Manuscript ARTICLE 1
Manuscript ARTICLE 1
Manuscript ARTICLE 1
The current research studied the two-dimensional mixed heat transfer in three different
cavities with inlet/outlet opening, The heat source is located on a part of the bottom wall,
Several parameters such as (10≤Re≤150); (0.1≤Ri≤10); (0≤Ha≤100); (0.02≤ φ ≤0.08). Were
analyzed on three different models. The results showed a difference in the presence of the
magnetic field, We notice an increase in the value of the Reynolds number leads to a decrease
in the velocity of heat flow. The heat transfer value increases in the second keffiyeh to give a
maximum value, While it is low in the first and third cavity. In addition . With increasing
concentration of the nanofluids, The average number of Nusselt in the three cavities
increased. It is hoped that these results will be useful in optimizing convection.
Keywords: Nanofluid, Heat Transfer, Reynolds Numbers, Triangular Cavity, Hartmann
Number. different form of cavity Magnetic field.
a Length (m)
B0 Intensity of magnetic field
Cp specific heat at constant pressure (J/Kg K)
P dimensionless pressure, p/ ρ f μ 20
Ri Richardson number, g β ¿
Re Reynolds number, ρ f μ 0 H /μ f
T temperature (K)
To temperature of reference (K), (TH + TC)/2
U dimensionless velocity vector (m/s)
u0 velocity of the flow at the inlet (m/s)
u⃗ velocity vector (m/s)
U, V dimensionless velocity, u/u0, v/u0
u, v velocity components in x, y direction (m/s)
X, Y dimensionless Cartesian coordinates, x/H, y/H
x, y cartesian coordinates (m)
Greek symbols
α Thermal diffusivity (m2/s)
β Thermal expansion coefficient (1/K)
μ Dynamic viscosity (kg/ms)
ϑ Kinematic viscosity (m2/s)
ρ Density (kg/m3)
θ Dimensionless temperature, (T - TC)/(TH - TC)
∅ Solid volume fraction
C Cold
H Hot
f pure fluid
avg average
min minimum
max maximum
nf nanofluid
1. Introduction
Nanofluids have recently been used as an alternative to traditional liquids such as
oil, Water and others due to their efficiency and high quality in heat transfer
convection due to their great importance in several fields such as industry,
Medicine and others. Nanofluid technology has become a research and
development destination by researchers and manufacturers to raise the quality of
products and systems that suffer from the problem of heat convection.
The main objective of our study is to analyze three triangular cavity while keeping the same
hot wall at the bottom and changing the right wall of the triangular cavity. Additionally, This
paper aims to investigate the mixed convective heat transfer of nano-fluids (cuo/water) within
a triangular cavite with a fixed cylinder inside, Subject to a fixed magnetic field. The effect of
various control variables such as φ, Ri, Re, Ha, numbers on the flow characteristics and heat
transfer was investigated.
2. Characterization of problem
In this investigation, Liquid flow and heat transport exist inside a triangular enclosure filled
through Newtonian nanoliquid media. The shape of a size L × H and a diameter (2r) of a
cylinder that is subtracted from the main geometry. The interior is filled with homogeneous
material. A graphical problem with the essential geometric parameters of the enclosure is
demonstrated in Fig. 1. The housing filled with a nanofluid layer (CuO /H 2O). That is located
in the area. Apiece of the down, sidewall is considered hot, the inlet wall is cold. An
adiabatically cylinder that is positioned at the center of the enclosure. It is supposed that the
flow is laminar, steady, Incompressible nanofluid and in the two-dimensional system
Gr g β f ( T H −Tc ) H
g β f (T H −Tc) H σ nf
Ri= 2 = 2 ,Gr= 2 , Ha=B0 L
ℜ u0 ϑf ρnf ϑ f
The dimensionless governing equations can be given by the following forms
⃗ =0
∇U (5)
⃗ ⃗=
U .∇U
(1−φ )+ φ
[ 1
−∆ P+ ℜ
(1−φ ) 2.5
∇2 ⃗
Ri ρ β
U + ℜ 1−φ+φ s s θ
ρf β f (6)
K nf
1 Kf
U . ∇ θ=
∇ θ (7)
ℜ . Pr ( ρc p )s
( 1−φ ) +φ
(ρ c p )f
3.2 Thermophysical properties of nanofluid
The effective density, the effective specific, the thermal diffusivity heat and the thermal
expansion coefficient of the nanofluid can be estimated by the following expressions:
ρnf =( 1−φ ) ρf +φ ρs (8)
( ρ C p )nf =( 1−φ ) ( ρC p )f + φ ( ρ C p ) s (9)
¿ (10)
k nf
α nf = (11)
The thermal conductivity of the nanofluid using the model proposed by Maxwell [34] and the
dynamic viscosity provided by Brinkman [35]which are expressed in the following form:
k nf k s+ 2 k f −2 φ ( k f −k s )
kf k s+ 2 k f + φ ( k f −k s )
μnf = (13)
( 1−φ )2.5
The local Nusselt number, Nu, is used to characterize the heat flux between the heated wall
and the fluid in the cavity. It is expressed as:
h H −K nf ∂ θ
Kf ∂ X ( ) x=0
The average Nusselt number, Nuavg, is obtained by integrating the local Nusselt number all
along the heated wall. It characterizes theoverall heat transfer in the cavity. It is expressed as
Nuavg= ∫ Nudx
b 0
Table 2: Effect of the mesh size on average Nusselt number with Ra = 106, Ha = 20
Grid (Element Number) 1138 1477 2136 5527 15815 19573
Nuavg 1.9934 2.0156 2.0500 2.1397 2.1397 2.1397
Previous studies by Alireza al [36] and Ghassemi et al [37] were used to validate to our model
as shown in Table 3 and Table 4.
Table 3: A comparison: Nusselt average number at φ =0.04 and Ha=0 with ref [36]
Re=30 Re=100
θs Ref[35] Present study Ref[35] Present study
Table 4: A comparison at φ =0.06 between the present study and Ref[36]. Ref[37]
Fig.3. Changes of the streamlines (Ψ) for diverse Ri (0.1, 0.5, 1 ,5 ,10) at Ha = 0 , Re=10 φ=0.02 for
different form of cavity.
(φ=0.02) and Ha=0 , Re=10 . The results show that the distribution of streamlines becomes
better as the value of Ri increases. Furthermore, The higher value of the flux function
increases. This phenomenon means a stronger vortex, And thus a higher velocity of the vortex
in the enclosure. The second characteristic is that the density of the streamlines near the walls,
Increases. This means that the temperature gradient increases near the walls. Therefore, The
size of the vortex increases in this area. Thus, The flow model of the flow function clearly
shows that a cold fluid flow enters the cavity and moves towards the outlet.
Fig.4. illustrates the changes of the streamlines (Ψ) for diverse Re (10, 50, 100, 150) at Ha=0,
φ=0.02, Ri=0.1, For different forms of cavity.
Fig.4. also illustrates that at higher values of Re, the buoyancy forces are stronger, resulting in
better convective motion of the fluid. At higher Re, The buoyancy effect becomes stronger,
Resulting in maximum free convective transport from the heated left wall to the cooled right
wall. It is worth mentioning that the intensity of the flow curves increases in the middle of the
cavity, See Figure 5. In addition, It can be concluded by this section that the streamlines of
convection flow are affected by changing the values of Re numbers with the constant
behavior of Ha number.
Fig.4. Changes of the streamlines (Ψ) for diverse Re (10, 50, 100, 150) at Ha = 0, φ =0.02,
Ri=0.1 , for different form of cavity
Fig.5. Changes of the temperature (T) for diverse Ri ( 0.1 , 0.5, 1, 5,10) at Ha=0 , Re= 10, φ=0.02
for different form of cavity
Fig.6. Demonstrates the changes of the temperature (T) for diverse Re (10, 50 ,100 ,150) at
Ha=0, φ=0.02 , Ri=0.1 For different form of cavity. By increasing Re, The convection mode
of heat transfer is significantly more important. The isothermal lines become more distorted
and indicate better heat dissipation inside the cavity. In addition, It can be seen by this section
that the temperature of flow has been changed by changing the values of Re numbers with the
constant behavior of Ha number. Where, The variation of Re illustrates the significant impact
on the heat transport performance in the cavity.
Fig.6. Changes of the temperature (T) for diverse Re ( 10 , 50 , 100 , 150) at Ha = 0 ,φ = 0.02,
Ri=0.1, for different form of cavity
Fig.7. represents the variations of Nuavg with Re for diverse Ri at Ha = 0 and φ =0.02, Effect
of Ri for on the average Nusselt number and the average Nusselt number increases. The
influence of Ri on Nu is distinct for high Reynolds numbers compared to low Reynolds
numbers; However, for Re=10, the average Nusselt number remains uniform as Ri increases
because the rate of heat transfer occurs solely by conduction independent of magnetic field
effects. From this calculation, we can see that it is the convection effect that determines the
evolution of the mean Nusselt number as a function of the value of Ri. It can been seen from
this figure that the values of Nusselt number is increasing for the rising values of Ri, So a
direct relation is obtained between Nu and Ri.
Fig.7. Variations of Nuavg with Re for diverse Ri of different forms of cavity at Ha=0 and
Fig.8. illustrates the variations of Nuavg with Re for diverse Ha at φ = 0.02 and Ha=0. The
evolution of the average Nusselt number as a function of the Reynold's number Re for
different Ha. As can be seen, the average Nusselt number accelerates with increasing values
of the Reynold's number for the parameter Ha. And decreases by increasing the Hartmann
number in the second cavity (B). The heat transfer rate increases and this increase decreases
by changing the magnetic field. This behavior can be attributed to the external magnetic field,
Which dominates the suppression of the flow field. As a result, Nuavg is expected to increase
with Ha. Also, A constant effect of Re on Nu can be observed from this figure.
Fig.8. Variations of Nuavg with Re for diverse Ha of different forms of cavity at φ = 0.02 and
Fig.9. Demonstrates the variations of Nu avg with Re for diverse φ at Ha = 0 and Ri=0.1. The
behavior of the dependence of the Nusselt number on the volume fraction of the NPs is
presented in this Figure. The average Nu increases with the Reynold number, and this
increase is significant for Re> 50.
Fig.10. Represents the variations of Nuavg with Re for diverse forms of cavity at Ha = 0 and
φ =0.02 and Ri=0.1. Fig.10 displays the average Nusselt number as a function of Re number
for different cavity shapes. The results showed an improvement of Nuavg at the second cavity
of the right wall, which is folded inward. The results showed an improvement of Nuavg at the
second cavity of the right wall, Which is folded inward. The latter is characterized by a low
Nuavg compared to the first and second. Furthermore, It can be seen that the better the
Reynolds, The better the Nuavg.
Fig 9: Variations of Nuavg with Re for diverse φ of different forms of cavity at Ha = 0 and
Fig 10: Variations of Nuavg with Re for diverse forms of cavity at Ha = 0 and φ =0.02 and
Fig11 shows the variations of Nuavg with Re for diverse forms of cavity at Ha=0 and φ=0.02
and Ri=10 with an increase in the number of Richard in three cavities. We notice a large
convergence in Nuavg when Ri=10. Therefore, the change in cavity shape does not affect the
heat transfer at high Richard Ri=10.
Fig 11: Variations of Nuavg with Re for diverse forms of cavity at Ha = 0 and φ =0.02 and
Fig12 illustrates the variations of Nuavg with Re for diverse forms of cavity at Ha = 0 and φ
=0.06 and Ri=0.1. Fig13 demonstrates the Variations of Nuavg with Re for diverse forms of
cavity at Ha=50 and φ =0.02 and Ri=0.1. Fig 12 and13 study Nuavg at different cavity shapes.
When the values of Ha and φ are larger with the increase of Reynolds number, we observe an
improvement of Nusselt in the second cavity (B), better than in the first (A) and third (C)
cavity. Thus, the improvement in Ha and φ improves the convective heat transfer.
Fig 12: Variations of Nuavg with Re for diverse forms of cavity at Ha = 0 and φ =0.06 and
Fig 13: Variations of Nuavg with Re for diverse forms of cavity at Ha =50 and φ =0.02 and
6. Conclusion
The effects of two-dimensional mixed heat transfer in a different cavity with inlet/outlet
opening with the location of the heat source on a portion of the lower wall, were analyzed on
three different sufficiency models. The following results can be deduced from this numerical
Despite the three studied cavities, an inverse relationship between velocity and
temperature was observed. When we increase the speed, the temperature decreases and
vice versa. The size of the relationship between speed and temperature varies. High
temperature and low speed have a higher value in the second cavity than in the first and
third cavity.
By increasing the Hartmann number, increasing the intensity of the magnetic field
leads to an increase in the thickness of the heat streamlines and this results in a clear
decrease in the average Nusselt number in the second cavity.
By increasing the value of Reynolds number, the velocity of heat flow decreases which
gives us slower fluid flow.
The second cavity shape helps in improving heat transfer much better than the other
two shapes
The authors acknowledge the financial support of the General Direction of Scientific
Research and Technological Development (DGRSDT), Algeria.
Data availability
The authors confirm that the data supporting the findings of this study are available within the
article and on request from the corresponding author.
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