Final Project For Advanced Musical Composition
Final Project For Advanced Musical Composition
Final Project For Advanced Musical Composition
Musical Notation 50% or more, work is sloppy and incorrect. 60% of the notes are written clearly, but 75% of notes are written clearly with the All notes are neatly and correct and using
Notes are illegible. Barline placement is barline placement is incorrect and messy. correct barline placement. proper barline line placement.
not correct. Needs to be resubmitted.
Meter and Rhythm 50% or more of the measures have the 60% of the measures have the correct 75% of the measures have the correct All measure have the correct number of
correct number of beats and correct number of beats and correct rhythms. number of beats. A variety of rhythms are beats and a variety pf rhythms are used,
notation of rhythm. Composition needs to Rhythms are very basic and does expand used, such as, whole, half, quarter and such as, whole, half, quarter, eighth and
be corrected and resubmitted. past quarter notes eighth notes. sixteenth notes.
Musical Score Elements Musical score is illegible and many of the Music score is readable. Three to four of Musical score is neat. Two to three of the Musical score is very neat and all required
required musical score elements are the required elements are missing from required elements are missing from the elements are accounted for and include:
missing. Composition needs to be edited the musical score musical score. Song title, Composer name, Instrument(s),
and resubmitted. Correct Clef(s), Time Signature, Key
Harmony 50% or more of the measures are missing 60% of the measures contains a complete 75% of the measures contains a complete Each measure contains a complete chord.
a complete chord. Composition needs to chord. The chords are written in only root chord. The chords are written in a variety The chords are written in a variety of
be corrected and resubmitted. position. of forms, including root, first and second formats, including, root, first, second and
inversions. possibly 3rd inversion.