Policy Themes For Higher Education in Sudan Higher Education Access and Equity

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Higher Education Access and Equity

1. Admission Policies for different modes of delivery.

2. Equity in Participation.

3. Students Mobility.

4. Recognition of Qualifications.

5. Tuition Fees.

6. Students’ financial support and Welfare.

Quality of Higher Education Programs

1. Teaching and learning Environment (infrastructure).

2. Teaching and Learning Modes.

3. Academic Evaluation Methods.

4. Relevance of programs to Community needs and the World of Work.

1. Quality systems, evaluation and accreditation methods.

5. International university rankings.

6. National Qualifications Framework.

7. ICT in Higher education & Scientific Research.

Governance and Management

1. HED. Policies, Strategies and plans.

2. Structural Organization of HED. and Sc. Res.

3. Laws and regulations for HED.

4. Autonomy, Transparency and Accountability.

5. Decentralization of Administration.

6. HED. Management Information System.(HEMIS)

Linkages of Higher Education with partners

1. Educational and research cooperation agreements.

2. Cooperation relations between universities and their counterparts abroad.

3. Memberships in Academic and Research Associations.

4. Link with Community (Community Colleges and Centers of Peace Studies)

5. Link with industry (Consultancy Services).

6. Link with general education (Development of the Education System).

Higher Education Finance

1. Level of Public Expenditure on Higher Education.

2. Sources of Funding HED.

3. Allocation of Resources.

4. Nature of Expenditure.

5. Cost of Higher Education Programs.

6. Cost Effectiveness.

Scientific Research, Innovation and Technology Transfer

1. The development of the research system in Sudan.

2. Basic and applied research.

3. Contribution of research to national development

4. Enhanced research Environment (infrastructure)

5. Scientific Research Funding.

6. Publication, Patenting and Intellectual Property Rights.

7. Research Partnership.

8. Incubators and Research Parks.

9. Research promotion.

10. Commercialization of research.

11. R&D indicators of Sudan.

Postgraduate Studies

1. Strengthening Postgraduate study programs.

2. Contribution to national economic development.

3. Publications in top-tier international journals.

4. gaining international recognition and prestige

5. Relevance of graduate education for society.

6. Recruitment of international students in graduate programmes

7. Cost and financing of graduate education

Human Resource Management

1. Individual rights and freedoms.

2. Roles, Duties and Responsibilities.

3. Terms and conditions of employment.

4. Salaries, workload, social security, health and safety.

5.  Preparation for the profession (Training of Staff).

Private Higher Education

1. Organizational framework of Private HE. Institutions

2. Ownership patterns of private H.ED. institutions

3. Privatization of public universities.

4. Programmes of study and courses offered by private H.ED. Institutions.

5. Quality of education in private institutions.

6. Teaching staff in private institutions.

7. Financing and management of Private H. Ed. Institutions.

8. Private universities and research.

Technical and Technological Education.

1. Governance and regulatory framework.

2. Quality and relevance.

3. Qualifications systems and learning pathways.

4. Technical and technological staff.

5. Financing of Technical and technological Education.

Distance and Open Learning:

1. Over view of Open and Distance Learning.

2. Promote open and distance learning.

3. Recognition of qualifications.

4. Capacity-building for open and distance learning.

5. Governance, Management and Institutional Capacity.

6. Staffing, Training and Development.

7. Internet and Web-based education.

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