Pile Cap Design For All New Piles

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Grade of Concrete, fck = 30 Mpa

Grade of Steel, fy = 500 Mpa
Diameter of pile, Dp = 750 mm
Vertical load capacity of pile = 138 T
No. of pile in a group = 11
Overall depth of the pile cap, D = 1500 mm
Clear cover to reinforcement = 50 mm
Diameter of bar = 25 mm
Effective depth, d = 1438 mm
Width of footing, b = 8850 mm
[(d/2)-(Dp/2)] = 344 mm
[(d/2)+(Dp/2)] = 1094 mm
Distance from the face of the column to the center of the pile, X = 1000 mm
Distance between the face of column & the end of pile cap = 1525 mm
Eeff. Width = 1.2x + bw = 1.2x1000 + 750 = 1950 mm
Available eff. Width (b) = 1950/2 + 750/2+150 = 1500 mm

Calculation of Reinforcement from Moment :

Moment at the section = 138 T-m

Design moment, Mu = 2.07E+09 N-mm
Mu/bd2 = 0.668 N/mm2
Pt % (According to SP-16, TABLE No.- 4) = 0.166
Ast Required = 3579 mm2
Ast per meter width = 2386 mm2
Spacing between two bars = 206 mm
Spacing provided = 200 mm
Ast provided = 2944 mm2/m

Calculation of Reinforcement from Shear :

Need shear reinforcement

Need linear interpolation
Shear = 120.75 T
Vu = (Shear force-self weight of pile cap) = 1811250 N
τv = Vu/bd = 0.84 N/mm2
Pt % provided (from moment calculation) = 0.205
τc (According to IS-456, TABLE No.- 19) = 0.335 N/mm2
Vus = Vu-τc*b*d (According to IS-456, Cl. No. - 40.4. (a)) = 1088906 N
Dia of bar used for Shear reinforcement = 10 mm
Asv = 1185 mm2
Since τv>τc, Sv = 0.87*fy*Asv*d/Vus = 680 mm
Sv provided = 600 mm

Therefore, provide Main reinforcement : 25 tor @ 200 mm C/C & Shear reinforcement : 15-L 10 tor @ 600 C/C.

Top reinforcement

Minimun Pt % (According to IS456) = 0.12

Top reinforcement = 2700 mm2
Dia of the bar = 25 mm
Aear of bar = 491 mm2
Ast per meter width = 1800 mm2
Spacing between two bars, Sv reqd. = 273 mm
Spacing provided = 200 mm

Therefore, provide 25 tor @ 200 mm C/C.

(from the face of the column at d/2 distance)

no. of pile 1

79 15

nforcement : 15-L 10 tor @ 600 C/C.

PILE S (mm)
4P (C18) 4 1300 16 tor @ 100mm C/C. 20 tor @ 100mm C/C.
8P (C16 & C17) 8 1200 20 tor @ 150mm C/C. 20 tor @ 150mm C/C.
8P (C35 & C36) 8 1200 20 tor @ 150mm C/C. 20 tor @ 150mm C/C.
8P (C55 & C58) 8 1200 20 tor @ 150mm C/C. 20 tor @ 150mm C/C.
8P (C57 & C60) 8 1200 20 tor @ 150mm C/C. 20 tor @ 150mm C/C.
9P (C38, C69 & C72) 9 1300 20 tor @ 100mm C/C. 25 tor @ 100mm C/C.


FOR PILE MARK (mm) (mm)

8P (C16 & C17) 700 1300 7-25T + 2-25T (ALTH.) 7-25T (ALTH.) + 5-25T (EXT.)
8P (C35 & C36) 600 1300 6-25T + 2-25T (ALTH.) 6-25T (ALTH.) + 6-25T (EXT.)
8P (C57 & C60) 900 1300 5-20T + 4-16T (ALTH.) 9-20T (ALTH.) + 8-16T (EXT.)
8P (C57 & C60) 950 1350 10-16T + 2-16T (ALTH.) 10-20T (ALTH.) + 2-16T (EXT.)



4L-12T @ 150mm C/C.

4L-12T @ 150mm C/C.
7L-12T @ 150mm C/C.
7L-12T @ 150mm C/C.

Grade of Concrete, fck = 20 Mpa

Grade of Steel, fy = 415 Mpa
Diameter of pile, Dp = 450 mm
Vertical load capacity of pile = 70 T
No. of pile in a group = 4
Overall depth of the pile cap, D = 1300 mm
Clear cover to reinforcement = 50 mm
Diameter of bar = 20 mm
Effective depth, d = 1240 mm
Width of footing, b = 566 mm
[(d/2)-(Dp/2)] = 395 mm
[(d/2)+(Dp/2)] = 845 mm
Distance from the face of the column to the center of the pile, X = 350 mm
Distance between the face of column & the end of pile cap = 725 mm
Eeff. Width = 1.2x + bw = 1.2x350 + 450 = 870 mm
Available eff. Width (b) = 870/2 + 450/2+150 = 810 mm

Calculation of Reinforcement from Moment :

Moment at the section = 24.5 T-m

Design moment, Mu = 3.675E+08 N-mm
Mu/bd2 = 0.30 N/mm2
Pt % (According to SP-16, TABLE No.- 2) = 0.12
Ast Required = 1205 mm2
Ast per meter width = 1488 mm2
Spacing between two bars = 211 mm
Spacing provided = 100 mm
Ast provided = 3454 mm2/m

Calculation of Reinforcement from Shear :

No shear reinforcement
Need linear interpolation
Shear = 0T
self weight of pile cap to be deducted = 2764 N
Vu = (Shear force-self weight of pile cap) = -4146 N
τv = Vu/bd = 0.00 N/mm2
Pt % provided (from moment calculation) = 0.28
τc (According to SP16, TABLE No.- 61) = 0.33 N/mm2
Vus = Vu-τc*b*d (According to IS-456, Cl. No. - 40.4. (a)) = -235753 N
Dia of bar used for Shear reinforcement = 10 mm
Asv = 3397 mm2
Sv = 0.87*fy*Asv/0.4*b = 3785 mm
Sv provided = mm

Therefore, provide Main reinforcement : 20 tor @ 100 mm C/C & No shear reinforcement provided.

Top reinforcement

Minimun Pt % (According to IS456) = 0.12

Top reinforcement = 1264 mm2
Dia of the bar = 16 mm
Ast per meter width = 1560 mm2
Spacing between two bars, Sv reqd. = 129 mm
Spacing provided = 100 mm

Therefore, provide 16 tor @ 100 mm C/C.


800mm Dia Pile

800x800 Column

Grade of Concrete, fck

Grade of Steel, fy
Diameter of pile, Dp
Vertical load capacity of pile
No. of pile in a group
Overall depth of the pile cap, D
Clear cover to reinforcement
314 Diameter of main reinforcement bar
Diameter of main reinforcement bar in other direction
(from the face of the column at d/2 distance) Effective depth, d
Width of footing, b
Distance from the face of the column to the center of the pile,
Distance between the face of column & the end of pile cap
Eeff. Width = 1.2x + bw = 1.2x1359 + 450
Available eff. Width (b) = 2080.8/2 + 450/2+150

Calculation of Reinforcement from Moment :

no. of pile 1
Moment at the section
Design moment, Mu
Pt % (According to SP-16, TABLE No.- 2)
Ast Required
Ast per meter width
Spacing between two bars
Spacing provided
Ast provided

Calculation of Reinforcement from Shear :

Need shear reinforcement

Full shear
self weight of pile cap to be deducted
Vu = (Shear force-self weight of pile cap)
τv = Vu/bd
Pt % provided (from moment calculation)
τc (According to SP16, TABLE No.- 61)
79 43 Vus = Vu-τc*b*d (According to IS-456, Cl. No. - 40.4. (a))
Dia of bar used for Shear reinforcement
Since τv>τc, Sv = 0.87*fy*Asv*d/Vus
Sv provided

nt provided. Therefore, provide Main reinforcement : 25 tor @ 100 mm C/

Top reinforcement

Minimun Pt % (According to IS456)

201 Top reinforcement
Dia of the bar
Ast per meter width
Spacing between two bars, Sv reqd.
Spacing provided

Therefore, provide 16 tor @ 100 mm C/C.



= 20 Mpa
= 415 Mpa
= 450 mm
= 70 T
= 4
= 1300 mm
= 50 mm
= 25 mm 491
ar in other direction = 20 314
= 1218 mm
= 1732 mm (from the face of the column at d/2 distance)
= 384 mm
= 834 mm
mn to the center of the pile, X = 1359 mm
mn & the end of pile cap = 1734 mm
= 2081 mm
+ 450/2+150 = 1415 mm

= 148 T-m no. of pile 3

= 2.225E+09 N-mm
= 0.87 N/mm2
= 0.28
= 5904 mm2
= 3409 mm2
= 144 mm
= 100 mm
= 5397 mm2/m

= 70 T
= 63340.3 N
= 954989.52 N
= 0.45 N/mm2
= 0.44
= 0.456 N/mm2
56, Cl. No. - 40.4. (a)) = -6582 N
= 12 mm 114 2
= 228 mm2
= -15226 mm
= 0 mm

ment : 25 tor @ 100 mm C/C & No Shear reinforcement .

= 0.12
= 2702 mm2
= 16 mm 201
= 1560 mm2
= 129 mm
= 100 mm

750mm Dia Pile

800x800 Column

Diameter of pile, Dp = 450 mm

Vertical load capacity of pile = 70 T
Distance from the face of the column to the center of the pile = 190 mm
Moment from interior pile = 13 T-m
Total moment = 27 T-m


Diameter of pile, Dp = 450 mm

Vertical load capacity of pile = 70 T
Distance from the face of the column to the center of the pile = 1359 mm
Moment from end pile = 95 T-m

Total moment = 148 T-m


Diameter of pile, Dp = 450 mm

Vertical load capacity of pile = 70 T
Distance from the face of the column to the center of the pile = 190 mm
Shear from interior pile = -30 T-m
Total shear = 0 T-m


Diameter of pile, Dp = 450 mm

Vertical load capacity of pile = 70 T
Distance from the face of the column to the center of the pile = 1359 mm
Shear from end pile = 70 T-m

Total shear = 70 T-m

COLUMN - C16 & C17

Grade of Concrete, fck = 20 Mpa

Grade of Steel, fy = 415 Mpa
Diameter of pile, Dp = 450 mm
Vertical load capacity of pile = 70 T
No. of pile in a group = 8
Overall depth of the pile cap, D = 1200 mm
Clear cover to reinforcement = 50 mm
Diameter of bar = 20 mm
Effective depth, d = 1140 mm
Width of footing, b = 8072 mm
[(d/2)-(Dp/2)] = 345 mm
[(d/2)+(Dp/2)] = 795 mm
Distance from the face of the column to the center of the pile, X = 516 mm
Distance between the face of column & the end of pile cap = 891 mm
Eeff. Width = 1.2x + bw = 1.2x516 + 450 = 1069 mm
Available eff. Width (b) = 1069.2/2 + 450/2+150 = 910 mm

Calculation of Reinforcement from Moment :

Moment at the section = 36.12 T-m

Design moment, Mu = 5.418E+08 N-mm
Mu/bd2 = 0.46 N/mm2
Pt % (According to SP-16, TABLE No.- 2) = 0.143
Ast Required = 13159 mm2
Ast per meter width = 1630 mm2
Spacing between two bars = 193 mm
Spacing provided = 150 mm
Ast provided = 2407 mm2/m

Calculation of Reinforcement from Shear :

Need shear reinforcement

Need linear interpolation
Shear = 26.6 T
self weight of pile cap to be deducted = 77733.4 N
Vu = (Shear force-self weight of pile cap) = 282399.96 N
τv = Vu/bd = 0.03 N/mm2
Pt % provided (from moment calculation) = 0.21
τc (According to SP-16, TABLE No.- 61) = 0.336 N/mm2
Vus = Vu-τc*b*d (According to IS-456, Cl. No. - 40.4. (a)) = -2809499 N
Dia of bar used for Shear reinforcement = 12 mm
Asv = 228 mm2
Since τv>τc, Sv = 0.87*fy*Asv*d/Vus = -33 mm
Sv provided = mm
Therefore, provide Main reinforcement : 20 tor @ 150 mm C/C & No Shear reinforcement .

Top reinforcement

Minimun Pt % (According to IS456) = 0.12

Top reinforcement = 11624 mm2
Dia of the bar = 20 mm
Ast per meter width = 1440 mm2
Spacing between two bars, Sv reqd. = 218 mm
Spacing provided = 150 mm

Therefore, provide 20 tor @ 150 mm C/C.


(from the face of the column at d/2 distance)

no. of pile 1

114 2
COLUMN - C35 & C36

Grade of Concrete, fck = 20 Mpa

Grade of Steel, fy = 415 Mpa
Diameter of pile, Dp = 450 mm
Vertical load capacity of pile = 70 T
No. of pile in a group = 8
Overall depth of the pile cap, D = 1200 mm
Clear cover to reinforcement = 50 mm
Diameter of bar = 20 mm 314
Effective depth, d = 1140 mm
Width of footing, b = 7854 mm (from the face of the column
[(d/2)-(Dp/2)] = 345 mm
[(d/2)+(Dp/2)] = 795 mm
Distance from the face of the column to the center of the pile, X = 479 mm
Distance between the face of column & the end of pile cap = 854 mm
Eeff. Width = 1.2x + bw = 1.2x479 + 450 = 1025 mm
Available eff. Width (b) = 1024.8/2 + 450/2+150 = 887 mm

Calculation of Reinforcement from Moment :

Moment at the section = 100.59 T-m no. of pile

Design moment, Mu = 1.509E+09 N-mm
Mu/bd2 = 0.15 N/mm2
Pt % (According to SP-16, TABLE No.- 2) = 0.12
Ast Required = 10744 mm2
Ast per meter width = 1368 mm2
Spacing between two bars = 230 mm
Spacing provided = 150 mm
Ast provided = 2407 mm2/m

Calculation of Reinforcement from Shear :

Need shear reinforcement

Need linear interpolation
Shear = 20.8 T
self weight of pile cap to be deducted = 66916.1 N
Vu = (Shear force-self weight of pile cap) = 837625.88 N
τv = Vu/bd = 0.09 N/mm2
Pt % provided (from moment calculation) = 0.21
τc (According to SP-16, TABLE No.- 61) = 0.33 N/mm2
Vus = Vu-τc*b*d (According to IS-456, Cl. No. - 40.4. (a)) = -2117049 N
Dia of bar used for Shear reinforcement = 12 mm
Asv = 228 mm2 114
Since τv>τc, Sv = 0.87*fy*Asv*d/Vus = -44 mm
Sv provided = mm

Therefore, provide Main reinforcement : 20 tor @ 150 mm C/C & No Shear reinforcement .

Top reinforcement

Minimun Pt % (According to IS456) = 0.12

Top reinforcement = 11310 mm2
Dia of the bar = 20 mm 314
Ast per meter width = 1440 mm
Spacing between two bars, Sv reqd. = 218 mm
Spacing provided = 150 mm

Therefore, provide 20 tor @ 150 mm C/C.

COLUMN - C35 & C36

Grade of Concrete, fck

Grade of Steel, fy
Diameter of pile, Dp
Vertical load capacity of pile
No. of pile in a group
Overall depth of the pile cap, D
Clear cover to reinforcement
Diameter of bar
Effective depth, d
om the face of the column at d/2 distance) Width of footing, b
Distance from the face of the column to the center of the pile, X
Distance between the face of column & the end of pile cap
Eeff. Width = 1.2x + bw = 1.2x375 + 450
Available eff. Width (b) = 900/2 + 450/2+150

Calculation of Reinforcement from Moment :

3 Moment at the section

Design moment, Mu
Pt % (According to SP-16, TABLE No.- 2)
Ast Required
Ast per meter width
Spacing between two bars
Spacing provided
Ast provided

Calculation of Reinforcement from Shear :

Need shear reinforcement

Need linear interpolation
self weight of pile cap to be deducted
Vu = (Shear force-self weight of pile cap)
τv = Vu/bd
Pt % provided (from moment calculation)
τc (According to SP-16, TABLE No.- 61)
Vus = Vu-τc*b*d (According to IS-456, Cl. No. - 40.4. (a))
Dia of bar used for Shear reinforcement
2 Asv
Since τv>τc, Sv = 0.87*fy*Asv*d/Vus
Sv provided

Therefore, provide Main reinforcement : 20 tor @ 150 mm C/C & No Shear rein

Top reinforcement

Minimun Pt % (According to IS456)

Top reinforcement
Dia of the bar
Ast per meter width
Spacing between two bars, Sv reqd.
Spacing provided

Therefore, provide 20 tor @ 150 mm C/C.


= 20 Mpa
= 415 Mpa
= 450 mm
= 70 T
= 8
= 1200 mm
= 50 mm
= 20 mm 314
= 1140 mm
= 7854 mm (from the face of the column at d/2 distance)
= 345 mm
= 795 mm
mn to the center of the pile, X = 375 mm
mn & the end of pile cap = 750 mm
= 900 mm
= 825 mm

= 26.25 T-m no. of pile 1

= 3.938E+08 N-mm
= 0.37 N/mm2
= 0.12
= 1129 mm2
= 1368 mm2
= 230 mm
= 150 mm
= 2407 mm2/m

= 4.7 T
= 42411.6 N
= 6382.6 N
= 0.00 N/mm2
= 0.21
= 0.33 N/mm2
56, Cl. No. - 40.4. (a)) = -2948292 N
= 12 mm
= 228 mm2 114 2
= -32 mm
= mm

ment : 20 tor @ 150 mm C/C & No Shear reinforcement .

= 0.12
= 11310 mm2
= 20 mm 314
= 1440 mm
= 218 mm
= 150 mm
COLUMN - C55 & C58

Grade of Concrete, fck = 20 Mpa

Grade of Steel, fy = 415 Mpa
Diameter of pile, Dp = 450 mm
Vertical load capacity of pile = 70 T
No. of pile in a group = 8
Overall depth of the pile cap, D = 1200 mm
Clear cover to reinforcement = 50 mm
Diameter of bar = 20 mm
Effective depth, d = 1140 mm
Width of footing, b = 5394 mm
[(d/2)-(Dp/2)] = 345 mm
[(d/2)+(Dp/2)] = 795 mm
Distance from the face of the column to the center of the pile, X = 558 mm
Distance between the face of column & the end of pile cap = 933 mm
Eeff. Width = 1.2x + bw = 1.2x558 + 450 = 1120 mm
Available eff. Width (b) = 1119.6/2 + 450/2+150 = 935 mm

Calculation of Reinforcement from Moment :

Moment at the section = 39.06 T-m

Design moment, Mu = 5.859E+08 N-mm
Mu/bd2 = 0.48 N/mm2
Pt % (According to SP-16, TABLE No.- 2) = 0.12
Ast Required = 7379 mm2
Ast per meter width = 1368 mm2
Spacing between two bars = 230 mm
Spacing provided = 150 mm
Ast provided = 2407 mm2/m

Calculation of Reinforcement from Shear :

Need shear reinforcement

Need linear interpolation
Shear = 33.1 T
self weight of pile cap to be deducted = 58740.7 N
Vu = (Shear force-self weight of pile cap) = 408889.01 N
τv = Vu/bd = 0.07 N/mm2
Pt % provided (from moment calculation) = 0.21
τc (According to SP-16, TABLE No.- 61) = 0.33 N/mm2
Vus = Vu-τc*b*d (According to IS-456, Cl. No. - 40.4. (a)) = -1620334 N
Dia of bar used for Shear reinforcement = 12 mm
Asv = 228 mm2
Since τv>τc, Sv = 0.87*fy*Asv*d/Vus = -58 mm
Sv provided = mm
Therefore, provide Main reinforcement : 20 tor @ 150 mm C/C & No Shear reinforcement .

Top reinforcement

Minimun Pt % (According to IS456) = 0.12

Top reinforcement = 7767 mm2
Dia of the bar = 20 mm
Ast per meter width = 1440 mm2
Spacing between two bars, Sv reqd. = 218 mm
Spacing provided = 150 mm

Therefore, provide 20 tor @ 150 mm C/C.


(from the face of the column at d/2 distance)

no. of pile 1

114 2
COLUMN - C57 & C60

Grade of Concrete, fck = 20 Mpa

Grade of Steel, fy = 415 Mpa
Diameter of pile, Dp = 450 mm
Vertical load capacity of pile = 70 T
No. of pile in a group = 8
Overall depth of the pile cap, D = 1200 mm
Clear cover to reinforcement = 50 mm
Diameter of bar = 20 mm
Effective depth, d = 1140 mm
Width of footing, b = 5394 mm
[(d/2)-(Dp/2)] = 345 mm
[(d/2)+(Dp/2)] = 795 mm
Distance from the face of the column to the center of the pile, X = 454 mm
Distance between the face of column & the end of pile cap = 829 mm
Eeff. Width = 1.2x + bw = 1.2x454 + 450 = 995 mm
Available eff. Width (b) = 994.8/2 + 450/2+150 = 872 mm

Calculation of Reinforcement from Moment :

Moment at the section = 31.78 T-m

Design moment, Mu = 4.767E+08 N-mm
Mu/bd2 = 0.42 N/mm2
Pt % (According to SP-16, TABLE No.- 2) = 0.128
Ast Required = 7871 mm2
Ast per meter width = 1459 mm2
Spacing between two bars = 215 mm
Spacing provided = 150 mm
Ast provided = 2407 mm2/m

Calculation of Reinforcement from Shear :

Need shear reinforcement

Need linear interpolation
Shear = 16.955556 T
self weight of pile cap to be deducted = 41911.4 N
Vu = (Shear force-self weight of pile cap) = 191466.26 N
τv = Vu/bd = 0.03 N/mm2
Pt % provided (from moment calculation) = 0.21
τc (According to SP-16, TABLE No.- 61) = 0.33 N/mm2
Vus = Vu-τc*b*d (According to IS-456, Cl. No. - 40.4. (a)) = -1837757 N
Dia of bar used for Shear reinforcement = 12 mm
Asv = 228 mm2
Since τv>τc, Sv = 0.87*fy*Asv*d/Vus = -51 mm
Sv provided = mm
Therefore, provide Main reinforcement : 20 tor @ 150 mm C/C & No Shear reinforcement .

Top reinforcement

Minimun Pt % (According to IS456) = 0.12

Top reinforcement = 7767 mm2
Dia of the bar = 20 mm
Ast per meter width = 1440 mm2
Spacing between two bars, Sv reqd. = 218 mm
Spacing provided = 150 mm

Therefore, provide 20 tor @ 150 mm C/C.


(from the face of the column at d/2 distance)

no. of pile 1

114 2
FOUNDATION DESIGN : C38, C69 & C72 checked

Grade of Concrete, Fck = 20 Mpa

Grade of Steel, Fy = 415 Mpa
Width of the Beam, b = 675 mm
Overall depth of the Beam, D = 1300 mm
Clear Cover to reinforcement = 50 mm
Diameter of Bar used (Top reinforcement) = 20 mm 314
Diameter of Bar used (Bottom reinforcement) = 25 mm 491
Diameter of Stirr up used = 10 mm 79
Top Ast Required = 1469 mm²
Bottom Ast Required = 2938 mm²

Top Ast Required per meter = 2176 mm²

Bottom Ast Required per meter = 4353 mm²
Top Spacing Required = 144 mm
Top Spacing Provided = 100 mm
Bottom Spacing Required = 113 mm
Bottom Spacing Provideded = 100 mm

Provide Top Reinforcement : 20T @100C/C.

Provide Bottom Reinforcement : 25T @100C/C.

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