“The basic goal of everybody trading futures should be to make the most amount of
Robert Pardo is the author of Design, Testing and Optimization of Trading Systems,
including Swing Trader—the first software to enable the construction and testing of
For both companies, Robert developed proprietary in-house trading platforms that
Via their specialized features and in-depth allocation capabilities, Robert and his
assistants were able to create trading models that exceeded all initial expectations.
One of the Daiwa projects led Robert and team to assist in the development of what is
now known as the Chase Physical Commodity Index. Like its competitor, the Goldman
Sachs Physical Commodity Index, Chase tracks a basket of futures the way the S&Ps key
Notably, Daiwa had an abrupt management change just as he was about to get involved
in managing proprietary money, which may be part of why, in recent years, he’s backed
“Now if I do anything for anybody, it’s more the testing of individual ideas,” he said.
“It would not be of any real interest to me to have someone come up and say ‘build me a
trading system’. If I’m going to build them an original system that works, why would I
This wouldn’t necessarily preclude bringing others along for the ride, however.
Robert has recently been managing money under Pardo Capital Limited. It has been
documented in Futures Magazine and The Barclay Managed Funds Report as having a
return in excess of 300 percent since its June, 1999 inception. It was listed six times as
one of the yearly top five performers in Futures Magazine, attaining the number one spot
in 2001.
The interview took place in Robert’s Kenilworth, Illinois home. One obvious facet of
the conversation was how uninterrupted it was by market activity. There were no trading
the premises, Robert was not anxious about checking up on them or his trading progress.
He had the serenity of one possessed of total faith in his system’s ability to hum along
If you’re going to get involved with this business, you’ve really got to do your
homework. You’ve got to realize that a lot of really smart people have spent a lot of
money and time on it. It doesn’t mean you have to be smarter or better. It just means
you have to find something you know works--something you’re comfortable with. Once
Anybody who makes money in this has got some angle, some niche. You have to find
your niche, one that will survive and work for you. Systems are a great way to do that.
It may sound odd considering I trade for a living, but I’m rather risk-averse. I don’t take
unnecessary risks, I take calculated risks. I can afford the risks I take.
I had seen the whole gamut of traders. I have had clients who’ve done extremely well
trading on the floor. I started out working for guys who made millions trading cattle. I
saw those who drove the nice cars and had the big houses, so I knew, yeah, somebody
does it. Then I saw a lot of people trading marginally and they‘d make a little bit, lose a
little, and I saw a lot of guys who just lost. So I said, how does this work? A lot of smart
people lose money trading futures, and I decided that I wasn’t going to be one of them. I
was determined to be in this for the long haul, not for two or three years. I was not
When I first started getting into systems, I was persistent, objective and analytical.
I’ve always been willing to say what it is that I do know, and what it is that I don’t know.
If somebody said to me “this will work” I’d say, “well, why will it work? What‘s the
proof ?”
A thoroughly researched trading system will tell you that something works, where it
works, when it works, how it works, what your rate of return is, and what your risk is,
among other things. It allows you to trade a bunch of markets simultaneously which
wouldn’t be possible if you had to analyze them manually and in real-time. Once a
trading system has been perfected, it’s really no work to trade it--it strikes me as the lazy
man’s solution to a hard problem. It can quantify how much money you need to trade
with, and what to expect in the future. To a risk-averse person, that’s all very appealing.
How easy was it for you to get into the actual mechanics of programming?
Even in the early days, I could use BASIC. I had the elements that would read the data,
write the reports and analyze the trades. I could type in a new trading idea in a couple of
hours and test it in a bunch of markets on an Apple II. I figured if you could do that, why
wouldn’t you do it? Why wouldn’t you want to know if it’s going to work?
It seems so logical, and yet people are so resistant to the concept. They avoid doing
I had a customer in the early ‘80s who had my software and who had a system he
thought was brilliant. I include some of this dialogue in my book where I have a
fictitious dialogue of the programmer talking to the trader. He told me the idea as best he
could and I asked him all the questions that would ensure it was working as he said it was
supposed to work; that it was consistent and there were no errors. And it just lost money
So what did he do? He got really, really angry and said “you must be doing
something wrong!” So I said “ok, maybe I did” and so we went over it again with a fine-
toothed comb two or three times. It was what he said it was supposed to be, but it just
They call this sort of thing cherry picking now. So many people, when they’re
looking at an idea by hand will say, “oh, it worked here, it worked here, it worked there,
and boy, did it work great!” They ignore the fact that it had seven losers before this big
win, and three more losers before that big win. They’re maybe small, but they do add up.
They come for all the wrong reasons, and then they lose money.
They’re unprepared and unrealistic. They think trading is something they can just
jump into. (W.D.) Gann had a great statement in one of his many books. He said a
doctor goes to school for four years, then he’s an intern for four more years. A lawyer
goes to college and then four more years. Why does somebody think that just because
It seems that many people look to futures as a way of propelling themselves quickly
realistic scenario for someone that hopes to make $50,000 a year? How much do
they need for startup given what kind of return rate, etc?
If you had a decent system and you wanted to make 50 grand a year, you probably need
to trade with between 250 and 500 thousand dollars. If you’re going to make 10 percent
a year, you’re doing pretty good. Fifty thousand off $250,000 is 20 percent a year. My
compound rate of return for the last three years is 40 percent, which makes me the fourth
People hear stories about a floor trader who makes $300,000 a year trading with
maybe $100,000. They figure, “well, if he can do it, so can I.” It’s not the same thing.
Floor traders can leverage their clearing houses in a way that isn’t possible for the
teaches classes in how to use the program, and he’s a good trader in his own right. He
says guys are trading with $10,000 and they want to make $50,000 a year. Well who
wouldn’t? You’d have to be unbelievably, unbelievably good, and probably pretty lucky
too. I suspect most professional traders would just laugh at the notion. The kind of skills
required to make that kind of return are far in excess of what it takes just to make
Anyone trading futures should have a realistic expectation of what they can make.
You need to make sure that the trading capital you’re going to trade with is adequate to
handle the most extreme risk that may and eventually will come your way
Please give us a rough idea of what your program is and how it trades.
It’s similar to the volatility breakout and range breakout ideas, but it’s used and
determines how much trading capital should be allocated to each particular market. It’s
designed so that our chances of losing 20 percent in a month are one in a hundred. That’s
Yes. The only thing that’s not mechanical is when we do the re-optimizations each year;
in the world. They manage about 1.5 billion dollars. At this point in time, I’m managing
their money and some of their customers’ money. There’s an article in Futures Magazine
describing how they’ve cultivated strategic alliances with other C.T.A.s and I’m one of
Are you doing the programming yourself now or do you have partners?
It depends on what stage I’m at. When I get an idea, I used to work it up in my own
program called Advanced Trader, or I’d use other commercially available programs. I
first want to see that it’s actually doing technically what I expect it to do.
I almost always prototype things in the S&P market, because I like it better than any
other market. This is good and bad. It’s good because if I get a model that trades the
S&P well, that’s fine with me. Because the S&P is so volatile and dynamic in its own
right and swings so much, though, what works there may not work in other markets.
Initially, I’ll look at how the idea performs in a small sample. If I’m observing
something that’s supposed to be trading every couple of days, I would expect the S&P
model to trade every couple of days and make a certain amount of money. If it trades
every couple of days and does not make anywhere near what I expected it to make, I’ll
look, for example, to see where the biggest wins and biggest losses were to see what
I have a C programmer that I’ve just re-hired. For the more complex stuff, I go to him
or another guy who’s done stuff for me over the years. When we get to the stage we’re
selecting our portfolio and the portfolio weightings, Dunn will code it up. They actually
do the trade management. They’ll do the testing in a somewhat different way than the
way I test. They then code it up for their real time monitoring in their own proprietary
A lot of people will say, “Let’s try some moving average idea, and optimize and see
what we come up with.” They may optimize and find a few models that look really good
and completely ignore the fact that most of the rest look pretty bad. I don’t consider
optimization to be the way to find if a model is good. I won’t optimize a model looking
to improve its performance unless its performance is pretty decent within what I
Do your ultimate systems tend to approach all markets the same way?
It’s the same system for every market, but there are different parameters for different
markets, and there are different weights for each market based on risk. The basic goal of
everybody trading futures should be to make the most amount of money with the least
amount of risk. It may sound easy, but that’s why we go through this procedure of
weighting markets. It’s so we can achieve optimal returns, in other words bet the most
also look at how much to commit to each model based on its risk characteristics.
You can have a good system and still lose money if you don’t know how to trade it
with the appropriate amount of capital. The minimum thing you have to do with money
management is make sure you don’t overtrade; that you have enough money to weather
the storm. The best thing you can do is figure out the ways to leverage your money to the
maximum degree and still have enough to survive the worst market downturns.
One of the really important things about evaluating weightings and risk is that it is
your prime determinate of how much money you need to trade a system. Most amateurs,
and even some professionals, don’t do that correctly. One of the most common failings
of the amateur is that they way, way overtrade. They take on positions that are way
beyond what they can comfortably afford. It’s fine as long as you’re winning, but if you
get one of those second or third standard deviation losers, then you’re weighted way up
It’s probably the most common reason why people lose trading commodities. Think
about it. If you buy or sell off the flip of a coin, and you know how to manage your risk
and your profit, you should be able to make something. I have a former client who had
determined, prior to starting with a system, that he would some make money even with a
random trade selection. He called it a money management system—I’m not sure that’s
and stocks when by random selection, you should be able to get a fairly even mix of wins
and losses. Most people don’t ask that question, but it’s a good question to ask.
Pretty much everything. We trade bonds all around the Asia, Australia,
Europe, Britain and the U.S. We trade short and long term interest rates, stock indices in
Japan Germany, Hong Kong, Britain and the U.S. Also currencies, some metals. Most
of the energies in both London and here. Some of the “exotics” such as coffee and sugar.
This year we’ve added meats, beans and corn to our portfolio.
We review our portfolio once a year. We look for certain characteristics of liquidity
and volatility over a large universe of markets. If a market is not performing according to
our minimal requirements, we don’t trade it. We’ll add it or take it out of the portfolio
The core of our portfolio is always the financials. They’ve traditionally been the big
markets, and I’m sure will continue to do so because there’s so many of them and they
We diversify in terms of systems, markets and timeframes. When all my models are
lined up in the same direction, the likelihood that I’ll make a lot of money is very high.
When they’re not, I’m slowly liquidating one side and entering another. I’m not really
getting hurt. Right now, for example, there’s a lack of clarity as to what direction the
markets are going to take. I’m long and short bonds, long and short stock indices, and I
have mixed positions in energy. With those kinds of mixed positions, I’m really almost
spread trading. When they resume lining up in the same direction, I’ll figure to have
winners. That’s the advantage of trading a portfolio with different time frames in
Sometimes. though, when you have extraordinary world events, the markets move
in lockstep. A war crisis scenario, for example, usually won’t affect the indices
without also affecting the bonds, energies, currencies, etc. In other words, rather
than being diversified aren’t you sometimes just putting on several trades in the
same direction?
occurring. We’ve traded through some pretty cataclysmic events, and we’ve never
chosen to liquidate anything, so I’m not sure what that scenario would actually be.
You can decide that you’re going to trade $50,000 in bonds. Or, you can decide to
trade with one short term model, one intermediate model and one long term model. If
you’re trading your whole position size on one model you’re either going to be right or
wrong. If however, you’re trading a short, intermediate and long term model, it’s kind of
like you get into a third of your position when the first move starts to happen. If it
persists, you get into your second position when the intermediate term kicks in, and if it
It’s not that we’re doing that to build our confidence, because we’re very confident
that the models work. A lot of expertise went into building them, and they’ve been very
successful. But what it does do is to provide another very effective level of
diversification. If we just traded one U.S. bond model, our risk would be much higher
than trading different bond markets in different time frames all around the world, which
is what we do. The models on different time frames on different weightings are what
really adapt with a finer granularity to the economic climate. If things really don’t move,
If volatility were to get progressively smaller and then kind of stayed in the smaller
range, the models would adjust their entries based on the existing parameters. It’s not an
arbitrary attempt to adjust to it. The models adjust because of the way they’re designed.
So what you have is more or less dynamically keyed somehow --to expanding-
A better way to put it would be the nature of the model is dynamic. It’s easy to measure
years back, there was a great deal of interest in what was called equity curve trading.
People would keep track of a moving average of their equity curve. If the curve took too
much of a dip, they’d stop trading and then they’d wait for something else to tell them it
I did a lot of work with that when it first became an area of interest and found that it’s
hard to integrate an equity curve with a model so that the tempos are in alignment.
Generally what tends to happen if you’re trading short term is, a big move, say in the
S&Ps, could be over in two days. If your equity curve trading has slowed things down to
where you don’t get a signal, or you don’t kick in until it’s halfway over, it tends not to
be productive.
Similarly, I’ve found that trying to make decisions on what to trade based on volatility
changes tends to get in the way of the models. With what we have now, I’ve been willing
to sell Swiss Francs for the last four or five days, but because it’s been so volatile, I need
a very big move for that to happen. [Because the volatility widens the entry levels]. It’s
not trending that much right now, so I’m not in it one way or the other. However, if it
stays quiet for four or five more days, the entries will get closer and closer to the market
and I’ll be more likely to get kicked in. The models trade dynamically because of their
How do you differentiate a large but acceptable losing streak from one that negates
your perceived boundaries? Have you ever had one go beyond accepted
Yeah. The day that the U.S. said diplomacy is dead in the Iraqi situation we were long
bonds everywhere, short stock indices everywhere, long energy and short the dollar. We
had the worst day in our trading history. We just decided that that’s what happens once
Here’s what I think the primary consideration is. Let’s assume you did everything
correctly. You tested on as large a data sample as you had available, and you came up
with your max drawdown. Even going way back, a lot of people maintain that what you
should do is, assume that your max drawdown is understated. Assume that it’s actually
going to be at least twice as bad. Certainly in our S&P models, drawdowns have gotten
bigger over time, but then, volatility has also increased. The way you distinguish
whether the increase is acceptable is, the current drawdown verses the current volatility
should be somewhat proportionate to the original drawdown and the original volatility. If
the volatility and drawdown both doubled in size, your profit should also approximately
If your profits remain the same, volatility has not really changed, and you suddenly
have a drawdown that’s twice your original one, it doesn’t mean the model has failed, but
it does mean you’d better find out why. It’s a potential red flag .
Do you give equal weight to all your historic data, or do you think more recent
market activity is more valid than what happened in more distant history?
What we’ve discovered over our years as model builders is, to get optimal performance,
you need to know that your model is good overall on the biggest possible sample that
exists. But also, you want to pay a little more attention to what’s going on in more recent
times. Because really—who cares what the S&P did in 1983? The volatility is so much
higher now than it was then. Still, I personally wouldn’t want to see a model that made
tons of money in the last two years, but did not make money in the last 14 or 15 years.
So you’re kind of bridging the two. Recent price action is probably the most
relevant, but you’d still like to see the bias hold up to some degree throughout the
observable past.
I’m a little bit different than a lot of people on that count. Let’s say somebody came to
me and said “I’ve got a bunch of different models that trade a bunch of different markets,
and they’re all different, but they’re all really great.” If I looked at the models and saw
they were sound, it wouldn’t bother me a great deal that they wouldn’t work in other
markets. Not as long as I felt they were sound in the market they were designed to trade.
Individual market characteristics do exist. When I consulted for Goldman Sachs, they
were—and still are-- very big in the energy markets. From this work, I learned there is
probably more information available about the fundamentals of oil than any other
market—probably more than you could begin to imagine. So if somebody had a model
that traded crude oil unbelievably well using information that was unique to crude, it
wouldn’t bother me as long as I understood the rationale behind the model and knew that
it was sound.
I don’t actually do that, but I know people at Goldman Sachs who were beginning to
work with those kinds of models. They used what I would characterize as technical
models built with fundamental data. I think that’s a fertile place for exploration.
So you acknowledge the possibility of effective systems keying off a given market’s
unique characteristics. But as you say, you almost never work with such targeted
ideas. Given your more universal approach, what signals red flags in your
Since I know that our models are not based on the characteristics of any particular
market, it would not be a good thing in my mind if we tried them on 50 markets and they
worked in only five. I expect to see them be effective in all markets and perhaps better in
some than others. I think they do better in some markets rather than others not because of
the models, but because the better markets are the ones that are moving. If markets don’t
Getting back to the topic of your periodic re-optimizations: do markets change their
Yes, they do change in meaningful and impactful ways. Up until 1990-92, trading
currencies was like picking fish out of a barrel. It was really easy for anyone with a
system that was worth anything. Shortly after, there was a big change in the markets and
trading currencies became really difficult. If you had tested your model on the last three
or four years of data in a couple of currencies, you might think, “well, this isn’t my road
to retirement.” It’s easy to fool yourself. That’s why it’s important to look at the bigger
speculative activity. You had a situation where the prime rate had hit something like 20
or 22 percent and short term interest rates were even ahead of that.
At one in point in time, the business community was saying, “we don’t care what
prime is, just make sure it stays there for six months or a year so we can do some
meaningful planning.” The market rallied about a thousand basis points in two or three
months with big volatility, yet the biggest pullback the whole time might have been 75
points. It made some people very wealthy very quickly. Years before the classic bull
markets in the Nikkei, S&P and Nasdaq, I would consider the rally in T-Bills in this
After that rather staggering runup, the T-Bill market kind of flatlined. I think it still
exists as a futures market, but at some point it stopped trading in a meaningful way. I had
a business associate who was a floor trader and order filler during this period. He made a
record amount of money during the volatile years, but suddenly he was complaining that
he didn’t know what to do. I said, “If I were you, I’d go to the S&P pit. I don’t know
Some system traders try to anticipate all that in their models as well, through
volatility filters and other dynamic tools. Obviously, they’re trying to avoid the
human element even in the step of assessing viable trading environments. Do you
With my approach, I re-optimize at periodic intervals anyway, but also, with the way we
trade now, that market would be beneath our radar screen for volatility and probably
That’s what I’m getting at. Doesn’t the system self-correct without you having to
make a decision as to whether a market has gone dead or become ineffective in some
Actually, we deal with that issue in a number of ways. The systems use volatility as a
primary characteristic. If volatility changes and stays changed in meaningful ways, it’s
going to either increase or decrease the size of the entry point. But also, our second
approach is to re-optimize the model every year. If there’s been a significant change in
The third way we correct is, we look and see if the market tradable. We don’t care if a
market goes like this or like this or like this [traces various bull and bear trends in the
air]. We just don’t want to see one go like this. [Makes a flatline gesture]. If it goes flat,
there’s no economic interest in the market, and you really can’t trade it profitably.
Liquidity tends to follow volatility. If you have an illiquid market, you will have very
few players. So our last line of defense is, we’ll examine whether there is enough
movement in the market to warrant being involved, which is something we’ll look at in a
We more or less have enough to trade everything. We’ve never been faced with a
situation where we didn’t have the money to trade markets we wanted to trade, though I
suppose that’s a possibility. But the bottom line is, if Commodity B is marginal, and
Commodity A is looking really great, why trade Commodity B when you can trade
Commodity A? We use a number of check lines to arrive at that.
One reason the S&P has held so much interest over all these years is because it has
great volatility and great liquidity. Almost all the stock indices around the world have
similar volatility, but they don’t all have the same degree of liquidity.
Why do systems work? What market characteristics do you think they exploit?
different systems exploit different characteristics. The ultimate reason they work is
because they give you a mathematical advantage. A good system by definition has a
positive expectancy. A good system will work because it’s consistent. It will do the
I’ve never believed the markets are efficient. but it kind of comes down to what you
mean by efficient. If efficient means that a market is always at the perfect price that it
should be at in any particular moment, I don’t think that’s true. The systems I use take
advantage of volatility, and the fact that there are persistent trends in the market.
A system can only work if it catches runs. Runs is a more meaningful term in the
There are things that occur in intraday data that you won’t see in interday data. It’s
fairly unusual, for example, to find five up bars in a row in a daily or weekly chart. It
rarely happens, yet it’s so very common in intraday bars.
The trend in a daily bar may be up, down, up, up, down, down. You have a lot of
swings. Ultimately the only way to make money trading is to exploit some kind of trend,
regardless of bar size, and to hold onto it long enough to make money overall.
To do this effectively, you have to keep your risk measurably constant in some kind
of way. Many people will, if a trade looks good to them, put on too much. They’ll risk
more than normal in the trade. If they’re nervous about it, they’ll put on too little even
conditions and volatility change. You have to adapt to that to get optimal returns.
Generally, though, we’re risking the same tomorrow that we are today. Most people not
only will vary their risk a great deal, but they’ll get very skittish when they actually get a
Which of course violates a prime trading directive: cut your losses short and let
Exactly. I can give you a story that exemplifies the way the typical amateur trades.
Years ago when I was a broker, I had a customer who was a very bright guy. He finished
second in mathematics in his country, and got a PHD in chemical engineering. But he
was a horrible trader. We had a situation where he’d taken some losses in lumber based
on these haphazard risk and reward things that people engage in. Finally, he got a
winning trade on. Instead of letting the thing run, he kept on moving the stops virtually
every 10 or 15 minutes. He gave the market no room to swing. He had managed to sit it
out long enough to let a loser turn into a winner, but he was so anxious about it that he, he
squeezed it so hard that he wound up making $200 on it. His previous losses were like
That’s typical of the amateur. They’re willing to take more risks than they actually
should, and when they finally get a winner going, it seems so unusual to them that they
In futures trading, one of the things that I have found is, in general, you’re better off
letting your profits run as far as they can even though that can be a little uncomfortable
sometimes. In contrast, some people maintain that the best thing you can do is to put up a
target order and take uniform profits. I have found that that kind of thing only works if
With the systems I’ve used over the years, targets have made the models perform less
profitably. What you might find is, a model that trades a great deal and is highly accurate
could be made more accurate by targets. If you’ve got a model trading 60 percent
profitability and it’s a good model, the targets might add 5 to 10 percent to it. So then
you’re right seven times out of ten, and for a lot of people, that’s a big difference. They
really like being right that often. But that’s another reason people don’t trade well.
They’re more interested in being right than they are in just making money.
I’ve never really cared about accuracy in a model. A lot of people do, and obviously,
the more accurate the better, but I’ve never made that a primary focus in building a
model. The models that my current platform started out with were in the area of 45 to 48
percent accurate. They still made a lot of money because they let profits run, and the
It’s a great irony to me that with no effort to get accuracy, my current models are in
Have you always taken such a logical investing approach or, like most of us, have
you had experiences where you’ve learned hard lessons through trading in counter-
productive ways?
I once had a customer who traded bonds and options on the floor. We became good
friends, and I showed him models that I was very comfortable trading in S&Ps, bonds,
crude, soybeans, and silver. We agreed to pool some money and trade them.
We lasted about a month. In that time period, he insisted on picking the signals he
The long and the short of it is, we lost money in the account. I said “Tony, this is
stupid. You’re making my systems look bad with your stupid cherry picking. I’m not
The models, of course, made a ton of money in that time. They probably would have
doubled the account. At that point in time, I didn’t know enough to say to him “you can’t
do that.” I figured he was a successful trader, he should know better, but that was not the
I saw him a couple years ago and he still makes a comfortable living. He’s still kind
of playing games with systems though. I’m not saying no one can enhance a system,
because I know some people who, in fact, do. But they do it in a systematic way.
Right. They’ll look at a buy signal relative to another indicator and figure the odds will
be a little better. It’s something they observe. I haven’t seen too many people with a
golden gut. That’s why I was determined that I would have a method that would be
sound and do all the things I wanted it to do. The rest would take care of itself.