. It corresponds to point A on the break plane, so it is the likely plane of break to occur (cracks). BA ~ 3BF. The values: Rock type value Rock, hard clay 11-26 Stiff or soft clay 26-50 Sand below water table >50 Clearly soft or loose materials have large value, Means broader effect area.