International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer: Hang Xu, Ioan Pop
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer: Hang Xu, Ioan Pop
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer: Hang Xu, Ioan Pop
Fully developed mixed convection flow in a vertical channel filled with nanofluids☆
Hang Xu a,⁎, Ioan Pop b
State Key Lab of Ocean Engineering, School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
Faculty of Mathematics, University of Cluj, R-3400 Cluj, CP253, Romania
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Available online 17 June 2012 In this paper, the fully developed mixed convection flow in a vertical channel filled with nanofluids is inves-
tigated. Analytical solutions for both the buoyancy-assisted and -opposed flow are obtained. Further analysis
Keywords: shows that the analytical solution for the opposing flow is only valid for a certain region of the Rayleigh num-
Mixed convection ber Ra in physical sense. Besides, the effects of the nanoparticle volume fraction φ on the temperature and the
Heat transfer velocity distributions are then exhibited. It is confirmed that the nanoparticle volume fraction φ plays a key
role for improving the heat and mass transfer characteristics of the fluids.
Analytical solutions
© 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction works (Keblinski et al. [17,18] and Prasher et al. [19]) proposed alter-
native mechanisms for the “abnormal increase” of the thermal con-
Vertical channel is a frequently encountered configuration in ther- ductivity and viscosity than those proposed by Buongiorno [16].
mal engineering equipment, for example, collector of solar energy, Further, it should be mentioned that Brinkman model and Maxwell
cooling devices of electronic and micro-electronic equipments, etc. model are correct especially for concentrations up to 0.8 (80%). For
Due to its wide applications, numerous investigations have been instance, by comparing the Brinkman model and experimental data
done toward the understandings of fully developed mixed convection which are supplied by Maïga et al. [20] and Polidori, Fohanno and
flow in a vertical channel. Reviews of the open literature reveal that Nguyen [21], one may find an augmentation of the dynamic viscosity
there have been very much attention paid to fully developed mixed of 30% at a 4% particle loading. More recently, Popa et al. [22] were
convection flow in vertical and inclined channels, such as Tao [1], making a comparison between the Maxwell model and the experi-
Beckett [2] Beckett and Friend [3], Aung and Worku [4], Lavine [5], mental data provided by Mintsa et al. [23] for thermal conductivity.
Cheng, Kou and Huang [6], Hamadah and Wirtz [7], Chen and Chung Popa et al. [22] find that Maxwell's model strongly overestimates
[8], Pan and Li [9], Barletta [10], Barletta, Magyari and Keller [11,12] the thermal conductivity of the nanofluid. Some numerical and ex-
and so on. perimental studies on nanofluids can be found in Kang et al. [24],
Nanofluids (a term proposed by Choi [13]) are expected to have Abu-Nada [25], Khanafer et al. [26], Maïga et al. [27], Tiwari and Das
superior properties compared to conventional heat transfer fluids, [28], Oztop and Abu-Nada [29], Abu-Nada and Oztop [30], Ghasemi
as well as fluids containing micro-sized metallic particles. Wang and and Aminossadati [31], Mahmoudi et al. [32], Yacob et al. [33],
Mujumdar [14] pointed out that nanoparticles have the much larger Bachok, Ishak and Pop [34], Nield and Kuznetsov [35,36], Kuznetsov
relative surface area as compared to those of conventional particles, and Nield [37,38], etc. Daungthongsuk and Wongwises [39] studied
they therefore should not only significantly improve heat transfer ca- the influence of thermophysical properties of nanofluids on the
pabilities, but also increase the stability of the suspensions. Choi et al. convective heat transfer and summarized various models used in liter-
[15] showed that the addition of small amount (less than 1% by vol- ature for predicting the thermophysical properties of nanofluids. The
ume) of nanoparticles to conventional heat transfer liquids increased comprehensive references on nanofluid can be found in the recent
the thermal conductivity of the fluid up to approximately two times. book by Das et al. [40] and in the review papers by Daungthongsuk
On the other side, Buongiorno [16] noted that the nanoparticle abso- and Wongwises [41], Trisaksri and Wongwises [42], Wang and
lute velocity can be viewed as the sum of the base fluid velocity and a Mujumdar [43,44], and Kakaç and Pramuanjaroenkij [45].
relative velocity (that he calls the slip velocity). He has shown that in The aim of the present paper is the analysis of fully developed and
the absence of turbulent effects it is the Brownian diffusion and the laminar mixed convection flow in a vertical channel filled with
thermophoresis that are important and he has written down conser- nanofluids, the basic fluid being water. Three different types of
vation equations based on these two effects. However, several other nanoparticles are considered, namely Cu, Al2O3 and TiO2. Both walls
of the channel are kept at a temperature which increases or decreases
☆ Communicated by P. Cheng and W.Q. Tao.
linearly with the distance along the walls. The nanofluid model used
⁎ Corresponding author. is that proposed by Tiwari and Das [28] and the analysis is based on
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (H. Xu), [email protected] (I. Pop). an analytical solution. The effects of buoyancy parameter and solid
0735-1933/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H. Xu, I. Pop / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 39 (2012) 1086–1092 1087
volume fraction are discussed about temperature and velocity distri- subject to the boundary conditions
butions in the channel.
uð−LÞ ¼ 0; uðþLÞ ¼ 0; T w ð−LÞ ¼ T 0 −C 1 L; T w ¼ T 0 þ C 1 L: ð3Þ
2. Basic equations
It is a common practice in channel flow studies to assume the
Consider the steady mixed convection flow, which is driven by an mass flow rate as a prescribed quantity. Hence, the following average
external pressure gradient and also by a buoyancy force, between two fluid velocity in the channel section will be considered as being pre-
parallel long vertical plane walls filled with a nanofluid and separated scribed
by a distance 2 L. A coordinate system is chosen such that the x-axis is
parallel to the gravitational acceleration vector g, but with the oppo- 1 þL 1 L
Um ¼ ∫ uðyÞdy ¼ ∫0 uðyÞdy: ð4Þ
site direction. The y-axis is orthogonal to the channel walls, and the 2 L −L L
origin of the axes is such that the positions of the channel walls
arey = − L and y = + L, respectively. A sketch of the system and of The physical quantities in Eqs. (1) and (2) are: φ is the nanoparti-
the coordinate axes is reported in Fig. 1. cle volume fraction, βf and βs are the coefficients of thermal expan-
Following Tao [1], we assume that the temperature of the both sion of the fluid and of the solid, respectively, ρf and ρs are the
walls is Tw(x) = T0 + C1x, where C1 is a constant, which is positive densities of the fluid and of the solid fractions, respectively, μnf is
for buoyancy-assisted flow and negative for buoyancy-opposed the viscosity of the nanofluid and αnf is the thermal diffusivity of
flow, respectively, and T0 is the upstream reference wall temperature. the nanofluid, which are given by
The velocity field is given in this case by v(u, 0), so that the continuity
equation reduces to ∂ u/∂ x = 0 and implies u = u(y). Also, the pres- μf knf
μ nf ¼ ; α nf ¼ ;
sure gradient ∂ p/∂ y = 0 so that p = p(x) and dp/dx = constant. Using ð1−φÞ2:5 ρ Cp
the nanofluid model proposed by Tiwari and Das [28], the momentum nf
balance and energy equations according to the Boussinesq approxi- k ks þ 2kf −2φ kf −ks
mation can be written as ρ Cp ¼ ð1−φÞ ρ C p þ φ ρ C p ; ¼ ;
nf f s kf ks þ 2kf þ φ kf −ks
d2 u h i dp
μ nf 2
þ φ ρs βs þ ð1−φÞρf βf g ðT−T w Þ ¼ ; ð1Þ
dy dx where μf is the dynamic viscosity of the base fluid and its expression
has been proposed by Brinkman (1953), knf is the thermal conductiv-
ity of the nanofluid, kf and ks are the thermal conductivities of the
∂2 T ∂T base fluid and of the solid, respectively, and (ρ Cp)nf is the heat capac-
αn f ¼u ; ð2Þ
∂y2 ∂x itance of the fluid nanofluid. It is worth mentioning that the
expressions (5) are restricted to spherical nanoparticles where it
does not account for other shapes of nanoparticles. These equations
were also used by Khanafer, Vafai and Lightstone [26], Oztop and
Abu-Nada [29], and Abu-Nada and Oztop [30]. The thermophysical
properties of fluid and nanoparticles are given in Table 1.
We introduce now the following dimensionless variables
y x u T−T w p
Y¼ ; X¼ ; U ðY Þ ¼ ; θðY Þ ¼ ; P ðxÞ ¼ ; ð6Þ
L L Um C 1 L Re P r ρf U 2m
1 1 d2 U h i Ra dP
þ ð1−φÞ þ φ ρs =ρf βs =βf θ¼ ; ð7Þ
Tw(x) = T0 + C1 x
Tw(x) = T0 + C1 x
x, u Re ð1−φÞ2:5 d Y 2 Re dX
α nf d2 θ
¼ U; ð8Þ
αf d Y 2
o y, v
subject to the following boundary conditions
Table 1
Thermophysical properties of fluid and nanoparticles given in [29].
along with the mass flux conservation relation (4), which becomes where the unknown constants are determined using the boundary
conditions (12) as
∫0 U dY ¼ 1; ð10Þ
pffiffiffi 3 h pffiffiffi pffiffiffi i
2 βP cos 2 βP þ cosh 2 βP
where Ra = g βf C1 L 4/(νf αf) is the Rayleigh number. It should be men- α2 ¼ h pffiffiffi pffiffiffi i ;
tioned that Ra > 0 for assisting flow and Ra b 0 for opposing flow, re- α r sin 2 βP −sinh 2 βP
spectively. It should also be mentioned that for a regular fluid pffiffiffi β β
2 cos pPffiffiffi cosh pPffiffiffi
(φ = 0), Eqs. (7) and (8) reduce to those of Chen and Chung [8]. P P
C1 ¼ C3 ¼ − h pffiffiffi 2 p2 i ;
βP α r sin 2 βP −sinh 2 βP
3. Results analysis
pffiffiffi β β
2 sin pPffiffiffi sinh pPffiffiffi
C 2 ¼ −C 4 ¼ − h pffiffiffi 2 p 2 i :
Differentiating U(Y) in Eq. (8) with respect to Y twice and then ffiffiffi
βP α r sin 2 βP −sinh 2 βP
substituting it into Eq. (8), we obtain
θ þ α 1 ⋅θ ¼ α 2 ; ð11Þ For Ra b 0, corresponding to α1 b 0. Similar to the procedures men-
tioned above, we obtain the analytical solution for Eq. (11) as
subject to the boundary conditions
″ ″ 1 ″
θðY Þ ¼ C 1 expðβN Y Þ þ C 2 expð−βN Y Þ þ C 3 cosðβN Y Þ
θð−1Þ ¼ θð1Þ ¼ θ ð1Þ ¼ θ ð−1Þ ¼ 0; ∫0 α r ⋅θ ðyÞ ¼ 1; ð12Þ N α
þ C 4 sinðβN Y Þ− 42 ; ð20Þ
i βN
where α 1 ¼ ð1−φÞ ð1−φÞ þ ρρs ββs φ Ra
5 5
2 Re d P
α r , α 2 ¼ ð1−φÞ α r d X , and
α nf f f
αr ¼ α . where
The analytical solutions for Eq. (11) satisfied the boundary condi-
tions (12) which can be explicitly obtained for three different cases 2 β3N ½1 þ expð2 βN Þ
Ra = 0, Ra > 0 and Ra b 0, as illustrated hereinafter. α2 ¼ − ;
α r ½1−expð2 βN Þ þ tanðβN Þ þ tanðβN Þexpð2 βN Þ
For Ra = 0, we integrate Eq. (11) with respect to Y four times, 1
C N1 ¼ C N2 ¼ ;
obtaining 2 βN α r ½sinhðβN Þ−coshðβN ÞtanðβN Þ
1 N 1=4
α2 4 C N3 ¼ ; C 4 ¼ 0; βN ¼ ð−α 1 Þ :
0 0 0
θðY Þ ¼ C 1 þ C 2 Y þ C 3 Y þ C 4 Y þ
2 0 3
Y ; ð13Þ βN α r ½cosðβN ÞtanhðβN Þ−sinðβN Þ
where the constants C10, C20, C30, and C40 and α2 are determined by the The temperature distribution of Al2O3–water fluid flow at the cen-
boundary conditions (12) as terline of the channel as a function of the Rayleigh number Ra for
some values of φ is plotted in Fig. 2. It is found from Fig. 2(a) that
0 5 0 0 3 0 3 for the assisting flow case, as expected, the centerline temperature
C1 ¼ − ; C 2 ¼ 0; C3 ¼ ; C 4 ¼ 0; α2 ¼ − : ð14Þ
8γ 4γ γ θ(0) enlarges gradually with increasing values of the Rayleigh num-
ber Ra. While for the opposing flow case, the centerline temperature
For Ra > 0, corresponding to α1 > 0, in this case, the homogeneous θ(0) diminishes rapidly from its initial value to negative infinity as
equation for Eq. (11) is the Rayleigh number decreases from zero to a singular value Ras1. Be-
yond this value, θ(0) changes its sign and lessens continuously from
‴′ 4 positive infinity to negative infinity with the reduction of Ra, as
θ þ βP ⋅θ ¼ 0; ð15Þ
shown in Fig. 2(b). Furthermore, due to Eq. (20), it is readily to
where βP = α11/4. The characteristic equation for Eq. (15) can then be know that there are multiple singularities, at those points θ(0) always
written as approaches to infinity, as shown in Table 2. However the centerline
temperature θ(0) cannot be infinite physically, we thereby are able to
4 4
r þ βP ¼ 0; ð16Þ conclude that Eq. (20) is only valid for Ras1 b Ra b 0. Besides, the effect
of φ on the centerline temperature distribution can be also seen in
which have four roots Fig. 2. From Fig. 2(a) and (b), we notice that the increasing values of φ
result in the enhancement of the absolute values of θ(0) for any a pre-
β β scribed value Ra. This provides a theoretical basis from mathematical
r 1;2 ¼ pPffiffiffi ð1 iÞ; r 3;4 ¼ − pPffiffiffi ð1 iÞ: ð17Þ point of view that the nanofluids can effectively improve on the heat
2 2
transfer characteristics compared to the traditional fluids.
The temperature distribution θ(Y) for various values of Ra with
Thus the solution for Eq. (15) is given by φ = 0.1 in Al2O3–water nanofluid is presented in Fig. 3. It is shown
from Fig. 3(a), the temperature profiles θ(Y) grow monotonously
β β β with the increasing of the Rayleigh number Ra for the assisting flow
θ ðY Þ ¼ exp pPffiffiffi Y
C P1 cos pPffiffiffi Y þ C 2 sin pPffiffiffi Y
2 2 2 case. Similar situation can be found for the opposing flow case, the
β P β P β temperature profiles θ(Y) increase consecutively as the Rayleigh
þexp − pPffiffiffi Y C 3 cos pPffiffiffi Y þ C 4 sin pPffiffiffi Y :
2 2 2 number Ra evolves from Rac1 to zero, as shown in Fig. 3(b). Fig. 4
gives the velocity profiles for various values of Ra with φ = 0.1 in
It is obvious that θ(Y) = α2/βP4 is a particular solution of Eq. (11). Al2O3–water nanofluid. As illustrated in Fig. 4(a), for the assisting
Hence, the general solution of Eq. (11) reads flow case, the velocity profiles U(Y) decrease smoothly as the Ray-
leigh number Ra enlarges from 0 to a critical value Ra1(≈46.8602).
β β P β While when Ra constantly enlarges, the centerline temperature
θðY Þ ¼ exp pPffiffiffi Y C P1 cos pPffiffiffi Y þ C 2 sin pPffiffiffi Y
2 2
ð19Þ U(0) diminishes unceasingly as before, synchronously, two crests
β β P β α
þexp − pPffiffiffi Y C P3 cos pPffiffiffi Y þ C 4 sin pPffiffiffi Y þ 42 ; alongside of the centerline come to appear and gradually enhance.
2 2 2 βP As Ra approaches to another critical value Ra2(≈3795.6735), the
H. Xu, I. Pop / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 39 (2012) 1086–1092 1089
0 1 2 3 4
10 10 10 10 10
Ra (a) Ra 0
(b) Ra 0
3 -0.05
-0.25 800
0 -0.3 400
-0.4 100
-1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
0 1 2 3 4
10 10 10 10 10
(b) Rac1 Ra 0
Fig. 2. The values of θ(0) for various values of Ra in Al2O3–water fluid. Dash–dot-dotted
line: φ = 0.0; dashed line: φ = 0.1; solid line: φ = 0.2.
Table 2 -1 -300
Al2O3–water Ras1 − 237.903 − 457.438 − 902.185
Ras2 − 2498.4 − 4803.9 − 9474.52
Ras3 − 10875.9 − 20912.1 − 41244.
Ras4 − 31804.4 − 61153.2 − 120610. -2 -400
… … … …
Cu–water Ras1 − 237.903 − 432.018 − 797.644
Ras2 − 2498.4 − 4536.94 − 8376.66 -2.5
Ras3 − 10875.9 − 19750. − 36464.8
Ras4 − 31804.4 − 57754.9 − 106634.
… … … …
TiO2–water Ras1 − 237.903 − 457.438 − 839.29 -3
Ras2 − 2498.4 − 4803.9 − 8814.02
-1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Ras3 − 10875.9 − 20912.1 − 38368.7
Ras4 − 31804.4 − 61153.2 − 112202.
… … … … Fig. 3. The temperature profiles for various values of Ra with φ = 0.1 in Al2O3–water
1090 H. Xu, I. Pop / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 39 (2012) 1086–1092
(a) Ra 0 4. Conclusion
Fig. 4. The velocity profiles for various values of Ra with φ = 0.1 in Al2O3–water fluid.
(b) Ra = -50
Table 3
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