Kill Team List - Orks v1.3
Kill Team List - Orks v1.3
Kill Team List - Orks v1.3
Codex Orks
This team list uses the special rules and wargear found in Codex: Orks. If a rule differs from the Codex, it will be clearly stated.
Rokkit Packs
A model equipped with a Rokkit Pack ignores the rule for Rokkit Packs found in the Codex, use the following rule instead: Models with a Rokkit Pack become Jump Infantry. If the model rolls a double when using his Jump move in the charge sub-phase the dice may not be rerolled and the model immediately suffers a Strength 4 hit. If the model survives this hit, his following Hammer of Wrath attack is resolved at Strength 6.
Waaagh! Amendment
Instead of the Waaagh! rule in the Codex, use the following: Once per game (but not in the first turn), the Ork player can declare a Waaagh! during his Shooting phase. For the rest of that turn, all friendly Ork models may Run up to 9 and may re-roll their charge distance.
Model Availability
You must adhere to the following model requirements when building your Kill Team: 1 Team Leader model 1-25 Core models 0-5 Special models
WS 4 BS 2 S 4 T 4 W 3 I 3 A 3 Ld 7 Sv 6+ Mega Armour Options:
20 points
May replace all wargear with Mega Armour, Twin-linked Shoota and Power Klaw for 20 points. May then exchange Twin-linked Shoota with: - Shoota/Rokkit Kombi-weapon 5 pts - Shoota/Skorcha Kombi-weapon 5 pts May take wargear from the Ork armoury including Nob and Mega Armour only items.
Improvised Armour Slugga Choppa
Special Rules:
Inspiring Presence Furious Charge Mob Rule Waaagh!
Kommando Upgrade:
May upgrade to a Kommando Nob for 5 pts, gaining the Move Through Cover and Infiltrate special rules. A Kommando Nob may not take Mega Armour, a Rokkit Pack or a Warbike.
WS 4 BS 2 S 3 T 4 W 2 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 6+ Options:
15 points
May replace Kustom Mega-Blaster with: - Slugga and Choppa Free - Big Shoota Free - Rokkit Launcha 5 pts May take any of the following: - Stikkbomb 1 pts - eavy Armour 5 pts - Cybork Body 5 pts - Grot Oiler 5 pts - Warbike 15 pts May take wargear from the Ork armoury including Mek only items.
Improvised Armour Kustom Mega-Blaster Meks Tools
Special Rules:
Inspiring Presence Furious Charge Mob Rule Waaagh!
Ork Boy
WS 4 BS 2 S 3 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 6+
6 points
Improvised Armour Shoota
Special Rules:
Furious Charge Mob Rule Waaagh!
Any Ork Boy may replace its Shoota with: - Slugga and Choppa Free For every 10 Ork Boyz you take in your Kill Team, one may replace their Shoota with: - Big Shoota 5 pts - Rokkit Launcha 10 pts Any Ork Boy may take the following: - Stikkbomb 1 pts
Gretchin Herd
Gretchin: WS 2 WS 4 BS 3 BS 2 S 2 S 3 T 2 T 4 W 1 W 1 I 2 I 2 A 1 A 2 Ld 5 Ld 7 Sv Sv 6+ Its a Grots Life:
25 points
Rule Amendment: Orks use the tribes Gretchin for all manner of unsavoury roles, one of which is a meat shield for the more important Orks. An enemy may not trace line of sight through a Gretchin herd. Even if they try and shoot past them to get at more valuable targets, the Runtherd throws a Grot into the path of the shot.
Wargear (Gretchin):
Mixed Squad:
When used in a Campaign, you may replace any Dead! models in a Gretchin Herd at the following points costs: Gretchen for 3 points, Runtherd for 10 points.
Wargear (Runtherd):
Improvised Armour Grabba Stick Slugga Squig Hound
The Runtherd may exchange his Grabba Stick with a Grot-Prod for 5 points.
You may only ever take one Painboy in your Kill Team. WS 4 BS 2 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 3 Ld 7 Sv 6+ Options:
35 points
Improvised Armour Urty Syringe Doks Tools*
Special Rules:
Furious Charge Mob Rule Waaagh!
May take any of the following: - Stikkbomb 1 pts - eavy Armour 5 pts - Cybork Body 5 pts May take wargear from the Ork armoury including Painboy only items.
Doks Tools:
Rule Amendment: The Painboy and all friendly Ork models within 6 gain the Feel No Pain special rule.
Kult Ork
WS 4 BS 2 S 3 T 4 W 1 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 6+ Kult Options (see Kult Specialisation):
10 points
Ard Boy: Gains either a Slugga and Choppa or a Shoota. Also gains Eavy Armour.
Up to two Ard Boys in a Kill Team may replace their Shootas with one of the following: - Big Shoota 5 pts - Rokkit Launcha 10 pts
Improvised Armour
Special Rules:
Furious Charge Mob Rule Waaagh! Kult Specialisation*
Kommando: Gains a Slugga, Choppa and Stikkbomb. Also gains the Infiltrate and Move Through Cover special rules.
Kult Specialisation:
Some Orks join one of the many Ork Kults and specialise in a specific type of destruction. You must buy one (and only one) of the Kult Options listed on the right. Select which one of the Kults he belongs to and equip him as appropriate, paying any extra point costs.
Up to two Kommandos in a Kill Team may replace their Sluggas and Choppas with one of the following: - Big Shoota 5 pts - Rokkit Launcha 10 pts - Burna 15 pts
Tankbusta (+5 pts): Gains a Rokkit Launcha and Tankbusta Bomb. Also gains the Glory Hogs special rule.
Up to two Tankbustas may replace their Rokkit Launcha for a Tankhammer for free.
Any Kult Ork May take wargear from the Ork armoury. Kommandos may also take Kommando only items.
Stormboy (+2 pts): Gains a Slugga, Choppa, Stikkbomb and Rokkit Pack. Loota (+5 pts): Gains a Deffgun. Burna Boy (+5 pts): Gains a Burna.
Killa Kan
You may take a maximum of two Killa Kanz in your Kill Team. WS 2 BS 3 S 5 FA 11 SA 11 RA 10 I 2 A 2 HP 2 Options:
May exchange its Big Shoota with: - Skorcha - Grotzooka - Rokkit Launcha - Kustom Mega-blaster May take any of the following: - Grot Riggers - Armour Plates
40 points
Power Fist Big Shoota
Unit Type:
Vehicle (Walker)
Special Rules:
WS 4 BS 2 S 3 T 5 W 2 I 2 A 2 Ld 7 Sv 4+ Options:
May replace Twin-linked Shoota with: - Kustom Mega-blaster - Twin-linked Rokkit Launcher May take any of the following: - Bigbomm - Buzzsaw
35 points
Unit Type:
Special Rules:
Furious Charge Mob Rule Hit and Run Scouts
Choppa Twin-linked Big Shoota
WS 4 BS 2 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 3 Ld 7 Sv 2+ Options:
40 points
May replace Twin-linked Shoota with: - Shoota/Rokkit Kombi-weapon 5 pts - Shoota/Skorcha Kombi-weapon 5 pts May take Mega Armour only wargear from the Ork armoury.
Mega Armour Stikkbomb
Special Rules:
Furious Charge Mob Rule Waaagh!
Flash Git
WS 4 BS 2 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 3 Ld 7 Sv 4+ Options:
25 points
May take any of the following: - More Dakka - Shootier - Blastas May take wargear from the Ork armoury.
Eavy Armour Snazzgun Gitfinda
Special Rules:
Furious Charge Mob Rule Waaagh!
WS 4 BS 2 S 3 T 5 W 1 I 2 A 3 Ld 7 Sv 4+ Wargear:
Eavy Armour Choppa Slugga Warbike Dakkagun
25 points
Unit Type: Bike Special Rules:
Furious Charge Mob Rule Exhaust Cloud
Big Gun
You may take a maximum of two Big Gunz in your Kill Team. Gretchin: WS 2 WS BS 3 BS S 2 S T 2 T 7 W 1 W 2 I 2 I A 1 A Ld 5 Ld Sv Sv 3+ Options:
May replace Kannon with: - Lobba - Zzap Gun May take the following: - Ammo Runt
20 points
Big Gun:
Wargear (Gretchin):