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Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude

Drishti IAS
by Dr. Vikas Divyakirti | Around 35 Classes

Offline & Online July 3, 2023

Free for UPSC Prelims 2023
Karol Bagh, Delhi 8010-440-440 Qualified Students


setback to unity year after Shinde broke away only 50% MLAs’ support, Ajit claims two-third towards development, says Ajit Pawar

Ajit Pawar is Deputy 4 of 9 MLAs, kin in
CM, eight NCP MLAs graft dock: What will
join BJP-Sena govt ED, agencies do now
the Maharashtra Vikas Aghadi OF THE nine NCP leaders sworn
(MVA), an alliance originally of in as Cabinet ministers in
the Congress, Nationalist Maharashtra Sunday, at least
Congress Party (NCP) and Shiv four leaders or their family Chhagan Bhujbal (L) , Hasan
Sena,Leaderof Oppositioninthe members — Ajit Pawar, Chhagan Mushrif faced ED probes
state Assembly and NCP chief Bhujbal, Hasan Mushrif, Aditi
Sharad Pawar’s nephew Ajit Tatkare’s father Sunil Tatkare —
Pawar Sunday claimed the sup- have faced probes either by the said, “There are allegations that
port of all NCP MLAs and joined Enforcement Directorate or Anti we have made the decision be-
the Eknath Shinde-led BJP-Sena CorruptionBureau(ACB)incases cause of the pending cases
government, after being sworn ‘Idealism in politics is linked to alleged irregularities against us. There is no case
in as Deputy Chief Minister for good, but if you’re and money laundering. against Ajit dada, the most sig-
the fifth time. kicked out, who cares?’ (From left) Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, Governor Ramesh Bais, and Deputy Chief Ministers Devendra WiththeOppositionquick to nificant case against me is
Eight more NCP leaders in- DEVENDRA FADNAVIS Fadnavis and Ajit Pawar, with newly sworn-in cabinet ministers at Raj Bhavan in Mumbai on Sunday. Ganesh Shirsekar point this out and raising ques- closed,therearenocasesagainst
cluding Chhagan Bhujbal, Dilip MAHARASHTRA tions about the fate of these theothers.Thereisacaseagainst
Walse-Patil, Hasan Mushrif, DEPUTY CHIEF MINISTER probes now, Bhujbal, addressing Hasan Mushrif but the courts
Dhananjay Munde and PAGE 12 the press along with Ajit Pawar have been extending interim
as ministers by Maharashtra
Governor Ramesh Bais in the af- seenasplit–aboutayearago,40
Sharad Pawar’s swipe at PM: He HOW MVA REACTED
after joining the ruling alliance, CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

ternoon. Three NCP MLAs, who

were sworn in – Aditi Tatkare
Shiv Sena MLAs rebelled under
the leadership of Shinde and alleged corruption, now welcomes ‘People of the state are
watching today’s events
Sonia, Mamata dial
Pawar; Opp slams BJP,
(daughterofSunilTatkare),Sanjay joined hands with the BJP, lead-
Bansode,AnilPatil–aremembers ing to the ouster of the Uddhav with a keen eye. Only they
of the party's young brigade. Thackeray-led MVA govern- EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE will decide.”
jor constituents of the MVAhave
ment. Now, Ajit Pawar has allied


CONG LEADER AND MLA its ‘washing machine’

E The key takeaways

The original traitors

surprise switch by Ajit Pawar MANOJ C G BUSINESS AS USUAL

and a group of leaders from his backstabbed us on the NEW DELHI, JULY 2
● party to join the Sena-BJP gov- pretext that NCP leaders BY UNNY
ernment in Maharashtra was didn’t let them work. STUNNEDBYthesplitintheNCP,
■ WITH Ajit Pawar's deci- and becomes crucial to the done without his consent, NCP Today, the same people theOppositionhitbackattheBJP
sion to join the state gov- BJP’s Lok Sabha success in chief Sharad Pawar vowed to re- Sunday. Congress president
ernment, the BJP has se- the state which has 48 build the party on his own by
were sworn in.” MallikarjunKharge, seniorparty
cured its flanks in seats. reaching out to the people. NCP chief Sharad Pawar in Pune on Sunday. Pavan Khengre — AADITYA THACKERAY leaders Sonia Gandhi and Rahul
Maharashtra. ■ NCP’s future is uncertain Addressing a press confer- SENA UBT LEADER AND MLA Gandhi, and West Bengal Chief
■ In the process, Eknath despite an astute Sharad ence in Pune barely an hour af- FULL COVERAGE, PAGE 5 Minister and Trinamool
Shinde, who first helped Pawar. With key leaders ter Ajit Pawar took oath as The party has nothing to Congress leader Mamata
BJP form the government, deserting Uddhav Deputy Chief Minister along do with the actions of a Banerjee dialled Sharad Pawar
loses his leverage. Thackeray and Sharad with eight other NCP MLAs, AJIT’S ‘MLAS WITH BJP SPLIT 2 PARTIES and offered support to him.
■ Devendra Fadnavis fur- Pawar, the MVA alliance Pawar also targeted Narendra ME’ VS UNCLE’S IN A YEAR, ENSURED few today” The splits in the Shiv Sena
ther consolidates power, also suffers a setback. Modi, saying that he wanted to ‘PEOPLE WITH US’ STRONGER GOVT — JAYANT PATIL and the NCP are the biggest

EXPRESS NETWORK Shortage of Majors & Captains in THE WORLD Upset over Aazad’s actions against
units, Army may cut HQ postings our community, accused tell cops
U.P. MAN DIES AFTER Move to bring in re-employed officers as staff officers MANISH SAHU & SUKHBIR
BEING TAKEN IN FOR TheArmyrecentlysoughtin- theofficerhandlespolicyandco- SIWACH
QUESTIONING AMRITANAYAKDUTTA putsfromvariouscommandson ordinationof varioussubjects,as LUCKNOW, CHANDIGARH,
PAGE 7 NEW DELHI, JULY 2 the feasibility of the proposed against a unit appointment JULY 2
move. where the officer is primarily re-
FACINGANacuteshortageofoffi- Currently, mid-level officers sponsible for operations and FRANCE: HOME OF THE PERSONS arrested over the
ECONOMY cersattheMajorandCaptainlev- in the rank of Major are given ground actions. MAYOR RAIDED, SET shooting of Chandra Shekhar
els,theArmyisplanningtoreduce their first exposure to staff ap- Theexposuretostaffappoint- ON FIRE AMID RIOTS Aazad have told investigators (From left) Vikas (from Saharanpur), Vikas (from Karnal),
thepostingof staff officersatvar- pointments in various corps, ments prepares them for subse- that they attacked the Dalit Prashant and Lavish. Express
FPIs PUMP OVER ious headquarters to overcome command and division head- quent command appointments UK: POLICE GET NEW leader as they were angered by
RS 1 LAKH CRORE theirshortageinunits,andiscon- quarters on completion of in the course of their service. POWERS TO CRACK the Bhim Army’s “activities
INTO EQUITIES IN 3 sidering the appointment of re- around six years of service. Atpresent,thereisashortage DOWN ON PROTESTS against their community” and All four held in the case on twenties. Three of them have a
MONTHS PAGE 13 employed officers to such posts, A staff appointment refers to of 8,129 officers in the Army, PAGE 11 his statements on social media, Saturdaybelongtotheuppercaste criminal record — including
The Indian Express has learnt. posting in a headquarters where CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 police said Sunday. Rajputcommunityandare intheir CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

Behind Uttarakhand UCC: 13 months of consultations, 38 public meetings


communitytoignore“rumours” in the 13 months since it was propagate religion to all citizens, “Most of the written sugges-
AVANEESH MISHRA that the UCC would interfere formed by the Uttarakhand gov- and the effect these would have tionsareone-sided,butthetwo-
DEHRADUN, JULY 2 with their religious practices. ernment. on ongoing legal cases related to way communication in public
Citingherownexample,shesaid Not everyone was convinced personal laws. Some suggested interactions generated more
ON NOVEMBER 15 last year, womenintheareawerebecom- though. While welcoming the thatoncethedraftwasready,the meaningful suggestions,” a
when Lubna Rao, a block pra- ing more aware about their idea of a uniform civil law, many committee should identify di- source said.
mukh, turned to hundreds of rights. asked the panel to ensure that verse stakeholders and have a At the office allocated in
Muslims who had gathered for She ended her speech with the discussion on the topic discussion with them before Dehradun to the expert panel,
a ‘jan samvad’ on the Uniform another “sorry”. stayed separate from politics. In submittingthereporttothestate fourroomsarefilledwithletters.
Civil Code(UCC) inKaliyarSharif “I would like to say sorry if I some instances, people sug- government. Three to four persons have been
in Roorkee, she was hesitant. have said something wrong. This was at one of the 38 gested that all communities be The panel received an esti- put to work to go through each
Apologising for her pronun- What I have said is based on public meetings organised by takenintoconfidencebeforeim- mated 2.5 lakh suggestions and letter and sort them into differ-
ciationof thenamesof members whatever little I have read and the five-member expert com- plementing any such law. comments, of which around 2.3 ent sections.
of the expert committee, she understood… Thanks and sorry mittee designated to prepare a There werealsoquestionson lakh came via handwritten let- Accordingtosources,around
spoke on the importance of the again,” said Lubna, and slowly report on the UCC in whether the UCC provisions ters, registered post, emails and 70 per cent of the letters were in
UCC in providing equal rights to put down the microphone. Uttarakhand. would be in contradiction to submissions on an online portal, favour of the UCC.
women in property and in other There was silence, and then Many others like Lubna At a ‘jan samvad’ in Dehradun in May; (left) Justice Ranjana Article 25 which guarantees the sourcessaid.Butthemostmean- Last Friday, Justice Ranjana
aspects of life. thunderous applause. And it shared their views, doubts and Desai, the ex-SC judge heading UCC panel. Avaneesh Mishra, PTI freedom of conscience, the free- ingfulsuggestionscamefromdi- Prakash Desai, a former judge of
She urged women of her echoed for a while. suggestions with the committee dom to profess, practice and rect public interactions. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2


State Co-operative Bank.
Ajit Pawar, who had been
sulking over his “sidelining” by
and senior leader Chhagan
● Upset over Aazad actions: Accused
chargesof attemptedmurder,as- restedpeoplewereknowntocre-

Ajit Pawar Dy CM, 8 NCP MLAs join BJP-Sena govt NCP chief Sharad Pawar, was ru-
moured to be in touch with the
ment. When asked if Sharad
Pawar had been consulted, Ajit
out on bail, police said.
ate a nuisance in the village and
involved in criminal activity.
BJP ever since the collapse of the saidseniorleaderswereinformed. These three people are resi- A look at the previous cases
with the BJP, and sources in both discussedanalliance,hehadsur- SabhaMPfromBaramatiSupriya PrafulPatelforfailingtofulfiltheir MVA government. Though he He, however, did not specify the dents of Rankhandi in Uttar against all four accused:
camps of the NCP admit neither prised all by breaking out to take Sulewasalsopresentatthemeet- duties. Pawar clarified there was was made the Leader of number of MLAs with him. “All Pradesh’s Saharanpur district:
sidehassupportofmorethanhalf oath as Deputy CM with BJP’s ing.Sheleftthevenueinbetween, no question of allowing Ajit OppositioninthestateAssembly, MLAsarewithus…allleadersare Vikas alias Vicky, Prashant and
Lavish Singh alias
the total party MLAs as on date. Devendra Fadnavis being sworn only to later return. Within a few Pawartogoaheadwiththeaction his weak attacks on the govern- withus.TheNCPispartofthegov- Lavish alias Abhishek. The re- Abhishek
In the 288-strong state inasChief Minister.Therebellion hours,itwasclearhehaddecided he had taken in the afternoon. ment and at times even a strong ernment,” he said at a press con- maining one is a taxi driver from Hehasthreecasesagainsthim,
Assembly,BJPhas106MLAs,Shiv lasted for three days then with toalignwiththeBJPandShinde’s Of the nine NCP MLAs in the defense of the government was ference after the swearing in cer- Haryana’s Karnal district, also including an attempted murder
Sena (Shinde) 40, NCP 53, Sharad Pawar managing to bring Sena. Along with 16-17 NCP state Cabinet now, at least three always viewed with suspicion. emony at Raj Bhavan. named Vikas. charge. All the cases were lodged
Congress 44, Shiv Sena (UBT) 16, backtheMLAsintothepartyfold. MLAs,PawarreachedRajBhavan including Bhujbal, Mushrif and He, however, kept denying any To a question on allying with The Haryana Special Task at Deoband police station in
and the balance 29 is with small Fouryearslater,Ajitseemsbetter to join the government. Sule was AjitPawarhimself,havebeencrit- such move. His demand to be theBJP,hesaid,“Ifwecangowith ForceandUttarPradeshpoliceof- Saharanpuroverthelasttwoyears.
partiesandindependents.Sources prepared, now flanked by senior not part of the MLAs in Raj icised by the BJP for their alleged made the party's Maharashtra ShivSenainMVA,wecanjoinBJP ficers nabbed the four in a joint The other charges relate to crimi-
in BJP and Ajit Pawar camp party leaders. Bhavan. actsofcorruption.Mushrifwasre- unitchief wasseenasanattempt as well. We have done it in operation near a dhaba in nalintimidationandtheArmsAct.
claimedsupportof 36MLAsasof Inwhatwasseenasashowof ThisisthesecondCabinetex- centlyprobedbytheEnforcement to find an excuse to rebel against Nagalandaswell.”“Weweredis- Shahzadpur area of Haryana’s Village pradhan Rana said Lavish
now, which is more than two- strength and a pressure tactic to pansion since the BJP-Sena Directorate on complaints raised Sharad Pawar. cussing (this) for many days. We Ambala district on Saturday was unemployed and would do
third NCP’s total strength of 53. claim the NCP’s President-ship, (Shinde)governmenttookcharge by BJP leader Kirit Somaiya. Ironically,ShivSenaMLAsled decided to prioritise develop- morning. oddjobs.HisfatherVirendraSingh
However, sources in the Sharad Ajit Pawar called a meeting of on June 30, 2022. Bhujbal has spent over two years byEknathShindehadblamedAjit ment. Prime Minister Narendra A police officer said: “Vikas’s isatruckdriver.“Lavish’sunclehas
Pawar camp said Ajit Pawar does party MLAs – originally sched- NCP chief Sharad Pawar was injailinacaserelatedtoirregular- Pawar,whowasFinanceminister Modi has been strongly working (Karnal) cousin is married in criminal cases against him,”
nothavethesupportofmorethan uled on July 6 – at his official res- in Pune and chose to watch over ities in Maharashtra Sadan con- inthepreviousMVAgovernment, for the country for the last nine Rankhandi village. So, he used to claimedthepradhan.
half the total MLAs. idence Devgiri early Sunday the happenings from a distance. struction.AjitPawarhasbeenun- for denying them funds, and this years and is taking the country gotoRankhandiandcameincon-
Thisisnotthefirstattemptby morning.Thiswasalsoanindica- At a press conference in Pune, he derscanneroverhisinvolvement wascitedasoneof thereasonsto forward on the path of develop- tact with these youths.”
Vikas alias Vicky
Ajit Pawar. In 2019, after the re- tion that the party was facing in- said action would be taken in the multi-thousand crore irri- bring down the government. ment. We believed that we On June 28, they allegedly (Saharanpur)
sultsof Assemblypolls,whilethe ternal rebellion. against parties Lok Sabha MP gation scam and financial irregu- Flanked by NCP's national should also support that effort,” firedthreeshotsatAazad’sSUVin Of the three old cases against
NCP, Shiv Sena and the Congress Senior party leader and Lok SunilTatkareandRajyaSabhaMP larities related to Maharashtra working president Praful Patel Ajit Pawar said. Uttar Pradesh’s Deoband. Aazad Vikas,twoareinconnectionwith
suffered a bullet injury and was attempted murder. He was
taken to a hospital. booked once on an attempt to
● 4 of 9 MLAs in graft dock: What ED, agencies will do now A Haryana police officer said:
in 2021. The Saharanpur Police
relief to him from time to time. EOW closure report, the state Based on PILs, the Maharashtra stroy political careers”. the MVA was in power, a special PRAFUL PATEL by cops in Haryana, the accused also booked Vikas in 2021 after
Thereisnoevidenceagainsthim.” government changed in June ACBbeganacourt-monitoredin- Mushrif's anticipatory bail courtdischargedBhujbalandoth- NCP leader and former Civil statedtheywereupsetbecauseof they seized allegedly robbed
These are details of the cases 2022. The EOW too changed its vestigation. plea was rejected by the special ers.InJanuarythisyear,anactivist Aviation Minister Praful Patel the activities of Bhim Army items from him. The Rankhandi
againsttheNCPleadersandtheir stance in October 2022 and said But in 2019, a day after he courtinAprilthisyear.Following filedanappealagainstthecourt’s came under the ED lens in a case against their community events pradhan said Vikas lived along
family members: it wanted to continue with the formed the short-lived govern- that, he approached the Bombay order before the Bombay High ofallegedmoneylaundering.The during the past few years. One of with his mother and younger
probe, setting aside its own clo- ment with BJP’s Devendra High Court. The court has been Court, which is pending. investigation centred on deci- themwasanallegedattackonthe brother in the village. “Vikas’s
AJIT PAWAR sure report. Currently, the EOW Fadnavis,theACBsubmittedare- extending his interim relief. Last The ACB case filed in connec- sions made by Patel as Civil MaharanaPratapBhawaninUP’s mother works as an Anganwadi
Cooperative Bank case probe is ongoing and the state port in the Bombay High Court, week, it was extended until July tion with alleged corruption in AviationMinisterintheUPAgov- Malikpurwhileanotherwasanal- workerandrunsthefamily.Vikas,
Was facing a probe by the agencyisyettofileachargesheet. givinghimacleanchit.Thereport 11. The anticipatory bail pleas of Mumbai University is pending ernment. It covered allegations leged attack on a rally of Rajputs who is jobless, had left his stud-
Economic Offences Wing based The ED, meanwhile, filed a isyet tobeacceptedbythecourt. histhreesons,whoarealsobeing beforeaspecialcourt.Bhujbalhas linked to the ceding of profitable inUP’sSabirpur.Theaccusedsaid ies,” said the pradhan.
onaPublicInterestLitigation(PIL) chargesheet in its probe in April When the MVA came to power, probedbytheED,arependingbe- filed a discharge plea, which is routestoforeignairlines,corrup- they were also upset because of
over allegations of irregularities this year. While Ajit Pawar’s role some BJP leaders started de- fore the special court. currently being heard. The ED tionintheopeningof trainingin- Azad’s statements on social me- Prashant
inloansgivenbytheMaharashtra in the bank and in some of the manding that the matter be re- case too remains pending. stituteswithforeigninvestment, dia."This officer said the final in- He was booked in 2019 for al-
StateCooperativeBank.Basedon companies which bought the investigated. CHHAGAN BHUJBAL Bhujbal’s co-accused in the case, and Patel’s ties with lobbyist terrogationoftheaccusedandin- legedly assaulting and threaten-
this, the ED too filed a case to sugarcooperativesthathadtaken A case was filed in 2015 including his son and nephew, Deepak Talwar who, the ED vestigation of the matter would ing a person. The 2019 case was
probeallegedmoneylaundering. loans from the bank were exten- HASAN MUSHRIF against Bhujbal and 16 others by have filed for discharge on the claimed, was the middleman in beconductedbytheUPpolicebe- lodged at Deoband police station
In November 2019, the Maha sively mentioned in the ED TheleaderfromKolhapurfaced theACBafteraPILintheBombay ground that since the ACB case is these deals. cause the attack on Azad had inSaharanpur.PradhanRanasaid
Vikas Aghadi – a three-party chargesheet, the leader was not searches by the ED in Mumbai in HighCourtsoughtaninquiryinto closed,theEDprobecannotcon- Patel was not an accused in taken place in their jurisdiction. Prashant lives in the village with
coalitionoftheCongress,NCPand named as an accused in the case. connectionwithallegedirregular- allegedirregularitiesintheaward tinue. It is also pending. theFIRsregisteredbytheCBIand Police said they have seized his parents, who are farmers.
the undivided Shiv Sena – came A company linked to him, how- ities in the functioning of Sar of contracts of over Rs 100 crore the ED. He was questioned once two country-made pistols, car-
to power with Ajit Pawar as the ever, was named in April in con- Senapati Santaji Ghorpade Sugar for three projects in 2006 when
ADITI TATKARE’S by the ED in the case. The ED tridgesandacarallegedlyusedin
Vikas alias Vicky
Deputy Chief Minister. In nectionwiththecase.Askedwhy Factory Limited and companies Bhujbal was state PWD minister. FATHER SUNIL TATKARE namedPatelinachargesheetfiled the crime based on the informa- (Karnal)
September2020,theEOWsaidit hewasnotnamed,Pawarhadsaid linkedtohisfamily. The contracts were given to In addition to Ajit Pawar, on May 1, 2019, but not as an ac- tion provided by the accused. Vikas would visit Rankhandi
found no evidence of any crimi- that the probe was still on and he In his pleas before the special Chamankar Developers for the Sunil Tatkare was being probed cused. In its chargesheet, it al- They have been charged with at- villagetomeetarelative,whichis
nal wrongdoing and filed a clo- had not been given a clean chit. courtinMumbaiandtheBombay construction of Maharashtra in the irrigation case by the ACB. leged that Patel was “a dear tempted murder, criminal con- when he met the other three.
surereportbeforeaspecialcourt. HighCourt,Mushrif saidthecase Sadan in Delhi, a new Regional In the chargesheet filed by the friend” of Talwar who allegedly spiracy, intimidation and under Except for the Aazad case, Vikas
The ED opposed the EOW Irrigation case againsthimwasamotivatedcon- Transport Office building in ACB in 2017, it mentioned facilitated the dispersal of profit- the SC/ST Act. A case under the faces no other previous charge,
standin2020butitsintervention When Ajit Pawar was Water spiracy.Heallegedthattherewas Andheri and a state guest house Tatkare’s name, although not as makingAirIndiaroutestoprivate Arms Act has also been lodged saidpolice.PolicesaidVikasused
wasrejectedbythespecialcourt. Resources Minister in the a “deliberate attempt” to gethim inMalabarHill.Aseparatecaseal- an accused at that point. Officers airlines in 2008-09 using his against them. to come to Saharanpur in his car,
According to a Supreme Court Congress-NCP government and involved in ED cases and that it legingmoneylaunderingwasalso said a separate chargesheet “proximity to the minister and None of the accused have which he used as a taxi. The four
judgment, if an EOW case was to chairman of the Vidarbha was “common knowledge” how filed by the ED. The agency ar- would be filed later. The ED had aviation personnel in India”. The studied above intermediate and accused used to travel around in
be closed, the ED too could not Irrigation Development Scam, the ED had been used to “wreak rested Bhujbal in the case and he also begun a preliminary en- probe is still on. woulddooddjobs,saidanofficer. this car. Rana said Vikas is also a
continue the probe. Before the there were allegations of irregu- politicalvengeanceandeitherse- was granted bail after two years quiry against Tatkare in 2012 in -WITH DEEPTIMAN Rankhandi village pradhan distant relative of another ac-
special court could decide on the larities in irrigation projects. verelydamageorcompletelyde- in jail. In September 2021, while connection with the same case. TIWARYINNEWDELHI Pramod Rana claimed the ar- cused, Prashant.

Sonia, Mamata dial Pawar; Opp slams BJP, its ‘washing machine’ ● Sharad Pawar’s swipe at PM
setback for the Maha Vikas Trinamool Congress leader manoeuvring,” he said. he said. “thankthePrimeMinister”fortak- The NCP chief, however, indi- made mention of the state coop- corrupt. Since the time the party
Aghadi, the anti-BJP alliance in DerekO’Brientoousedthetraitor DMK’s T K S Elangovan said “The Prime Minister may say ing in the NCP MLAs just days af- catedthathehadbeeninvolvedin erative bank. He also made refer- was born nothing has changed,
Maharashtra, before the Lok word.“Wewillfightthesetraitors the NCP will survive as the cadre ahundredthingsbutwhatheac- ter accusing the party of large- addressingissueswithintheparty, encetothecomplaintregardingir- their leaders have remained the
Sabha elections next year. andtheBJPin2024.Wewillwork will not back Ajit Pawar. RJD’s tuallywantsisanOpposition-free scale corruption. “He has freed all which has been facing undercur- rigation... I am happy that he has same. Do you know what their
Assembly elections in strongertodefeattheBJP,”hetold Manoj Kumar Jha concurred. He democracy. Agencies like the ED, of them from the allegations,” he rentsofdissent,sayingthathehad given oath to some members of clock (party symbol) means? The
Maharashtratooarescheduledto The Indian Express. saidPawarseniorwillrebuildNCP IT, CBI are used to ensure that po- said. The NCP chief then warned earlier decided to hold a meeting the NCP. It means there was no clock shows 10 minutes past 10
take place in the second half of Venugopal and several other from scratch. liticaldecisionsarechanged.Look of “appropriate action” against ofprominentpartyleadersonJuly truth in the allegations that he whichmeansin10yearstheyhave
next year. Opposition leaders spoke about AskedaboutOppositionunity attheministerswhotookoathto- those he had “personally chosen” 6.“Weweregoingtodiscusssome made. He has freed all of them increased their corrupt activities
Opposition leaders admitted the BJP’s “washing machine poli- efforts, Elangovan said, “They day.Theywerefacingraidstillthe last month for official posts in the issues related to the organisation. fromtheallegationsthathemade. 10times,”hehadsaid.
thatthedamagetheNCPsplithas tics”. Recalling that Prime (BJP)aretryingtobreakthisunity. other day. It is a testimony of the NCP, such as working president Beforethat,somepartymembers And for this, I want to thank the Stating that he has received
done to efforts to unify the Minister Modi had spoken about Theyareafraidofthisunity.Thatis politicsof thePrimeMinisterand Praful Patel and general secretary tookadifferentline.Theydeclared PrimeMinister,”hesaid. calls of support from top
Oppositionintermsof opticsand corruptiononJune29,Venugopal the problem. They wanted to do theprioritiesofhisparty,”Jhasaid. Sunil Tatkare, but who chose to thattheyweretherealNCP.Inthe Pawar read out the names of Opposition leaders, Pawar said,
perception is significant. said, “It appears he switched on somethingagainsttheOpposition SP chief Akhilesh Yadav said, sidewithAjitPawar.“Theydidnot next two-three days, it will be- those who took oath and had “Several of them told me that we
Praful Patel, who joined Ajit the washing machine and these unity.TheBJPisafraidofit.Sothey “MadhyaPradeshwasthefirstlab take steps in the interest of the come clear what stance some Enforcement Directorate cases arewithyou.Beforecominghere,
Pawar in switching sides, was leadersarenowsqueakycleanaf- are trying small things like this… fortheBJP…Maharashtrahasbe- party...theyhavenotproperlydis- party members, especially MLAs, against them. Among those who, IgotacallfromCongresspresident
with Sharad Pawar and Supriya ter this oath-taking ceremony.” breaking parties… It will not af- comeanevenbiggerlabfortheBJP. chargedtheirresponsibilities.The adopt,”hesaid. he said, had “ED problem” in- Mallikarjun Kharge and Mamata
Sule at the Patna gathering of Congress communication fect Opposition unity.” Youwillseewhatallexperiments party leadership has lost confi- Pawar also suggested that Ajit cluded Chhagan Bhujbal, Hasan Banerjee. There are people who
Opposition leaders on June 23. headJairamRameshsaid.“Clearly Asked about Praful Patel, who theBJPwilldoasweapproachthe denceinthem,”hesaid. Pawar and the leaders who have Mushrif,DilipWalse-Patil,Nawab arepushingtoprovideanalterna-
The electoral impact of the theBJP'sWashingMachinehasre- attendedtheOppositionmeeting Lok Sabha elections because it Asked whether his party has sided with him may not have the Malikwhoisunderarrest,andAjit tive.” On his next step, he said,
Sena and NCP splits is another sumed its operations. A number withPawar,RJD’sJhasaid,“Iamre- does not want to lose power. It split and family divided, Pawar fullsupportofeveryonewhoisbe- Pawar. “The Prime Minister has “Fromtomorrow,Iwillbetouring
huge worry. It was Sharad Pawar of new entrants into the BJP-led mindedofthecouplet‘Haraadmi wantstoclingontopowerevenif said,“Idon'tthinkthepartyorthe lieved to have switched sides. made allegations… he spoke differentpartsofthestateandthe
who announced last week that allianceinMaharashtratodayhad meinhotehaindasbeesaadmi,jis the poor, farmers, deprived, ex- familyhassplit.Iwillneversaythe “Someofthosewhowerepresent about taking action. We will have country....”
the next meeting of the been facing serious corruption kobhidekhnahokaibaardekhna’. ploited, backward, Bahujan don’t family has split. This issue relates at the swearing in ceremony had to see what relief they get now. Responding to another ques-
Oppositionpartieswouldbeheld charges with ED, CBI and Income Itisverydifficulttopredict…these find a place anywhere but they to people. If there are some defi- contacted me. They told me that Andtheunderstandingtheyhave tion on whether Ajit Pawar was
in Bengaluru on July 13-14. Tax authorities after them. Now kindsof situations.” wantaplaceinpower.” cienciesorsomethingislacking,a they were invited for the cere- reachedwillthencomebeforethe stakingclaimovertheNCP,Pawar
On Sunday, Opposition lead- they have all got a clean chit. The On the impact, he said, “If CPMgeneralsecretarySitaram discussionisalwaysheld.Wewill mony and their signatures were people,”hesaid. said, “Whether Ajit Pawar stakes
ers were fuming, many hoping Congress will intensify its efforts Tejashwiji and Laluji are there… Yechury also hit out at the BJP. expand our party. Several people taken. They clarified that their Prime Minister Modi and the claim over the party or let him do
Pawarseniorwasnottwo-timing to free Maharashtra from the even if I am not there… will it “Manipurisburning.Andyousee arecontactingmebutIdon'tknow stand is different...I am not going BJP never missed an opportunity whatever,peoplehavefaithinme.
the Opposition. clutches of the BJP.” makeanydifference?PawarSaab theBJPindulginginitsowngame how many are actually with me.” to say anything about it now. to attack the Sharad Pawar-led They will make a decision on this
Congress general secretary in JD (U) leader K C Tyagi admit- canrebuildanything…hecanre- ofengineeringdefectionsandus- He, however, said, he has had no Whatever they are saying, they party. Addressing a BJP meeting front.”
charge of organisation K C ted the NCP split was a setback. build the NCP from scratch.” ingtheweaponoftheED,”hesaid. discussion with his nephew Ajit should place it before the people. last week, Modi had targeted the According to Pawar, he came
Venugopal said, “The BJP’s dirty “Itisasetback.Butatthesame “It is clear that this decision is AskedaboutOppositionunity,he Pawar about Sunday's develop- AndonlythenwillIagreethatthey Oppositionleaderswhohadgath- to know about Ajit Pawar's resig-
tricks department is working on time, what example of good gov- notofsomeindividualsorparties. said, “That will be there. This is ment.“Whateverhashappenedis have taken a different stand,” he eredinPatnalistingoutcorruption nation as Leader of Opposition
overdrive in Maharashtra. This is ernance is the ruling party trying A script is being written and the their pastime. They have done it notnewtome...Itmightbenewto said. chargesagainstalmosteachoneof from the media. “If he has re-
notalegitimatelyelectedgovern- to set by making Ajit Pawar the PrimeMinisterandhiscoreteam in Goa, in Madhya Pradesh, in some people. From tomorrow it- Pawar,earlier,startedthepress them. Regarding the NCP, he said signed, he must have submitted
ment,butanED-facilitatedpower Deputy Chief Minister against are involved. The PM had indi- Karnataka, in the North East.” self, I will start touring conferencebyreferringtowhathe there are allegations of scams of his resignation to the Assembly
grab. The Maharashtra govern- whomithadinstitutedaprobe.It cated from Bhopal a couple of Yechury said he had no Maharashtra and start rebuilding said was Modi's role in the latest nearly Rs 70,000 crore, including speaker.Wehavenoclueaboutit.
ment is a product of corruption hadalsocalledtheNCP‘Naturally days ago that not a single corrupt “inkling directly” that the NCP theparty...Iamnotworriedabout development. “Two days ago, the the Maharashtra Cooperative If somebody takes our party's
andsin.Thepeoplehaveverywell Corrupt Party’ throughout the person will be spared and what would split. “But the fact that whathashappened,”Pawarsaid. PrimeMinistermadeastatement. Bankscam,Maharashtrairrigation name and makes some claim, we
identifiedthetraitors,corruptand elections. So conduct raids first, happened today… this is their Pawar made some changes… Pawaralsostruckalighternote That statement was against the scamandillegalminingscam. will not quarrel with them. This
compromised leaders of sendIncomeTax,ED,CBIlaterand style of functioning…. first, level SupriyaSuleandPrafulPatelwere whenaskedwhothecredibleface NCP and the Congress. At that In October 2014, ahead of stand does not fit into NCP’s pol-
Maharashtra and each of them then induct them into your al- allegations of corruption, corner made working presidents and of the NCP was now. “Sharad time,hementionedtwothings.He Maharashtra Assembly elections, icy...We will go before the people
will be taught the lessons of their liance.Soinsteadofelections,you theleader….pressurise…theout- all…so,obviouslysomethingwas Pawar,” he said, raising his right said NCP was involved in corrup- he had called NCP a Naturally andtheywilltakeadecisioninthis
lifetime in the next elections.” wanttoattainamajoritythrough come you saw in Maharashtra,” going on,” he said. handwithalaugh. tion. While stating this, he also Corrupt Party. “NCP is naturally regard,”hesaid.

● Behind the making of Uttarakhand UCC ●Shortage of Majors & Captains in

units, Army may cut HQ postings
the Supreme Court who heads the Uttarakhand committee,” a source countries with a non-religious uni- familyplanningandpopulationcon-
five-member committee, told re- said.Sourcessaidtheywereconfident formcodeaswellascountrieswhere trol also be included in the UCC.
porters:“Itgivesmeimmensepleas- that the Uttarakhand UCC would be laws were made on the basis of reli- Peoplerequestedthatthereshouldbe including Army Medical Corps ficers are those who serve in the
ure to inform you that the drafting of widely accepted since its focus is on gionandlateramended.Thecommit- uniformityinthenumberofchildren and Army Dental Corps. In the Army for two to four years after
the proposed Uniform Civil Code of womenandchildren,andis“verypro- teealsostudiedvariouspersonallaws, perfamily,”asourcesaid,addingthat Navy and the Indian Air Force, their retirement from the serv-
Uttarakhandisnowcomplete.There- gressive, beyond people’s imagina- religious laws, and religious customs thiswasnotamatterconcerningany there is a shortage of 1,653 and ice and are in the ranks of
port of the expert committee, along tion”. in India, along with the various cases particular religion. 721 officers, respectively. Brigadier and Colonels.
withthedraft,willbeprintedandsub- Since the Uttarakhand expert handledbydifferentcommissionsas- Sources also said that many peo- Taking note of this shortage While officers retiring from
mitted to the government of committee was formed on May 27 sociated with civil laws. ple had suggested a legal declaration of officers, the Army had earlier the service are re-employed to
Uttarakhand.” last year, it has held a total of 38 pub- They had invited 10 political par- of live-in relationships. The report posted 461 non-empanelled of- tackle shortage of officers in the
Thecommitteereportandadraft lic meetings across the state, taking ties active in Uttarakhand to share submitted by the expert panel is ex- ficers to certain staff appoint- Army,theyserveinappointments
of the proposed law are expected by viewsandsuggestionsfromlocalres- their views and suggestions on the pectedtosuggestprovisionsthatwill ments wherever possible. meant for a rank below their re-
the end of the month. Some other idents. Mana, known as the ‘First matter.Sevenparticipated,whilethe allow for self-declarations of live-in The current proposal also in- tiringrank.MostretireasColonels
statesandtheCentrearelikelytouse Indian Village’ due to its proximity to Congress,theAAPandtheCPIstayed relationships. volvestemporarilycuttingdown and Brigadiers and serve in ap-
this as a template to draft their own the Tibetan border, and several other away. The committee also found that some of these staff appoint- pointmentsmeantforLtColonels
legislation on the UCC -- on June 14, remotevillageswithminimalroadac- All five members of the commit- severallawsdealingwiththesameis- ments in headquarters until the andColonels,whileveryfewwho
the Law Commission of India issued cesswereamongthelocationswhere teesattogether53timesinNewDelhi suesometimescontradicteachother, shortage of officers in the force retire as Lt Colonels get appoint-
a notice inviting public views on the such public meetings were held. to discuss the issues and prepare the suchasinthecaseofadoption,where is reduced. ments meant for Majors.
UCC within 30 days. The committee also held meet- draft, The Indian Express has learnt. religiouslawsdifferfromrulesunder Towards this, it is being pro- TheArmyhasaround600re-
TheLawCommissionalsometthe ings in areas with large Muslim pop- Special care was taken to keep the the Juvenile Justice (Care and posedthatthesejuniorandmid- employedofficersatpresent.Re-
Uttarakhand expert committee. ulations including Kaliyar Sharif, draft a secret, leading to the decision Protection of Children) Act of 2015, levelofficers,currentlypostedin employment in the Army is vol-
“EventhoughtheLawCommissionis Manglaur, Ramnagar, Haldwani, not to appoint anyone outside the sources said. The UCC is expected to staff appointments in various untary.Re-employedofficersare
a constitutional body and much big- Kashipur,andVikasNagar.Thepanel committee to type the draft. rectify discrepancies. headquarters, be posted out much senior to the existing staff
gerthantheUttarakhandcommittee met Hindu religious leaders in According to sources, two issues Sourcesalsosaidtherewerewide- without relief once they com- officersandsomeof themwould
byprotocol,theformermetthelatter Haridwar, and spoke to the Hindu thatcameupmostprominentlydur- spread demands for equal rights to plete their slated tenure of 24 have already held such appoint-
and discussed the issues. The portal Akharas. ing public consultations were family bothdaughtersandsonsininheriting months. According to officials, ments 20-25 years ago. “Thus, it
Contact for Advt. Booking: M/s Friends Publicity Service toinvitesuggestionswaslaunchedby Before preparing its report, the planningandtheregulationoflive-in property. There were also demands the Army is considering posting will be possible to post them
the Law Commission on June 14, the committee studied laws in other relationships. forequalitywithrespecttochildren’s re-employed officers for such only in select appointments,” an
(M): 9212665841, 9212008155 day of the last consultation with the countries on civil matters, including “There were many requests that duties towards their parents. appointments. Re-employed of- official said.
Worker electrocuted at construction robbed at gunpoint by 3 men
site on Lok Nayak hospital premises
threatened to kill us. My driver area around 9.30 pm. A jewellery
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE got scared and ran away. The shop owner's bag was snatched
NEW DELHI, JULY 2 other accused then took out a bythreepersonsonamotorcycle.
pistol and fired in the air,” said The robbers fired in the air while
A 70-YEAR-OLD jewellery shop the complainant in the FIR. fleeingfromthecrimescene.The
owner was allegedly robbed by Police sources said the ac- bag contained some gold and
was working, and there was wa- anauto-rickshawdriverwhofell three men at gunpoint in cused fired around two-three around Rs 2 lakh cash.”
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE terallaround.Awaterpumphad into a water-filled pit in Harsh Dwarka, who snatched his bag rounds in the air. They then “CCTVsarebeingchecked.The
NEW DELHI, JULY 2 been set up to drain the excess Nagar. containing Rs 2 lakh cash and snatched the bag from Gupta’s statementofthecomplainanthas
water, said police. She wrote, “Sir, in the black goldjewellery,onSaturdaynight. handandhithimwiththepistol. been noted. His driver is also be-
AN 18-YEAR-OLD labourer was “When the deceased went to ordinancebroughtbythecentral No arrest has been made yet. “The bag had some cash, ingquestioned.Theysaidtheycan
electrocuted while working in switchonthepump,heacciden- government, you have been This is the latest in a series of gold jewellery, and three mobile identifytheaccused...,”saidasen-
the basement of a new building tally came in contact with the given the power of services. It such crimes reported over the phones... While fleeing, the men iorpoliceofficer,addingthatmul-
underconstructionontheprem- wires and suffered an electric means, whether to take any ac- last two weeks. fired in the air again. I tried to tiple teams from the district are
ises of Lok Nayak Hospital shock,” said an officer tion on any officer, whether to Saturday’s incident took chase them but I failed. I could- workingtoidentifytheassailants
Sunday morning. A case has been registered suspend him or transfer him, it place around 9.30 pm in Uttam n’t even note down the bike’s and nab them.
Police said the victim, Sujeet and family members have been is all in your hands. But even af- Nagar. The complainant, registration number,” said On June 27, a businessman
Mahto, was a resident of Bihar’s informed, said police. ter two deaths, you probably Omprakash Gupta, said he runs Gupta, as per the FIR. was robbed of his bag contain-
Samastipur. Preliminary probe The hospital’s medical direc- haven’t woken up from your a jewellery store, Gupta Locals spotted Gupta and ing Rs 4 lakh by three men on a
suggests that open wires and tor,DrSureshKumar,saidthein- sleep. This is the reason why you Jewellers, in the area. He said he calledpoliceandtookhimto BM busy road in Kashmere Gate.
waterlogging on the site led to cident took place at the under- are sitting quietly and not taking shut shop around 9.15 pm and Gupta Hospital. Police said he Twoof themhavebeenarrested.
the man’s death, said police. construction paediatric block, any action against the officers was heading home on his underwenttreatmentandissta- On June 24, a delivery agent
The incident took place which is under the Public Works whose negligence has resulted scooter, accompanied by his ble. Senior officers said a crime andhisassociatewererobbedby
around 9 am. Police received in- Department (PWD). “It will be in loss of lives.” helper/driver Sukhvinder. team was sent to collect evi- six men at gunpoint inside the
formation from the Lok Nayak handed over to the hospitalafter The L-G house was not avail- “In front of Jain temple, three dence from the spot. PragatiMaidan tunnel.Policear-
Hospital of a man being admit- completion of work... The able for comment on the matter. men on a bike stopped right in DCP (Dwarka) Harsha rested seven men and have re-
ted there after an accident. labourer was electrocuted and Over the past week, three in- front of us. One of them pulled Vardhansaid,“Theincidentofrob- covered more than Rs 12 lakh in
DCP (Central) Sanjay Sain brought dead to the hospital’s cidents of deaths because of out a pistol, pointed it at us and berywasreportedfromBindapur the case.
said: “The man suffered an elec- emergency ward,” he said. electrocution have been re-

In a first, cops use automatic

tric shock while working in the portedfromdifferentpartsof the
Atishi writes to L-G, city. Last Sunday, a 34-year-old
himandtookhimtothehospital seeks strict action teacherwaselectrocutedoutside
where he was declared dead on against officers the New Delhi railway station
arrival. A police team reached
the spot and collected the MLC
report of the deceased along
Meanwhile, PWD Minister
Atishi wrote a letter to the
while she and her family were
on their way to board a train to
Chandigarh. The same day, a 17-
number plate system to nab
man who kidnapped 4-yr-old
with evidence.” Lieutenant Governor demand- year-old boy, a resident of
During investigation, police The under-construction building on the premises of the ing strict action against officials TaimoorNagar,waselectrocuted
said it was found that exposed hospital. PTI responsible for this incident and while he was walking on a wa-
wires were lying where Mahto the one that claimed the life of terlogged stretch.
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE Police said the accused the motorcycle number was es-

2 religious structures Ghaziabad: Crack

down on autos

IN A first, the Delhi Police have

allegedly kidnapped
the boy as he did not
tablished from footage of ANPR
cameras installed at Chhatha

demolished, prompts with extra seats

Ghaziabad: The Ghaziabad
used the automatic number
to crack a kidnapping case and
have a son It was then found that the
bike was spotted in the Mathura
Road area.

AAP attack on L-G Traffic Police Saturday started a

campaign to remove extra seats
arrest the perpetrator.
There are over 530 ANPR
cameras, which can read vehicle
motorcyclist from Yamuna
Bridge. A police team rushed to
the spot and inspected the area.
“We conducted a raid at a
house in Mathura Road and the
kidnapped child was found on
ties... politicians want to make commodate more passengers number plates, installed across The complainant, Mohd the second floor. The house
UPASIKA SINGHAL this into a contentious issue...” thanitscapacity,andissuedover Delhi.Theseareconnectedtothe Islam, said his son was playing ownerwasidentifiedasJagatPal.
NEW DELHI, JULY 2 Some, however, blamed the 1,000 challans in two days. policecontrolroomwherevideo near the bridge with his elder Themotorcycleusedincrimewas
government. “The MCD and the “It was often seen that auto footagecanbeanalysedtodetect brother Saddam (12) when the also recovered from his house,”
drive, which saw a temple and a
mazaar being demolished from
PWD were behind the demoli-
tion,” claimed Raj Kumar Pandit
(38), who worked at the temple.
WASTE-TO-ART driverswereinstallingextraseats
and allowing passengers more
than its capacity. It is in violation
number plates. These are then
stored in the police database.
In thiscase, a private security
kidnapping took place.
“As it was reported that the
child was taken away on a mo-
said DCP (Central) Sanjay Sain.
The accused told the police
that he was working as a secu-
along the roadside in Northeast The AAP, meanwhile, lashed Sculptures of animals and birds from G-20 countries, made of the conditions of the permit. guard, Jagat Pal, had allegedly torcycle,CCTVcamerasinstalled rityguardandhastwodaughters
Delhi’sBhajanpura,ledtoapolit- out at the Delhi L-G, pointing to of metal, are installed in a park in the capital. Amit Mehra Due to this (extra seating), the kidnapped a four-year-old boy nearYamunaBridge,Vikas Marg but always wanted a son. Police
ical blame game Sunday. a letter sent to him by PWD driver finds it difficult to control as he did not have a son. and other adjoining roads were saidheplannedtokidnapachild
The demolition is part of an Minister Atishi to reconsider his theauto,whichincreasesthepos- Around 5.30 pm on June 30, scannedthoroughly.Thesuspect from Yamuna Bridge. The child
anti-encroachment drive by the decisiontodemolish14religious sibility of accidents," said police received a PCR call at IP was captured on camera but the was produced before the Child
The two structures were located
sites in Delhi.
Atishishotoff afreshletterto
Man stabbed to RamanandKushwaha,Additional
DCP (Traffic), Ghaziabad. ENS
Estate police station stating that
a child had been kidnapped by a
footage was not clear and the
registration number of the mo-
Welfare Committee and was re-
united with his family.

for the Delhi-Saharanpur high-
way, officials said. It was carried
ceived information from PWD
that you have ordered demoli-
tion of 14 religious places in
death in Delhi Cantt,
out amid heavy police presence.
The area remained peaceful.
Residents of the area said the
Delhi. It includes 11 temples and
3 tombs. I was told by officers of
the department that when the
2 friends arrested
twostructureshadcomeuponly proposal to demolish these reli- and eyewitnesses. One of the ac-
a few decades ago. “Both struc- gious places came to the then EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE cused held the victim while the
tures were barely 30 years old. Home Minister Manish Sisodia NEW DELHI, JULY 2 otherattackedhimwithaknife,”
They were nearly in the middle through the Religious Commit- said a senior police officer.
of the road and caused traffic tee in February 2023, he regis- A 22-YEAR-OLD man was Police said that they arrested
congestion,” said Raheesh teredhisprotestandsaidinstead stabbed todeath allegedlybyhis the accused, Vikas and Vanshu,
Ahmed (58), an auto driver. of demolishing the temple, we friends in Southwest Delhi’s a day after the incident.
Another resident, who did should change the design of the Delhi Cantt area last week, said Ashish’s father alleged that
notwanttobenamed,said,“This project.” police, adding that two accused his son had left home with his
area used to be agricultural land She alleged the L-G rejected have been arrested. friends. “The father... followed
before it was urbanised. There Sisodia’s proposal. A video of the incident, thetrio...Around6.30 pm,atAPS
used to be a single-lane road AAPMLAKuldeepKumaralso which took place on the evening Road in Jharera village, they
hereandthetworeligiousplaces said the demolition was a delib- of June 24, has been circulating started quarreling. Vikas then
were made on either side of the erate attempt to undermine on social media. In it, two men caught hold of Ashish while
road for and by both communi- peace and harmony in the city. are purportedly seen stabbing Vanshu started stabbing him
the victim as he tries to resist the with a knife. The father inter-
attack. Visuals show blood spat- vened and tried to save his son
tered across the road. Police said withthehelpof localsbuttheac-
the victim, Ashish Kumar, a res- cused managed to flee,” added
identof Jharera village, later suc- the officer.
cumbed to injuries. During questioning, the ac-
Accordingtopolice,aPCRcall cused revealed that they had
was made around 7.15 pm by lo- “oldenmity”with Ashishand al-
cals. “WereachedAIIMSTrauma legedly planned to kill him, said
CentreandcollectedtheMLCre- police. They took him to an iso-
port of the patient. Staff also lated spot and stabbed him, said
recordedstatementsof hisfather police.

The demolition, part of an anti-encroachment drive by PWD,

was carried out amid heavy police presence. Abhinav Saha

Nehru Memorial Museum and Library

cordially invites you to a Public Lecture
Creating Electoral Majorities:
Analysing Polling Booth data for Lok Sabha
Elections, 2009-2019
Prof. Pradeep K Chhibber
Department of Political Science Berkeley Research,
University of California
Tuesday, 04 July 2023 at 3:00pm
Seminar Room, Library Building
Nehru Memorial Museum and Library
All are Welcome.
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Under electronic city project, ‘CIVIL SERVICES BODY A FARCE’

govt plans to develop AI hub Bureaucrats overruled all directions


THE DELHI government is in the

process of re-working its elec-
implications and other issues re-
lated to land and the policy.
Officials said, “Comments on
the ‘Delhi Electronic System
Design, Manufacturing, and
Refurbishment Policy 2022-27’,
there is also a plan to give the
land parcels on lease for 30
years. “The DSIIDC will com-
pletely develop the project on a
PPP model. For the 30-year con-
cession period, the total rent will
issued by CM Kejriwal, says CMO women officers from their cur- Decisions are taken by a posed to be transferred so that
tronic city policy -- among the as shared by the Dialogue and be over Rs 5,287 crore,” officials EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE rent positions. A total of 11 simple majority. Any decision their salaries would be de-
big projects proposed in the Development Commission of said NEW DELHI, JULY 2 women officers had requested taken in the meeting can be ve- ducted from the proper head.
Rozgar Budget last year -- to ex- Delhi (DDCD), for the perusal of Further, officials said the transfers on sympathetic toed by the Lieutenant Officials also said that the re-
plore the possibility of develop- the Minister of Industries, government has sent a file to the DAYS AFTER the second meet- grounds... both the bureaucrats Governor. quest of women officers for
ing an Artificial Intelligence (AI) GNCTD, were sought from the Delhi Development Authority ing of the National Capital Civil did not oppose the CM’s stand “The Chief Minister’s voice, transfer from the post of sub-
hub in Baprola Vihar. Industries department and DSI- seeking clearance for land use in Services Authority (NCCSA) was during the actual meeting. representing the will of the registrars was not part of the
The ‘Delhi Electronic System, IDC. The policy was prepared for Baprola. held at the residence of Delhi However, regrettably, when fi- elected government and the agenda and it was agreed in
Design and Manufacturing five years. A meeting was held As living and labour costs are Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, nalising the minutes of the people of Delhi, finds itself in principle that it will be brought
System’ (ESDMR) policy aims to to review comments of the de- high in Delhi, the government is he alleged that all directions meeting, the Chief Secretary the minority within the in the next agenda.
boost the capital’s economy by partment concerned and it was also planning some incentives. given by him regarding propos- and Principal Secretary (Home) NCCSA... it has become evident “The CM has not presented
creating more jobs for people as directed that suitable amend- Officials said they are seeking als for transferring and posting callously overturned all of the that the NCCSA has been re- the real picture of what hap-
well as developing the city as a ments be made to the Draft ES- permission from the officials were overruled. Chief Minister’s decisions, pro- duced to a farcical body, func- pened in the meeting... The
hub for high-end electronics DMR Policy for further circula- Government of India, through Calling the authority a ceeding with their own agenda tioning under the guise of the minutes of the meeting will be
and as a refurbished electronics tion and comments from the UD Department, for utilising “complete farce”, the office of instead.” Chief Minister’s Chairperson- made public to reveal the real
market. stakeholder departments.” flats built under JNNURM in the the CM said in a statement, The statement also said that ship, even though none of the picture soon,” the official said.
Said an official, “AI is being They further said, “It was vicinity for the industrial work- “Bureaucrats unilaterally dic- Kejriwal had proposed that the decisions made aligns with the Last week, the Delhi govern-
used in all platforms now, from also deliberated that the draft ers of the complex. tate their own will and overturn requests for posting officers, CM’s endorsement,” the state- ment approached the Supreme
education to maintaining roads. policy may be re-looked at and Officials said the govern- decisions made by Chairperson made by ministers Saurabh CM Kejriwal ment added. Court against the ordinance.
So, we are planning to set up an the possibility of developing an ment will face a loss of Rs 100 (Arvind Kejriwal)... Chief Bhardwaj and Raaj Kumar Officials in the Services The plea, demanding an im-
AI hub with agencies having Artificial Intelligence Hub be crore towards stamp duty ex- Minister issued several crucial Anand, be recommended by the Department, however, said that mediate interim stay, said the
patent AI technologies. The plan explored. The draft policy is emption on first-time lease to directives pertaining to pend- authority but the officers per its provisions, the CM, the there was no proposal to trans- “ordinance... completely side-
is in its initial stage but work is awaited from the DDCD.” the units. ing transfer-posting proposals... turned down the proposal to Chief Secretary and Principal fer any officer from Education lines the elected Government..
going on.” Officials said the govern- They also added that a Rs These included objections to re- entertain the matter. Secretary (Home) are members Department and only those from control over its civil serv-
According to officials, a ment is planning to develop the 250-crore budget will be re- moval of competent officers The authority was set up as of the authority, thereby who were in the department on ice. It wrests control over
meeting was held on June 8 to Electronic City on a public-pri- quired for this project for five from Education Department directed in the ordinance outnumbering elected repre- paper but were working in civil servants serving in the
discuss the challenges, financial vate partnership model, and years. and the approval of transfers for passed by the Centre in May. As sentatives. other departments were pro- Government of NCT of Delhi”.

Potholes, uneven patches: Commuters face a bumpy Meet DU student

commute on Akshardham Flyover, Noida-Link Road Nitika, wrestler with
Olympics dream
Delhi to Noida via Akshardham ■ Received FIVE YEARS ago, Nitika

Flyover and the Noida-Link ■ Pending Sansanwalstartedtrainingtobe-

Road has been a nightmare for comeawrestlerwithoutanyidea
commuters, especially motor- of whereshewouldgo.Now,the
cyclists, for the past one year second-year BA Political Science

due to numerous potholes and and Food Technology student


uneven patches on the route. At from DU’s Bhagini Nivedita

some points, even the upper College, has won the bronze
layer of the road surface has medal in the Under-23 category


peeled off. at the Asian Wrestling


Apart from the section being Championships in Bishkek,

one of the busiest in Delhi, the Kyrgyzstan. Nitika Sansanwal won the
Akshardham Temple, one of the Nitika is the oldest of two bronze medal in the Under-
key places that G-20 Summit children in her family, which 23 category at the Asian



delegates will visit in hails from Haryana’s Charkhi Wrestling Championship

September, is on the route. DadriandmovedtoDelhibefore
It connects the Central part Data from June
she was born.
of the city — ITO, Mandi House Ritvik Gugnani
Speaking to The Indian been the wrestler’s coach since
etc — to North and Northeast Express, Nitika said, “I started the beginning, also spoke about
Delhi areas such as Geeta ADCHINI PATPARGANJ HAUZ KHAS practising five years ago. My fa- her mother’s support. “With
Colony, Shastri Park. It also con- ther used to wake me up early in Nitika’s father away on duty, it is
nects to key parts of East Delhi the morning and make me run. her mother’s sacrifice that plays
such as Mayur Vihar, Pandav One day, he took me to the a huge role... Her mother made
Nagar, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi Najafgarh stadium, and I just sure she prioritised her daugh-
Meerut Expressway and started training even without ter’s career. She also learnt how
Ghaziabad and Noida. knowing where this would lead to drive a scooter just so that she
The Indian Express travelled to. My father was a wrestler too. could drop Nitika off to practise
on the stretch to and from It is in our family.” daily,” he said.
Noida Sector 16 to ITO and Nitika’s father had also rep- DahiyaexplainedhowNitika
found that the ride was smooth resented the country interna- coped with an injury at a
till the Noida link road, after tionallybutquitwrestlingdueto wrestling match in Budapest.
which it got bumpy. The situa- a neck injury a few years ago. He “Nitika had a minor ankle frac-
tion was worse on Akshardham is now a CRPF personnel, posted ture. Despite being admitted to
road, near the temple, where in Chhattisgarh. hospital... she was constantly
both vehicular traffic as well as “Since my father keeps get- motivated to get back, play and
pedestrian footfall is high. tingpostedindifferentstates,my win it...,” he said.
Till the flyover, the road has mother stood as a pillar by my Nitikahighlightedtheimpor-
many potholes — some were Roads stretches in parts of the capital -- near Akshardham Metro station, Adchini, Hauz Khas, Patparganj. Amit Mehra side...Shedropsmetopractiseat tanceof mentalhealth:“Ithinkit
filled unevenly, making it the stadium twice a day, takes isimportantforsportspersonsto
worse. care of me and my diet and has havestrongmentalhealth...ifyou
On the Akshardham flyover, the department handed over potholes.” Similar story in several motorists keep using it. We will month.Onceitisdone,wewillre- sacrificed a lot in life to see me are not mentally strong, you
there were 2-3 inch gaps on the charge of the Akshardham- The official added, “As the areas repair it soon.” pair the road. Similarly, the succeed,” Nitika said. won’t be able to play the game
surface, the central verge was Noida-Link road to the National stretch will soon become part Roadsinseveralotherpartsof PatparganjstretchnearNarwana Nitika’s mother, Sunita (37), withthousandsof peoplewatch-
broken and the railings were Highway Authority of India of the expressway, we thought The stretch from Vikas Marg the city — Adchini, Hauz Khas, road is part of the streetscaping who is a housewife, also shares ing you... I had immense help
also in bad shape. (NHAI) in June last year. of redeveloping the entire towardsITOandDelhiSecretariat Aurobindo Marg, Patparganj, project.If wefindpotholesonthe herdaughter’sdream—toseeher from my therapist and family
A little further, the road When contacted, a senior stretch in one go, but after re- is in poor condition, with the Mayur Vihar Phase 1 and near main road, or if we receive com- win the Olympic gold for India. while I was recovering, which
branches off -- one side goes to- NHAI official said, “We took the ceiving several complaints from pedestrian path and cycle track Laxmi Nagar — are also riddled plaints, we will repair them.” “I drop my daughter to prac- made me realise how important
wards Geeta Colony and the left road from the PWD last year as commuters, repairs will be fully broken. with potholes or are undergoing OfficialsintheSouthRoaddi- tise at 5 am, cook, take care of itistoprioritisementalhealthto
side connects Vikas Marg to ITO this stretch will become a part taken up soon.” PWD officials said, “We are work. At IIT Gate, work to lay a vision blamed other agencies for her, bring her back home, help perform well.”
and Delhi Secretariat. On both of the upcoming Delhi- The NHAI has now floated repairingthecentralvergeunder drainage line is in progress. potholesandpoorinfrastructure. her rest and drop her back at “I have seen my father suffer
sides of the road, the carpeting Dehradun Expressway. It will tenders for repairs. “Work will the streetscaping project. We Aseniorofficialwholooksaf- “Potholes have been devel- practice at 4.30 pm every day. through an injury too, but that
had peeled off and the concrete connect directly to the Delhi- start soon and repairs will be have already redeveloped a por- terEastDelhiroadssaid,“DelhiJal oped as road repair work is un- Nitika can balance both her did not scare me; it only taught
surface below was clearly visi- Meerut Expressway. The road is completed before the G-20 tion near Raj Ghat, the same will Boardworktolayapipelineisgo- derway.Onceitisdone,theentire wrestling and education very methatbeingstronginmindand
ble. in poor condition and a few Summit in September,” said the bereplicatedhere.Thecycletrack ing on near Mayur Vihar Pocket - stretch will be repaired,” said an well...,” said Sunita. working hard is the only way
According to PWD officials, months back, we had repaired NHAI official. andfootpathareinpoorshapeas 1. They informed us about it last official. Virendra Dahiya, who has out,” she added.


Grocers, poultry: How this colonial-era market was a one stop for essentials
windows, balconies, spacious tials. After all, one visitor re- in the entire area.” The roads surrounding the them, two of them have Urdu
VIDHEESHA corridors and high ceilings. marked, Connaught Place was In 2007, the central building market were, and still are, home sign boards. This was one of the
KUNTAMALLA In her book, Connaught Place where elegant ladies shopped, was declared unsafe and shop- to several old stores — from earliest Bengali sweet shops.”
NEW DELHI, JULY 2 and the Making of New Delhi, au- wearing hats and gloves.” keepers were moved out. Since clothes,grocers,sweetshopsand “Thefirstfloorof GoleMarket
thor Swapna Liddle notes: “The Liddlefurtherwrote,“Asstaff then, a restoration plan to turn it meat shops. Among these was had a reading room which was
A STONE’S throw away from the commercial spread reached be- came to reside in this area, the into a museum remained pend- Mahamayaclothingstore,which run by NDMC... we used to go
high-end stores and restaurants yond the main blocks of need for the necessities of daily ing for 16 specialised in there regularly to read the daily
of Connaught Place is what used ConnaughtPlace,intonearbyar- life was also felt. At first tempo- years until it Bengaliweaves. newspaper and magazines.
tobeoneof thecity’soldestcolo- eas too. Gole Market, con- rarystallscameup,andhawkers wasfinallyap- Recollecting Behind the market, on Reading
nial marketplaces — Gole structedintheearly1920sbythe weregivenpermissiontosell.By proved by the the days when Road, was the headquarters of
Market, built in the 1920s and government, was the first mar- 1921, the hexagonal market, New Delhi he used to live the Hindu Mahasabha, where
designed by Edwin Lutyens. ket to be built in New Delhi... On which soon came to be known Municipal in the area in eventodaythestatueof Savarkar
Named sofor itscircularcen- either hand, shops for produce as Round (Gole) Market, was Council the 1960s, still stands,” he added.
tral plaza, it was a 12-sided mar- such as poultry and fish, and a built to provide a permanent (NDMC) last Hashmi said, Post Partition, painter BC
ketwithsixentrancesandacen- wide variety of grocers, were lo- commercial centre for the area.” week. Apart “There were SanyalandhiswifeSnehalatha,a
tral courtyard. It has several cated in Gole Market rather than Author Sohail Hashmi told Named so for its circular central plaza, Gole Market was a from the museum, which will be grocery shops, meat shops, tai- ghazalsinger,hadmovedtoGole
features characteristic of Connaught Place, presumably The Indian Express: “This entire 12-sided market with six entrances and a central courtyard themed on ‘Women of Delhi and lors around Gole Market. If you Market and opened a “refugee
Edwardian architecture — the becauseitwasnotthesahibsand area was built when the capital India’,theNDMCalsoplanstore- stand at the roundabout and studio” which became a hub for
outer facade has colonnaded memsahibs themselves, but actually began to function from developitssurroundingareas.The lookdownBhagatSinghroad,on artistsandstudentsinthecapital.
arches supported by columns their domestic staff who its new location, before that the Secretariat.GoleMarketwaspri- ment clerks used to live, so small project is to be completed within the left and right, one will see It later came to be known as
while the interior has arched shopped for these daily essen- capital used to be in the Old marily an area where govern- blocks of houses have been built a year at a cost of Rs 21.6 crore. shops on either side. Amongst Gallery 26.


The Pawar Switch

Ajit Pawar’s decision to join the ruling Maharashtra alliance throws open many possibilities — in camps on either side of the political divide

After split, the THE 8 NCP MINISTERS

war: Ajit’s ‘MLAs

with me’ vs uncle’s CHHAGAN BHUJBAL, 75
Represents Yeola in Nashik

‘people with us’

district and is a prominent
OBC face in the largely
Maratha-centric NCP. Bhujbal,
a five-time MLA, had split
toppled, but now both sides are from Sena in early 90s to join
ALOK DESHPANDE “shaking hands”. Indicating the Congress at the behest of
MUMBAI, JULY 2 party will leave no stone un- Sharad Pawar.
turned to make this an electoral
IN WHATis nowseenas a repeat issue, Awhad asked, “Do you re-
of the power tussle between ally think the common people
Uddhav Thackeray and Eknath do not understand this?”
Shinde to control Shiv Sena, the Even late on Sunday, how-
Pawar family is set to flex its ever, sources in both camps
muscles to control the maintainedsilenceoverthepos-
NationalistCongressParty(NCP) sibility of a legal battle to claim DILIP WALSE PATIL, 66
after Ajit Pawar, party chief the party. 7-time MLA from Ambegaon
SharadPawar'snephew,rebelled Sharad Pawar shrugged off a Assembly constituency is NCP
once again on Sunday and took question on this and said he will founder Sharad Pawar's close
oath as Maharashtra Deputy approach the people of the state aide. He also served as Pawar's
Chief Minister. directly. “I have done it in the political secretary, and as
Eight other party MLAs also past in the 1980s and I will do it Cabinet minister in previous
took oath as ministers. again. I believe the people of this governments including MVA.
TheNCPchief,however,isin- state and the youth," he said. He was also Assembly speaker.
clined to take the battle to the Sources in the party, how-
people's court rather than pro- ever, pointed out that a conflict
ceed along the legal route. between the two sides is in-
While Ajit claimed the sup- evitable in near future. “If each
port of all MLAs out of 53, only side is going to claim itself as the
16 or 17 were present when he real NCP, the conflict is set to spill
took oath at the Raj Bhavan on out in the open. Irrespective of
Sunday afternoon. the maturity of leaders, the HASAN MUSHRIF, 69
Swinging into action, NCP party workers will not accept The five-time MLA from
chief Sharad Pawar appointed (any ambiguity)," a party leader Kagal Assembly
his trusted aide, Jitendra Awhad, said. constituency in Western
as the new Leader of Opposition For Ajit's side, the issue of Maharashtra, Hasan Mushrif
in the state Assembly. Awhad is MVA is done and dusted, while is a prominent Muslim face
now also the NCP Chief Whip in Chief Minister Shinde termed of NCP. He has served as
the House. the MVA as a ship that has al- cabinet minister in previous
Sources close to Ajit claimed ready sunk. Maharashtra Deputy Chief Ministers Devendra Fadnavis and Ajit Pawar at the swearing-in programme in Mumbai on Sunday. PTI governments.
that more than two-third NCP AjitclarifiedthattheNCPwill
legislators have signed the letter contest the next elections with

For Shinde, an Ajit-sized threat in NDA

of support to him and that the the BJP and the Shinde Sena.
number is “more than 36”. Congress chief Nana Patole,
Awhad reacted saying that meanwhile, claimed that a
such claims mean nothing. He group within the NCP joining
said: “The only leaderof the NCP hands with the BJP means no With the NCP pocketing nine ministries, not many from Shinde Sena likely to get a look-in

isSharadPawar.Lethimcalleach harm to the MVA. DHANANJAY MUNDE, 47
MLA; then we will talk.” “Who is joining hands with until the Ajit Pawar-led NCP space in the government and in Opposition also maintainedthat A first-time MLA from Beed,

He also asserted that Ajit whom for the sake of power is VALLABH OZARKAR MLAs joined on Sunday. The the coalition it earlier enjoyed,” Ajit Pawar's induction is a threat he was Leader of Opposition
Pawar was blamed by Shinde clear for all. It will be the MUMBAI, JULY 2 ShindeSena,itislearnt,washop- this observer noted. to Shinde'sCM position,and this in the legislative council.
and other MLAs as the reason Congress which will win the ing to induct at least 11 of its Case against Many in the political circles could be an attempt by BJP to Munde, nephew of BJP leader
whytheMVAgovernmentof the upcoming elections," he AJIT PAWAR and eight NCP legis- MLAs into the ministry. ● Shinde MLAs alsobelieveShinde'scommandin find an alternative to Shinde. Gopinath Munde, had split
NCP-Sena-Congressalliancewas asserted. lators joining the Maharashtra However, now nine berths thegovernmentmaygetreduced, "IthinkShinde-ji'sdifficulties from BJP to join NCP in 2013.
government on Sunday could be have already been occupied by IN ITS verdict on the legal asAjitPawarisseenasastrongad- will increase. Shinde-ji joined He is a close associate of Ajit
a bitter pill to swallow for Chief NCP legislators, only 14 seats are battle between the two ministrator as well as a crafty hands with BJP and brought it to Pawar and served as minster.
Minister Eknath Shinde and the left vacant in the cabinet and not Shiv Sena camps in May, politician,andhasmuchmoreex- power — his importance was
ShivSenaledbyhim,astheparty more than six of the Shinde-led the SC had asked perience in governance. It could due to that (MLAs on his side),”
will not only be forced to share Sena's legislators can be in- Assembly Speaker Rahul also get morally difficult for the NCP state president Jayant Patil
power with a third partner but ducted into the cabinet. Narvekar to decide on dis- Shinde-ledpartytojustifyjoining said. “But now it appears the BJP
will also lose its exclusivity, since Moreover,withBJPearlierget- qualification proceedings hands with the Ajit-led NCP, it is is trying to find an alternative.... I
BJP's reliance on them to run a ting past the halfway mark in the against 16 MLAs, includ- believed,astheyhadaccusedAjit think there is a possibility that
stable government in House only with the help of 40 ing Eknath Shinde, from Pawar of not releasing funds for his (Shinde's) strength in the
Maharashtra will reduce. Shinde Sena MLAs and 10 the undivided Sena, Sena MLAs while launching the government will get reduced.” AATRAM
With nine NCP MLAs joining Independents,theonuswasseen within a “reasonable pe- revoltagainstUddhavThackeray. Rajya Sabha MP and Sena DHARAMRAOBABA, 70
the Cabinet, and claims by the tobeontheBJPtoensurethatthe riod”. Last month, Sena Another political observer (UBT)leaderSanjayRautclaimed A tribal leader, 5-time MLA, he
Ajit Pawar camp of having sup- Shinde side stays with NDA. But (UBT)'s Sanjay Raut said pointedoutthattheShindeSena that Shinde and 16 other “rebel represents Aheri in Gadchiroli
port of at least 36 NCP MLAs, not Sunday'sdevelopmentmeansthe they will move SC again if couldfinditdifficulttoexplainthe MLAs” will be disqualified soon, city. He hails from a royal
many Shinde Sena MLAs are BJP can retain power without de- Narvekar doesn’t take a current situation “ideologically, basedontheSupremeCourt'sver- tribal family and joined NCP
likely to get a look-in for the 14 pendingsolelyontheSenaMLAs. decision within 90 days. too, as they had claimed during dict. This, he asserted, would in 2004. He has earlier served
remaining vacancies. This is be- Now, as a political observer therebellionthatanalliancewith meanShinde'sousterasCM,mak- an MoS in previous Congress-
ingseenasapossibleroadfordis- said, the BJP has no “compul- NCP(inMVA)wasunnatural,and ing the government “unstable”. NCP governments.
gruntlementintheShindecamp. sion” to remain with the Shinde “This will come as a setback for that Sena founder Bal Thackeray This, he claimed, is why NCP leg-
NCP supporters defaced posters of party leaders who joined Maharashtra Cabinet has 43 sideandhasanalternativein the Shinde and his MLAs. The party would never have agreed to it”. islators from Ajit Pawar camp
the government, during a protest in Mumbai. Ganesh Shirsekar berths, of which 23 were vacant NCP legislators to retain power. may also no longer find the free Many leaders in the were inducted into the Cabinet.


After Shiv Sena, NCP: How BJP split 2 Have joined govt as NCP, want Daughter of NCP leader and
Lok Sabha MP Sunil Tatkare,
a close associate of Ajit

parties in a year, ensured stronger govt to support Modi’s work: Ajit Pawar, Aditi Tatkare is a
first-time MLA from
Shrivardhan constituency.

political expansion. If anybody

Saharad Pawar told us Modi will be PM again: Bhujbal She was a minister in the
MVA government.
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE wants to join us we welcome it. years and he is taking the coun-
MUMBAI, JULY 2 Ajit Pawar is a very able leader ALOK DESHPANDE tryforwardon the path of devel-
both as a politician and as an ad- MUMBAI, JULY 2 opment. We believed that we
IN A short span of one year, the ministrator. If he along with his should also support that effort,”
BJP carried out 'Operation Lotus' MLAs wanted to join the Shiv SOON AFTER taking oath as he said.
twice in Maharashtra, splitting Sena-BJP coalition it is an en- Maharashtra Deputy Chief Bhujbal said: “(Sharad)
two mainstream regional par- dorsement of PM Narendra Minister on Sunday, Ajit Pawar Pawar Saheb himself recently
ties, theShivSena ledbyUddhav Modi's leadership and good gov- said the NCP had decided to join told us that PM Modi is going to SANJAY B BANSODE, 49
Thackeray and the NCP led by ernance.” theBJP-ShivSenagovernmentto come back to power in 2024. If A first-term MLA from Latur,
Sharad Pawar. A senior BJP functionary ex- support Prime Minister that is the case, then we should he was Cabinet minister from
While some have raised plained,"Asplitinanypartycan- Narendra Modi’s efforts in tak- go along with them with a posi- December 30, 2019, to 29 June
questionsonethics,manyargue, not happen without sharp dif- ing the country “forward on the tive mindset and work towards 29, 2022. Considered close to
“Everything is fair in love, war — ferences within. The politics of path of development”. resolving issues of the people by Ajit Pawar, he has been
and politics.” Sharad Pawar where Ajit Pawar He also dismissed the at- Ajit Pawar at the Raj Bhawan taking help from the govern- associated with NCP since
The BJP, which is the single- Maharashtra CM Eknath Shinde greets NCP leader Chhagan was systematically being side- tempt by Opposition parties to in Mumbai. Ganesh Shirsekar ment and helping them in re- 1999. He is the lone Dalit face
largest party in Maharashtra Bhujbal, who took oath as minister. Ganesh Shirsekar lined invited backlash. The BJP put up a united front against the turn. Fighting on the streets is amongst the inductees.
with 105 seats outof 288,has of- kept its doors open. There are BJP ahead of the 2024 Lok Sabha not going to solve problems…
ten adopted newer strategies to feelers from Congress leaders elections,saying“therearemany “whatwaswronginjoininghands our endeavour is to be inside the
consolidate its organisational Five years later in 2019, the BJP (MVA). With Chief Minister also. But we will wait for the contradictions within them”. withtheBJP”.“Wehavedoneitin government and address the is-
base todriveelectoralsuccess.In won 105 seats. But its alliance Eknath Shinde and Fadnavis as right moment.” The NCP was among 15 par- Nagaland as well,” he said. sues of people," he said.
that context, exploiting the un- partner Shiv Sena (then undi- his deputy, it has given the state BJPpoliticalmanagersadmit, ties that attended the Patna Flanked by NCP's national Ajit Pawar said the move to
rest within the regional parties vided) decided to join hands a stable government. "By splitting Thackeray's Sena, meeting last month. working president Praful Patel join the government was dis-
to its political advantage was a with the Congress-NCP. Ahead of the 2024 Lok Sabha they dislodged the MVA. They “Thesemeetingsgivenoout- and newly sworn-in minister cussed “for many days” and was
well-scriptedstrategy.Itwasun- TheBJPtermedthisan“actof andAssemblyelections,theShiv formed their own government put... They (opposition parties) ChhaganBhujbal,AjitPawarsaid supported by “majority of ANIL BHAIDAS PATIL, 54
dertaken in both cases with ad- betrayal”. After two-and-a-half SenaandtheBJPhavepledgedto providing good governance. are confined within state-level he and his party colleagues had MLAs”. “We all worked under Anil Bhaidas Patil is a first
equate consultation of the cen- years, it engineered the split in work together and contest as al- While the Shinde-led faction problems while the country joinedthegovernment“asNCP”. the guidance of (party chief) time MLA and an Ajit Pawar
tral BJP leadership. Thackeray's party through liance partners. Thus, the ques- helpedtothemgetbackinpower, needs strong leadership. Hence, He said more of his party col- Sharad Pawar ji. We will now loyalist. He was earlier with
In 2014, under the then state 'Operation Lotus'. It was to tion comes, what was the neces- electorally they were still on a we decided to join the govern- leagues will be inducted in the promote young blood... I don't the BJP and then switched
BJP president Devendra avenge betrayal and teach sity to split the NCP and get it to sticky wicket. Especially in ment, " he added. Cabinet in future. care about criticism. I will work over to join NCP in 2014
Fadnavis, it emerged number Thackerayalesson.With40Sena join the government. WesternMaharashtrawhichhas Pawar said if the NCP could “We decided to prioritise de- towards the welfare of people of at Ajit Pawar's behest. He
onebagging122seatsoutof 288. rebels along with 10 According to state BJP presi- remained an NCP bastion.” join hands with the Uddhav velopment. PM Narendra Modi Maharashtra. And we took the was chief whip of NCP
The BJP-Shiv Sena coalition was Independents on its side, the BJP dent Chandrashekhar FULLREPORTON Thackeray-led Shiv Sena to form has been strongly working for decision… Majority of MLAs in the Maharashtra
formed with Fadnavis as CM. dislodgedtheMahaVikasAghadi Bawankule, “The BJP believes in the (former, MVA) government, the country for the last nine support it,” he said. Assembly.


On Apna Dal (S) stage, Shah sets target
Mann:Lawyerfee of winning 300 seats in 2024 LS polls
willberecovered LALMANI VERMA
and BSP. The law and order situa-

LUCKNOW, JULY 2 tion in the state has improved.
DAYS AFTER Opposition parties der the leadership of Yogi Ji. The
huddled in Patna to chalk out a UPadministrationisimplement-
road map to defeat the BJP in the ing the welfare schemes meant
CaptaintoCM:Learnprocessof lawfirst Lok Sabha elections next year, for the poor launched by PM
the BJP on Sunday came along Modi,” he said.
Randhawa is a sitting MLA, with other National Democratic ShahappealedtoApnaDal(S)
KANCHAN VASDEV Amarinder gets pension and Alliance (NDA) constituents in a workers to ensure that the BJP,
CHANDIGARH, JULY 2 Randhawa gets salary every show of unity in Lucknow and NishadPartyandApnaDal(S)to-
month. If both refuse to pay the pledgedtomakeNarendraModi getherwinallseatsinUPin2024.
PUNJAB CHIEF Minister amount, it would be deducted the Prime Minister for the third Uttar Pradesh has 80 Lok Sabha
BhagwantMannSundaysaidthe fromtheirpensionandsalary,re- consecutive term by winning Union Home Minister Amit Shah (centre) , UP CM Yogi constituencies.
state government would not pay spectively,” an official told The more than 300 seats. Adityanath (left) and Apna Dal (S) leader Anupriya Patel in “ThisisthefirstUnionCabinet
the lawyer whose services were
hired to retain gangster-turned-
Indian Express.
Ansari was in Ropar jail from
Leaders of BJP, Apna Dal
(Sonenal), Nishad Party and
Lucknow on Sunday. Express in which 27 ministers are from
politician Mukhtar Ansari in a January2019toApril2021during Republican Party of India (RPI) said Shah. WITH THE BJP making desperate efforts to become a political
Punjab jail. He added that the the tenure of the previous attended the birth anniversary chief guest and Chief Minister Addressing the gathering, AdityanathsaidthatNaxalism force toreckon with in Kerala,DefenceMinisterRajnath Singh
moneywillberecoveredfromfor- Congress government. A recent of Kurmi leader and Apna Dal Yogi Adityanth the guest of ho- Shah said that the BJP and the shrunk to only 3-4 districts and tried to woo non-resident Malayalees with his warmth and
mer CM Captain Amarinder inquiry report indicted some jail founder Sonelal Patel . Apna Dal nour. Apna Dal (S) together contested theentirecountrywouldbemade greetings in Malayalam. Singh, who addressed non-resident
Singh, who was also the then officials for extending “VIP facili- (S) led by Sonelal's daughter The Nishad Party, often con- andwonfourelections—twoLok free of Naxalism, separatism and Keralites in the national capital at a function organiseed by
home minister, and former jails ties” to Ansari in jail. Mann had Anupriya Patel organised the sidered a rival of the Apna Dal (S) SabhaandtwoUPAssemblyelec- extremism by 2024. All-India Malayalee Association on Sunday, lauded the con-
minister and former Deputy CM returnedthefileseekinghisclear- function where Union Home over the OBC vote share, got a tions. “The victories, in turn, re- FULL REPORT ON tribution of Keralites for the economic, cultural and political
Sukhjinder Singh Randhawa. ance to pay Dave’s fee. Minister Amit Shah was the warm welcome on the stage. sultedinUPgettingridofthedivi- growth of India among the global community. According to
In a tweet, Mann said the Meanwhile, Amarinder him, two Malayalees helped India unite religiously and polit-
money that was spent to “live up ridiculedtheCM'sstatementand ically. “Adi Shankaracharya-ji united India religiously, cultur-
ered from the duo and if they
failed to pay up then their pen-
asked him to learn the process of
ing such statements. He said that
BJP pushes ahead with UCC but yet to ally and spiritually. V P Menon worked with Sardar
Vallabhbhai Patel and integrated the nation politically, for
which the present and future generations will forever be in
the CM's statement only exposes
governance. Amarinder said that
account for Northeast allies’ opposition debt,” he said. But it was his greetings and good wishes in
Malayalam that won hearts in the meeting.

lawyerDushyantDaveforoppos- hewastheCMforovernineyears rily from the fact that the parties cisionsaccordingtoNagacustom- from leading the government in
ing the UP government’s plea in
the Supreme Court seeking cus-
while Mann has not even com-
are all based in tribal-majority
states that enjoy special provi-
ary law; ownership and transfer
Meghalaya, the NPP also has
MLAs in Nagaland and Manipur.
tody of Ansari during Amarinder terfirstlearnandgainexperience sions for the practice of custom- ply to Nagaland unless the Meanwhile, the Khasi Hills IN THE age of Twitter and Facebook, most politicians use so-
Singh’s regime. before making such ignorant ASITtriestopushfortheUniform ary laws After the 22nd Law LegislativeAssemblyofNagaland AutonomousDistrictCouncil—an cial media platforms to convey birthday greetings to col-
Sources in the government statements.Randhawasaid,“The Civil Code (UCC), the BJP is likely Commission invited suggestions by a resolution so decides.” autonomous body under the leagues or fellow Parliamentarians. However, BSP MP Malook
saidMannhadorderedtherecov- FIR is not registered by the Jails tofinditdifficulttogarnersupport on the UCC last month, there has On Thursday, the NDPP de- SixthScheduleoftheConstitution Nagar still uses the traditional way to send his greetings on
ery of Rs 55 lakh from both Department.HewassenttoRopar on the issue from its allies in the been pushback from multiple clared its opposition to the im- —passedaresolutionlastweekto special occasions. Nagar, who doesn’t have a Twitter handle,
Amarinder and Randhawa. “The jailonlyafterhewasnamedinan Northeast who have strongly quartersinNagalandwheremore plementation of the UCC stating urgetheuniongovernmentnotto writes letters. Recently, he wrote to President Droupadi
Jails Department will now write FIR by Ropar police.” come out against it. than 86% of the population be- that it was a party “whose very adopt the UCC citing the need to Murmu, wishing her on the occasion of her 65th birthday on
to the Department of Later in the evening, Mann These parties include the longs to ST communities. ideology is to protect the rights, protect customary practices of June 20. Now, Nagar has received a letter signed by the
Parliamentary Affairs following hit back, saying, “Captain Saheb National Democratic Progressive Multiple tribal bodies and as- customs and traditions of our land ownership, the matrilineal President expressing her gratitude, which he shows proudly
which the department will order Iamprotectingthemoneyof the Party(NDPP)thatleadsthecoali- sociations have expressed their people”. In its statement, the system in Khasi society and the to visitors from his constituency, Bijnaur.
recovery of the money. Since people of Punjab, you are calling tion that the BJP in Nagaland, the opposition to the UCC and high- party suggested that the imple- culture of traditional heads.
Amarinder is an ex-CM and me ignorant.” NationalPeople’sParty(NPP)that
leads the alliance in Meghalaya,
lighted Article 371A of the
Constitution that speaks of the
mentation of the UCC could de-
railthe ongoingpeaceprocessin
Even before the current push
Office of the District Collector and District Magistrate and the Mizo National Front protection of Naga laws. It reads, the state. ment led by MNF took a stand TO COMMEMORATE the 108th Foundation Day of the
Name of District Sawai Madhopur (MNF) that is not in partnership “NoactofParliamentinrespectof On Friday, Meghalaya Chief against the UCC, with the state Zoological Society of India, Union Environment Minister
Phone: 07462-220444 E-Mail: [email protected]
withtheBJPinMizorambutisalso religious or social practices of the Minister and NPP leader Conrad Assembly passing a resolution Bhupender Yadav drew heavily on Hindu scriptures. He told a
Ref. 07/2023-24 Date 01-07-2023 part of the larger National Nagas; Naga customary law and Sangma said his party believes against it in February itself. gathering of scientists in Kolkata on Saturday that 108 was an
Notice Inviting e-Bid Democratic Alliance (NDA). procedure;administrationofcivil that UCC would go against the FULL REPORT ON extremely significant number in the Hindu philosophy, as the
eBid under “Mukhvamantri Nihshulk Annapurna Food Packet The opposition stems prima- andcriminaljusticeinvolvingde- idea of India’s diversity. Apart “japmala”has108beads,andmantrasarespoken108timeson
Scheme” for Supply of High Quality Branded (with FSSA/BIS/ thejapmala.Healsosaidthereare54lettersintheSanskrital-
phabet, but since each has a feminine and masculine symbol

CPI(M) plans seminars

Agmark/ HACCP /FPO etc. certification) Commodities Eadible LOST & FOUND
Refined Oil (Sovabean) 1 Ltr. Poly Pack, Sugar 1 Kg, Pack, lodized
Salt 1 Kg. Pack, Pulses (Channa Dal 1 Kg. Pack. Spices (Red Chili Classifieds It is hereby informed that the 1.
— denoting Shiva and Shakri — these were actually 108.

against UCC in Kerala

Possession letter. 2-
Powder 100 Gram Pack, Coriander Powder 100 Gram Pack,
Occupation letter 3-Builder buy
Turmeric Powder 50 Gram Pack), items in a sealed Carry Bag at PERSONAL
‘BSP not against UCC’, but
agreement missing related to
all FPS Shops including GSS & KVSS working as FPS in Sawai my property bearing Flat No:
I, Nitin S/O Ramvir Singh, R/o B-
Madhopur District of Rajasthan 09-1003,Green escape, besimilareventsatvariousparts
83, Ganesh Nagar Pandav
Maya suspects BJP push
(Single Stage, Two Envelope Bid System) Nagar Complex, GaliNo-14
Sonipat,Haryana for of the state,” he said. All those
Sr. Details of Estimated Amount of Bid Bid NitinAnand ,S/D/W/O Vinod THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, JULY 2 who want to see the survival of
Near Akshardham Mandir,
No. Commodities Cost (Rs. in Bid Document Processing Kumar Anand has been secular India should come out
East Delhi, Laxmi Nagar (East
lost/misplaced and is not
Crore) Bid Security Fees (with Fees Delhi), Delhi-110092, have WHILE THE Congress has taken against the UCC, Govindan said,
traceable. Founder may please
Value (Rs. in GST) (in Rs.) changed my name and shall
call Mr.Nitin Anand: a wait and watch approach on adding that the party would in- EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE BSP chief
Crore) (in Rs.) hereafter be Known as Nitin
Suryavanshi. 0070851146-1
9873069999 the Uniform Civil Code (UCC), vite Samastha Kerala Jam- LUCKNOW, JULY 2 Mayawati in
Chana Dal 1 Kg. party’s main Kerala rival the IyyathulUlemafortheseminars. Lucknow on
Pack, Edible 0040675768-1
I,Sher Chand S/o Lal Chand R/o
Refined Oil
CPI(M) on Sunday announced a SAMASTHA is a body of em- IN HER first remark on the Sunday. ANI
H-2/82,Vikas Puri West
(Soyabean) 1 Ltr. Delhi,Delhi-110018,have slew of seminars against the BJP inent Sunni scholars who enjoy UniformCivilCode(UCC)afterthe
Poly Pack, Sugar 1 changed my name to Sher
EDUCATION push for the code. the highest support base among Law Commission's recent deci-
Kg. Pack, lodized Singh for all future purposes. By organising protests Kerala Muslims. It also backs the sion to examine the issue afresh, ment should rise above politics
Salt 1 Kg. Pack,
1,84,20,000 0040675820-3 ADMISSION against the UCC, the ruling IUML. By ensuring the presence Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) presi- while implementing UCC and
Red Chili Powder Rs CPI(M) believes that it can get of SAMASTHA in the events dent Mayawati on Sunday said thereshouldnotbeanyreligious
1. @2% of 2000.00 2500.0 I, Shri Gopal Sharma S/O H. P.
100 Gram Pack, 92,10,00,000 closertotheMuslimcommunity against UCC, CPI(M) hopes to herpartywas“notagainst”it,but discrimination in its implemen-
Estimated Mishra, R/o RZP- 212, Gali No-4
Coriander Powder
Cost Raj Nagar Part II, Sector-8, in the state. In 2020, the CPI(M) create cracks in the mainstay of it does not support the way BJP tation, Mayawati said: “There
100 Gram Pack,
Turmeric Powder
Dwarka, Raj Nagar-II, South in Kerala had gained an upper theIUML,anallyof theCongress. was trying to implement it. shouldbenobiasin(implement-
West Delhi, Delhi-110077, have hand in the protest against the The IUML had the other day an- “Our party (BSP) is not ing)it.Andif theBJPgovernment
50 Gram Pack
changed my name and shall
items in a sealed Citizenship (Amendment) Act . nounced its plan to oppose the against the implementation of does it that way (without bias),
hereafter be Known as Shri
carry bag as Gopal Mishra. 0070851150-1 After the state committee UCC “legally and politically”. Uniform Civil Code but it does our party will adopt a positive
defined meetingonSunday,CPI(M)state Soon after the CPI(M) an- not agree with the manner in approach, otherwise, our party
I, Ritu Sagar Jain D/o Puran
secretaryMVGovindan saidthe nounced its plans, IUML state which BJP and its government will oppose it.” She also accused
The Bid of Bidder will only be submitted online only through Singh R/o-LT/06, 401, Paras
Tierea, Sec-137, Noida have party would organise a state- president Panakkad Sayyid are implementing it... their poli- the BJP of raking up the issue to The interested Bidder will have to be
changed my name to Ritu level seminar against UCC in Sadiq Ali Shihab Thangal said ticsof narrowself-interestsisvis- divert the attention of the peo-
Enrolled/Registered with portal of for
Negi. 0070851196-1 Kozhikode. “The CPI(M) would the party is ready to cooperate ible, which is not appropriate,” ple from issues faced by them
participating in the Bid process.
I Jaikrishan Singh S/O, Jagdish strongly oppose the UCC. Apart with like-minded organisations the BSP chief said. suchasinflation,poverty,unem-
Bid Document Download & Submission Start Date 01/07/2023
Singh R/o F. No. 1248 Sector- D1 from the seminar, there would on UCC. Stressing that the govern- ployment, etc.
Time 06:00 P.M.
Vasant Kunj, New Delhi-110070
Bid Document Upload End Date 13/07/2023 Time 06:00 P.M. have changed my name to Jai
Submission of E-grass/DD/BC/RTGS Confirmation Slip of Bid
Cost, Processing Fees, Bid Security Amount Up to 14/07/2023
Krishan Singh Kathait for all
purposes. 0040675843-1 PM to host virtual
01:00 PM
Technical Bid Opening Date 14/07/2023 Time 04:00 P.M.
I, Mohammed Asif R/o F-40, 3rd
Floor Bilquis Manzil, Abul Fazal
SCO summit
Bank detail of Office of the District Collector Sawai
Enclave 1, Jamia Nagar, Okhla
New Delhi110025 India. have
tomorrow; Putin,
Name of Bank
Branch Name
: State Bank of India
: Collectorate Sawai Madhopur
changed my minor daughter’s
name from Fatima Asif to
Xi likely to attend
Fatima Asif Dewan for all
A/C No. : 37527809770 purposes. 0040675844-1
IFS Code : SBIN0031826
For details visit on website or contact I, Meena Devi W/o SHUBHAJIT ROY
No.14485111W Rank NK(TS) NEW DELHI, JULY 2
District Collector Sawai Madhopur or his designated officer at the Bijender Singh Rana R/o
Telephone Number 07462-220444, Polly Wali Gali, Rana
Terms &Conditions: - Panna, North West Qutab PRIMEMINISTERNarendraModi
1. The Bid Document is not transferable under any circumstances. Garh, Delhi 39 have changed willhostthevirtualsummitofthe
2. Bid will be submitted On-line only through my name to Meena, My actual Shanghai Cooperation The interested Bidder will have to Date of birth 12.2.67. Vide Organisation (SCO) on Tuesday,
affidavit date 1.7.23 before
be Enrolled/ Registered with portal of which is expected to be attended
Delhi 0070851201-1 for participating in the Bid Process. by Chinese President Xi Jinping,
3. No Physical/Of-line Bid will be accepted. I, Mahender Kumar S/O Shiv Russian President Vladimir Putin
4 The Bid Cost will be in the form of E-grass/ Demand Draft/Banker Dayal Chawla, R/o Ba - 47 3rd
Floor, Shalmar Bagh north
and Pakistan Prime Minister
Cheque and the Bid Security may be in the form of E- Shehbaz Sharif, among others.
west Delhi-110088, have
grass/DD/Banker Cheque/Bank Guarantee of Scheduled Bank changed my name and shall Thesummitisexpectedtobe-
drawn in favor of District Collector Sawai Madhopur payable at hereafter be Known as gin at 12.30 pm and conclude
Sawai Madhopur and Processing Fees will be in the form of Mahender Kumar Chawla. around 3 pm. The summit was
Demand Draft/Banker Cheque of Scheduled Bank drawn in favor 0070851165-1 scheduledtotakeplacein-person
of MD, RISL payable at Jaipur will be submitted in the office of the in New Delhi, but the plan was
District Collector Sawai Madhopur up to Schedule Date and I, Alakananda Mutsuddy alias ''IMPORTANT''
Alakananda M Chaudhury D/O changed early June.
Time. Nidarshan Mutsuddy, R/o Whilst care is taken prior to The SCO Foreign ministers’
5. The DISTRICT COLLECTOR SAWAI MADHOPUR reserves Quater No-56, Type-5-a, Lodhi
right to cancel the Bid without assigning any reason to the Bidder
acceptance of advertising meeting took place in-person in
Road Complex, Lodhi Road,
or anyone else. New Delhi, Central Delhi- copy,itisnotpossibletoverify Goa, which was attended by
6. The GST. Taxes. Levies etc. & Other Statutory Obligation payable 110003. have changed my its contents. The Indian Pakistan’sBilawalBhuttoZardari,
if any, under the contract will be paid by Successful Bidder. name and shall hereafter be Express (P) Limited cannot be China’s Qin Gang and Russia’s
7. Conditional Bids and Casual Letters sent by the Bidder will not be Known as Alakananda held responsible for such SergeyLavrov, amongothers.The
Chaudhury 0070851158-1 last SCO summit took place in-
accepted. contents, nor for any loss or
8. Bidders are requested to read the instructions in the Technical Bid I Vicky S/O, Yugal Singh R/o E- damageincurredasaresultof personinSamarkand,Uzbekistan,
Document before submitting the Bid Documents On-line. 390, Inder Enclave Phase-2,
transactions with companies, in September last year. India’s as-
Kirari Suleman Nagar, Delhi- sociation with the SCO began in
9. The above Terms & Conditions of the Bid may also be seen on the associations or individuals
110086 have changed my name
website along with the Bid 2005 as an Observer country.
to Vicky Singh for all purposes. advertising in its newspapers
Invitation Notice. IndiabecameafullMemberState
0040675845-1 or Publications. We therefore
10. If any Bidder wants to participate in Bid for supply, Bidder will at the Astana Summit in 2017.
I Neelu Krishnan W/O, Tarakad recommend that readers In the past six years, India has
have to fulfill all eligibility criteria as per Bid Documents.
11. All Terms & Conditions attached with this Notice will be part of Sundaram Suresh Krishnan make necessary inquiries played a “very active and con-
R/o 3, Subhash Marg, Near before sending any monies or
Bid. Dilkusha Post Office Lucknow structiverole”inallspheresofac-
Sd/- Cantonment Lucknow 226002
entering into any agreements tivities of the SCO, an official said.
(Suresh Kumar Ola) have changed my name to with advertisers or otherwise In September 2022, India for the
District Collector Neelu Janveja Krishnan for all acting on an advertisement in first time, took over the presi-
purposes. 0040675841-3 any manner whatsoever. dencyoftheSCOfromUzbekistan
DIPR/C/.........../2023 Sawai Madhopur
at the Samarkand Summit.


Monsoon covers
entire country 6 In Baghpat, row over death after questioning:
days early: IMD
kin allege custodial torture, police deny claim
Sunday covered the entire coun-
try six days before the normal A 28-YEAR-OLD man's death in
date,asitadvancedintheremain- Rataul town of Uttar Pradsesh's
ingpartsofRajasthan,Punjaband Baghpat district on Sunday
Haryana,theIndiaMeteorological stirred a row, with family mem-
Department (IMD) said. bersallegingthathediedfollow- Relatives and neighbours of
On Friday, the IMD had said ing excesses in the police out- the victim, Mohd. Sajid Manipur Chief Minister N Biren Singh near the border of
the monsoon is expected to be post, while the police have (above), protest at Rataul Bishnupur and Churachandpur districts on Sunday. ANI
normal in July across the coun- denied the allegations. town of Uttar Pradesh’s

try,barringpartsof easternUttar “We have not received any Baghpat district on Sunday.
Pradesh and south Bihar. complaint from the family yet. Gajendra Yadav
The weather office said the They are claiming he died in po-
monsoon covered the entire lice custody. We will check the

country on Sunday, against the veracity (of the accusation) once The victim's brother, Mohd.
normal date of July 8. we receive a complaint,” Deputy Sahabuddin, 37, who works as a
As many as 16 states and SP of Khekhda, Prita Singh, told painter on daily wage, said Sajid
Union Territories received defi- The Indian Express over tele- was in a woeful condition when

cient rainfall in June, with Bihar phone. he came out of the outpost.
and Kerala reporting large The family, however, alleged "Children who were playing
deficits at 69 per cent and 60 per that three police personnel from here saw the police beat him.
cent below normal,respectively. Ratauloutpostpickedupthevic- Soon after we brought him

Some other states such as tim, Mohd. Sajid, on Sunday the other two were released af- complaint yet. We will act ac- report is awaited.” home, he reported feeling ex-
Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, morning, accusing him of taking ter preliminary inquiry, police cordingtotheircomplaint.Ihave Prita Singh said: "At around tremely unwell and turned un-
Karnataka, Jharkhand, Andhra part in gambling. did not let Sajid go.” ordered an inquiry, headed by 11 am, a police team on patrol conscious. We immediately set
Pradesh and Telangana also re- Sajid is survived by wife and Relatives and neighbours the Additional SP; he is ascer- sawsomepeoplegamblinginan out to take him to the hospital.
ceived less rainfall than what is three children, the eldest being demonstrated outside Rataul taining all facts.” orchard. They started running On the way, he began foaming
normalforJune,thefirstmonthof seven years old, his family said. outpost in the afternoon and de- “If any evidence comes up, away at the sight of police. The from the mouth... after a while ment of central forces is com-
the southwest monsoon season. “My son was not involved in manded action against police- we will take appropriate action police chased them and a man his body stopped moving.” SUKRITA BARUAH pleted in all vulnerable areas”.
"The monthly rainfall aver- gambling,” Sajid's father said. men allegedly involved in what as per law," he added. wasbroughttothepostforques- Sajid,the familysaid,was de- GUWAHATI, JULY 2 The statement also made an
aged over the country as a whole “He told me that he would come they claimed was torture in the RajinderSingh, PRO,Baghpat tioning. His family came soon clared dead at hospital. appeal to all “peace-loving or-
during July 2023 is most likely to back in a few minutes and we guise of questioning him. SP office, said: "Sajid was picked and they scolded him, asking Sahabuddin said, "We will KUKI REBEL groups announced ganisations and citizens in the
be normal (94 to 106 per cent of will eat mangoes togather. He Baghpat Superintendent of upbypoliceandwasreleasedaf- whyhewasgambling.Theythen file a complaintafter the funeral. on Sunday that they would lift state of Manipur” to “recipro-
LPA) and most probably within was just watching the others Police,ArpitVijayvargiya,saidhe ter inquiry. He went with his took him with them. There were He was not involved in any thetwo-month-longblockadeof cate” their gesture and “take
the positive side of the normal," play cards. But police reached has ordered a probe. "We are familymembersinsoundhealth no injury marks on his body. crime. He worked as a painter the national highway in steps towards peace and com-
IMDDirectorGeneralMrutyunjay there and picked up three per- waiting for the postmortem re- anddiedathome....Thebodyhas Shortly after his return, news and usually earned between Rs Manipur’s Kangpokpi district, munal harmony in the state”.
Mohapatra had said on Friday. sons, including my son. While port. The family has not filed any been taken for postmortem; the came that he had died.” 250 and Rs 300 a day.” paving the way for the reopen- The previous evening, Chief
ing of a critical lifeline of the Minister Biren Singh had said

AAP in Chhattisgarh: Bengal panchayat polls: TMC worker shot

state. However, incidents of vio- that he had spoken to members
lence continued in Manipur, of the Kuki community that day
with at least four people having in an effort to work towards

Free services like in

been killed on Sunday, including peace and reconciliation.
one case where police said the
victim had been beheaded.
BJP’s biggest
Delhi if voted to power
KOLKATA, JULY 2 National Highway-2, con- on the telephone, and said that
nectingImphal withDimapur in what has happened has hap-
agent in state INTHEongoingwaveof violence
in the run-up to the July 8 pan-
Nagaland, has been blockaded
since violence broke out in
and forget, reconcile and live to-
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE chayat elections in West Bengal, Manipur on May 3, impacting gether,” he had said on Saturday
RAIPUR, JULY 2 a 52-year-old Trinamool EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE the flow of essential supplies. evening, speaking to ANI.
Congress(TMC)workerwasshot KOLKATA, JULY 2 The blockade had been tem- However,thesituationcontin-
THE AAM Aadmi Party (AAP) dead in Phulmalancha area of porarily lifted in early June after uedtoremainvolatileinthestate.
will provide six services, mostly South 24 Parganas district's TMC GENERAL secretary UnionHomeMinisterAmitShah A man, identified as David Thiek,
free, along the lines of Delhi if it Basanti block on Saturday night. Abhishek Banerjee on Sunday made an appeal during his visit waskilledandbeheadedinLangza
is voted to power in The victim, identified as slammed the West Bengal to the state. It was, however, – a Hmar-Kuki village – in
Chhattisgarh, party chief and Jiyarul Molla, was shot in the Congressunitforfightingagainst reimposedafewdayslaterwhen ChurachandpurdistrictonSunday.
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind head on a street in Chatrakhali CMMamataBanerjeeinthestate threepeoplefromtheKuki-Zomi According to local residents, the
Kejriwal said on Sunday. locality around 9 pm when he West Bengal Governor C V Ananda Bose meets a victim of panchayatelections,despiteboth community were killed in village came under attack in the
“We will give free electricity, was returning home from Dinhata violence, at a hospital in Cooch Behar, Sunday. ANI the parties working together at Kangpokpi district on June 9. early hours of Sunday, and while
free magnificent schools like in Canningtown,itislearnt.Hewas thenationalleveltodefeattheBJP. In a statement issued on most of the village residents fled,
Delhi where children of rich and taken to the Canning Sub- Addressingapublicmeetingat Sunday,theUnitedPeople’sFront a few village volunteers stayed
poor study together, free hospi- Divisional Hospital where doc- about frequent threats from a ri- after he was beaten up and Sujapur in Malda, the TMC MP and the Kuki National back.Thiek,oneofthevolunteers,
talsandclinics,freebustravelfor tors declared him brought dead. val faction but officials did not stabbedallegedlybyISFactivists trained his gun on state Congress Organisation — both of which waskilledduringtheattack.
women, free holy trips to reli- Delhi CM andAAPchief Four more incidents of vio- take any action. Her brother when he was returning home. chiefAdhirRanjanChowdhuryfor comeunderthe2008Suspension “Theystartedburningthevil-
gious places for senior citizens Arvind Kejriwal atarallyin lence were reported in the state Mizanur Molla claimed that the “They could have killed me. speakingthelanguageofBJPMLA ofOperationsagreementwiththe lages at 3-4 am. We consist of
and employment,” said Kejriwal BilaspuronSunday. Twitter inthelast24 hours,includingat- incident was a fallout of TMC's There were four to five masked andLeaderofOppositionSuvendu Centre and the state — said the around 23-24 villages, and we
at a rally in Bilaspur city. tacks on two candidates belong- factional feud in the area. men who carried out the attack. Adhikari. “In Patna, Rahul Gandhi blockadewouldbeliftedwithim- weretoldbyourHmarchieftova-
He said while Chhattisgarh ingtothestate'srulingpartyand Molla was a close associate of They were goons of ISF from the sitsbesideDidi(MamataBanerjee) mediateeffect“toensureuninter- catethevillagesandtakeourim-
was rich in resources such as leader targeted PM Narendra the BJP, firing on a Congress AmarulLaskar,alocalTMCleader, Kalabagan area," Mollah alleged andsayswewillfighttogether,but rupted supply of essential com- portant documents. However, to
“forests, agricultural land, rivers, Modiandrepeatedhiseducation worker, and a clash between sources said. Opposition leaders whilespeakingtomediapersons. hereinBengalstateCongresschief modities in the state”. The prevent our houses from getting
minerals” but the state was jibe at him. supporters of three parties. said the incident highlighted in- MLA Saokat Molla said, “It is Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury speaks statement said the decision was looted, we had kept three to four
known only for scams. “Demonetisation destroyed At least 10 people have been ternal strife within the ruling NaushadSiddiqui(ISFMLA)whois thelanguageofSuvenduAdhikari takeninviewofShah’s“deepcon- youngmentoguardthevillages,”
“Before AAP, even Delhi was our country beyond repair. Did killed in the state sincethenom- party. Local TMC MLA Saokat behind this. He wants to unleash andSukantaMajumdar(BJPstate cern to restore peace and har- a resident said. Police confirmed
known for scams. Now, Delhi is it end corruption or terrorism? inationprocessforthepanchayat Mollasaidthepoliceshouldprobe terror in the area.” Siddiqui, how- president). Chowdhury is BJP’s monyinthestateand[to]alleviate thatthemanhadbeenbeheaded.
known for its schools, mohalla Any educated person would elections started on June 9. the matter and take prompt ac- ever, denied the charges, saying biggestagentinBengal.Heprefers the plight of people in general”. InKhoijumantabiinBishnupur
clinics, hospitals, progress, de- never do demonetisation. India The police on Sunday said tion against the culprits. theTMCisunabletoaccepttherise Dada’s police (central security In the statement, the groups district in the valley, at the border
velopment and prosperity," the is a great country… should it not theywereinvestigatingwhether Also, Bengal Governor CV of his party. “The villagers are re- forces)overDidi’spolice.Haveyou also said they “appreciate” that with the hill district of
Delhi CM said. have a well educated PM?” there was any political motive AnandaBosecalledthebereaved taliatingagainstthe TMC'satroci- ever seen Adhir in a press confer- central forces have been de- Churachandpur,threepeoplefrom
Kejriwal targeted both the Kejriwal said. behind Jiyarul Molla's murder. family and assured them of sup- tiesandbombculture.Wearewith ence slamming Suvendu or ployed in most areas at the bor- the Meitei community died in an
BJP and the ruling Congress at The AAP leader also targeted Molla's daughter Manwara, a port. In the district's Bhangar the villagers. ISF believes in a MohammadSalim(CPMleader)? derof thehillsandthevalley,and incident of firing. The deceased
the rally. Although he did not the PM over price rise and al- TMCcandidatefromKathalberia area,IbrahimMollah,aTMCcan- peacefulmovement,notviolence. HavethepeopleeverseentheBJP, thattheywouldensurethattheir were identified as Ningombam
name his Chhattisgarh counter- leged there was “open loot” go- grampanchayat,allegedthather didatefromtheChaltaberiagram Saokat Molla is not acknowledg- in their press conferences, slam- volunteers are withdrawn from Ibomcha (34), Naorem Rajkumar
part Bhupesh Baghel, the AAP ing on in the country. father complained to the police panchayat, was critically injured ingthereisresentment,"headded. mingAdhir?No,"saidAbhishek. allsuch placesoncethe“deploy- (26)andHaobamIbocha(44).

EX-BRS LEADERS JOIN CONGRESS AT RALLY Police: 3 held for Census delayed again,
conversion bid
BRS is BJP’s B-team, will in Saharanpur deadline to freeze
meet same fate as they EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE
boundaries Jan 1 now
did in Karnataka: Rahul LUCKNOW, JULY 2
tions are scheduled early next
year, the possibility of a Census
THE ANTI-TERRORIST Squad NEW DELHI, JULY 2 in 2023 is ruled out.
port BJP. The remote control of (ATS) of the Uttar Pradesh Police Also, the Census enumera-
SREENIVASJANYALA KCR is in Modi's hands now.” Saturday arrested three persons THE CENSUS enumeration tion will be preceded by house-
HYDERABAD,JULY2 Speaking of the Congress’s for their alleged involvement in scheduled to take place in 2021 listing enumeration where the
campaign in Karnataka ahead of the conversion of a Hindu man has been further pushed to exercise for National Population
THE CONGRESS’S campaign for theMay10Assemblypolls,Rahul to Islam in Saharanpur. 2024-25 until further orders. In Register (NPR) is to be held.
the Telangana polls will be along saiditwasafightbetween"acor- In a statement, the ATS said, a letter to all states and Union Earlier, the deadline for juris-
the lines of Karnataka, where it rupt and anti-poor government” “Nazim Hasan, Mohammad Territories last month, the office dictional changes was June 30,
trumpedtheBJPtowinalandslide and “the poor, OBCs, minorities Sadiq and Azhar Malik, all na- of the Registrar General of India 2023, and before that it was
majority, party leader Rahul
Gandhi said Sunday, as he
launched a scathing attack on
and oppressed” of the state.
"Something similar is going
to happen inTelangana,”hesaid,
tivesof Saharanpurdistrict,were
arrested on Saturday in connec-
tion with a case of religious con-
COOPERATIVES SET TO PROSPER: BIRLA (RGI) has extended the deadline
of freezing of administrative
boundaries to January 1, 2024.
December 31, 2022.
Of Rs 1.96 crore from the
Union Budget for the year 2023-
ChiefMinisterKChandrashekhar adding fight in Telangana was version of one Gaurav Singh of Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla addresses the valedictory session of the 17th Indian Cooperative Since the Census enumera- 24, the Budget allocated for
RaoandaccusedhisrulingBRSof between Congress and the BRS. the same district.” Congress in New Delhi, Sunday. He said PM Narendra Modi’s initiative of creating a separate tioncanonlybeginafewmonths Census 2021 has been slashed
being the BJP’s “B-team”. “After the defeat of BJP in According to the ATS, a ministry for cooperatives has brought in transparency and accountability in the system. Express after administrative boundaries down from Rs 3,676 crore to Rs
FlaggingtheEDquestioningof Karnataka,theBJPinTelanganais woman identified as Reshma, are frozen and as general elec- 1,564 crore.
Rao’s daughter, K Kavitha, earlier (also)finished.Theelectoralfight who lives in Bangalore and al-
this year in connection with isnowbetweenCongressandBRS legedly lured Singh to convert, is
Delhi’s now-scrapped liquor pol-
icy, Rahul said the BRS chief and
in Telangana. The people of
still absconding. Reshma came
in contact with Gauravonanon- Mario’s family threatens to sue Goa chief secy, G20 meet organisers
his party colleagues had become defeat the corrupt BRS like it was line gaming platform, the ATS
subservient to the BJP and ruled doneinKarnataka,''Rahuladded. said. Police said they were now a statement that they were added,“Weurgetheorganisersof Gerard da Cunha, curator of ues displayed in Old Goa and
out joining any alliance that in- Just as Rahul arrived at the conducting raids to trace PAVNEETSINGHCHADHA shocked by the alleged “infringe- the G20 meet to approach the Mario Gallery, said the gallery Dona Paula. These statues are
volved the BRS. venue, he was joined by Reshma. Police said the arrests PANAJI,JULY2 ment of copyright”. Mario Gallery and get requisite would be issuing a legal notice to copiedfromfigurinesof artwork
“BRS means Bharat Telangana Congress Legislative were made only after collecting Thestatementsaidthatbefore permissions for usage. We have the Goa government’s chief sec- developedbyMiranda.Theseare
Rishthedaar Samiti. I have been Party (CLP) leader Mallu Bhatti evidence, including electronic. THE FAMILY of celebrated car- Miranda’s death in 2011, his fam- given Mario Gallery the right to retaryandthenodalofficerforthe theviolationsthatwehavecome
saying this since ages… they are Vikramarka, whose months- Police said an FIR was regis- toonist and painter Mario de ily had set up the Mario Gallery, takeallviolatorstoacourtoflaw.” G20 meetings in Goa. across. There may be more. The
the B team of the BJP,” Rahul told long “people’s march” con- tered against the accused under Miranda has threatened to sue “which looks after his legacy in Goa has hosted multiple G20 Speaking about specific in- organisers should have taken
a gathering at Khammam. cluded Sunday. relevant provisions of the IPC Goa’s chief secretary and the or- various ways, namely publishing meetings over the past three stances of alleged copyright in- prior permission,” said Cunha.
“KCR (as Rao is often called) is At the event, ex-Khammam and the Uttar Pradesh ganisers of the G20 meetings in books,organisingexhibitions,sell- months,withthemostrecentone fringement,Cunhasaidtheorgan- Sanjit Rodrigues, the nodal
seekingprotectionfromNarendra MP Ponguleti Srinivasa Reddy Prohibition of Unlawful the state for allegedly using the ing original paintings, authenti- being the meeting of the G20 isershadusedaMirandapainting officer for G20 meetings in Goa,
Modi’s government as KCR’s and ex-minister Jupally Krishna Religious Conversion Act at the artist’s work without permission cating pictures, giving permis- TourismWorkingGroup,heldbe- insideaminiaturewindow,which said,“Wehavedoneourduedili-
daughter is involved in the Delhi Rao, both earlier leaders of BRS, Sadar Bazar police station in during the G20 events. sionsforusage,takinglegalaction tweenJune19and22.Moremeet- was given to VIPs as a gift. gence. As and when we are
liquor case. Modi is now pressur- officiallyjoinedtheCongress,be- Saharanpur,andaprobewasun- Miranda’s sons Rishaad against violators, making mer- ings are scheduled in the state in “Another violation was the served with a notice, we will re-
ing the KCR government to sup- sides several local leaders. derway. WITHPTIINPUTS MirandaandRaulMirandasaidin chandise etc…” The statement the coming months. use of 16 life-size fiberglass stat- spond to it.”



“The balance of power is the scale of peace.”

Raj Bhavan, Raj Dharma

Governor is to be a wise counsellor to the CM,
which did not happen in Tamil Nadu


ONCE MORE, A governor is in the news, and straint, keeps above the fray of politics, ters and the like. While there are cautions

once more for not the best reasons. V Senthil doesn’t court controversy and preserves the about judges, this could be obviated if it op-
HE ASSET QUALITY of the Indian banking system continues to show im- Balaji is a Tamil Nadu minister under inves- dignity of the office, that initial respect gets erates on a roster, and candidates aren’t cho-
provement. As per the Reserve Bank of India’s latest financial stability re- tigation by the state police and the enhanced and becomes a reservoir of trust. sen by the executive. There needs to be a
Enforcement Directorate on cash for jobs The governor becomes what he is supposed cooling off period so that the attractions of
port, banks’ gross non-performing assets have fallen to a 10 year low of 3.9
charges. Chief Minister M K Stalin has di- to be — a wise counsellor, whose words of the post do not deflect the person. And one
per cent in March 2023. The improvement has been across the board with vested him of his portfolios but retains him advice and caution, even on matters out- term of five years should do. From this panel,
bad loans falling in both public and private sector banks, and in major sectors of the econ- as a minister without portfolio; Governor side his legal ken, will ordinarily be heeded a suitable name should be picked in consul-
omy. Alongside, there has also been a steady improvement across key financial parame- Ravi has ordered his dismissal. Whatever his by a chief minister. tation with the chief minister so that there
ters of the corporate sector. As per the report, private non-financial companies have man- reasons may be, he is constitutionally out of Ravi, unfortunately, has disabled himself is no fear of a troublesome element being
aged to bring down their debt to equity ratios further, and have seen an improvement in order. from being such a figure, mostly on account lodged in Raj Bhavan. One should look for a
Although the Constitution says that min- of his penchant for needless controversies. certain stature born out of accomplishment
isters hold office at the pleasure of the gov- Skipping portions of the Governor’s Address and integrity. A good governor is an asset to
of both banks and firms were impediments to investment activity, they are now “engen- ernor, this is not meant to be taken literally eulogising leaders like Kamaraj and the state, straddling the federal divide.
dering a twin balance sheet advantage for growth” as per RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das. as Ravi seeks to do. Right from Shamsher Annadurai and Periyar, walking out of the One may also note that in recent times,
These are encouraging signs for the economy. Singh’s case in 1974, authored by seven Assembly in a huff, debunking Dravidian the number of Opposition party state min-
The improvement in the asset quality of banks is likely to continue. Stress tests by the judges of the Supreme Court, and subse- ideology, advising UPSC selectees to choose isters being investigated, especially by the
central bank suggest that bad loans are likely to decline further to 3.6 per cent by the end quently in S R Bommai (1994) and Shivraj the Centre over the state in a conflict, with- ED, has gone up dramatically. Not just inves-
of March2024.However,thistrendcouldbedisruptedif themacroeconomicenvironment Singh Chouhan (2020), the law is that in this When a respected figure is holding bills indefinitely, etc, put you on a tigated, but lodged in jail. And for long peri-
and other matters, the governor must act on collision course with your government. Net ods, well beyond the time reasonably re-
worsens. Alongside, banks have managed to sustain the momentum in their profitabil-
the aid and advice of the Council of
appointed as a governor, he result: Even if Ravi has something sensible to quired for custodial interrogation. The
ity as their net interest margins continue to grow, their provisioning coverage ratio is Ministers. There are some exceptions which comes with some positive say, Stalin will be loathe to accept it. Ravi application of the Prevention of Money
high, and their capital position is healthy. In fact, the capital to risk-weighted assets ratio are not relevant here. Appointing and dis- capital of respect. When the needs to try and emulate distinguished ear- Laundering Act, bolstered by unfortunate
has touched a high implying that banks are well capitalised and can absorb macroeco- missing a minister is the prerogative of the person conducts herself with lier governors like Gopalkrishna Gandhi and decisions of the Supreme Court, results,
nomic shocks. As per the RBI’s assessment, they will be able to comply with the mini- chief minister. Ravi has kept his missive in T N Chaturvedi. His ultimate role model among other consequences, in inordinate
abeyance citing Home Ministry advice to moderation and restraint, should be none other than our President difficulties in securing bail since the pre-
mum capital requirements even under adverse stress scenarios.
consult the Attorney-General. He ought to keeps above the fray of Droupadi Murmu, who personifies grace sumption of innocence is overturned.
However, there are some areas of concern. In the retail loan category, even though
have done that in the first instance, instead politics, doesn’t court and dignity and served with distinction as There is another point which may be rel-
NPAs are low, loans where the principal or the interest payments or any other amount of shooting first and asking questions after- Governor of Jharkhand. evant in a larger context. While on the one
wholly or partly overdue has remained outstanding for a specified time (special men-
controversy and preserves the
wards. This leads us to the question that is in- hand, one does not wish to a state-of-affairs
tion accounts), were high at 7.4 per cent. For public sector banks they were even higher But that raises a larger question. Granting dignity of the office, that variably asked when such episodes erupt: in which ministers are under the cloud of
in both the secured and unsecured loan category, amounting to almost a tenth of their re- that the governor cannot dismiss a minister, initial respect gets enhanced Do we need governor at all? If they perform criminal charges, it cannot be denied that
tail portfolio. For public sector banks, 6.1 per cent of education loans have turned bad, as is it a completely hands-off situation for a and becomes a reservoir of like they seem to be doing now in different there is a serious mixing of criminal inves-
governor who may be genuinely concerned states, the answer may be a thumbs down. tigation and prosecution with politics.
have18percentof creditcardreceivables.Theshareof unsecuredretailloanshasalsorisen trust. The governor becomes
about the continuance of a minister facing But there is value in the post, both for consti- The more we are blind to this, the greater
from 22.9 per cent to 25.2 per cent. Further, under the emergency credit line guarantee charges? The answer to that lies not in the what he is supposed to be — tutional and ceremonial functions. Much lies proportion it will acquire. We need probity
scheme, one-sixth of accounts have turned non-performing, with the distress being ma- law but in constitutional practice, conven- a wise counsellor, whose in appointing the right persons, and by a in governance, but we also need checks on
jorly seen in micro enterprises, in the services and trade sectors. In the case of industry, tion and observance of norms. words of advice and caution, proper method which reduces favouritism political misuse of the enforcement
while bad loans have fallen, they remain high in segments such as gems and jewellery, When a respected figure is appointed as and reward. Perhaps a solution lies in draw- machinery.
a governor, he comes with some positive
even on matters outside his ing up a cadre of distinguished persons from
construction, food processing and textiles. These areas require close monitoring.
capital of respect. When the person con- legal ken, will ordinarily be different fields — civil service, armed forces, The writer is Senior Advocate,
ducts herself with moderation and re- heeded by a chief minister. academics, culture, respected former minis- Madras High Court

Expansion of the group is in offing, challenge for founder
members is to ensure it does not become a Chinese bandwagon

China and South Africa and represents 40 per cent of the world’s population
and 23 per cent of global GDP, has sometimes been explained as triggered by
FOMO, a fear of missing out. The geopolitical shifts in the world from the
time of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, have set off frenetic group shopping as middle-sized While those transporting cattle have been attacked before, lynchings are new
countries with decent economies in the global south look for both voice and leverage.
Both are potentially possible in BRICS, made up of five regional heavyweights. More than
20 countries are in the queue. If media reports are correct, five applicants — Saudi Arabia, Jyoti Punwani
Indonesia, the UAE, Egypt and Argentina — may be granted membership this August at
the Cape Town summit. While it is always desirable to have bigger groupings than small
EXACTLY A year after the Devendra acknowledge that the way police have han- charged them with the Preventionof Cruelty
clubs, especially when the stated aim of the group is to project the interests of the non- Fadnavis-Eknath Shinde government took dled these cases is vastly different from what to Animals Act. But no animal was being
monolithic global south, an increase in membership is also likely to weigh the group in over, the state witnessed two lynchings by we’ve seen in other BJP-ruled states. Not transported, only meat. Finally, though po-
favour of China, the world’s second largest economy. Other than the five possible new so-called gau-rakshaks. Even Mumbai was only have 20 cow vigilantes been arrested lice investigations reveal that the victim in
entrantsthisyear,thosewaitingtojoinarealsopartof theChineseBeltandRoadInitiative. singed. Though the lynchings took place far for the two lynchings and charged with the first lynching was killed because he did-
Inherent in this is the likelihood of such a grouping being projected as a Chinese-led from the country’s financial capital, two of murder, but four policemen have also been n’t cough up money, extortion charges
the victims belonged to Mumbai. suspended for their lackadaisical response. haven’t been invoked.
anti-American bloc. Understandably, Delhi, which has in recent days demonstrated a
Incidentally, the two victims and the sur- After all, Bakri Eid was just round the cor- Barely two days after the second lynch-
new resolve in taking the bilateral relationship with the US to a new level, has been wary vivor are Pasmandas, the very category the ner, how could they not have been more ing, the Maharashtra Assembly Speaker is-
of expansion. Indeed, the long line of aspiring members is seen already as fuelled by PM spoke so feelingly about in Bhopal as he alert? Incidentally, punishment for police sued a directive to the police to ensure that
China, with the tacit backing of Russia. Last year’s BRICS declaration reflects India’s con- launched his 2024 campaign. In April, an- failure to prevent such incidents was recom- “gau rakshaks’’ were not booked on “false
cern that any addition of new members must follow the carefully thought out objective other Pasmanda was forced to bow before a mended by the Supreme Court in its 2018 charges’’, and to file FIRs against those
criteria for membership, mutually discussed among the present members, so that all are cow and beg forgiveness for his “sin’’ of guidelines to states on dealing with mob threatening or attacking them. But this had
on the same page regarding the logic of expansion. transporting cattle. Yet, no BJP “outreach’’ is lynching. already been done after an alleged gau rak-
as yet visible towards the victims. It’s a sign of the times that we feel grate- shak was killed in a clash with suspected
At the BRICS foreign ministers’ meeting last month, external affairs minister S
Even under the Congress-NCP govern- ful to the police for simply doing their job in cattle transporters earlier this month; five
Jaishankar called BRICS expansion a “work in progress” that had to take into considera- ments, Hindutva groups have been accused a professional manner. Now, whether they policemen were also suspended. So what
tion how the present BRICS countries worked with each other, and how BRICS works of assaulting and extorting money from Barely two days after the will pursue the case till conviction depends did such a directive achieve? Incidentally,
with non-BRICS countries. Realising perhaps that it may not be able entirely to stave off Muslims transporting cattle for Bakri Eid. second lynching, the on the government. Will Fadnavis instruct does the Speaker have the authority to issue
an expansion — many of the candidates are friends of India too — Delhi appears to have But lynching is new. Interestingly, when Maharashtra Assembly them to oppose bail? Will he obey the orders to the police?
lynchings were making news in other BJP- Supreme Court and set up Special/Fast Track In Qureshi Nagar, home to both victims of
come to terms with a limited addition of five members. The challenge would be for the
ruled states between 2016-18, Maharashtra
Speaker issued a directive to courts to try these cases? Will he at least ap- the second lynching, it was business as usual
original BRICS members — India, Brazil and South Africa (remember IBSA?) — and the the police to ensure that ‘gau
remained untouched. point special public prosecutors who can fo- two days after the incident. A question about
new entrants to ensure that the group does not become a Chinese bandwagon. Today too, the ruling parties are the same rakshaks’ were not booked cus on these cases, or will these end up as whether the NCP’s corporator Kaptan Malik
as they were then, as is the man that the po- on ‘false charges’, and to file just two more in the pile of cases that the had visited drew cynical laughs. Muslim
lice report to, Home Minister Devendra regular overworked and underpaid public leaders of the Congress and Samajwadi Party
Fadnavis, an RSS-ABVP product. So what’s
FIRs against those prosecutors have to deal with? did visit the families; the Congress has de-
threatening or attacking
Freeze Frame E P Unny changed?
One noticeable change since November them. But this had already
However, the police still need to answer
a few questions. They claim to be aware of
manded compensation and an SIT.
As always, it will fall on Mumbai’s hu-
is the high visibility of Hindutva groups. The been done after an alleged the vigilantes’ networks. Has the toll plaza man rights activists to ensure justice for their
lack of action on their poisonous speeches employee who alerted those involved in the fellow citizens by pursuing these cases to
against Muslims provoked the Supreme gau rakshak was killed in a second lynching been charged? A bigger the end. After all, if those who lynched
Court to describe the Fadnavis government clash with suspected cattle question mark is on their decision to book Tabrez Ansari in Jharkhand in 2019 could be
as “impotent’’. Cow vigilantes seem to feel transporters earlier this the victims. Since the forensic report of the convicted now, why should Mumbai’s Afaan
emboldened under the new government, month; five policemen were meat seized has not come in, they cannot Ansari and Nasir Shaikh, and Bhiwandi’s
evident from the way they struck twice in a charge the victims under Maharashtra’s Lukman Ansari not get justice?
fortnight in the same area. also suspended. So what did Animal Preservation Act (2015). However,
However, it would be dishonest not to such a directive achieve? instead of waiting for the report, they’ve The writer is a senior journalist


VIOLENCE IN PUNJAB people of 99 villages of Rajkot, Junagadh and
Jamnagar districts of the possibility of floods.
inflation. Planning Minister S B Chavan an-
TWO PERSONS WERE reported killed and The people were told to be prepared to move mittee meeting the Centre’s decision to step
many injured in police firings in the historic to safety at short notice as eight dams in the up the central assistance to states for the
towns of Tarn Taran and Baba Bakala in area were full to the brim and could start Sixth Plan by Rs 1650 crore in the current
Amritsar district. A Nirankari, Avtar Singh, overflowing at any time. An official an- year and the next year.
was killed allegedly by extremists at nouncement said all preparations had been
Kalanwali Mandi in Sirsa district of Haryana.
Kalanwali Mandi is situated near the
made at the dam sites to issue warnings to
the people. The people had been asked to
Punjab-Haryana borders in Sirsa district. keep in constant touch with the local au- A RAID BY the Central Bureau of
The police resorted to firing at Baba Bakala thorities. Investigation on a Delhi businessman’s
when a group of Nihangs gheraoed the po- house has provided the investigating
lice post.
MORE AID FROM CENTRE agency with a major breakthrough in the
multi-crore rupees Bombay Port Trust land
racket. The business man is said to be the
main middleman in India of a London-
THE GUJARAT GOVERNMENT alerted the the serious erosion in plan resources due to based party.



“BRICS mechanism exists as an emerging platform for global governance... As long
as they come with equality and goodwill... the BRICS countries welcome more
entities to participate in global development cooperation, including not only France,
but also the US.” — GLOBAL TIMES, CHINA

No leapfrogging
in sight
Indian economy’s size is about that of China in 2007.
But without a spur to manufacturing, India will be
hard pressed to follow China’s growth trajectory
pick up? This will have implications for job
creation and the broader economy.
China also had and continues to have a
considerably higher labour force participa-
tion rate. In 2007, its labour force participa-
above, modelled ILO estimate). It has since
declined to 67 per cent. In India, the partic-
ipation rate is estimated at around 50 per
Ishan Bakshi cent in 2022. (It is higher as per the PLFS.)
As the male labour force participation
rate in both countries is roughly the same,
IN SOME ways, the India of today is similar the difference is largely due to female par-
to the China of 2007. ticipation. In China, the female labour force

Locate the many Indias

C R Sasikumar AsperMoody’s,theIndianeconomyhas participation rate stood at 66 per cent in
recentlycrossed$3.5trillioninsize.TheIMF 2007.By2022,ithaddeclinedto61percent.
expects it to exceed $3.7 trillion this year. A In India, it was considerably lower at 30 per
decadeandahalfago,theChineseeconomy cent in 2007, and has since fallen even fur-
was of comparable heft. China then had a ther to 24 per cent in 2022.
per capita income of $2,694, while the IMF Abiggerlabourforcehasimplicationsfor
expectsIndia’spercapitaincometorisefrom spendingcapacity.Andif salesof passenger
$2,379 in 2022 to $2,601 in 2023. cars,amarkerofanincreaseindiscretionary
Advice to potential investors: Do not presume that business models that have Though there are other areas of similar- spending,areanyindication,therearesignif-
ity, more profound are the points of diver- icantdifferences.In2022-23,passengercar
worked well for you elsewhere will be comparably successful in India gence. These have implications for India’s sales in India stood at 3.8 million. In com-
growth trajectory. parison,in2007,6.3millioncarsweresoldin
the largest and most youthful workforce in foreign policy: “Britain has no eternal allies .. Forone,theunderlyingdriversofgrowth China. A higher labour force participation
the world with an average age currently of no perpetual enemies; (only) eternal and inthetwocountriesdiffer.China’smeteoric rate and an expansion of the market will
29 years. The Indian educational system has perpetual interests”. So while US-India rela- risehasbeendrivenbyinvestmentsandex- necessarily require female participation to
beenfrequentlycritiquedandwithgoodrea- tions have never been as close — the scale ports.Between2003and2011,thecountry’s increase in India.
son. But what should not be forgotten is that and scope of the agreements signed during investmenttoGDPratio(grossfixedcapital In terms of the sectoral deployment of
this system churns out 6,00,000 engineer- the PM’s state visit are unprecedented and formation)averaged40percent.Incompar- their labour forces, there are some broad
ing graduates annually on the back of which extraordinary — India will not lock itself into ison, even during this high growth phase, similarities.In2007,41percentofthelabour
a thousand plus MNCs have successfully es- a formal alliance with the US. It will also not the investment ratio in India averaged only force in China was engaged in agriculture,
tablished global centres, ranging from back accept any fetters that limit its flexibility to around33percent.Worryingly,thegapbe- 27percentinindustry(includingconstruc-
offices to primary research laboratories. define policies on the basis of strategic ne- tweenthetwocountrieshaswidenedsince. tion) and 32 per cent in services. For India,
OVER THE BARREL Social: India’s economic growth is some- cessity and/or economic interests. It will re- In the years from 2012 to 2021, as the the comparable numbers in 2021 were 44
by Vikram S Mehta what skewed. States in the southern and main “neutral” on Ukraine, it will continue Chinese economy pulled further away, its per cent, 25 per cent and 31 per cent. (The
western parts of the country are growing at to shop for discounted oil from Russia, it will investmentratioclimbedevenhigher,aver- absolute numbers differ.)
a faster clip than those in the north, north- prioritise relations with oil exporting coun- aging almost 43 per cent. In India, it fell to In China, the labour force employed in
I AM OFTEN called upon to provide potential east, and eastern regions. Excluding the tries — particularly Saudi Arabia — given the around 29 per cent as the investment mo- agriculture fell by roughly 1.5 percentage
investors a snapshot of India. There is gen- smaller states with a population of less than likelihood of continued dependence on im- mentum tapered off. While there are some points per year between 2003 and 2019
uine interest, but set alongside all the other 25 million (Goa, Sikkim and Delhi for exam- ported oil and gas for the foreseeable future, signs of activity picking up in a few sectors (priortothepandemic).InIndia,itdeclined
subjects that are weighing on their minds ple) one north Indian state has a place in the andinamorenuancedway,itwilllooktode- afterthisalmostdecadelongslowdownin- byaround1percentagepoint.Thequestion
(geopolitics, supply chain, chips, carbon, AI), top five rank ordering by GDP per capita of risk rather than decouple economic links duced by the twin balance sheet problem, now is, if India's labour force in agriculture
the call is more often than not caveated with Indian states. There is a four-fold difference with China. The competitiveness of its clean howinvestmentsfareoverthecomingyears continues to fall at its pre-pandemic pace
therequestthatmyremarksbebrief,punchy betweenthericheststate,Karnataka,andthe Potential investors must, energy transition depends on access to rela- willhaveabearingonwhetherIndiaattains overthecomingdecade—thetrendhas re-
and forward-looking. It is not easy to cover poorest, Bihar. This skew will challenge so- however, keep in mind the tively low-cost minerals (lithium for exam- uppermiddleincomestatusasperthetime- versed in recent years — where will they be
the canvass of our subcontinent in five to 10 cialharmony.Theconsequentialdifferentials quip by the Cambridge ple) and components (solar panels, silicon linesbeingcurrentlyprojected.(Mostof the employed?
minutes without relapsing into cliched gen- in economic opportunities and the availabil- economist, Joan Robinson: wafers, cells, batteries) from China. data has been sourced from the World Inthepast,thebulkof jobsinIndiahave
eralisations. My approach has been to pro- ity of jobs will accelerate internal migration Business:Indiaofferssignificantopportu- Bank.) been created, not in manufacturing, but in
vide one high-level message with explana- and deepen the “remittance economy”. ‘Whatever you can rightly nities to do business. There is cross-party Then there are exports. In 2022-23, construction and services like trade and
tory footnotes on the economy, society, Indian society is currently divided along the say about India, the opposite supportforprivateinvestment.Theanti-cap- India’s exports of goods and services sur- transport.However,asformalmanufactur-
politics, foreign policy and business. In this axis of caste, class, religion, gender and lan- is also true’. There are many italist ideologues are now an insignificant passed $770 billion, while imports were ing is much more productive than these
article, I share these messages. guage. Migration might kindle regional na- minority. Potential investors must, however, around $890 billion. In 2007, when the sectors — it is twice as productive as trans-
Indias and contradictions
Economy: India’s GDP will more than tivism. There is also concern regarding the keep in mind the quip by the Cambridge Chinese economy was of comparable size, port,2.5timesmoreproductivethantrade,
double over the next five-seven years. ramificationsof theattitudinaldifferencebe- abound. The key factors for economist, Joan Robinson: “Whatever you the country’s exports had crossed $1.2 tril- and 3.75 times more productive than con-
Currently, it is around $3.4 trillion; it will be tween an aspirational public and a cautious, business success rest on can rightly say about India, the opposite is lion,drivenbyexportsofgoodsnotservices, struction as per estimates presented in the
about $8 trillion by 2030. The drivers of this precedent-bound, bureaucracy. One, identifying the India in also true”. There are many Indias and con- while imports stood at $950 billion, sig- economic survey — the lack of employ-
growth will be: One, state-led investment in Politics:Economicskewandsocialdiffer- tradictions abound. The key factors for busi- nallingitsdeeperintegrationwiththeglobal mentgenerationinthissectorhasbeenand
infrastructure, utilities and construction; entiation complicate governance. India is a
which one wishes to operate ness success rest on: One, identifying the economy. still remains India’s biggest growth
two, the consequential crowding in of pri- federal polity, but in recent years, the pen- — the particular geography, India in which one wishes to operate — the China’s emergence as the epicentre of challenge.
vateinvestmentinpredominantlyconsumer dulum of governance has moved towards the segment of the value particular geography, the segment of the global supply chains over the decades has In the coming years, even if low-and
lifestyles, e-commerce, green energy and fi- centralisation. This is the result of, inter alia, chain, and the target value chain, and the target consumer. Two, beenfacilitatedinpartbytheloweringoftar- semi-skilled job creation in manufacturing
nancialservices;three,increasingconsump- afracturedOppositionandthefactthelevers in reading the nuanced tea leaves of deci- iffs. The country’s tariff rate (simple mean) fallsshort,itispossiblethattheIndianecon-
tion as consumer income reconfigures from of fiscal allocation are controlled by the cen-
consumer. Two, in reading sion-making — who actually wields power fell from 10.69 per cent in 2003 to 8.93 per omywillmanagetochugalong.Butonlyso.
the shape of a pyramid to a diamond; and tral government. Looking ahead, the pendu- the nuanced tea leaves of — it might not be the one who sits in the cent in 2007, declining further to 5.32 per Itwillbehardtomatchthekindofexplosive
four, deepening connectivity — a contempo- lum should reverse direction because of two decision-making — who, chair. Three, selecting the right partner. Four, cent in 2020. In comparison, while India’s growththatChinahaswitnessed—between
rary reality with 900 million mobile phone factors — one, the emergence of strong state actually, wields power — it acceptingthat,whilstthe pastcanoffervalu- tariff rate fell from 25.63 per cent in 2003 to 2007 and 2021, the Chinese economy grew
subscriptions and approximately 400 mil- leaders whose interest is to consolidate their able insights, it is an imperfect guidepost. 8.88 per cent in 2017, it has risen thereafter. at 8 per cent on average per year, while the
lion phone banking transactions every day. regional power base rather than play a role might not be the one who India is today atan inflection point. Investors Between2007and2021,China’sexports Indianeconomygrewat6percent—unless
Eighty per cent of adults have bank ac- on the national stage and two, the dynamics sits in the chair. Three, should come to the country with a clean averaged about 24 per cent of GDP. While investmentactivitypicksup,unlessexports,
counts. The lubricant of this growth will be of competitive federalism. One can expect selecting the right partner. playbook. They must not presume that busi- India’sexportshaveaveragedroughly21per especially of goods pick up, and unless the
“factor market” reforms. Labour laws have states to compete aggressively for thecapital Four, accepting that, whilst ness models that have worked well for them centoverthisperiod,theywerealmoststag- female labour force participation and low-
already been simplified, the acquisition of rendered footloose by our “archipelagic” in- elsewhere will be comparably successful in nant at around 19 per cent between 2015 and semi-skilled employment in formal
land has been made easier and financial ternational order and “friend shoring”. the past can offer valuable India. They should first see the sights and and 2020. Though exports, especially of manufacturing pick up.
credit is increasingly accessible to small and Foreign Policy: India does not see the insights, it is an imperfect sense the smells and only then write about services, have picked up over the past few As before, the path to getting richer
middle-scaleenterprises.Therecently-enun- world through a binary, zero-sum lens. Its guidepost. India is today at the country. years,thequestionnowis,canthismomen- quickly remains the same.
ciated production-linked incentives for do- foreign policy is grounded on the catch- tumbesustained?Andwillitcontinuetobe
an inflection point. Investors
mestic investment into, inter alia, green en- words, “multi-alignment” and “frenemies”, The writer is chairman and distinguished drivenbyservicesorwillgoodsexportsalso [email protected]
ergy and semiconductors will also be a avariantof the19thcenturyUKforeignmin- should come to the country fellow, Center for Social and Economic
stimulus. As will the availability of possibly ister,LordPalmerston’sdefinitionof theUK's with a clean playbook. Progress (CSEP)


People’s editor GOVERNOR’S POWER

THIS REFERS TO the editorial, ‘Fraying
the fabric’ (IE, July 1). There’s no doubt
venorshipof theEqualOpportunityCell
atDelhiUniversity,weworked towards
encouraging and helping trans persons
join college. However, we failed to get
Jawaharlal Darda’s journalism and political life was rooted in public welfare that constitutionally, R N Ravi was anysuchstudentsin.Hence,Iagreethat
wrong to unilaterally sack the minister. we need to allocate seats for trans per-
In this case, Stalin could have acted on sonsandmakethemawareof theirpro-
Nitin Gadkari his own to avoid facing the blame of visions. We must also ensure a healthy
shieldinghisministerandhinderingthe college environment for all students.
THE BIRTH centenary of veteran freedom sions on important national and local issues personal satyagraha against British policy. Opposition parties with courtesy. As a per- due process of law. But none of this can KudostoKanmaniRforbringingthisis-
fighter and founder editor of the Lokmat and introduce various topics to readers ac- Thecallforsatyagrahafoundimmediateres- son,hewasbig-hearted.Herespectedhisop- excuse the Governor for his misadven- sue into the limelight.
Media Group, Jawaharlal Darda alias Babuji cording to the changing times. Lokmat is a onanceinYavatmal.Babujimobilisedagroup ponents, irrespective of their party affilia- ture.Thegovernorplayingjudgeissim- Nitin Navin, Delhi
has jogged fond memories of my personal great example of howa daily newspaper can of peopleandledtheprotest.Hewasalsoim- tions. ply not the way, as he is a key mediator
affinity with him.Thekaleidoscope of his so-
cial and political work is also revolving be-
become a part of public life and credit for it
goes to Babuji, and after him to the skillful
prisoned for his active participation in the
freedom movement. He was always ahead
Babuji deeply felt that Vidarbha should
progress. During his tenure as the state in-
in the Centre-State relationship. The
breakdown of the governor-govt rela-
fore my eyes. Babuji had a different chem- and mature family members like Vijaybabu of his contemporaries in thought and action. dustries minister, he set up industrial estates tionship in many opposition-ruled THIS REFERS TO the article, ‘The road to
istry with me. Our generation received his and Rajendrababu. Babuji was brave, yet restrained. He al- in many areas. Babuji’s arguments in the states is unfortunate. In the long run, Mecca’ (IE, July 1). The Hajj journey has
guidance in the initial stages of our student He passed on many virtues such as inter- ways thought of the welfare of the society. state legislature were unparalleled. He used theroleof theGovernorinthecountry’s been made safer these days. Saudi
life and then after we entered politics. He al- est in art and literature, friendly nature, After independence, he devoted himself to to come to the House after good preparation constitutionneedsathoroughoverhaul, Arabia is building a new 72-km long
ways supported and guided us. He was a beauty, eloquence and neatness from his constructive work. He made great contribu- andpointedlyspeakonissues.Heusedtosay so that Raj Bhavan incumbents give up Makkah-Jeddah highway, which will
leading journalist and editor of Maharashtra own personality informally to the Lokmat tions in the fields of industry, health and ed- thatthelegislatureisforconstructivediscus- their sense of lordship and focus on make it easier for 30 million Umrah pil-
and a leading politician of his time. family and many others who came in con- ucation. He was a visionary who always sion in the interest of the people. their core constitutional duties. grims to partake in this holy journey.
He was a minister for a long time. But he tact with him. thought of the welfare of society. I still remember Babuji’s smiling face, his Sanjay Chopra, Mohali Billionsof dollarshavebeenspentinthe
did not bringjournalismintopolitics anddid Babuji’s contribution to the freedom He would say that if the future of India is ability to work and his eagerness to make last 40 years to make Hajj more acces-
not allow politics toenter journalism. He be-
longed to the Congress. But from the begin-
spontaneously responded to the call of the
to be changed, the light of education should
be introduced into the mainstream society,
people’slives easy. Babujibelievedthat good
people should come into politics. Therefore,
TRANSGENDER QUOTA sible. Saudi Arabia has undertaken var-
iousinfrastructure developmentalpro-
ning, Babuji laid the foundation for all kinds freedomstruggleandgainedtheattentionof and even the people from rural and remote he always encouraged good people regard- THIS REFERS TO the article, ‘The quota grammes for itsvision2030,which will
of opinions to get reflected in Lokmat. The personalities such as Mahatma Gandhi, areas should be able to avail of its many ben- less of the party they belonged to. He had a within’ (IE, July 1). The writer has cor- better its economy. Special attention is
Lokmat family maintains the same tradition Lokmanya Tilak, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, efits. Despite being in politics for a long time, vision for development. He was essentially rectly brought the plight of transgen- being paid to healthcare and the king-
even today. Babuji developed the ideal of Subhas Chandra Bose and Pandit Jawaharlal Babuji did not let the valuable insights into a people's man who used his power and po- derpeopleunabletogettheirdueshare dom is taking measures to raise aware-
fearless journalism. After becoming active in Nehru.Yavatmaldistrictwasactivelyengaged public welfare, which he got during his par- sition for the public welfare. of respect in society. Of course, a tailor- ness with regard to the health of visi-
politics in the post-independence period, in the freedom struggle and credit for rekin- ticipation in the freedom movement, wear Ipaymyhumbletributestothisgreatson made policy is needed to uplift the tors and pilgrims. A profound sense of
Babuji started the great mission of enlight- dlingthenationalistspiritamongthepeople off in the euphoria of Independence. He in- of Maharashtra on the occasion of his birth community. However, society also mutual respect and shared cultural
enment through Lokmat. should be given to freedom fighters like sistedthatjournalismshouldbeusedtosolve centenary. needs to change its mindset towards bond between India and Saudi Arabia
Under his guidance, Lokmat developed a Babuji. Babuji is among the most prominent problems in rural areas. That is why he trans people. Ill-treating transgender will play an important role here.
system to ask questions pertaining to the freedom fighters in the Yavatmal district. launched Lokmat. The writer is Union Minister for Road people is inhumane. During my con- Vishwanath Baitha, Bihar
masses, bring about comprehensive discus- In 1941, Mahatma Gandhi announced a Babuji’s specialty was to treat leaders of Transport and Highways

If there are questions of current or contemporary relevance that you would like
explained, please write to [email protected]

Universe’s background hum detected: what messages it holds

verseallthetime.Infact,blackholesof much at very precise intervals, and therefore sci- In his well-known theory of gravitation, or stars.
AMITABH SINHA & ALIND CHAUHAN largersizes,millionsof timesbiggerthanour entists use pulsars as ‘cosmic clocks’. Isaac Newton postulated that every celestial But since the Earth, sun and everything
NEW DELHI, JULY 2 Sun, merge regularly. There are other events, After examining25 pulsars over15 years, bodyexertsanattractiveforceoneveryother, else are moving, the curvature around them
eventhesimplemotionof verylargeobjects, it was noted that some of the signals from the force being proportional to the masses moves too. This creates ripples in spacetime,
SCIENTISTS LAST week said they had found thatproducegravitationalwaves.Assuch,sci- these stars arrived a little early while a few of the two bodies and inversely proportional just like a moving boat in water creates rip-
evidence to suggest that the universe was entists believed — and Einstein’s General others were late, the discrepancies ranging to the square of the distance between them. ples. It is these ripples that Einstein called
humming with low-frequency gravitational Theoryof Relativitypredictsit—thattheuni- in millionths of seconds. Scientists proposed Newton’sgravitationallaw describedthe gravitational waves.
waves — ripples in the fabric of spacetime versemustbefilledwithgravitationalwaves that the observed inconsistencies were due motion of heavenly bodies with amazing ac-
created by huge objects moving around, col- from different events, and that spacetime to deformities caused in spacetime — the curacy and withstood the test of time for And why are gravitational waves
liding,andmergingwitheachother,andpre- couldbeexperiencingtheircombinedeffects. shortening or lengthening of the distance — about three centuries. But the law had some important?
dicted by Albert Einstein more than 100 Thisisexactlywhatthislatestexperiment by gravitational waves. deficiencies. Though mathematically accu- Pretty much everything that we know
years ago. has established. Gravitational waves from “These irregularities showed consistent An artist’s impression of gravitational rate, it doesn’t say why two bodies are at- about faraway objects, or those too small to
“It’s really the first time that we have ev- several different sources form effects of the presence of grav- waves generated by binary neutron tracted to each other. The second deficiency be seen, has come through the detection of
idence of this large-scale motion of every-
thing in the universe,” said Maura McL-
a continuous background in
the universe. Scientists are
EXPLAINED itational waves,” said Bhal
Chandra Joshi, senior scientist
stars. R Hurt/Caltech-JPL/via NASA came to the fore after Einstein, in 1905,
showed that nothing could travel faster than
different kinds of electromagnetic waves ei-
ther emitted or reflected by them. These
aughlin, co-director of NANOGrav,one of the calling it a background ‘hum’. SCI-TECH and the man behind InPTA. the speed of light. But the gravitational force electromagneticwaves,of whichvisiblelight
research teams in the international collabo- Since gravitational waves are Unlike the previously de- are relatively feeble. Only the waves pro- betweentwobodiesseemedtobepropagat- is also a part, carry information that is char-
ration that published the results in The distortionsinthespacetimeitself,everything tected ripples, these low-frequency gravita- duced just ahead of the merger, when the ing instantaneously. acteristic of the objects they are emitted by.
Astrophysical Journal Letters. lying in the spacetime is affected by it. tionalwavesprobablyemergedfromacollid- energyreleasedwasmaximum,couldbede- These two deficiencies were addressed And scientists study these characteristics to
Gravitationalwaveswerefirstdetectedin ing pair of very large, ‘monster’, black holes, tected. But these are like flashes of gravita- byEinsteininhisGeneralTheoryof Relativity, gain information about the source.
2015usingLaserInterferometerGravitational How was the hum detected? millions of times bigger than our Sun, said tional waves, lasting for maybe a few published a decade later. He had already But as almost 95 per cent of the universe
Observatory(LIGO)detectors.Butthosewere The experiment was carried out by radio the researchers. milliseconds,” said Ashoka University vice- shown earlier that space and time were not is known to consist of dark matter and dark
highfrequencygravitationalwaves,produced astronomersfromfivedifferentinternational chancellor Somak Raychaudhury, a former independent entities but had to be woven energy, not emitting light or any other elec-
by the merger of two relatively small black teams, including Indian Pulsar Timing Array Why is the discovery important? director of Pune-based Inter-University togetherasspacetime(thethreedimensions tromagnetic wave, most of the cosmos re-
holes about 1.3 billion years ago. All detec- (InPTA). Scientists have been looking for low-fre- Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics of space — height, width and depth — and mains ‘invisible’ to scientists. Gravitational
tions of gravitational waves since — at least The researchers used six large radio tele- quency gravitational waves for decades. The (IUCAA). one dimension of time combined into a sin- waves offer another tool to the scientists to
nine — have been of the same nature. scopes around the world, including one in latest breakthrough provides enoughdata to The discovery will help scientists expand gle four-dimensional continuum). study the universe. Like electromagnetic
Pune, to study objects called pulsars — rap- support that. theirknowledgeaboutthenatureandevolu- While formulating his theory, Einstein waves, gravitational waves also carry char-
So what is different? idly rotating neutron stars that emit pulses “The gravitational waves detected since tion of the universe. proposed that gravitational attraction was acteristic information from their source.
Events like the ones whose gravitational of radiation, observed from the Earth as 2015involvedmergersof smallerblackholes. a result of the bending of the fabric of space- LONGER VERSION
waves had been detected happen in the uni- brightflashesof light.Theseburststakeplace The gravitational waves produced by them What are gravitational waves? time by a heavy objects like the Earth, Sun


While the BJP govt hasn’t raised cane prices much, it may have to do so in the coming sugar year. The
NEW DELHI, JULY 2 upcoming Lok Sabha polls, low sugar stocks and monsoon-linked production uncertainties may force it.
THE KING of The Netherlands, Willem-
Alexander, has apologised for his coun-
try’s role in slavery. PAYMENTS BY MILLS
SpeakingonSaturdaytomark thean-
niversary of the abolishment of slavery
in the Netherlands and its former colo-
nies in the Caribbean, the king said, “...on
this day of remembrance, I ask forgive- A worker at
ness for the clear failure to act in the face a sugarcane
of this crime against humanity.”
Earlier in December 2022, Dutch
Harish Damodaran Sugar
Cane Cane
Crushed* Payment**
farm in
western Uttar
Prime Minister Mark Rutte had also of- King Willem-Alexander in 2011-12 768.55 18,194.68 Pradesh in
feredanapology,aftertheresultsof agov- Amsterdam on the National SUGARCANE FARMERS not receiving pay- January 2022.
2012-13 815.06 22,460.51
ernment-commissioned study on slav- Remembrance Day of Slavery, ment for crop supplied to mills has always Abhinav Saha
ery were made public. Saturday. Reuters been an election issue, especially in Uttar 2013-14 701.17 19,388.23
Pradesh(UP).Butaheadof theLokSabhapolls 2014-15 744.54 20,646.07
What did the king and the PM say? scheduledinApril-May2024,itmaynotpose INDIA’S SUGAR BALANCE SHEET (in lakh tonnes)
2015-16 645.66 18,003.21
In his speech, the king thanked re- andaddressingthe present-dayeffectsof as much of a problem for the ruling party. 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
searchersforsheddinglightonthehistory slavery.” During the 2022-23 sugar year (SY), 2016-17 827.16 25,365.61
Opening Stock 104.71 143.33 104.78 83.98 71.23
of slavery. “We know that more than which runs from October to September, UP 2017-18 1111.90 35,444.06
600,000 people were transported across What is the Dutch slave trade history? mills have paid Rs 31,735.88 crore to cane 1. Gross Production 334.62 282.85 333.20 393.25 375.00
2018-19 1031.67 33,048.06
the Atlantic Ocean from Africa aboard According to the United Nations growerstillJune30.That’sabout83.4%of the 2. Diversion to Ethanol 3.00 9.00 22.00 34.00 45.00
Dutch ships, to be sold as slaves or put to SlaveryandRemembrancewebsite,“Like totalRs38,052croreworthof canetheyhave 2019-20 1118.02 35,898.85
Net Production (1-2) 331.62 273.85 311.20 359.25 330.00
work on plantations. Around 75,000 did other European maritime nations, the boughtfromfarmersattheUPgovernment’s 2020-21 1027.50 33,010.31
Availability 436.33 417.18 415.98 443.23 401.23
not survive the crossing. We also know Dutch were quick to involve themselves so-called state advised price (SAP). 2021-22 1016.26 35,154.56
abouttheextensiveslavetradetotheEast, in the transatlantic slave trade. Between With three months still to go, “we expect Domestic Consumption 255.00 253.00 260.00 262.00 275.00
2022-23 1098.82 31,735.88@
inareascontrolledbytheDutchEastIndia 1596 and 1829, the Dutch transported most of the balance amount to be cleared be- Exports 38.00 59.40 72.00 110.00 63.00
Company. And we know about the atroci- about half a million Africans across the fore the SY ends in September,” a senior offi- Note: Sugar Year is October-September; Closing Stock 143.33 104.78 83.98 71.23 63.23
ties committed against the indigenous Atlantic.Largenumbersweretakentothe cial from the UP government’s sugar industry *Lakh tonnes; **Rs crore; @Till June 30.
populations of the colonies,” he said. smallislandsof CuraçaoandSt.Eustatius, & cane development department told The Source: UP Sugar Industry and Cane Note: Data is for Sugar Year (Oct-Sep); 2022-23 numbers are estimates.
PMRuttehadsaid,“Wewholiveinto- in the Caribbean… The Dutch also Indian Express. This would be the first time in Development Department Source: National Federation of Cooperative Sugar Factories Ltd.
day’s world must acknowledge the evils shipped about a half million Africans to recentmemorywhenthestate’smillswillstart
of slavery in the clearest possible terms, their settlements in Dutch Guiana, no- crushingforanewSYwithverylittlecanedues
andcondemnitasacrimeagainsthuman- tably Suriname, where they worked pri- from the previous year. Such arrears carried 2011-12 to 2016-17, these added up to just ition to make ganna (sugarcane) a major poll 14.3 mt for 2018-19 (Table 2) and the lowest
ity.Asacriminalsystemwhichcausedun- marily on sugar plantations.” forward peaked at nearly Rs 8,450 crore in over Rs 124,058 crore. In the last six SYs from issue. Low cane payment arrears and an SAP since the 3.9 mt of 2016-17.
told numbers of people untold suffering. The Dutch put slaves to work in their 2019-20:MillsendedthatSYpayingjust76.5% 2017-18 to 2022-23,mills havecumulatively hike of Rs 20-25/quintal might help achieve The likely 6.3 mt sugar stocks can meet
Sufferingthatcontinuesinthelivesofpeo- coffee, sugar and tobacco plantations, of their total SAP value of cane purchases. paid almost Rs 204,292 crore. That figure that objective. This, even as the Centre last some 2.7 months of domestic consumption.
pletoday.AndweintheNetherlandsmust apart from household labour in colonies. should cross Rs 210,000 crore at the end of weekincreaseditsownbasic“fairandremu- Given that mills would also start full-fledged
confront our part in that history.” The centuries of slave trade funded what Limited price hikes the current SY. nerative price” of cane from Rs 305 to Rs 315 crushing operations after Diwali (falling on
Another independent study has been is knownasthe Netherlands’‘goldenage’ TheYogi Adityanath-led BJP government “Cane payments by our mills to farmers per cent quintal for the new SY. November 12), there shouldn’t be supply is-
commissioned by the king to find out the –theperiodroughlybetween1585-1670, in UP has faced criticism for not hiking cane in the lastsix yearshaveexceeded whatthey Afavourablefactorhereissugarprices.UP sues in the normal course.
preciseroleplayedbytheDutchRoyals,the when trade, arts, sciences and the mili- prices adequately. During its six years, the made during the preceding 22 years,” millsarerealisinganaverageofRs36/kg,com- But the real source of uncertainty is the
House of Orange-Nassau, in this history. tary flourished in the country. SAPof sugarcanehasbeenraisedfromRs305 claimed the official quoted earlier. paredtoRs32levelsthreeyearsago.Theirre- monsoon. “We need rain during July-Septe-
Last December, the government had Whenslaverywasformallyabolished per quintal for “general” and Rs 315/quintal Onereasonforthehigherpaymentsisthe alisationscouldbeevenmore—upwardsofRs mber,coincidingwiththegrandgrowthstage
announced it would “make €200 million in 1863, it was not the slaves who re- for “early-maturing” varieties in SY 2016-17, larger quantities of cane crushed by mills 45/kg — from export of sugar, which is now of the crop when its tillers (shoots) develop
available in a fund for measures aimed at ceived compensation from the Dutch to Rs 340 and Rs 350/quintal respectively in duringthelastsixyears,relativetotheearlier banned. While mills are losing from denial of intomillablecanes.Thatperioddecidesyields
raising awareness, fosteringengagement state, but the slave owners. SY 2022-23. That works out to a cumulative six years (Table 1). These have been enabled exportopportunity,theyhavebenefitedfrom andultimatelysucrose(sugar)accumulation
price increase of Rs 35/quintal over six years. by the average cane yields of farmers in UP the supply of ethanol to oil marketing com- inthecane,”notedPrakashNaiknavare,man-
As against this, during the previous goingupfromaround72tonnesto82tonnes paniesforblendingwithpetrol,reducingtheir aging director of the National Federation of
Samajwadi Party government, the cane SAP per hectare between 2016-17 and 2022-23. dependenceonsugarsales.UP’sethanolpro- Cooperative Sugar Factories Ltd.
was raised from Rs 240-250/quintal in SY More money has, thus, flowed to farmers duction alone has more than trebled from 43 The monsoon had a delayed start in June,
2011-12 to Rs 305-315/quintal in SY 2016-17 from higher yields and quantity of cane sup- crorelitresin2016-17(December-November) with a late surge somewhat making up for a
—an increase of Rs65/quintal over fiveyears. plied than from SAP increases. to138crorelitresin2021-22,andisprojected rainfall deficiency in the first half. “That rain
It was even more under the Bahujan Samaj at 160 crore litres in 2022-23. has helped the standing crop. But more rain-
Partyadministration:fromRs125-130/quin- More flexibility for increase fall is required to help fill reservoirs and
tal in SY 2006-07 to Rs 240-250/quintal in SY Thatsaid,thereislikelihoodof —andper- Supply-demand balance rechargethegroundwater,whichwillirrigate
2011-12,i.e.Rs115-120/quintaloverfiveyears. haps scope for — a significant raise in cane Tiltingthe scales further in favour of cane the cane after September,” said Naiknavare.
The Adityanath government has, how- prices payable by mills in the ensuing 2023- growers is the uncertainty over sugar sup- Fingers, thus, are crossed for the mon-
ever, sought to deflect the criticism by point- 24 SY. The Adityanath government seems to plies.ThecurrentSYisexpectedtoclosewith soon, which will decidehow much sugar the
ing to the total value of payments made to have kept the powder dry for that before the stocks of 6.3 million tonnes (mt). That’s less country produces in SY 2023-24 to add to its
UP’s cane farmers. During the six SYs from 2024 elections; it wouldn’t want the Oppos- than half the all-time-high ending stocks of just-about comfortable opening stocks.

Poll candidates’ criminal records: past SC rulings, fresh letter to EC

Punjab and 2021 Assembly elections held information to be publicised. hearing a contempt petition regarding its forms of the political party within 48 hours maintained the information and/or had in-
DAMINI NATH in West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Assam It directed parties to publish the details 2018 order not being implemented, the of the selection or not less than two weeks accessible website links. While the SC had
NEW DELHI, JULY 2 and UT of Puducherry,” the letter said. of the pending criminal cases in bold let- apexcourtreiteratedthatthepartieswould before the first date of nominations, said“winnability”couldnotbethesolerea-
ters,andthecandidatetoinformtheirparty have to publish the details of candidates whicheverisearlier.Thepartieswouldthen son for selecting a candidate with criminal
THE ASSOCIATION for DemocraticReforms What has the SC said on this? about the cases. The court also ordered that with pending criminal cases. It also added have to submit a compliance report with antecedents,theADRletterpointedoutthat
(ADR), an independent electoral watchdog, HearingapetitionfiledbyPublicInterest the candidate and the party that they would have to in- the ECI within 72 hours. partieswereciting“chancesof winning,the
recently wrote to the Election Commission Foundation, the Supreme Court on Septe- have to publish the informa- cludethereasonsforselecting popularityof theperson”asamongtherea-
seeking action against political parties that mber 25, 2018, made it mandatory for po- tion at least thrice after filing EXPLAINED such a candidate. What is the ADR’s claim? sons. The parties were also “copy-pasting”
fail to publish details of criminal an-
tecedents of their election candidates.
litical parties to publish the details of crim-
inal cases pending against their election
“Disclosureof antecedents
POLITICS “The reasons as to selec-
tion shall be with reference to
Writing to the ECI on June 19, ADR said
there was “wilful disobedience” by parties.

“ADR is seeking strict action to be initi- candidates, including on their websites, in makes the election a fair one the qualifications, achieve- It said it had analysed the forms C2 and C7, Why the letter to the EC now?
ated against the defaulting political parties, a format prescribed by the Election andtheexerciseof the rightof votingbythe ments and merit of the candidate con- which are the ECI’s prescribed formats for The ADR brought the situation to the
which had contested 2023 Assembly elec- Commission of India. electorate also gets sanctified. It has to be cerned, and not mere ‘winnability’ at the submitting the information, and found apex court’s notice and was directed, on
tions held in Tripura, Meghalaya, Nagaland While before the ruling, candidates de- rememberedthatsucharightisparamount polls,”thecourtsaid.Itsaidtheinformation many shortcomings. March17,to“pursueitsremediesbeforethe
and Karnataka, 2022 Assembly elections clared the cases pending against them in for a democracy,” the court had observed in wouldhavetobepublishedinonelocalver- The ADR said many political parties did Election Commission of India”. This led the
held in Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar their election affidavits to the ECI, the its judgement. nacular newspaper, one national newspa- not have functional websites to publish the election watchdog to write to the ECI on
Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Goa, Manipur and Supreme Court made it mandatory for the Subsequently, in February 2020, while per and on the official social media plat- information, and those that did had not June 19.

An ailing elephant — known in Sri Lanka as Muthu Raja, or Pearly King,
and as Sak Surin, or Mighty Surin, in Thai — gifted to Sri Lanka twenty
years ago returned to his Thailand for treatment after abuse allegations. AP


Over 700 arrests made, situation relatively quieter; 45,000 personnel on duty, says Interior Ministry
San SuuKyi REUTERS Vandalism in
Swiss city, 7 held
MYANMAR THE HOME of a Paris suburb
in ‘echo’ of riots CopsstandguardoutsideHouseof ParliamentinLondon. AP file
Topcourttohear mayor was ram-raided and set

UK: Police get

ablaze while his wife and chil-
SuuKyi’spleas drenwereasleepinsideamidthe
ongoing unrest in France follow-
inarmycases ing Tuesday’s shooting of a

new, expanded
teenager by a police officer, the SEVEN PEOPLE were detained,
Seoul: Myanmar’s Supre- official said on Sunday. mostly teenagers, after several
me Court scheduled Therioting,however,wasless shop windows in the Swiss city
hearingsforthismonthto intense overnight, the interior of Lausanne were smashed as

powers to crack
consider appeals from ministrysaidSunday.Thegovern- young people gathered in an
ousted leader Aung San ment poured 45,000 police onto “echo” of riots in neighboring
Suu Kyi against her con- thestreetsto tryto keep a lid ona France, police said Sunday.
viction in cases that saw fifth night of unrest after Over 100 people gathered in

down on protests
her get a total of 33 years Saturday's funeral of Nahel, a 17- downtown Lausanne, in French-
in prison, officials said year-old with Algerian and speaking western Switzerland,
Saturday. The cases Moroccanparents,whowasshot on Saturday. It said that they
against her are mostly duringatrafficstoponTuesdayin were responding to appeals on
brought by the military the Paris suburb of Nanterre. Riot police during the fifth day of protests in Paris, Sunday. Reuters social media linked to violence Authorities say that under
that seized power from Vincent Jeanbrun, mayor of that have shaken France of late. ASSOCIATED PRESS the new Public Order Act, pro-
elected government in thesouthernsuburbofL’Hay-les- Several shop windows and LONDON , JULY 2 testers found guilty of “tun-
February 2021. Two legal Roses, said his wife and one of town hall just like the two previ- The grandmother of the boy daughterislost...shedoesn'thave doorswerebroken,whileofficers nelling” — or digging under-
officials said the Supreme their two children, aged five and ous nights, people ram-raided killedonSundaysaidshewanted alifeanymore,"Nadiatoldmedia. dispersedthosewhothrewstones NEW AND expanded powers for ground tunnels to obstruct the
CourtplannedtohearSuu seven, were injured as they fled myhomebeforestartingafireto the nationwide rioting triggered “Don't destroy the schools, don't and a Molotov cocktail at them, British police took effect on building of new infrastructure
Kyi’s appeals on July 5 in the building in the early hours. torch my house, where my wife by his death to end. Identified as destroy the buses ... I'm telling police said. Six people — ages 15 Sunday, including measures tar- works — could face three years
two cases. The court was Jeanbrun,fromtheconserva- andmytwoyoungchildrenwere Nadia by French media, she said them [the rioters] to stop.” to17—weredetained;threegirls geting activists who stop traffic in prison.Anyonefoundguiltyof
due on July 12 to hear ap- tive Les Republicains party, was sleeping,” Jeanbrun tweeted. therioterswereusing17-year-old The government’s “crisis and three boys, with Portuguese, and major building works with obstructing a major transporta-
pealsagainstconvictionon not at home but at the town hall 719 people were arrested on Nahel’s death as an excuse to unit” has been activated until Somali, Bosnian, Swiss, Georgian protests. tionprojectcouldbejailedforup
five graft charges. AP during the incident. Saturday,fewerthanthe1,311the cause havoc and that the family further notice, and Macron was and Serbian citizenship — and a Authorities have repeatedly to six months.
“At 01:30 am, as I was in the last night, Interior Ministry said. wanted calm. “Nahel is dead. My due to meet his ministers later. 24-year-old Swiss man. condemned environmental The law also makes “locking
protest groups, including Just on,” or protesters attaching
Stop Oil and Extinction themselves to other people, ob-
DeSantisgrilled Trump resumes rallies US: Two shot dead, 28 injured Rebellion, which have sought to
raise awareness about the ur-
gency of climate change by stag-
jects or buildings, a criminal of-
Hundreds of climate change
ahead of July 4 holiday, in mass shooting in Baltimore ing multiple high-profile
protests at the busiest highways
protesters were arrested last

draws massive crowd Teenager, 20 yr-old among killed; three critically wounded
and roads. Their protests in re- roads and bridges.
cent years often caused serious Many activists protested by
Washington: Republicans disruption for motorists. sitting in the middle of the roads
criticized as “homopho- From Sunday, police will orgluingthemselvestoroadway
bic” a video posted by have powers to move static to make them harder to move.
Republican presidential MEGKINNARD SHIVANI TANNA protests. Critics have argued the The civil disobedience is a
candidate Ron DeSantis’ PICKENS,JULY2 & JAHNAVI NIDUMOLU toughened laws are a threat to wave of direct action that has
campaign highlighting ri- BALTIMORE, JULY 2 the right to protest, but UK offi- also seen activists glue them-
val Donald Trump’s past FORMER PRESIDENT Donald cials say the measures were to selvestofamousmuseumpaint-
statements in support of Trump on Saturday marked a re- TWO PEOPLE were killed and 28 stop “disruption from a selfish ings or throw soup at artworks
gay rights, and Trump de- turntothelarge-scaleralliesofhis others were injured, including minority.” to draw media attention to their
clinedatarallySaturdayto previouspresidentialcampaigns, four children, in a mass shooting “Thepublichavehad enough cause.
respond.FloridaGovernor speaking to thousands gathered in Baltimore, Maryland, on of their lives being disrupted by Police have said it’s costly to
DeSantis’ campaign in the streets of a small South Sunday, according to police and selfish protesters. The mayhem deal with the protests and that
posted the clip on Twitter Carolina city on a blazing day Former US President Donald hospital officials. we’ve seen on our streets has they diverted thousands of offi-
Friday, saying it marked ahead of the July 4 holiday. Trump at a rally. AP An 18-year-old woman and beenascandal,”HomeSecretary cers from other work like deal-
endofamonthofLGBTQ+ “There’s nowhere else I’d 20-year-oldmanwerekilledand Suella Braverman said. ing with crime.
pride celebrations. “To rather be to kick off the Fourth of three victims were still in critical
wrapupPrideMonth,let’s July weekend than right here on forcementofficialstoldsomeme- condition by Sunday morning, Policecordonsoff the areaof amass shootingincidentinthe
hear from the politician
who did more than any
MainSt.,withthousandsof hard-
working South Carolina patriots
dia outlets that around 15,000
people had gathered by 11 am,
according to police in Baltimore,
a city about 64 km north of
SouthernDistrictof Baltimore,theUS,earlySunday. AP
Syria repels Israel strike,
fragments of anti-aircraft
other Republican to cele- who believe in God, family and two hours before his remarks. Washington, DC.
brateit,”thecampaignsaid country,” Trump said to a crowd The heavily Republican area At least four victims were ing, and we will not rest until the the crime scene.
in the video. REUTERS standing on asphalt as tempera- is a popular one for GOP hope- treated in the University of people responsible are held ac- Nine people were trans-

tures climbed into the 90s.
It wasn’t immediately clear
fuls as they aim to attract sup-
port for South Carolina’s first-in-
Maryland Medical Center’s
Pediatric Emergency Depart-
countable,” Mayor Brandon
ported from the scene to local
hospitals, while 20 others af- missile hit Israeli town
SeniorTTP how many people had gathered
in the streets of downtown
the-South presidential primary.
In recent months, other can-
ment, the hospital said, without
providing details on their ages.
A local reporter posted an
fected walked into hospitals in
the area, police said.
commander Pickens, a small city in South
didates have held events in the
Thesuspect orsuspectswere
still at large.
image to Twitter showing police
A witness told TV station Fox
45 that they had heard 20 to 30
arrested around 3,400 residents. Law en- Carolinians in the race. AP “This investigation is ongo- acrossa yardthat appearedto be shots fired. REUTERS
SYRIA SAID it repelled a missile
Lahore: Pakistan police on salvo on Sunday from Israel,
Sunday arrested a senior
commanderofthebanned Russia fires first drone strike on Kyiv Progozhin-controlled media where police reported that rem-
nants of a Syrian anti-aircraft

in 12 days; Ukraine says all shot down shuts after uprising fallout
Tehreek-e-Taliban Paki- missile struck a remote town
stan (TTP) and thwarted a without causing injuries. Israeli authorities inspect
terror attack on law en- Israelhasinrecentmonthsin- the remains of Syrian rocket
forcement agencies in tensifiedstrikesonSyrianairports that exploded mid-air. AP
Pakistan’s Punjab reported that one person was city was targeted by Russian REUTERS and air bases to disrupt Iran’s use
province. Counter Terror- ASSOCIATEDPRESS woundedbyfallingdebrisfroma troopsoperatingintheRussia-oc- JULY 2 Wagner of aerial supply lines to deliver
ism Department (CTD) of KYIV,JULY2 destroyed drone. cupied part of the Kherson chief arms to allies in Syria & Lebanon. fence battery from which an
PakistanPunjabPolicesaid OfficialsintheUkrainiancap- province. “ YEVGENY PRIGOZHIN'S media Yevgeny Syrianstatemediasaidairde- anti-aircraft missile was
thattheyreceivedatip-off AFTER A relative lull, Russia italdidn’t provide anexactnum- Meanwhile,Ukraine’smilitary holding group is to shut down, Prigozhin fencesinterceptedIsraelimissiles launched towards Israel.
thatatopTTPcommander launched a drone attack early ber of drones that attacked the reported that the most intense the director of one of its outlets across central parts of the coun- After a mid-air explosion
was present after which a SundayonUkraine’scapital,Kyiv, city. But Ukraine’s air force said fightingcontinuedinUkraine’sin- said,highlightingthemercenary try, downing most of them. heard across Israel, remnants of
jointoperationoftheCTD, officials said. It was the first such that across the country, eight dustrialeast,withattacksfocused chief’s fortunes a week after the Wagner Group. ASyrianarmystatementsaid theSyrianmissilelandedinRahat,
police and an intelligence attack of the war in 12 days. Shaheds and three Kalibr cruise around Bakhmut, Marinka and collapse of a brief mutiny staged “I am announcing our deci- missiles that flew over parts of a town 180 km south of the line
agency was launched. It All of the Iranian-made missiles were launched by the Lyman in the country’s Donetsk by his Wagner Group fighters. sion to close down and to leave Lebanon’s capitalBeiruthitloca- betweenthecountries,Israelsaid.
saidKamalwasan“impor- Shahed exploding drones were Russians. province, where 46 combat Patriot Media, whose most the country's information tions in the vicinity of Homs city There was no word of any
tantcommander”ofTTPin detected and shot down, accord- Shelling of Kherson province clashes took place. prominent outlet was the RIA space,” RIA FAN director Yevgeny resulting in material damage. casualties.
Pakistan Punjab who was ingtoSerhiiPopko,theheadofthe continued Sunday morning, President Volodymyr Zelen- FAN news site, had taken a Zubarev said in a video clip Reuters could not immedi- Local media showed what
inchargeoftheoperations Kyiv city administration. In addi- wounding four people in the re- skyyvisitedtheBlackSeaportcity stronglynationalist,pro-Kremlin posted late on Saturday on the ately confirm the report. appeared to be the front end of a
in the region. PTI tiontothecityitself,thesurround- gionalcapital,alsocalledKherson. on Sunday — the day the country editorial line, while also provid- holding's social media accounts. AnIsraelimilitaryspokesper- missile, standing in an open area
ingKyivregionwastargeted.Kyiv The regional prosecutor’s office honorsitsnavy—tohearareport ing positive coverage of Zubarev gave no reason for son said warplanes struck tar- amongresidentialbuildings,and
AUSTRALIA regional Gov. Ruslan Kravchenko said that a residential area of the from the missile programme. Prigozhin and his mercenary the decision. gets including a Syrian air de- tail-fins in a field.

Sydney: Thousands rallied
a campaign to recognise
the country’s Indigenous
Scarcity of lithium is pushing car makers into mining business
people in the constitution Without lithium, US and So car companies are scram- tery suppliers buy lithium and developtheThackerPassminein
ahead of a referendum CLIFFORDKRAUSS European carmakers won’t be blingtolockupexclusiveaccessto other raw material on their own. Nevada.Thecompanybeatout50
laterthisyear.Thereferen- &JACKEWING abletobuildbatteriesfortheelec- smaller mines before others Butlithiumshortageshaveforced bidders, including battery and
dum, likely to be held be- JULY2 tricpickuptrucks,sportutilityve- swoopin.Butthestrategyexposes carmakers, which have deeper componentmakers,forthatstake.
tweenOctoberorDecem- hiclesandsedanstheyneedtore- themtotheriskybusinessofmin- pockets,todirectlyacquirethees- Chinese companies often
ber, seeks to amend the EAGER TO avoid falling further main competitive. And assembly ing, sometimes in politically un- sential metal and have it sent to have an edge over US & Europ-
constitution and establish behind Tesla and Chinese car linestheyarerampingupinplaces stable countries with weak envi- batteryfactories,someownedby ean car companies because they
advisory body, called the companies, many Western auto like Michigan, Tennessee and ronmentalprotections.Iftheybet suppliersandothersownedpartly are state owned or state sup-
IndigenousVoicetoParlia- executives are bypassing tradi- Germany, will grind to a halt. incorrectly, automakers may end or fully by the automakers. ported, and, as a result, can take
ment, to give Aboriginal tional suppliers andcommitting Established mining compa- up paying more for lithium than Batteries rely on lightweight more risks in mining.
people a direct say in poli- billions of dollars on deals with niesdon’thaveenoughlithiumto it will sell for in a few years. lithium ions to conduct energy. Auto companies are playing
cies that impact them. lithium mining companies. supplytheindustryaselectricve- Autoexecutivessaidtheyhad Theautomakerlastyearstruck an important role in helping
Yes23, the group behind They are showing up in hard hicle sales soar. General Motors no choice because there weren’t a supply deal with Livent, a mines get up and running, said
25ralliesnationwide,said hatsandsteel-toedbootstoscope plansforallitscarsalestobeelec- sufficient reliable supplies of lithiumcompanyinPhiladelphia, DirkHarbecke,chief executiveof
Sydney crowdwasaround mines in places like Chile, Argen- tricby2035.Inthefirstquarterof lithium and other battery mate- formaterialfromSouthAmerican Rock Tech Lithium, which is de-
3,000 and they were ex- tina, Quebec and Nevada to get 2023, sales of battery-powered rials, like nickel and cobalt, for mines.AndinJanuary,GMagreed veloping a mine in Ontario and
pecting 25,000 participa- metalsuppliesthatcouldmakeor cars,pickupsandsportutilityve- Ford Motor has agreed to buy lithium from SQM, a supplier the millions of electric vehicles to invest $650 million in Lithium a processing plant in eastern
tion in total. REUTERS break their companies as they hiclesintheUnitedStatesrose45 based in Chile. NYT the world needs. Americas, a company based in Germany that will supply
move from fuel to battery power. percent from a year earlier. Inthepast,automakersletbat- Vancouver, British Columbia, to Mercedes-Benz. NYT



The Eknath Shinde-Devendra state’s changing political
Politics in Maharashtra I don’t want to be
Fadnavis-led Shiv Sena-BJP landscape. Hailing from Nagpur,
has fallen to a level that we government in Maharashtra, the former Maharashtra Chief communal but these double
haven’t witnessed before. which recently completed one Minister is known for his astute standards cannot continue.
The quality of our year, has announced several political strategies. Preparing for If it’s in Nashik, then it’s a
development projects in the 2024 Lok Sabha and
discussions and debates lynching, but if it is in
different sectors, including Assembly elections, Fadnavis has
don’t suit a state like infrastructure, healthcare, also been at the forefront in Nanded, then it’s an
Maharashtra. But I would urban travel and agriculture. managing the power tussle within incident. This double
say, it is not as bad as Deputy Chief Minister of the alliance. Recently, there have standard also angers
Maharashtra, Fadnavis has been rumours of a rift between
southern states; we aren’t society, which feels that it is
played a significant role in the him and Shinde
after each other’s lives being pushed into a corner

‘Idealism in politics is good, but if

Everything cannot happen in one year

you’re kicked out, who cares?’

a fast track. For instance, we can use a ma-
jor portion of the Coastal Road by the end
be functional. We will begin one part of
beoperationalnextyear.Only100kmofthe MaharashtraDeputyCMDevendraFadnavisonhisrelationshipwithCMEknathShinde,whythere’snopowertussleforthenext
Samruddhi Mahamarg (Nagpur-Mumbai
Expressway)islefttobeconstructedandit elections andtacklinghatespeechinthestate.This session,heldonJune28,wasmoderatedbySandeepSingh,ResidentEditor,Mumbai
will be completed in the next six months.
10 medical colleges in the state and every
district will have a medical college. In col-
laboration with the Central government,
we have started work to upgrade the rural
health infrastructure.

If anannouncementcomessixdaysaf-
ter we take charge, then it’s the fault of the
government that came before us. When I
was the CM, except for the first year, in all
four years, Maharashtra was number one
in FDI (Foreign Direct Investment). But af-
went ahead, then Karnataka. Now
Maharashtra is number one again. We re-
cently gave approval for work worth
Rs 25,000-30,000 crore in the Cabinet.
Before this, I signed MoUs worth Rs 1 lakh
Earlier, we approved projects worth Rs
95,000 crore. The earlier government had
conduct regular meetings.
We gave our nod to Taiwanese EV mo-
bility major Gogoro in Sambhajinagar. It is
nalised everything. After that, a team from Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis (right) with Sandeep Singh, Resident Editor, Mumbai Pradip Das
presentation with Gogoro and compared
the balance sheets of Maharashtra and MOHAMEDTHAVER:Accordingtothe pointof view,aretolerancelevels doesn’t think that if we need to run a gov- cerned, we cannot go with ideologies of particular issue. Could you tell us
Telangana and told them that they SupremeCourt, 28casesof hatespeech dipping?Recently,someonetweeteda ernment,wemustsacrificesomething.He Congress, AIMIM (All India Majlis-E- about the investigation?
(Telangana) can promise anything but we havebeenregisteredinMaharashtra. photocomparingtheCMtoLord thinks my leader should be stronger. I IttehadulMuslimeen),MuslimLeague,not The investigation and chargesheet are
can deliver. We have got approval from Somesaythisisbecausepeoplewith HanumanandtheThanepolice totally believe that we can share seats to- even as a compromise. complete. Whether there was a political
Gogoro. Foxconn is an investor in Gogoro. casesregisteredagainstthemhave arrestedhim. gether comfortably. conspiracy or not, I’ll have to give a cali-
beengivenpermission(totakeout In politics, you need faith and patience. MOHAMED THAVER: When the brated answer. The person who tried to
SHUBHANGIKHAPRE:Whileoneyearis yatras),leadingtocommunaltensions, I tell all our new corporators to develop a SHUBHANGI KHAPRE: You’ll contest accused in the Bilkis Bano case were blackmail me and whom we caught, had
ashort timetogaugethegovernment’s andcowvigilantecases.Howdoyou habit of listening to criticism. Sometimes as two separate parties or on the welcomed on their release, you were messages and audio clips with big politi-
performance,itseemspoliticshas respondtothat? wereactafterhearingcriticism.Weshould BJP symbol? among the few BJP leaders who said cians in the Opposition. He has recorded
overtakengoodgovernance.Doyou Firstofall,onlyMaharashtraisregister- not do it, but we are also human. But we We will fight on separate symbols. what happened was wrong. Is it calls with politicians over five years but I
agreethattoomanyirritantshave ingcases.Kerala,TelanganaandTamilNadu need to be more tolerant. difficult when you don’t agree with the have no direct evidence that those politi-
croppedupanditisaffecting have not registered any cases (of hate ALOK DESHPANDE: Under whose party line? cianstoldhimtodosomething.What’sim-
developmentalwork? speechandcommunalviolence).Theques- ZEESHAN SHAIKH: In your one year in leadership will the elections be Nobody in my party questioned me. I portant is to point out what happened. I
Whatyouaresayingiscorrectnarrative- tion is, why were these processions taken this government, how has your fought? Also, if the MVA (Maha said what I thought. gave a statement on this in the House.
wise.Butthefactisthatwearetakingdeci- out? The previous government had in- relationship with the CM been? Has it Vikas Aghadi) stays together, what are
sions,runningthegovernmentandthere’s structedthepolicetonotactoncasesof‘love changed after that infamous your chances? SWEETY ADIMULAM: What’s your SADAF MODAK: Karnataka showed
a governance structure in place. Politics in jihad’andasaresulttherewasresentment advertisement where Mr Shinde was In our party, it is decided by our parlia- take on the comments made on the that elections can’t be fought on the
Maharashtra has fallen to a level that we and the processions started. By and large, projected as a more popular face? mentary board but whoever is the sitting Thackerays by Nitesh Rane? plank of Hindutva alone. Are there any
haven’twitnessedbefore.Thequalityofour we controlled these processions. See, we Weshareagoodrelationship.Iwasthe chief minister, he is the leader. Ultimately, Inpolitics,onlyanactionhasareaction. lessons there?
discussions and debates don’t suit a state discuss the Nashik cow vigilante episode CM for five years and now I’m the Deputy when the government is facing elections Sanjay Raut makes derogatory remarks WhosayswefoughtonlyonHindutva?
like Maharashtra. All day long, it’s the butnottheNandedincidentinwhichpeo- CM. He (Eknath Shinde) was a minister the head of that government is the leader. everyday.Ourpresidentdidn’tthinkhewas It’s our commitment, not our core plank.
same narrative. But I would say, it is not as plelynchedapersonwhowastakingcareof with me, and now he’s my boss. As Chief The government in power has a bond. bigenoughtowarrantaresponsefromhim The country is historically secular. The
badassouthernstates;wearen’taftereach cows. I don’t want to be communal but Minister,heismyleaderandIhavetowork These people (MVA partners) aren’t used but we did need to react so that our work- essence of Hindutva is tolerance. We’ve
other’s lives. thesedoublestandardscannotcontinue.If under him. It is firmly set in my mind. to being in the Opposition. Uddhavji has a erswerenotdemotivated.Soourpresident seen continuous civilisations because
it’s in Nashik, then it’s a lynching, but if it is Fortunately, he never shows off that he is style.Congressthinksitshouldhaveabig- nominated Nitesh Rane to respond — the we’ve been tolerant. When people talk
ZEESHANSHAIKH:Manypeopleare in Nanded, then it’s an incident. This dou- myleaderormyboss.Wehavebeenwork- ger role. One doesn’t know what will hap- dayRautstopshiscomments,NiteshRane about appeasement, we respond. Then
sayingthatDevendraFadnavis2.0is blestandardalsoangerssociety,whichfeels ing together with mutual respect. One ad- pen to them in the one-and-a-half years will stop too. peopleaccuseusoftalkingaboutHindutva.
angrierthanhisearlierversion.You that it is pushed into a corner. vertisement will not damage it. that are left.
alsomadeastatement:‘Aurangzebki VALLABH OZARKAR: Now you’ve SHUBHANGI KHAPRE: When it comes
auladein’.What’smakingyouangry? SANDEEPSINGH:Whiletherehasbeen SHUBHANGI KHAPRE: In the BJP, the DEVENDRA PANDEY: You went with formed the government with Shinde, to BJP-RSS, Muslims and minorities
This has been read out of context. In ariseininstancesof cowvigilantism, refrain is that we are the number one Ajit Pawar and then with Eknath but is the voter shifting towards him? don’t feel a sense of belonging with
ourcountry,nobodyconsidersAurangzeb theissueremainsthatcowsarebeing party — we have 105 MLAs, they are just Shinde. Is everything fair in politics, The voter is shifting towards Shindeji. the BJP. What is the party doing to
their leader. Even the Muslims never con- abandonedbyfarmersandwheredo 40 rebels. You gave away your CM-ship love and war? Heisassertiveanddecisive.Atfirst,people counter that?
sidered him their leader because his de- theygo?Maharashtraonlyhasaround but we are seeing a power tussle for the Everythingisfairinloveandwarbutin were apprehensive about his conduct but We want to end appeasement politics.
scendants do not live here. There are just 220gaushalasascomparedto next elections. Many feel that the politics everything is not always fair. We now they see him travel to different dis- When we say we don’t want it, the person
127 families of Turkish-Mongol origin liv- significantlyhighernumbersinsome resolution in Kalyan on Shrikant wanttodoethicalpoliticsbutIcan’tprom- tricts and talk to people. who this policy was directed at will obvi-
ing in India. Aurangzeb cannot be any- otherstates.Whatisthestatedoingin Shinde was an attack on him. With isethatIdoethicalpolitics100percent.We ously feel bad. If for 70 years the Congress
one’s leader here because he had ruined thisregard? skirmishes among local leaders from have to compromise sometimes. I do too. VALLABHOZARKAR:Dopeople’ssympa- andpseudo-secularpartiescaredsomuch
this land’sculture,destroyed templesand We have set up a Gau Seva Aayog in the BJP and Shiv Sena at the cadre level, Idealism is good, but if you’re kicked out, thies lie with Uddhav Thackeray? about minorities, they wouldn’t be in the
killedHindus—hewasbarbaric.Suddenly Maharashtraandaretryingtoincreasethe how can you face elections together? who cares? We had to make certain deci- How has he been wronged? If anyone state that they are. They were treated
there were these social media posts on numberofgaushalas.Ourfarmersarefacing It’s not about individual dynamics. sions.IfUddhavjihadn’tbehavedbadly,our has been wronged, it’s me. His loyal base merely as vote bank.
Aurangzeb, people taking out a proces- somuchdistressbecausetheircattlewealth When we work in an organisation, there alliance would have continued. People might be sympathetic towards him for
sioninhisname.So,Ihadsaid,‘Howcome has reduced. Cow is such an animal that are intra-group dynamics too. Not every- choseus.If afterthat,hebehavedlikethis... sometimebutthat’sfadingslowlytoo.Why ANANT GOENKA: Will the Assembly
so many children of Aurangzeb have ap- even after it stops producing milk, it is still one agrees all the time. We are two sepa- I’m not a saint, I’m a politician who is ethi- should he get sympathy? He did not meet elections take place before or after the
peared all of a sudden’. I said this was an useful.Itsdungisalsoveryuseful.Therefore, rate parties. My party workers will think cal.SoonceIwentwithAjitPawarandthen his workers or MLAs, he was inaccessible. Lok Sabha elections?
experiment done purposely. There’s a de- we have started a natural farming mission that we are a bigger party, so we should IwentwithShindeji.WithShindeji,Ithink Inourpolitics,weakpoliticiansdogetsym- OnlytheSupremeCourtcantell.There
sign behind this. It was a rhetoric: under which we want to bring 25 lakh get a bigger share. An ordinary worker it is very natural. As far as politics is con- pathy but not for long. is a status quo for all elections. We wanted
Aurangzeb ki itni auladein kahan se paida hectareoflandundernaturalfarminginthe the Nagar Palika elections and our work-
hui, jo nahi thi. I tried to highlight the ef- nextfouryears.Wewillprovidelarge-scale SHUBHANGI KHAPRE: How do you see ers would have been engaged, they are all
forts being made to disrupt the peace that training and create a kit for producing or- I was the CM for five years the Opposition’s attempt to come in waiting.
exists in our country. ganicmanure.Thiswillreducefarmer’sdis- together in the Patna meeting? It
and now I’m the Deputy might send a message to Maharashtra SANDEEP SINGH: Preparations for the
ZEESHANSHAIKH:If yousaythere’sa sustainable future. CM. He (Eknath Shinde) that they’re uniting and it will alter the Lok Sabha elections have begun. What
designbehindit,thenwhoisdoingit? caste combination. is the target you’ve given yourself for
I think it’s a well-thought-out conspir- SWEETYADIMULAM:Thedistrict-wise was a minister with me, It’s not very different from what they BJP in Maharashtra?
acy. I will not blame any political party. We GaushalaSchemegivesRs1croreto and now he’s my boss. As did in 2019. Caste is more in the minds of We want more seats than last time.
see the collaboration between ex-PFI NGOs.Istherenoresponsefrom politiciansthanitisinthemindsof people. We will fight in coalition with Shindeji.
(Popular Front of India) cadre and urban theNGOsduetothelackof fundsfor Chief Minister, he is my I was elected five times. If people only We’ve done it twice, so a third time is
Naxals. They want to disrupt communal thisscheme? thought of caste, they wouldn’t have cho- possible too.
and caste harmony. There are some social In my earlier five-year stint, gaushalas
leader and I have to work senme.Iwon’tdenythatcastehasaroleto
media posts that are sometimes posted were established under this scheme but under him... We have been playinpoliticsbutthosewhodothearith- ALOK DESHPANDE: Will you contest
underaHinduorMuslimname.Whenyou thoseweren’tenough.Wehavetoincrease metic are inaccurate. The BJP has a com- Lok Sabha elections and from where?
trace the profiles posting these things, it is the number of cattle. NGOs are helping working together with mitted vote share in every caste today. If I fight, I’ll fight from Nagpur. But that
foundthatthepersondoesnotexist.Butthe create more gaushalas. mutual respect seatisn’tvacantrightnow.(Nitin)Gadkariji
posts fan tension. Slowly, this conspiracy ZEESHAN SHAIKH: Your name and is from Nagpur, so I won’t fight the Lok
will also be uncovered. MIHIRVASAVADA:Fromagovernance family were recently linked to a Sabha elections.

New Delhi: The combined market valuation of the top 10 most
valued firms jumped Rs 1.88 lakh crore last week, with HDFC
Bank and Tata Consultancy Services emerging as the biggest
gainers, amid bullish investor sentiments. PTI

AROUND 12,500 FAKE ENTITIES DETECTED SO FAR FPIs pump over Rs 1 lakh crore
CBICplanstighterGSTregulation into equities in April-June, take
normsusinggeo-tagging,biometrics Aadhaar centre to have his bio- business entities have a work-
markets to new peaks
said Madan Sabnavis, Chief
Renewed interest from FPIs
ENSECONOMICBUREAU metrics verified,” Johri said. place of their own, so they work helped Sensex surge by around
NEWDELHI,JULY2 Taxauthoritieshaveidentified fromsuchplaces...underGSTlaw, THE FIRST three months of fiscal 10 per cent in the first quarter.
certainlocationswherefakeenti- andthisisnotuniquetoIndia,you 2024witnessedaspurtininflows Higherfundflowsalsoresultedin
FOLLOWINGDETECTIONofabout ties are rampant, such as Delhi, have to have a definite place of from foreign portfolio investors astablerupeeduringthequarter.
12,500 fake entities, Goods and Haryana,Rajasthan.Certainparts business, it's only then your (FPIs),takingthedomesticequity Therupeemovedinanarrow
ServicesTax(GST)authoritiesare of Gujarat, Noida, Kolkata and records are kept there, your ac- market to new peaks amid the rangeof81.68to82.90againstthe
looking to tighten registration Assam and some parts in countsarekeptthere,soanytime country’sstrongmacroeconomic dollarintheApril-Juneperiod.In
norms with biometric authenti- Telangana, Tamil Nadu and the tax authorities want to audit fundamentalsandimprovement the fourth quarter of FY23, the
cation and geo-tagging of risky Maharashtra too have registered you, they wantto look at your ac- in corporate performance. gross domestic product (GDP)
entities. Central Board of Indirect casesoffakeentitieswithGSTreg- counts, there needs to be a brick IntheApril-Junequarter,FPIs growth was much stronger than
Taxes and Customs (CBIC) istration,hesaid.Sectorsforwhich andmortarstructure.Thereisdif- pumped in Rs 1.02 lakh crore File. expectedat6.1percentasagainst
ChairmanVivekJohrionSaturday cases of fake entities are getting ficultyinagreeingwhattheywant ($12.5 billion) into equities. As 4.5 per cent in the preceding
said the return filing system will detectedmainlyinclude,metalor us to accept but it is under exam- much as Rs 14,803 crore ($1.80 quarter.
betightenedfurthertoactagainst plastic scrap, and waste paper. ination," Johri said. billion) FPI inflows into equities The broader Nifty gained 216.95 HigherQ4growthpushedthe
fraudsters who are misusing A pilot on biometric authentication and geo-tagging is “Wearealsofindingthatitisbeing Withregardtocontrollingfake came on June 30 when the points, or 1.14 per cent, to a fresh FY23 growth estimate to 7.2 per
Permanent Account Number already underway. File generated for services. So, man- InputTaxCredit(ITC)claims,Johri Sensex and Nifty closed at all- peakof19,189.05.Duringthepre- cent. For FY24, the RBI has pro-
(PAN)andAadhaaridentification power services, advertising serv- saidthetaxauthoritieshavetight- time highs. They remained con- vious week, the Sensex rose by jectedrealGDPgrowthat6.5per
to obtain GST registration. iceshaveinstancesoffakebilling,” ened the system but there is still sistentbuyers,withaveragedaily over 1,700 points. cent, with Q1 growth at 8 per
"Thisspecialtwo-monthdrive duce biometric authentication underwayintwo-threestatesand Johri added. somelatitudefortaxpayertoedit inflows of around Rs 1,100 crore FPIs have been bullish on cent.
which is going on now, is con- andgeo-taggingforbothexisting dependingontheresultsandeval- Concernshavebeenraisedby howmuchITCtheywillbeableto in the first quarter, according to Indianequitiesontheexpectation Corporate sector recorded a
ducted jointly by states and us andnewregistrantsiftheymatch uationofdigitalinfrastructurere- some service sector companies, claim in GSTR-2A. National Securities Depository that the Reserve Bank of India fairly steady performance in Q4
(Centre), and had identified asriskyentities availinginputtax quirement, the project would be especially co-working spaces, as Thatistherebecauseconcerns Ltd (NSDL) data. (RBI) has come to the end of its of FY23 driven by pent-up de-
60,000unitsassuspicious.Outof credit fraudulently. Geo-tagging launched across India, he said. they do not typically fit in the were raised by trade the supplier In June, foreign capital flows rate hike cycle. Retail inflation mand in several areas which
those, 50,000 verifications have of all entities is being planned by “We are trying to see how we brick-and-mortar rules for GST doesn't upload invoice on time intoequitieswereRs47,148crore, eased to 4.25 per cent in May. helpedtopushuptheirturnover.
already happened and we found theofficersoftheCBICtoauthen- can tighten the system fur- registration. "They have made and there are some invoices for the highest since August 2022 “India is the best-performing The correction in commodity
thatabout25percent(of50,000) ticate that the address provided ther…we have been using OTP- somesuggestionstous,wearestill which they have already made when inflows stood at Rs 51,204 economy compared to the other prices also helped to bring down
were bogus…so around 12,500," during GST registration is the basedauthenticationearlier.Now examining them. There are two payment but they are not able to crore. economies. The corporate sector input costs in the latter part of
Johri told reporters after the GST placefromwheretheentityoper- wearegoingtogoinforbiometric areas where some feedback has take credit because they are not BuoyedbytheFPIsupport,the also showed a turnaround in the FY2023, a BoB research report
Day marking six years of the roll- ates, Johri said. authenticationalso.Whichwould come from the trade. One is that uploaded. BSE Sensex surged 803 points, or fourth quarter. These are the fac- had said.
out of the indirect tax regime. Apilotonbiometricauthenti- mean that in suspicious cases, the service industry operates out FULLREPORTON 1.26percent,tocloseatanewall- tors because of which we have FULLREPORTON
GST authorities plan to intro- cation and geo-tagging is already persons will be asked to go to of common work areas, not all timehighof64,718.56onJune30. seen more FPI interest in India,”

Banks’ net interest margin jumps BID TO HELP DOMESTIC PLAYERS

46 basis points in March quarter

‘Office space leasing falls 22% GROSS LEASING OF
OFFICE SPACE IN APR- Chinese firms a no-go
in Apr-June in top 8 cities’ JUN PERIOD (million sq ft)

Global companies remain cautious about their expansion

2022 2023 area for 5G orders
provement of 46 basis points
(bps) to 3.3 per cent in the fourth
to 15 per cent in FY23.
Significantly, private sector plans, as per Cushman & Wakefield report 22.41 17.42 will supply optical transmission
NEW DELHI, JULY 2 quarter due to the faster repric- banks as well as public sector JATIN GROVER equipment to the telecom op-
ing of loans, while deposit rates ones logged in equal pace of
TOP 8 INDIAN CITIES NEW DELHI, JULY 2 erator for its existing network
BANKS' NET interest margin
(NIM), a key profitability gauge,
grew 46 basis points to 3.3 per
have not yet reflected the in-
creased interest rates.
The anticipated rise in de-
loan growth during the report-
ing period.
But public sector banks re-
DECLINE RISE 11% Gross leasing rose
from the January-
March quarter
be allowed to place any 5G net-
upgrades in select circles.
"The approval has been
given after analysing the re-
cent in the January-March quar- posit rates, which is expected to ported a higher NII growth of work management order with quirement. We have received

ter, driven by slower deposit rate be a lag effect, is likely to be 31.6 per cent against 28.2 per The share of leasing by Chinese gear makers ZTE and application from Huawei and
resetting, an analysis showed. counterbalanced by the with- cent rise recorded by their pri- coworking operators in the Huawei, official sources have ZTE for trusted source tag.


This has helped lenders reg- drawal of the Rs 2,000 ban- vate sector peers. overall gross absorption of said. However, telcos may be al- However, at this stage there is

ister a 29.5 per cent increase in knotes in May this year, it added. On the other hand, interest office space is inching up lowed to place orders on a case- no plan to allow them for new
their net interest income during The NIM of private sector income rose 32.1 per cent over- gradually by-case basis for their 4G net- supply," a government official
the period, according to an lenders stood at 4.03 per cent, all led by private sector lenders work upgrade with these said.
analysis of the banks' balance which was more than 43 bps, which reported a 32.6 per cent The trend may to continue, Chinese firms. The reason for According to industry exec-
driven by the rising demand of


sheets by Care Ratings. and that of public sector lenders growth. the same could be that barring utives, US is also considering to
Net interest income or NII, at 2.85 per cent, up 46 bps. Their state-owned peers reg- flexibility and convenience Reliance Jio, the 4G network of approve companies like ZTE.
which is the money that banks Despite rising interest rates istered a 31.7 per cent growth in from office occupiers other telcos have been built by Trusted source norms were
earn from lending and paying to on loans, the overall economic the interest income during the Chinese vendors. notified under the National
depositors, rose to Rs 1.83 lakh growth led to higher credit de- quarter. Source: Cushman & Wakefield/PTI As far as 5G network is con- Security Directive on Telecom
crore in Q4FY23 due to healthy mand leading to banks report- his was based on an increase cerned, Reliance Jio and Bharti Sector in December 2020. The
loan growth and a higher yield ing a robust 17.3 per cent rise in in advances by 17.3 per cent and “India’s office real estate market continues with its growth momentum. A significant Airtel have not placed any or- norms made it mandatory for
on advances as against the year- advances mainly driven by per- 130 bps higher yields from 7.5 reason is the rise in domestic demand,” said Anshul Jain, Head of APAC Tenant ders with the Chinese firms so the telecom companies and li-
ago period, it said. sonal loans, NBFCs, and MSMEs, per cent in Q4FY22 to 8.8 per Representation and Managing Director, India & South East Asia far while Vodafone Idea is yet censed importers of telecom
The NIM saw an on-year im- taking the full year credit offtake cent in Q4FY23. to finalise placing orders for 5G products to procure equipment
services with any vendor. from designated countries
Apart from security issues, which do not pose threat to
BRIEFLY Housing loan share in total advances rises to 14.2%: RBI the restriction on Chinese ven-
dors for 5G network is to enable
India's national security.
Post the National Security
SBIlaunches Theshareof residentialhous- have shown a preference for maintaining this low NPA rate," repayment of their home loans.
domestic telecom equipment
players to emerge as a viable al-
Directive, the department of
telecommunications (DoT)
interoperable PRESS TRUST OF INDIA
ing loans in total loans has in-
Aggarwal added.
Executive chairman of
As a result, the non-performing
asset (NPA) ratein the home loan
ternative in this segment. For
instance, the 4G and 5G stack
banned the use of non-trusted
telecom gear for 'expansion' of
cardlesscash THESHAREofresidentialhousing
to 14.2 per cent in March 2023
from 8.6 per cent in March 2012,
as quickly as possible.
"This approach is particularly
Andromeda Sales
V segmentremainslow,"headded.
According to an RBI data,
developed by Tata Consultancy
Services (TCS)-led consortium
communications networks in
the country.
withdrawal loans in total advances has in-
the report said.
During this period, the share
evident when it comes to home
notable growth in demand,
housing) loan outstanding in
for state-owned Bharat Sanchar
Nigam Ltd (BSNL), can be tried
In the notification, DoT had
said: "With effect from June 15,
Mumbai:StateBankofIndia, to 14.2 per cent in March 2023 ofcommercialrealestate(CRE)in debtspromptly.Homeownership thanks to factors such as the im- March 2023 was Rs 19,36,428 by the private telcos too, offi- 2021, the licensee shall only
the country's largest lender, from 8.6 per cent in March 2012, total loans has hovered between isviewedasasourceof prideand plementationofRERA(RealEstate crore,up15percentyear-on-year. cials said. Telecom companies connect trusted products in its
has launched its enhanced as per the Reserve Bank's latest 2.0-2.9 per cent. accomplishment,andindividuals Regulation and Development The FSR further said the all-India need to seek permission from network and also seek permis-
digital banking application Financial Stability Report (FSR). "Totalexposureofthebanking are motivated to avoid loan de- Act), and the impact of the pan- house price index (HPI) recorded the National Security Council sion from designated authority
YONO and interoperable It also said the housing sector systemtorealestatestoodat16.5 faults and the potential loss of demic.Consequently,theshareof its highest increase over the last Secretariat (NSCS) for upgrad- for upgrade or expansion of ex-
cardless cash withdrawal is witnessing a healthy growth per cent of total loans in March their homes. As a result, the non- home loans in the overall retail seventeen quarters (4.6 per cent ing their network using equip- isting network utilising the
(ICCW) facilities. With the with sales growing by 21.6 per 2023.Giventhesecurednatureof performingasset(NPA)rateinthe loan portfolio has increased. y-o-y) in the fourth quarter of ments from companies not yet telecommunication equipment
enhanced YONO, any bank cent in the fourth quarter theseloansandloantovalue(LTV) homeloansegmentremainslow," "Home loans are secured 2022-23. designated as trusted sources. not designated as trusted prod-
customerwillhaveaccessto (January-March) of 2022-23. In ratioregulations,loandefaultsre- he said. loans, often involving the bor- On a sequential (q-o-q) basis, The government has re- ucts.” Recently, telecom compa-
the UPI features like scan addition to rising sales, new main less than 2 per cent," it said. Additionally, the regulations rower'sequityasdownpayment. HPI has been rising over the last cently permitted Vodafone Idea nies have pitched for universal
andpay,paybycontactsand launchesalsomaintainedhealthy Pradeep Aggarwal, Founder and guidelines set by the Reserve Due to the potential risk of losing oneyearandinchedupfurtherby for placing network upgrade or- application of trusted sources
requestmoney,amongoth- growth, reflectingstrength inde- and Chairman, Signature Global Bank of India (RBI) pertaining to theirequityincaseofdefault,bor- 0.6 per cent during January- der worth Rs 200 crore with norms to all devices which con-
ers. With the rollout of the mand by end-users. (India), said historically, Indians home loans play a crucial role in rowers generally prioritize early March. ZTE. The Chinese gear maker nect to the network. FE
interoperable facility, both

Amid capex push, India Inc’s debt rose

the customers of SBI and
other banks can withdraw
cashseamlesslyfromICCW- ‘Rs 2,000 was transitory note to fill
in value lost due to demonetisation’
enabled ATMs of any bank
by using the 'UPI QR Cash'
functionality. The transac-
tion will be facilitated
through a single-use dy- DIVYAA
to record Rs 36.63 lakh crore in FY23 led to a higher reliance on debt
namicQRcodedisplayedon NEWDELHI,JULY2 RAJESH KURUP, AJAY funding. He added that the prof-
the ATM screen. ENS RAMANATHAN & KISHOR its of companies were growing
THE RS 2,000 note, which has KADAM well and needed to be sup-
GQGPartners been withdrawn, was not sup-
MUMBAI, JULY 2 ported by the expanding bal-
ance sheet.
upsstakeintwo said a former Reserve Bank of
India (RBI) official, who was part
THE DEBT of Indian corporates
soared to an all-time high of Rs
Menon said he did not antic-
ipate an issue with the rise of
Adanicos oftheteamresponsibleforthelat-
36.63 lakh crore in FY23, a 12.6
per cent rise over the amount
corporate debt because compa-
nies’ balance sheets were lean
New Delhi: US-based bou- launched after demonetisation. recorded in the previous finan- and cash flows generation was
tique investment firm GQG “It was a transitory kind of cial year, while borrowing costs strong. “The interest rate cycle
Partners has ramped up its notetofillinthevaluewhichwas rose 19 per cent to Rs 2.51 lakh has reached its peak and as in-
shareholding in two Adani lost in demonetisation," said crore. This comes on the back of terest rates normalise we antic-
group companies to more SudhakarKaza,formermanaging The new notes being used today were launched after higher capex as companies bet ipate an improvement in inter-
than5percentinsignsofits directorofBharatiyaReserveBank November 2016. Photo by Divya A on a rebounding economy and est coverage,” he added.
confidence in the group de- Note Mudran Private Ltd, the di- rising demand. Crisil estimates India Inc’s capex will grow 12-14 per cent to Rs 6 lakh crore According to Mahesh Singhi,
spite the damning report of vision of RBI which prints ban- India Inc’s capex will grow 12- in FY24, said Crisil. File founder & MD at investment
aUSshortseller.OnJune28, knotes. The entire new series show- have UNESCO World Heritage 14 per cent to Rs 6 lakh crore in banking firm Singhi Advisors,
GQGboughtRs8,265crore- The new notes being used to- cases UNESCO World Heritage Sites as the theme of next-gener- FY24 as corporates add capacity. the rise in debt, particularly
worthofadditionalstakesin day were launched after Sites present in India. While the ation currency notes in the coun- The combined debt in FY22 nessing one of the most confi- put risk management as a criti- long-term debt, indicates that
the group's flagship Adani November 2016, in the wake of Rs 500 note has Delhi’s Red Fort; try. “We have 39-40 (UNESCO stood at Rs 32.53 lakh crore, in- dent periods with the accelera- cal part of their business plans,” companies have started ex-
Enterprises Ltd and renew- Prime Minister Narendra Modi the Rs 100 note has Rani ki Vav world heritage) sites in India to terest costs at Rs 2.10 lakh crore, tion of demand drivers and in- Akhori said. panding capacity as they expect
able energy firm Adani announcing the demonetisation from Gujarat; Rs 50 note has choose from, but we had to be according to data sourced from creased economic activity. Geojit Financial Services ex- a rise in order inflows.
GreenEnergyLtd.Thestake drive by banning Rs 500 and Rs Hampi from Karnataka; Rs 20 careful about not repeating the Capitaline. The data is based on “The rise of debt demon- ecutive director Satish Menon Karan Gupta, director-finan-
saleinAdaniEnterprisewas 1,000 notes. Post the announce- note has Maharashtra’s Ellora same period (historically) while a sample of 406 companies from strates strong intent for future said the rise in debt was pro- cial institutions at India Ratings
through one block deal, ac- ment,theRBIissuednewnotesof caves, while the Rs 10 note has also representing all the regions the BSE 500, excluding banks, fi- preparedness, both in terms of pelled by rising private capital and Research, said some of the
cording to stock exchange the denomination of Rs 500 and Konark Temple from Odisha. of the country,” he said. nance and insurance firms. meeting larger order flows and expenditure, and the consolida- rise in debt was due to working
filings. PTI Rs2,000,andnewnotesforRs10, Kaza said that in 2013-14, the FULLREPORTON Shree Cement MD Neeraj capacity expansions. I am sure tion of the stock market in the capital while some was on the
20, 50, 100 and Rs 200. government and RBI decided to Akhori told FE that India is wit- individual firms will continue to later period of FY23 may have term-loan side. FE

CROSSWORD 5093 OVER THE HEDGE by Michael Fry & T Lewis


ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 20) LIBRA (Sep 24 - Oct 23)

The world may be Some people
spinning into object to secretive
hyper-space, but behaviour, but it
you are now honestly looks
going to have to keep your as if you’ll be doing everybody
feet on the ground. From a favour if you keep yourself
out of nowhere new to yourself. The fact is that
responsibilities will appear, partners are just not ready to
and you will be taking an hear what you have to say.
organising role. Actually,
new jobs could bring a great SCORPIO (Oct 24 - Nov 23)
sense of satisfaction. For some time now
the planets have
TAURUS (Apr 21 - May 21) been warning about
A whole group of emotional
planets is now confrontations at work,
CALVIN & HOBBES by Bill Watterson shuffling places, so
it’s difficult to be
partly because the results
could be costly. Seeing as the
certain about anything. relevant aspects are climaxing
Probably the only truly over the next few days you
positive piece of good advice should keep the peace
today is to make more space unless you are prepared
for a creative hobby. for consequences.
GEMINI (May 22 - June 21) SAGITTARIUS (Nov 24 - Dec 22)
1 Bolted after the horse, it’s 2 Trout is prepared for a Mercury, the planet Travel and
too late (6,4) visitor (7) which just happens adventure plans are
8 Get used to being in old city 3 Bert’s getting out the to be your personal still strong, but
quarter (5) port (5) ruler, is top of the there does seem to
9 Power to raise money 4 A rule the Romans had (6) list for important alignments be an increasing sense of
externally (7) today. Therefore, you may feel uncertainty or doubt. In point
5 Exit to open air (7)
perfectly free to change your of fact the best vacation will be
10 Artist’s boat by the bank (7) 6 Get up about mid-morning to mind as often as you want, of a spiritual or subterranean
11 Appearing in robes entirely wash (5) within reason. The planets nature, so you could be
too voluminous (5) 7 Pat entered agitatedly and give you permission to behave off on a very mysterious
12 Unusual statue showing went right in (10) as you wish. journey indeed.
ingenuity (6) 8 Actually working as a CANCER (June 22 - July 23) CAPRICORN (Dec 23 - Jan 20)
14 Supermarket said to be
getting bigger (6)
doctor (2,8)
13 He can just about stand up
MARVIN by Tom Armstrong Important planets
are aligned with
Your financial
prospects are still
17 The end of the act is copied for himself (7) your sign and, in turbulent. It
and recorded (5) 15 One is late for this train (7) some senses, honestly now
19 Young bounder (7) you’re still the centre of looks as if any social
16 Students brought up to
attention, but you probably disagreement is likely to be
21 Neat petticoat in demonstrate human
feel that the real action is triggered by money, or a
primrose (7) fallibility (4,2)
moving elsewhere. Only if dispute over who pays for
22 The rate at which oceans 18 They’re not in the front row you are utterly down-to-earth what. Such things may easily
turn round (5) when the game starts (5) and reliable will you get be arranged in advance. A
23 Boxing periodical that may 20 What the viewer sees in TV what you really need. romantic fantasy is still
be salvaged (5,5) is a puzzle (5) bugging you, but there’s
LEO (July 24 - Aug 23) nothing wrong with dreaming.
You may begin
Solutions Crossword5092:Across:1Creeps,4Differ,9Monarch,10Eland,11Asset,12 to think about AQUARIUS (Jan 21- Feb 19)
Rallies,13Mountaineer,18Chablis,20Extra,22Ruins,23Enlarge,24Diners,25Esther putting much That old planet
Down:1Combat,2Ernes,3Puritan,5Ideal,6Fragile,7Radish,8Sharpanswer,14 more energy into Saturn is now being
Oration,15Needles,16Scored,17Career,19Loser,21Torch the financial arena. The fact more helpful over a
that today’s lunar influences problem, which
focus on purely routine needs, means that other people will
may obscure the fact that be less inclined to blame you
there are long-term issues for their own lack of success.
JUMBLED WORDS DifficultyLevel2s to be considered. Still, To be perfectly frank, you can

Instructions sometimes you just have probably do with a break, for

to concentrate on day-to- partners’ demands have been
Givenbelowarefourjumbledwords.Solvethejumblestomakeproperwordsandmovethemto TosolveaSudokupuzzle, day affairs. building up, unfairly in
therespectivesquaresbelow.Selectthelettersintheshadedsquaresandjumblethemtoget everydigitfrom1to9 your opinion.

theanswerforthegivenquip. mustappearineachofthe VIRGO (Aug 24 - Sep 23)

Oldageislikeeverythingelse.Tomakeasuccessofit,you'vegotto____. nineverticalcolumns,in Venus’ emotional PISCES (Feb 20 - Mar 20)
-TheodoreRoosevelt(5,5) alignment is The triple alliance of
today compounded the Sun, Mercury
MUAOR CEILNU rowsandineachofthe
by Mars and and Mars indicates
nineboxes. complemented by the Moon. that you may now
And that’s just for starters. come out of your shell and
You should defy your share some of your special
RYSTT AGLNGY DifficultyLevel reputation for being slightly ideas and intuitions with
1s=Veryeasy;2s=Easy; reserved and shy of expressing people who are on your
3s=Medium;4s=Hard; your deeper feelings. Other wavelength. There’s nothing to
5s=VeryHard; people deserve to know what be gained from keeping your
you really think. ambitions to yourself.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Answer: Old age is like everything else. To make a success of it, you've got to start young. 6s=Genius

SALUTE THE SOLDIER Tender No : SE/PHC/MVPA/Re-71/2023-24 JJM- Idukki District- (1)

CAPT MANOJ KUMAR PANDEY, PARAM Construction of 25 MLD water treatment plant - Package 2 at Kumily (2)-
Construction of 3.5 MLD plant at Marayoor EMD: Rs. 5,00,000/- & 1,00,000/-
VIR CHAKRA (POSTHUMOUS) Tender fee: Rs. 16,540/- & 8,270/- Last Date for submitting Tender: 18-07-2023
On this momentous occasion of ‘BATALIK 04:00:pm Phone: 04852835637 Website:
DAY’ we salute and remember CAPT
MANOJ KUMAR PANDEY, Param Vir Superintending Engineer
PH Circle
Chakra (POSTHUMOUS) who laid down his
KWA-JB-GL-6-593-2023-24 Muvattupuzha
life while evicting Pakistani intruders during
the Kargil War in 1999.
The Nation would also remain indebted to the Office: District Collector, Sri Ganganagar
supreme sacrifice of the following brave soldiers who Ref No. 2023-24/148 Date: 01.07.2023
alongwith Capt Manoj Kumar Pandey, Param Vir Chakra Notice Inviting e-Bid 01/2023-24
(POSTHUMOUS) made the supreme sacrifice during E-Bids are invited from interested bidders under “Mukhyamantri Nihshulk Annapurna Food
‘OP VIJAY’ on this day in 1999. Packet Scheme” for Supply of High Quality Branded Food Packets items in a sealed Carry Bag
at all FPS Shops including GSS & KVSS working as FPS in Sri Ganganagar District of
CO AND ALL RANKS, 1/11 GORKHA RIFLES Rajasthan upto 11:30 AM of 14.07.2023. Particulars of the bid may be be visited on the
(BRAVEST OF THE BRAVE) GOVERNMENT OF MEGHALAYA procurement portal (, of the state. The
(BATALIK) OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ENGINEER(NH), P.W.D. (ROADS) approximate value of the procurement is Rs. 137.20 crores.
UBN No. is ELE2324GLOB00056
Email: [email protected] District Collector,
No. PW/CE/WB/36/2022/22 Dated Shillong, the 28th June,2023 DIPR/C/...../2023 Sri Ganganagar

PRESS NOTICE Office of the District Collector & District Magistrate

The Chief Engineer (NH), Public Department (PWD), Meghalaya, District: Jhunjhunu
Shillong, invites Expression of Interest from qualified consulting firms Phone: 01592-234201 email: [email protected]
for the following assignment:- Ref: 738 Date: 01.07.2023
Rfn Karna Hav Ganga Rfn Kalu Hav Bhim Consultancy Services for Preparation of Road Safety Audit for Short Term Notice Inviting e-Bid Year 2023-24
Bahadur Ram Rai RamRai Bahadur Meghalaya Integrated Transport Project (MITP) funded by the
World Bank. E-Bid for Mukhyamantri Nihshulk Food Packet Scheme in Jhunjhunu district is
Limbu Rai,VrC
Last date for submission of the EOI on or before 31th July, 2023 by 4:00 invited from interested bidders upto 05:00 PM on 14-07-2023. Details of the bid
PM can be accessed by visiting the portal (,
On 03 Jul 1999 No 9422557H Rfn Karna Bahadur Limbu, No
Detailed EOI and Terms of Reference is available at
9416967N Hav Ganga Ram Rai, No 9422837H Rfn Kalu UBN No. CJN2324GLOB00021
Ram Rai, No 9415981 Hav Bhim Bahadur Rai, VrC Any clarification/enquiry kindly mail to [email protected]. Sd/-
(Posthumous) of 1/11 GR had made supreme sacrifice Contact No.: 9436112302/9436300515/8974902979 (Dr. Khushaal)
during OP VIJAY (Kargil) in Jul 1999 Sd/- DIPR/C/........./2023 District Collector, Jhunjhunu
Colonel 11 GR & Sikkim Scouts and All Ranks (C.N. Sangma)
MIPR No. 479 Chief Engineer (NH), PWD (Roads)
Date: 30.6.23 Meghalaya, Shillong

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There are many things and again I am not going to pretend
to sit here and say that I have all the answers. It is always
going to be a challenge with so many disparate nations and
constituents trying to evolve their own base.”

Big Ben chimes, Oz ring death knell
England captain's heroic century in vain after Bairstow's run-out ignites England; Cummins & Co a draw away from retaining the Urn
Mumbai: Mumbai seam bowler
Tushar Deshpande was on Sunday
added to the West Zone squad for well out of his crease.
DuleepTrophyinplaceof injuredleft- TUSHAR BHADURI The ball was not ‘dead’ and the batsman
arm pacer Chetan Sakariya. JULY 2 was deemed stumped.
Saurashtra pacer Sakariya has been For about 90 minutes either side of
ruledoutof thetournamentduetoan Stuart Broad’s batting has seen better days. lunch on Sunday – from the moment
elbow injury in his bowling arm. "He The man with a Test highest of 169 has Bairstow was dismissed – Lord’s was an un-
will need two to three weeks to re- been a genuine tail-ender for a long time usually febrile place. Forget polite applause,
cover," a BCCI source told PTI. Central now, and is rarely keen to hang around for every English run was vociferously cheered
Zone are coming off a huge 170-run long. How does one then explain the vet- while every Australian intervention was
win overthe East Zoneinthe quarter- eran seamer taking one body blow after an- met with jeers.
final played at Alur from June 28 to other from Australian pacers, landing a few Stuck with the long English tail, and
July 1. The 28-year-old right-arm punches of his own, and stitching what probably riled by the manner of Bairstow’s
pacerDeshpandehadabreakthrough could have been a match-winning seventh- dismissal, Stokes decided to take matters
season for the IPL 2023 winners wicket century stand from a near-hopeless into his own hands. He turned on his beast
Chennai Super Kings recently, taking situation? Even No. 11 James Anderson, a mode, and got into T20 style, smashing the
21 wickets in 16 matches to finish as veteran of 180 Tests, and rookie Josh living daylights out of the Aussie bowlers.
the highest wicket-taker for the fran- Tongue suffered for a long time when the The left-hander kept peppering the short
chise and overall sixth in the list. cause was seemingly lost. leg-side boundary, profited from at least
PTI Steve Smith is one of the great catchers two dropped chances, and hit Green for
in contemporary cricket, whether close to three successive sixes to bring up his 13th
Lanka,Zimbabwe the stumps or in the deep. How does then
one explain him dropping a relatively sitter
Test hundred.
His stand with Broad brought 108 runs.
settoqualifyforWC of a skier, which would in all probability
have given the visitors a 2-0 lead in the five-
They had come together when the target
of 371 was still 178 runs away, and took
Harare: Four teams remain in con- match Ashes series with much less drama? England to within 70. Cummins & Co did-
tention to qualify for the ODI World There is a certain magic about Ashes se- n’t seem to know what hit them and had
Cup in India following the shock exit ries that many in the subcontinent may not to regroup at the drinks break. They then
of two-time champions West Indies get. They may not appreciate what all the focused on bringing the scoring rate under
at the ongoing Qualifier. Sri Lanka, fuss is about. But what happened on Sunday control, and when Stokes miscued an at-
Zimbabwe,ScotlandandNetherlands would make believers of most cynics. It just tempted pull shot into the leg-side off Josh
are in the race to secure two qualify- matters more to England and Australia. Hazlewood , with the resultant leading
ing spots for the 50-over showpiece Make no mistake, the real protagonist edge being gobbled by Carey, there was
in India from October 5. Sri Lanka (6 in whatever happened on the final day of only going to be one winner, even though
points from three Super Six games). the second Test at Lord’s was England cap- the last English pair tried its best to delay
Sri Lanka, who remain unbeaten in tain Ben Stokes. There were his 2019 the inevitable.
the competition, will qualify for the Headingley heroics, but four years later he
World Cup with a win over took it a few notches higher. Contrary to Bigger picture
Zimbabwe here on Sunday. Even if the Leeds game, Stokes’ 155 off 214 balls Apart from the dramatic final day, this
they lose, they can qualify by beating with nine fours and as many sixes couldn’t Test will also be remembered for the
West Indies in their last Super Six take his side home as the Aussies prevailed amount of short-pitched stuff resorted to
game on July 7. Sri Lanka also enjoy by 43 runs on another day of enthralling by both teams, with a good deal of success.
an excellent net run rate of 1.832. Test cricket. But the fare on offer for the sec- The two-paced nature of the pitch may
Zimbabwe (six points from three ond game in a row would force fans to keep have had something to do with it, and even
games). PTI coming back for more. on the final day, when Stokes was going
Stokes had been battling a bad knee, berserk, Australia resorted to the same tac-
Moeenretainedin and was hit at various other spots on the
body during his knock, but his track record
tic, as there was not much help from the
pitch and they were missing their premier
squadforthirdTest – be it in white-ball World Cup final or mar-
quee Test matches – shows that he relishes
off-spinner Nathan Lyon, who would have
been expected to do the business in the England captain Ben Stokes, who scored a valiant 155, reacts after he is dismissed by Josh Hazlewood. AP
London: England all-rounder Moeen the big occasion when everything rests on fourth innings.
Ali is in line to return to action having his shoulders. Even after Stokes’ dismissal, the eighth
kept his place in the squad an- and ninth wickets fell to bouncers, before midway through Day 4, which brought Ashes series in England for the first time to the boundary himself with all the field-
nounced by the ECB for the third Flashpoint Mitchell Starc broke Tongue’s resistance them back into the game. It dried up the since 2001, it could be the coming-of-age ers surrounding the England tail-enders.
Ashes test starting at Headingley on It all may have been ignited by a bit of with a yorker. This series was billed as a runs, and with several fielders on the moment for Cummins as captain. He has Winning at Lord’s despite getting the
Thursday. Moeen did not play in the “dozy cricket” by Jonny Bairstow, in the face-off between Bazball and Australia’s boundary, it made taking the short ball on already led his team to World Test worst of the conditions while batting and
second test after suffering a finger words of some commentators, when he more considered, traditional approach. a high-risk option. With a fielder at short Championship glory, but doing what the bowling, and being a key bowler down for
blister and was replaced by Josh wandered out of his crease after ducking Both matches so far have gone almost to leg and one at leg-gully, riding a bouncer likes of Ricky Ponting and Michael Clarke most of the game, is a feather in the cap for
Tongue. Rehan Ahmed, who was under a Cameron Green bouncer. It was the the wire, with the slightly more conserva- was also not easy. It was an effective strat- failed to achieve would put him in elite the impressive Australian skipper.
called up to the squad as a replace- last ball of the over, but the umpire at the tive approach coming out on top both egy, but made for turgid viewing, quite at company. Apart from his tactical and man-
ment for Moeen, drops out, while bowler’s end had not called ‘over’. times. After their more gung-ho style at odds with England’s stated mission of play- management qualities, Cummins has led BRIEF SCORES: Australia 416 and 279
Matthew Potts has not been recalled Wicketkeeper Alex Carey had already gath- Edgbaston, there was a bit more pragma- ing entertaining cricket and making a spec- from the front with both bat and ball, and beat England 325 and 327 (Stokes 155,
in the squad list released by the ECB ered the ball and when his underarm tism displayed by England in the second tacle of it. late in the evening on Sunday had the en- Duckett 88, Cummins 3-69, Starc 3-29,
onSunday.BatterOlliePopekeepshis throw hit the stumps, Bairstow was already Test, manifesting in the bouncer barrage If the Aussies succeed in winning the ergy to bowl at full pelt and chase the ball Hazlewood 3-80) by 43 runs
place in the squad despite suffering
with a shoulder injury. REUTERS

Renuka,Ghoshleft Doozy bit of cricket from Bairstow triggers spirit of the game debate
outofBanglatour turned around to see the bails broken. The have indeed considered the spirit of the agree, I know,” he said. As an afterthought,
New Delhi: Right-arm pacer Renuka EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE alert Australian wicket-keeper Alex Carey game before appealing. “If the shoe was on he added: “Just like the catch yesterday, the
Singh and Richa Ghosh were left out, JULY 2 had under-armed the ball to the stumps the other foot, I would have put more pres- rule is there. That is how I see it.”
while young off-spinner Shreyanka and Bairstow was out of the ground. sure on the umpires and asked whether Though the crowd continued to boo the
Patil was ignored as India named an IF THE legality of Mitchell Starc’s catch of The on-field umpires passed on the de- they had called over and had a deep think Australian players, the commentators ruth-
18-member Indian women's cricket Ben Duckett was the debate of the fourth cision to the television, Marais Erasmus, about the whole spirit of the game and lessly criticised Baistow. Former England
team for the limited overs tour of day, a bigger controversy, and probably a who gave him out. Just moments ago Carey would I want do something like that,” he captain Michael Atherton described it as “a
Bangladesh, starting July 9 in Mirpur. defining flashpoint of the series, arrived whipped up a mini storm on social media said, before emphasising that he would not doozy bit of cricket from Bairstow.”
The Indian team is scheduled to play when Jonny Bairstow was adjudged platforms when he stood on leg-side and want to win the this way. “Would I want to England’s ex-white ball captain Eoin
three T20Is and as many ODIs against stumped off Cameron Green’s bowling off not right behind the stumps to take a one- win a game in this manner? The answer for Morgan concurred: “Bairstow ducks, the
Bangladesh. All the six matches will the last ball of the 52nd over in England’s handed catch off Ben Duckett. But that was me is no.” ball is still active. He goes walking down
be played at the Sher-e-Bangla second innings pursuit of 371. soon forgotten. the wicket and is out. It’s smart work by
National Cricket Stadium (SBNCS) in The sequence of the one-ball event was Boos and jeers greeted the decision as 'There was no pause' Carey.” So said Ricky Ponting: “Jonny did
Mirpur. Harmanpreet Kaur will lead this. After ducking under Green’s bouncer, Bairstow trudged back to the dressing BoosandjeersgreetedthecallasBairstow His Australia counterpart Pat Cummins, the wrong thing and he’s paid with losing
the side, while Smriti Mandhana has Bairstow wandered out of the crease with- room shaking his head in disbelief. The dis- trudgedbacktothedressingroom. Reuters though, stood by his decision to appeal for his wicket in an Ashes Test match.”
been named as her deputy. The rea- out grounding his bat, presuming that the missal was by the book, as it mandates that the wicket. “Carey saw it happen a few balls In the end, everyone seemed to make
son for Ghosh's omission is not clear, ball was dead and the over was completed. “the ball shall be considered to be dead previous. There was no pause. Catch it and peace with the decision, but rest assured
neither anyone can gauge the reason But before he even reached the middle when it is clear to the bowler’s end umpire play.” But whether it was within the spirit straightaway throw it at the stumps. I that punches and counter-punches would
behind Patil's exclusion . PTI of the pitch to meet Ben Stokes, he could that the fielding side and both batters at of the game polarised the cricketing world. thought it was totally fair play. That is how continue to fly in the build-up to the third
hear Australians celebrating. Shocked, he the wicket have ceased to regard it as in England captain Ben Stokes said he would the rule is. But some people would dis- Test, starting Thursday.


Ben Stokes is a freak for what he can pull off in cricket: Smith
Australia,areallygoodeffortfromDuckett.He's missal.” Glenn McGrath: ‘We’ve not seen a Lord’s
RAHULPANDEY got his head down.” Test like this one’
JULY2 2nd session Australia get the wicket they want and
BrendonMcCullumonBairstowrun-out: Steve Smith: ’Ben Stokes is a freak for what the floodgates open at Lord’s. After Stokes’
‘Ican’timaginewe’llbehavingabeeranytime he can pull off in cricket’ departure, Ollie Robinson, Stuart Broad and
Day 5, Start of play: soon’. The England skipper takes off, inspired Josh Tongue follow suit inside the span of
Englandrequire257runstowinwithsixwick- Jonny Bairstow has been a pivotal batting by his Headingley 2019 self, moving from 64 eight overs. The short ball has been an obvi-
ets in hand. Ben Duckett (50*) and Ben Stokes castmemberofEngland's‘Bazball’revolution. off 129 deliveries to 108 off 147 at Lunch. The ous tactic deployed from the Aussies
(29*) in the middle. His stay on the final day at Lord’s however is hosts are now 128 runs away from a second throughout the Test. Broadcast graphics on
cut short owing to the bizarre. Leaving alone highest chase in the format. Stokes is un- the final day display: almost 85 percent of
1st session the final ball of the 52nd over, the keeper bat- hinged as he nails 24 off Cameron Green’s the deliveries have been back of a length.
Michael Vaughan: ‘A crucial blow for ter almost instantly vacates the crease and lastoverof the session-includingthreesixes Two of the last three wickets come from the
Australia, a really good effort from Duckett’ starts moving towards his partner. He thinks in a row. After break, he goes on to register same length. Australia bag a 43-run win and
Having already added 69 runs for the fifth theballisdead,butAlexCareyensureshisun- only his third 150 plus score in Tests. But his go 2-0 up in the series.
wicket,DuckettandStokespileanotherquick- derarm throw hits the stumps and the short ball clean hitting only lasts until the Pat Cummins to BBC TMS: "A fantastic
fire 63 runs off 93 deliveries early in the first Australians start celebrating. Bairstow looks Steve Smith pats Ben Stokes as he takes the long walk to the dressing room. Hazlewoodwobbleseamin-ducker.Anedge game like Edgbaston, not much more to say.
session.Nosecretshere,Englandwanttochase perplexed.Thirdumpire,MaraisErasmushas and a catch from Carey behind the stumps. Ben Stokes (post match): “Reckless is an
down371.Duckettbeforethestartofplaytells acheckanddeemstheEnglishmanout.Afew The Australian players, Smith, Cummins, easywordtouse,whatmeandBrendonhave
Eoin Morgan on Sky Sports, “At the end of the wordsareexchangedbetweenthetwosetsof any time soon.” At Lunch, as the Australian players make Khawaja, all run to the England captain for a done is give guys complete clarity. We don’t
day we need to chase 245, we need runs.... players in the middle. “That’s all you’re ever Ravi Ashwin on Twitter: “We must get one waytothedressingroomviatheLongRoomat well deserved pat on the back. ask them to play a certain way, but if they
Didn't sleep too much last night, thinking going to be remembered for,” Stuart Broad is fact loud and clear. The keeper would never the Lord’s Cricket Ground, an eerie sound of Ben Stokes (post match): "Having experi- play a certain way they have the full backing
about today. It's going to be so exciting. It's set heard on the stump mic telling Alex Carey a have a dip at the stumps from that far out in a boosreverberatesfollowedbyUsmanKhawaja enced something similar before you look of the dressing room. So the message out
for a good day. Hopefully, me and Stokesy can few moments later. testmatchunlessheorhisteamhavenoticed beinginvolvedinaverbalexchangewithacou- backatthingslikethatandhaveagameplan. there is to play with clarity, I might play a
start well and put them under pressure.” Josh Pat Cummins (post match): “I think Carey a pattern of the batter leaving his crease after ple of the members present in the room. I did look back at Headingley but unfortu- bowler differently than someone else but
Hazlewoodpipesdowntheanticipationashe sawitafewballsprevious,therewasnopause, leaving a ball like Bairstow did. We must ap- EoinMorgantoSkySports: “Iarrivedhere, nately it wasn't enough.” when we are walking out there we have
bangsashortballandDuckettedgesitbehind he catches it and throws it straight at the plaudthegamesmartsoftheindividualrather signed as a 16-year-old kid and have played Steve Smith (post match): “A bit of deja complete clarity.”
for Alex Carey to complete an excellent one stumps.Ithoughtitwastotallyfairplay.That’s thanskewingittowardsunfairplayorspiritof my whole career here. I've never seen scenes vu, he (Stokes) is an unbelievable player. He Glenn McGrath on BBC TMS: “Australia
handed grab. the rule, some people might disagree but just the game.” likethat,particularlyintheLongRoom.Never is a freak for what he can pull off in cricket - wereintheboxseatatstartof play.Itwasgo-
Michael Vaughan on BBC Test Match like the catch yesterday, the rule is there and mind, all the way around the ground. There's in different formats, on this ground, in this ingto takesomethingvery,veryspecial from
Special: “Brilliant catch by Carey, the Aussies that is the way I saw it.” Lunch a huge sense of frustration, but I can under- country,he hasdonesomeincrediblethings. England.Everydayof this Testsomething in-
haven'tgotitshortenoughtoDuckettbutthat Brendon McCullum to BBC TMS: “I can’t EoinMorgan: I’veneverseensceneslikethat standwhy.It'scompletenaivetyaroundwhat He was targeting the short end, and the first credible has happened and I don't think we
one was really steep. A crucial blow for imaginewe(twoteams)willbehavingabeer in the Long Room has happened with Jonny Bairstow's dis- shot that he tried the other end, he got out.” have seen a Lord's Test like this one.”

Mother converted, ‘Iran had problems’, says Dorsa, IOC Refugee program shuttler
lems with my mother's religion so we had London now, the latter partnering Sri she plays tournaments , and Sundays are
SHIVANI NAIK to leave. She was born a Muslim, but be- Pradeepta Ananth. But she grew up a fan of rest days. Being a professional athlete
JULY 2 lieves in Christianity and changing her re- Carolina Marin in her early teens. Now she means she's had to give up on certain
ligion caused a problem,” Dorsa explains. studies sports science at Sandwell College, things she loves – junk food, for start. “I love
THE BIGGEST sacrifice Dorsa Yavarivafa has It meant fleeing to Germany first and and idolises An Se Young whom she food, but now I have a dietician, and have
had to make to play badminton is being UK later, seeking refugee status which watched play at All England earlier this had to give up on certain food,” she says of
away from her family, especially her father means Dorsa can't see her father who's year. She loves the the discipline imbibed, as
who got her started out in the sport as a 10 back in Iran for another few years. Korean's attacking style a result of wanting to play
year old. The sport has been a constant “It's been 5 years since I saw my Dad of play. “In men's sin- at the highest level.
through all the tribulations of her refugee face to face. He's really proud of me playing gles I like Viktor Her mother’s conversion Winning the IOC
life though, and as a International Olympic this sport, so that keeps me going,”she Axelsen.” meant fleeing to refugee scholarship was
Committee scholarship athlete, she hopes adds. Her own singles na- Germany first and UK one of the happiest days
it will lead her to the Olympics. It had started with her dad asking her tional ranking dipped in Dorsa's life. “It's an ho-
“It hurts me a little bit, and it's hard not to give badminton a try after a spot of bas- after she moved from later, seeking refugee nour. What we couldn't
playing for your country. Who doesn't ketball. She didn't enjoy the team dynamic, Birmingham to London status. It alsomeans Dorsa do in our country, we'll
wanna play under a flag and make their and craved an individual sport. She found because she couldn't
can't see her father who's under this flag. The way I
country proud?” she asks, adding it's a badminton a fun game after giving it a go, train as before. In dou- think of it, let's just make
privilege though to play under the IOC's and started competing in smaller tourna- bles she is ranked No 41 back in Iran for another them proud anyway.” It's
Refugee program, and get the opportunity ments. At 12/13, she reckoned she wanted in the UK. Dorsa's even- few years. what keeps her going in
to aim at the Olympics. to go pro in this sport. tual target is to get paid training. There are fond
The Iran-born recalls winning in every Her time as a refugee has meant uncer- for what she does – play memories of playing bad-
age-group tournament there was, but not tainty where it could become a risk to stay Dorsa Yavarivafa recalls winning in every age-group tournament there was, but badminton professionally, and perhaps minton with her friends in Iran, and an ac-
being picked to represent her country, be- in a country and also constant fear of de- not being picked to represent her country. BWF represent the UK. “Who doesn't want to ceptance of circumstances the way they
ing discriminated against for her mother's portation. Badminton has kept her happy play under a flag?” she repeats. panned out. The scholarship will fund
religious choices. through those tough times. “I would get She trains on the court thrice a week – Dorsa's training and competition in the
“Iran didn't play fair. I was winning first place in nationals, but couldn't go in- hard every single day, it hurt,” she recalls home country Iran. Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, and in lead up to Paris 2024, as she attempts to
National tournaments. But they had prob- ternational back in Iran. I was training so of the travails of not being picked by her Dorsa plays singles and doubles at the gym a further three days – Saturdays qualify for the Olympics.

Hardest transition for Swiatek

Move from clay to grass sees players scamper to get used to the changes, both in mindset and movement
Alcaraz confident,
but says Djokovic
is the favourite
NEWDELHI,JULY2 Rybakina says she WORLD NUMBER one Carlos Alcaraz is the

IGA SWIATEK is a four-time Grand Slam sin- feels no pressure new big thing in men's tennis but says Novak
Djokovic remains the favourite to retain his
gles winner. She has been the world’s No. 1 Wimbledon title this month.
tennis player for 15 months. She is the reign- London: Elena Rybakina comes into The 20-year-old Alcaraz won the presti-
ing French Open champion. Yet, as she com- Wimbledon as a defending Grand giousQueen'sClubtitlelastweekinwhatwas
mences her Wimbledon campaign against Slam champion for the first time in only his third tournament on grass, moving
China’s Zhu Lin on Monday, question marks her career but the world number back to the top of the rankings at the same
surround whether her game can hold up on threesaidonSundaythatshedoesnot time.
grass. feel pressure despite a virus hamper- He will also be seeded number one for
Swiatekhassomeof theclassicaltenetsof ing her preparation ahead of her title WimbledononhisthirdappearanceattheAll
a solid grass court game. Her power and ag- defence. EnglandClubwithsometippinghimfortheti-
gressioncanoverpoweranyopponent,shehas She reached the Australian Open tle,butonSundayhesaidDjokovicistheman
a consistent and accurate first serve, and she final where she lost to Aryna to beat.
is one of the best returners on tour. Still, de- Sabalenkabuttookherrevengewhen "I'mcomingheretoWimbledonwithalot
spite winning the junior title in 2018, the 22- she captured the Indian Wells crown of confidence, thinking that I'm able to do a
year-oldfromPolandhasfailedtomakeitpast before lifting the trophy in Rome to good results here," the U.S. Open champion
the fourth round at SW19. Last year, her 37- rise up to a career-high number three told reporters on Sunday.
match-winning streak, the best this century, last month. "Butobviouslyformethemainfavouriteis
was snapped in the third round in London. "Of course, it's different this year. I Djokovic. He always make everything seem
MuchofthatisbecauseSwiatek’sprimary won'tsaythat Ifeelsomuchpressure. easy.It'sreallytoughtofindsomeweaknesson
domainremainsclay,onwhichshespendsthe Of course, people are talking," his game.
betterpartof threemonthsjustweeksbefore Rybakina told reporters. "Myexpectationsarehigh.IthinkIwillbe
Wimbledon. That quick transition has hurt a "The important thing is that we able to put the pressure on the other players,
lotofmodern-dayplayers,astheyscamperto keep on working with the team. evenDjokovicaswell.IfeelconfidentandIfeel
get used to the changes, both in mindset and They're also trying to help me out, to ready to do good things here."
movement, required to get accustomed to prepare for the matches.” REUTERS Alcarazreachedthefourthroundlastyear
grass.TheweekbeforeaGrandSlamisusually when he was beaten by Italian youngster
timespentonpracticecourtsfine-tuningone’s Jannik Sinner but has since moved ahead of
game,butnineof thetop10women’splayers Iga Swiatek will need to make minor technical adjustments to be favourite. AP win-lossrecordof15-8in2023,sheisnotfully his peers, taking the tennis world by storm.
this week have played a grass-court tune-up. convincing as a genuine contender. He will start against experienced
With the grass season packed in between Withtheyoungerplayersstrugglingtoget Frenchman Jeremy Chardy on Tuesday and
lengthyoutingsonclayandhardcourts,asthe andkeeptheballbouncinglow.Shecancome butnorankingpoints,makingherpositionas used to grass, the veterans that usually make while his early draw looks reasonable, he
tennisseasonhaselongated,fewerandfewer NOTABLE RD 1 MATCHES to the net when needed, but her volley game World No. 3 even more impressive, showing noisethistimeof theyearwillalsofancytheir could face Germany's Alexander Zverev or
grass specialists exist on tour. is not much to write home about. the enormous strides she has made on tour. chances. Chief of them will be World No. 9 Alex de Minaur, the Australian he beat in the
Even the greats have struggled with this For Ivanovic, provided Swiatek is able to Rybakina’s ice-cool confidence, coupled Petra Kvitova, the two-time Wimbledon Queen's final, in the fourth round.
transitioninthepast.Inthe21stcentury,only Monday,July3: maketheseminortechnicaladjustments,her with an extraordinary serve and forehand championwhowonthetune-upinBerlinlast Expectation is high for the Spaniard, but
four players have won Roland Garros and VenusWilliamsvsElinaSvitolina; current momentum and the ferocity of her combination and brilliant return make her a week. he says he is not feeling any pressure and will
Wimbledoninthesameyear.Eachofthemall- CocoGauff vsSofiaKenin forehandwillensurethatthetopseedremains modern-day archetype to succeed on grass. Andwhattomakeof VenusWilliams.The play his naturally aggressive game from the
time greats. Rafael Nadal (2008,2010) and Tuesday, July 4: the favourite. But her struggles with illness, that go back to five-time champion, at the age of 43, contin- getgo."IknowwhatIhavetodo.Formeit'sto
Serena Williams (2002, 2015) did it twice Dominic Thiem vs Stefanos “Sheisanall-courtplayercapableof mak- herthird-roundwithdrawalatRolandGarros, ues to grind on the tour – nine competitive play, play my best.”
while Roger Federer (2009) and Novak Tsitsipas; ing the transition,” she said. “With the years remain a big concern. grasscourtsetsunderherbeltthisyear–tobe
Djokovic (2021) only once. Andy Murray vs Ryan Peniston ontour,yougetmoreexperienceonwhatyou AustralianOpenchampionandWorldNo. amongthedangerousunseededfloatersinthe
“Thisisthehardesttransitionintennisbe- need on every surface.” 2ArynaSabalenkahasshownrenewedmen- mix at SW19.
cause it goes from the slowest surface to the “IthinkIgatriestoalsodominatealotwith tal maturity, a reworked serve, and her trade- “It is amazing to see Venus still playing at
fastest,wheremovementiscompletelydiffer- conditionsnoneof hisopponentsevencome herforehand.Onthegrass,it’sveryimportant mark power-packed game to make 2023 a her age and at top level,” Ivanovic, who lost to
ent,” 2008 French Open champion Ana close to. tostayaggressiveaspointsarereallyshortbut breakthrough year. Williams in the 2007 Wimbledon semifinal,
IvanovictoldTheIndianExpressbyemail.“On Swiatek,meanwhile,isstillfindingherfeet also grass requires a lot of last-minute adjust- But after losing the semifinal in Paris de- said. “Ithink it’sinspiringforyoungplayersto
clay, you have much more freedom of move- onthesurface.ThePolehasasuffocatingback- ments to different bounces of the ball.” spiteholdingmatchpoint,andfurtherscrutiny seeVenusstillcompeting.Itwillbeveryinter-
mentandsliding,whileongrassyouaremore handthat canworktheanglesfromthebase- There are others, though, who are not too of her position as a Belarusian in the wake of esting to see how she plays,”
restricted. The whole game is completely dif- line,butdoesnothaveasolidbackhandslice– far behind. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine which kept her Williams will return to Centre Court on
ferent.” an essential rally shot on grass – in her locker. out of SW19 last year, her mental state may Monday,sixyearssinceshelostthefinalthere,
Djokovicisprimedtorepeathisfeatfrom Her devastating, spinning forehand is a huge Contenders aplenty well be warped. to take on Ukraine’s Elina Svitolina, another
a few years ago, but his wealth of experience weapon on any surface, but on modern-day Ordinarycircumstanceswouldhavemade Last year’s finalist Ons Jabeur will also be dangerousunseededfloaterafterreachingthe Carlos Alcaraz will play Frenchman
has allowed him to develop a well-formed grass,thatresembleshardcourtsmore,shewill defendingchampionElenaRybakinathefirm in the mix, with her crafty game full of slices, French Open quarterfinals in her first Major Jeremy Chardy in the first round. AP
grass game, and an understanding of the need to get over the ball more to flatten it out favourite.SheleftWimbledonwiththetrophy, volleys, and drop shots. But with a mediocre since pregnancy.

Sable finishes 5th National records China women's team
in Stockholm tumble at swim meet claim Asia Cup title
Stockholm: India's Avinash Sable finished Hyderabad: Four national records were Beijing: China's women's basketball team
fifth in the men's 3000m steeplechase in rewritten, including one by Olympian claimed their first FIBA Asia Cup title since
the Diamond League here on Sunday, as Maana Patel, who bettered her own mark, 2011 after beating defending champions
he failed to improve upon his perform- on the opening day of the 76th Senior Japan 73-71 in a close final in Sydney,
ance of the last event. The 28-year-old National Aquatic Championships on Australia on Sunday. World number two
Sable, running his second race of the sea- Sunday.Maana,theonlywomanswimmer China, runners-up at last year's world cup,
son,clocked8minutes21.88seconds,well to represent India at the Tokyo Olympics, wereoneofthepre-tournamentfavourites
outside his personal best of 8:11.20s, to improved her own national record of withtheninth-rankedJapan,whohadwon
finish fifth. He had finished 10th, clocking 1:04.33 in the women's 100m backstroke the previous five editions of the biannual
Lafay ends Codifus a below-par 8:17.18 seconds, at the
Diamond League meeting in Rabat,
events by clocking 1:03.48. Maharashtra's
Palak Joshi (1:04.32) and Karnataka's
competition run by the sport's world gov-
erning body FIBA. FIBA. Han Xu topscored
team’s 15-year wait Morocco on May 28. Running on a wet
track,mostof thecompetitorsstruggledto
Suvana Baskar (1:05.00) finished second
and third respectively. Among others who
Meng scored 17, including two from free
San Sebastian: It took a late breakaway by clock fast times. PTI creatednewnationalmarkswereGujarat's throwswithfivesecondslefttoleavethem
Victor Lafay for French team Cofidis to Aryan Nehra and Karnataka swimmers at 73-68. That left Japan with too much to
Max Verstappen celebrates his Austrian GP victory on Sunday. Reuters Nina Venkatesh and Lineysha A K. PTI do. REUTERS
end its 15-year winless streak at the Tour
de France. Cofidis won the second stage Liverpool sign
on Sunday after Lafay moved to the front
and held off a late charge by the favorites midfielder Szoboszlai Verstappen wins Austrian GP Fabregas announces Chennaiyin sign
to clinch the victory, with Adam Yates
keeping the overall lead after the open-
London: Liverpool have signed Hungarian
midfielder Dominik Szoboszlai from Spielberg: Verstappen continued his relentless march toward a third straight retirement at 36 Mukherjee, Chhetri
ing two stages in northern Spain. Cofidis Bundesliga side RB Leipzig, the Premier world title with a dominating win at the Austrian Grand Prix on Sunday. Madrid:FormerBarcelonaandSpainmid- Chennai: Chennaiyin FC have roped in de-
hadn't won in the Tour since Sylvain League club said on Sunday. The 22-year- Verstappen started from pole position for the fourth straight race and notched fielder Cesc Fabregas announced his re- fenders Ankit Mukherjee and Bijay
Chavanel triumphed in the 19th stage of old arrives at Anfield after media reported his fifth straight win and seventh in nine races so far this season. He increased tirement from soccer at the age of 36 -- Chhetri on multi-year deals to bolster
the 2008 edition. “It's a relief for Cofidis Liverpool paid a 70 million euros release his championship lead to 81 points over his Red Bull teammate Sergio Perez. It nearly 20 years after making his debut for theirdefence.Mukherjee,whoplaysright
to finally get a stage win,” Lafay said. “I've clause. Szoboszlai becomes the club's sec- also took the 25-year-old Dutchman onto 42 F1 wins overall, one ahead of the Arsenal as a 16-year-old. The 2010 World back, has one goal from 38 ISL appear-
been hearing about this for five years ondrecruitundernewsportingdirectorJorg late Ayrton Senna and alone in fifth place on F1's all-time list of winners. Charles Cup winner made the announcement on ances, joins CFC from East Bengal FC. The
since I joined the team. I'm happy to free Schmadtke after Alexis Mac Allister as Leclerc — last year's winner here — finished 5.2 seconds behind Verstappen in Twitter on Saturday, one year into a two- 26-year old's experience and ability to
the team from this burden. We'll keep Liverpoollooktorevamptheirmidfieldfol- second place with Red Bull's Sergio Perez placing third, 17.2 behind. AP year contract he signed last summer with read the game well will play a crucial role
going. We want more.” AP lowing a disappointing season. REUTERS Italian second-division team Como. AP in bringing stability to the defense. PTI

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