Atoms PDF
Atoms PDF
Atoms PDF
“Nothing exists except atoms and empty 1. Elements are composed of small
space. Everything else is opinion” particles called atoms.
- Democritus
- He believed that matter is composed 2. Atoms of an element are identical,
tiny indivisible particle called atoms having the same properties such as
mass, size and chemical properties.
(from the Greek word, atomos which
means “uncut”
3. Compounds are composed of atoms
of at least two different elements,
and the ratio of each element is an
integer or a simple fraction.
8 5 4 7
Spontaneous emission of radiation
Gamma () rays: high energy light
Beta () particles: high speed electron
Alpha () particles (He2+): 2+ charge,
charge twice that of electron and with
opposite sign. The mass of an -
particle is 7300 times that of the Rutherford’s Experiment on -particle Bombardment of Metal
electron Foil
Atomic number 19
K Element Symbol
Ions Isotopes
Atoms with the same number of protons but
A positive ion results from the loss of one
or more electrons. different number of neutrons. In nature
A negative ion results from the gain of most elements contain mixtures of isotopes
one or more electrons.
23 Na :
Cation: A positive ion (Na+, Mg2+,) 11
Anion: A negative ion (Cl-, O-2) 11 protons, 11 electrons, and 12 neutrons
24 Na :
Polyatomic ions: (C2H3O2- , NH4+) 11
11 protons, 11 electrons, and 13 neutrons
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