Experts Appeal To Panel Against Timber Mafia: Vijay Sai Is A Master of All Trades, Says CBI
Experts Appeal To Panel Against Timber Mafia: Vijay Sai Is A Master of All Trades, Says CBI
Experts Appeal To Panel Against Timber Mafia: Vijay Sai Is A Master of All Trades, Says CBI
HYDERABAD Jagan’s new 35-member central Diwakar hints at Jagan’s arrest,
TUESDAY 6 | MARCH 2012 executive council accommo- says it is a million dollar ques-
dates all 17 disqualified MLAs tion why KVP was not booked
If Chiranjeevi
campaigns in
Telangana, it
Experts appeal to panel
may boomerang
on the Congress
–– Damodar Reddy
against timber mafia
No evidence to convict
■ Ashok the Great Sd/- K. Sree Ranga Raju
■ Chandragupta Maurya Superintending Engineer (PH)
Who is the first Indian to be
2 appointed deputy speaker of the
House of Lords?
R.O.No. 5101/CL/Advt./1/1/2011-12
Big quake may bring down Jama Masjid domes News/Rozgar Samachar on 10th March, 2012.
Candidates must apply Online using the website
Detailed instructions for filling up online applications are available on the
SYED AKBAR | DC Vulnerable Masjid x 27m and three domes were abovementioned website.
HYDERABAD, MARCH 5 modeled, while each In case of any difficulty in filling up of the On-line Application Form, candidates
■ The first-ever earthquake minaret is taken as 41 are advised to contact the facilitation counter of the Commission or over telephone
At 4.9 on Richter scale, model for Jama Masjid metres. The results predict-
Monday afternoon’s earth- ed stress concentration, No.011-23389366/Fax No.011- 23387310, on working days between 10:00 hours
quake in the National cracks or damage under and 17:00 hours.
Capital Region and sur- ■ A team from IIIT, seismic loads. Such studies, 3. LAST DATE FOR RECEIPT OF APPLICATIONS :
rounding parts of North Hyderabad, has found experts said, are essential The Online Applications can be filled up to 1 st April , 2012 till 11.59 PM after
India may have been ‘mild’ stress concentration to estimate the structural
but a tremor of a bigger health and for adopting which the link will be disabled. The candidates are strongly advised to apply Online
would be more at the
magnitude will seriously retrofitting procedures. well in time without waiting for last date for submission of Online application. The
centre of the mosque’s
affect the imposing About 261 feet (80 m) in printed copy of the Online Application Form with necessary certification done by the
minarets in case of a big
minarets and domes of the height and 90 feet (27 m) appropriate authority must reach the Secretary, Union Public Service
historic Jama Masjid in quake. wide, Jama Masjid has Commission, Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi – 110069 on or before
Delhi, according to experts. three huge gates, four tow-
ers and two 40-metre
19 th April, 2012 .
In the first-ever earth-
quake model for Jama an event, the IIIT-H experts taking into account actual The effects of local soil minarets constructed of 4. FACILITATION COUNTER FOR GUIDANCE OF CANDIDATES :
Masjid, India’s biggest said. material properties. were also considered and red sandstone and white In case of any guidance/information/clarification regarding their applications,
mosque built by Mughal With Delhi falling under The study assessed the detailed soil structure marble. The structure’s candidature etc. candidates can contact UPSC’s Facilitation Counter near gate ‘C’ of
Emperor Shah Jahan, a high-risk seismic Zone IV, vulnerability of the struc- interaction analysis was roof is covered with three
team from the Mr Prasanna Kumar, an ture by considering site- carried out. The IIIT-H domes with alternate its campus in person or over Telephone No.011-23385271/011-23381125/
International Institute of IIIT-H student, conducted specific properties. The team also found that stress stripes of black and white 011-23098543 on working days between 10.00 hrs. and 17.00 hrs.
Information Technology, the unique study to scruti- peak ground acceleration at concentration is more near marble, with the topmost
Hyderabad (IIIT-H) has nise the structure’s health. the surface has been esti- the top and base of the parts in gold. Two “CANDIDATES ARE REQUIRED TO APPLY ONLINE ONLY”
found stress concentration Conducted under the guid- mated using finite fault minarets. It is more on the minarets, 130 feet (41 m)
would be more at the centre ance of assistant professor simulation technique and left edge of the middle high and comprising 130 “Government strives to have a workforce which reflects gender balance
of the mosque’s minarets in Dr D. Neelima Satyam, the dynamic analysis was done dome and on the left edges steps, longitudinally
case of a big quake. The study has developed a three- considering the 2001 Bhuj of two small domes. striped with white marble and women candidates are encouraged to apply”.
minarets will be highly vul- dimensional numerical earthquake (7.7 magnitude) In the model plan, area of and red sandstone, flank
nerable to damage in such model of Jama Masjid by data as input. the mosque is taken as 80m the domes on either side. davp55101/14/0037/1112