Autonomous Hybrid System Using Pmsgs For Hydro and Wind Power Generation
Autonomous Hybrid System Using Pmsgs For Hydro and Wind Power Generation
Autonomous Hybrid System Using Pmsgs For Hydro and Wind Power Generation
R enewable energy sources (RES) are the natural energy controller is proposed for control of voltage and frequency in
resources that are inexhaustible: for example, wind, the isolated WECS. However, MPT could not be realized in
solar, geothermal, biomass and small-hydro generation [1]. these battery based isolated system based on SCIG operated at
Although the potential for small hydroelectric systems almost constant speeds. In [2], Singh et al. have proposed an
depends on the availability of suitable water flow, where the electronic load controller for VFC at the stator terminals, and
resources exist it can provide cheap, clean, reliable electricity. the controller transfers excess power from the hydropower
Amongst RES, small-hydro and wind energy have ability to generator to a dump load, when the load power is less than the
complement each other. Further, there are many isolated generated power.
locations, which can’t be connected to the grid and where the In this paper, a new three-phase four-wire autonomous wind-
wind potential and hydro potential exist simultaneously. For hydro hybrid system is proposed feeding isolated loads. The
example, in India, Lakshadweep group of islands is one such proposed system utilizes variable speed wind turbine driven
location. Wind power generation requires variable speed PMSGw (subscript w for wind), and constant speed constant
variable power generators for maximum power tracking power small hydro turbine driven PMSGh (subscript h for
(MPT). On the other hand for small hydro turbines, constant hydro). The system is employing a Battery Energy Storage
speed and constant power generators are required [2]. System (BESS), which performs the function of load leveling
For RES and autonomous applications, permanent magnet in the wake of uncertainty in the wind speed and variable
synchronous generators (PMSG) are gaining popularity [3]. loads.
Further for variable speed wind energy conversion systems
Fig. 5 Performance of the system with non-linear load at wind speed of 7 m/s. Fig. 6 Performance of the system with balanced linear load at variable wind
Since the generated power is less than the active power of E. Gains of PI Controllers
the load, the deficit power is supplied by the battery to Speed controller for PMSGw: Kpω = 500, Kiω = 2000.
maintain the frequency of the load voltage constant. From 4.05 Voltage controller: Kpv = 15, Kiv = 0.05.
s to 4.15 s, the wind speed is increased from 8 m/s to 10 m/s.
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