Mary Ann D. Bantad: Actual Results

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Name of Employee: MARY ANN D. BANTAD Name of Rater : TERESITA P.

Position: Teacher I Position: Master Teacher II
Review Period: June 2015- October 2015 Date of Review: April 2016
School: Dingle Central Elementary School
Division: Iloilo




June Outstanding Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor
2015- 15% 5 4 3 2 1 Q E T
All daily lesson plans had the Had 3 out of 4 Had 2 out of 4 Had 1 out of 4 None evident of any 4 4 4
October following: objective, subject requirements met requirements met requirements met requirement
I.Teaching- A. Prepared functional 2015 matter, procedures,
Learning daily lesson logs/plans evaluation and assignment
Process with appropriate,
adequate and updated Each part had a full
instructional materials description of what to do with
in all subjects taught an example

Objective was specific,

measurable, attainable,
result-oriented and time

Attained 90%-95% of the

desired learning
competencies based on the
budget of work
100% of all the subjects 90-99% of all the 80-89% of all the 70-79% of all the 69% and below of all
taught have prepared daily subjects taught have subjects taught have subjects taught have the subjects taught
lesson logs/plans prepared daily lesson prepared daily lesson prepared daily lesson have prepared daily
logs/plans logs/plans logs/plans lesson logs/plans 4 4 4 .6
June The teacher established Had 3 out of 4 Had 2 out of 4 Had 1 out of 4 None evident of any
B. Facilitated learning 2015- challenging and measurable requirements met requirements met requirements met requirement 3 3 3
with innovative 10% goals/objectives for pupil

strategies learning that is aligned with

2015 DepEd standards (K to 12
Teaching methods and
strategies elicited 100% class
ICT integration is evident
Results of pupils assessment
is 100% used as basis for
follow-up .3
June Safety, orderliness and Safety, orderliness Safety, orderliness Safety, orderliness and Safety, orderliness and
C. Monitored 2015- 10% cleanliness of classrooms, and cleanliness of and cleanliness of cleanliness of cleanliness of
attendance, diversity toilets and assigned areas classrooms, toilets classrooms, toilets classrooms, toilets and classrooms, toilets and 4 4 4
appreciation, safe, October including proper waste and assigned areas and assigned areas assigned areas assigned areas
positive and 2015 disposal were 96-100% including proper including proper including proper including proper
motivating maintained waste disposal were waste disposal were waste disposal were waste disposal were
environment, overall 91-95% maintained 86-90% maintained 81-85% maintained 80% and below
physical atmosphere, maintained
cleanliness and Daily checking of attendance Daily checking of Daily checking of Daily checking of Daily checking of
orderliness of as evidenced by the teacher’s attendance as attendance as attendance as attendance as
classrooms and SF2 with 91%-100% pupil evidenced by the evidenced by the evidenced by the evidenced by the
assigned areas attendance teacher’s SF2 with teacher’s SF2 with teacher’s SF2 with teacher’s SF2 with
including proper 81%-90% pupil 71%-80% pupil 61%-70% pupil 60% and below pupil
waste disposal daily attendance attendance attendance attendance 4 4 4 .4
A. Monitored, June Evidences showed that the The teacher There is evidence of The teacher planned No evidence of pupil
II. Pupils’ evaluated and 2015- 10% teacher purposely plans explained the various more than one instructions without monitoring or
Outcomes maintained pupils assessment choices to match uses and limitations measure of pupils analyzing pupil evaluation of pupil
progress within the October the different pupils needs, of the different kinds performance but learning data ( 1 progress 4 4 4
rating period 2015 abilities, and learning styles (4 of assessments/tests. there is difficulty in assessment tool)
assessment tools used) Evidences showed analyzing data to
that pupils needs and inform instructional
avenues for growth planning and
were clearly delivery(2
identified (3 assessment tool
assessment tools used)
Class record reflected the Class record Class record Class record reflected Class record reflected
bases of 96% - 100% of pupils’ reflected the bases reflected the bases the bases of 81% - the bases of 80% and
ratings in all classes/subject of 91% - 95% of of 86% - 90% of 85% of pupils’ ratings below of pupils’
areas handled pupils’ ratings in all pupils’ ratings in all in all classes/subject ratings in all 4 4 4
classes/subject areas classes/subject areas areas handled classes/subject areas
handled handled handled
Pupils’ portfolio contained Pupils’ portfolio Pupils’ portfolio Pupils’ portfolio Pupils’ portfolio
96%-100% of his contained 91%-95% contained 86%-90% contained 81%-85% of contained 80% and
accomplishment of his of his his accomplishment below of his
accomplishment accomplishment accomplishment 4 4 4
Table of specifications Table of Table of Table of specifications Table of specifications
showed 96%-100% specifications specifications showed 81%-85% did not show
congruence between content showed 91%-95% showed 86%-900% congruence between congruence between
and skills tested congruence congruence content and skills content and skills
between content and between content and tested tested 4 4 4
skills tested skills tested
Test questions were 96%- Test questions were Test questions were Test questions were Test questions were
100% logically sequenced and 91%-95% logically 86%-90% logically 81%-85% logically 80% and below
congruent with the Table of sequenced and sequenced and sequenced and logically sequenced
specifications congruent with the congruent with the congruent with the and congruent with 4 4 4
Table of Table of Table of specifications the Table of
specifications specifications specifications
Pre-test and Post-test Pre-test and Post- Pre-test and Post- Pre-test and Post-test Pre-test and Post-test
(Chapter/Unit/Module/Quart test test (Chapter/Unit/Module (Chapter/Unit/Module
erly Test) were 96%-100% (Chapter/Unit/Modul (Chapter/Unit/Modul /Quarterly Test) were /Quarterly Test) were
administered in all e/Quarterly Test) e/Quarterly Test) 81%-85% 80% and below /never
classes/subject areas ( were 91%-95% were 86%-90% administered in all administered.
supported by analysis report administered in all administered in all classes/subject areas (
on subject area per classes/subject areas classes/subject areas supported by analysis 4 4 4
class/grade level) ( supported by ( supported by report on subject area
analysis report on analysis report on per class/grade level)
subject area per subject area per
class/grade level) class/grade level) .4
B. Conducted June Conducted Conducted Conducted Conducted Conducted
remediation/enrichme 2015- 10% remediation/enrichment remediation/enrichm remediation/enrichm remediation/enrichme remediation/enrichme
nt programs to program: Promotion Rate- ent program: ent program: nt program: nt program: 3 3 3
improve performance October 100%, Zero Drop-out, Zero Promotion Rate-95%- Promotion Rate-90%- Promotion Rate-85%- Promotion Rate-84%
indicators within the 2015 Non-Readers/Non-Numerates 99%,1-2 Drop-out, 1- 94%, 3-4 Drop-out, 3- 89%, 5-6 Drop-out, 5-6 and below, 7 and up
rating period 2 Non-Readers/Non- 4 Non-Readers/Non- Non-Readers/Non- Drop-out, 7and up
Numerates Numerates Numerates Non-Readers/Non-
Conducted remediation by Conducted Conducted Conducted Conducted
the fifth week of the quarter remediation by the remediation by the remediation by the remediation by the
sixth week of the seventh week of the eighth week of the ninth week of the
quarter quarter quarter quarter 3 3 3 .3
C. Attained the June Attained 100% of the Attained 95%-99% of Attained 90%-94% of Attained 85%-89% of Attained 84% and
targeted 80% 2015- 20% targeted MPS Quarterly test the targeted MPS the targeted MPS the targeted MPS below of the targeted 3 3 3
Quarterly test in all October Quarterly test Quarterly test Quarterly test MPS Quarterly test
learning areas 2015 .6
III. A. Conducted HPTA June 5% Conducted at least 4 HPTA Conducted at least 4 Conducted at least 4 Conducted at least 4 Conducted at least 4
Community meetings/conferences 2015- meetings/conference with 90- HPTA HPTA HPTA HPTA
Involvement at least once every 100% attendance meetings/conference meetings/conference meetings/conference meetings/conference
quarter with at least October with 80-89% with 70-79% with 60-69% with 59% and below 3 3 3
90% parents 2015 attendance attendance attendance attendance
attendance Conducted HPTA meetings Conducted HPTA Conducted HPTA Conducted HPTA Conducted HPTA
/conferences a week after the meetings meetings meetings meetings
quarterly assessment /conferences two /conferences three /conferences four /conferences five
weeks after the weeks after the weeks after the weeks or later after 3 3 3 .15
quarterly assessment quarterly assessment quarterly assessment the quarterly
B. Visited parents of June 5% 100% accomplishment of set 90-99% 80-89% 70-79% 69% and below
pupils needing 2015- visits with successful accomplishment of accomplishment of accomplishment of set accomplishment with
academic interventions set visits with partial set visits with visits with planned no interventions
monitoring/follow-up October success in suggested planned interventions
within the rating 2015 implementation of interventions
period interventions 4 4 4
Conducted Home Conducted Home Conducted Home Conducted Home Conducted Home
visitation/Conference within visitation/Conference visitation/Conference visitation/Conference visitation/Conference
three working days after the within four working within five working within six working within seven working
problem is identified days after the days after the days after the days or later after the
problem is identified problem is identified problem is identified problem is identified 4 4 4 .2
C. Undertaken June 5% 100% project accomplishment 90%-99% project 80%-89% project 70%-79% project No
events/activities(Briga 2015- with full documentation accomplishment with initiative only with initiative only with no project/event/activity
da Eskwela, Nutrition report on completion partial completion no completion report completion report initiated
Month Celebration, October 4 4 4
Read-A-Thon, and 2015 Generated an external Generated an Generated an Generated an external Generated an
initiated HPTA funding/sponsorships in the external external funding/sponsorships external
Projects with external amount of Five Thousand funding/sponsorships funding/sponsorships in the amount of P2 funding/sponsorships
funding/sponsorship Pesos and above in cash or in in the amount of P4 in the amount of P3 000.00-P2 999.00 in in the amount of P 1
within the target date kind 000.00-P4 999.00 in 000.00-P3 999.00 in cash or in kind 999.00 and below in
cash or in kind cash or in kind cash or in kind 4 4 4 .2
IV. A. Initiated/ June 4% Initiated/Participated in at Initiated/Participated Initiated/Participated Initiated/Participated Initiated/Participated
Professional Participated in co- 2015- least 5 co-curricular/school in at least 4 co- in at least 3 co- in at least 2 co- in at least 1 co-
Growth curricular/school activities with curricular/school curricular/school curricular/school curricular/school
activities within the October accomplishment reports activities with activities with activities with activities with
rating period 2015 accomplishment accomplishment accomplishment accomplishment
reports reports reports reports 4 4 4
Submitted 5 weeks before the Submitted 4 weeks Submitted 3 weeks Submitted 2 weeks Submitted 1 week
target date before the target before the target before the target date before the target date
date date 4 4 4 .16
B. Attend Post- June 3% Graduated in MA Attained CAR in Post Attained 27-35 units Attained 17-26 units in Attained less than 17
Graduate Studies 2015- Graduate Studies in the Post-Graduate the Post-Graduate units in the Post-
October Studies Studies Graduate Studies 4 4 4 .12
C. Attend seminars June 3% Attended 1 National Attended 1 Regional Attended 1 Division Attended at least Attended 1 district
and trainings 2015- seminar/training seminar/training seminar/training district seminar/training
October seminar/training 4 4 4 .12




Rater Ratee Approving Authority

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