Samantha J Konstantin Rubric

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Clothespin Fractions: Ordering and Find Equivalent Fractions

Levels of Quality

Criteria 4 3 2 1 Points
Points Points Points Points

All of my fractions 8-9 (80%-90%) of 7 (70%) of Less than 7

Fraction are ordered my fractions are my fractions (<70%) of my
Order correctly from ordered correctly are ordered fractions are
Accuracy least to greatest. from least to correctly not in correct
greatest. from least to order from
greatest. least to

Equivalent All of my 8-9 (80%-90%) of 7 (70%) of Less than 7

Fractions equivalent my equivalent my (< 70) of my
Accuracy fractions are fractions are equivalent equivalent
correctly correctly fractions are fractions are
categorized. categorized. correctly correctly
categorized. categorized.

I can I explained the I explained what I I explained I did not

explain what, the how and knew and how I what I knew explain my
why my answer solved. I used and used thinking by
makes sense. I math language, some math using math
used math vocabulary, and/or language, notations or
language, symbols. vocabulary, language.
vocabulary, and/or and/or
symbols. symbols.
Grammar I have correct I have few spelling I have some I have many
spelling, grammar, and grammar spelling and spelling,
errors; I used grammar grammar, and
and punctuation; I
correct punctuation errors; Most punctuation
used complete
and complete of my errors; I used
sentences and
sentences. sentences sentence
correct use of
have fragments and
punctuation incorrect use
and are of
complete. capitalization.


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