The Role of Facts and HVDC in Developmen PDF
The Role of Facts and HVDC in Developmen PDF
The Role of Facts and HVDC in Developmen PDF
Abstract— the present paper focuses on FACTS (Flexible REALISEGRID is structured as in the following section 2
Alternating Current Transmission System) and HVDC provides a short overview of transmission expansion
(High Voltage Direct Current) transmission technologies, planning processes. Section 3 & Section 4 respectively deal
Particular attention is paid to different specific technical, with the main technical, economic & environmental features
economic and environmental features of these power of FACTS & HVDC, which can supports for transmission
electronics-based devices. Final aim of the paper is the planners in their decision-making to select the soundest
investigation of the role that FACTS and HVDC may play expansion & section 5 focuses on the development of the
towards the development of the future Indian transmission future pan-India transmission system. Particular attention is
system. paid to the northern, eastern & southern edges of the
Key words: Cost-benefit analysis, Indian System, FACTS, INTSO-E system as well as the continental network up to
HVDC, Transmission Planning. 2030.
the cost-benefit analysis of the different transmission Transformer (TCQBT) and the Thyristor Controlled
reinforcement options. It is then crucial to quantitatively Phase Angle Regulator (TCPAR).
assess the possible benefits provided by transmission FACTS devices can be also classified according to
expansion: this task, especially in a liberalized power the power electronics technology used for the converters as:
system, generally represents a rather complex stage as the
evaluation strongly depends on the viewpoint taken for each 1) Thyristor-based controllers. This category includes the
considered benefit [3]. In this respect, planning the FACTS devices based on thyristor, namely the SVC,
transmission expansion by taking into consideration the the TCSC, the TCPST and the DFC;
options of applying advanced technologies, like FACTS and 2) Voltage source-based controllers. These devices are
HVDC, needs to undergo a detailed screening of the benefits based on more advanced technology like Gate Turn-
and costs related to the utilization of these technologies. Off (GTO) thyristor, Integrated Gate Commutated
Thyristor (IGCT) and Insulated Gate Bipolar
III. MAIN FACTS FEATURES Transistors (IGBT). This group includes the
STATCOM, the SSSC, the IPFC and the UPFC. The
A. Technical Aspects voltage source-based devices are the most advanced
An abundant technical and scientific literature is available ones of the FACTS family, offering the possibility for
on FACTS (Flexible Alternating Current Transmission a smoother, faster control of active and/or reactive
System) devices (see [11], [12] among others). These power power flow and/or nodal voltage amplitude
electronics-based transmission technologies give the independently of the current. The most complete and
possibility to fast control one or more of the interdependent versatile (and costly) FACTS device is the UPFC, able
parameters that influence the operation of transmission to independently and simultaneously control active
networks. These parameters include e.g. the line series power flow, reactive power flow and nodal voltage
impedance, the nodal voltage amplitude, the nodal voltage magnitude. The UPFC has been so far applied only in
angular difference, the shunt impedance, and the line four installations worldwide (one in the Europe: two in
current. The design of the different schemes and the United States, one in South Korea), while the most
configurations of FACTS devices is based on the widespread FACTS is the SVC, mostly suitable for
combination of traditional power system components (such voltage control, reactive compensation and oscillation
as transformers, reactors, switches, and capacitors) with damping.
power electronics elements (such as various types of
In India the ―Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd‖
transistors and thyristor). The development of FACTS
is planning to install SVC in our system for that they also
controllers is strictly related to the progress made by the
called a meeting with manufactures. They still have state of
power electronics. Over the last years, the current rating of
the art SVC & TCSCs installed in Indian grid system. But
thyristor has evolved into higher nominal values making
further endeavor is to develop them indigenously. While
power electronics capable of high power applications (up to
other SVC installations are planned or under study in some
thousands of MW). FACTS devices, thanks to their speed
other European countries. The most recent SVC device in
and flexibility, are able to provide the transmission system
Europe has been installed in Finland. Another promising
with several advantages such as: transmission capacity
FACTS element is the TCSC, which can provide different
enhancement, power flow control, transient stability
benefits including dynamic stability and power flow control
improvement, power oscillation damping, voltage stability
by regulating the series impedance. TCSC devices are also
and control. Depending on the type and rating of the
more frequently used worldwide (recent applications are in
selected device and on the specific voltage level and local
Brazil, China, and India), whereas in Europe only one
network conditions, a transmission capacity enhancement of
installation has been recorded, namely in Sweden. An
up to 40-50% may be achieved by installing a FACTS
already increasingly deployed FACTS device is the
element [4]. In comparison to traditional mechanically-
STATCOM, which can provide a fast control of voltage and
driven devices, FACTS controllers are also not subject to
reactive power and can therefore be very useful for wind
wear and require a lower maintenance. In general, FACTS
power plants integration.
devices can be traditionally classified according to their
connection, as: The drawbacks of the FACTS technology so far are
1) Shunt controllers. Among the shunt controllers the represented by its complexity and, mostly, by its costs,
main devices are the Static VAR Compensator (SVC) which are higher than those ones of mechanical devices.
and the Static Synchronous Compensator This factor has slowed a more widespread insertion of
(STATCOM); FACTS devices in transmission systems. However, since all
2) Series controllers. This category includes devices like FACTS controllers are applications of similar technology,
the Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC) and their deployment can benefit from economies of scale linked
the Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC); with volume production. The cost of these devices is
3) Combined controllers. Elements such as the Thyristor decreasing as development of high-power electronics
Controlled Phase Shifting Transformer (TCPST), the improves, also bringing increased savings due to economy
Interline Power Flow Controller (IPFC), the Dynamic of scale [4]. Moreover, the increasing awareness of system
Flow Controller (DFC) and the Unified Power Flow operators with respect to potential benefits of FACTS may
Controller (UPFC) belong to this third category of also contribute to the future further deployment of these
FACTS. The TCPST type includes the two subtypes of technologies. Table 1 provides an outlook of the main
the Thyristor Controlled Quadrature Boosting features of the most promising FACTS devices.
Device SVC STATCOM TCSC SSSC TCPST DFC1 IPFC UPFC manufacturing usually reduce costs (e.g. for power
Description electronics components). As of today, there are only few
Device 100-
100-400 25-600 100-400 50/150 (2) - 200 100-325
FACTS projects implemented worldwide that deploy turn-
ratings 850 off based power electronics (like STATCOM, SSSC, and
(MVA/MV UPFC). This makes it difficult to perform a comparable and
reliable cost detail analysis since there are not enough cost
device Furthe figures to form a representative average value. Furthermore,
Higher Further
r manufacturers are reluctant to provide or publish cost
Trend figures. Taking all these factors into account, typical cost
ratings deployment
yment ranges of selected FACTS devices are reported in Table 2. It
is assumed that the proposed investment costs ranges
Operational >30 >15 Pilot
>20 years
Pilot Pilot No Pilot presented in the following sections include costs for
>10 equipment, project engineering and installation. In addition,
operation and maintenance costs have to be considered [4].
40 30 30
Lifetime (1) 30 years 30 years 30 years - 30 years Voltage Available Cost Range
years years years
Level Power Rating
losses 1- 0.5- (kV) (MVAR/MVA) Min Max Unit
1-2.5% - - - 2-3% nts
(full load, 1.5% 1%
per SVC 400 100-850 30 50
converter) STATCO kEUR/M
400 100-400 50 75
Availability > 98% > 98% > 98% - - - - - M VAR
Device TCSC 400 25-600 35 50
capabilities kEUR/M
SSSC 400 100-400 50 80
Transmissio kEUR/M
UPFC 400 100-325 90 130
n VA
Table. 2: Investment cost ranges for FACTS
The values presented in Table 2 refer to the base
Power flow case, wherein the installation of this equipment’s over flat
land and in sparsely populated areas is considered. The
lower limit (min value) refers to countries with low labor
Transient costs and the upper limit (max value) concerns countries
stability with higher labor costs. Due to additional infrastructure
Voltage costs the presented values should be increased by 50% when
stability addressing installation costs in mountains and densely
Power populated areas. For hilly conditions this increase should be
of 20%.
damping The infrastructure costs are due mainly to the local
configuration of the substation where the FACTS device
Control of
wind shall be installed, and in particular to:
Yes Yes No No no No no yes
farms 1) Need to purchase additional land, if the space available
is not sufficient;
output 2) Possible changes in the layout of the existing
substation, if necessary for variations on connections,
/ - on the auxiliary, or interventions on protective devices
— Small; — Medium;— Strong; estimated values, not enough
(1) and manoeuvre;
experience yet; (2) TCQBT and TCPAR respectively 3) Civil works (building construction, foundations, drains,
Table. 1: Key features of selected FACTS technologies fences, etc.).
B. Economic Aspects In terms of operational costs, one can consider two
In order to plan the expansion of transmission system, and issues: maintenance and losses.
particularly to assess the feasibility of installing advanced Concerning maintenance, FACTS controllers, in
technologies, it is a key issue to have a clear picture not only comparison to mechanical devices (such as transformer tap
of the benefits provided by each specific device, but most changers, shunt capacitor switches, which have controlled
crucially of the related costs. Capital expenditures for the AC power system so far) are not subject to mechanical
transmission systems are highly dependent on different wear, having subsequently a very reduced need for
parameters, such as technological parameters (power rating, maintenance: the figures in the available literature range
operating voltage, etc.), local environmental constraints and between 2-3 man days up to hundreds man hour per year.
geographical characteristics as well as material and
manpower costs. In general, environmental constraints In terms of device losses, FACTS controllers
increase costs and implementation time - e.g. for overhead present values that range from 1-3%, depending on
lines (OHL) - while technological advances in the type and manufacturer of the device.
Concerning durability, the FACTS devices with HVDC traditional features, may lead to a further
manufactured nowadays have a life expectancy between 30 deployment of this technology to improve system
and 40 years, depending on the device and its respective operation and support the development of onshore and,
manufacturer [4]. possibly, offshore Indian transmission grids. This is the
case of the very promising self- commutated (or
C. Environmental aspects
commutating) Voltage Source Converter (VSC)-based
FACTS devices have an environmental impact in terms of HVDC, which represents the state-of-the-art technology
increased surface occupation in the substations. for connection of offshore wind farms and for multi-
The usual range of surface occupation (or land use) terminal applications. The key advantages of VSC- HVDC
due to the installation of FACTS devices lies between 3 and with respect to the line-commutated Current Source
20 m2 per MVAR (see Table 3), depending on the type of Converter (CSC)-based HVDC (the classic HVDC) are that
device, the power rating and whether the device is it gives the possibility to feed reactive power into a network
relocatable (prepared to be moved to a different location) node and provide a smoother voltage support [4], [5], [13].
[4]. Table 4 summarizes the main features of CSC-HVDC and
Device Surface
SVC occupation
5-20 m2/MVAR System description CSC- VSC-
STATCOM 3-5 m2/MVAR System ratings in HVDC
±800 HVDC
TCSC 3-10 m2/MVAR operation kV, 3000 kV, 350
UPFC 3-20 m2/MVA System ratings MW
±800 MW
Table. 3: Surface occupation of selected FACTS devices available kV, 6400 kV, 1100
If the device is relocatable, it usually takes 3 to 6 Future trend of system MW higherMW
towards ratings
months to move it from one location to another. Some other Operational
ratings > 50 ~ 10
aspects need or can also be evaluated, such as the potential experience
Lifetime years
30-40 years
increased noise, or the electromagnetic interference (EMI) Converter losses (at 0.5-1%
years 1-2%
years( 1)
emissions. Furthermore, as stated before, FACTS controllers full load, per converter)
Availability (per > 98% > 98%
are not subject to mechanical wear, having here also an system)
impact in environmental terms, for instance, concerning a System capabilities
lower need of manufacturing spare parts and lower need of
Trans miss ion
traveling to perform the maintenance required [4].
Power capacity
flow control
IV. MAIN HVDC FEATURES Transient stability
Voltage stability
A. Technical Aspects Power oscillation
Based on the same basic power electronics components as Reactive
damping power
FACTS devices, the HVDC technology however demand
System perturbation
differs from FACTS controllers, which are installed in Reactive power no Yes
substations within the AC (Alternating Current) system. In Easy meshing no Yes
injection possible
fact, HVDC can be basically represented by the
Limitation in cable no No
combination of a DC (Direct Current) circuit with two
power electronics converters, each one at a link terminal, for line length
Ability to connect no Yes
AC/DC and DC/AC conversion. The DC circuit can consist offshore
of a cable or a line (in a full HVDC scheme) or simply a MW
Legend: — Small; — Medium; — Strong;
capacitor (in a back-to-back HVDC scheme). The first
(1) estimated value, not enough experience yet
HVDC installations date back to 50ies; nowadays, HVDC
technologies are worldwide widespread and used counting Table. 4: Key features of HVDC technologies
on a long operational experience. In fact, this technology Modern HVDC transmission systems do not only
exhibits characteristics that have already made it widely allow for electrical power transmission from one area to
attractive over HVAC transmission for specific applications, another but also offer several technical advantages over
such as very long distance power transmission (several conventional HVAC transmission. These essential
hundreds to few thousands kilometers), long advantages are briefly described as follows [4], [13]:
submarine cable links and interconnection of
asynchronous systems, as well as bulky energy transport. 1) Practical absence of transmission line length limitation:
The most recent (and world record) example has concerned HVDC transmission systems offer the special
the installation of 800 kV, 6400 MW HVDC links in China. capability needed to carry out long submarine or
Thanks to its speed and flexibility, the HVDC technology is underground cable transmission lines with a low level
able to provide the transmission system with several of losses - differently from AC cable transmission -
advantages such as: transfer capacity enhancement, power without the need of reactive compensation. As there is
flow control, transient stability improvement, power no charging current in the DC cable, the transmission
oscillation damping, voltage stability and control, rejection distance is almost unlimited and losses are lower for
of cascading disturbances, absence of reactive power. long-distance transmission compared to those ones of
Currently, recent advances in power electronics, coupled AC cables in equal conditions.
2) Transmission capacity increase: For a given conductor technological, geographical, and/or environmental
cross section, HVDC transmission can transfer more circumstances apply.
current through a conductor compared to conventional Costs for HVDC overhead lines refer to the base
HVAC transmission. Accordingly, the conversion of case, wherein the installation of overhead lines over flat
transmission lines, formerly operated with HVAC, into landscape and in sparsely populated areas is considered. In
HVDC operated ones increases the transmission this base case, high towers with a large span length can be
capacity of the considered line. Such an increase in used which directly results in lower overall installation
transmission capacity could be very worthwhile in costs. Costs for installations over hilly and averagely
liberalized power systems, e.g. for cross-border trade. populated land as well as over mountains or densely
3) Ability of quick and bi-directional control of power populated areas are taken into account by a surcharge of
flow: Active power can be transmitted in both +20% and +50%, respectively.
directions and quickly reversed if needed. Also, the
amount of transmitted active power can be set to a Cost
fixed value that is maintained during all operating mirange
conditions, especially during the occurrence of faults in System
HVDC,OHL, Volt 350÷
±150÷ Po n kEUU
neighbouring network sections. This avoids the component
bipolar(1) age
±500 wer
3000 300 700 nit
overloading and the consecutive loss of the level
kV ratin
transmission line. These features of HVDC can HVDC ±350 g
1100 100 kEU
improve the stability of the surrounding AC power 2500
underground kV MW 0 R/km
system or even of the total network.
HVDC pair ±350 1100 100 kEU
4) No increase of short-circuit power at the connection 2000
points: HVDC lines can be integrated into a power grid undersea cable kV MW 0 R/km
without the need to upgrade downstream equipment, HVDC pairVSC ±150÷ 350÷ kEU
e.g. circuit breakers, transformers etc. In case of short- terminal, ±350 1000 60 125 R/M
circuit at one of the terminals of the HVDC bipolar kV MW W
transmission line, the converters can be switched off HVDC CSC ±350÷ 1000 kEU
within milliseconds preventing them from contributing terminal, ±500 ÷300 75 110 R/M
to the short-circuit current. bipolar kV 0 W
5) Interconnection of asynchronously operated power (1) Cost ranges correspond
systems: HVDC transmission lines can be used to
MW to the base case, i.e.
Installation over flat land. For installations over hilly
connect two asynchronously operated power grids in
landscape +20% and +50% for installations over
order to provide not only for active power exchange in
emergency situations but also for active power cross- mountains or urban areas have to be factored in.
Table. 5: Investment cost ranges for HVDC devices
border trade. This can either be carried out by a DC
link between two distantly located AC substations of The proposed investment cost ranges for HVDC
two different power grids or by a back-to-back (B2B) overhead lines include all costs related to the transmission
coupling inside one single AC substation. medium (i.e. equipment costs, engineering costs, installation
6) Environmental advantages: For the same costs). The cost ranges provided for HVDC converter
transmitted power, the required right-of-way of HVDC equipment are presented ―per terminal‖, wherein a terminal
transmission is much smaller than the one of includes all equipment at one side of the bipolar
HVAC transmission. Since there is no need for transmission line: both converters, reactive compensation (if
reactive compensation, the use of HVDC makes it needed), active filtering, AC/DC switchgear, engineering,
easier to go underground using cables as the project planning, taxes etc. except any costs related to the
transmission medium. In addition, electromagnetic transmission medium. This accommodates the facts that on
field emission is not pulsating and can be reduced to a the one hand a voltage source converter is by nature bipolar
minimum. Hence, the environmental impact is smaller and on the other hand that bipolar HVDC installations are
with HVDC transmission systems. preferred within a synchronized power grid for system
security reasons. In case of a bipolar transmission line, the
B. Economic Aspects provided converter cost ranges need to be multiplied by
Costs ranges for HVDC devices (for a throughput the factor of 2, i.e. One bipolar converter terminal at each
power ranging between 350 and 3000 MW for HVDC OHLs the feeding and the receiving end of the transmission line, in
and 1100 MW for HVDC cables) are reported in Table 5 order to yield the overall installation costs (excluding the
[4]. costs for the transmission line). Moreover, as an essential
The lower limit (min value) refers to installation part of HVDC- based transmission systems, the transmission
costs in European countries with low labor costs, while the medium itself plays an important role in costs saving and
upper limit (max value) refers to installation costs in Indian environmental fitting.
cities with high labor costs, e.g. Bombay, Calcutta, Delhi, In a comparison of DC vs. AC, for the restriction of
etc. charging currents, the transmission distance of AC-operated
It shall be clearly pointed out that the displayed cables without reactive compensation is limited while DC-
cost ranges represent typical average values and shall not be operated cables are not subject to such a restriction. In
taken as absolute data. The actual overall project costs may addition, the absence of charging currents in DC-operated
differ from the provided average values if exceptional cables leads to lower operational losses and a longer
lifetime. Although the initial investment for an HVDC HVDC transmission provides clear environmental
converter station is higher than the one for an AC substation, advantage over HVAC OHL due to its ability to go
the investment costs of the overall DC transmission system underground by the use of HVDC cables. The use of cables
can be lower than those ones of the AC transmission system: minimizes the visual impact of the transmission line since
the cost savings in the transmission line and the absent need the surface area over the cable run can be re-naturalized
for reactive compensation can make up for the higher with e.g. bushes or shallow root trees, as long as the cable
HVDC station costs if a certain transmission distance is can be made accessible for maintenance or repair purposes
reached. Concerning maintenance of HVDC systems, it is at short notice. In case of overhead lines, the width of right-
comparable to the one of HVAC systems. The high voltage of-way can be significantly reduced by approximately 30 to
equipment in converter stations is comparable to the 50% when choosing HVDC instead of HVAC transmission
corresponding equipment in AC substations, and [4].
maintenance can be executed in the same way. Maintenance Furthermore, the electromagnetic field emission of
will focus on: AC and DC filters, smoothing reactors, wall HVDC lines is not pulsating and can be forced to a
bushings, valve-cooling equipment, valves. Normal routine minimum value in case a dedicated return conductor is used
maintenance is recommended by manufacturers to be about and the conductor arrangement is selected accordingly.
one week per year. The newer systems can even go for two The result is a significantly lower electromagnetic
years before requiring maintenance. In fact, in a bipolar pollution compared to the electromagnetic emissions by
system, one pole at a time is stopped during the time conventional HVAC transmission, especially when
required for the maintenance, and the other pole can overhead lines are used. However, it shall be stated
normally continue to operate and depending on the in-built clearly that today all HVAC overhead and cable lines
overload capacity it can take a part of the load of the pole comply with all legal requirements in terms of
under maintenance. In addition, preventive maintenance electromagnetic compatibility. The acoustic emission of
shall be pursued so that the plants and equipment HVDC stations has to be considered but can be reduced to
will achieve optimally balanced availability with regard to comply with the legal requirements by an indoor station
the costs of maintenance, operating disturbances and design.
planned outages [4].
The environmental fitting of an electrical power A. Potential FACTS applications in India
transmission system is of increasing importance. Due to One of the key benefits provided by FACTS is the
political restrictions and public environmental awareness, possibility to relieve congestion constraints.
environmental considerations have become an important
part of approval procedures and project planning. In order to In case there is enough free transmission capacity
accommodate this circumstance, Table 6 reflects the land available, the shifting of active power to other lines inside
use for selected transmission system components. In case of the system by a FACTS device should be considered before
overhead lines the term land use refers to the surface area the construction of new lines: the scope is then to efficiently
occupied by the tower footing and the span, while in case of utilize the given network topology as well as to reduce the
cables this term quantifies the surface area over the economic expenditure and the environmental impact that
underground cable run. For both the span and the surface come along with a physical network expansion. A FACTS
area of the cable run, the usability is constricted after device suitable for efficient power flow shifting could be
construction of the line. For HVDC terminals and reactive installed in one of the substations of the overloaded
compensation the term land use refers to the area occupied transmission line.
by the facility buildings [4]. In cases where the congestion is
Land use discontinuous, the application of dynamic devices may be
advantageous since these devices are able to monitor the
min max
power flow on a transmission line and to limit this power
±150.. Po
350.. 20000 40000 Unit
flow to a permitted value when needed. For a congestion
C OHL, tage
±500 wer
3000 m that is associated with a relatively low degree of
bipolar level
kV ratin
MW 5000 10000 m2/k
volatility, slow-switching devices (such as mechanical
C kV MWg m devices) can be feasible while in case of a relatively high
undergr degree of volatility fast-adjusting devices (such as TCSC,
ound ±350 1100 0 m2/k SSSC, UPFC) present possible solutions [4].
cable kV MW m
HVD ±150.. 350.. 5000 10000 m2 In addition to transmission applications and the
C VSC ±350 1000 benefits offered by FACTS for gridlock resolution and
a cable improved system controllability (see also Table 1), these
±350.. MW
1000 30000 60000 m2 technologies can be also beneficial when implemented for
CSC ±500 ..300 the connection of certain RES to the grid. In this case,
terminal kV 0 FACTS are especially advantageous when applied for wind
, bipolar MW generator connections. Due to the nature of the source of
wind power, a continuous and steady supply from a wind
Table. 6: Surface occupation for HVDC devices (average) generation unit or wind farm is difficult to achieve. As such,
the inherently unsteady nature of this type of generation
source requires measures of stability and control on the B. Further potential HVDC applications in India
power transmission system. In addition, due to issues There exist several full HVDC links in the Indian power
associated with voltage control, as well as real and reactive system of ENTSO-E, mainly used for long submarine ties
power dispatching, measures must be established for power and/or asynchronous systems interconnections. There is
system operators in order to adjust to wind generation currently also an installation of B2B HVDC. Further
output as base load, peak load, or other dispatching asynchronous interconnections of both HVDC types, CSC
criteria. and VSC, are expected at pan-Indian level in a short-
As wind farms become a larger part of the total midterm horizon (as full or B2B HVDC), [8]. In this
generation base and as the penetration levels increase, issues sense, the interconnection project linking in India via
related to integration, such as transients, stability, and HVAC and B2B CSC-HVDC assumes a strategic role being
voltage control, are becoming more and more important. the first link between the still asynchronized Continental
Moreover, due to the stochastic nature of wind, the and Baltic systems [8]. In the medium
integration of such renewable sources of generation in term further interconnections between the Continental
to the transmission system significantly differs from the one Indian systems via full or B2B HVDC are also expected.
related to conventional types of generation. For wind The fast development of VSC-
generation applications, FACTS can be implemented for HVDC is presently increasingly expanding the potential
voltage control in the form of SVC or STATCOM fields of application of HVDC technology in India
configurations. In addition to voltage support and control, comprising also urban in-feed, offshore RES connection and
there are also benefits that can be realized by allowing integration, multi-terminal applications. Concerning the
generating units to increase real power output by relieving latter, although there are currently just very few multi-
the reactive power requirements through the application of terminal HVDC (MTDC) installations in operation
these dynamic compensation technologies. By implementing worldwide (in Europe the only one is the Sardinia-Corsica-
FACTS technologies in coordination with wind (and other Italian peninsula link), the demand for a MTDC system
RES) generation applications, a reliable, steady, and secure frequently arises among TSOs. This is mainly driven by
connection to the power transmission grid is ensured. In the operational advantages in terms of bulk power
addition, maximum output of wind capacity and efficient transmission which they have gained from
operation of wind generating units are realized through conventional point-to-point HVDC installations and
interconnection with FACTS controllers [4]. which they expect to come along with the
In case of offshore wind connection via HVAC implementation of MTDC. In addition, the recent push for
submarine cable transmission and depending on the line increasing the share of RES in the power generation mix
length, reactive compensation at both ends of the cable has leads to an increased number of offshore wind parks in
to be considered. As an approximate value, a cable with a operation, under construction or being planned. The
line length of more than 40 km needs reactive compensation consequence is an increased amount of power generation far
(about 1.5-2.5 MVAR/km): this naturally has to be taken away from the load centers. A multi-terminal HVDC system
into account in the cost-benefit analysis. could be then a solution for picking up offshore generated
power, for transmitting it to the mainland and for feeding it
An option could also be given by the utilization of
FACTS like SVC or STATCOM in combination with into the power grid.
HVAC cables (at the onshore end), aiming at both cable In this respect, there is a very strong potential for
reactive compensation and output voltage support and HVDC offshore grids development in India [8], VSC-
reactive control. It is worth to outline that FACTS devices HVDC can be very useful for the connection of remote
have a specific potential for application in different Indian offshore wind farms to the main power grid since VSC-
systems. HVDC does not depend on a specified ESCR (Effective
In India SVC and STATCON are under Short Circuit Ratio) or on reactive power support at the
consideration for static and dynamic applications, while connection points in order to perform a reliable
series and combined controllers might be very useful to commutation process. VSC-HVDC can be then the key
relieve congestions in different parts of the system both at technology for building offshore grids. Furthermore, the
internal and cross-border level. The different types of independency of reactive power support enables VSC-
FACTS devices might be very effective to manage active HVDC to perform a black start which may help TSOs to re-
and reactive power flow control, voltage regulation and energize network sections that suffered from a system
system stability control. SVC and series controllers are blackout. VSC-HVDC can provide additional capacity for
under consideration, especially for wind integration and the point-to-point power transmission over short- to
power flow control issues [8]. Also devices like shunt medium-long distances within a power grid while also
controllers and SSSC are under study [7]. Also in India, providing reactive power support at its terminals. This
series and combined devices may be also very effective for contributes to power system stability and frees up
solving several network issues. transmission capacity on neighbouring lines that was
formerly occupied by reactive power transmission. In
In general, the different types of series and
combination with a wide-area monitoring system, the fast
combined FACTS devices could provide more
effective solutions to the Indian issues on several cross- modulation of power injection at the HVDC terminals can
border ties than the PSTs (Phase Shifting Transformers) be also used to damp power oscillations within the power
grid and to assure system stability.
there installed actually do.
The research leading to these results has received
funding from the Indian Company Power Grid’s Programm
under Company and Indian Government’s Combine Project
in Maharashtra.
[1] REALISEGRID project http://realisegrid.erse-
[2] G. Fulli, A.R. Ciupuliga, A. L’Abbate, M. Gibescu,
―Review of existing methods for transmission planning
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C. Total Investment Required
Investment envisaged in12
Transmission: Rs. 1,80,000 Cr.(US $ 33Bn)
Distribution: Rs. 3,06,000 Cr.