Indian Express Mumbai-May-2-2020 PDF
Indian Express Mumbai-May-2-2020 PDF
Indian Express Mumbai-May-2-2020 PDF
delivery of non-essential items.
Few in know before Govt First train with migrants leaves state for THE SIX ROUTES
regular basis, only around 50 pa- 188 of the IPC, violations of any
` 90 per kilo TABASSUM tientsarecomingnow,”saidRTI- government guidelines in con-
BARNAGARWALA ICS CEO R Venkatesh. Most pri- tainment zones can attract pe-
& PRABHA RAGHAVAN vate hospitals have witnessed a nal provisions, going up to two
` 118 per kilo MUMBAI, NEW DELHI, MAY 1 hugedropinfootfallofpatientsin years in prison.
emergency as well as OPDs, and The guidelines for contain-
THE PREMISES of Southern almostallpatientshaveresched- ment zones, to come into force
` 145 per kilo Kolkata’s Remedy Hospital uled their elective surgeries. from May 4, also state that local
wears a deserted From large hos- authorities too must ensure
` 50per Dozen look,withstraystaff
attending to a few
P RIVATE & pital chains to
smaller nursing
100% coverage of Aarogya Setu
among the residents.
patients in the OPD. I SOLATED homes, the lock- As per the new “national di-
THE EDITORIAL PAGE There isn’t any downandtheCovid rectives”, “It shall be the respon-
crowd either at the pandemic have re- sibility of the head of the respec-
681-bed PART 3 shaped operations: tive organizations to ensure 100
FEAR, HOPE AND Rabindranath revenues have percent coverage of this app
CENTRAL BANK Tagore International Institute of dipped by 70-80 per cent, oper- among employees.”
BY MANISH SABHARWAL Cardiac Sciences (RTIICS). ating costs have jumped with Developed by the govern-
PAGE 8 “Compared with about 1,000 hospitals required to provide ment, the app is meant to track
patientsvisitingthehospitalona CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
geon Dr Mandeep Malhotra had
to reschedule a surgery for a pa-
tient suffering from throat can- A long queue of vehicles at the NH-8 border-crossing on Friday, first day of sealing. Abhinav Saha
cer after he realised he won’t be
able to make it to Fortis Hospital
in Vasant Kunj from his Gurgaon couldn’t make it to Narayana ing,healthcareworkerswholive healthcareworkerssaidtheyhad
residence the next morning. Superspeciality Hospital in in the two cities were among to deal with police personnel,
DrTariqMatin,aDelhi-based Gurgaon. those who found themselves whodidn’tletthempassdespite
neuro-interventionist, had to WiththeDelhi-Gurgaonbor- stranded. Apart from the long their ID cards and explanations
postpone a procedure too as he der sealed starting Friday morn- queues at border checkpoints, CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
■ CUSTOMIZABLE MentalhealthexpertDrRachnaKhannaSinghaddressedqueriesandsharedtipsonhowonecankeeptheir
How the coronavirus
Indian Express
attacks the body
★★★★★ ■4.6
Dr Swapneil Parikh explains how COVID-19
FERRIES MIGRANTS LOCKDOWN affects the body, how a person recovers
from the virus and whether those with
Aone-off trainferried Civilians are protesting severe cases are going to face long-term
SCANTHISQRCODETO migrantsfrom over inequality, hunger problems.
HyderabadtoJharkhand and unemployment
reporting to work’
GADCHINCHLE(PALGHAR),MAY1 a policeman was trying to protect him advisories after a relative of a non-faculty
the Maharashtra Police bus fromthemob.“Igotoutofthechowkeyat memberoftheinstitutetestedpositiveforthe
NEARLY TWO weeks after three men in- was held hostage at Chisda that point,” Borsa said. Minutes later, as a novel coronavirus on Thursday evening.
cluding two sadhus were lynched by a village near Khanvel in policeman escorted the sadhu into the The woman, who is a health worker at
mob of villagers in Dahanu taluka of waiting police van, the mob rained blows Sion Hospital, has been quarantined at a fa-
Palghardistrict,ithasemergedthatasep- the union territory of with lathis on both of them. cilityoutsidethecampus,whileherhusband
aratemobof about200menstoppedand Dadra-Nagar Haveli “Theoldmanwasthefirsttogo,hefell and two children have been quarantined at
TABASSUM RETIREMENTAGEOFCIVICMEDICALOFFICERSRAISED assaulted a Maharashtra police bus that and was beaten repeatedly. Then some theinstitute'sVanviharguesthouse,theIIT-B
BARNAGARWALA was rushing reinforcements to the lynch- othersfromthemobwenttothepoliceve- authoritiesinformed.Inmid-March,through
&LAXMANSINGH Mumbai: The BMC has decided prior to their retirement date. ingsiteontheinterveningnightofApril16 Nagar Haveli Sharad Darade said 19 men hicle and pulled the other two out,” an executive order, the Collector had taken
MUMBAI,MAY1 toincreasetheretirementageof “This will be voluntary, and and17.Formorethanthreehours,thebus were arrested on April 24 for rioting and Borsa said. over several buildings, including Vanvihar
medical officers who are set to doctorsandteacherscandecide was held hostage at Chisda village near obstruction of government officials. Confirming the fresh arrests made on guesthouseandMTNLguestrooms,ontheIIT-
THEBRIHANMUMBAIMunicipal superannuate next year by six if they want to opt for an exten- Khanvel in the union territory of Dadra- “While the incidents are separate, details Friday, Additional Director General of Bcampusasdesignatedquarantinefacilities.
Corporation(BMC)hasaskedpri- months to a year. sion,”SureshKakani,Additional Nagar Haveli, about 13 km from have now been shared with the Police (CID) Atulchandra Kulkarni said all Director Dr Subhasis Chaudhuri con-
vatehospitalstotakedisciplinary The circular, issued by BMC Municipal Commissioner, said. Gadchinchle village in Palghar’s Dahanu MaharashtraCIDtocheckforanycommon aspects of the case are being investigated. firmedthatthefamilywasresidingattheem-
actionagainstnurses,doctorsand onApril28,statesthatinviewof Thenewrulewillbeapplica- taluka where the lynching occurred that elements.Photographsoftheaccusedhave “The investigation has just commenced, ployees’ quarters on the institute campus. “It
Class IV workers who do not re- the coronavirus pandemic, the ble to senior medical officers, night around 11 pm. been shared too,” Darade said. newnameshavecomeupintheprobeand appears that she may have contracted it (the
porttowork.TheBMChasalsoas- BMC will need more doctors, medical officers of all the main A First Information Report was regis- Meanwhile, the Maharashtra CID they were arrested,” he said. virus) outside the campus during her call of
suredprivatehospitalsthatitwill and, therefore, it has decided to and peripheral hospitals, and teredonApril17atKhanvelpolicestation, which has started its investigations into Theadultaccusedareallinpolicecus- duties... The institute, with its taskforce on
facilitate these hospitals in find- give an extension in service to medical college teachers. located just 5 km from Gadchinchle, re- the lynching on Friday arrested five men tody — the previously arrested 101 were COVID-19,isstrictlyfollowingallhealthadvi-
ing replacements for employees them.Officialssaidthatonlydoc- Currently,theretirementage garding this assault on the police bus in from Gadchinchle and Divshi villages af- namedinafreshFIRregardinganotherof- sories. With the help of BMC officials, we are
who are not reporting to work torswhowereduetoretireinthe of doctors at civic hospitals and which some policemen sustained minor ter recording detailed eye-witness state- fenceandremandedtopolicecustodyun- now following all additional measures that
during the COVID-19 outbreak. next year may apply for an ex- medical college teachers is 58 injuries. Nineteen men from Chisda and mentsaswellasidentifyingmoreaccused tilMay13,whilethefivenewarrestswere experts have been suggesting to us based on
Severalhospitalshadreached tension in service three months and 62 years, respectively. ENS nearbyareasarrestedonApril24andlater using CCTV footage from a surveillance also remanded to police custody till May one of our campus residents having tested
out to BMC claiming that they released on bail. Two men, the alleged cameramountedonaMaharashtraForest 13. Meanwhile, teams of policemen have positive.” He added that IIT-B was in touch
were unable to run routine serv- pitalsandstaffdonotresumenor- “Already many staffers who masterminds, were picked up once again Department chowkey outside which the been searching in the forests and hill- withBMCofficials.“Weshallmakeourselves
ices of out patient department mal functions immediately. Dr R live in Mumbai Metropolitan onThursdayandplacedunderpreventive attack and lynching occurred. Among the slopes around Gadchinchle for other ab- amenabletotesting,ifthatisadvised,”hesaid.
andadmissionsduetoshortageof B Dastur, medical director of Region are unable to reach office detention. eyewitnessescalledtoidentifythoseseen scondingaccused.Localpoliceofficialssaid Whiletheinstitutehadvacateditshostels
staff. “Since a government order Bhatia hospital, said that Class IV because of transportation issues. According to Dadra-Nagar Haveli in the footage are Gadchinchle Sarpanch theaccusedmen’smobileshavebeencol- in March, 83 students who were not able to
makesitmandatoryforhospitals employees continue to refuse to So, the idea to have 100 per cent Collector Sundeep Kumar Singh, Suraj Chitra Choudhari and Sonu Borsa, one of lectedtostudytheirlocationatthetimeof gohomeandsomeforeignexchangestudents
to pay staff full salary during the work.“Privatehospitalsareinafix, attendance is to absorb new staff Zimne and Jagdish Rathad of a locality twowatchmenpostedattheforestdepart- the incident and also any video or photo- were allowed to stay back.
lockdown period, several have we can’t fire them for not report- in Covid-related work and pre- called Patelpada in Chisda village were ment post. graphic evidence.
stopped reporting to work,” said ing. And we can’t function nor- monsoonpreparation,”saidanof- found to have led the mob of 200 to 300 “We have no reason to stop an Eeco, Sinceearlythisweek,teamsof police- ADVERTISEMENT
Dr Gautam Bhansali, from mally without them.” ficialfromGeneralAdministration mentocutdownatreeandblockthehigh- we just stop big vehicles that may have men have brought a few accused, one by In the present Coronavirus
Bombay hospital. Shortage of health workers Department (GAD). way that night, soon after the lynching at any contraband material, mainly to pre- one,backtothevillageforasearchoftheir
endemic situation, Mr. Jay Shah –
He said that nurses and doc- spans across private and public The circular states that staff Gadchinchle. “In order to ensure that the ventillegallogging,”BorsatoldTheIndian home and for their mobile phones.
torshavestartedcomingtowork, hospitals.Followingissueofman- from non-essential department incident is not repeated, after examining Express. He also remembers the men AccusedAjayBorsa’smotherBanasaidhe the director of Exertion HR has
but liftmen, ward boys, and tech- power, BMC issued a circular for can be utilised in contact tracing thesituation,wefelttheyshouldbeplaced who threatened to attack him if the Eeco was brought home for just a few minutes sent request letter to CPFC, EPFO
nicians,especiallythoseattached its own hospitals and depart- of COVID-19 patients at ward under preventive detention under the was not stopped that night as it returned on April 27. about PMGKY Scheme on 9th
withunions,haverefusedtoleave ments directing civic officials to level,quarantinecentremanage- GujaratPreventionofAntiSocialActivities from the border, refused permission to “They were looking for his phone any April, which is not beneficial to
home. “If we get freedom to cut ensure 100 per cent attendance. ment, for upgrading municipal Act, 1965,” said Singh. proceed due to the lockdown-time seal- home and in the mud near the highway, maximum employers because of
theirpay,theymaystartworking,” The circular issued on April 30 hospitalswithextrabedsandoxy- Apurva Sharma, Sub Divisional ing of state borders. but we couldn’t find it,” Bana said. the criteria that out of 100
he said. states that BMC staff is overbur- gen, and for de-silting of nullahs Magistrate of Khanvel, said the two insti- Borsa was also in the chowkey when, Suman Gavit, wife of accused Suresh
In a video meeting with pri- dened with work related to and other pre-monsoon works. gated others to intimidate the police and nearly two hours into the attack, a police Gavit, said a team of policemen brought
employees atleast 90% should
vate hospitals, BMC has assured COVID-19 outbreak and other Meanwhile, BMC has asked throwstonesatthepolicebus.“Theyheld teamfromKasapolicestationarrivedand SureshbackonMonday,andtookpictures draw a salary below 15000/-.
that it can provide a list of candi- municipal activities, and finds it staffers aged above 55 years and thebushostageformorethanthreehours triedtohelpthevictimstrappedinthenow oftheirhome,ofthetelevisionandoftheir Moreover, any organisation must
datesavailablewithitwhocanbe hard to work with 50 per cent with comorbidity like hyperten- and damaged the vehicle,” said Sharma. upturned Eeco vehicle. stock of rice from their paddy crop. “He be having atleast 25% of manager
deputedinprivatehospitalstore- staff. To ensure there is 100 per sion, high blood pressure, dia- The complainant in that case is “The police moved one sadhu and the drank a little water. I saw when he was & higher designated category.
place employees not reporting to centattendance,BMChasnotified betes,dialysis,toworkfromhome Assistant Police Inspector Vilas Jadhav of driver into the police vehicle. The second changing his clothes that there are dark Requested them to remove the
work. On April 28, BMC also is- its staffers under Epidemic fornextonemonth.Thisincludes Talasaripolicestation,whoseteamofrein- sadhu,theoldman,washitonhisheadas bruisesonthebackofhislegs,”Sumansaid.
clause and give benefit to all
suedanordertoallprivatehospi- Diseases Act, 1897, there will be staff nurses and doctors working forcementswasheadedtoGadchinchlevia soon as he came out of the Eeco. Savita Borsa’s husband Vishnu was also
tals that it can take action under salary deductions if they are ab- in hospitals where COVID-19 pa- Dadra-Nagar Haveli. He ran into the chowkey,” Borsa told The broughthome.“Hewascrying,buthetold
organisations having employees
EpidemicDiseaseAct,1897,ifhos- sent and they will be suspended. tients are not admitted. Superintendent of Police of Dadra- Indian Express. me not to cry too much.” she said. below 15000/-.
impact: sharp
drop in nitrogen Garbage pile up
at Dharavi, a
dioxide, benzene coronavirus
hotspot that has
reported more
SANJANABHALERAO than 340 positive
MUMBAI,MAY1 cases. So far, 18
COVID-19 related
WITHVEHICLESoffthecityroads deaths have been
and most industries shut for over reported from the
a month due to the coronavirus- slum sprawl.
inducedlockdown,theairquality Nirmal Harindran
in Mumbai has improved signifi-
cantly .
A study, 'Impact of Lockdown
(March 25 to April 19) on Air AFTER COMPLAINTS
1,008 new cases of Covid-19 on
Friday, taking the total count of
infected persons to 11,506. State
health officials have attributed
the rise to the disease's natural
progression and improved test-
ing capacity in Maharashtra.
Mumbai alone recorded 751
fresh Covid-19 cases, taking its
total count to 7,812.
Apart from the increasing
numbers, another area of con- NCP chief Sharad Pawar addresses the Loksatta web
cernwastheinabilityof thestate interactive series titled ‘Sathicha Gazhal Maharashtracha’.
to control the doubling rate of
cases. Maharashtra's doubling
rate worsened on Friday, it now to set up this new Authority in time to do politics, Pawar said
stands at nine days. Until last Gandhinagar, Pawar said, the Prime Minister should con-
week it took over 10 days for EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE “Mumbai has always been the vene an all-party meeting for
cases to double. MUMBAI, MAY 1 country's economic capital, and wider consultations.
Atleast 26more deaths were it has its distinct identity. It is the The former Union minister
recorded,takingthedeathtollto THE CENTRE'S decision to locate leading industrial city. The deci- and former Maharashtra CM
485 in Maharashtra. Mumbai the newly created International sion to shift the IFSC Authority said: “The task ahead is to reas-
saw six deaths, including one Financial Services Centre (IFSC) from Mumbai to Gujarat is dis- sure industries, (and ensure)
death of an Uttar Pradesh resi- AuthorityinGandhinagaris“dis- turbing.” their survival along with work-
dent, taking its total death count appointing, and a move against He said, “The decision to lo- ers. The lockdown has affected
to295.Pune,however,surpassed Mumbai's established status as catetheIFSCAuthorityinGujarat key sectors such as agriculture,
Mumbai by recording 11 deaths. the nation's financial capital, is not a right decision. We will industries and infrastructure.
ThreeothersdiedinJalgaon,and NCPleaderSharadPawarsaidon pursue the matter with the PM There are concerns and a fear of
one each in Bhiwandi, Friday. and urge him to reconsider the increase in unemployment and
Sindhudurg, Thane, Nanded, “The stature of the Prime decision and relocate it in closure of industrial units; these
Aurangabad and Parbhani. Minister is such that s/he should Mumbai.” havetobetackled.Theindustrial
Of those who died, 14 were always rise above his/her state. The IFSC Authority is a uni- belt of Mumbai, Pune and
aged above 60 years, while one Migrants wait to board a special train to Bhopal from Nashik on Friday night. Prashant Nadkar The decisions should be broad, fied agency to regulate all finan- Nashik will have to be restored
was aged less than 40. The fatal- inclusive and of a national level. cial services in international fi- to get the state's economy mov-
ity rate is highest amongst peo- Therefore, we will urge Prime nancial services centres in the ing in the right direction.”
ple aged above 40 and with co- admitted, the Brihanmumbai tors?" Galgali said. May 1 due to COVID 19 related Minister Narendra Modi to re- country and was notified earlier Therefore, he said “ad hoc
morbidities like diabetes, Municipal Corporation has de- Additional Municipal complications. consider the decision and retain thisweek.Itwillbelocatedatthe lockdownacrossthisbeltwillnot
hypertension, heart ailment. cided to test corporators and Commissioner Kakani on Friday A 71 year old woman resid- Mumbai's status as an interna- Gujarat International Finance work.Thegovernmentwillhave
On Friday, the state had 792 their family members as a pre- clarified that he only instructed ing at Tadiwala road who was tional financial services centre,” Tech City in Gandhinagar. totakeapracticaldecisiontoease
containment zones with 1.74 cautionary measure. BMC will toconductmedicalcheck-upnot smptomatic since April 24 and Pawar said at a Loksatta web in- On the challenges in the light thelockdownwithguidelinesfor
lakh under quarantine at home
and in institutions set up by gov-
step away from its mandate to
test only symptomatic people in TOTALPOSITIVECASES Covid-19 testing.
Pune reported seven deaths
admitted on April 28 at Sassoon
general hospital succumbed to
teractive series titled 'Sathicha
Gazhal Maharashtracha'.
of thenationwidelockdown,and
its resultant economic fallout,
safety of the people.”
The Centre should provide
ernment. Maharashtra has this case. INMAHARASHTRA on Friday of which two had suc- the infection on May 1. She had The series, which began on Pawar said putting the economy morefinancialstimulustorevive
tested 1.53 lakh samples, and its Aseniorcivicofficialfromthe cumbed to COVID-19 infection bilateral pneumonia and also Friday, on the foundation day of back on track remains a formi- infrastructure and accommo-
positivity rate stands at 7.5 per BMC said that on April 30 addi- Number of deaths 485 late Thursday night. The toll has had diabetes, hypertension and the state, will host all former dable challenge. “Greater focus date the concerns of jobless
cent. The average is much lower tional municipal commissioner Total number of people climbed to 99. obesity. chief ministers of Maharashtra, on agriculture, industrial and in- workers, he said.
than USA, France or Iran. Suresh Kakani instructed all discharged 1,879 Sassoon general hospital re- A 68 year old man from Nana and will end with a talk by Chief frastructure is a must. It calls for Referring to the Governor's
TheBMChasdecidedtokeep zonal Deputy Municipal ported three deaths including PethwhowasadmittedtoBharati Minister Uddhav Thackeray. higher investments. For this, the decision against accepting the
all asymptomatic Covid-19 pos- Commissioners to set up a camp Number of people tested that of an 80-year-old woman hospital on April 28 succumbed Pawar was interviewed by ReserveBankof Indiaalongwith stateCabinet'srecommendation
itive people at home isolation to for corporators and their family 1.51 lakh from Kavadi Malwadi, who was to COVID 19 infection on April Loksatta editor Girish Kuber and other financial institutions will to nominate Uddhav Thackeray
decongest hospitals and reserve for COVID-19 test. Officials said Total number quarantined suffering from illness since April 30.Hehaddiabetesandhyperten- associate editor Mukund have to provide incentives and to the Legislative Council, Pawar
them for critical and serious pa- that the tests will be done at 11,677 26 and was referred by YASH sion. The death was reported on Sangoram. plans on loans and interest rates. said, “The state is reeling under
tients.BMCofficialssaidfeasibil- some open space with the help hospital and admitted to Friday by municipal health au- Stating that he hopes all po- TheRBIwillhavetotakeboldde- theCovid-19pandemic.Itwould
Number of new cases 1008
ity of home isolation will be of privatelaboratories.Thyrocare SassoonhospitalonApril29.She thorities. In another case, a 75 litical parties will come together cisions.” have been better if politics was
checkedforeachpositivepatient and Metropolis have been ex- hadbilateralpneumoniaandob- year old man from Parvati to oppose the Centre's decision Stating that this was not the kept out of it in such a situation.”
if they have no symptoms. For empted from testing corpora- structive uropathy and died on Darshan died due to COVID 19
crowdedhouseholdswhereoth- tors. BMC will be paying for the that the civic body has been April 30. Her report for COVID- complications on May 1.
ers stand a risk of infection, pa-
tient may be shifted to Covid
care centres.
entire testing expenditure.
"Corporators are also part of
avoiding testing of its frontline
doctors. "This is against the BMC
19 tested positive on May 1.
In another case a 65-year-old
man from Tadiwala Road who
At Symbiosis hospital, a 75
year old man from Siddharth
Nagar succumbed to COVID-19
High Court allows wage cuts
With several corporators in
Mumbai involved in food distri-
bution to migrants and home-
is nothing wrong in paying for
them," an official said.
RTI activist Anil Galgali has
tested.Allothercivicstaff should
was symptomatic since April 16
was admitted on April 21 to
related infection early on Friday
Yerawada also died on May 1 at
for absentee workers in areas
less, and in helping patients get slammed BMC's move claiming alsobetested.Whyonlycorpora- bilateralpneumoniaanddiedon KEM hospital.
with relaxed or no restrictions
Home ministry relaxations under consideration, OMKAR GOKHALE
that they would pay 50 per cent
of the gross wages or minimum
andfoodallowance,if beingpaid
on month to month basis in the
Maharashtra govt may issue final order today THE BOMBAY High Court’s
Aurangabad bench on Thursday
said employers may deduct
rates of wages as per minimum
wages law, whichever is higher.
While advocate D G Nagode,
served Justice Ghuge.
The court clarified that since
Maharashtra has partially lifted
Home Affairs (MHA). districts in the state, 14 districts dens," said a bureaucrat. want to return to Maharashtra wages as per procedures laid vocateDRKale,representingthe the lockdown in certain indus-
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE Uddhav said the three zones are in Red Zone, 16 in Orange Terming the lockdown as a will be allowed. States are down in the law for employees state, sought time to take in- trial areas, workers would beex-
MUMBAI, MAY 1 have been created based on the Zone and six are in Green Zone. "speed-breaker", Uddhav said in touch with each other... But who voluntarily remain absent structions from authorities, pected to report to work.
number of cases in each district. Though the state is yet to put duringhiswebcastthatthelock- there should not any crowding," inareaswhereCOVID-19restric- Justice Ghuge declined to inter- It,, however, added: “In the
HOURS BEFORE the Centre on "TheRedZoneincludesMumbai outitsownlistof whatwillbeal- down helped to break the trans- he added. tions have been relaxed. fere in the MHA order for the event that such workers volun-
Friday extended the nationwide and neighboring areas like lowed or not, as per the MHA mission chain. Still,the numbers He further said that district JusticeRavindraVGhugewas time-being, stating that a simi- tarily remain absent, the man-
lockdown till May 17, while Kalyan, Dombivli, Panvel, Pune guidelines, some of the relax- arerisingbecauseof thecontacts collectors will be instructed to hearing a plea filed by five man- lar case is pending before the agement would be at liberty to
introducing considerable relax- and surrounding areas, as well ations in Red Zones include the of patients who were infected make arrangements for people ufacturing companies, who had Supreme Court. deduct their wages for their ab-
ations, Chief Minister Uddhav as Nagpur and Aurangabad reopeningof privateofficeswith initially, he added. stuck in Maharashtra for intra- challenged a notification issued The bench noted that the sence subject to the procedure
Thackeray said stringent where numbers are rising daily. wirth 33 per cent strength, con- "Though the economic cycle state travel. by the Union Ministry of Home Supreme Court, on April 27, had laid down in law while initiating
lockdown conditions will con- At present, it is not in our inter- structionactivitiesinurbanareas hascometoahaltanditwilllead ■ Red Zone: Mumbai City) Affairs (MHA) on March 29 that not given any interim relief in such action. This would apply
tinue in 14 districts of ests to restart normal activities with on site accommodation tojob lossesand increaseunem- Mumbai suburban, Thane, prescribed employers to pay similar pleas and had adjourned even to areas where there may
Maharashtra that are in the Red there," he said while addressing arrangements for workers, re- ployment, the priority is to save Palghar, Pune, Nashik, Nagpur, their employees, including mi- the hearing. Moreover, the not have been a lockdown.”
Zone, including the Mumbai the state through webcast. openingof standaloneshopsand the realassets of the nation – the Solapur, Yavatmal, Aurangabad, grants and contract workers, full Kerala High Court had stayed an Thecourtalsograntedliberty
Metropolitan Region, Pune, "In the Orange Zone, which shopsinresidentialcoloniesand people," he added. Satara, Dhule, Akola and Jalgaon monthly wages in view of the order issued by Kerala finance to trade unions and workers’
Nagpur and Aurangabad. includes districts with active complexesandopeningof stand- Uddhav also said that the ■ Orange Zone: Raigad, lockdown situation. ministry, which had permitted representatives to file interven-
While some restrictions will cases,weareplanningtoincrease aloneliquorshopsamongothers. government is making efforts to Ahmednagar, Amravati, The counsel for the compa- 50percentpaymenttostateem- tion applications in the
be eased in the Orange Zone and thenumberof activitiespermit- Sources said that the relax- send migrant workers back to Buldhana, Nandurbar, Kolhapur, nies, advocate T K Prabhakaran, ployeesanddeferredremaining. plea.JusticeGhugesaidthatpay-
the Green Zone, sources in the ted,exceptinsomeareas.Weare ations allowed by MHA are un- their home states. Hingoli,Ratnagiri,Jalna,Nanded, said they were seeking exemp- “Iwouldnotbeinclinedtoin- ment of gross wages by the pe-
government said a limited set of gradually removing restrictions der consideration of the state "Those who want to go their Chandrapur, Parbhani, Sangli, tion from paying their workers– terfere with the impugned MHA titioners to their workers, save
economic activities are likely to in Green Zones," he added. government and a final order states will be allowed to do so, Latur, Bhandara and Beed despite the workers being will- orderandwouldexpectthepeti- and except conveyance/food al-
bepermittedintheRedZonesas As per the list issued by the may be issued on Saturday. onlywithduedisciplineandpre- ■ Green Zone: Osmanabad, ingtocometowork–sinceman- tioners to pay the gross monthly lowance, shall be subject to re-
well in line with the guidelines Ministry of Health and Family "We are also in favour of cautions and after speaking to Washim, Sindhudurg, Gondia, ufacturing activities have been wagestotheemployees,saveand sult of the plea and posted fur-
issued by the Union Ministry of Welfare on Friday, of the total 36 opening public parks and gar- theirstates.Similarly,eventhose Gadchiroli and Wardha. restricted due to the lockdown. except conveyance allowance ther hearing on May 18.
‘Undertake rapid antibody tests with available reliable kits of Indian firms’
posed to be undertaken to con- public interest litigations (PILs) seek an additional supply if re- representingthepetitioners,said could certainly be undertaken nent danger of an uncontrolled specifically named two compa-
OMKAR GOKHALE duct rapid antibody tests with seekingreliefsandmedicalfacil- quired by the local bodies. thattheICMRcommunicationof for the purposes of surveillance, spreadof COVID-19,surveillance nies, the test kits were found to
MUMBAI, MAY 1 the reliable kits available with it. itiesinthewakeof thepandemic. JusticePitaleThursdayissued April 27 to chief secretaries of all although the best test for diag- could certainly be an important be unreliable,” the court noted.
“This becomes all the more OnApril8,thehighcourthad directions to the state after gov- states stated that the rapid test nosis of COVID-19 continued to partofthestrategytocontrolsuch The bench directed the state
THE BOMBAY High Court’s significant, considering that the saiditwouldbenecessaryforthe ernment lawyers, S Y Deopujari kits of two Chinese companies be the RT-PCR swab test.” spread of COVID-19.” government to undertake rapid
Nagpur bench has directed the results of the rapid antibody Union Health Ministry to con- and D P Thakare, submitted that ought not to be used and they In view of submission by The court further observed tests with available reliable kits
state government to undertake tests are said to be quick and, sider whether it can direct au- it had received 71,000 rapid an- will bereturned to the suppliers. ICMR, the Nagpur bench of the thatthelistof organisations,pro- and file a response stating the
rapid antibody tests with avail- hence, of assistance to the state thorities to conduct rapid anti- tibodytestkitsfordistributionin “The April 27 letter did not dis- high court said the state govern- viding such kits, also includes steps proposed to conduct them
able reliable kits provided by governmentindecidingitsstrat- body tests. The court had noted COVID-19hotspots.However,on close any policy decision of the ment could not refuse to distrib- Indian companies and said that across Maharashtra.
Indian companies since the egy to deal with areas where that procurement of rapid test April 20, the director of Health ICMR to do away with rapid an- ute reliable rapid test kits. kits provided by them can be On Thursday, the court also
Indian Council for Medical there is rapid spread or appre- kitshasbeenmadebytheCentre Services, Pune, through a letter tibody tests,” Mandlekar said. In the order, Justice Pitale used by the state government. asked the Centre and the
Research (ICMR) has recognised hension of the rapid spread of in parts, however, their use has had communicated that the kits Assistant Solicitor General noted,“Thiscourtisoftheopinion “In view of ICMR letter, the state Maharashtra government to se-
the utility of such tests for the COVID-19,” the high court said. been put on hold in view of di- shouldnotbeusedtillfurtheror- Ulhas Aurangabadkar, repre- that state is not justified in refus- government can certainly un- riously consider the issue of un-
surveillance and prevention of A single-judge bench of vergent results of sample tests. ders, and that allotment of kits senting ICMR, said its decision ing to distribute the rapid anti- dertake rapid antibody tests us- dertaking RT-PCR tests on a pri-
COVID-19 pandemic. It also di- Justice Manish Pitale Thursday OnApril 24,thestategovern- was not undertaken as per ICMR did not indicate any policy deci- body test kits and not undertak- ing kits of companies other than ority basis for its frontline staff,
rected the state government to heard, through video-confer- ment said it has requested the directions, Thakare said. sion to stop rapid tests. ICMR ing the rapid antibody tests for those stated (Chinese compa- like doctors, health personnel
place on record the steps pro- ence, various pleas, including ICMR for more tests kits and will Advocate Tushar Mandlekar, submitted,“Rapidantibodytests surveillance.Inviewoftheimmi- nies), because in respect of the and police.
constraints, India
Lockdown lowdown
Two more weeks of lockdown, but more things will be up and running, depending on where you live
33% population
handled Covid Orange
■ In malls, markets and WHAT IS NOT ALLOWED in the red zone,
43% in orange
situation maturely’ 284
District market complexes, only ■ Cyclerickshaws and
■ Local authorities should shops selling essential goods autorickshaws; taxis and cab
ensure 100 per cent allowed aggregators; intra-district
coverage of Aarogya Setu ■ Industrial establishments and inter-district buses; and,
Union Health Minister DR 130 among residents like SEZs, export-oriented barber shops, spas and
HARSH VARDHAN speaks to Redzone ■ No movement of people units (EOUs), industrial saloons. area in the future, should be
ABANTIKA GHOSH about the District allowed in and out of these estates and industrial KARISHMA MEHROTRA missed out. This is how we have
COVID-19, and the way forward.
zones, except for medical
emergencies, and for
townships with access
control allowed.
defined red and orange zones
Excerpts: Greenzone 319 maintaining supply of Manufacturing units of IN ADDITION TO ACTIVITIES dercurrent of cases that can be-
District essential goods and services essential goods, including ALLOWED IN RED ZONES THE 130 districts in the red zone come unmanageable for the dis-
The government is saying drugs, pharmaceuticals, ■ E-commerce allowed form 17 per cent of the total dis- trict tomorrow,” he said.
India has fought COVID-19 CONTAINMENT RED ( excluding medical devices, their raw ■ Liquor shops can stay open tricts in the country, but account The list is dynamic - there
the best. Are we counting our
chicks too soon? ZONES containment zones) material and intermediates
allowed. Manufacturing of
■ Taxis and cab aggregators
will be permitted, with one
lation (2011 Census).
were 170 red zones on April 15,
there are 130 now. However, 42
No. Given our constraints, I Areas within red and ■ Out-patient departments IT hardware; jute industry driver and one passenger The284districtsintheorange districts that used to be orange
wouldsaythatIndiahandledthe (OPDs) and medical clinics, with staggered shifts and only. zone—39percentofthetotaldis- zones are now red zones.
situation very maturely — with THE EXPRESS orange zones where
there is a significant with social distancing social distancing; ■ Inter-district movement of tricts — account for about 43 per A comparison with an
speed, scale and determination
pre-emptively,proactivelyandin INTERVIEW risk of spread of
infection; its
norms and other safety
manufacturing units of
packaging material allowed
individuals and vehicles, but
only for permitted activities.
cent of the population. And the
319 districts in the green zone
Integrated Disease Surveillance
Programme (IDSP) list from April
agradedmanner.Todaywestand WITH boundaries to be ■ Movement of individuals ■ Construction work limited ■ Four-wheelers can carry a form 44 per cent of the total dis- 27showsthat48districtsthathad
at a better position compared to determined by district for non-essential activities to in-situ construction maximum of two tricts, but account for only about reportednofreshcasesforthelast
othercountriessofarasmorbid- DR HARSH allowed, only between (where workers are passengers, besides the a quarter of the population. 14 days have now been listed as
VARDHAN administration
ity and mortality is concerned. 7 am and 7 pm available on site and no driver; pillion-riding is While 17 per cent of the pop- orange or red. Lakhisarai in Bihar
Our numbers show this.
RED ZONE ■ Movement of vehicles, workers are required to be allowed on two-wheelers. ulation in the red zone are in had reported no new case in 28
Youwouldrememberthaton only for permitted activities, brought in from outside) (None of the above is Maharashtra, 16 per cent are in daysonApril27,butisnowanor-
A district is designated
January7,Chinareportedthefirst thereisaclearalternativecauseof with a maximum of 2 allowed in containment Uttar Pradesh and 12 per cent in ange zone.
red depending on the
casetoWHOandonJanuary8,we death that cannot be related to
total number of active
persons plus driver in four- RURAL AREAS zones within orange zones) West Bengal. Responding to a question on
starteddeliberationswithourtec- COVIDdisease….Itisevidentthat wheelers, and with no ■ Liquor shops can stay According to the revised two districts in West Bengal
cases, doubling rate of
hnicalteamofexperts.ByJanuary patients you are referring to as
confirmed cases, extent
pillion-rider in case of two- open WHAT IS NOT ALLOWED guidelines, green zones are those whichhavenotreportedcasesfor
17, we had formulated our detai- well as the migrants, who have wheelers ■ All industrial and ■ Inter-district and intra- whichhavenotreportedanyfresh 14daysbuthavebeenlistedasred
of testing and
led response and issued detailed died on way home, cannot be in- ■ Private offices can operate construction activities, district plying of buses caseinthelast21days,downfrom zones, Agarwal said: “We have
surveillance feedback,
advisoriestoallstates.Withinthe cludedinCOVID-19deaths,asper with up to 33 per cent including MNREGA work, the 28 days earlier. Red zones are usedverycomprehensivecriteria.
based on directions
definition. … During my various
interactions with state/UT health
from Centre.
strength, with the
remaining persons working
food-processing units and
GREEN ZONE defined “by taking into account
We have to be careful to not let
sengers coming from COVID-19
ministers, I have been stressing
ORANGE ZONE from home
■ E-commerce permitted
■ All shops, except those in
shopping malls, can open
■ All activities allowed,
except the limited number
19 cases, doubling rate of con-
There should not be a situation
that we are testing less and we
airports…We strengthened our of non-COVID services to needy Districts which are only for essential goods ■ All agriculture activities of activities prohibited surveillance feedback.” miss the undercurrent as cases
mechanismforcountry-widesur- patients. They are all trying their neither red or green allowed — sowing, throughout the country, The new classification means keep growing. The density of the
veillance, contact tracing as well
best. However, I do understand
that COVID-19 outbreak has GREEN ZONE URBAN AREAS
■ All standalone shops,
harvesting, procurement
and marketing operations in
irrespective of the zone.
■ Liquor shops can stay open
population too may hasten
coordination with states/UTs, we placed unprecedented demands Districts with zero neighbourhood shops and the agricultural supply ■ Buses can operate with up be listed in the red zone. tial future risk districts too and
reviewed our public health sys- onhealthcaresystemsworldwide, confirmed cases till shops in residential chain to 50 per cent seating Health Ministry Joint identified them as red zone. The
tempreparedness...Keepinginvi- notjustinIndia...Thereisariskthat date; or no confirmed complexes can remain open, ■ Animal husbandry capacity; bus depots can Secretary Lav Agarwal said on challenge is whether we can de-
ew the transmission mode of the thequalityofessentialhealthserv- cases in the last 21 days without any distinction of activities, including inland operate with up to 50 per Friday that the idea is to prevent lineate containment zones prop-
disease, socio-cultural and geog- ices which communities expect essential and non-essential. and marine fisheries. cent capacity. an unforeseen surge in cases. erly and do everything required
raphicconsiderationsofourcoun- from the health system may get “Earlier,wehadjusttwocrite- with100percentrigour,”hesaid.
try and on the basis of learnings compromised. ria for these classifications: total “It is important to carry out
fromglobalexperiences,westre- NOT ALLOWED ACROSS ALL ZONES cases and doubling rates. But as proactive and stringent contain-
ssed on ways and means to en- Is it correct that we can have a the cases increase, the recovery ment and to ruthlessly break the
forcesocialdistancingasthemost COVID vaccine as early as ■ Domestic and when permitted by MHA.. ■ Hotels and restaurants, ■ Persons above 65 years rates change, sampling require- chain of transmission so that it
potent‘socialvaccine’forcombat- September? international air travel; ■ Reopening of schools, cinema halls, malls, and those below 10 years, ment increases, and we need to does not go out of the district.
ing COVID-19. Lockdown is one The challenges and efforts travel by rail and Metro; colleges, and other gymnasiums, sports those with co-morbidities or change sampling and identifica- However, outside the contain-
such public health measure... needed to rapidly develop, evalu- inter-state bus transport; educational and complexes pregnant to stay home, tion criteria. It should be more ment zone, it is possible that
ateandproducevaccineareenor- and inter-state movement of training/coaching ■ Places of worship closed to except for meeting essential broad-based, multi-factorial so there could be some relaxations
Is there a sense that India has mous. Physicians, funders and individuals by road -- except institutions the public. needs or emergencies thateveryeventualityforidentify- that the Ministry of Home
got a less virulent strain of manufacturers have come to- ing critical areas for intervention Affairs can notify under the
the virus? Why are there such gether as part of an international TOKNOWWHICHZONEYOURDISTRICTISIN,VISIT: are identified and no zone which Disaster Management Act,”
high mortalities in places like collaboration, coordinated by can go on to become a problem Agarwal said.
Indore and Ahmedabad? WHO, to help speed up the avail-
JAIPUR, MAY 1 for well over half the number of Despite the department’s ef- people to stay indoors,” he says. grant labour” and not “Tughlaqi
COVID-19casesinthecountry.For forts,saysthe42-year-old,police- Situated in the heart of Jaipur, farmans”. “The order of the
among the first things he packs.
stable has been stationed at a
picket in Ramganj, along with a
FIGHTERS menonthegroundfendforthem-
selves. “I have home-cooked
meals and lots of vegetables. We
Ramganj is among the most
densely populated areas of the
city — making the task of health
Ministry of Home Affairs…on
movement of stranded work-
ers…is nothing but all fizz and
Thelatter,hesays,isfortheentire home guard, in Jaipur’s Walled AN EXPRESS SERIES havetostayhungryonshiftssince workers and security personnel no pop. We wonder whether it
night. These, and a pair of gloves, City where an indefinite curfew no restaurant is open, and carry- even more difficult. was issued by an ignorant and
amask,acap,andthethoughtthat hasbeeninplacesincelateMarch. ing food to work is too risky...” The 42-year-old’s shift begins uncaring person. It was, in fact, a
“duty toh karni hai, dar kar kya Nearly 1,000 police personnel “I have three sets of uniform. by first reporting at the Ramganj crueljoke,”hesaid.Specialtrains
hoga (we have to do our duty, havebeendeployedintheneigh- wardshavealsobeengivencom- Every alternate day, I wash two PoliceStation.“Wearemarkedab- are now being run to transport
what purpose will fear serve)”, bourhood. pletePPEkits...Wehavesufficient sets. I also wash my mask and sent even for a 15-minute delay,” migrant workers home.
saysthe42-year-oldheadconsta- “I have been on night shift, A police barricade at Ramganj on Friday. Rohit Jain Paras stockofmasks,glovesandPPEkits glovesandreusethemforaslong he claims. He then puts on his
ble, have helped him report to from 10 pm to 6 am, for the past for the next 15-20 days.” as I can... Apart from the few that gear, cleans a chair with his small Cong slams Central
workforthepastmonthinJaipur’s 10days.Wearesupposedtogeta Sevenpositivecaseshavebeen I have got from work, I have also bottle of sanitiser and takes it to Vista project
Ramganj — one of the COVID-19 day off after seven days/nights of ate from each other’s plates, finished.Ihadabigfightwithhim, reportedamongpolicepersonnel taken some from friends and his “point”. Night duty, says the
hotspots in the tourist city which work, but I have got only a day’s shared water bottles, sat on the and the matter reached the DCP. in Jaipur, and 50 staff members NGOs.If Idon’thavefivemasksin 42-year-old,isparticularlytough, The Congress on Friday
accountsforover50percentofits leave in 30 days. Maybe I will get same chair and beds... We now Itwasresolved,butIdidn’tgetany who met them have been quar- reserve, I feel anxious,” he says. and scrolling through ‘news’ on slammedtheUniongovernment
nearly 900 cases. one this week,” he says. The po- pay Rs 200 for a room from our HCQ,” he complains. antined in the past month. IGP Towards the end of March, Facebook and WhatsApp only for continuing with the redevel-
“My duty is in ‘core’ Ramganj, licemenworkintwoothershifts- own pockets,” he says. A resident Jaipur Police Commissioner (JaipurRange)SSengathirsaysthe when he was told about his de- help for a few hours. opment of the Central Vista re-
I feel scared to even keep my wa- 6 am to 2 pm, and 2 pm to 10 pm. of Haryana, the 42-year-old has a Anand Srivastava says, “Across department has received masks ployment in Ramganj, he says “I “Thereisnoteashopopen.It’s development project at a time
ter bottle on the ground, take He moved into a guest house daughterwhoispursuing BTech. Jaipur, at least 9,000 policemen and sanitisers from both govern- was a little nervous”. a struggle to stay awake without the country is battling the coro-
smallsipsthroughmyshift.Since withanotherconstableafterapo- Ashisconcernsabouthisown are on corona duty. Of these, 300 ment and private players. “I have served in the relief chai... I also listen to Haryanvi naviruspandemic. Thepartyhas
all shops are shut, I can’t buy an- liceman at the Ramganj station safetygrew,healsoaskedtheSHO were given HCQ doses based on “Some women police officers team during the Bhuj (Gujarat) songs and watch Haryanvi films askedtheSupremeCourt to take
other bottle. I don’t accept water contracted the virus a few weeks of hispolicestationtohandhima proximity to infected people, have started sewing masks too. earthquake. I have been on both on YouTube. It keeps me awake,” noteof theissueandtodirectthe
fromresidentseither,itmayhave ago. “Hadkamp mach gaya (There dose of hydroxychloroquine — a which included policemen ac- We have also purchased them election and curfew duty before. he says. government that the project
the virus,” says the head consta- was chaos). Earlier, I stayed in the preventivemeasureagainstcoro- companying medical teams. from CRPF stores in Delhi... There Butthistimethetaskwasverydif- FULLREPORTON should be the last priority at this
blewho has been with Rajasthan barracks at Police Lines. All of us navirus.“Buthesaidthestockhad Teams stationed at isolation is also an SBI-linked insurance ferent... My picket is in the interi- juncture.
SAGARRAJPUT Claimsaboutthehospital
given admission (to a hospital).
&ABHISHEKANGAD BIHAR TO SCREEN waterperheadandwecounselled
MUMBAI,MAY1 demanding Rs 2 lakh for word with the hospital following HYDERABAD,RANCHI,MAY1 RETURNING PEOPLE Nagesh said.
If there are questions of current or contemporary relevance that you would like
explained, please write to [email protected]
United Kingdom
Fighting COVID with phones
The govt wants everyone to download the Aarogya Setu app to help fight the pandemic. How do contact
167,303 tracing apps work? Which other countries are using them? What are the concerns around data & privacy?
1,070,032 Russia Aarogya Setu is that it collects a single blan-
FIVE APPS BACKED BY GOVTS, WHAT THEY SEEK ket consent from the user at the beginning,
and the details of what this consent would
be used for, is included in the privacy policy.
87,187 ASTHEworldandIndiabattlethenovelcoro- This isnot the casewith similar apps in other
Brazil 213,435
Spain navirus pandemic, India has all but made it countries. The privacy policy of Australia’s
mandatory to download and use a mobile Permissions Aarogya Home Trace Rakning COVID COVIDSafe notes, for example:
required Setu Quarantine Together C-19 Safe
TOTAL CONFIRMED: 3,276,373 DEATH COUNT: 233,998 phone application called Aarogya Setu de-
veloped by the National Informatics Centre (India) (Poland) (Singapore) (Iceland) (Australia)
“We cannot access any contact data
stored on a device, or share this with health
Source: Johns Hopkins University, updated at 11:00 pm on April 30 (NIC) under the Ministry of Electronics and Approximatelocation officials, unless and until a COVIDSafe user
Information Technology. consentstouploadthedatatothedatastore.”
According to new guidelines for the ex- TheCOVIDSafe app isbased on asourcecode
tended lockdown beyond May 3, use of from Singapore’s TraceTogetherapp, but dif-
AarogyaSetuisrequiredforallemployees,pri- Viewnetworkconnections fers from the original app in several ways.
vate and public, with the head of the organi- Around the world, questions have also
sation made responsible for ensuring 100% been raised about what happens to the data
coverage among employees. Earlier in the Fullnetworkaccess andtheappitself oncethepandemicrecedes.
week,allcentralgovernmentemployeeswere Runatstartup Policies of these apps have detailed
asked to download the app and, beginning clausesondeletionof data.Iceland’sRakning
Preventdevicefromsleeping C-19 app says phone numbers it stored will
one crossing the Delhi-Gurgaon border. Readphonestatusandidentity* bedeletedwhentheneedforcontacttracing
ReadcontentsofUSBstorage* is over, and all location data will be deleted
How does a mobile phone app help in from the database 14 days after uploading.
the control of a viral epidemic?
Modify/deletecontentsofUSB* COVIDSafe gives an option to its users to
The Indian government has adopted the Takepics,videos/recordaudio* request deletion of data held in its database;
PAPER strategy of aggressive and elaborate ‘contact
Controlflashlight thisisinadditiontoallcontactdatabeingau-
tomatically deleted after 21 days.
CLIP trolling thediseaseand restrictingits spread.
Aarogya Setu is a contact tracing app that
Aarogya Setu says that “all personal in-
formation collected. at the time of registra-
Putting on PPE in Guwahati. AP uses GPS coordinates and Bluetooth data to Accessextralocationprovider tion will be retained for as long as your ac-
NEW RESEARCH tracktheuser’slocation,bothontheirown,as commands count remains in existence and for such
well as relative to other users, to establish Readsyncsettings period thereafter as required under any law
THEPERSONALprotectiveequipment wearing PPE. Among them, 42.8% ex- whether they have come physically close to for the time being in force”. It will, however,
(PPE)thatmedicalprofessionalswear perienced serious skin injury related someone suffering from COVID-19, and to Togglesyncon&off purge all data stored on the app that is not
while treating COVID-19 patients — touseofPPE,thestudyfound.Flagging make an assessment of their risk of infection. Drawoverotherapps uploaded to the server after 30 days.
masks, goggles, face shields, and pro- the increased risk of infection, the re- Many countries are using mobile apps to Createaccounts,setpasswords Singapore’sTraceTogetherappsaysthaton
tective gowns — causes skin injury. In searchers wrote: “The skin injuries track the spread and progress of the disease. request,itwilldeletecontactinformationand
the process, it puts them at increased among medical staff are serious, with South Korea and Singapore were the early *Eachentrymarkedwithanasteriskreferstotwo identifiers from its servers, thus rendering
risk of infection, according to a new insufficientpreventionandtreatment.” starters. In South Korea, the app was rolled setsofpermissions.Ineachsuchpair,agivenapp “meaninglessalldatathatyourphonehasex-
study by a large team of Chinese re- They researchers identified three out by private developers; in Singapore, it eitherseeksbothsetsofpermissions,ordoesnot changedwithotherphones,becausethatdata
searchers, and published in Advances maintypesofPPE-relatedskininjuries: was an initiative of the government. seekeitherkindofpermission. will no longer be associated with you”.
in Wound Care, a monthly from Mary device-relatedpressureinjuries;moist The use of these apps has been credited Bluetoothdevicepairing/access:Pairwith
Ann Liebert publishers. associated skin damage; skin tear. with a significant extent for these countries’ Bluetoothdevices;accessBluetoothsettings How many people are currently using
The study covered 4,308 medical Several factors increased the risk for success in flattening the disease curve. The ReadphoneIDandidentity:Separatepermissions Aarogya Setu?
staff from 161 hospitals, with re- skininjury,includinggender(seechart). outbreak in these countries began relatively forphone;andfordeviceID&callinformation The Android and iOS versions of the app
sponses from 4,306 valid. The med- Sources: Mary Ann Liebert publishers; early, but as of the end of April, South Korea ReadcontentsofUSBstorage:Separate have been downloaded more than 75 mil-
icalstaff workeddailyfor8to12hours Advances in Wound Care had under 11,000 cases and 247 deaths, permissionsforstorage;andforphotos/media/files lion times, according to official data.
while Singapore had 15,000-odd cases and Modify/deletecontentsofUSBstorage:Separate While Aarogya Setu started off as a vol-
SOMESTAFFATGREATERRISKTHANOTHERS only 14 deaths. Their case fatality rate and
deaths per 1 lakh population were very low Takepics,videos/recordaudio:Separatefortaking Care19 app, which is used in some
untary exercise to top the government’s ef-
forts of containing the COVID-19 outbreak,
Risk factor Higher prevalence Lower prevalence — 2.3% and 0.48, and 0.1% and 0.25 respec- photos&videos;andforrecordingaudio US states. Reuters itisgraduallyinchingtowardsbecomingone
Gender Male staff: 59.7% Female staff: 40.5% tively,accordingtodataontheJohnsHopkins of the mainstays in the battle. The govern-
University pandemic tracking dashboard. ment has mandated all central government
Age Over 35 yrs: 46.3% Under 35 yrs: 41.2% Chinahasbeenusinghealthappstoward maintainandsharedatacollectedfromusers. app functions in the following manner: employeesandofficerstodownloadtheapp.
Healthcare role Doctors: 51.9% Nurses: 41.6% off apotentialsecondwaveof infection.Italy, Acomparisonofthetermsandconditions Whensomeoneregistersontheapp,their Onlyif theyaremarked“safe”orat“low-risk”
PPE quality Grade-3 PPE: 88.5% Grade-2 PPE: 21.0%). whichseemstohavegotovertheworstof its oftheiruseisinthechart.Thisanalysisisbased name,phonenumber,age,sex,professionand by the app should they commute to work,
crisis,isworkingonanapp,andGermanyhas on the Android versions of the apps; the iOS the countries they visited in the last 30 days the government order said.
Daily wearing time Over 4 hrs: 47.3% Within 4 hrs: 18.7%
backedajointGoogle-Appleinitiativetobuild versions too, need similar permissions. arecollected,andstoredonaserverrunbythe This is in addition to several private com-
Sweating Heavy sweat: 91.3% Not heavy: 17.8% a contact tracing API. The same initiative is India’sAarogyaSetuseeksninesetsofper- Government of India. This is stored with a paniesaskingemployeestodownloadtheapp
under discussion in France, amid disagree- missions (in the chart, the entry on Bluetooth uniqueID,whichisusedtoidentifytheuserin astheyprepareforliftingofthelockdown.Itis
mentovertheamountof datatobecollected. refers to two sets of permissions) — including all subsequent app-relatedtransactions. This possible that a ‘safe’ status on Aarogya Setu
IntheUK,aBluetooth-basedcontacttrac- fornetwork-basedlocation,GPSlocation,re- digitalIDisalsoassociatedwithanyinforma- couldbecomeaformalorinformal‘permit’to
INDIA COUNT: 35,365 (1152 DEATHS) ing app is under testing. In Israel, the NSO
group, which built the Pegasus surveillance
tion that may subsequently be uploaded.
At time of registration, the person’s loca-
There is one important point to consider
software last year, has tested a contact trac-
ing app, even though an initiative by the
‘sleeping’.Thenumberof permissionssought
uploaded to the server. For the app to do its
regarding penetration of the app, however -
which is directly linked to its effectiveness.
ArunachalPradesh 1
Assam 42 Israeli police to use mobile phone location to COVIDSafeapp,whichdoesnotseekpermis- job, users must keep the location and Officials from most of the governments
Bihar 426 enforce quarantine measures has been sionfornetwork-basedlocationorforreceiv- Bluetooth features switched on at all times. rolling out these apps have pointed out that
2584 Chandigarh 56 blockedbyParliamentoverprivacyconcerns. ing data from the Internet. When two registered users come within the key factor that will determine the suc-
3515 Delhi Chhattisgarh 40
Rajasthan Several health experts have argued that a The reasons for seeking particular per- Bluetooth range of each other, typically less cess of these projects would be the rapid
2281 UP Goa 7
key tool at governments’ disposal to contain missions range from the purpose and design than 10 metres, the apps on their respective emergence of a critical mass of users. The
Haryana 313
HimachalPradesh 40 the COVID-19 outbreak, and which was not of a certain app, to thedata thatthe app’s de- devices will automatically exchange the dig- apps, including Aarogya Setu, must have a
JammuandKashmir 614 aroundduringthe1918SpanishFlu,istheabil- veloper intends to collect. For example, the ital IDs and record the time and GPS location penetration of at least 50%. This means that
2719 795 Jharkhand 111 ity to harness digital technologies to track the “prevent device from sleeping” permission, at which the contact took place. unless half the population of the country
MP West Bengal Karnataka 576
4395 Kerala 497
spread.Atthesametime,deploymentof con- which all apps analysed for this report (ex- This information collected at this point is downloads the contact tracing app, the in-
Gujarat tact tracing apps by governments or public cept Australia’s COVIDSafe) seek, is intended stored locally on the devices. If one of these tended outcome will not be achieved.
1039 Telangana Ladakh 22
health authorities has added to the debate on to ensure the app is able to keep the smart- registered users tests positive for COVID-19, While this is a reason for governments to
Manipur 2
10,498 Meghalaya 12 online privacy and personal data protection. phone’s CPU awake to complete work. the information will be uploaded from their aggressivelypushfordownloads,criticshave
Maharashtra 1463 Mizoram 1 While some of these apps have sought Android devices are designed to fall mobile device, and stored on the server. argued that this particular response to the
Andhra Pradesh Odisha 143
Puducherry 8 sweeping access to smartphone functional- asleep when idle, to prevent draining of the According to Aarogya Setu’s privacy pol- pandemic opens out a vast space for intru-
2323 Tamil Nadu Punjab 357 ities, others stop just short of that, collecting battery. But some apps need to work in the icy,theappcontinuouslycollectstheuser’slo- sive surveillance by state agencies, threaten-
Tripura 2 and uploading data without specifically ob- background, and for this, they seek permis- cation data and stores it on the device, creat- ingtheprivacyof largesectionsof theirusers.
Uttarakhand 57 taining the consent of users in every case. sion to wake up the phone’s screen or CPU. ing a record of all the places visited at The critics have said that while some of
UnionHealthMinistryupdateasof 11pm,May1. Somestatesmayhave Again,giventhatPoland’sHomeQuarantine 15-minuteintervals.Further,everytimeauser the features that do not necessarily adhere
reportedhighernumbers.Onlystates/UTswithatleastonecaselistedabove. So, which countries already have such appismeanttoensurethoseunderquarantine conducts a self-assessment on the app, tick- to all privacy norms are all right as long as
apps, and what data do they collect? staythatway,itperiodicallyaskspeopletoupload markingCOVID-19symptoms,theappmarks theappisvoluntary,governmentsmaybegin
Thereareprivateinitiativesinseveralcoun- a selfie, which is geotagged. Upon failure by a this user Yellow, Orange or Green, based in a to make the apps mandatory in order to
tries, but the main government-backed apps user,policearenotified.Tomakethiseffective, reducing order of threat, with Green mean- achievethenecessarypenetration.Thiscould
Have a question on the COVID-19 outbreak and what you should/should not do? are, apart from India, in Poland, Singapore, the app seeks access to camera and storage. ing the person is safe. mean using the app to give a safety clear-
Write to [email protected] Iceland, and Australia. Each of these apps re- ance to individuals before they use public
quiresaspecificsetofpermissionsfromusers, How exactly does Aarogya Setu work? What about questions of user privacy? transport, enter their workplaces or even
and have different policies on how they store, India’s official COVID-19 contact tracing One of the red flags being raised about step out of their residential premises.
How outbreak is disrupting both supply of, and demand for, bank loans
(also referred to as wholesale customers). passenger vehicles, and almost every second
UDIT MISRA And yet, there are several sectors of the CHART 1: GROWTH IN RETAIL LOANS CHART 2: ... AS DEMAND FOR UNDERLYING home (new units); this dip in demand com-
NEW DELHI, MAY 1 economysuchasthemicro,smallandmedium EXPECTED TO STALL... ASSETS IS EXPECTED TO PLUMMET pletelyshutsoffthedemandforretailloans.
enterprises (MSMEs) that are facing acute
ONTHEfaceof it,itisaconundrumwhy,de- shortageoffundsespeciallyinthewakeofthe 19.0 19.2 Figures are in % What about the supply of loans?
16.3 16.5
spitetheReserveBankofIndia’srepeatedef- COVID-19-inducedeconomicdisruption. 14.3 15.0 It is a valid question why banks, which
forts to bring down the interest rate in the are flushwith cheapmoney,arenotaggres-
economy as well as provide more money to What explains this oddity? sively pushing for loans in the economy.
12.0 11.9 -17%
thefinancialsystem,bankshavenotbeenex- To understand what is happening, one Simply put, banks are increasingly risk-
tendingmoreloanstothebroadereconomy. needs to break down the picture into the 7.9 8.7 2-3 -22% Consumer averse. Moreover, they do not know which
7.0 5.9 2.4 -24%
Forinstance,theRBIhasmadeitcheaper demand and supply sides of loans. -25% Two- durables firmwillsurvivetheCOVID-19disruptionand
for the banks to borrow from it — by reduc- Chart 1 shows the credit growth rate for Passenger Commercial wheelers which will flounder. The irony is that banks
ing the repo rate by 185 basis points since retail and wholesale consumers. Credit cars vehicles maybewillingtogiveloanstothebiggerfirms
February 2019. Further, it has made it less growthtobusinesseswasalreadystruggling but these companies do not need new loans
NewhousingUnits Source:CRISILResearch
remunerative for banks to park their funds forthelastseveralyears.Mostofthemomen- — Corporateloansgrowth — Retailloangrowth -45% because they already have excess capacity
withtheRBIbycuttingthereversereporate tumtocreditgrowthwascomingfromloans whilesmallerfirms,whichareindireneedof
by 225 basis points. retail customers were taking. These were funds, appear too risky for banks’ appetite.
However,atthecount,bankshadparked typically being taken by individuals buying plummeted amongbusinessesin the2019- fornewloanswouldremainanaemicamong expected to fall? In this regard, the regulatory forbear-
close to Rs 7 lakh crore with the RBI. homes, personal cars, and other consumer 20 financial year. Retail loan growth also thebusiness,retailloans,whichwerepushing Chart2showswhy.Demandformostcom- ance, in the form of a three-month-long
Essentially, banks have decided to even park durables like televisions, refrigerators etc. sufferedabitastheeconomysloweddown. upthetotalcreditgrowthrate,willfalltotheir moditiesforwhichindividualswouldhavetyp- moratorium on paying back loans, has
the deposits that they get (say from savings But, as the graph shows, even before the However,theCOVID-19impactislikelyto lowest growth rate in a decade. icallytakenaretailloanislikelytofallsharply.In made it difficult for banks to assess which
accountholders)withtheRBIinsteadoflend- COVID-19 disruption in the past couple of be spectacular according to most estimates. termsoffinancingpenetration,almostallcom- firms are poor are managing their business
ing to either retail customers or businesses months, demand for loans had already CRISILResearchestimatesthatwhiledemand Why is the demand for retail loans mercial vehicles are financed, as are 75% of all and finances in this period.
THE EDITORIAL PAGE The only way of catching a train I have ever
discovered is to miss the train before
Fear, hope and central bank
RBI’s job involves trade-offs, not conflicts. The virus
lockdown makes them even harder
poem “The Charge Of The Light Brigade”, plete,andthefogof warinvolvesmakingsec- river is different, you are different, and the
DAY AFTER the Union Home Ministry allowed the inter-state movement of which glorified charging ahead in nobility, ond best choices as long as they are worldisdifferent.Historymattersbutnobody
migrant workers, a train carrying about 1,000 labourers took off from “Theirsnottoreasonwhy/Theirsbuttodoand reversible, proportional, and accountable. knowsif thisisthebeginningorendingof the
Lingampally in Telangana for Hatia in Jharkhand on Friday morning. The die”, was inappropriate inspiration for policy Central banks often undertake liquidity virus. Yet the global central bank COVID tool-
homeministryhadinitiallyallowedthemovementof theseworkersinbuses. because “Good reform is the charge of the management while leaving policy rates un- box has been substantial; buying corporate
But several states had questioned the feasibility of the move and demanded that the rail- heavy brigade. The reason why is central to changed;currentactionsarenotaconspiracy bonds,makingcorporateloans,cuttinginter-
the task”. A central bank like the RBI must re- tounderminetheMPCoritsinterestratecor- estrates,conductingopenmarketoperations,
place intellectual certainty with continuous ridor (between reverse repo rate and MSF and reducing reserve ratios. Additionally,
totheirrequest.TherailwayshasoutlinedplanstorunspecialShramikTrainstomovemi- debate about Why because their job involves rate with repo rate midpoint targeting and banks have been permitted to grant loan
grant workers, tourists, students, and pilgrims back to their homes. It has asked the state complex trade-offs — next quarter vs quarter call rate operating target). They are a prag- moratoriums, hold less capital, restructure
governments to make sure that the Centre’s COVID-19-related guidelines on the screen- century,growthvsstability,and mandatesvs matic encouragement for banks to lend to loans,paylowerdepositinsurancepremiums
ingof inter-statetravellersarescrupulouslyfollowed.It’snowuptothesegovernmentsto expectations. A global anthropological shock clients rather than lend Rs 7 lakh crore to the and delay bad loan recognition. The emer-
draw up plans and protocols for this purpose. They must hold regular conversations with like COVID makes these trade-offs — they are RBI. Other virus flexibility includes repay- gency authority under Section 13 of the US
not conflicts — even harder. The RBI must re- ment moratoriums (with 10 per cent provi- FederalReserveActbeingused—inmyopin-
the railway authorities to ensure transparency in running the special trains.
member three things — acting prudently to sions), bad loan accounting forbearance (de- ion,prematurely—alsoexistsinSection18of
By all accounts, about 10 million migrant workers have been stranded in different balancethenextquarterandquartercentury, spite past experience of breaking the the RBI Act. But emergency powers are a last
parts of the country after Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced a nation-wide lock- acting flexibly to blunt this economic cata- thermometer doing little for the fever) and resort. We are not there yet. The recovery be-
downonMarch 24. Having livedon charityin cramped sheltersarranged bystate govern- clysm,andactingwithintheirmandatetoen-
Just like COVID is bank windows for NBFC/Mutual Fund liq- ing V-shaped, U-shaped, or Bathtub-shaped
ments, NGOs and some business outfits, these workers are yearning to go back to the fa- sure institutional legitimacy and immunity. particularly painful for uidity. Listening is hardly compromise. is only modellable after the lockdown.
miliarity and comfort of their villages. The prospect of a train back home is bound to First, acting prudently. If everybody be- patients with pre-existing Especially if accompanied by a will to un- Just like COVID is particularly painful for
lieved that in the long run we are all dead, conditions, the RBI’s wind liquidity, asymmetry and forbearance patientswithpre-existingconditions,theRBI’s
kindle their hopes. But such situations are also rife with feelings of desperation and anx-
we would never sit under trees planted by when the planet’s gap year ends. COVID balm is constrained by pre-existing
iety. This was evident in Mumbai, about three weeks ago, when distressed migrants people who had no chance of sitting under
COVID balm is constrained Third,actingwithinmandate.Centralbank conditions in Indian banking; bad loans
swarmed the Bandra railway station, anticipating a relaxing of the lockdown. When their them. The coronavirus is a human tragedy by pre-existing conditions in governance is a fine balance; they function (peaked at Rs 14 lakh crore but still large), in-
hope turned to disappointment, the hapless workers took to the streets. To prevent such but a central bank must not act like a com- Indian banking; bad loans best when they don’t declare poorna swaraj adequate competition (scheduled commer-
a situation from recurring, the railways and the state governments must engage and in- mercial bank because that would compro- (peaked at Rs 14 lakh crore fromthegovernmentandtheyaren’tconsid- cialbanknumbershavehoveredbetween90
form the migrants while planning special trains. Decisions on who gets to be on the trains mise the balance between today and tomor- ered a part of the finance ministry. The diffi- and100since1947),privatebankgovernance
row. A narcissism — bordering on solipsism but still large), inadequate culty of balance isn’t uniquely Indian; (CEOsopowerfulthatboardsandsharehold-
must be fair and must be seen to be so too. The state must keep all channels of commu-
— already reflects in global debt levels that competition (scheduled Wharton Professor Peter Conti-Brown asks: ers are weak), public sector bank governance
nications open with those who might temporarily be left out.
steal from our grandchildren. More impor- commercial bank numbers “Is the independence of the US Federal (shareholder so powerful that boards and
TherailwayshassaidthatthepassengersontheLingampally-Hatiatrainwerescreened tantly, India doesn’t have the economic Reserveapreciouspublicgoodtobeprotected CEOs are weak), and the RBI’s own game
have hovered between 90
strengthtocopytheUSFederalReserve’s$2.3 oranefariousdodgeofpublicaccountability?” (process, technology and human capital in
shown that most coronavirus carriers are asymptomatic, the imperative of following such trillion offer to lend to businesses of all sizes and 100 since 1947), private History suggests technocratic central banks regulationandsupervision).Allthesemustbe
protocols on future journeys cannot be overstated. The state governments and railway of- and sorts, run anything close to this year’s bank governance (CEO so runbyunelectedofficialsamplifyinstitutional tackledwithurgencywhennormalcyreturns.
ficialsshouldmakesurethattheseoperationsareconductedwithoutburdeningthemigrants expected US fiscal deficit of 15 per cent of powerful that boards and vulnerability by wading into democratic pol- The true antidote to fear is hope. Another
GDP, or sustain Japan’s public debt levels at itics; the messy, slow and clunky process in- fiscal package may come soon. But supple-
but at the same time, care should be taken to ensure that the virus does not spread to the shareholders are weak),
240 per cent of GDP. We are all in the same volvingconciliation,compromise,andsqueez- mentingIndia’sfiscalandmonetarypolicyin-
country’sruralareas.Allthismayposelogisticalchallengesfortherailwaysandthestategov- storm but we are all not in the same boat. public sector bank ing collective decisions out of conflicting terventions by announcing two bold reform
ernments.Itwillrequirethemtocooperateandcoordinateonmatterssuchasmakinglists Second, acting flexibly within mandate. governance (shareholder so demands described in Bernard Crick’s won- plans — 90-day flick-of-pen and one-year
of thetravellingmigrants,ensuringscreeningfacilitiesforthem,andarrangingtransportto, Renaissance physician Paracelsus had im- powerful that boards and derful1963book,InDefenceofPolitics.TheRBI structural — that tackle overdue reforms in
and from, the railway stations. This is an opportunity for these authorities to get the first portant advice for central banks; the dose must build on its track record of wisely bal- labour,education,cities,finance,compliance,
makes the poison. Anything powerful
CEOs are weak), and the ancing the trade-offs between depositors vs and civil services, will catalyse hope among
steps towards the opening up right. For that reason, they will be closely watched.
enough to help has the power to hurt; han- RBI’s own game (process, borrowers,companiesvsbanks,andstability employers, employees, banks, and overseas
dling the inevitable tensions between the technology and human vsgrowth.Anditmustcontinuetostayoutof investors. Creating a prosperous India needs
RBI’s dual mandate of growth and stability capital in regulation and the government’s domain. many things. One of them is an independent,
requires continuous work. Our inflation tar- The central bank crisis role debate is accountable, and boundaried central bank
geting regime is a macroeconomic gift to
supervision). All these must skewedbythegreatbook,LordsofFinance,by that listens.
India. But recognising that is hardly incon- be tackled with urgency Liaquat Ahamed that shows how central
In national interest, and in their own interest, private hospitals sistent with acknowledging that inflation’s when normalcy returns. bankers of the 1920s failed to fight the Great The writer is co-founder, Teamlease Services
T IS ALMOST two decades after liberalisation, when private enterprise took the
initiative from state enterprises. In that time, privately-owned and for-profit hos-
pitals took the burden of disease over from a moribund system of publicly-funded
hospitals. But the Rs 2.4 lakh crore private health care sector is faltering in the face
of a public health crisis, whose burden is being borne by government hospitals, their doc-
tors and nurses. Private enterprise owns almost three out of every four hospital beds in
India, and almost eight out of 10 ventilators, but they are handling less that 10 per cent In Pakistan, religious leaders, not doctors, are setting Covid policy
of those critically ill with novel coronavirus. States like Bihar, where private capital owns
about twice as many beds as government hospitals, have seen the private sector in com-
plete rout. The reluctance to engage is so great that they have been turning away coron- Khaled Ahmed
avirus patients and other patients in need of aid. In Delhi and Maharashtra, the state gov-
ON APRIL 23, Prime Minister Imran Khan announced Ramadan and so did the rebel- acrossthecountrybeingfilledpredominantly
ernment has had to issue orders so that they do not turn any more away.
stagedafour-hour“telethon”tocollectfunds lious mullah Popalzai of Peshawar, claiming by people over the age of 50, the risk of the
As a series of reports in this newspaper showed, numerous factors have been at play for the coronavirus crisis and ended up net- hehadseenthemoon.Now,likemanytimes virus spreading is high”. They disclosed that
inthisfailure—paycuts,employeereluctance,thefearof sealing,thefutureconsequences tingnearlythreebillionrupeesbeforeasking in thepast,Pakistan will getsplit over fasting in“thepast48hoursmorethan80percentof
to brand value of hospitals identified with the pandemic, the lack of established proto- his favourite cleric, Tariq Jameel, to pray. The and end up celebrating two Eids. thepeople”prayinginmosqueswereintheir
cols and protective gear, and bureaucratic instructions, like those issued in Telangana, to mountebank priest first rejected the word PMKhanwasneverforfollowingthedoc- 60s and 70s. “Clearly this has resulted in the
refer viral patients to government facilities. Underlying all this is the economic reality of “fight”againstthecoronavirusbecauseitwas tors — dozens of whom have fallen victim to violation of the first and foremost principle
falling revenues and footfalls, accompanied by new expenses and risk. While the central “a curse of Allah” and needed repentance the pandemic while treating victims — be- of preventing the spread of the virus in the
fromanationhethoughtwascorruptandlas- causehecaredforthelivelihoodofthemasses most vulnerable group of elderly people”,
and state governments should offer to underwrite the risk, the fact remains that a sector
civious.Khanandthenationtookitastheold living below the poverty line. Then the mul- stated the letter from the Pakistan Islamic
which has benefited hugely from government concessions and encouragements, and normal and bowed their head. lahspitchedin,ledbyMuftiTaqiUsmani,who Medical Association (PIMA).
which has tried to take over healthcare in India, has abdicated its public responsibility Unsurprisingly, theclergy in Pakistan has scares everyone because of his de facto au- One-third of Pakistan’s population lives
and remains isolated from the national effort. theupperhand and has defeatedthedoctors thorityinsidePakistanandamongtheArabs. below the poverty line, whose children end
The pandemic offers an opportunity to policymakers to revalue the virtues of public in deciding the state policy against COVID- In this case, he defiantly overruled the Saudi up in free-boarding madrassas. The madr-
versusprivatehealthcare,andthoseof freefacilitiesversusinsurance-backedcare.Butboth 19, which had struck 10,500 victims and had monarchythathaddecidedtobanallcongre- assa’s worldview is focused mostly on jihad
claimed280livesattheendof April.Thedoc- gation together with the other Gulf states. andtherejectionof modernlife.Accordingto
must continue to exist and the present system, however flawed, must carry the nation
tors raised the alarm after Pakistan Tehreek- TheKhangovernmenthaddecidedtounr- one report, there were 300 madrassas in
through the crisis. To retain its perceived value, it is imperative for the private sector to do e-Insaf (PTI) reached an “accord” with the The Khan government had ealistically allow the mosque administration Pakistan in 1947; today, there are more than
its public duty now, and be seen to be doing so. In a crisis in which every citizen is pulling “top” priests of the country to let people decided to unrealistically tosayathree-mannamaz(sic).Usmanijoined 35,000. Poverty and a lack of normal educa-
togetheraccordingtoability,financialexcusesforwithdrawingappeartobepusillanimous throng the mosques five times a day, plus allow the mosque upwiththestate-appointed“moon-spotting” tion set the stage for religion as a psycholog-
and morally wrong. In their long-term interest, abstaining private hospitals must recon- special prayers during the month of administration to say a mullahMuftiMunibtodeclarethatthegover- ical refuge of neglected populations.
sider this divestment from the national effort. Ramadanfallingin the last week of April,de- nment-allowedmosquenamazwasnotacce- InIndia,too,theMuslimminority,asseen
pending on special moon-sighting by the three-man namaz (sic). Taqi ptable and that people should throng to their on TV being beaten up by Hindu vigilantes,
same religious panjandrums. Usmani joined up with the localmosquesasbefore.ThenKhandecidedto has turned inward to religion. Small-time
state-appointed ‘moon-
Then, something funny happened. parleywiththerebelclerics andended upal- Muslim shopkeepers spend time earning
Another senior priest of Pakistan, Mufti lowingthemosqueprayersthatwouldspread theirdailywageandgoingfivetimesadayto
spotting’ mullah Mufti
Munib, got on to a roof in Karachi to sight the thepandemiclikewildfire.Bothsidesagreed theirlocalmosqueandbecometargetsof the
Ramadan moon but did not find it. There is Munib to declare that the on an unrealistic recipe of keeping the devo- communaldiscriminationthathashitSouth
With grace and a cutting edge, Chuni Goswami held up the an Islamic lunar calendar predicting accu- government-allowed mosque tees three feet apart while praying, which no Asia.InPakistan,itisgoingtobeimpossibleto
rately the rising moon every month but the namaz was not acceptable one believes can be put in practice. keep the masses away from the mosque
most romantic era of Indian football priests would have none of it. When the Thedoctorsof Pakistansaidinaletterthat where they are likely to catch COVID-19.
and that people should
moonwasnotsightedonThursday,themufti if the mosques were opened, the country’s
ITH THE PASSING away of Chuni Goswami, Indian football has lost ar- declaredthatthefollowingdaywouldnotbe throng to their local medicalservicewouldnotbeabletotreatthe The writer is consulting editor,
guablyitsgreatest-everplayer.Amonghispeers,hestoodouteasily.PK thefirstdayof fasting.SaudiArabia,however, mosques as before. victims. They warned that “with mosques Newsweek Pakistan
Banerjee had speed and strength, Tulsidas Balaram thrived in an all-
round game but Goswami had magical skills. Nobody in the history of
Goal (Wing to Goal), PK mentioned a piece of Goswami’s brilliance during a match at the
1962 Asian Games in Jakarta. Goswami dribbled past four opposition players, went around MAY 2, 1980, FORTY YEARS AGO
the goalkeeper and instead of feeding the unmarked PK, the then India captain scored from
a very acute angle. PK wrote, “I asked him why didn’t he give me the ball. Chuni’s reply was FIVE-DAY WEEK in fuel, energy and other expenditures. vote, explained to the Council that he would
sharp, ‘I set it up going past five players, and you will put the cherry on top!’” THE UNION CABINET is understood to have dosobecausetheresolutioncouldnot“bring
Goswami was a born athlete. As a first-class cricketer, he was good enough to lead approved the proposal for a five-day work US VETO ON PALESTINE the achievement of peace one day closer to
week and an announcement in this regard is THE UNITED STATES vetoed a Tunisian reso- practical reality.”
Bengal to a Ranji Trophy final. His inswingers had floored Garry Sobers’s West Indies in
likely soon. The department of personnel of lution that would have had the UN Security
a tour game against East Zone and Central Zone combined in the 1960s. the Union home ministry has been asked to Council call for a Palestinian state. The vote BAHUGUNA RESIGNS
In many ways, Goswami, PK and Balaram symbolised the most romantic era of Indian take necessary action. The five-day week was 10-1 with four abstentions. The resolu- H N BAHUGUNA, Congress-I secretary gen-
football. India was not a footballing superpower then. But they were no pushovers either, plan was mooted some time ago in view of tiongotonemorethantheninevotesneeded eral, has resigned. He also resigned from the
and could produce moments of underdog magic, like beating Asian giants Iran, Japan and the increasingly feltneed for conservation of to put it through under normal circum- Congress-I working committee and parlia-
South Korea. They were not, perhaps, the most technically gifted or systematically regi- energy and fuel. Moreover, it was felt that stances, but the US’s negative vote killed it. mentary board. When he was asked why,
mented footballers. But when in sync, they could orchestrate artistic football, turn on the with two off-days in a week, the employees Britain, France, Portugal and Norway ab- Bahuguna said: “I had become non-func-
will be better equipped physically and men- stained. Tunisia, Niger, Gambia, Mexico, tional.No jobonhandandnothingtodo.”He
style quotient. There was always the allure of raw talent, and a beautiful unpredictabil-
tally to do better justice to their jobs. Jamaica, Bangladesh, the Philippines, China, said it had “nothing to do with” the list of
ityaboutthem.WithGoswamiandBanerjeegone,Balaramremainstheflickeringlinkbe- Government sources have estimated that a the Soviet Union and East Germany all voted Congress-I candidates for the UP assembly
tween the grossly commercialised times of Indian football and its uncomplicated black- five-day week will mean a yearly national for the proposal. US Ambassador Donald elections. He said he had not, however, re-
and-white era. saving of Rs 600 crore in the form of savings McHenry, just before casting his negative signed from the party.
The World
WATCH Trump hints at tariff South Africa eases strict curbs:
‘Fortunately, we are open now’
on China over virus ASSOCIATED PRESS
WASHINGTON, MAY 1 SouthAfricabeganeasingoneof
Emmanuel Macron the world’s strictest lockdowns
PRESIDENT DONALD Trump onFriday,withrunnersanddog-
FRANCE Thursdayhintedatimposingtar- walkers returning eagerly to the
iff on China, but ruled out con- streets but not all wearing the
Lifewon'tbe sidering cancelling US debt ob- facemasksthatarenowmanda-
normalafter ligations to the country as a
punishment for the coronavirus.
tory in the country with Africa’s
most coronavirus cases.
May11:Macron He said debt cancellation is a
In Johannesburg, Cape Town
and elsewhere, people took a
Paris: President sanctity of the US currency. breath of fall air and some
Emmanuel Macron "We can do it with tariffs.We headedtothemallstobuywarm
warnedonFridaythatthe can do it other ways even be- clothes for winter, which brings
end of the national lock- yondthatwithouthavingtoplay a new challenge in combating
down on May 11 would that game (cancel US debt obli- President Donald Trump at the White House. AP the virus: flu season.
only be a first step as gations). That's a rough game," South Africa has more than
France looks to pull out of Trump told reporters in the East 5,600 cases of COVID-19. People exercise in Cape Town on Friday. AP
the crisis created by the Room of the White House. as he likened it to a public rela- Concern among health workers
outbreak of the coron- "Well, I can do it differently. I tions agency for China amidst remains high. On Friday, health
avirus.Traditional Labour
Day protests that usually
can do the same thing but even
for more money just by putting
the pandemic after it originated
in Wuhan.
workers, unions and civil soci-
ety members protested outside
MEASURES IN OTHER COUNTRIES sales has reduced brawls
and traffic accidents, according
see thousands of demon- on tariffs. So I don't have to do "I think that the World one of the country’s best- to police.
strators on streets were that. You know, it's approxi- Health Organisation should be known hospitals, Chris Hani DENMARK BANGLADESH Some workers found the re-
cancelled this year due to mately$1trillion,alittlebitmore ashamed of themselves because Globalpressure Baragwanath in Soweto, de- The country has slowly Bangladesh has reopened turn of business enough reason
the virus outbreak that as I understand it, $1 trillion. But they are like the public relations overvirusorigin manding personal protective reopened by allowing some hundreds of its garment to celebrate. “We were badly af-
has killed 24,000 people we can do that in probably a lit- agency for China," Trump said. equipment. classes to return to school factories this week after fected by the lockdown but for-
across France. “May 11 tle bit of a more forthright man- He also said he was confi- As the country eases down and hairdressers, tattoo nearly one month of tunately we are open now. We
will not be the passage to ner," Trump said. dent the coronavirus may have THE US, Britain, Australia one notch to Level 4 restrictions, parlours, physiotherapists closures, in a move critics had to listen to the leaders be-
normal life. There will be "You start playing those originated in a Chinese virology and Germany are among many businesses can resume as well as courts of law to say risks igniting a sharp causethisisaverydifficulttime,”
a recovery that will need games (debt cancellation), and lab, but declined to describe the nations that have pres- limitedoperations.Many mines, reopen. Prime Minister increase in infections. said Cameron Elihaz, who owns
to be reorganised,” that's tough. You know, we have evidence. “Yes, yes I have,” he sured on Beijing over the factories and agricultural busi- Mette Frederiksen said An industry group said a cellphone repair and acces-
Macron said. “There will the dollar to protect. We want said, declining to give specifics. virus. A statement by US nesses can resume work in "where we stand now about 850 factories are sories shop in Johannesburg.
be several phases and to protect the sanctity of the “I can’t tell you that. I’m not al- intel agencies debunked phases,startingwithonlyathird means not everyone can operating with fewer Accordingtoofficials,schools
May 11 will be one of dollar, the importance of the lowed to tell you that.” one theory — that the of employees. Restaurants can return to work as they did workers and following shouldreopeninphasesstarting
them.” dollar. It's the greatest currency The Wuhan Institute of virus was manmade. reopen for deliveries only. before the corona crisis." safety guidelines. June 1 with the first batch being
in the history of the world. It's Virologyhasdismissedtheallega- However, the calls for People are now permitted to Grade 7 and Grade 12 pupils, the
become stronger. We have a tions, and other US officials have Chinatoprovideanswers, leave their homes for exercise oldest classes in primary and
very strong dollar. That's why downplayed their likelihood. compensation or both between 6 am and 9 am. A night But the ban on domestic and in- icised as puritanical. But health secondary schools, respectively.
SINGAPORE we're borrowing at zero, zero US Secretary of State Mike continue to be voiced, curfew is in place from 8 pm un- ternational travel remains. officials warn that smoking But teachers’ unions have
Singapore: Singapore on
WHO extends Russia reports record
declaration of
cases; PM tests positive
Friday extended the stay-
home period of foreign
workers, including
Indians, in the construc- global health
tion sector by two weeks
until May 18 as the GLEB STOLYAROV
COVID-19 infections MOSCOW, MAY 1
among the community Mikhail
continuetorise,constitut- NEW YORK TIMES RUSSIA ON Friday reported a Mishustin
ing majority of the 932 NEW YORK, MAY 1 record daily rise in the number
new infections reported. of confirmed coronavirus cases,
With the new infections, THE WORLD Health a day after Prime Minister ter,toldPresidentVladimirPutin
which include Indian na- Organisationextendeditsdecla- Mikhail Mishustin announced onThursdaythathehadbeendi-
tionals, the total number ration of a global health emer- he had been diagnosed with the agnosed with the virus and
of casesinthecountryhas gencyonFriday,amidincreasing new virus and was temporarily would self-isolate.
reached17,101,thehealth criticism from the Trump stepping down to recover. Mishustin, who had been
ministry said. The vast Administration about its han- The nationwide case one of the main coordinators of
majority of the new cases dling of the pandemic. tally rose by 7,933 cases and Russia’s response to the new
are work permit holders The move comes three now stood at 114,431, Russia’s coronavirus, was the first high-
residinginforeignworker months after the organisation’s coronavirus crisis response ranking Russian official to pub-
dormitories, it said. original decision to announce a centre said. licly say they have the virus.
“publichealthemergencyofinter- It said 96 people diagnosed Putinhas warned the peakof
SRI LANKA national concern” on January 30. with COVID-19 had died in the the outbreak has yet to come,
malcy. "The curfew in the recommendations,officialssaid. LAHORE, MAY 1 TablighiJamaatmembersrefused to go back to their homes before the UAE, who wish to return hours of Thursday, the Indian
capital district of Many countries have weak to stay (at the centre) and broke thecompletionof thequarantine home amidst the coronavirus Consulate asked applicants “to
Colombo and three other health care systems that could SEVERAL COVID-19 patients in openthedoorinabidtoescape," period,” he said. lockdown, have registered with bearwithitif ittakestimeforthe
high risk zones for easily be overwhelmed, even as Pakistan, including several said Mayo Hospital's chief exec- Muhammad Shabbir, a the Indian missions here on day page to load due to high traffic.”
COVID-19 was due to be the spread has appeared to slow members of the Tablighi Jamaat, utive Dr Asad Aslam who is also Tablighi Jamaat member, said one of the opening of the online “As of 5pm on Thursday, we
lifted on 4 May. This has in parts of Asia and Europe. quarantined at a centre here ■ Pakistan has reported a supervising the management of the centre's management had registration process, according receivedmorethan32,000regis-
nowbeenextendedtill11 “The COVID-19 crisis has il- broke open the building's main record 990 new cases of the Expo Centre Field Hospital. unnecessarily kept them in the to a media report. trations,” Consul General of India
May," an official state- lustrated that even the most so- door in a bid to escape, creating coronavirus in the last 24 "A law and order situation 'detention house' despite being On Wednesday night, the inDubaiVipultoldtheGulfNews.
ment said. Sri Lanka has phisticated health systems are a law and order situation. hours, taking the total occurred, however, police man- tested negative. Indian Embassy in Abu Dhabi Vipul said the technical is-
recorded 690 confirmed struggling to cope with the pan- Over 400 COVID-19 patients, number to 17,439 with 391 aged to control the situation and Aslam said under operating announced the details of data sues took place because of the
COVID 19 cases with 7 demic,” said Dr Tedros mostlyTablighiJamaatmembers deaths so far, the health send all those trying to escape procedure, the patients would collection through the website huge rush of people trying to ac-
deaths so far. Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO arebeingquarantinedatLahore's ministry said on Friday back to the centre,” said Aslam. be discharged after their reports of theIndianConsulate in Dubai. cess the webpage on the
director-general. Expo Centre Field Hospital. He said the matter was re- will be negative twice. Within minutes, the site Consulate's site for registration.
Reconstruction, or SIGAR, which
monitors billions of dollars in US
Reade, a former aide in his
KABUL, MAY 1 aid to Afghanistan, expressed its assaulted her in 1993, when he
concern in its quarterly report, FORMER VICE President Joseph was a senator from Delaware. Washington: Presumptive campaign, said the search for
THE US mission in Afghanistan which also discusses the reduc- RBidenJronFridaydeniedanal- The statement comes as a Democratic nominee Joe a running mate often takes
has for the first time refused to tion in ground operations of legation of sexual assault by a RACE FOR number of women’s rights advo- Bidenbegantheprocessof se- twists and turns because it’s
Afghan forces.
John F Sopko, who heads the
former Senate aide, Tara Reade,
his first public remarks about an THE WHITE cates and organisations have
called on Biden to address the
lecting a running mate in
earnest on Thursday by an-
one of the few things a nomi-
nee can control after a pri-
tation of a peace agreement be-
watchdog, wrote that data on
accusation that has roiled his
presidential campaign. Biden during an interview
HOUSE matter,andasseveralpeoplehave
corroborated parts of Reade’s
nouncing a committee to vet
potential candidates. The
surrounding political forces.
American watchdog said Friday. "was one of the last remaining “I recognise my responsibil- on Friday. AP claim, saying they recalled her panel’s work will likely last He said reverberations from
The decision not to release metrics SIGAR was able to use to itytobeavoice,anadvocate,and cally it never, never happened.” sharing elements of the story through July, he said, mean- the choice can last for years.
the data comes as the Trump report publicly on the security a leaderforthechangeinculture Responding to questions yearsago.Inhisstatement,Biden ing months in which some Biden has limited some of
administration is eager for the situation in Afghanistan." that has begun but is nowhere Democraticnominee,alsocalled fromMikaBrzezinski,Bidensaid said that women who make alle- candidateswillappearupone the mystery by promising to
US-Taliban agreement to be However, the office of near finished,” Biden wrote in a on the National Archives to re- that all women had a right to be gations “should be heard, not si- day only to fade and poten- pick a woman. Gretchen
seen as successful so President Afghanistan's national security Medium post. “So I want to ad- lease any existing complaint re- heard when they come forward lenced,”buttheirstoriesalsowar- tially be replaced with some- Whitmer, Amy Klobuchar,
Donald Trump can meet his adviserearlierthisweeksaidthe dress allegations by a former lated to the allegation. with allegations, and then the rant scrutiny. He went on to raise one who isn’t on anyone’s StaceyAbrams,KamalaHarris
commitments on pulling troops Taliban have carried out 2,804 staffer that I engaged in miscon- In an interview with facts need to be examined. But “thefullandgrowingrecordofin- radar the next. and Elizabeth Warren are
out of Afghanistan. attacks since the peace agree- duct 27 years ago. They aren’t MSNBC’s “Morning Joe”, Biden he strenuously insisted that in consistencies in her story, which Scott Reed, who managed considered to be some of the
Washington's Special ment between the Taliban and true. This never happened.” said of Reade’s claim, “No, it is his case, “I assure you it did not has changed repeatedly in both Bob Dole’s 1996 presidential main candidates. AP
InspectorGeneralforAfghanistan US was signed on February 29. Biden, the presumptive not true. I’m saying unequivo- happen. Period. Period.” small and big ways.” NYT
SENSEX: 33,717.62 ▲ 997.46 NIFTY: 9,859.90 ▲ 306.55 NIKKEI: 19,619.35 ▼ 574.34 HANG SENG: 24,643.59 ▲ 67.63 FTSE: 5,796.29 ▼ 104.92 DAX: 10,861.64 ▼ 246.10
Note: Stock, currency and bullion markets were closed on account of Maharashtra Day; international market data till 1900 IST
stock price too high period of lockdown, global recession and changes in
consumer behaviour are the factors that will shape economic
activities going ahead, says a Dun & Bradstreet report
A near halt of all non-essential
activities in the industrial
and atrazine), insecticides
(lambda-cyhalothrin, bifenthrin
Corporation of US in 2017, while
marketed under ‘Coragen’ and
change after novel coronavirus,
has to be seen.
THE INDIAN EXPRESS, SATURDAY, MAY 2, 2020 India lost the top spot in the Test rankings to
Australia, dropping to third after their
stupendous 2016-17 record (12 wins, one loss)
was eliminated from the annual update as per
rules. The latest update rates all the matches
played since May 2019 at 100 per cent and those
of the previous two years at 50 per cent.
Postponement of Hundred
sees ECB chairman resign
Wushu beats the lockdown
COLIN GRAVES has decided to step down Shashank Manohar. Graves, who had Maharashtra state championship held via video app; nationals to follow later this month
from his position as the England and agreed for an extension till November this
Wales Cricket Board chairman on August year to oversee the inaugural season of
31 following the post- the 100-ball tournament, decided to end SHIVANI NAIK Organisers had to scale down
ponement of The his term early after the cash-rich tourna- MUMBAI, MAY 1 ambitions in how complex the
Hundred tournament ment was postponed due to the fast-
to next year, the ECB spreading COVID-19 pandemic. "With the AROUND 80 athletes, dressed up in their routines could be — so, no long
announced on Friday. launch of The Hundred unavoidably finestbright,baggymartialartsfinery,pulled weapons like swords or ninja
Graves, who was ap- moved to 2021, I have reviewed last year's their hair back tight from the face and took
pointed as chairman in extension of my term as Chair, and put a their steady solemn stance for webcams at
jumps that could be a problem
May 2015, will be re- request to the Board to now finish early, Maharashtra's first-ever online Wushu state on slippery house floors and
placed by Ian Watmore on August 31," Graves said in a statement. championship that happened this week. none of the Neo, Morpheus
after being ratified in the AGM at the end "There is still much to be done in the com- The30-secondroutinesinWushu’sTaolu
of the month. Graves is expected to take ing months as I continue to lead the ECB event comprises barehand and short Matrix-artistry.
over as ICC's next chairman, replacing during this challenging time.” PTI weapon defense and offense manoeuvres.
The Covid-19 crisis has halted every
sporting activity in any sensible nation look- how complex the routines could be — so, no
Badminton Worlds moved to Australia won’t allow sweat, ing to stem the rise in infections. longweaponslikeswordsorninjajumpsthat
avoid clash with Olympics saliva on cricket ball But shooting had a stab at competing could be a problem on slippery house floors
The badminton world championship slated Australia will not allow the use of saliva or from home and chess is thriving in this un- and none of the Neo, Morpheus Matrix-
for August next year in Spain will now take sweat to shine the ball once cricket training precedentedenvironmentof socialisolation. artistry. “Not even the terrace, and following
place from November 29 to December 5, the resumes in the post COVID-19 world, says a Wushu joins the small group of restless all social distancing rules,” says Sopan.
sport's apex body said, postponing its show- framework released by the federal govern- sports itching to find ways — as compact as Participants completed 30-second routines in Taolu, which is slow barehand India's Wushu practitioners — spread
piece to avoid a clash with the Olympics. ment, regarding the staged return of sports. they are — for some semblance of normalcy movements of choreographed techniques. Screengrab from Kashmir to the north east to inner
“The Badminton World Federation (BWF) There is speculation that use of saliva to under lockdown. Maharashtra districts like Jalgaon and
and Spanish Badminton Federation (FESBA) shine the ball will be stopped to cut down Jammu & Kashmir will also see 18 dis- Amravati — were quick to leave the couches
can confirm the BWF World Championships the risk of the highly contagious infection trictsconducttheironlineWushustatemeet the more popular Tai Chi event — which has —360and540degreesintheairandthedra- whenthenationalfederationgotactiveabout
traditionally scheduled for August 2021 will with reports suggesting that the ICC is con- from May 3-5, while the online Wushu served to alleviate edginess of its practition- matic accurate landings. In competition, the aggressively pushing for its athletes to incul-
now take place at the end of 2021 from sidering the possibility of allowing the use of Nationals will take place from May 25-29. ers even beyond this competition. Katke, the fringe benefits like mental peace, decision cate Wushu training in their daily regimen.
Monday 29 November to Sunday 5 artificial substances to polish the red ball un- Taolu Wushu which emphasises on slow brains behind the event, says he's been busy making and inner-mind control cannot be “They are using Tai Chi to help patients in
December," the BWF said in a statement. The der the supervision of umpires. According to movements—literallyataslow-motautcrawl these last two months training many in Tai calibrated. What does, says world silver Wuhan,” said the federation's Suhel Ahmed.
world championship has traditionally been ESPNcricinfo, Australian Institute of Sport — had most participants opt for Nanquan, a Chi online. “Besides being a sport at Youth medalist Shravani Katke, Sopan's 18-year- Videos of nurses and doctors taking Tai
an annual event, which is however not held (AIS) in consultation with medical experts routine which mimics the fighting poise and Olympics and Asian Games, Tai Chi has be- old daughter, is clean lines inthe movement. Chi and Qigong classes (with a China flag
in an Olympic year. But, with the 2020 Tokyo and sporting bodies has come up with guide- movementsof atigeronaprowl.Participants come relevant as something that helps im- “But movements are in slow motion. So strategically placed in widely circulated
Games postponed to next year owing to the lines, restricting the use of saliva and sweat attheMaharashtrameetwerejudgedonbody prove immunity," he claims. innerminddistractionsactuallyreflectinthe videos) for patients with mild symptoms of
COVID-19 pandemic, it will be the first time to shine the ball. The framework, which out- structure, shapeof thestance,balance,speed Though all such pronouncements come movement.Judgescanseeit.Butmostly,par- thecoronavirusinWuhanwereallon thein-
that the prestigious event will be conducted lines a staged return to play, has three stages and landing efficiency of the jumps, though with large-fonted disclaimers, Tai Chi has its ticipants rely on body posture, jumps, land- ternet. These were obviously after the worst
in the Olympic year. PTI — Level A, Level B and Level C. PTI degree of difficulty was capped given con- famous followers. Former first lady Michelle ings for points,” she claims. That and cru- stormhadpassedandthePPE-drapedTaiChi
straintsof spaceinsideahome.“Therewasno Obama is said to have hopped into Tai Chi cially, a good internet connection. performing nurses were gently coaxing pa-
Hungarian GP minus fans Pole vault showdown entryfee—afirstforstatecompetition,”Sopan classeswhenonanofficialstatevisittoChina Shravanirealisedalsothatwhiletheusual tients to resume some exercise. But it found
The Hungarian GP on August 2 will be Three of the world’s top male pole vaulters Katke, chief organiser, said. while movie star Jet Li is also a Tai Chi buff. pressures of performing in front of crowds resonance in Maharashtra's Jalgaon district.
staged without fans in response to the will meet in competition on Sunday in Gajanan Pawar of Pune who picked a “It's to do with breathing techniques and arenotafactorinonlinecompetitions,some- Bhushan Marathe, a Wushu athlete and
coronavirus pandemic, organisers an- what has been dubbed the “Ultimate medal reckons it was his power-packed 30 it can be customised for knee problems, BP, thing else gave athletes sleepless nights. judgefromJalgaonwrotetothedistrict'sgov-
nounced. The race at the Hungaroring is Garden Clash”. World record-holder second gig that helped him pip opponents. hypertension,asthma,arthritisrelief.Usually “We'vebeenpracticingforthis30second ernment hospital andpoliceauthoritiessug-
following the example set by the British GP Mondo Duplantis, two-time world cham- “It was a first time experiment and I had to it's three-and-half minutes in international show for many days at home. It's literally gesting he could take basic classes on Tai Chi
and the truncated F1 season's new curtain- pion Sam Kendricks and 2012 Olympic consider the space constraints. But my per- competition (Taolu is 1 min 20 seconds) home territory. But even if there’s no public to help them deal with the stress.
raiser in Austria as likely to go ahead but in champion Renaud Lavillenie of France will formance had more power than opponents We've cut it to 30 seconds,” says the secre- pressure, imagine failing at home. Or not be- “The response was positive. And we took
front of empty grandstands. “It has now be- be connected via a live video link as they which is why I medalled,” he said. tary of the state Wushu association. ing able to perform while competing in the 2-3 sessions for the frontline doctors and
come clear that we cannot hold the 35th compete from their own back gardens. The Participants would finish their routine Tai Chi — more fidgety and fighting than area where we practiced 1000 times," she nurses, wearing PPE of course. And later for
Formula 1 Hungarian GP in front of specta- event, which will be streamed by World and then squint into screens to watch their yoga and Pranayam and acquiring a mysti- says of a patch created by pushing all furni- policepersonnel.Wecouldn'thelpmonetar-
tors despite all our efforts,” a statement Athletics, is scheduled to start at 1500 GMT opponents on Zoom. Pawar's younger cal fetish owing to its old association with ture against one wall. “I didn't want judges ily. But we thought this could be our small
from race organisers announced. The state- and will span three locations: Lavillenie in brother helped shoot and in checking the Shaolintemples,is increasingly gainingpop- to get distracted,” she says of not bothering help," he says. “It was possible only because
ment added that this decision was neces- Clermont-Ferrand, Kendricks in Oxford, lights. ularity even in India owing to its expansive with the peripherals like cushion covers. the cases were not too many and they could
sary to protect the health of fans. AFP Mississippi, and Duplantis in Lafayette. AFP On Thursday, many more competed in limbmovementsandgeneraljumpsandflips Organisershadtoscaledownambitionsin take some time out," he adds.
(7) 18 Charged with putting under You should state CAPRICORN (Dec 23 - Jan 20)
22 Nothing turns up in the test, perhaps (9) your case and stick You are bound to
flower beds (5) 20 I’d enter uphill races beside to it. If you know meet your fair share
24 Now proud, then undone the motorcycle (7) that what you say is of criticism. In fact
before the fall (8) 21 They play in the alley (7) an exact reflection of how you the greater the
27 Painful reminder of the need 23 Examine a surgical feel, there can be little room opposition you face, the better,
for filling time? (9) instrument (5) for compromise. It is up to because you’ll be forced to
28 Not qualified to sum up (5) 25 Point out a device for others to realise that, just now, sharpen up your act, with good
29 Two-way agreement (4) climbers (5) you have to be you. I’m sure consequences for your social
30 Up-to-date description of 26 Sport may be part of the act, partners will be patient dreams and romantic affairs
Christmas (7,3) or vice versa (4) with you. in particular.
SolutionsCrossword4106:Across:1Elegiac,5Fibre,8Andantino,9Nil,10Ease,12 LEO (July 24 - Aug 23) AQUARIUS (Jan 21- Feb 19)
Egotists,14Rather,15Recess,17Virginia,18Isle,21Obi,22Implement,24Irene,25 Your planetary Whatever you’re
Lateral.Down:1Erase,2End,3Inns,4Cringe,5Frontier,6Banisters,7Enlists,11 aspects could not be doing, however you
Saturnine,13Definite,14Ravioli,16Dispel,19Extol,20Heat,23Ear. more challenging. feel, there are always
This is just a simple balancing factors,
way of saying that difficulties and right now excessive secrecy
should be welcomed as relating to feelings will be
JUMBLED WORDS DifficultyLevel5s
‘learning opportunities’. You compensated for by equally
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