Individual Development Plan 2015 - 2016: Department of Education
Individual Development Plan 2015 - 2016: Department of Education
Individual Development Plan 2015 - 2016: Department of Education
Region XI
Davao City Schools Division
F. Torres St., Davao City
Prepared daily Lesson plans were To attain 100% Certification from June 2015-March Grade 7 Teachers Php 500 100% target
lesson plans and composed of target Department Head 2016 and Master competencies were
daily logs of objective, subject competencies were noted by the Teacher attained per
activities including matter, procedure, attained per curriculum quarter
appropriate, evaluation and quarter coordinator of
adequate and assignment with Grade 7 Math
updated description of what Department.
instructional to do with
materials with the
rating period.
Facilitated learning To provide To teach methods Instructional June 2015-March Grade 7 Teachers , Php 400 Provided individual
in the school individual activities and strategies Supervision Tool 2016 Master Teacher activities for 100%
through functional for the students. elicited for 100% of and Department of the students.
lesson plans, daily the students. Head
logs and innovative
teaching strategies
Initiated discipline To guide students 80-89.99% students Classroom Rules June 2015-March Students, Subject Php 100 100% of the
of students in the observation guided in the noted by the 2016 Teachers, Prefect of students guided in
including classroom of classroom rules observation of Prefect of Discipline(Grade 7) the observation of
rules, guidelines, and guidelines. classroom rules and Discipline. classroom rules and
and individual and guidelines as guidelines as
group tasks within evidence by evidence by
the rating period descriptive rating in descriptive rating in
the report the report
card/journal card/journal.
Monitored To observe Safe, orderliness Certification from June 2015-March Students, Subject Php 500 Safe, orderliness
attendance, safeness, and cleanliness of Curriculum Head 2016 Teachers and and cleanliness of
diversity orderliness and floors, toilets and Curriculum Head floors, toilets and
appreciation, safe, cleanliness of proper waste proper waste
positive and floors, toilets and disposal were 80- disposal were 100%
motivating proper waste 89.99% months months expected
environment, disposal , maintain expected maintained
overall physical attendance maintained
atmosphere, checking. attendance
cleanliness of checking was 80-
classrooms 89.99% expected
including proper sections handled
waste disposal daily systematically
carried out.
Monitored evaluated To purposely plan *Evidences showed Class record, June 2015-March Students, Subject Php 500 *Evidences showed
and maintained assessments and varies that the teacher Grading Sheet, TOS, 2016 Teachers and that the teacher
pupils/ students' assessment choices to
purposely plans Exam, Curriculum Head purposely plans
match the different
progress within the students’ needs, abilities assessments and Student' s assessments and
rating period. and learning styles Portfolio
varies assessment varies assessment
choices to match choices tt match
the different the different
students’ needs, students’ needs,
abilities and abilities and
learning styles learning styles
*Class record *Class record
reflected the bases reflected the bases
of 80-89.99% of 100% ratings in
ratings in all all classes/subject
classes/subject handled
handled *Students portfolio
*Students portfolio contained 100%
contained 80- accomplishment
89.99% *Table of
accomplishment specification is
*Table of 100% major
specification is 80- examinations
89.99% expected prepared
major examinations table of
prepared specifications
table of showed 100% items
specifications logically sequenced
showed 80-89.99% *Test questions
items logically were 100% item
sequenced logically sequenced
*Test questions
were 80.89.99%
item logically
Visited parents of To conduct home 80-89.99% Certification from June 2015-March Students, Parents, Php 500 100%
students needing visitation and accomplishment of the Guidance 2016 Subject Teachers , accomplishment of
academic academic follow-up visits with planned Councilor and Guidance set visits successful
monitoring/follow- to the students and interventions Councilor interventions
up within the rating parent.
Undertaken/ To conduct or 1 project Project Proposal/ June 2015-March Students, Parents Php _____ 1 project
initiated projects/ initiated projects/ accomplishment Certificate 2016 and Teacher Accomplished
events/ activities/ events/ activities/ with full with full
sponsorship within sponsorship. documentation documentation
the target date report report
Conducted at least an To conduct action Identified Certification/ June 2015-March Teacher and Action Php 500
action research related research related to classroom/learning Proposal 2016 Research
to school or classroom school or classroom problems with research
concerns. concerns. proposals.
Plus factor
Prepared by: Roman John C. Lara Submitted to: Eduardo M. Calo. Ed. D.
SST – I Head Teacher – III