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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 502–514

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Review of FACTS technologies and applications for power quality in smart MARK
grids with renewable energy systems

Foad H. Gandomana, Abdollah Ahmadib, , Adel M. Sharafc, Pierluigi Sianod, Josep Poub,
Branislav Hredzakb, Vassilios G. Agelidise
Research group MOBI – Mobility, Logistics and Automotive Technology Research Centre, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, Brussels 1050, Belgium
School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications, The University of New South Wales, Sydney 2052, NSW, Australia
Energy Systems, Incorporated, Fredericton, NB, Canada
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Salerno, 84084 Salerno, Italy
Department of Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark


Keywords: In the last two decades, emerging use of renewable and distributed energy sources in electricity grid has created
FACTS technologies new challenges for the utility regarding the power quality, voltage stabilization and efficient energy utilization.
Green energy utilization Power electronic converters are extensively utilized to interface the emerging energy systems (without and with
Power quality energy storage) and smart buildings with the transmission and distribution systems. Flexible ac transmission
Renewable energy sources
systems (FACTSs) and voltage-source converters, with smart dynamic controllers, are emerging as a stabilization
and power filtering equipment to improve the power quality. Also, distributed FACTSs play an important role in
improving the power factor, energy utilization, enhancing the power quality, and ensuring efficient energy
utilization and energy management in smart grids with renewable energy sources. This paper presents a lit-
erature survey of FACTS technology tools and applications for power quality and efficient renewable energy
system utilization.

1. Introduction point of common coupling. Power quality issues and mitigation have
emerged as serious challenges and issues facing electric utilities and
In the last years, flexible ac transmission system (FACTS) tech- industrial/commercial/residential users [7].
nology has been used in efficient energy utilization, demand control, Various FACTS devices and control strategies can help to mitigate
voltage stabilization, power quality enhancement, power factor cor- power quality problems. For efficient use of power system resources the
rection and harmonic mitigation [1,2]. Additional applications include concept of FACTS was introduced in the late 1980's. The basic concept
power flow control, voltage regulation, reactive power compensation, of FACTS devices was based upon the use of high-voltage power elec-
transient and steady state voltage stability enhancement, power loss tronics to control real and reactive power flow and voltage in the
reduction, power conditioning and quality improvement [3,4]. The transmission system [8].
emerging use of renewable and distributed generation (DG) has ac- Extensive research has focused on new topologies and architectures
celerated and expanded the role of power electronic devices for efficient of voltage-source converters (VSCs) to improve the performance of
electrical utilization and enhanced security and reliability of the elec- FACTS devices in power systems and consequently enhance power
tric utility grid [5]. Also, new applications have emerged for stand- system security [9,10]. Recently, FACTS devices and smart control
alone microgrids with regards to renewable energy utilization using strategies have been gaining a more prominent role in energy genera-
solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, micro-hydroelectric systems, the wind, tion from renewable sources such as solar, wind, and waves [11]. Sig-
biomass, waste-to-energy and hybrid ac-dc sources with battery energy nificant research has been focused on maximizing the energy extraction
storage for remote villages [6]. Renewable energy sources (RESs) are from RESs. The results of the implementation of FACTS devices in smart
utilized at an accelerating rate and connected to both transmission and grids with renewable systems are encouraging [12,13].
distribution/utilization systems using power electronic converters. This The aim of this paper is to review and discuss applications of FACTS
results in increased harmonics and deterioration of power quality at the devices in smart grids with RESs. The paper focuses on the following

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Ahmadi).

Received 19 August 2016; Received in revised form 3 August 2017; Accepted 17 September 2017
1364-0321/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F.H. Gandoman et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 502–514

issues: respectively, as shown in Fig. 3. Furthermore, the most famous re-

searchers and research centers, in all parts of the world, together with
• Impact of distributed-FACTS (D-FACTS) systems and emerging vol- number of publications are illustrated in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5, respectively.
tage source inverter (VSI) on modern electrical systems stabiliza-
tion. Power quality harmonic reduction in AC-DC- AC interfaced 3. FACTS devices
renewable energy and battery storage devices.
• Role of FACTS devices and control strategies in electrical power FACTS devices and integrated power electronic converters with
system power quality and voltage regulation. flexible fast acting control strategies are used in emerging smart grids
• Comprehensive study of history of application of FACTS devices in and integrated ac-dc renewable energy systems. They are based on the
traditional and modern electrical networks. concepts of:
• Different surveys, categorized by the type of published document,
top researchers, top research centers and active countries, in terms 1) Modulating apparent admittance (Y) and impedance at the point of
of FACTS devices technology. common coupling and key common ac bus.
2) Injecting ac components in series or parallel with the electric net-
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, an overview of work nodes to create current flows or superimposed voltages.
power quality in electrical networks is presented. FACTS devices are 3) Supplying localized reactive or capacitive current at the bus for
described in Section 3, while D-FACTS devices are presented in Section reactive power flow control.
4. FACTS/D-FACTS devices and power quality are explained in Section 4) Modulating or switching the equivalent-driving point impedance (Z)
5. In Section 6, the role of FACTS devices in enhancing power quality in at the interface bus by controlled switching.
future networks is explained. Finally, the conclusions are drawn in
Section 7. The control strategies are based on voltage, power, angle or reactive
power flow control using classical proportional-integral-derivative
2. Overview of power quality and facts devices in electrical (PID) controllers, optimal control, heuristic soft computing control
networks strategies and/or a multi-objective control performance index (J).
The converter topologies can be classified into:
Power quality issues are manifested as distorted voltage and current
waveforms and/or frequency deviations that may cause failure or mal- a) Voltage source-converter fed
operation of customer equipment. Additionally, the power systems b) Dc-current source injection interface
should provide their customers with a secure, reliable and unin- c) Switched/modulated inductors or capacitors
terrupted flow of energy with sinusoidal voltages at the contracted d) Active power filter topologies
magnitude level and frequency.
Generally, poor power quality may result in increased power losses, The resulting voltage and current waveforms are usually distorted
undesirable behavior of equipment, and interference with nearby and contain harmonics due to switching nature of power electronics
communication lines. Widespread use of power electronics further converters, and additional interface filters are usually required.
burdens the power systems by generating harmonics in the voltages and In recent decades, due to the increasing demand of electricity in
currents along with increased reactive current [14]. different countries, the need to build new transmission lines, electricity
Currently, quality problems have become more complex at all levels posts and increase the capacity of transmission lines has greatly in-
of electrical power systems. Therefore, power quality issues have re- creased. But the construction of new electricity transmission lines re-
ceived increasing attention by both the end users and utilities [15]. quires a huge capital investment. As a result, finding effective solutions
Maintaining the electric power quality within acceptable limits is a to reduce the costs for electric companies has been a great challenge.
significant challenge [16]. The adverse effects of poor power quality are The main objectives of FACTS devices are to increase the useable
well discussed in [17]. transmission capacity of lines and to control the power flow over de-
Various sources use the term power quality indistinctively with signated transmission routes [37]. FACTS devices are also used to im-
different meanings such as supply reliability, current quality, voltage prove the power quality. There are different types of FACTS devices
quality, service quality, quality of supply and quality of consumption such as static VAR compensator (SVC); dynamic flow controller (DFC);
[18]. Table 1 illustrates the most common problems from the stand- thyristor controlled series compensator (TCSC); HVDC back to back
points of consequences, causes and explanation of the power quality (HVDC B2B); unified power flow controller (UPFC); static synchronous
phenomena in power systems. Among these phenomena, voltage sags series compensator (SSSC); static synchronous compensator (STAT-
account for the highest percentage, almost 31%, whereas the lowest COM); and dynamic power flow controller (DPFC) [38,39]. According
percentage is voltage transients by 8%. Because of the increased use of to their connection, they are classified as shunt-connected controllers,
sensitive loads, PV systems and power electronic equipment produce series-connected and combined series- and shunt-connected controllers.
harmonic and asymmetrical voltages accounting for 20% and 18%, The main benefits and applications of basic FACTS devices in the
respectively. electrical network are introduced in Table 2.
We searched ‘Flexible ac transmission systems (FACTSs)’ keyword in
the SCOPUS database and found 3264 articles, ranging from 1987 to 3.1. Static VAR compensator (SVC)
July 2017. Figs. 1–5 sort the published articles by different categories.
Fig. 1 shows the number of articles published worldwide from 1987 In the 1970s, the first generation of FACTS devices, known as Static
to July 2017. The line chart illustrates that, from 1987, the need to use VAR Compensator (SVC), was introduced. A SVC is a shunt-connected
FACTS devices to overcome power quality problems in power system absorber capable of exchanging capacitive/inductive power to control
has been increasing. As a result, research in this field has grown dra- specific parameters of the electrical power system [40]. In 1974, the
matically. Fig. 2 shows the distribution number of FACT-related arti- first SVC was installed in Nebraska by General Electric. More than 800
cles. SVCs with power ratings ranging from 60 to 600 MVAR have been in-
Over the last three decades, many countries have performed studies stalled by electrical utilities until now. ABB has provided about 55% of
on FACTS devices and their application to enhance the power quality in the SVC market, with 3% in Asian countries.
traditional and modern electrical networks. Among them, India ranked SVC may improve transient stability by dynamically supporting the
the first, and the United States, China and Iran ranked second to fourth, voltage at key points and steady state stability by helping to increase

F.H. Gandoman et al.

Table 1
Power quality problems overview.

Power quality Explanation Causes Consequences


Voltage sag Normal voltage level declines between 10% and Faults on the electrical networks. Faults in Tripping of contractors (PCs, PLCs, ASDs, etc) and
90% of the nominal rms voltage at the power consumers installation. Start-up of large motors electromechanical relays. Disconnection and loss of
frequency, during 0.5 cycle to 1 min [19]. and connection of heavy loads and [20]. efficiency in electric rotating machines [21].
Short interruptions Total interruption of electrical supply for Opening and automatic reclosers of security Tripping protection devices, loss of information and
duration from few milliseconds to one or two equipment to decommission a faulty part of the malfunction of data processing equipment.
seconds 19]. electrical network. The important fault sources are Stoppage of sensitive equipment, such as ASDs, PCs,
lightning, insulator flashover as well as insulation PLCs [22].
failure [22].
Long interruptions Total interruption of electrical supply for period Material failure in the electrical power networks, Stoppage of all equipment [19].
greater than one to two seconds [23]. storms and objects such as trees and cars, human
error, striking lines or poles, fire, bad coordination
or failure of security equipment [22].
Voltage spike Very fast changing of the voltage rate for Lightning, switching of lines or power factor Destruction of components (electronic components)
durations from several microseconds to few correction capacitors, disconnection of heavy loads and of insulation materials, data processing errors
milliseconds. Even in low voltage, these [25]. or data loss, electromagnetic interference [25].
variations may reach thousands of volts [24].
Voltage swell Momentary rise of the voltage, at the power On/Off of heavy loads, badly dimensioned power Data loss, stoppage or damage of sensitive

frequency, outside the common tolerances, with sources, badly regulated transformers during off- equipment, or flickering of lighting and screens, if
period of more than one cycle and usually less peak hours [27]. the voltage values are too high [27].
than a few seconds [26].
Harmonic Voltage or current waveforms assume non- Modern sources Classic sources I Increased possibility of incidence of resonance,
distortion sinusoidal shape. The waveform corresponds to All nonlinear loads, such as power electronics Electric machines working above the neutral overload in three phase systems, cables and
the sum of various sine-waves with different equipment, switched mode power supplies, data knee of the magnetization curve, arc devices overheating, efficiency loss in electric
magnitudes and phases, having frequencies that processing equipment, high-efficiency lighting furnaces, welding machines, rectifiers, machines, electromagnetic interposition with
are multiples of the electrical power system [29]. and dc brush motors [29]. communication systems, error in measures when
frequency [28]. using average reading meters and nuisance tripping
of thermal protections [30].
Voltage fluctuation Oscillation of voltage value, amplitude Arc furnaces, repeated start/stop of electric motors The most perceptible consequence is the flickering
modulated by a signal with frequency of 0–30 Hz such as elevators, oscillating loads [32] of lighting and screens, giving the impression of
[31]. unsteadiness of visual perception [32].
Noise Superimposed of high-frequency signals on the Electromagnetic interferences provoked by Disturbances on nonlinear loads which usually not
waveform of the power-system frequency [33]. Hertzian waves such as microwaves, television destructive. May cause data loss and data
diffusion, and radiation due to welding machines, processing errors [34].
arc furnaces, and electronic equipment. Improper
grounding may also be a cause [34].
Voltage Unbalance A voltage variation in a three-phase system in Large single-phase loads, incorrect distribution of Unbalanced systems convey the existence of a
which the three voltage magnitudes or the phase all single-phase loads by the three phases of the negative sequence that is adverse to all three phase
angle differences between them are not equal system [36]. loads. The major affected loads are three-phase
[35]. induction machines [36].
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 502–514
F.H. Gandoman et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 502–514

Fig. 1. Number of articles on FACTS devices from 1987 to

July 2017.

V=− If SVC is fully capacitive(B = Bmax )

V= If SVC is fully inductive(B = Blmax )

where V is the positive sequence voltage (p.u.), I is the reactive current

(p.u./Pbase) (I > 0 demonstrates an inductive current), Xs is the slope
or droop reactance (p.u./Pbase), Pbase is the three-phase base power,
Bmax is the maximum capacitive susceptance (p.u./Pbase) with all
thyristor controlled series compensators (TSCs) in service, no TSR or
TCR, Blmax indicates the maximum inductive susceptance (p.u./Pbase)
with all TSRs in service or TCRs at full conduction, and no TSC.
SVC control systems are planned to have a voltage control loop with
continuous auxiliary damping control signal superimposed [45]. Fig. 8
shows the controller of a SVC that consists of:

Fig. 2. Distribution of different types of articles on FACTS devices from 1987 to July • A measurement system of the positive-sequence voltage to be gov-
2017. erned.
• A voltage regulator that applies the voltage error to determine the
swing oscillation damping [41]. The accuracy, availability and fast SVC susceptance B needed to keep the system voltage controlled.
response of SVCs enable these devices to provide high performance • A distribution unit that determines the TSCs that have to compute
regarding steady state and transient voltage control. Furthermore, SVCs the firing angle α of TCRs, and be switched in and out.
are used to improve the transient stability, damp power swings and • A synchronizing system applying a phase-locked loop (PLL) syn-
reduce system losses by using reactive power control [42,43]. Fig. 6 chronized on the secondary voltages and a pulse generator that
illustrates the SVC family. The SVC can be operated in voltage regula- sends proper pulses to the thyristors.
tion mode and VAR control mode. The V-I characteristic of SVC in
voltage regulation mode is shown in Fig. 7. 3.2. Thyristor controlled series compensator (TCSC)
The SVC susceptance (B) remains within the maximum and
minimum values imposed by the total reactive power of the capacitor A TCSC, which consists of a series capacitor bank shunted by a
banks (Bmax) and reactor banks (Blmax), while the voltage is regulated at thyristor-controlled reactor to provide a smoothly variable series ca-
the reference voltage Vref. A voltage droop control is normally used. The pacitive reactance [46]. TCSCs play vital roles in the operation and
V-I characteristic equations are: control of power systems such as enhancing power flow, limiting fault
current, enhancing transient and dynamic stability. As shown in Fig. 9,
V = Vref + X c . I If SCV is in regulation range(−Bmax < B < Blmax )
connecting an inductor in parallel with a series capacitor enables a

Fig. 3. Number of articles on FACTS devices from

1987 to July 2017, sorted by countries.

F.H. Gandoman et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 502–514

Fig. 4. Top researchers in the area of FACTS devices

from 1987 to July 2017.

continuous and rapid variable series compensation system. The main in 1991. It is rated at ± 80 MVAR and provides voltage stabilization in
advantages of TCSC devices are increased real power transferred, power Inumaya substation. The largest STACOMSs with a capacity of + 225
oscillation damping, sub-synchronous resonance damping and power MVAR and ± 100 MVAR were installed in East Claydon 400 kV sub-
flow line control [47,48]. station/UK in 2001 and SDG & E Talega substation/USA in 2003, re-
The first TCSC installed in 1992 operates at 230 kV and is used to spectively. The purposes of those STATCOMs installations were to
increase power transfer capability of Kayenta, Arizona Substation. It provide dynamic reactive compensation of East Claydon 400 kV sub-
increased the capacity of the transmission network by nearly 30%. At station, and dynamic VAR control during peak load conditions of
the end of the year 2004, seven TCSCs were installed around the world SDG & E Talega substation. Also, in 2013 a STATCOM with capacity
such as Stöde/ Sweden, Pinguo substation in 1999, State power south of ± 150 MVAR at 275 kV was installed in Turnkey too.
company, Guangzhou/China in 2002 and Raipur substation/ India in STATCOMs do not require large inductive and capacitive compo-
2004. nents to provide inductive or capacitive reactive power to high voltage
A TCSC has three operation modes: (i) thyristors blocked (no gating transmission systems as required in SVCs [50]. The main benefits of
and zero thyristor conduction), where the TCSC net impedance is just STATCOMs are less required area and higher reactive power output at
the capacitive reactance, (ii) thyristors activated (continuous gating low grid voltages, since the STATCOM performs as a current source
and full thyristor conduction), where most of the line current flows independent of the grid voltage. Furthermore, from the system dynamic
through the inductive reactance, and (c) Vernier operation with phase stability standpoint, the STATCOM provides better damping char-
control of gating signals. In the last mode, the thyristors are controlled acteristics than the SVC as it can transiently exchange active power
in such a manner that a certain amount of inductive current can cir- with the system. A circuit diagram of the STATCOM is shown in Fig. 11.
culate through the capacitor, thereby increasing the effective capaci- Generally, a STATCOM can be operated in voltage regulation mode
tive/inductive reactance of the module. In Fig. 10, the impedance and VAR control mode. When the STATCOM is operated in the voltage
(XTCSC) of the TCSC for different values of delay angle (α ) of the regulation mode, it has the V-I characteristic shown in Fig. 12. The
thyristor valves is shown. The TCSC has two operating ranges around its reactive current remains within the minimum and the maximum cur-
internal circuit resonance (αr ); one is αClim ≤ α ≤ 180° , where XTCSC rent values (-Imax, Imax) imposed by the converter rating, and the output
(α ) is capacitive, and the other one is 90° ≤ α ≤ αLlim , where XTCSC(α ) voltage is regulated at the reference value Vref. The V-I characteristic is:
is inductive. The internal circuit resonance depends on the ratio be- V = Vref + Xs I,
tween the inductor and capacitor reactance of the TCSC. Different ratios
of reactance yield different resonance points (αr ) [26]. where, V is the positive sequence voltage (pu), I is the reactive current
(pu/Pnom), Xs is slope or droop reactance (pu/Pnom) and finally, Pnom is
the nominal power of the converter.
3.3. Static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) Control diagram of a STATCOM is shown in Fig. 13 and consists of:

A STATCOM is integrated by a SVC usually based on the gate turn-

off (GTO) type thyristors. The STATCOM is capable of generating or
• A phase-locked loop (PLL) that detects the positive-sequence com-
ponent of the three-phase primary voltage V . 1
absorbing reactive power at its output terminals. It can also deal with
real power when it is fed from an energy source or an energy storage
• Measurement of ac voltages and currents to control the d and q
current components and the dc voltage Vdc.
device of appropriate rating. The first STACTOM was installed in Japan

Fig. 5. Most important research centers in the area

of FACTS devices from 1987 to July 2017.

F.H. Gandoman et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 502–514

• An outer regulation loop including a dc voltage regulator and an ac

devices are used in distribution systems, while

FACT devices are used in transmission systems.
voltage regulator. The reference current Iqref for the current reg-

DFACTS devices. They are smaller and less

expensive than traditional FACTS. DFACT


ulator is the output of the ac voltage regulator (Iq: reactive current).
The reference current Idref for the current regulator is the output of
the dc voltage regulator (Id: active current).
• An inner current regulation loop including a current regulator. The
current regulator defines the voltage generated by the PWM con-
verter (V2d and V2q) from the reference currents (Idref and Iqref). The
current regulator is aided by a feed forward type regulator which
Last generation

predicts the V2 voltage output (V2d and V2q) from the V1 measure-
ment (V1d and V1q) and the transformer leakage reactance.

Table 3 summarizes the main benefits and applications of basic

FACTS devices.
ignition (GTO, MCTS, IGBT's,
IGCTS, etc.) to be controlled.


3.4. Static synchronous series compensator (SSSC)

Semiconductor using gate
Based on the Technological Characteristics

Second generation

A SSSC [51] is an FACTS controller based on a series-connected

VSC. It injects a voltage with controllable magnitude and phase angle at
the line frequency and is found to be very capable of handling power
flow control, besides improving transient stability margin and transient
damping [52,53]. The main advantage of SSSC over a TCSC is that it
does not remarkably affect the impedance of the transmission system
and hence there is no danger of having resonance problems. A circuit
First generation


Thyristor using

diagram and control system of SSSC is shown in Fig. 14. The control
gate control

system of SSSC is consists of:



• A PLL that synchronizes on the positive-sequence component of the

current I. Also, the output of the PLL (ωt) is used to compute the
Serial-derivation controllers

Unified Power Flow Controller

separated to inject current to

direct- and quadrature-axis components of the ac three-phase vol-

A combination of serial and

tages and currents (labelled as Vd, Vq or Id, Iq in the diagram).

derivations controllers

The measuring system of the ac voltages to calculate the q compo-

nents of the ac positive-sequence of voltages V1 and V2 (V1q and
V2q), as well as the dc voltage Vdc.

the system.

ac and dc voltage regulators that compute the two components of

the converter voltage (Vd_conv and Vq_conv) required to obtain the
desired dc voltage (Vdcref) and the injected voltage (Vqref).
Serial to serial controllers

4. Distributed FACTS (D-FACTS)

A blend of coordinated

multiline transmission
serial controllers in a

Interline Power Flow

Due to the increasing use of RESs as DG in the electrical distribution

network, the policy of investment in the energy area and control of

power system has changed [54,55]. In [56], a new concept of D-FACTS


was suggested as an alternative solution to solve the main problem of

the last generation of FACTS devices, which is the cost effective power
flow control.
impedance, or a combination of both
to inject current into the network at

Currently, D-FACTS are designed to address power control types of

Synchronous Static Compensator

problems. D-FACTS can be used to dynamically control the effective

line impedance. Also, from a power system perspective, D-FACTS de-
A variable source, variable

vices offer many potential benefits since they are less expensive and
the point of connection.
Derivation controllers

smaller than usual FACTS devices, which may make them better can-
Based on the Type of Connection to the Network

didates for wide scale deployment [57,58].

FACTS devices classification in electrical networks.

The most important D-FACTS that have been used in the smart/
micro grids are shown in Table 4.
Nowadays, increasing performance and decreasing price of power
electronics and communication technologies is transforming the entire
Classification of FACTS Devices

electrical industry sectors into modern electrical networks. Deployment

capacitor aiming to inject a
A variable impedance such as a

of low power FACTS devices, i.e. D-FACTS devices, can provide a higher
serial voltage to the line.

performance and lower cost method for enhancing smart/micro grids

Serial Synchronous Static

controllability and reliability, enhancing asset utilization and end-user

Serial controllers

power quality, while environmental impact and minimizing system cost


Moreover, to solve different problems in smart/micro grids such as

voltage sags, voltage swells, voltage fluctuations, interruptions and

Table 2

harmonics, various power conversion and control devices have been

introduced to regulate and control the generation, transmission and

F.H. Gandoman et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 502–514

Fig. 6. Static VAr compensator (SVC) [44].

Fig. 10. XTCSC vs. α characteristic of TCSC.

Fig. 7. SVC V-I characteristic.

Fig. 11. Block diagram of STATCOM.

Fig. 8. Single-line diagram of an SVC and its control block diagram.

Fig. 12. STATCOM V-I characteristic.

quality [67,68].
FACTS and D-FACTS devices play an important role to enhance
power quality in traditional (without RES) and modern (with RES)
electrical networks. A summary of power quality improvements by
FACTS devices is shown in Table 5.

Fig. 9. Thyristor controlled series compensators (TCSC) [49].

6. Cost effective analysis of FACTS devices
distribution of electrical energy. The main solution to most of the power
Using FACTS devices in the electrical grid has many advantages
quality problems is represented by D-FACTS devices. Fig. 15 shows a
from a technical point of view. However, a cost effective analysis should
micro grid with different types of D-FACTS devices.
be performed too [88]. As a general rule, financial and business view-
points come first for the utility's leadership and hence a careful ex-
5. FACTS/D-FACTS devices and power quality amination of correlation between cost and advantages of various system
improvements is necessary. Adoption of the FACTS devices is often
Use of RESs in traditional electrical networks has changed the policy hindered by the time constraints introduced by installation of the de-
of electrical utilizes regarding control, reliability, management, power vices and restrictions in the existing substations. On the other hand,
quality and protection of electrical system. Good power quality is an there could be other short or mid-term financially viable alternatives to
important factor for a reliable supply of electricity to loads in a power the FACTS devices that have to be assessed. Hence, a thorough mone-
system. However, the current electronic devices and nonlinear loads tary assessment and business evaluation of every option is critical.
produce nonsinusoidal waveforms, which can result in poor power The cost of FACTS devices consists of two main components: initial

F.H. Gandoman et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 502–514

Fig. 13. Single-line diagram of STATCOM and its

control block diagram.

Table 3
The main benefits and applications of basic FACTS devices.


Impact on System Performance Impact on System Performance Impact on System Performance Impact on System Performance


Good Best Good Better Good Best Better Better Better Good Best Better Best Best Best Best

Problem Mitigation Problem Mitigation Problem Mitigation Problem Mitigation

Voltage Limits Voltage Limits Voltage Limits Voltage Limits
Low voltage at heavy load, the high voltage at Low voltage at heavy load, the high voltage at The high voltage at the light load.
light load, high voltage following an light load, high voltage following an outage.
Thermal Limits Thermal Limits Thermal Limits Thermal Limits
Line or transformer over load. Line or transformer over load, Tripping
of Parallel circuits
Loop Flow Loop Flow Loop Flow Loop Flow
Post fault sharing. Parallel line load sharing Flow direction reversal.
Short Circuits Levels Short Circuits Levels Short Circuits Levels Short Circuits Levels
Excessive breaker fault current Excessive breaker Fault current.
Sub-Synchronous Resonance Sub-Synchronous Resonance Sub-Synchronous Resonance Sub-Synchronous Resonance
Potential turbine /generator shaft

I: Load flow control, II: Voltage control, III: Transient stability, IV: Dynamic stability.

establishment cost, and operation and maintenance costs. The under- devices can be laid out by the following [89]: equipment, 55%; de-
lying establishment cost incorporates the cost of the device in addition signing and venture administration, 15%; common works, 12%; es-
to the conveyance and establishment charges, proficient expenses, and tablishment, 10%; freightage and protection, 4%; and start-ups, 4%.
sales tax. The aggregate establishment cost is typically communicated Table 6 illustrates the cost of some FACTS devices [90].
as an element of the evaluated electrical limit of FACTS device. Because of many available criteria that have to be considered, when
Additional cost component, operation and maintenance cost, is re- selecting the FACT devices, such as power rating, kind of device, the
quired over the lifetime. Working expenses incorporate upkeep and voltage of the system, system necessity, ecological conditions and ad-
administration, protection, and any material reposition. A dependable ministrative prerequisite, it is difficult to give a fixed cost figure for the
guideline gauge for yearly working costs is 5–10% of the underlying FACTS establishment. Approximated buy and establishment costs for
framework cost. Generally, establishment cost structure for FACTS given sizes of FACTs devices are given in Table 7 [91].

Fig. 14. Single-line diagram of SSSC and its control block diagram.

F.H. Gandoman et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 502–514

Table 4 commitment to guarantee a safe and practical power framework op-

D-FACTS devices in modern electrical networks. eration was illustrated. In this study, considering the high cost of using
UFPC in high-power networks, a combination of SVC and TCSC was
D-FACTS Features
used, and from the economic point of view, their behavior was in-
Distributed Switched Filter • Voltage stabilization vestigated. In [99], a systematic approach to determine a cost-effective
Compensator (D-SFC) • Power factor improvement FACTS solution for a utility faced with transmission vulnerabilities was
[60,61] • Mitigating THD at buses
• Stabilization
developed. A framework for collective as well as objective evaluation of
Distributed Green Plug SFC (D- of the dc bus voltage
GPSFC) [62] • Low power losses FACTS along with other options in the short and long-term time frame
Distributed Static Compensator • Voltage regulation was presented
(D-STATCOM) [63,64] • Compensation of current harmonics
• Control of reactive power
• Uninterrupted supply in the case of using
an energy storage device
7. Role of FACTS devices in improving power quality in future
Distributed Static Series
Compensator (DSSC) [65]
• the
Allowing control of active power flow of
line Emerging smart grids with DG, including RESs, and integration of
• Smaller and less expensive than traditional
FACTS devices
ac-dc systems require the use of FACTS devices and stabilization power
• Minimizing real power losses electronic converters, together with fast acting control strategies
Distributed TCSC (D-TCSC) [66] • System stability and development of
corresponding cyber-secure control
[100,101]. New FACTS topologies are emerging to ensure decoupled
ac-dc interface, improved voltage security, reactive compensation,
• Controlling system voltages
voltage and power factor improvement, and loss reduction [102,103].
They also enhance the security of micro grids, stand-alone ac-dc DG
schemes using photovoltaic, wind, fuel cell, battery storage, micro gas
In general, the main purposes of economic evaluation of the use of turbines (MGT), wave/tidal generation CNG/diesel GEN-sets as back-up
FACTS devices in electrical networks are: systems [104–107].
FACTS technology includes VSCs, STATCOMs, SSSCs, UPFs, active
• Determination of ideal case for establishment of FACTS devices. power filters and Gate-Controlled Series Capacitor (GCSC) [108–110].
• Definition of the most cost effective FACTS design alongside ap- Modern power systems with new demand smart metering (DSM) and
integrated DG including solar PV and wind farms will require new
praisal of individual devices.
modified smart-soft computing, control strategies and enhanced power
Some research has been done on investigating FACTS effect on the electronic converter topologies to ensure reliability, security, power
cost relating to transmission rights by estimating various market quality and efficient utilization without transient over-voltages and
structures. However, only the included exchange capacity and the inrush currents [111,112]. Improved energy utilization with effective
subsequent costs saved by the FACTS and D-FACTS were considered. voltage regulation at key interface bus regulations will restrict sizing/
Generally, no venture and operational costs of FACTS were in- siting of distributed renewable/alternate generation [113–115].
corporated [92–94]. In [95], a different type of FACTS devices were Green and renewable energy generation are expected to supply
studied using cost effective analysis of voltage sag mitigation. The re- 20–25% of the electrical energy by 2050 from sources that include the
sults shown that D-STATCOM devices were more valuable when com- wind, solar, geothermal, wave/tidal, bio/natural gas, fuel cell, hybrid,
pared with SVC. In [96], a cost benefit analysis of voltage sag mitiga- and waste to energy [116,117]. Also, new designs of flexible VSC FA-
tion strategies in chemical industry was illustrated. Two types of CTS schemes will target distribution/utilization network devices
mitigation devices (D-STATCOM and SVC) were analyzed. In [97], [118,119] such as the distributed static series compensators (DSSCs),
economic and technical advantages of TSCS were discussed. In [98], a distribution STATCOMs (DSTATCOMs) and switched power filters
compensation schemes [120,121].

Fig. 15. Modern electrical system with D-FACTS


F.H. Gandoman et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 502–514

Table 6

Benefits that FACTS technologies bring to facilitate the connection of wind

Cost of FACTS devices.

D-STATCOM to improve the voltage profile of a distribution network with

Improving, providing voltage ride-through and regulation of power flow.
Enhance the voltage stability at the system key buses, and improved the

AC voltage stabilization, power factor improvement and power quality

Improve power system reliability and the penetration of green energy.

system's power quality, increased power transmission capacity of the
Type Cost ($/KVAR)

distribution feeder, which will prevent from problems due to power

Mitigating the SSR and alleviate the low frequency oscillations.

SVC 35

Improvement of power system stability with wind energy.

distributed wind generation is investigated in this paper.


Improve power system quality and transient stability

Improvement of power system stability PV system.

Table 7
Price of FACTS devices.

Cost ($/KVAR) Installation

cost included
Type 100 MVAR 200 MVAR 300 MVAR 400 MVAR
power to power systems.

SVC 60 50 45 40 NO
100 80 70 60 YES
STATCOM 90 75 68 60 NO
130 115 110 100 YES

D-FACTS devices are attractive voltage and power control devices

with fast acting strategies to dynamically control voltage, reactive
Power filter compensator (SFC)

power and power quality [122,123].

Dynamic Distribution System

D-FACTS devices based on new VSC topologies, switching strategies

With Renewable Energy

and fast controllability regulation are extending the effectiveness of

Compensator (DDSC

FACTS devices and accelerating the new role of the smart grid, demand
control and loss reduction using low-cost FACTS devices for a multi-use
FACTS Devices


wide scale deployment. Dynamic voltage stabilization (DVS)/ dynamic



voltage restoration (DVR) and DSTATCOM are new emerging classes of


low-cost schemes for distribution/utilization schemes [124–126].




Emerging VSC-based DSTATCOMs with switched filters/modulated

LC power filter compensators are able to improve voltage stabilization,









loss reduction, power factor and power quality at ac-dc interface buses
[127,128] for new schemes, including micro-grid, vehicle to house
Both devices, exhibits the fact that insertion of these devices in power system
can eventually increase the power limit, line power and loading capability of
Improvement of transient stability and dynamic stability of extra high voltage

The low-cost FACTS device is effective in voltage stabilization, power factor

Compensation of both voltage- and current-related power quality problems.

(V2H), vehicle to grid (V2G) battery charging [129,130] and green

Both devices significantly improve the transient voltage behavior of power

These full descriptive digital models are validated for voltage stabilization

Voltage control for voltage regulation and damping oscillation in a weak

correction at key ac buses, improving power quality, and limiting inrush

With D-STATCOM and SVC connected at particular bus the D-STATCOM

plug–loss reduction systems using smart computing random search-

The DSTATCOM can compensate the voltage sag and swell conditions.

optimization including genetic algorithms (GA), particle swarm opti-

mization (PSO) and ant colony (AC) [131–133].
provides better support to reduce the financial loss than SVC.
reactive compensation and dynamically power flow control.

Decrease the short circuit current and power flow control.

the network as well as enhancing the system stability.

8. Conclusion

This paper has presented a comprehensive overview of use of

FACTS/D-FACTS technology and its application in emerging electric
utilities using RESs with power electronic converters. The existing
FACTS devices are undergoing tremendous changes in configurations
based on soft computing control strategies using smart grid-based fast
control strategies and the multi-functional use of voltage control, sta-
(EHV) transmission lines.

bilization, reactive power compensation and unified power flow con-

Summary of power quality improvements by FACTS devices.

current conditions.

The paper has presented FACTS based solutions and a list of control
power system.

strategies to deal with the extensive use of nonlinear/sensitive loads,

renewable energy sources, battery storage and EV-charging. Suitability

and adequacy of the FACTS devices such as SVC, D-STATCOM, SSSC

and APFs as well as LC switched compensators have been presented.
Without Renewable Energy

The emphasis of the presented analysis is on energy efficient utilization,


loss reduction, voltage stabilization, power factor, power quality and

harmonic reduction at the point of common coupling with nonlinear

Compensator (SCC)
Switched Capacitor

loads. Also, other issues, including interfacing wind/PV farms with

FACTS Devices

weak ac electric utility systems were considered.



Future applications of FACTS devices include renewable energy


resources, residential and commercial smart building, residential use of



hybrid DC-AC grid, increased use of vehicles-to-grid and vehicles-to-

house, battery charging system, and street, buildings and airports light
Table 5










emitting diode (LED) lighting technology.

Scope for future research includes:

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