Metacognitive and Multimedia: Findings

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and meta-cognition is an uncommon

practice in visual arts education. Arts education

multimedia generally involves students looking at art works reception),

creating art products (production), or reflecting on
artworks reflection(Hetland, Winner, Veenema, & Sheridan, 2007).
The use of the modern teaching technologies is the ways
to solve teaching problems, (ElHalim, 2

Metacognition is a conscious activity that occurs in the brain
out when anindividual monitors or controls his or her thinking.
these 3 article is ab Research in multiple fields has found that metacognition
metacognive and mult plays a significant role in a person’s learning.
in education It is currently a popular trend in general education
to teach students metacognitive strategies, and research has
shown that it is a practical tool to boost student success
by using multimedia platform, ( kagan, 2013)

For instance, a recent study by Pellas (2014)

that explored student engagement and learning in
a virtual reality learning environment,
found that metacognitive self-regulation was one
Similarly, in an experimental study looking at predictor of emotional and cognitive engagement.
“preflective prompts”
(i.e., a request for reflection before the learning task)
in e-learning, Lehmann, Hähnlein, and Ifenthaler (2014)
found that metacognitive awareness was a significant Technologies are promising to support inquiry learning,
predictor of effective self- regulation. when they are used as tools to implement scaffolding
to learning (Bell et al., 2010; Quintana et al., 2004)

Self-regulation a
nd metacognition
have become cent
ral concepts in a
variety of studie wide
s on online learn
findings and digital media
multi-media in tea
ching helps the r
ing, e-learning
use. the effective
use of
to acquired mast
ery of skills.
This was noted t
o be followed by
mean score of 3.0
5 against the sta
that Multimedia d tement
evices encourage
to attend classe students
s and enhancing m
The respondents etacognition.
also believed tha
Multimedia has im t
proved students
performance sinc ’ academic
e its introduction

Nuraihan hashim | 2019550043

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