MEVO1 - Residual Voltage Measurement 1MRS752344 MUM
MEVO1 - Residual Voltage Measurement 1MRS752344 MUM
MEVO1 - Residual Voltage Measurement 1MRS752344 MUM
1 Introduction...................................................................................................2
3.1 General....................................................................................................9
3.2 Control settings .....................................................................................10
3.3 Measurement values.............................................................................10
3.3.1 Input data .....................................................................................10
3.3.2 Recorded data .............................................................................10
3.3.3 Events ..........................................................................................10
4 Technical data ............................................................................................ 11
MEVO1_ Substation Automation
1 Introduction
1.1 Features
1.2 Application
This document specifies the function of the residual voltage measurement function
blocks MEVO1A and MEVO1B that are identical in operation.
MEVO1A and MEVO1B can be used in various applications and products based on
the RED 500 Platform, e.g. feeder terminals, in-feeder terminals, motor protection
terminals and transformer protection terminals.
Substation Automation MEVO1_
MEVO1_ Substation Automation
2 Description of operation
2.1 Configuration
The analogue channel number for the U0 input is selected by means of the Relay
Configuration Tool. Four voltages can be connected to the U0 input: U0 , U0b ,U0s , or
U0bs .
Conventional voltage transformers or voltage dividers can be used for measuring the
residual voltages. The function block automatically adapts its operation to the
channels and measuring devices selected in the configuration tool.
The function block measures the true RMS residual voltage. Note that RMS
measurement must be selected for the voltage inputs via the “Special Measurements”
dialogue of the configuration tool.
The voltage value is updated once a fundamental frequency cycle, i.e. the integration
time for the true RMS calculation is one fundamental cycle.
2.3 Registers
The maximum peak value of the residual voltage is recorded with date and time
The registers can be reset via the RESET input, or over the serial bus or the local
The actual residual voltage value is displayed in voltages and as a p.u. value.
The maximum peak value of the residual voltage is recorded after the last reset of
registers. The maximum peak value is calculated by means of slightly filtered values
of residual voltage. The maximum residual voltage is cleared by resetting the register.
A residual voltage below 0.5% Un is forced to 0% U n . This allows the noise in the
input voltage to be ignored. The zero value supervision is fixed to 0.5% Un , and is
always active.
The zero value detection function is used to force a voltage value update if it deviates
slightly from zero or is zero. Zero value detection operates so that once a residual
voltage passes (upwards or downwards) the limit 0.5% Un , the new residual voltage
value is spontaneously reported to the master device (MicroSCADA) provided the
Substation Automation MEVO1_
threshold supervision with the absolute threshold method or the integration method is
in use (see the control parameter “Threshold select”).
Three different methods can be used for threshold supervision and the method to be
used is selected with the parameter “Threshold select”.
In absolute threshold supervision, the function block compares the actual residual
voltage value with the last reported value. If the actual value exceeds the last reported
value plus the set “Threshold value” or is below the last reported value minus the set
“Threshold value”, the actual value is spontaneously reported to the master device and
will replace the last reported value.
Reported val ue
+ Threshold value
- Threshold value Reported value
Execution task cycle
Note that the setting “Time interval” has no effect on the absolute method.
MEVO1_ Substation Automation
In threshold supervision with integrator algorithm, the function block calculates the
difference between the last reported residual voltage value and the actual value for
each task cycle. The difference is added to the internal accumulated (integrated) value
register. If the accumulated delta exceeds the set “Threshold value” multiplied by
“Time interval”, the actual value is spontaneously reported to the master device and
will replace the last reported value. Also the internal threshold difference register is
reset and the supervision starts over.
The settings “Threshold value” and “Time interval” can be interpreted as follows:
threshold defines the accuracy of the measured quantity and time interval defines the
response time, i.e. the longest time period the changed value can wait before being
Example 1:
Measurement value has changed 1% after the last sent measurement value.
Threshold value = 1% and Time interval = 1s -> new measurement value is sent after
1 second.
Substation Automation MEVO1_
Example 2:
Measurement value has changed 1% after the last sent measurement value.
Threshold value = 1% and Time interval = 2s -> new measurement value is sent after
2 seconds.
Example 3:
Measurement value has changed 2% after the last sent measurement value.
Threshold value = 10% and Time interval = 2s -> new measurement value is sent after
10 seconds.
If the time-based threshold supervision is used, the function block sends the values to
the master device at intervals selected with the control parameter “Time interval”.
Note that threshold setting has no effect on the time-based method.
For residual voltage, up to two different limits can be monitored. The parameter
“Limit selection” is used to specify the limits to be supervised and monitored. Each
limit is checked independently. If the residual voltage exceeds several limits during an
execution task cycle, each exceeding of limit is reported to the master device
independently. The hysteresis of each limit is fixed to 1% of the nominal value and
taken into account as shown below. Each exceeding of limit with a time stamp is
stored with the FIFO method. The outputs HighWarning and HighAlarm are activated
as shown below. Warning and alarm limits can be changed on-line.
MEVO1_ Substation Automation
Substation Automation MEVO1_
3.1 General
• Each function block has a specific channel number for serial communication
parameters and events. The channel for MEVO1A is 205 and that for MEVO1B
• The data direction of the parameters defines the use of each parameter as follows:
Data direction Description
R, R/M Read only
W Write only
R/W Read and write
• The different event mask parameters (see section “Control settings”) affect the
visibility of events on the MMI or on serial communication (LON or SPA) as
Event mask 1 (FxxxV101/102) SPA / MMI (LON)
Event mask 2 (FxxxV103/104) LON
Event mask 3 (FxxxV105/106) LON
Event mask 4 (FxxxV107/108) LON
For example, if only the events E3, E4 and E5 are to be seen on the MMI of the relay
terminal, the event mask value 56 (8 + 16 + 32) is written to the “Event mask 1”
parameter (FxxxV101).
In case a function block includes more than 32 events, there are two parameters
instead of e.g. the “Event mask 1” parameter: the parameter “Event mask 1A”
(FxxxV101) covers the events 0...31 and “Event mask 1B”(FxxxV102) the events
MEVO1_ Substation Automation
3.3.3 Events
Code Weighting Default Event reason Event state
coefficient mask
E0 1 0 U0 High warning reset
E1 2 0 U0 High warning activated
E2 4 0 U0 High alarm reset
E3 8 0 U0 High alarm activated
E5 32 0 U0 Delta
Substation Automation MEVO1_
4 Technical data
Operation accuracies Depends on the frequency of the voltage measured:
C Event reason and event state in the event table changed as follows (an
Uo (V) → Uo
Uo (%) → Uo
Uo (V) → Uo
Uo (%) → Uo
C See above: MEVO1A E