QP Customer Care Executive Call Center PDF
QP Customer Care Executive Call Center PDF
QP Customer Care Executive Call Center PDF
1. Introduction and Contacts..…..…..…1
2. Qualifications Pack……….……...........2
3. OS Units……………………..…….….........6
What are
OS describe what
individuals need
to do, know and
understand in
order to carry out Introduction
a particular job
role or function Qualifications Pack-Customer Care Executive
(Call Center)
standards that SUB-SECTOR:Service Provider
individuals must
OCCUPATION: Customer Service
achieve when
carrying out REFERENCE ID: TEL/Q0100
functions in the
workplace, Customer Care Executivein the Telecom industry is also known as Customer
together with Service Representative/ Customer Service Associate / Customer Service Advisor
specifications of / Customer Relationship Officers / Call Centre Executive
the underpinning
knowledge and
understanding Brief Job Description: Individuals at this job provide customer service support to
an organization by interacting with their customers over the phone. They also
Contact Us: handle, follow and resolvecustomer’s queries, requests and complaintsin a
2nd Floor, C-DOT timely manner.
Road, Mehrauli
Personal Attributes: This job requires the individual to have good
New Delhi - 110030
communication skills with a clear diction, ability to construct simple and
T: +91 11 26598711
F: +91 11 26805318 sensible sentences; ability to comprehend simple English sentences; good
E-mail: problem solving skills and ability to approach problems logically; strong
[email protected] customer service focus; ability to work under pressure and active listening skills.
The individual should also be willing and comfortable to work in shifts.
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height – 0.51”,
Qualifications Pack For Customer care executive
width 2.84”
(It should
Qualifications Pack
Customer Care Executive (Call Center)
Job Role
Job Details
Credits(NVEQF/NVQ Version
TBD 1.0
Sector Telecom Drafted on 31/01/2013
Sub-sector Service Provider reviewed 14/05/2013
Next review
Occupation Customer Service 31/05/2015
5. TEL/N0104 (Proactive selling)
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height – 0.51”,
Qualifications Pack For Customer care executive
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(It should
Keywords /Terms Description
ACHT (Average call The average recommended time to wrap up/close an interaction with a
A single desk to reach out for the customer for getting response to his queries,
requests or complaints. A help desk is manned by specialists who are well
Helpdesk versed with their organization and it’s products and services
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height – 0.51”,
Qualifications Pack For Customer care executive
width 2.84”
(It should
Qualifications Pack comprises the set of OS, together with the educational,
QP (Qualifications training and other criteria required to perform a job role. A Qualifications
Pack) Pack is assigned a unique qualification pack code.
Qualifications Pack Qualifications Pack Code is a unique reference code that identifies a
Code qualifications pack
Scope is a set of statements specifying the range of variables that an individual
may have to deal with, in carrying out the function which has a critical impact
Scope on the quality of performance required
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height – 0.51”,
Qualifications Pack For Customer care executive
width 2.84”
(It should
Unit Code is a unique identifier for an OS unit, which can be denoted with
Unit Code either an ‘O’ or an ‘N’.
Unit Title gives a clear overall statement about what the incumbent should be
Unit Title able to do
In the telecom industry, on a conceptual level, value-added services add value
to the standard service offering, spurring the subscriber to use their phone
more and allowing the operator to drive up their Average Revenue Per User.
For mobile phones, while technologies like Short Messaging Service, Multi-
media Messaging and data access were historically usually considered value-
added services, but in recent years SMS, MMS and data access have more and
VAS (Value added more become core services, and VAS therefore has beginning to exclude those
service) services.
Vertical may exist within a sub-sector representing different domain areas or
Vertical the client industries served by the industry
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Your SSC
National Occupational Standards
National Occupational
This unit is about attending/making voice calls to the customers via phone by
a Customer Care Executive.
6|P a ge
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National Occupational Standards
Description This OS unit is about providing service assistance to customers via phone
Scope This unit/task covers the following:
Key stakeholders:
• customers
• employees
• customer care executive
PC1. attain minimum call login time/dials/customer contacts and attendance for
the number of days specified
PC2. balance total number of minutes spent talking to the customer, within
specified limits
PC3. restrict total number of minutes customer is put on hold, within given time
PC4. attain total number of minutes spent wrapping up calls/notations/tagging
within given time limits
PC5. achieve minimum typing speed and accuracy as specified for the job role
7|P a ge
Your SSC
National Occupational Standards
Skills (S)
A. Core Skills/ Reading Skills
Generic Skills The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA1. read and comprehend about organization’s new products and services
throughintranet portal
SA2. keep abreast with the latest information on products and services, by reading
brochures, pamphlets and daily briefing sheets, to reduce the ACHT
Writing Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA3. record complete and correct customer discussions in the call logs in
CRM,within the ACHT
SA4. formulatesentences without any grammatical errors
SA5. record precise and clear information for analysis by other departments
8|P a ge
Your SSC
National Occupational Standards
Comprehension Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA8. fluently speak and understand English and the regional language
SA9. gauge the customer’s communication style and respond appropriately
SA10. probe customers using appropriateopen and close ended questions to
understand the nature of problem, without any pre-conclusions
SA11. give clear instructions to customers
SA12. avoid using jargons, slang, technical terms and acronyms when
communicating with customers
Customer Centricity
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
Problem Solving
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
9|P a ge
Your SSC
National Occupational Standards
Objection Handling
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB9. cope with criticism of customers and constructively mould the same into a
positive impression about the organization
SB10. empathize with customer’s problems, criticism and suggestions
SB11. address customer’s problems before following your given script
SB12. address customer’s complete concerns before ending the call
Selling Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
10 | P a g e
Your SSC
National Occupational Standards
TEL /N 0100
NOS Code
Credits(NVEQF/NVQF/NSQF) 1.0
TBD Version number
Industry Drafted on 31/01/2013
Industry Sub-sector Service Provider Last reviewed on
Next review date
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11 | P a g e
Your SSC
National Occupational Standards
National Occupational
This unit is about providing support to customers over the phone. It also
encompasses handling, resolving and following up for resolutions to their
concerns, in a timely manner.
12 | P a g e
Your SSC
National Occupational Standards
Description This OS unit is about handling queries, requests and complaints of the customer for
telecom services
Scope This unit/task covers the following:
Key stakeholders:
• customers
• employees
• customer care executive
Listening to customer’s:
• queries
• requests
• complaints
13 | P a g e
Your SSC
National Occupational Standards
SA1. read about organization’s new products and services throughintranet portal
SA2. keep abreast with the latest informationon products and services, by reading
brochures, pamphlets and daily briefing sheets, to reduce the ACHT
Writing Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA3. record complete and correct customer discussions in the call logs in
14 | P a g e
Your SSC
National Occupational Standards
Comprehension Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA8. fluently speak and understand English and the regional language
SA9. respond to customer’s question with a relevant answer
SA10. gauge customer’s communication style and respond appropriately
SA11. probe customers using appropriateopen and close ended questions to
understand the nature of problem
SA12. give clear instructions to customers
SA13. avoid using jargons, slang, technical terms and acronyms when
communicating with customers
Customer Centricity
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
15 | P a g e
Your SSC
National Occupational Standards
Problem Solving
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
Objection Handling
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB9. cope with criticism of customers and constructively mould the same into a
positive impression about the organization
SB10. empathize with customer’s problems, criticism and suggestions
SB11. address customer’s problems before following your given script
SB12. address customer’s complete concerns before ending the call
Navigation Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
16 | P a g e
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National Occupational Standards
NOS Code
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17 | P a g e
Your SSC
National Occupational Standards
National Occupational
18 | P a g e
Your SSC
National Occupational Standards
Description This OS unit is about developing healthy and strong rapport/relationship with the
existing as well as prospective customers
Scope This unit/task covers the following:
Build rapport with:
• existing customers
• prospect customers
Service to customers:
• inbound
• outbound
PC1. categorize customers as per their value and urgency of his Q R C and provide
quick response
PC2. capture customer feedback in a timely manner
PC3. exceed the specified maximum level of customer satisfaction scores and
ensureinstant customer feedback
PC4. provide complete resolution and escalate where necessary, to minimize
repeat call percentage
PC5. adhere to organizational guidelines w.r.t. to ACHT and AHT
PC6. reassure customersof service promises made by the organization
PC7. balance customer's expectations with the organization's service offerings
PC8. give additional information to customers in response to their questions and
comments about the service
PC9. initiate greeting in customer’s preferred language and switch to language
spoken by the customeron-call
PC10. avoid use of jargons, slangs and technical words
PC11. maintain a flow of conversation keeping the caller informed of action being
PC12. educate customers about new offers/products/services, as per their usage
pattern and specific needs
PC13. maintain appropriate levels of confidence of customer data, throughout
the call
19 | P a g e
Your SSC
National Occupational Standards
Skills (S)
A. Core Skills/ Reading Skills
Generic Skills The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA1. read about organization’s new products and services throughintranet portal
SA2. keep abreast with the latest information on products and services, by reading
brochures, pamphlets and daily briefing sheets, to reduce the ACHT
Writing Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA3. record complete and correct customer discussions in the call logs in
CRMwithin the ACHT
SA4. formulate sentences withoutany grammatical errors
SA5. record precise and clear information for analysis by other departments
Comprehension Skills
20 | P a g e
Your SSC
National Occupational Standards
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA8. fluently speak and understand English and the regional language
SA9. respond to customer’s question with a relevant answer
SA10. gauge customer’s communication style and respond appropriately
SA11. probe customers using appropriateopen and close ended questions to
understand the nature of problem
SA12. give clear instructions to customers
SA13. avoid using jargons, slang, technical terms and acronyms when
communicating with customers
Customer Centricity
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
Problem Solving
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
21 | P a g e
Your SSC
National Occupational Standards
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB10. cope with criticism of customers and constructively mould the same into a
positive impression about the organization
SB11. empathize with customer’s problems, criticism and suggestions
SB12. address customer’s problems before following your given script
SB13. address customer’s complete concerns before ending the call
22 | P a g e
Your SSC
National Occupational Standards
NOS Code
Credits(NVEQF/NVQF/NSQF)[OPTIONAL] TBD Version number
Industry Drafted on 31/01/2013
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23 | P a g e
Your SSC
National Occupational Standards
National Occupational
This unit is about monitoring and managing self performance through report
and review process.
24 | P a g e
Your SSC
National Occupational Standards
Description This OS unit is about monitoring self performance through report and review process
Scope This unit/task covers the following:
Key stakeholders:
• customer care executives
• superiors
25 | P a g e
Your SSC
National Occupational Standards
Skills (S)
A. Core Skills/ Reading Skills
Generic Skills The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
Comprehension Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA4. discuss self performance basis performance criteria with the superior
SB1. evaluate and improve self performance through timely review of the reports
26 | P a g e
Your SSC
National Occupational Standards
NOS Code
Credits(NVEQF/NVQF/NSQF)[OPTIONAL] TBD Version number
Industry Drafted on 31/01/2013
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27 | P a g e
Your SSC
National Occupational Standards
National Occupational
28 | P a g e
Your SSC
National Occupational Standards
Description This OS unit is about finding opportunities to pitch telecom products and services on
Scope This unit/task covers the following:
Key stakeholders:
• customer care executives
• customers
• products
• services
29 | P a g e
Your SSC
National Occupational Standards
Skills (S)
A. Core Skills/ Reading Skills
Generic Skills The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA1. read about new products and services with reference to the organization
through the intra net portal
SA2. keep abreast with the latest knowledge by reading brochures, pamphlets and
daily briefing sheets
Writing Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
Comprehension Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA4. identify the situation and read / understand mindset of customer, before
pitching a product/service
SA5. comprehend remarks mentioned in CRM
SA6. identify problem narrated by the customer and provide apt resolution
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA7. fluently speak and understand English and/or the regional language
SA8. respond to customer’s Q R C with a relevant answer
SA9. gauge customer’s communication style and respond appropriately
SA10. probe customers appropriately to understand nature of problem
SA11. give clear instructions and share information with customers
SA1. avoid using jargons, slang, technical terms and acronyms when
communicating with customers
30 | P a g e
Your SSC
National Occupational Standards
Selling Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
31 | P a g e
Your SSC
National Occupational Standards
NOS Code
Credits(NVEQF/NVQF/NSQF) 1.0
TBD Version number
Telecom 16/05/2013
Industry Drafted on
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32 | P a g e
Marks Allocation
Total Mark (400+100) Out Of Theory Practical
1. TEL/N0100
(Attend/Make customer PC1. attain minimum call login time/dials/customer contacts and
calls) attendance for the number of days specified 10 10 0
PC2. balance total number of minutes spent talking to the customer,
within specified limits 20 5 15
PC3. restrict total number of minutes customer is put on hold, within 100
given time limits 20 5 15
PC4. attain total number of minutes spent wrapping up calls / notations /
tagging within given time limits 25 5 20
PC5. achieve minimum typing speed and accuracy as specified for the job
role 25 5 20
Total 100 30 70
2. TEL/N0101 (Resolving
customer query, request
and complaint) PC1. categorize customer’s interaction as a query, request or a complaint 15 15 0
PC2. verify customer’s details for any account related information 20 10 10
PC3. obtain sufficient information from the customers to login their
query, request or complaint 20 10 10
PC4. address customer’s query, request or complaint on the basis of
categorization 10 0 10
PC5. provide estimate of resolution time to the customer, if an immediate
solution cannot be found on-call 15 5 10
PC3. analyze self reports like update on AHT, login time, CRM report and
ensure the same is reviewed with the immediate superior 30 10 20
100 55 45
Optional NOS:
5. TEL/N0104 (Proactive
selling) PC1. probe customers to understand their buying behaviour and needs 25 10 15
PC2. navigate through customer’s account history to identify the usage
pattern 100 25 0 25
PC3. identify opportunity to pitch relevant products/services 15 5 10
PC4. offer customized solution from the range of products/services
available with the organization 35 15 20
100 30 70