Warf Rmies: Dwarf Army Special Rules
Warf Rmies: Dwarf Army Special Rules
Warf Rmies: Dwarf Army Special Rules
Dwarf Armies
Dwarf Army Special Rules
Alignment: Good always hit on 4+ regardless of modifiers.
Then, for each point of damage caused,
Grizzled Veterans roll to hit and to damage again, as the
All units in this list have the Headstrong surviving dogs savage the unfortunate
special rule, unless specified otherwise. opponents. Repeat this process again and
again until you fail to score any damage,
Dwarven Throwing Mastiffs at which point even the toughest of the
The Dwarfs train a breed of war-dog that dogs have been put down or have run off
is infamous for being even more vicious to bury some of the enemies limbs.
and hard-headed than its creators.
Against units with the Shambling special
Mark a unit that has been equipped with rule, you can re-roll any dice that fail to
throwing mastiffs with one or more such damage the mastiffs are that keen.
model. The unit has a ranged attack with
a range of 12 that can be used only once
per game (remove the mastiff markers
once the weapon is used up).
Options Special
Dwarven Throwing Mastiff (+10 pts) Phalanx
Dwarven Throwing Mastiff (+10 pts)
Shieldbreakers Infantry
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Troop (10) 4 4+ 4+ 10 10/12 90 Ironwatch Crossbows Infantry
Regiment (20) 4 4+ 4+ 12 14/16 130 Unit Size Sp Me Ra De Att Ne Pts
Horde (40) 4 4+ 4+ 25 21/23 215 Troop (10) 4 5+ 5+ 4+ 8 10/12 100
Options Special
Dwarven Throwing Mastiff (+10 pts) Crossbows, Piercing (1), Reload!
Force Lists
Force Lists
Individual, Inspiring
Warp Hammer, Shield of Miph, Individual, Inspiring
Warp Hammer
The bearer has Crushing Strength (3).
Shield of Miph
The bearer has Regeneration (6+).