Lab Manual - MECH3800-2018-2019
Lab Manual - MECH3800-2018-2019
Lab Manual - MECH3800-2018-2019
Sohar University
Faculty of Engineering
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering Program
Laboratory Manual
Non destructive testing methods & Metrology
LEVEL - 3(semester 1)
Year: 2018-2019
Sl Contents Page
No Number
1 General instructions i.
This lab manual is for the level-3 students in Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
programme at Sohar University, Sohar. Students are encouraged to learn to do all
experiments following the same general methods and procedures presented in this
manual, and to document them in lab reports using similar styles and format. This will
help perfect laboratory and reporting skills useful for students to professionally integrate
into industrial or research laboratory establishments
The exercises in this manual are designed to give the students an introduction to
laboratory procedures for performing experiments in strength of materials lab. The
purpose is to provide students with a deeper understanding of theoretical principles by
observing phenomena, by measuring physical characteristics and by comparing
measured versus calculated results. This “hands-on” experience is essential to an
engineering technology student.
In addition to following the procedures given for a lab, each student will be required to
submit a lab report documenting the experiment and the results. Documenting
laboratory results in a clear and concise manner is just as important as conducting an
experiment properly. The laboratory discipline and the reporting principles presented
herein will extend directly to any engineering test lab in industry.
A goal of the Faculty of Engineering is training students to work well in teams in the
pursuit of a common objective such as a lab experiment. Thus students have to learn to
organize themselves into team groups, and to allocate responsibilities among
It is important that each student should read the safety precautions and procedure
followed before coming to the lab.
Emergency Help:
Fire Department:
Campus Security:
2- Lab reports are due at the start of the lab period of the following week. (E.g. the
report for a lab conducted on 8/10 is due at the start of the lab period on 15/10).
3- All students are expected to read the experiment thoroughly before starting the lab
work. Questions about procedures or precautions should be resolved by asking
your laboratory instructor before the experiment. Each group must prepare their
own report.
4- Lab groups will consist of groups. Grades will be based on participation, accuracy
of data recording and reduction, completion of tasks for lab procedures and the
report itself.
5- The marks allotted for Lab work is out of 10 and Laboratory reports are graded on
a scale of 0 to 10.
6- When students have finished the experiment, they must clean their apparatus and
leave their bench clean and tidy.
7- Your reports are due at the start of the following lab period. If it is not available at
that time it is at least one day late.
A lab report is the perfect place to start practicing technical writing. Each student will be
responsible for preparing a report after completing each laboratory exercise. The
required content and format of the report are given in the following sections.
Cover page
Equipments used
Observation and calculations
Sample calculation
Results ,analyses and discussion
Cover Page
The report shall have a cover page with the following information provided:
Experiment Number.
Title of experiment.
Laboratory Manual
Course title
Date of submission
Student’s name
Student ID
Sohar University
Faculty of Engineering
Mechanical & Mechatronic Engineering Program
Laboratory Manual
Non destructive testing methods & Metrology
Lab Experiments # 1
Penetreant Test
Objective is the aim of the experiment to be done in the laboratory. The objective or
objectives of the experiment should be stated at the beginning of the report. One or two
sentences are usually sufficient to summarize the purpose of the experiment.
For an engineering lab class this will probably involve one or two explanations, and a
statement of key mathematical expressions. Unless you have been asked to do so,
there is no point in writing out standard derivation from textbooks.
Equipments Used
This section should include a brief description of the test apparatus and instrumentation
that was used. Where appropriate, a schematic diagram should be included that
identifies the major components of the test system.
A description of the procedure that was used to obtain the test results shall be provided.
Summarize the detailed steps that were used; do not repeat the detailed steps in this
section. There is a well established tradition of using the passive voice when describing
experimental procedure
Experimental results should be presented in a clear and concise manner. The way you
describe the outcome of your experimental results and theoretical relationship is
important. Test results obtained from the experiment shall be
• Tabular
• Graphs
• Digital photographs
• A combination of the above.
This section summarizes your conclusion regarding the results. If the results differ from
those expected, provide an explanation based on an analysis of the data. Examine any
assumptions that were used that could be adversely affecting the results. Consider
experimental error as a cause of the differences. The conclusions should be based on
(1) the experimental results, and (2) supporting technical rationale and analysis.
Give references used like books, web site and other documents etc.
Experiment # 1
INTRODUCTION:- Liquid penetrant inspection is a widely applied and low-cost inspection
method used to locate surface defects in materials like metals, plastics, or ceramics etc.
Penetrant may be applied to all non-ferrous materials. LPI is used to detect casting and forging
defects, cracks, and leaks in new products, and fatigue cracks on in-service components
OBJECTIVES:-To determine the defects of a given welded joint using penetrant test.
EQUIPMENTS USED: - Pre cleaner, Dye penetrant, Developer, Welded joint etc
LPI is based upon capillary action, where surface tension fluid low penetrates into clean and dry
surface-breaking discontinuities. Penetrant may be applied to the test component by dipping,
spraying, or brushing. After adequate penetration time has been allowed, the excess penetrant is
removed, and a developer is applied. The developer helps to draw penetrant out of the flaw
where a visible indication becomes visible to the inspector. Inspection is performed under
ultraviolet or white light, depending upon the type of dye used - fluorescent or nonfluorescent
1. Pre-cleaning:-The weld piece to be tested is cleaned using a solvent to remove any dirt, paint,
oil, grease or any loose scale that could either keep penetrant out of a defect, or cause irrelevant
or false indications.
2. Application of Penetrant:-The penetrant is then applied to the surface of the welded joint to
be tested. The penetrant is allowed time to penetrate into any flaws (generally 10 to 30 minutes).
The penetration time mainly depends upon the material being tested and the size of flaws to be
detected. As expected, smaller flaws require a longer penetration time.
3. Excess Penetrant Removal:-The excess penetrant is then removed from the surface using a
cleaner. This process must be performed under controlled conditions so that all penetrant on the
surface is removed, but penetrant trapped in real defects remains in place.
5. Inspection:- Use visible light with adequate intensity (100 foot-candles is typical) for visible
indications of the crack. Any colored stains indicate the positions and types of defects on the
surface under inspection. Inspection of the test surface should take place after a 10 minute
development time. This time delay allows the blotting action to occur. Also of concern, if one
waits too long after development the indications may “bleed out” such that interpretation is
6. Post Cleaning:
The test surface is cleaned after inspection and recording of defects (if found) is done.
Penetrant test
Defect location details
Signature Date:
Experiment # 2
1. To study the working principle and constructional details of an eddy current inspection
2. To find out the conductivity of a non ferrous alloy
3. To measure the coating thickness
4. To detect the surface crack of a given specimen
5. To find out the defects in different welded joints.
EQUIPMENTS USED: - Eddy current inspection system, Welded joint, weld probe,
conductivity probe, etc
When alternating current is applied to the conductor, such as copper wire, a magnetic field
develops in and around the conductor. This magnetic field expands as the alternating current
rises to maximum and collapses as the current is reduced to zero. If another electrical conductor
is brought into the proximity of this changing magnetic field, the reverse effect will occur.
Magnetic field cutting through the second conductor will cause an “induced” current to flow in
this second conductor. Eddy currents are a form of induced currents.
Crack detection is one of the primary uses of eddy current inspection. Cracks cause a disruption
in the circular flow patterns of the eddy currents and weaken their strength. This change in
strength at the crack location can be detected. Eddy current inspection is exceptionally well
suited for the detection of cracks, with an especially high sensitivity to detection of surface
breaking cracks.
2) Using a test block of similar material to that under examination, calibrate the equipment.
Note or record the deflections obtained from the 0.5mm (0.01 inches),1mm (0.04 inches),
1.5mm (0.06 inches) and 2mm (0.08 inches) slots in the calibration block.
3) Place the Weld Scan probe on the parent material at least twice the material thickness
from the weld. Balance the probe. This will ensure that effects due to the fabrication
process that apply to the whole component will not be picked up during the examination.
Adjust the display settings to obtain the most useable display.
4) Examine the parent material and heat affected zone. This involves two scans on each side
of the weld. In each case hold the probe so that the probe axis is at right angle to the
material surface. This may mean tipping the probe when scanning along the weld toe. For
the first scan move the probe in a zigzag pattern parallel to the length of the weld (Fig
1A). The second scan is known as the ‘Single Pass Technique’. Run the probe along the
weld toe on each side of the weld (Fig 1B).
5) The number and type of scans required will depend on the size, configuration and surface
condition of the weld. The aim is to ensure complete coverage of the surface of the weld.
Figures 2A, 2B, and 2C shows three different scans. Scan pattern A covers the entire
width of the weld and would be sufficient for a dressed weld. Scan pattern B covers a
single weld pass. Scan pattern C covers the toes of individual weld passes.
2) Place the probe on the bare calibration block and balance. Adjust the phase angle until the
movement of the spot is horizontal.
3) Place the probe over 0.5mm (0.01 inches), 1mm (0.04 inches), 1.5mm (0.06 inches) and
2mm (0.08 inches) thick shims in turn. In each case record the position of the spot on the
3) Place the probe over the component to be examined. Conductivity and the coating thickness
can be estimated
Signature Date:
Experiment # 3
INTRODUCTION: - Magnetic Particle Testing (MPT) is an NDT method used to detect surface
and near surface flaws in ferromagnetic materials such as steel and iron. The technique uses the
principle that magnetic lines of force (flux) are distorted by the presence of a flaw in a manner
that will reveal it's presence. The flaw (for example, a crack) is located from the "flux leakage",
following the application of fine iron particles, to the area under examination.
A ferromagnetic test specimen is magnetized with a strong magnetic field created by a magnet or
special equipment. If the specimen has a discontinuity, the discontinuity will interrupt the
magnetic field flowing through the specimen and a leakage of field will occur.Finely milled iron
particles coated with a dye pigment are applied to the test specimen. These particles are attracted
to leakage fields and will cluster to form an indication directly over the discontinuity. This
indication can be visually detected under proper lighting conditions. The iron particles can be
applied dry or wet; suspended in a liquid and coloured. For the most sensitive applications,
Fluorescent coated particles are used, and inspection is carried out under an Ultra Violet light.
This enhances the detection even more. Surface irregularities and scratches can give misleading
indications. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure careful preparation of the surface before MPT is
undertaken. Defects which are perpendicular to the lines of force are detected efficiently.
1) Pre-cleaning:- The part’s surface should be clean and dry before inspection. Contaminants
such as oil, grease, or scale may not only prevent particles from being attracted to leakage
fields, they may also interfere with interpretation of indications.
2) Introduction of Magnetic field:-The electromagnetic yoke is connected to the a.c power
supply and turn on the supply
3) Fine particle suspended in color pigment is sprayed over the surface of the weld
4) The poles are positioned such that any flaws present run normal to these lines of force
5) Repeat the experiment by changing the position of the yoke by 900
6) Mark the defects if any.
Signature Date:
Experiment # 4
Ultrasonic weld inspections are typically performed using a straight beam transducer in
conjunction with an angle beam transducer and wedge. A straight beam transducer, producing a
longitudinal wave at normal incidence into the test piece, is first used to locate any laminations
in or near the heat-affected zone. This is important because an angle beam transducer may not be
able to provide a return signal from a laminar flaw.
Ultrasonic inspection can be used to detect surface flaws such as cracks and internal flaws such
as voids or inclusions of foreign material. When using the more popular pulse-echo method, one
transducer serves as both a transmitter and receiver. In ultrasonic testing a coupling medium of
liquid or solid material between the transducer and the test part is necessary. Ultrasound is a
mechanical vibration or pressure wave similar to audible sound.
The only difference is that the pitch or the frequency of the vibration is much higher. Audible
sounds cover the range of 30 Hz to 15 kHz. Vibrations above 15 kHz are generally referred to as
ultrasound, but for nondestructive testing the range is usually from 1MHz to 30 MHz or higher.
These sound waves can be highly directional and can be focused into a small spot or a thin line
depending on the requirements. They can also be limited to a very short duration, which is
important for fine longitudinal resolution or accurate thickness measurement.
Angle beam transducers and wedges are typically used to introduce a refracted shear wave into
the test material. Transducers can be purchased in a variety of fixed angles or in adjustable
versions where the user determines the angles of incidence and refraction. In the fixed angle
versions, the angle of refraction that is marked on the transducer is only accurate for a particular
material, which is usually steel.
Angle Beam Transducers and wedges are used to introduce a refracted shear wave into the test
material. An angled sound path allows the sound beam to come in from the side, thereby
improving delectability of flaws in and around welded areas.
Normal probe
Resolving power
Checking dead zone
2. Find out the thickness of the welded joint using a vernier calliper
3. Select the suitable single probe with diameter 10 mm
4. Select the appropriate values of Range, sound Velocity, Zero gain, Delay etc of the main
menu using the corresponding switches in the Oscilloscope.
5. Apply Couplant over the joint
6. Move the normal probe over the workpiece slowly until get corresponding echoes.
7. Analyse the echoes and the position of the cracks
Angle probe
2) Find out the thickness of the welded joint using a vernier calliper
4) Find the skip distance and Select the appropriate values of Range, sound Velocity, Zero
gain, Delay etc of the main menu using the corresponding switches in the Oscilloscope.
5) Apply Couplant over the joint
6) Move the angle probe over the work piece slowly and in zig zag manner until get the
7) Analyze the echoes and the position of the cracks.
8) Depth of crack is also measured.
Ultrasonic test
Signature Date:
A detailed study of the Ultrasonic crack detection system has been done.
Find cracks in a welded joint using normal probe (single and dual)
A welded joint is tested for cracks using angle (45and 60 probes) of 10 mm diameter
Experiment # 5
1. Base
2. Beam
3. Measuring jaw and scriber
4. Graduations
5. Slider
1. Place the height gauge on the surface plate and check the zero error. The zero of vernier
should exactly coincide with zero of main scale at the position.
2. Place the job on the surface plate and slide vernier scale on the main scale. The lower
gauging surface of the measuring jaw should come in contact with top surface of the job.
3. Mark the final adjustment with the help of adjusting clamp.
4. Take the readings by observing the main scale reading and then vernier scale reading.
5. Take three or four readings and calculate average values of dimensions
Experiment # 6
INTRODUCTION:- A gear tooth vernier is widely used to measure the gear tooth thickness. A
gear tooth vernier is used to measure the chordal thickness of a gear tooth on the pitch circle
and the distance from the top of the tooth to the pitch chord (chordal addendum) at the same
As the tooth thickness varies from top to the bottom any instrument for measuring on a single
tooth must (i) measure the tooth thickness at a specified position on the tooth (ii) Fix that
position at which the measurement is taken. Gear tooth vernier is an instrument having a second
beam at right angles to the main beam. The additional beam carries a tongue sliding between the
jaws, which can be set on the vernier scale so that when it rests on the top of a tooth, the tips of
the jaws are at correct distance from the tooth flanks for the required measurement.
1. Measure the outside diameter D0 of the blank with the help of vernier caliper
2. Count the number of teeth(T)
3. Calculate the various gear elements such as Pitch circle diameter, Module, Addendum,
Dedundum, Circular pitch etc.
4. Set the addendum on vertical face of the gear tooth vernier and then insert the jaw of the
instrument on the tooth to be measured.
5. Slide the horizontal jaws such that the jaw first touches the tooth.
6. Get the observations as similar to be done in case of vernier caliper.
7. Repeat the observations and get the average value of tooth thickness(t)
8. Compare the observed value with the theoretical value.
9. Calculate the % error.
Module, m = 𝑇
Dedundum = 1.157 m
Circular pitch=π x m
The theoretical value of thickness ts=D 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝑇
Percentage error = × 100
Experiment # 7
To determine
A bore gauge is a convenient term for the measuring or transfer tools that are used in the process
of accurately measuring holes.
Bore gauges consist of a dial indicator, extension pieces, bezel and locknut, spring-loaded
guide, and sensor button. Before starting a measuring procedure, expose both the bore gauge
and the master ring gauge, or any other tools used to preset the bore gauge, and the part to be
measured to the same work place environment for one hour. If you fail to do this, a
temperature differential may cause your readings to be inaccurate. When you use the bore gauge,
touch only its insulated handle. The gauge has two stationary spring-loaded points and an
adjustable point to permit a variation in range. These points are evenly spaced to allow accurate
centering of the tool in the bore. A fourth point, the tip of the dial indicator, is located between
the two stationary points. By simply rocking the tool in the bore, you can observe the amount of
variation on the dial.
1. Measure the inside diameter of the cylinder with the help of vernier caliper
2. Select appropriate anvil and insert the gauge inside the cylinder
3. Ovality:- Adjust the dial gauge to zero and turn the gauge 900 and note down the
deviation in dial indicator
4. Repeat the experiment by selecting various points of the cylinder and rotating the
gauge 900.
5. The difference in dial readings indicate the ovality.
6. Tapernes: To find the taperness mark two points vertically at a distance of 25
7. Slide the gauge such that the anvil touches the first point of the cylinder
8. Set the dial indicator to zero and slide the gauge vertically down to the second
point and note down the dial gauge reading.
9. The difference in dial reading will be the taperness
10. Repeat the observations and find out the average value of tapernes.
To check ovality
To check taperness
Sl no Dail gauge reading taperness
Initial Final Value
Experiment # 8
Profile projector
INTRODUCTION: - The profile Projector is used for (i) measuring and checking the sizes and
shapes of small and medium size components in batch production (ii) measuring and observing
the profile of small work pieces, form cutters, threads, gears and similar elements. In addition to
this, the profile of a test object can be compared with a transparent drawing for determining the
deviations between the required and actual shapes.
OBJECTIVES: - Measurement of the following profiles by profile projector
It consists of a halogen lamb of high intensity 24V and 150 W. The Profile Projector makes use
of an optically enlarged image of the test object projected on a ground glass screen. So the
measurements of the object with the use of complicated jigs and fixtures can be avoided. One
main advantage of the optical method is that any deformation of the work piece is avoided, since
measuring or checking is non-contacting. Transmitted Light: The object to be checked is brought
into the path of the rays of an illuminating device and the thus generated shadow image projected
on to a ground glass screen. Light from lamp 1 passes through the lower condenser 11 and into
the mirror 10. This mirror reflects the light into objective 8 which which images the shadow
image via two mirrors 6 & 7 on ground glass screen 5.
The Profile Projector makes use of an optically enlarged image of the test object projected on a
ground glass screen. So the measurements of the object with the use of complicated jigs and
fixtures can be avoided. One main advantage of the optical method is that any deformation of the
work piece is avoided, since measuring or checking is non-contacting.
1. The given job is placed on the worktable and the height of the work table is adjusted
2. Put on the halogen lamb using the switch provided at the side of the machine.
3. The magnification and intensity is adjusted so that an enlarged and clear profile can be
viewed on the screen.
4. The following parameters of a gear are measured by shifting the image on the screen.
Root diameter
Outside diameter
Circular thickness
Chordal thickness
Major diameter
Minor diameter
Thread angle
7) The initial and final readings of the micrometers are taken to get the required parameters.
The following parameters were measured and calculated from gear blank
Root diameter
Outside diameter
Circular thickness
Chordal thickness
To check Concentricity
To check Flatness
Sl no Dial gauge reading
Initial Final Value Flatness