OV3 - Three-Phase Overvoltage Protection Low-Set Stage (OV3Low) High-Set Stage (OV3High)
OV3 - Three-Phase Overvoltage Protection Low-Set Stage (OV3Low) High-Set Stage (OV3High)
OV3 - Three-Phase Overvoltage Protection Low-Set Stage (OV3Low) High-Set Stage (OV3High)
1. Introduction ................................................................................................ 2
1.1 Features................................................................................................ 2
1.2 Application ............................................................................................ 2
1.3 Input description ................................................................................... 4
1.4 Output description................................................................................. 4
2. Description of operation............................................................................ 5
2.1 Configuration ........................................................................................ 5
2.2 Measuring mode ................................................................................... 7
2.3 Operation criteria .................................................................................. 7
2.3.1 Operation hysteresis and reset ratio............................................ 8
2.4 IDMT type operation of OV3Low........................................................... 9
2.5 Setting groups..................................................................................... 10
2.6 Test mode ........................................................................................... 10
2.7 START and TRIP outputs ................................................................... 10
2.8 Resetting............................................................................................. 11
3. Parameters and events ............................................................................ 12
3.1 General ............................................................................................... 12
3.2 Setting values ..................................................................................... 13
3.2.1 Actual settings ........................................................................... 13
3.2.2 Setting group 1 .......................................................................... 14
3.2.3 Setting group 2 .......................................................................... 14
3.2.4 Control settings.......................................................................... 15
3.3 Measurement values........................................................................... 16
3.3.1 Input data................................................................................... 16
3.3.2 Output data................................................................................ 16
3.3.3 Recorded data ........................................................................... 16
3.3.4 Events........................................................................................ 19
1. Introduction
1.1 Features
1.2 Application
This document specifies the functions of the three-phase overvoltage function blocks
OV3Low and OV3High used in products based on the RED 500 Platform. The
inverse-time operation is only included in the OV3Low function block.
3U> 3U>>
Figure 1. Protection diagram symbols of OV3Low and OV3High (For IEC symbols
used in single line diagrams, refer to the manual “Technical Descriptions
of Functions, Introduction”, 1MRS750528-MUM)
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2. Description of operation
2.1 Configuration
When the analogue channels and digital inputs have been selected and configured in
the dialogue box, the inputs and outputs of the function block can be configured on a
graphic worksheet of the configuration tool. Digital inputs are connected to the
boolean inputs of the function block and in the same way, the outputs of the function
block are connected to the output signals.
Figure 3 Connection examples when only one or two phase-to-phase voltages are
If phase voltages are connected to the function block, the control parameter
"Measuring mode" has to be in position Mode 3. Phase-to-phase voltages are derived
from phase voltages within the function block as follows:
OV3_ Substation Automation
Figure 4 Connections when phase voltages are connected directly to the function
Note that when phase-to-phase voltages are derived numerically in the function block,
only the fundamental frequency measurement can be used: peak-to-peak measurement
is not available (see section 2.2 Measuring mode).
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When phase-to-phase voltages are measured, the function block operates on two
alternative measuring principles: the average value of consecutive instantaneous peak-
to-peak values of voltages or the numerically calculated fundamental frequency
voltage. The measuring mode is selected with either an MMI parameter or a serial
communication parameter as follows:
With both the measuring principles, the operation is insensitive to the DC component
and the operation accuracy is defined in the frequency range f/fn=0.95...1.05. In peak-
to-peak measurement, the harmonics of the voltages are not suppressed, whereas in
fundamental frequency measurement the harmonics suppression is at least
-50 dB at f = n x fn, where n = 2, 3, 4, 5...
If at least one phase-to-phase voltage measured by the function block exceeds the set
start voltage, the module delivers the START signal. When the function block starts,
the START signal and the STATUS_ output signal of the specific phase-to-earth or
phase-to-phase voltage are set to TRUE. Should the overvoltage situation exceed the
preset definite operate time or, at the inverse-time operation of OV3Low, the time
determined by the level of the measured voltage, the function block operates. At the
inverse-time operation, two different sets of voltage/time curves, A and B, are
available. The delay of the heavy-duty output relay is included in the total operate
time. In operation, the TRIP signal is set to TRUE.
The DT or IDMT timer is allowed to run only if the blocking signal BS1 is inactive,
i.e. its value is FALSE. When the signal becomes active, i.e. its value turns to TRUE,
the timer will be stopped (frozen).
When the blocking signal BS2 is active, the TRIP signal cannot be activated. The
TRIP signal can be blocked by activating the BS2 signal until the function block drops
OV3_ Substation Automation
The “Oper. hysteresis” control parameter can be set to adjust the level of a
comparator. The operation hysteresis affects the reset ratio. If the hysteresis is set to
3%, for example, the reset ratio of an overvoltage function block (OV3_) will be 0.97.
On the other hand, the same setting for an undervoltage function block (UV3_) will
lead to the reset ratio of 1.03. Furthermore, an absolute operation hysteresis of 0.005
per unit is included. The absolute hysteresis affects the reset ratio when a low start
voltage setting is used. For example, if the start voltage setting is 0.2 x Un and the
operation hysteresis is set to 2%, the reset ratio would normally be 0.996 (OV_) or
1.004 (UV_). Due to the absolute hysteresis, however, the reset ratio will be 0.995
(OV_) or 1.005 (UV_).
The default setting of the parameter, which is 4%, is recommended. A lower hysteresis
setting may lead to repetitive starting of protection. Therefore, the deviation from the
nominal frequency and the total harmonic distortion (THD) of the network should be
carefully studied when using a setting lower than the default value, since these factors
affect the measurement accuracy. If a low hysteresis setting is used, the following is
Figure 6 below clarifies the effect of the “Oper. hysteresis” parameter. The start
voltage of overvoltage protection is set to 1.1 x Un and that of undervoltage protection
to 0.9 x Un. Both protection functions have the same setting of 4% for the “Oper.
hysteresis” parameter.
hysteresis zones
0.9 4%
Substation Automation OV3 _
At the inverse-time characteristic, the operate time will the shorter, the more the
voltage deviates from the set start voltage. The relationship between time and voltage
can be expressed as follows:
t= +c
U-U >
(b U > -0.5)p
• t operate time in seconds
• k adjustable time multiplier
• U measured voltage
• U> set start voltage
• a constant 480
• b constant 32
• c constant 0.035
• p constant (see the table below)
In the IDMT mode of operation, the integration of the operate time of the overvoltage
function block does not start until the voltage exceeds the set start value by 6%. The
operate time accuracy stated in the technical data applies when the voltage exceeds the
set value by 10%.
Characteristic p (constant)
A 2
B 3
The parameter “Operation mode” is used for selecting the desired operate time
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Two different groups of setting values, group 1 and group 2, are available for the
function block. Switching between the two groups can be done in the following three
The control parameter “Active group” indicates the setting group valid at a given time.
The digital outputs of the function block can be activated with separate control
parameters for each output either locally via the MMI or externally via the serial
communication. When an output is activated with the test parameter, an event
indicating the test is generated.
The protection functions operate normally while the outputs are tested.
The output signal START is always pulse-shaped. The minimum pulse width of the
corresponding output signal is set via a separate parameter on the MMI or on serial
communication. If the start situation is longer than the set pulse width, the START
signal remains active until the start situation is over. The output signal TRIP may be
non-latching or latching. When the latching mode has been selected, the TRIP signal
remains active until the output is reset even if the operation criteria have reset.
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2.8 Resetting
The TRIP output signal and the registers can be reset either with the RESET input or
over the serial bus or the local MMI.
The operation indicators, latched trip signal and recorded data can be reset as follows:
OV3_ Substation Automation
3.1 General
• Each function block has a specific channel number for serial communication
parameters and events. The channel for OV3Low is 62 and that for OV3High 63.
• The data direction of the parameters defines the use of each parameter as follows:
Data direction Description
R, R/M Read only
W Write only
R/W Read and write
• The different event mask parameters (see section “Control settings”) affect the
visibility of events on the MMI or on serial communication (LON or SPA) as
Event mask 1 (FxxxV101/102) SPA / MMI (LON)
Event mask 2 (FxxxV103/104) LON
Event mask 3 (FxxxV105/106) LON
Event mask 4 (FxxxV107/108) LON
For example, if only the events E3, E4 and E5 are to be seen on the MMI of the
relay terminal, the event mask value 56 (8 + 16 + 32) is written to the “Event mask
1” parameter (FxxxV101).
In case a function block includes more than 32 events, there are two parameters
instead of e.g. the “Event mask 1” parameter: the parameter “Event mask 1A”
(FxxxV101) covers the events 0...31 and “Event mask 1B”(FxxxV102) the events
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Time multiplier S44 0.05...1.00 - 0.05 R/W Time multiplier in IDMT mode
Operation mode 0 = Not in use; 1 = Definite time; 2 = A curve; 3 = B curve
Time multiplier S74 0.05...1.00 - 0.05 R/W Time multiplier in IDMT mode
Operation mode 0 = Not in use; 1 = Definite time; 2 = A curve; 3 = B curve
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OV3_ Substation Automation General
The information required for later fault analysis is recorded when the function block
starts or trips, or when the recording function is triggered via the external TRIGG
The data of the last three events are stored in Recorded data 1…3, beginning from
Recorded data 1. These registers are updated in a cyclical manner, where the values of
the most recent event overwrite the oldest recorded data. If the recorded data has been
reset or the relay has been restarted, the first event is again stored in Recorded data 1.
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The time stamp indicates the rising edge of the START, TRIP or TRIGG signal. Duration Voltages
If the function block trips, the voltage values are updated at the moment of tripping,
i.e. on the rising edge of the TRIP signal. At external triggering, the voltage values are
updated at the moment of triggering i.e. on the rising edge of the input signal TRIGG.
If the function block starts but does not trip, the voltage values captured one
fundamental cycle (20 ms at rated frequency 50 Hz) after the beginning of the start
situation will be recorded. So, the values of the phase-to-phase voltages U12, U23 and
U31 are always recorded at the same moment, as multiples of the rated voltage Un.
The status data of the input signals BS1 and BS2 as well as the “Active group”
parameter are recorded at the moment of triggering. The “Active group” parameter
indicates the setting group valid for the recorded data. Priority
1 Tripping
2 Starting
3 External triggering,
which means that if the function block has started, it will neglect an external triggering
OV3_ Substation Automation
Voltage UL1_U12 V204 0.00...2.00 x Un 0.00 R/M Filtered value of U12 or UL1
Voltage UL2_U23 V205 0.00...2.00 x Un 0.00 R/M Filtered value of U23 or UL2
Voltage UL3_U31 V206 0.00...2.00 x Un 0.00 R/M Filtered value of U31 or UL3
BS1 V207 0 or 1 - 0 R/M Status of BS1 input
BS2 V208 0 or 1 - 0 R/M Status of BS2 input
Active group V209 0 or 1 - 0 R/M Active setting group
BS_ 0 = Not active; 1 = Active
Active group 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2
Voltage UL1_U12 V304 0.00...2.00 x Un 0.00 R/M Filtered value of U12 or UL1
Voltage UL2_U23 V305 0.00...2.00 x Un 0.00 R/M Filtered value of U23 or UL2
Voltage UL3_U31 V306 0.00...2.00 x Un 0.00 R/M Filtered value of U31 or UL3
BS1 V307 0 or 1 - 0 R/M Status of BS1 input
BS2 V308 0 or 1 - 0 R/M Status of BS2 input
Active group V309 0 or 1 - 0 R/M Active setting group
BS_ 0 = Not active; 1 = Active
Active group 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2
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Voltage UL1_U12 V404 0.00...2.00 x Un 0.00 R/M Filtered value of U12 or UL1
Voltage UL2_U23 V405 0.00...2.00 x Un 0.00 R/M Filtered value of U23 or UL2
Voltage UL3_U31 V406 0.00...2.00 x Un 0.00 R/M Filtered value of U31 or UL3
BS1 V407 0 or 1 - 0 R/M Status of BS1 input
BS2 V408 0 or 1 - 0 R/M Status of BS2 input
Active group V409 0 or 1 - 0 R/M Active setting group
BS_ 0 = Not active; 1 = Active
Active group 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2
3.3.4 Events
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4. Technical data
Operation accuracies The operation accuracy is ± 2.5 % of the set value when phase-to-
earth voltages are connected to the terminal and phase-to-phase
values are derived numerically in the terminal.
Reset time 40...1000 ms (depends on the minimum pulse width set for the TRIP
Retardation time Total retardation time when the voltage drops below
the start value < 50 ms
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E -
OV3High B -
D -