Warlord Snagga Snagga'S Feral Ork Horde Army List
Warlord Snagga Snagga'S Feral Ork Horde Army List
Warlord Snagga Snagga'S Feral Ork Horde Army List
Using The Army List Orkeosaurus that are part of a warband may only transport
Unlike the very rigid formations used by the Imperium, Ork units from their own formation.
formations vary widely in both size and composition. The rules
for creating Ork formations reflect this. The different types of Feral Ork armies are allowed to field a Trappa formation.
Ork formations you may choose are shown on the army list that This formation represents Ork Wildboyz using their skills
follows. The army list includes the following information: to scout ahead of the main army. Because of this all units in
the formation have scout.
Type: The name of the formation.
Cost: Most Ork formations have three values. The first value is
the cost for the basic formation, the second is its cost if it is a big
formation, and the third value is its cost if it is a ’uge formation.
If the formation only has one cost then it may not be increased
in size. Up to one third of the points available to an Ork army
can be spent on aircraft and Gargants.
Special Rules
The Mob Rule (see Mob Rule) and Power of the Waaagh! (see Power of
the Waaagh!) rules apply to all Ork formations.
Ork – Feral Orks – 2018-04-20
Warlord CH n/a n/a n/a n/a Big Choppa (bc) Assault Weapons, EA(+1), MW Supreme Commander.
Wyrdboy CH n/a n/a n/a n/a Fist of Gork 45cm MW5+/AA5+, MW
Boarboyz INF 20cm 5+ 4+ 6+ Shootas (15cm) Small Arms Infiltrator, Mounted.
Boyz INF 15cm 6+ 4+ 6+ Big Shoota 30cm AP6+/AT6+
Grotz INF 15cm - 6+ 6+ Shootas (15cm) Small Arms Expendable. Formations that include at least one Ork unit don’t count Grot units that are lost in an
assault when working out who has won the combat.
Madboyz INF 15cm 6+ 4+ 6+ Shootas (15cm) Small Arms Fearless.
Nobz INF 15cm 4+ 3+ 5+ 2× Big Shoota 30cm AP6+/AT6+ Leader.
Big Choppas (bc) Assault Weapons, EA(+1)
Squig Katapult INF 10cm - 6+ 5+ Squig Katapult 45cm 1BP, D
Wildboyz INF 15cm 6+ 4+ - -
Junkatrukk LV 25cm 5+ 5+ 6+ Big Shoota 30cm AP6+/AT6+ Transport. May transport one of the following units: Boyz, Grotz, Nobz. Units being transported may
Squiggoth LV 20cm 4+ 4+ 5+ Big Gun 45cm AP5+/AT5+ Reinforced Armour, Thick Rear Armour, Transport. May transport four of the following units: Boyz,
2× Twin Big Shoota 30cm AP5+/AT6+ Grotz, Nobz, Wildboyz; plus two units of Grotz.
Teeth and Horns (bc) Assault Weapons, EA(+D3), MW
Orkeosaurus WE 15cm 4+ 4+ 5+ 2× Big Gun 45cm AP5+/AT5+ Damage Capacity 6, Reinforced Armour, Thick Rear Armour, Transport. May Transport twelve of
4× Twin Big Shoota 30cm AP5+/AT6+ the following units: Boyz, Grotz, Nobz, Wildboyz; plus six units of Grotz). Critical Hit Effect:
Goring Tusks (bc) Assault Weapons, EA(+D3), MW Move the unit 3D6cm in a random direction. If it moves into impassable terrain it stops and is
or (bc) Assault Weapons, EA(+1), TK(D3) destroyed. If it moves into another unit it stops and that unit suffers a macro-weapon hit.
Steam Gargant WE 15cm 4+ 4+ 4+ 0–2× Soopagun 60cm 2BP, MW Damage Capacity 4, Fearless, Reinforced Armour, Walker. Armed with any two of the following
0–2× Mega Choppa (bc) Assault Weapons, EA(+1), TK(D3) weapons: Soopagun, Mega-Choppa. Critical Hit Effect: The unit is destroyed. All units within
Fist of Gork 45cm MW5+/AA5+, MW 2D6cm suffer a hit.