Learning The Ropes With Stan Freifeld: So Many Options

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Reprinted from Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities magazine. © 2014 Technical Analysis Inc., (800) 832-4642, http://www.traders.


So Many Options

Learning The Ropes

With Stan Freifeld
Stan Freifeld traded options on the floor of the American Stock Exchange for his
own account from 1994–2001. He was a market maker for options on several
popular equities including Dupont, Schering Plough, Walgreen’s, CBS, US
Surgical, and Biovail. He graduated from the State University of New York at
Stony Brook as a double major in pure and applied mathematics. As managing
director of McMillan Analysis Corporate Services Division, he now teaches
option trading and risk management to students ranging from complete novices
to advanced professionals and academics. In his spare time, he plays squash to
relieve stress, competes in road rallies with his Ferrari Cabriolet, and tutors
local students for the SATs. He is a long-time MENSA member.
Stocks & Commodities Editor Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan spoke with Freifeld
on December 6, 2013 about what it was like on the trading floor, what the greek
variables are all about, how implied volatility figures into option trading, and
how he approaches option trading today.

Stan, how did you get interested boss. I wanted to be a trader!

in trading and what attracted you I had to figure out what kind of Once you have trading in
to trading options? trading I wanted to do. Since I was your blood, it’s hard to stop.
I’ve always been interested in math a mathematician, the idea of having
and was pretty good at it. I was an actu- the added dimensions of volatility and
ary and ended up becoming a principal time, the different rates of change, and and contacted one called First Options
of a pension consulting company. I liked how the price of an option changes when of Chicago. I told them that I was a math
being an actuary, but I was working one of its defining variables changes re- guy and I had some money to either
long days and sometimes on weekends. ally appealed to me. I decided I wanted lease a seat or to use for trading. They
I felt like I was spending too much of to go into trading options. explained it all to me and I said, “I also
my time working and not enough time need a sponsor.” The guy who ran the
enjoying life and being with my family. What happened after you made the office called one of the traders and asked
I was fortunate in that we were able to decision to trade options? him if he would mind being my sponsor.
sell the consulting company to a British I didn’t know any traders. So I went The trader must have asked him some-
firm that was anxious to get into the US down to the floor of the American Stock thing along the lines of, “Is he normal
pension market, so they overpaid us a Exchange (AMEX) and found the mem- or is he a crazy?” because I heard the
little bit. Because of that, I didn’t have bership office and said, “I’d like to be a guy in the office say, “He seems pretty
to work right away. I had time to figure trader here” and they laughed and said, straightforward and normal to me.” I
out what I wanted to do next. “Sure, like everyone else who comes by. now had a clearing firm and sponsor. I
I knew very little about trading but I Who’s your clearing firm?” and I said, went back to the exchange and they said
wondered what it would be like to be a “Clearing firm? What’s a clearing firm? I could become a floor trader.
floor trader. It seemed like being a floor Do I need one of those?” and they said,
trader meant that I didn’t have to work “Yeah, you need one.” They said, “Okay, That’s an interesting story. Most people
long hours, since the market is only open you can get a clearing firm but who is I speak with have a family member or
from 9:30 am till 4:00 pm. You couldn’t your sponsor?” and I said, “Oh, I didn’t close friend already working on the
come in early, and you couldn’t stay late. know I needed a sponsor either.” They floor. How was your experience as a
You don’t have to work on the weekends laughed again and said, “When you get “newcomer” on the floor?
and you are off every holiday. If I traded those things, come back.” I’m sure they I didn’t know anybody, apart from this
with my own money and could make a didn’t expect to see me ever again. one guy who was now my sponsor. On
living doing it, I wouldn’t even have a I found out what a clearing firm was the floor, you had to pick a crowd to stand
Reprinted from Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities magazine. © 2014 Technical Analysis Inc., (800) 832-4642, http://www.traders.com

in. I picked US Surgical for no particular For example, let’s say I had a market I did before. Once you have trading in
reason, except that it had a lot of activity. of $3.00 offered at $3.25. If you came your blood, it’s hard to stop. It is a great
So I walked into the crowd. I wanted to in and wanted to buy, you’d have to pay way to make a living if you understand
be a nice guy and shake everybody’s $3.25. If, one second later, you changed how to trade.
hand and introduce myself, but nobody your mind and wanted to sell, you could
wanted to talk to me. They don’t really only sell it for $3.00. So you’d be losing You said your mentoring program is
want another person coming in because that quarter, but on the other side of that a one-on-one program. Do you teach
that’s more people to split the pie with. would be some market maker, perhaps people over the phone, online, or in
So I was ignored. I was standing among me, making that quarter. So the spread person?
this crowd and people would talk right was important to us. But once they opened When we started out, it was a two-day
through me. It was very strange, I was the options to all the different exchanges, in-person program. We would meet at
intimidated, and I didn’t say anything the spreads became narrower. an office and work solidly from early
on my first day. My market on the Amex might be one in the morning until the end of the day
On the second day, I stood on the floor price and the one on the CBOE might for two days. We did that for about six
all day long and nobody said anything be another price, and the national market months and found that it was too intense
to me and I didn’t say anything to any- would be the highest bid and lowest offer. for most people. We thought a better way
one else. By the third day, I told myself It became a bit of a problem. to deliver the product was to do it over
that I had to start speaking up or else I The other problem was they went to the Internet. We use an online meeting
would never make any trades and I was penny pricing. I had spent a lot of time program that makes it possible for us to
just wasting money being on the floor. getting good at adding fractions. I made see each other’s screens and communi-
So I decided that the next time a broker up index cards so that on the subway, I cate.
came running into the crowd with what could practice adding fractions together Before you start trading, you really
he says is the most important trade of very quickly. Then they changed the have to understand how to trade. This is
the day, which might be some 10 lot, I’m units to nickels and pennies. Of course, a very competitive business. The truth
going to shout out my market louder and most people can add nickels and pennies is that most people who trade options
clearer and faster than anybody else. without practicing with index cards. So I lose money. It’s a zero-sum game, and
was planning to leave anyway, but once to make money doing this, you have to
Is that what happened? 9-11 happened, I decided not to go back work a little harder. You have to be a
That’s exactly what happened. A bro- to Amex. little bit more motivated and you have
ker came in and asked for some market to understand options a little better than
and I shouted out what my market was, What did you do after that? your competition. So I spend a lot of
but I said “up 10” instead of “10 up,” and I started trading off-floor. A number of time educating people before they start
all of a sudden the crowd just stopped. years later, I contacted Larry McMillan. trading.
It was one of those magical moments I didn’t know him personally but I knew
when you hear all this activity and then of Larry. He wrote a number of terrific What are some misconceptions people
all of a sudden it becomes quiet and you option books, he published newsletters, have or mistakes people make when it
can hear a pin drop. They all looked at and he had a great reputation. I told him comes to trading options?
me and started laughing. I felt so small about my idea of starting a mentoring The biggest misconception is that
because I was the “up 10” guy instead program. So we started working to- people think trading options is too risky
of the “10 up” guy. But that’s what it gether and for the last seven years I’ve and that it’s speculative. The beauty of
took to break into the crowd. After that, been running a mentoring program with options, the way I see it, is that options
the guys would talk to me and I blended Larry, teaching people how to trade. It’s are so flexible that they could be used
right in. I became a regular. a one-on-one type program. I also trade, in almost any way. If you want them to
although I do a lot less trading now than be speculative, then yes, they can be
So that mistake opened the door for you. speculative. There’s a trader I know who
You’re not trading on the floor anymore, goes for what he calls the “ten-bangers.”
so what are you doing now? He’s looking to make 10 times his money
I left the floor on 9-11 [September 11, on every option. He doesn’t do it often,
2001]. I was planning to leave anyway. It but when he does, he hits a home run.
was during the time when the markets had He strikes out often. That’s not how most
gone to multiple listings. All the options people want to allocate their capital.
started trading on most of the exchanges, Options can also be conservative.
and that narrowed the spreads. As a They can protect a portfolio; that is, they
market maker, I would make money on can provide a kind of insurance. Most
the spread between the bid & offer or people have life insurance, home­owner’s
the bid & ask price. insurance, auto insurance, health insur-
Reprinted from Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities magazine. © 2014 Technical Analysis Inc., (800) 832-4642, http://www.traders.com

ance, and so on. But they don’t think of something would have happened, that decrease in the value of an option as one
having any insurance for their portfolio, is, the stock would have moved or the day goes by. Then you have vega, which
which may be their second-largest asset. volatility would have changed, and the measures a change in the option price
Options can provide insurance for your trade would no longer be a good one. To relative to a change in volatility, which
portfolio. do that on a regular basis doesn’t make is a key variable. And then there’s rho,
Or you could use options to generate a lot of sense to me. which represents the change in the option
weekly or monthly income, if that’s what price relative to a change in the risk-
you need. They are so flexible. If you How is trading options different from free interest rate. The fifth one is called
have a prediction about what will happen trading stocks? gamma, which represents the change in
in the market, options give you a way to Most people would never buy a one of the other greeks, namely delta.
take advantage of that prediction. stock unless they thought it was going Gamma is a little different; it deter-
One mistake I’ve seen a lot of option up. Similarly, they’d never sell a stock mines the change in delta relative to
traders make is overusing adjustments. or short a stock unless they thought it price. Some people look at delta and
Option traders like to make a lot of adjust- was going down. Options are a little gamma and use the analogy of speed
ments when they are trading options. My different. I might buy an option with and acceleration, delta being speed and
way of thinking is that you put a trade on the expectation it’s going to go down in gamma being acceleration. That’s a fair
for a particular reason. Once that reason value. Why would anyone ever do that? analogy of what they are.
has passed, then you take the trade off. Because you’re doing something against The greeks are very important. Just
There’s no need to turn every trade into it. In other words, you’re selling another like you wouldn’t drive a car without
a winner, yet many traders try. The most option against the one that you’re buying a speedometer, gas gauge, oil light in-
successful traders don’t think that way. with the expectation that the sold one is dicator, and so on, to get from point A
Many traders overuse adjustments to a going to go down even more in value and to point B. The greeks are your gauges
large degree. the net of the two will be profitable to and you need them to get from point A
Another mistake is that traders like to you. So you may lose on one, but you’ll to point B.
buy long-term options, which are called make more on the one that you’re going As far as their importance, they’re all
LEAPS [long-term equity anticipation to gain on. important. The one that’s probably the
securities], and they sell a near-term I’m a spread trader and most of the time least important, in today’s environment,
option against it. When that near-term I think in terms of putting on spreads. I is rho, which represents a change in
option expires, they sell the next month don’t buy a call if I think a stock is go- interest rates. Right now, the risk-free
and the next month and continue doing ing up or a put because I think a stock rate is so low and it’s not constantly
that for the life of the LEAPS. The theory is going down. That’s a stock-trader’s changing, which is why rho is currently
is that eventually, when you get to that mentality, because all you’re doing is not important. When I was trading on the
LEAPS’ expiration, you own it for free. using options to gain additional leverage. floor, interest rates were generally in the
But realistically, it doesn’t work that way. Most professional option traders will 5–6% range, but at one point, they went
That strategy is really a calendar spread, think in terms of spreading out the risk up to around 12%. At that time, the rho
where you are selling a near-term option and thinking more in terms of volatility was critical. Traders would keep an eye
and buying a far-term one — in this case, than direction. on rho, especially if they had longer-term
a very far-term option. We have criteria options. The impact of interest was more
we follow when we put a calendar spread But there are a lot of other things to important for longer-term options than
on. You want a certain amount of skew look at when you trade options, such shorter-term options.
between the option you are selling and as the delta, theta, and so on. Why are I remember when reporters would look
the one you are buying, and you want the those important, and what are the most at [former Federal Reserve chairman]
stock price to be within a certain range important variables to look at? Alan Greenspan’s briefcase before a Fed
relative to where the strike is. Say you They’re all important. The greeks — meeting and try and anticipate whether
meet the criteria when you put on the there are five of them — are sensitivities. interest rates would change based on the
position originally. Then, when that near- They tell you what should happen, on a thickness of his briefcase. At that time,
term option expires, there is no reason to theoretical basis, to the value of your op- interest rates were critical.
automatically sell the next month without tion when a change in one of the variables Some traders think that gamma isn’t
regard to what the volatility or stock price that define the option takes place. important, which drives me crazy be-
is at that point — I call that the lazy man’s There’s delta, which relates to the cause I think gamma is a critical greek
way of trading. The only reason you’re price of the underlying. (I’ll refer to the to be familiar with. In fact, sometimes
doing it is because you already have the underlying as stock.) Delta refers to the I’ll design a position around my gamma:
LEAPS on. I would encourage them to change in the option price relative to a Do I want a long gamma position or a
pay the few bucks to take the LEAPS off $1.00 change in the stock price. Then short gamma position?
and then determine what the best trade there is theta, which measures the time In general terms, a long gamma posi-
is from that point forward. Oftentimes, to expiration, and theta measures the tion is one that benefits when the stock
Reprinted from Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities magazine. © 2014 Technical Analysis Inc., (800) 832-4642, http://www.traders.com

price moves. A short gamma position is pened in the past. We can measure it in on what I just said, if you look at a par-
one that benefits when the stock price different periods. We can have a 10-day ticular time to expiration, let’s say one
doesn’t move. I will often ask people when historical, a 50-day, a 100-day, 200, and month to expiration, and you look at the
they’re enrolling in our program if they so on. You can measure it over any time at-the-money option, you come up with
understand the greeks. Most know what period and then annualize it so you can an implied volatility. If you then look at,
they are, but when I ask how they’re used, compare different historical volatilities. say, a strike just a little bit in-the-money
they usually say they don’t use them. But even if options were never invented, and another strike a little bit out-of-the-
we would still have historical volatility. money, you’ll probably come up with
Do you look at all those variables It’s not directly related to the options. different implied volatilities. All three of
simultaneously to decide whether to There are two types of volatility that these implied volatilities are predicting
place a trade? I’d like to explain. First we have what I what the volatility of the stock will be
I tend to trade based on earnings, call the future predicted volatility. That’s between now and expiration.
and the reason for that is I’ve come to the volatility that you have to put into By using three or any number of
the conclusion that there are very few an option pricing model such as the different strike prices, you get three or
things we know for sure about trading. Black-Scholes. There are six variables more different predictions for the same
How many times could you say, “When that define the theoretical value of an thing. You’ll hear people refer to this as
A happens, it will cause B to happen option: stock price, strike price, time to skew or volatility smile. On a theoretical
after A”? When earnings are released expiration, future predicted volatility, the basis, you would think that they should
and they’re good, the stock could go up risk-free interest rate, and dividends. be the same because they are predicting
or it could go down. It depends on a lot Of these six variables that I mentioned, the same thing. Skew can be a little bit
of other things. The only thing that we the future predicted volatility is the only of an issue, but it’s good for those who
know — and even this isn’t 100% — is one that’s difficult to figure out. We know understand it and know how to take
that after earnings come out, the volatility where the stock price is, we know what advantage of it or properly utilize it.
of the options will decrease. strike we’re looking at, we know the time
If the stock goes up a little or stays to expiration, we know what the risk-free How do you manage risk when things
where it is, it’ll happen almost immedi- rate is, and we know what the company go in a different direction than what you
ately, and if it goes down significantly, it tells us they’re going to be paying out anticipated? It seems like with options,
might take a day or two. But the bottom in dividends. We know five of the six it’s a lot more complicated than in stock
line is that after earnings come out, the variables. Volatility is the prediction that trading, where you can just use stops
volatility in the options will get sucked we really don’t know. Your value may for risk-management.
out. People refer to it as the volatility be different from someone else’s. Let’s say you have a spread on. Then
crush, and it’s one of the few things Then there’s the all-important implied the stock moves more and you would
we can rely on. I’ve based a lot of my volatility. For any particular option, you lose less because you have protection on
personal trading on volatility decreasing might not know what the theoretical value your position. In other words, if you’re
after earnings. I trade based on other is because you have to put in a predicted buying something and selling something
things as well, but trading on earnings volatility. But on the other hand, you know else against it, then if the stock moves,
is something I feel very comfortable where an option is trading. So you have you might be losing on the one that you
with. And earnings are a recurring thing, this model, which is really a mathematical bought, but you’re gaining on the one
since all public US companies have to formula or function, which requires six that you sold. You mitigate the risk a
report earnings quarterly. So I can look inputs. You know five of the six inputs little that way.
at history for some guidance. and you know the price of the option. There are other types of trades such as
The volatility that you have to input into a short straddle, which I tend to like but
You brought up volatility and I wanted the formula now to make the actual price I’m not recommending to others because
to talk a little bit about what implied of the option match up with the predicted it can be very risky. There are two ways
volatility is, the importance of it, and price of the option is what is called the to mitigate risk with a short straddle.
how to apply it to your trading. implied volatility. You can solve for the You can trade a small size or you can
I’m a volatility and spread trader. implied volatility and there are several buy protection on both the downside
Traders will usually say something like, ways to come up with that number.
“I bought something for $3.00 and sold It’s a way of pricing options and
it for $5.00.” Everyone understands that. determining if one option is cheap or
When I was on the floor and talking with expensive relative to another option. For
other professional traders there, the con- instance, a $5.00 option might be cheap
versation would be more like, “I bought and a $2.00 option might be expensive in
the 33 vol and sold a 38 vol.” That’s how volatility terms. This concept of implied
important volatility is to traders. volatility gives us a way of measuring
Historical volatility is what has hap- that. There are some issues with it. Based
Reprinted from Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities magazine. © 2014 Technical Analysis Inc., (800) 832-4642, http://www.traders.com

and upside. That would turn the position Any words of wisdom for aspiring to understand the concepts, and you have
into a butterfly. Of course, you pay for traders? to be patient and well-prepared to become
insurance, so it’s ultimately decreasing People underestimate the competitive a trader.
the rate of return on that trade. You have nature of trading options. You need to
to be careful how much insurance you be prepared. It is very easy to become a Thank you for talking with us, Stan.
buy — you can overdo it. trader. You don’t need any special training
like you do with most other professions
What tools do you use in your trad- — all you need to do is open an account Stan Freifeld can be reached by phone
ing? to become a trader. at 973 362-4558 or by email at Stan@
There are a lot of good tools available. Another thing is that I’ve seen people OptionStrategist.com for questions
Some to mention include thinkorswim, start making money when they start trad- about this interview or for information
TradeMonster, Trade­Station, and other ing. When people have a few really good regarding mentoring, consulting, or
trading platforms. I use OptionView in trades at the beginning, they tend to think other products and services offered at
my trading. My most-used tools are the they know more than they probably do. McMillan Analysis Corp.
ones I have created in Excel spreadsheets, This could become expensive later on.
plus Option Workbench (OWB), which Option trading is not rocket science, but
was developed by a former student of it’s not arithmetic either. It’s somewhere
mine. in the middle of the two. It takes a while

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