Most Essential Learning Competencies Unpacked

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Most Essential Learning Competencies

(The learners should be able to: )
(The learner … )
 produces simple products  To learn the hints to help one decide what type
 buys and sells products based on needs of business to get into.
 sells products based on needs and demands  To identify the steps on creating your first
in school and community product.
 To know why you should build simple products.

 posts and shares materials on wikis in a safe  To learn how to create article in Wikipedia.
and responsible manner  To determine the things you should avoid in
creating article in Wikipedia.
 To know the things you should be careful when
creating an article in Wikipedia.

 posts and shares materials on blogs in a safe  To learn what is a blog.

and responsible manner  To know the purpose of blog.
 To learn what is blogging
 To know why blogging is so popular.
 To know the objectives safe and responsible
 To learn the guidelines for safe and responsible
 To learn the standards for safe and responsible
blogging for students and teachers.
 To determine some of the traits of successful
 participates in video and audio conferences in  Uses an e-group to share ideas and work with
a safe and responsible manner others
 uses functions and formulas in an electronic  Know the uses functions and formulas in an
spreadsheet tool to perform advanced electronic spreadsheet tool to perform
calculations on advanced calculations on numerical data.
numerical data
 Demonstrate a skill and create multimedia  Uses the advanced features of a slide
knowledge products presentation tool to create a multimedia
presentation with text, graphics, and photos;
hyperlinked elements; animation; and
embedded audio and/or video
 uses the moviemaking software to create a  Uses the moviemaking software to create a
multimedia presentation multimedia presentation
Action Plan
(Recommended Developmental
Strengths Developmental Intervention) Timeli Resources Needed
Needs ne
Learning Intervention
Objectives of the
PD Program

Positive use of Application of Apply Attend webinars Year - MELCs, modules,

information ICT in the knowledge and regarding the use of round fund, curriculum guide,
and implementatio content within technology in laptop and stable
communicatio n of the and across delivering lessons in internet connection.
n technology in curriculum in curriculum the distance learning
the delivery of the new implementation and maximizing the
learning normal. use of technology in
the distance learning.

Planning and Teaching and Plan, manage, Develop, organize, and Year - Training, webinars,
managing the learning and implement opt for teaching and round fund
teaching – resources the sequenced learning resources
learning teaching and appropriate to address
process learning process the needs of the
to meet learners and achieve
curriculum learning goals

Communicatio Evaluation of Communicate Monitor and evaluate Year - Learner’s monitoring

n of learners’ leaners’ learners’ needs learners’ progress round plan
needs and outputs and and progress to using the data gathered
progress to key monitoring of key stakeholders from their outputs
stakeholders learners’
K to 12 Learning Competencies MELCs

Retained  produces simple products  produces simple products
 buys and sells products based on needs  buys and sells products based on needs
 sells products based on needs and  sells products based on needs and
demands in school and community demands in school and community
 posts and shares materials on wikis in a  posts and shares materials on wikis in a
safe and responsible manner safe and responsible manner
 posts and shares materials on blogs in a  posts and shares materials on blogs in a
safe and responsible manner safe and responsible manner
 participates in video and audio  participates in video and audio
conferences in a safe and responsible conferences in a safe and responsible
manner manner
 creates an online survey form  creates an online survey form
 processes online survey data  processes online survey data
 uses functions and formulas in an  uses functions and formulas in an
electronic spreadsheet tool to perform electronic spreadsheet tool to perform
advanced calculations on numerical advanced calculations on numerical
data data
 uses audio and video conferencing tools to  uses audio and video conferencing tools
share ideas and work with others online to share ideas and work with others
 uses an e-group to share ideas and work online
with others  uses an e-group to share ideas and work
 uses the advanced features of a slide with others
presentation tool to create a multimedia  uses the advanced features of a slide
presentation with text, graphics, and presentation tool to create a
photos; hyperlinked elements; multimedia presentation with text,
animation; and embedded audio and/or graphics, and photos; hyperlinked
video elements; animation; and embedded
 uses the moviemaking software to create a audio and/or video
multimedia presentation  uses the moviemaking software to create
a multimedia presentation

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