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July 2002


Mechanical Governors for Hydroelectric Units

Facilities, Instructions, Standards, and Techniques

William Duncan, Jr. and Roger Cline



Bureau of Reclamation
Denver Federal Center
PO Box 25007
Denver CO 80225-0007

Volume 2-3






Available from the National Technical Information Service,

Operations Division, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22161

13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words)

The Bureau of Reclamation has prepared this document to provide guidelines for the maintenance and
adjustment of mechanical governors for hydroelectric units. This document describes the operation of
mechanical governors and provides detailed procedures for adjusting and maintaining the most common
mechanical governors found in Reclamation powerplants.




mechanical governors, hydroelectric generators



NSN 7540-01-280-5500








Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2-89)
Prescribed by ANSI Std. 239-18




Revised 1990
William Duncan Jr.
Revised 2002
Roger Cline







1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

2. Governor Fundamentals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.1 Speed Sensing Governor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2 Speed Droop Governor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.3 Compensating Dashpot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3. General Description of Mechanical Governors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3.1 Ball Head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2 Hydraulic System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3 Speed Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.4 Gate Limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.5 Auxiliary Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.6 Shutdown Solenoid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.7 Transfer Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4. Servomotor, Wicket Gate, and Governor Hand Alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

4.1 Servomotor Alignment or Squeeze Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

4.2 Wicket Gate Alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

4.3 Gate Position/Gate Limit Head Alignment of Woodward Mechanical

Actuator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

4.4 Gate Position and Gate Limit Head Alignment of Pelton Mechanical

Actuator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

5. Remagnetizing the Rotor of a Woodward Permanent Magnet Generator . . . . . . . 14

6. Testing and Adjustment of Mechanical Governors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

6.1 Wicket Gate Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

6.2 Optimizing Governor Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

7. Governor Adjustment Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

7.1 Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.2 Wicket Gate Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.3 Setting up the PMG Simulator (if Used) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.4 Check and Adjust Permanent Droop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.5 Adjust Speed Changer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.6 Adjust Dashpot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.7 Check and Adjust Dither . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.8 Normal Operations Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .










8. Governor Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

8.1 Governor Tests and Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

8.2 Governor Ball Head (Woodward Vibrator Type) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30


CONTENTS (Continued)


8.3 Governor Ball Head (Woodward Strap Suspended Type) . . . . . . . . . . . .

8.4 Governor Ball Head (Pelton) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.5 Woodward Oil Motor Vibrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.6 Pilot Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.7 Main and Auxiliary Distributing Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.8 Miscellaneous Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.9 Dashpot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.10 Links and Pins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.11 Restoring Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.12 Hydraulic System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.13 Generator Air Brake Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.14 Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG) or Speed Signal

Generator (SSG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.15 Position and Limit Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.16 Shutdown Solenoids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.17 Speed Changer, Gate Limit Motors, and Remote Position

Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .












9. Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9.1 Hunting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9.2 Inability to Reach Full Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9.3 Inability to Reach Full Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9.4 Wicket Gates Sticking Midrange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .













Speed sensing governor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Speed droop governor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Speed droop governor - speed vs. gate position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Speed droop governor - large power system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Speed droop governor with compensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Speed droop governor with compensation and speed changer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Over and under travel of gate position indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Over and under travel with respect to gate limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Schematic for remagnetizing PMG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Schematic for demagnetizing PMG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Governor response curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Wicket gate timing: closing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Governor response with dashpot disabled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Simulated governor response curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27


CONTENTS (Continued)



Leveling compensating crank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Leveling studs on gate limit links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Restoring shaft bellcrank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Gate limit links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Gate limit stop rod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Auxiliary valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Pin C-48135 on gate position gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Slotted gate rockshaft lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Adjustment of relay valve restoring mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Connecting rod H-42524-A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Location of floating lever and pins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Auxiliary valve connecting rod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Stopnuts on a woodward governor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Stopnuts on a Pelton governor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Woodward speed droop calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Pelton speed droop calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Woodward ball head and floating lever connecting rod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Pelton speed adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Woodward restoring ratio adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Pelton restoring ratio adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Woodward dashpot and compensating crank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Pelton dashpot and compensating crank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27


The primary purpose of a governor for a hydroelectric unit is to control the speed and loading
of the unit. It accomplishes this by controlling the flow of water through the turbine. To
understand how a hydroelectric governor operates, a basic understanding of governor
fundamentals is helpful.

2.1. Speed Sensing Governor
Speed control is one of the primary functions of a governor. A speed sensing governor in its
simplest form is shown in figure 1. A set of rotating flyballs, opposed by a spring, controls the
position of a valve. The valve controls the flow of oil to a servomotor that controls the throttle
or, in the case of a hydro unit, the wicket gates. Any change in speed will cause the valve to be
moved off its centered position, making the gates open or close, and changing the unit's speed.
2.2. Speed Droop Governor
The speed sensing governor is inherently unstable and is not suitable for speed regulation. The
undamped movement of the valve will allow the servomotor to move too far before the speed
actually changes and the flyballs can react. This lag between the servomotor movement and the
flyball response will lead to a severe "hunting" condition where the servomotor will continue to
oscillate back and forth. Since there is no feedback of servomotor position, the valve doesn't
know when to stop moving. To provide stability in the governor, feedback in the form of speed
droop can be introduced. Figure 2 shows a simple speed droop governor. In the speed droop

Figure 1.Speed sensing governor.

Figure 2.Speed droop governor.

governor, a decrease in speed will cause the valve to move upward, allowing the servomotor to
drain and move in the opening direction. As the servomotor moves open, the valve is moved
down by the speed droop lever, centering it over the port and stopping the servomotor. The unit
is now operating at a slightly slower speed, but the servomotor will not overshoot because for a
given speed the servomotor must move to a specific position.
Speed droop by definition is the governor characteristic that requires a decrease in speed to
produce an increase in gate opening. The graph in figure 3 shows the relationship between speed
and gate position of a speed droop governor. A governor with speed droop set at 5 percent will
require a decrease in speed of 5 percent in order to achieve full gate. A decrease in speed of
2.5 percent will cause the gates to open to 50 percent. The speed droop is equal to the percent
change in speed divided by the change in gate position.
When the generator is part of a large system, no single unit is capable of changing the system
frequency, and therefore, the unit must operate at the system frequency. This large system is
referred to as an infinite bus. This is how most plants are operated. When a unit is connected to
an infinite bus, the speed droop controls the loading of the unit through adjustments of the speed
changer. With a unit connected to an infinite bus, an increase in speed changer setting has the
same effect as a decrease in speed of a unit operating off-line. Figure 4 shows speed changer
versus gate position of a speed droop governor connected to an large power system. The speed is
fixed at 100 percent. In this example, the governor is adjusted so that the unit is at speed-no-load
with a 0 speed changer setting. With a speed changer setting of 2.5 percent, the load will be
50 percent. A 5 percent speed changer setting would result in 100 percent load.

Figure 3.Speed droop governor speed vs. gate position.

Figure 4.Speed droop governor large power system.

2.3. Compensating Dashpot

Speed droop alone usually does not provide adequate stability for an isolated power system or
for a unit operating off-line. Figure 5 shows a speed droop governor with the addition of a
compensating dashpot. The large plunger of the dashpot is connected to the servomotor so that
its movement is proportional to the servomotor
movement. Movement of the large plunger is
hydraulically transmitted to the small plunger so
that it moves a proportional amount in the
opposite direction. The small plunger moves
the valve to slow the response of the
servomotor. A spring on the small plunger
attempts to hold the plunger in its centered
position. When the small plunger is moved off
center, the spring will eventually recenter it.
The rate at which the plunger moves to center is
controlled by the setting of the needle valve.
The needle valve provides an adjustable leak in
the hydraulic system between the two plungers.
The dashpot adds temporary droop to the
governor system and provides compensation for
Figure 5.Speed droop governor with compensation.
the effects of inertia of the unit and the water
column. Through the adjustment of the dashpot
needle and the compensating crank, the governor response can be set to match the inertia and
water flow characteristics of a specific unit. The needle adjustment allows the time required for
the small plunger to recenter to be adjusted to match the time required for the unit speed to return
to normal. The dashpot can provide stability in cases where servomotor movement is not great
enough to provide sufficient feedback through the normal speed droop mechanism, such as
operating off line at speed-no-load.

When a unit is connected to a large power system, speed stability is usually not a concern and the
damping from a dashpot is no longer required. The damping from the dashpot will cause a
slower response to changes in speed changer adjustment. To provide a quicker response and
allow the unit loading to be changed rapidly, most dashpots are equipped with a dashpot bypass.
The bypass may be solenoid operated or operated through mechanical linkage and provides an
addition leakage path to allow the small dashpot to recenter rapidly. The bypass is used only
when the unit is operating on line and connected to a large power system. If the unit becomes
part of a small island, the bypass should not be used.


There are numerous designs and configurations of mechanical governors, but generally, they
have many of the same components. The main parts are a speed sensing device, usually a ball
head, an oil pressure system, hydraulic valves to control oil flow, and one or more hydraulic
servomotors to move the wicket gates.

3.1. Ball Head

The ball head is the component that responds to speed changes of the unit. There are various
designs of ball heads, but generally, they consist of two flyweights attached to arms that pivot
near the axis of rotation. The arms are attached to a collar on a shaft. As the ball head rotational
speed increases, the flyballs move out because of centrifugal force pushing a rod down. The rod,
usually termed the speeder rod, acts on the pilot valve to route oil to the main valve and the
servomotors. On a Pelton governor, the flyweights are attached to two leaf springs that are
attached to the ball head motor at one end and the pilot valve plunger at the other. As the
weights move out, the plunger is pulled down. The ball head is usually turned by a three-phase
motor that is powered by a permanent magnet generator (PMG) that is driven by the unit being
governed. The speed of the ball head motor is always directly proportional to the speed of the
PMG and the unit.
3.2. Hydraulic System
The hydraulic system consists of an oil sump, one or two oil pumps, an air over oil accumulator
tank, and piping to the servomotors. Typically, there are two pumps with lead and lag controls so
that there is always a backup pump. Some systems will share two pumps between two units so
that in an emergency one pump could be used for both units. The accumulator tank is usually
sized so that in the event the pumps fail, the gates can still be closed.
The size of the valve required to control the large amount of oil flowing to the servomotors is too
large to be controlled by the ball head. Therefore, a hydraulic amplifier system is used. Oil is
routed to a servo on the larger valve by a small pilot valve. The pilot valve is very small so that
it is sensitive to the small forces that result from small changes in speed. The larger valve may
be called the main valve, regulating valve, control valve, relay valve, or distributing valve. The
pilot valve usually is designed with a moveable bushing. The plunger of the pilot valve is
connected, through a floating lever, to the ball head, and the bushing is connected to main valve.
Whenever the pilot valve moves off center, oil is routed to the main valve servo, causing the
main valve to move. The pilot valve bushing is moved off center by the main valve movement,
blocking the port of the pilot valve, stopping further main valve movement. The restoring lever
between the main valve and the pilot valve bushing is usually adjustable so that the ratio of pilot
valve movement to main valve movement is adjustable.
3.3. Speed Adjustment
The speed adjustment allows adjustment of the speed of the unit when it is off line, and it also
allows adjustment of the loading when the unit is on line. The mechanism by which it
accomplishes its purpose depends on the design of the governor, but in all cases, adjusting the
speed changer moves the pilot valve off center, which causes the gates to move (figure 6). If the
unit is off line the gates will continue to move until the change in unit speed causes the flyballs to
move enough to recenter the pilot valve. When the unit is on line and the flyballs are essentially
in a fixed position, the gates will continue to move until the feed back from gate position through
the speed droop mechanism recenters the pilot valve. The speed changer is usually calibrated
from 85 to 105 percent of synchronous speed.

3.4. Gate Limit

The gate limit physically limits the
travel of the servomotors and wicket
gates to the position indicated by the
gate limit indicator hand. On
Woodward governors, lowering the
gate limit setting below the current
gate position lowers a stop that acts
on the top of the pilot valve plunger,
forcing it down to route oil to close
the gates. As the gates close, the
restoring mechanism raises the stop
so that when the gate position
matches the gate limit setting the
pilot valve is recentered, halting
further motion.

Figure 6.Speed droop governor with compensation

and speed changer.

On Pelton governors, the gate limit is provided by a separate gate limit valve. When the gate
limit setting is above the gate position, the gate limit valve allows unobstructed flow between the
pilot valve and the main valve. When the gate position matches the gate limit setting, the gate
limit valves blocks all oil flow from the pilot valve. If the gate limit is moved below the gate
position, the gate limit valve over-rides the pilot valve and routes oil to close the gates.
With any governor, raising the gate limit setting will not have any effect on the gate position
unless the speed of the unit is below the speed setting when the unit is off line or the gate
position is below the position called for by the speed changer setting when the unit is on line. In
some cases, it may be desirable to set the gate limit at the desired load and increase the speed
changer setting above what would be required to achieve that setting. When this is done, the
pilot valve is trying to call for an increase in gate opening but is blocked by the gate limit. This
is called a blocked load.
3.5. Auxiliary Control
Most cabinet actuator type governors also have a smaller auxiliary valve to control the gate
position. Because of the relatively small ports of the auxiliary valve, the gates are moved slowly
and can be positioned precisely. The auxiliary valve has no connection to the ball head, and
therefore, no speed control. There is also no protection from the shutdown solenoids when on
auxiliary control. A unit should never be left unattended when operating with the auxiliary
valve. When operating with the auxiliary valve, the gates are moved by moving the gate limit.
The gate position will follow the gate limit where ever it is set. There isnt an auxiliary valve on
gate shaft governors, but in some cases, there may be a hand wheel that can be used to close the
gates in the event the governor fails.

3.6. Shutdown Solenoid

All governors have some sort of safety shutdown mechanism to operate automatically or
manually to close the wicket gates in case of emergency. The device is usually controlled by a
solenoid. In most cases, a weighted arm that is connected to the gate limit mechanism is held in
place by the solenoid. If the trip is initiated, either automatically or manually, the solenoid is deenergized, dropping the weight, causing the gate limit to go to zero. A few installations have
shutdown solenoids that are designed so that they must be energized to trip. Typically, there is a
manual emergency shutdown switch in the control room and at the governor cabinet. The
solenoid is usually tripped automatically under any of the following conditions: generator or
transformer differential relay operation, hot generator windings, overspeed, overcurrent, reverse
current, ground fault current, low generator voltage, low governor oil pressure, or high bearing
temperature. Depending on the plant, other conditions may also trip the shutdown solenoid.
When the emergency shutdown solenoid is tripped, it must be reset manually.
Many units also have a second solenoid operated shutdown device that is usually identical to the
emergency shutdown solenoid. It may be used as a normal shutdown solenoid or a speed no load
solenoid. If it is used as a normal shutdown device, its operation will still close the wicket gates,
but unlike the emergency shutdown solenoid, it does not need to be reset manually. A speed no
load solenoid typically moves the gate limit to some value just above the speed no load gate
position. The speed no load solenoid is usually tripped during startup and shutdown while the
breaker is open. This prevents unit overspeed if governor control is lost.
3.7. Transfer Valve
The transfer valve is a three-way hydraulic valve that (1) permits the selection of the main
distributing valve or the auxiliary valve for operating the wicket gates or (2) closes both valves.
The main valve and the auxiliary valve each have plungers that can close off the pressure,
opening, and closing ports of the valves. The bottom of the plungers have a smaller diameter
than the top so that if oil is routed to the top of the plungers they will be forced closed. The
transfer valve routes oil to the top of the plungers of the valve to be closed, forcing the three
plungers in the valve ports down, sealing the valve shut. The top of the valve that is open is
routed to drain, allowing the valve plungers to open. The block position routes oil to both the
main and auxiliary valves closing both valves.
Note: The block position is not adequate protection for working on or around the wicket
gates or wicket gate linkage.


4.1. Servomotor Alignment or Squeeze Adjustment
During full closure of the wicket gates, the servomotor will continue to move a small distance
past the zero gate position. This movement is referred to as the squeeze on the wicket gates.
The squeeze acts to take up any slack in the wicket gate mechanism and applies force to hold the
wicket gates closed against water pressure.

The working pressure for governor systems vary, but generally the pressure required to apply the
necessary squeeze is half of the working pressure. The servomotor stops usually must be
adjusted to absorb part of the excess force of the full working pressure. Also the servomotor
stops must be adjusted so that each servomotor applies the same amount of squeeze at the end of
the stroke to prevent distortion of the operating ring and headcover. In extreme cases, unequal
servomotor squeeze can distort the turbine bearing housing, causing a bearing wipe or causing
the turbine runner to contact the seal rings.
Unless otherwise specified by the turbine manufacturer, the following procedure can be used to
adjust the servomotors to establish optimum gate squeeze.
(a) Remove pressure from the spiral case by closing the guard gate or valve and draining
the penstock or spiral case.
(b) Use full governor pressure to close the wicket gates.
(c) Install and zero dial indicators on each servomotor to measure servomotor movement.
(d) Bleed the air from the governor accumulator tank to 50 percent of the normal working
pressure. If properly adjusted, the dial indicators will still read zero when the pressure
reaches 50 percent.
(e) Continue bleeding air from the accumulator and reading the dial indicators until zero
pressure is reached. If properly adjusted, the dial indicators will begin to change as the
pressure drops below 50 percent. The final indicator readings on each servomotor will
be within 10 percent of each other. If the differential is greater than 10 percent,
adjustment is required. Continue with the next step.
(f) Restore governor pressure to 50 percent of working pressure.
(g) If stopnuts are provided on each servomotor for closing travel, move the stopnuts snug
against their seats.
If no stopnuts are provided on either servomotor, adjust the turnbuckle in the
servomotor arms to bottom out the piston in the cylinder of each servomotor to prevent
further travel.
If a stopnut is provided only on one servomotor, move the stopnut snug against its seat
and use the turnbuckle to bottom the piston in the cylinder in the other servomotor.
(h) Repeat steps (a) through (g) until the dial indicators on the servomotors begin to change
at approximately 50 percent of the normal governor working pressure and the final
readings on the dial indicators are within 10 percent of each other.

4.2. Wicket Gate Alignment

The wicket gate heel to toe clearances must be uniform and tight to prevent excessive leakage
when the gates are closed and to evenly distribute the servomotor force around the wicket gate
linkage when the gates are in full squeeze. A procedure for adjusting wicket gates can be found
in appendix D of FIST Volume 2-7, Mechanical Overhaul Procedures for Hydroelectric Units.
4.3. Gate Position/Gate Limit Hand Alignment of Woodward Mechanical Actuator
(a) Close guard gate or valve and drain spiral case.
(b) Verify zero gate on servomotor scale. (This is required only if you are unsure of zero
gate calibration.)
1. Set gate limit below zero gate to insure full squeeze on gate.
2. Bleed air from actuator tank until pressure is 0 psi.
3. The pointer at the servomotor should now read 0. If it does not, adjust the scale
as necessary.
4. Recharge the governor tank to normal working pressure.
(c) Set speed adjustment and speed droop adjustment to 0" on governor panel.
(d) Set transfer valve to Auxiliary Valve Open and move gates to exactly 50 percent, as
measured at the servomotor. Depending on the placement of the governor, it may be
helpful to station someone in the turbine pit with a radio. Always make sure that
anyone in the turbine pit is clear of moving components before moving the gates.
(e) Place a small level on top of the compensating crank (photograph 1). Make sure that it
is resting on a flat portion of the crank. If the compensating crank is not level, adjust
the length of the restoring cable to make it level. After each adjustment, operate the
gates back and forth several times to seat the restoring cable and then bring the gates
back to exactly 50 percent. When the compensating crank is level with the gates at
50 percent, the black gate position needle should be at 50 percent. If it isnt, carefully
remove it and move it to 50 percent. Do not push the black needle on tightly at this
time as it may need to removed again to position the gate limit needle.
(f) Adjust the gate limit using the gate limit control knob until the studs on the bottom end
of the distributing valve gate limit link and the auxiliary valve gate limit link are level.
This can be measured by placing a small level on the studs (photograph 2). When level,
the red gate limit needle should be at 50 percent. If it is not, carefully remove the gate
position needle (noting its exact position) and the gate limit needle and place the gate
limit needle exactly on 50 percent. Place the gate position needle back in its original
position and press firmly into place.

Photograph 1.Leveling compensating crank.

Photograph 2.Leveling studs on gate limit links.

(g) Set transfer valve to Main Valve Open.

(h) Move gates to 10 percent open as measured at the scale on the servomotors and check
to see if the gate position needle indicates 10 percent. If the gate position needle does
not indicate 10 percent, move the eccentric adjustment in the restoring shaft bell crank
to position it correctly (photograph 3). Move it toward the restoring shaft if there is
over travel and away from the restoring shaft if there is under travel (figure 7). Move
the gates to 90 percent, as measured at the servomotor scale, and check the gate position
indicator needle. It may be necessary to elongate the slot in the restoring shaft bell
crank to obtain sufficient travel.

Under Travel

Over Travel


Photograph 3.Restoring shaft bellcrank.

Over Travel

Under Travel

Figure 7.Over and under travel of gate position indicator.

(i) Recheck the gate position at 50 percent to

make sure nothing has changed.

Move the gate limit to 50 percent and check to see if the gate position indicator needle
is at 50 percent. If it isnt, adjust the limit stop arm adjustment at the pilot valve until
the gate position needle reads 50 percent.

(k) Move the gate limit to 10 percent and 90 percent, noting the position of the gate
position indicating needle to check for over/under travel between the gate limit and gate
position. With the gate limit at 10 and
90 percent, under travel is when the
gates travel to 15 and 85 respectively,
and over travel is when the gate travels
to 5 and 95 (figure 8). To correct over
travel of under travel, adjust the
position of the distributing valve limit
link in the slot of the gate limit
operating lever (photograph 4). If the
gates under travel, move the limit link
Over Travel
Under Travel
away from the gate limit shaft. If the
Figure 8.Over and under travel with respect to gate limit.
gates over travel, move the limit link
towards the gate limit shaft.

Move the gate limit to 10 and 90 percent and check for lead or lag. A lead or lag
problem is when the differences between gate limit and gate position are not equal. The
gates are leading the gate limit if the gate position matches the gate limit at 10 percent
and moves to 95 percent with the gate limit set at 90 percent. The gates are lagging
the gate limit if the gate position matches the gate limit at 10 percent and moves to
85 percent when the gate limit is set at 90 percent. If there is a lead/lag problem, adjust
the lower end of the limit stop rod in the slider (photograph 5). After any adjustment
here, move the gate limit back to 50 percent to see if the gate position is also at
50 percent. If it is not, readjust the limit stop arm screw and repeat steps 11 and 12.

Gate Limit

Gate Limit
Walking Beam

Limit Stop Rod


Distributing Valve Gate

Limit Link

Auxiliary Valve
Gate Limit Link

(Behind Guide Bracket)

Photograph 4.Gate limit links.

Photograph 5.Gate limit stop rod.

(m) Move the transfer valve to Auxiliary valve open. Move the gate limit to 50 percent and
check to see if the gate position is also at 50 percent. If it is not, adjust the auxiliary
valve plunger until the gate position reads 50 percent (photograph 6).


(n) Move the gate limit to 10 percent and

90 percent, noting the position of the

gate position indicating needle to check

for over or under travel between the gate

limit and the gate position. To correct

over or under travel, adjust the position

of the auxiliary valve limit link in the

slot of the gate limit walking beam

(photograph 4). If the gates under

travel, move the limit link away from

the gate limit eccentric shaft. If the

gates over travel, move the limit link

towards the gate limit shaft.

Auxiliary Valve

Photograph 6.Auxiliary valve.

4.4. Gate Position and Gate Limit Hand Alignment of Pelton Mechanical Actuator
(a) Close the guard gate or valve and drain the spiral case.
(b) Verify zero gate on servomotor scale. (This is required only if you are unsure of zero
gate calibration.)
1. Set the gate limit below zero gate to insure full squeeze on gate.
2. Bleed air from actuator tank until pressure is at 0.
3. The pointer at the servomotor should now read 0. If it does not, adjust the scale
as necessary.
4. Recharge the governor tank to normal working pressure.
(c) Set speed adjustment and speed droop adjustment to 0 on the governor panel.
(d) Set the transfer valve to Auxiliary Valve Open and move the gates to exactly 50 per
cent, as measured at the servomotor. Depending on the placement of the governor, it
may be helpful to station someone in the turbine pit with a 2-way radio. Always make
sure that anyone in the turbine pit is clear before moving the gates.
(e) Check to see that the restoring cable quadrant is approximately in its mid-position. It is
important for it to be close to mid-position at 50 percent gate so that it doesnt run out
of travel at 0 or 100 percent. If it is not at mid-position, adjust the restoring cable.
(f) Starting at the restoring quadrant end, adjust the length of all connecting rods so that all
levers make a 90 degree angle to their connecting rods. Move gates back and forth
several times to reseat the restoring cable and reset the gates to exactly 50 percent as
measured at the servomotor.


(g) Check that pin C-48134 (photograph 7) on the gate position gear is at the 9 oclock
position. If it isnt, adjust the restoring cable and the connecting rods as in step 6, so
that the pin is in the 9 oclock position. If the restoring cable adjustment required to
move the pin to the 9 oclock position moves the restoring quadrant significantly out of
its mid-position, it may be necessary to shorten the restoring cable. Continue with steps
8, 9, and 10 to determine if shortening the cable will be necessary.
(h) Recheck that the gates are exactly at 50 percent, as measured at the servomotor, and
move the black gate position hand on the governor cabinet to 50 percent.
(i) Move the gates to 10 and 90 percent, as measured at the scale on the servomotors and
check to see if the gate position hand indicates 10 and 90 percent. If the gate position
hand doesnt match the servomotor position, move the connecting rod end on the
slotted gate rockshaft lever to position it correctly (photograph 8). If the gate position
hand under travels, that is, it indicates 15 and 85 percent, move the connecting rod end
towards the rockshaft. If the gate position hand over travels, move the connecting rod
end away from the rockshaft (figure 7).


Slotted Gate
Rockshaft Lever


Photograph 7.Pin C-48135 on gate position gear.

Photograph 8.Slotted gate rockshaft lever.

(j) Move the gates to 0 and 100 percent to make sure the gate position hand indicates 0 and
100. If the restoring cable goes slack before reaching 0 or 100, it must be shortened.
After the cable is shortened, repeat steps 5 through 10.
(k) Set transfer valve to Main Valve Open.
(l) Move the wicket gates to 50 percent and adjust the length of the connecting rod
between the relay valve and governor head so that the restoring adjustment slide is
parallel to lever H-41423-A (photograph 9).


(m) Adjust the length of the connecting rod

between the gate limit rockshaft and
the governor head (H-41524-A)
(photograph 10) to make the levers on
the rockshaft parallel to the base.
Adjusting the connecting rod will move
the gates. After each adjustment, move
the gates back to 50 percent. Continue
to make adjustments until the levers are
parallel to the base when the gates are at
50 percent.
(n) Adjust the gate limit using the normal
gate limit adjustment when the gates are
at 50 percent. Adjust the length of the
C-48709 until the three pins in the
floating lever line up horizontally with
the position bar C-48133. When this is
accomplished, move the red gate limit
hand to 50 percent (photograph 11).

Photograph 9.Adjustment of relay valve

restoring mechanism.

(o) Set the transfer valve to Auxiliary Valve

(p) Adjust the length of the connecting rod
from the auxiliary valve to the gate limit
rockshaft until the gate position hand
matches the gate limit hand (photo
graph 12).

Position Bar

Connecting Rod

Photograph 10.Connecting rod


Floating Lever

Three Pins

Auxiliary Valve
Connecting Rod
Connecting Rod

Photograph 11.Location of floating lever and pins.

Photograph 12.Auxiliary valve connecting rod.



The rotor of a Woodward Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG) can become demagnitized over
time, or it can be partially or completely demagnitized if its leads are short circuited during
operation. If the measured voltage is less than 80 percent of rated voltage, the field should be
remagnetized. Remagnitizing the rotor is accomplished using three-phase alternating current at
2,300 volts. The power source can be obtained from three distribution transformers with at least
10 kva capacity each.
(a) Remove all the speed switch assemblies driven by the drive gear.
(b) If the 2,300 volt power source can be safely connected to the PMG with the PMG in
place, the rotor should be disconnected from the drive shaft by removing the upper
coupling drive pins and the four cap screws that secure the upper drive plate to the rotor
bushing. If it is necessary to remove the PMG from the generator, it must be securely
mounted to a sturdy bench.
(c) Disconnect the three PMG stator leads from the terminal block and connect them
directly to the 2,300 volt leads from the transformers. Connect a three-pole circuit
breaker to the low side leads of the transformer (figure 9). Verify all connections are
electrically sound, and observe safety precautions.
2,300-volt switches when
necessary to prevent

100 Amp fuses



To local 110 or
220 volt source

Any bank and connecton that will

give 3-phase, 1,100-2,300 high
voltage, and approximately 30 kva

Figure 9.Schematic for remagnetizing PMG.


(d) Close the switch for a period not to exceed 2 seconds. The rotor will reach maximum
speed instantly when the switch is closed and will stop abruptly when the switch is
opened because of the high magnetic saturation.
If the capacity of the supply transformers exceeds 30 kva by a large margin, it is
possible that the above procedure will not produce the desired remagnetization. This
can occur if the transformer magnetizing current supplied by the PMG after the low
voltage switch is opened is sufficiently large because the current required to magnetize
the core of the transformer exerts a strong demagnetizing influence on the rotor of the
PMG. If this is found to be a problem, a three-phase, 2,300 volt switch should be
provided for de-energizing the PMG in addition to the low voltage switch. All phases
of the 2,300 volt circuit should be opened at the same time to avoid demagnetizing
effects of single-phase operation.
(e) Disconnect the transformer and reinstall the PMG in the reverse order that it was
removed from the generator. Reconnect the PMG leads. Reinstall the cap screws and
drive pins. Reinstall the speed switch assemblies.
(f) Bring the unit to the rated speed and measure the voltage. If the measured voltage is
higher than 110 percent of the rated voltage, it should be demagnitized down to the
rated voltage.
(g) If demagnitizing is required, place a resistance in series with a switch across two of the
three phases. A voltmeter should be connected to these phases to monitor voltage
(figure 10). Start with approximately 200 ohms resistance and close the switch
momentarily with the unit running at rated speed. The measured voltage will drop
when the switch is closed and then return to a value less than the original when the
switch is opened. If the voltage is still higher than the rated voltage, close the switch
again. If the voltage is dropping in very small increments, the rheostat resistance can be
decreased or the time the switch is closed can be increased. Either will result in larger
demagnetizing steps and speed up the process. The voltage should be monitored
closely during the demagnetizing process. If it falls below 80 percent of rated voltage,
it will have to be remagnetized.

Figure 10.Schematic for demagnetizing PMG.



Reclamations Governor Adjustment Program was initiated for the purpose of adjusting
governors to provide safe and stable operation. Safe closure rates and data for setting the
governor for optimum performance have been developed for most Reclamation plants. These
data are available on the Reclamation intranet at <>.
6.1. Wicket Gate Timing
The first adjustment to the governor is the full rate gate timing. The stop nuts on the governor
main valve are adjusted to limit the amount of travel of the main valve. By changing the
maximum movement of the main valve, the amount of oil flowing to the servomotors is changed,
and, therefore, the maximum speed at which the wicket gates travel is changed. The rate at
which the wicket gates close determines the magnitude of penstock pressure transients or water
hammer and the maximum speed of the unit following a load rejection. Faster wicket gate
timing results in a lower maximum over speed, but the penstock pressure transients will be
higher. Slowing the wicket gate timing down results in a lower transient penstock pressure rise,
but the maximum over speed will increase. The final setting of the wicket gate timing is a
compromise. Since the rotating components are designed to withstand terminal over speed,
provided the balance of the unit is acceptable, the critical factor to consider is the transient
pressure. The wicket timing should be as fast as possible while keeping the maximum transient
penstock pressure below the design pressure. It should be noted that the safe closure rate is based
on the allowable design pressure of the scroll case or the penstock, whichever is the lowest.
While plants with short penstocks or low head will, in most cases, have lower magnitudes of
water hammer, penstock or scroll case failure can occur if the safe closure rate is exceeded.
When an unit is uprated, the hydraulic characteristics can change and the safe closure rate must
be reevaluated. A hydraulic transient study should be performed to determine a theoretical safe
closure time, and load rejection tests should be performed to verify results of the study.
6.2. Optimizing Governor Performance
The second objective of governor adjustment is twofold: to adjust the governor to optimize
performance within the power system and to optimize the governors ability to carry an isolated
load. Most governor manufacturers literature provides a procedure for adjusting the governor.
These procedures usually require making adjustments to minimize visible hunting by the
governor. While this may provide a governor response that is adequate for synchronizing, it will
probably not provide an optimum response on line or may not allow the governor to adequately
maintain frequency if disconnected from the grid. The governor should respond to frequency
changes quickly without becoming unstable. The optimal governor response will match the
response of the governor to the rotating inertia of the unit and the inertia of the water in the
The magnitude of wicket gate response to a change in frequency or speed changer setting will be
determined by the speed droop on units connected to the system. The speed droop setting on

units operating isolated is important because the speed droop setting controls how the loads are
split between units and how well frequency is maintained. Speed droop can be thought of as the
inverse of the gain between the change in speed changer setting and the change in wicket gate
position. For a speed droop setting of 5 percent, a 1 percent change in speed changer setting
would cause a change in gate position of 20 percent. Likewise, with a speed droop setting of
10 percent, a 1 percent change in the speed changer setting would produce a 10 percent
movement of the wicket gates. In most cases, it is sufficient to calibrate the speed droop at
5 percent, the normal setting for most units. If operation with zero droop is ever required, it may
also be desirable to check the calibration at zero droop.
There is an adjustable feedback from the main valve to the pilot valve to adjust the ratio of main
valve to pilot valve movement. By changing the amount the main valve moves for a given
movement of the pilot valve, the relative speed of the servomotors is changed. This is
independent of the setting for wicket gate travel rate. The main valve normally doesnt move far
enough to contact the stop nuts during a load change. The feedback acts on the pilot valve
bushing to close off the pilot valve ports to stop the flow of oil to the main valve servo, and
therefore, stop the movement of the main valve. The farther the main valve is allowed to move,
the faster the servomotors will travel. The feedback is adjusted to provide a fast, stable response
with no overshoot. On Woodward governors, the feedback adjustment is the restoring ratio pivot
pin. The restoring lever is usually numbered from 10 to 60. The number indicates the ratio of
main valve movement to pilot valve movement. With the restoring ratio set at 60, the main valve
will move 60 times the amount the pilot valve moves. The Pelton governor uses a non-calibrated
adjustable thumb screw to adjust the feedback.
The dashpot adds temporary speed droop to the governor. Permanent speed droop alone does not
provide adequate stability for units that operate is isolation or off line. Droop through the
dashpot is added temporarily to match the response of the governor to that of the unit. The
dashpot consists of a large dashpot plunger and a small dashpot plunger connected hydraulically
through an oil reservoir. The large dashpot plunger is connected rigidly to the servomotor
through the restoring cable and linkage. The small dashpot plunger is connected to the pilot
valve through a floating lever and is held in a centered position by a spring. The compensating
crank is an adjustable lever in the feedback linkage between the servomotor and the large plunger
of the dashpot. Adjusting the compensating crank adjusts the amount the large dashpot plunger
moves for a given movement of the servomotor. If there is no leakage in the oil reservoir, the
small dashpot plunger will move rigidly with the large plunger and there will be additional
permanent speed droop. To provide temporary droop, an adjustable needle valve is provided on
the dashpot to provide a leakage path that allows the small dashpot plunger to return to its
original position at a rate that matches the inertia of the unit. On Woodward governors, the
compensating crank is usually calibrated from 1 to 10; 10 provides the most compensation or
movement of the large dashpot. On Pelton governors, the compensating crank is not calibrated,
but moving the slide away from the thumb wheel will increase the compensation. The dashpot
needle adjustment is not calibrated on either governor.
The dashpot may also be equipped with either a mechanical or solenoid operated bypass. When
the unit is operating on line and is connected to a large system, the system controls unit
frequency and the compensation provided by the dashpot is not needed. The dashpot only makes


the response much slower. To allow load changes to be accomplished much faster, the bypass
provides another leakage path in the dashpot to allow the small plunger to recenter faster and
greatly reduce the amount of temporary droop.
The mechanical bypass uses a slotted rod that is actuated by a lever on the large dashpot plunger
shaft to provide another leakage path in the dashpot. The lever is positioned so that the bypass
opens at a gate position above speed no load, when the unit is normally on line. If it is necessary
to operate isolated, the bypass arm is moved out of the way and the unit dashpot will function
The solenoid operated dashpot bypass provides a leakage path in the dashpot when the solenoid
is energized. The rate of leakage is adjustable through a needle valve. Reclamations standard
operation of the solenoid operated bypass calls for the bypass to be energized when a load change
is initiated and held energized for 40 seconds to allow the load change to occur. An override is
provided to prevent the solenoid from operating when a unit is carrying an isolated load.
A computer program was developed to model the response of a unit to a change in speed or
speed changer adjustment. The data input into the program are the particular parameters
referencing speed, power, rotational inertia, penstock length, water velocity, and head for a given
unit. The output is graph of gate position versus time for the optimum response of the governor.
The governor time constant, or Tgate, is used to define the governor response to a speed change.
Tgate is defined as the time required for the unit to complete 63 percent of its total response to a
sudden change in speed or speed changer adjustment.
If we look at the response curve we can get a better understanding of the governor response
(figure 11). In phase one, the governor has reacted to the speed change. The pilot valve and the
main valve have opened, and the gates are moving at a constant rate indicated by the straight line.
In phase two, the gates have moved enough to activate the dashpot, moving the large dashpot
plunger. The movement of the large dashpot plunger causes the small dashpot plunger to move
the pilot valve, through the floating levers, in the opposite direction. This causes the gates to
momentarily slow or even reverse direction, causing a dip in the response curve. In phase three,
the small dashpot plunger is gradually recentering as the oil discharges through the needle valve,
which allows the wicket gates to travel to their final position at a rate that matches the stability
requirements of the machine.


7.1. Equipment
The tests can be completed with the unit watered up and operational or can be completed
unwatered with a PMG Simulator. A PMG simulator provides an alternating current to the ball
head that matches the output of the PMG in frequency and voltage. It simulates on-line
conditions for the governor. As a minimum, the following equipment is required: a strip chart
recorder with two or more channels, a frequency transducer with a 55 to 65 hertz range, and a
position transducer with sufficient range to measure gate travel. If a PMG simulator is used, a
digital multimeter capable of reading the PMG voltage and frequency is required.

Figure 11.Governor response curve.

7.2. Wicket Gate Timing

CAUTION: Proper full rate wicket gate opening and closing time is vital to the safe operation
of the powerplant. The gate timing should be checked during annual maintenance.
To check the wicket gate timing:
(a) Depressurize the unit by closing the guard gate or guard valve and draining the spiral
case or penstock. There should be no need to drain the draft tube.
(b) Place the governor in Main Valve Mode.
(c) Install the position transducer to record the servomotor stroke. Calibrate the strip chart
recorder for full gate travel.
(d) Latch or block up shutdown solenoid weights to allow operation of wicket gates. Note:
On units that have shutdown solenoids that energize to trip, the solenoid weights can be
left down.
(e) With the strip chart recorder running at 10 mm/sec, move the gate limit on the governor
cabinet rapidly from 0 percent to 100 percent. Allow the gates to stabilize at 100 per
cent. Move the gate limit rapidly from 100 percent to 0 percent.

Calculate the dry wicket gate timing:

opening = (25 percent to 75 percent) x 2
closing = (75 percent to 25 percent) x 2
The gate timing is measured from 25 to 75 percent gate and 75 to 25 percent gate to
eliminate any errors that would be introduced by the slower rate during the cushion at
the end of the closing stroke.
Note: If a strip chart recorder is not available, the time from 25 to 75 percent gate and
from 75 to 25 percent gate can be measured with a stop watch (figure 12).

Time from 75% to 25% Gate X 2 = Gate Timing

Gate Position




7 seconds X 2 = 14 seconds


Time (Seconds)

Figure 12.Wicket gate timing: closing.

(f) Also note the effect of cushion on the closing stroke. If possible, adjust each
servomotor cushion as necessary to achieve at least a 5 second closure time from 10 to
0 percent gate to prevent slamming the gates. Depending on the design of the
servomotor, the cushion may not be adjustable.
(g) To allow for hydraulic effects, adjust the upper and lower stop nuts on the main valve to
obtain a dry wicket gate timing approximately 10 percent longer than the value required
for safe operation (photographs 13 and 14).
The upper stop nuts generally control the opening rate, and the lower stop nuts
generally control the closing rate. Opening and closing gate timing should usually be
the same.


Opening Stopnuts

Opening Stopnuts

Closing Stopnuts
Closing Stopnuts

Photograph 13.Stopnuts on a woodward governor.

Photograph 14.Stopnuts on a Pelton governor.

CAUTION: Units with pressure regulators may require special procedures because the
regulators have been known to drastically affect full flow gate timing. Contact Mechanical
Engineer, D-8450, to discuss special precautions for adjusting these units.
7.3. Setting up the PMG Simulator (if Used)
Before shutting the unit down, measure and record the PMG voltage and frequency with the unit
on line.
(a) Disconnect the PMG leads from the ball head motor at the governor cabinet terminal
block. Caution: Tape the leads to be sure they do not touch. If the leads contact each
other, the PMG may be demagnetized. Make sure wires are labeled.
(b) Connect the PMG simulator output leads to the terminal block to connect it to the ball
head motor. Use number 12-14 wire.
(c) Set the PMG simulator for the proper ball head voltage and frequency.
(d) Plug the PMG simulator into a 20-ampere, 120-VAC outlet. If an extension cord is
used, make sure it is rated for 20 amperes.
(e) Before turning on power to the PMG simulator, confirm the position of the following:
1. The "MASTER/SLAVE" switch on the rear of the enclosure should be in the
"MASTER" position.
2. The "OUTPUT ENABLE/DISABLE" switch on the front of the unit should be
in the "DISABLE" position.
3. The switch labeled "RAMP UP - RAMPING - RAMP DOWN" should be in
the "RAMP DOWN" position.

4. The switch labeled "INTERNAL/EXTERNAL" should be in the "INTERNAL"

set to match the output of the PMG. The "% DEVIATION FROM
SETPOINTS" should be set to 00.00.
(f) Apply power to the simulator by turning on the master power switch, if so equipped, or
by turning on the sine-wave generator and then the amplifiers.
(g) Check ball head rotation by placing the "OUTPUT ENABLE/DISABLE" switch in the
"ENABLE" position and momentarily moving the "RAMP UP - RAMPING - RAMP
DOWN" switch to the "RAMP UP" position. If the ball head rotation is correct, move
the "RAMP UP - RAMPING - RAMP DOWN" switch to the "RAMP UP" position and
wait for the "LOCKED UP" lamp to light. This indicates the ball head is at full speed.
If the rotation is incorrect, follow the power-down sequence in the next paragraph and
switch any two of the output wires from the sine-wave generator.
(h) Power-Down Sequence
1. Place the "RAMP UP - RAMPING - RAMP DOWN" switch in the "RAMP
DOWN" position. Wait until the "LOCKED DOWN" lamp is lit.
2. Place the "OUTPUT ENABLE/DISABLE" switch in the "DISABLE" position.
3. Turn off the amplifiers first and then the sine-wave generator or the main power
Note: The voltage and frequency output of the PMG simulator can vary slightly as the amplifiers
warm up. If possible, the simulator should be left on, running the ball head for approximately
hour to let the amplifiers reach their operating temperature. The voltage and frequency should
be monitored throughout the testing and periodically adjusted, if required, to maintain the desired
output. The voltage and frequency setpoints may vary slightly from the actual output. Note the
actual settings required to obtain the desired output. Care should be taken when adjusting the
setpoints so as not to hit the wrong button and make a large change in voltage or frequency.
7.4. Check and Adjust Permanent Droop
Open the dashpot needle two turns to effectively take the dashpot out of service and increase the
speed of the gate response during this test.
(a) Set up the strip chart recorder scale on the gate position so that full scale equals full
(b) Change the speed in 1 percent steps


(c) Unwatered Method (PMG Simulator): Set the speed changer to its speed-no load
(SNL) setting and the speed droop to 5 percent. With the PMG simulator driving the
ball head at nominal frequency, adjust the "% DEVIATION FROM SETPOINTS" on
the PMG simulator to decrease the ball head motor frequency in 1 percent increments,
four times, recording the gate position after each change. Increase the ball head
frequency in 1 percent increments four times to bring the frequency back to it nominal
setting, recording the gate position after each change.
(d) Operational Method: With the unit operating on-line at SNL, make 1 percent increases
in the speed changer setting four times, recording the gate position after each change.
Make 1 percent decreases in the speed changer setting four times to bring the unit back
to the SNL setting, recording the gate position after each change.
(e) Calculate droop. For a 1 percent change in frequency:
Droop = 1/change in gate position
The calculated speed droop should be 4.5 to 5.5 percent, or there should be a change in
gate position of 18 to 22 percent gate for every 1 percent change in frequency.
On Woodward cabinet actuators, adjust the droop rod turnbuckle to obtain
approximately 5 percent droop (photograph 15) (4.5 percent to 5.5 percent is usually
obtainable). A half turn on the turnbuckle usually makes a change of approximately
0.5 percent droop. The rod is shortened to increase droop and lengthened to decrease
On Pelton cabinet actuators, adjust the connecting rod C-49589 to obtain approximately
5 percent droop (photograph 16).

Speed Droop Rod

Photograph 15.Woodward speed droop calibration.

Photograph 16.Pelton speed droop calibration.


7.5. Adjust Speed Changer

(a) Unwatered Method: With the PMG simulator driving the ball head at 100 percent
speed ("% DEVIATION FROM SETPOINTS" set at 00.00), set the speed droop to 5
percent and the speed changer to the normal speed no load (SNL) position. The
standard adjustment of the speed changer is 60 Hz at 0 on the speed changer dial and 0
on the droop dial. This will result in an SNL gate position of about -2 percent on the
speed changer dial with droop at a 5 percent setting. Depending on plant philosophy,
the SNL setting may be different. If adjustments are made with the ball head operating
at a constant speed and the speed droop at 0 percent, the gates will tend to go
completely open or completely closed and adjustment will be impossible. To perform
the unwatered method it is necessary to know the normal speed no load wicket gate
Verify with a frequency meter that the ball head is turning at nominal frequency.
Observe the gate position and adjust it to SNL gate position.
1. On Woodward governors, adjust the length of the floating lever connecting rod,
which is usually called the speeder rod (photograph 17).
2. On Pelton governors, adjust the setscrew on the pilot valve (photograph 18).

Set Screw to
Adjust Speed

Floating Lever
Connecting Rod

Photograph 17.Woodward ball head

and floating lever connecting rod.

Photograph 18.Pelton speed adjustment.

(b) Operational Method: With the unit operating off-line and on governor control, set the
speed droop to 0 percent and the speed changer to 0 percent. At some plants, the
preferred setting is at 5 percent droop and the 0 percent on the speed changer. This is
not the standard setup, but it shouldnt cause any operational problems.
Observe the unit frequency and adjust it to nominal frequency.


1. On Woodward governors, adjust the length of the floating lever connecting rod.
2. On Pelton governors, adjust the setscrew on the pilot valve.
7.6. Adjust Dashpot
(a) Tests with inactive dashpot
1. Change the scale on the strip chart recorder so that full scale equals 20 percent
gate. This will make the trace easier to read.
Unwatered: Run the ball head motor at rated speed and voltage with the PMG
simulator. Adjust the speed changer to bring the wicket gates above 20 percent
to avoid the cushion on the servomotors.
Operational: With the unit on line, adjust the speed changer to bring the wicket
gates to approximately 20 percent to avoid the cushion of the servomotors.
2. Open the main dashpot needle at least two full turns to remove the dashpot
from service.
Unwatered: Decrease the ball head speed by 0.5 percent. Wait until the gate
position stabilizes and increase the ball head speed by 0.5 percent.
Operational: Rapidly raise the speed changer by 0.5 percent ( turn). Wait
until the gate position stabilizes, then rapidly lower the speed changer to the
original setting.
3. Adjust the restoring ratio on the pilot valve restoring lever on Woodward
governors or the relay valve feedback sensitivity thumbscrew on Pelton
governors to obtain a fast, stable response with no overshoot (photo
graphs 19 and 20). Look at the curve of gate position in both directions
(figure 13). The restoring ratio is the ratio of main valve movement to pilot
valve movement. Increasing the restoring ratio allows the main valve to travel
farther and increases the over-shoot. Label the strip chart with the restoring
ratio setting during each test.
(b) Tests with active dashpot active (small signal governor response)
1. Close dashpot needle to approximately 1/4 turn open.
2. Verify that the dashpot solenoid bypass is not energized. Connect a DC
voltmeter across the terminals. If the voltmeter reads 125 VDC, the solenoid is


Increase Restoring Ratio

Relay Valve Feedback

Sensitivity Adjustment

Decrease Restoring Ratio

Restoring Ratio Pivot Pin

Increase Restoring Ratio

Decrease Restoring Ratio

Photograph 20.Pelton restoring ratio adjustment.

Photograph 19.Woodward restoring

ratio adjustment.

Change in Gate Position (%)




Restoring Ratio High


Restoring Ratio Correct


Restoring Ratio Low









Time (Seconds)





Figure 13.Governor response with dashpot disabled.

Unwatered: Decrease the ball head speed by 0.5 percent. Wait until the gate
position stabilizes and increase the ball head speed by 0.5 percent.
Operational: Rapidly raise the speed changer by 0.5 percent ( turn). Wait
until the gate position stabilizes, then rapidly lower the speed changer to the
original setting.
3. Adjust the compensating crank and dashpot needle to match the simulated
response curve (figure 14) (photographs 21 and 22). Label the strip chart with
each compensating crank setting and the corresponding changes in the dashpot
needle settings. The following are general guidelines for adjusting the settings:



Change in Gate Position (%)



63% of Final
Gate Position














Time (Seconds)
Figure 14.Simulated governor response curve.

Dashpot Needle


Bypass Needle

Photograph 21.Woodward dashpot and compensating crank.

Photograph 22.Pelton dashpot and
compensating crank.

First adjust the compensating crank. Increasing the setting on the crank
increases the movement of the large dashpot plunger and decreases the
magnitude of the initial excursion of the gate position, and increases Tgate.
Increasing the opening of the dashpot needle valve increases the slope of the
gate position versus time curve, decreasing the gate time constant, Tgate.


Note: The dashpot needle is not calibrated. If the needle is moved for maintenance or for any
other reason, Tgate will be changed and this test will have to be redone.
(c) Test with dashpot bypassed (if equipped)
1. Instruct the operator to energize the dashpot bypass solenoid through the
control room. A voltmeter across the dashpot bypass solenoid terminals should
indicate 125 VDC.
Unwatered: Decrease the ball head speed by 0.5 percent. Wait until the gate
position stabilizes and then increase the ball head speed by 0.5 percent.
Operational: Rapidly raise the speed changer by 0.5 percent ( turn). Wait
until the gate position stabilizes, then rapidly lower the speed changer to the
original setting.
2. Adjust the dashpot bypass solenoid needle until a time constant (Tgate 2) of
20 seconds in both directions is obtained. Record the relative turn changes
of the needle on the strip chart. If the time constant is very fast initially,
the needle may be gently seated and backed out 1/4 turn as a starting
7.7. Check and Adjust Dither
(a) Install LVDT, proximity probe, or dial indicator to observe the main valve motion. Use
a tachometer to measure oil motor speed.
(b) Procedures for units with oil motor vibrator units:
1. Adjust the eccentric bushing (reference 07079-570) to obtain 0.006 to
0.009 inch of movement of the main valve.
2. Adjust the regulator adjusting screw (reference 07079-596) to obtain a 7 to
10 Hz frequency (420 to 600 RPM).
(c) Procedures for units with vibrator disks: If no motion can be felt with a finger between
the main valve and the base, the vibrator disks (references 07079-391 and -394) should
be replaced.
(d) Procedures for units with Pelton governors: If no motion can be felt with a finger
between the main valve and base, the pilot valve should be disassembled and the dither
port checked.


7.8. Normal Operations Check

With the PMG simulator completely shut down, remove the PMG simulator leads from the
terminals and reconnect the PMG leads. Return the unit to service.
(a) Off-line governor tests
1. Set up strip chart recorder.
Channel 1 - gate position, adjust so that 10 percent gate equals full scale on
the chart.
Channel 2 - frequency transducer, adjust so that 1 Hz equals full scale on
the chart.
2. With the unit running off line near 60 Hz and the field breaker closed, make a
rapid increase of one turn (1 percent) in the speed changer adjustment.
3. Wait until the speed settles and then make the same rapid change one turn
(1 percent) back to original setting.
4. Repeat parts 2 and 3 two more times each.
5. Calculate and record the speed stability index (SSI) from channel 2 frequency
SSI% = ((Max.Freq in Hz - Min Freq in Hz) x 100%)/60Hz
A mechanical governor in good condition should have an SSI of less than
0.3 percent (a frequency wander of 0.2 Hz).
(b) Observation of synchroscope
1. Synchronize the unit using normal procedures.
2. Load the unit.
3. Consult with operations personnel to verify adequate synchronizing and loading
4. Check the governor and the servosystem to determine if servicing is required if
difficulty in synchronizing the unit or excessive frequency wander (above
0.4 Hz) are detected. The dashpot needle can temporarily be turned down to
help increase unit stability until the source of the problem can be located and


8.1. Governor Tests and Adjustments
Annual adjustments: Check wicket gate timing and speed droop calibration as described in
Section 7. Check the mechanical alignment of the governor as described in Section 4. If the
dashpot, pilot valve, or any of the governor linkage is disassembled, adjust dashpot and
compensating crank as described in Section 7.
Five-year adjustments: Perform all the tests outlined in Section 7.
8.2. Governor Ball Head (Woodward Vibrator Type)
Weekly adjustments: Oil the ball head by applying a few drops of light machine oil to the top of
the ball head motor shaft. Check to see if motion can be felt with a finger between the main
valve and base. If no motion can be felt, replace the vibrator and balls.
Annual adjustments: After shutdown, remove the ball head and disassemble. Clean and inspect
the slide blocks, flyball rod, and flyball rod bushings. Replace vibrators and vibrator balls if no
motion of the main valve was felt before shutdown or if there is any noticeable wear on the
vibrators. If sliding surfaces of slide blocks are worn, rotate both blocks to a new surface. Scribe
an "X" or other mark on the worn slide block surfaces so they are not reused. Check flyball rod
for wear and for straightness and replace as required. Check ball bearings in ball head motor and
flyball arms and replace as required. Replace flyball rod bushings if they are worn or scored.
Cover vibrator balls with a light grease and reassemble. Do not fill vibrator cup with grease
because this can dampen the vibration. Check operation of pressure type oilers if so equipped.
8.3. Governor Ball Head (Woodward Strap Suspended Type)
Quarterly adjustments: Add dashpot oil to the top of the ball head motor to fill the internal
dashpot. Do not use lubricating oil.
Annual adjustments: Observe the operation of the ball head and check for any unusual vibration.
If any abnormal vibration is noted, disassemble the ball head and the check condition of the
thrust bearing, ball head shaft bearings, and ball head motor bearings. Follow the manufacturer's
alignment and reassembly procedure.
8.4. Governor Ball Head (Pelton)
Annual adjustments: Observe the ball head and the ball head motor for any unusual vibration or
noise. Replace the ball head motor bearings if any abnormal vibration or noise is noted. Follow
the manufacturer's instructions for disassembly and reassembly.


8.5. Woodward Oil Motor Vibrator

Annual adjustments: Check that the oil motor vibrator is providing a 0.006 to 0.007 inch
oscillation of the main valve and that the motor is turning in the range of 400 to 600 RPM (7 to
10 Hertz). Adjust the eccentric bushing in the pivot lever to change the magnitude of oscillation.
Adjust the oil flow regulator to change the motor speed.
8.6. Pilot Valve
Annual adjustments: Disassemble the pilot valve and remove all rust spots and oil varnish with a
fine grade emery cloth (320 to 500) and crocus cloth. Any nicks or scratches should be removed
by stoning with a very fine flat stone. Care must be taken not to round or break the edges of the
valve lands. If wear is excessive or the plunger does not move freely in the bushing, replace with
a new matched plunger-bushing set.
8.7. Main and Auxiliary Distributing Valves
Annual adjustments: Check that the main valve plunger is free. Shut off the oil supply to the
pilot and main valves and disconnect the pressure supply to the pilot valve. With the oil pressure
relieved, lift the main valve plunger until it hits the opening stop nuts and then drop it so it hits
closing stop nuts. If the plunger drops freely, it is acceptable, but if there is any binding or if the
plunger drops sluggishly, disassemble the valve to determine the problem. Check the operation
of the transfer valve and the auxiliary valve.
Biannual adjustments: Remove the main and auxiliary valve plunger and remove all rust spots
and oil varnish with a fine grade emery cloth (320 to 500) and crocus cloth. Any nicks or
scratches should be removed by stoning with a very fine flat stone. Care must be taken not to
round or break the edges of the valve lands. Check the ports in the valve bushings for dirt or
sludge and clean as required. Check that the main valve plunger is free and can fall of its own
weight after reassembly.
Unscheduled adjustments: Completely disassemble the main and auxiliary valves. Remove
opening, closing, and pressure plungers and remove all rust spots and oil varnish with a fine
grade emery cloth (320 to 500) and crocus cloth. Check the condition of the main distributing
valve plunger's piston rings, and replace as required.
8.8. Miscellaneous Valves
Biannual adjustments: There may be other hydraulic valves in the governor such as gate limit
valves and solenoid valves. These valves should be disassembled, and all rust spots and oil
varnish should be removed with a fine grade emery cloth (320 to 500) and crocus cloth. Any
nicks or scratches should be removed by stoning with a very fine flat stone. Care must be taken
not to round or break the edges of the valve lands. Check the ports in the valve bushings for dirt
or sludge, and clean as required.

8.9. Dashpot
Annual adjustments: Check the dashpot oil level and add oil if necessary. Do not use lubricating
oil. Check the operation of the solenoid operated bypass. If tests of section 7 indicate a problem
with the dashpot, disassemble and clean the plungers. Before reassembly, check the setting of
the small dashpot plunger. On Woodward governors, the distance from the center of the pivot
pin to the top of the bonnet should be 2-7/8 inches. Turn the small plunger spring to adjust this
distance. On other governors, check the manufacturer's instruction book for the adjustment
procedures. To refill the dashpot, reassemble, except for the small dashpot plunger. Tip the
dashpot so that the opening for the small plunger is higher than the large plunger and fill the
dashpot through the small plunger opening. Move the large plunger occasionally during filling to
allow air to escape. To check for trapped air once the dashpot is filled, install the small plunger,
close the dashpot needle, and operate the large plunger while holding the small plunger. The
small plunger should react instantly to any movement of the large plunger. Any lag in small
plunger movement indicates there is air in the dashpot or a leak past the needle, solenoid bypass,
or the plungers. To purge the air, open the needle, hold the small plunger in place, and operate
the large plunger.
To check the condition of the dashpot, close the bypass and the needle completely, push the small
plunger down as far as it will go, and time how long it takes to recenter. It should take more than
50 seconds to travel 0.125". A shorter time indicates excessive leakage past the needle or
plungers and the dashpot should be repaired or replaced.
After any maintenance on the dashpot, it is important to perform the governor adjustment tests of
section 7 to bring the governor back to optimum performance.
8.10. Links and Pins
Monthly adjustments: Lubricate links and pivot pins with a light machine oil.
Annual adjustments: Check links and pins for wear or binding. Use a new pin to check holes in
links for wear, and use a new link with the proper sized mating hole to check the condition of the
pins. Replace pins and links as required. Check bearings in the linkage, on the shafts, and in the
control panel for any roughness and replace as required. Lubricate bearings as required. Check
gears for wear and proper meshing.
8.11. Restoring Cable
Annual adjustments: Lubricate restoring cable sheaves and rod ends at the servomotor
Unscheduled adjustments: Disassemble sheaves and inspect sheaves and cable. Replace sheaves
if the pulley is worn or if the bearings are rough.


8.12. Hydraulic System

Daily adjustments: Check the level of oil in the sump and the actuator tank and add oil or charge
the pressure tank with air as required.
Weekly adjustments: Switch the lead pump to lag and vice versa.
Monthly adjustments: Switch the strainers and clean or replace the filter element. If the pumps
are equipped with hour meters, note the run time. Compare the run time to the previous month's
readings and investigate any large deviation.
Annual adjustments: Before scheduled maintenance, send a sample of the governor oil to the
laboratory for analysis. If analysis shows filtration is required, drain and filter the oil.
When the oil is drained, clean the oil sump and actuator tank with lint free rags and squeegee,
inspect, and repaint as required. Check the condition of the float valve disk, seat, float, and float
arm for any damage or wear. Check the condition of the float, the cable, and the sheaves of level
switches for wear and free operation.
After the system is refilled, check the operation of the pump unloader valve. Check the operation
of the pressure relief valves on the pumps and actuator tank. Relief valves on the actuator tank
should be set to operate at a pressure no higher than the maximum allowable working pressure
for the tank. The pump relief valves should be set to operate at a slightly lower pressure than the
actuator tank relief valve. This is to prevent the pumps from continuing to fill the actuator tank if
high pressure occurs in the system.
Check the calibration and operation of the pressure and level switches and reset as required.
Check annunciation where applicable.
With wicket gates blocked, time the pumping cycle for each pump, noting the length of time the
pump is on, the rise of the oil level in the actuator tank, and the length of time between pumping
cycles. Compare the time to previous readings. If the pump is taking longer to reach operating
pressure or is pumping more frequently, check for leaks in the system.
8.13. Generator Air Brake Valve
Annual adjustments: Check the manual and solenoid operation of the valve. Lubricate pivot
points with light machine oil. Clean the airline filter.
Biannual adjustments: Disassemble and remove all rust spots with a fine grade emery cloth
(320 to 500) and crocus cloth. Lap the valve seats if required.


8.14. Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG) or Speed Signal Generator (SSG)

Annual adjustments: Inspect the speed switches and drive gears for wear. Lubricate pivot pins
and check speed switch bearings. Check the setting and operation of the speed switches. Check
the insulation between PMG or SSG housing and the supporting frame by measuring the
resistance from the housing to ground with a meggar. Replace or repair the insulating gasket as
required. Check the voltage output of the PMG.
Unscheduled adjustments: Replace the main drive bearings of the PMG or SSG. If necessary,
remagnetize the PMG field following the procedure in section 5.
8.15. Position and Limit Switches
Annual adjustments: Check the operation and settings of the gate limit, the speed changer
position, and the gate position switches and adjust as required. Clean the contacts as required.
Check the drive gears for wear and proper meshing. Check annunciation where applicable.
8.16. Shutdown Solenoids
Annual adjustments: Check the operation of the solenoids for binding or sticking when tripped
and reset. Check the settings to ensure that the complete shutdown solenoid closes the wicket
gates completely and the partial shutdown solenoid brings the gates to the speed no load setting.
When the solenoids are reset, make sure that the linkage does not prevent the gates from going to
100 percent. Inspect the solenoid for any signs of overheating or other damage. Check the
condition of electrical connections and auxiliary contacts.
8.17. Speed Changer, Gate Limit Motors, and Remote Position Indicators
Annual adjustments: Operate motors and check for excessive vibration or noise. Replace
bearings as required. Check electrical connections and motor brushes. Check the operation of
the position indicators for any sticking or binding and check the correlation between the
transmitter and receiver. Check gears for wear and proper meshing. Check the clutch

A well-maintained mechanical governor will provide years or trouble free service, but eventually
there will be problems. Friction and misadjustment are the biggest cause of problems. It would
be impossible to address every possible problem. Some of the more common problems and the
most likely causes are discussed below.


9.1. Hunting
Hunting is an unstable condition in which the governor cant maintain frequency at an acceptable
level when operating off line. Some movement of the wicket gates and frequency wander is
normal for a mechanical governor, but if the frequency wander exceeds 0.2 hertz peak to peak or
if the automatic synchronizer cant put the unit on line, it is considered excessive. On-line
hunting (the wicket gates move back and forth) can occur, but is fairly uncommon.
Off-line hunting is usually the first and possibly the only sign of a problem with a governor. Off
line hunting is a symptom of a variety of problems. The most common cause of off-line hunting
is misadjustment of the dashpot. If the dashpot needle is too far open, there is not enough
compensation and the governor will hunt. Ideally, the best solution is to perform the governor
tests as outlined in section 7. If that is not possible, the dashpot needle should be slowly closed
until the hunting stops. This will allow the unit to be put on line but probably wont be an
optimum adjustment for the dashpot. The tests of section 7 should be scheduled to readjust the
If the dashpot needle is completely closed and the unit is still hunting, there is probably a
problem with the dashpot. If the dashpot had been removed and refilled with dashpot oil, there
may be air in the lower chamber of the dashpot. Remove the dashpot and work the air out as
described in paragraph 8.9. If air in the dashpot has been ruled out, the dashpot should be
checked for excessive leakage by the test described in paragraph 8.9. If the leakage is excessive
with the dashpot needle closed, also close the bypass needle completely to check for leakage past
the solenoid valve. If the leakage is still excessive, the dashpot must be replaced or rebuilt.
Excessive friction can also cause hunting. It is often possible to reduce the hunting caused by
friction by closing the dashpot needle. This may allow the unit to be put on line, but the
governor response will be slow and irregular. The governor response tests of section 7 can help
show friction by an irregular response instead of the normal smooth curve. While the test may
show that there is friction in the system, finding the source of friction can be difficult. If the
irregular response is seen only in one direction, the friction is probably in the restoring
mechanism. Because the restoring cable is rigidly attached to the servomotor, movement in the
direction that the servomotor pulls the cable may be smooth. Movement in the other direction
may be affected by friction because the cable is pulled by only a large hanging weight. The
friction may be in the cable sheaves or in any of the linkage attached to the restoring cable in the
cabinet. Other sources of friction may be the pilot valve, dashpot, pivot pins, ball head, main
valve, and the wicket gate operating mechanism.
On-line hunting is not very common. Once a unit is on line, the actual speed of the unit cant
change. Any hunting on line is the result of a bad signal from the PMG (the most common
cause) or a hydraulic problem. The most likely cause of on-line hunting is a broken or damaged
drive pin. If a drive pin is broken or damaged, the speed of the PMG will change slightly every
revolution, causing the wicket gates to move. An example of a hydraulic problem causing on
line hunting is a restoring ratio setting that is too large. If the main valve is allowed to move to
far before the pilot valve bushing resets, the hydraulic system can become unstable. This is very
uncommon, and on most mechanical governors, it is not possible to set the restoring ratio high
enough for this to occur on line.

9.2. Inability to Reach Full Speed

The inability of a unit to reach 100 percent speed usually happens after major maintenance on the
governor. This problem is usually the result of a misadjusted speeder rod on a Woodward
governor or the speed setting screw on a Pelton governor. If adjusting the speed rod or the set
screw doesnt bring the unit to normal speed, the problem may be in the ball head or the gate
limit. Damage to the ball head, such as a broken spring, may cause the pilot valve to center at a
lower or higher speed than normal. If the gate limit is out of adjustment, the gate may be
restricted from opening to the speed no load position. The alignment procedure in section 4
should be used to realign the gate limit.
9.3. Inability to Reach Full Load
The most common cause of a unit not being able to reach full load is the gate limit being out of
adjustment. The procedure in section 4 should be followed to align the gate limit.
Another cause of a unit not being able to reach full load is misadjustment of the shutdown
solenoid. On a Woodward governor, the shutdown rods that act on the gate limit shaft are
adjusted with acorn nuts to determine how far the gate limit is driven on a shutdown. If these
nuts are too high, they will prevent the gates from opening.
9.4. Wicket Gates Sticking Midrange
Wicket gates sticking when the governor is calling for a change is usually not a function of the
governor. This is usually the result of friction in the wicket linkage or in the wicket gates
themselves, or may be the result of marginally sized servomotors.


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