Final Exam 15-06-2012 (Answered)

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EET-DEE-UPC Problem (6 points)

Surname: Name: 15-06-12

 In the temperature measuring system depicted in the figure, the value of the R x
resistor is Rx= 75(Ω) + 0.4T (Ω/ºC). T expressed in ºC
 The main characteristics of the BJT are VCEsat = 0.2 (V), VBEsat = 0.8 (V), β >25.
 The reference voltage for the ADC is 5(V)
 The output pin of the microcontroller (V9) can supply 5(V) and up to 10(mA)

+ V3 R
10K 100 -
45k R

1V 10k + V5
V2 -
10K Rx - R R

10 bit 5
V8 V7
μC - V6 R
ADC 820n 33k
10k 5




a) Find out the expression of (V2-V1) as a function of temperature (T) and write down
the values when T= -25 ºC and T= 75 ºC. 1 point

V2-V1 = ______________________________________________________

@(-25 ºC) = _________________(V) @(+75 ºC) = _________________(V)

b) Work out the expression of V5. 1 point

V5 = f(V2-V1) =_______________________________________________

V5 = f(T) =__________________________________________________

c) What value should V6 be adjusted to in order to get V7=0 when T= -25 ºC?
V6 = ________________________________________________(V) 1 point

d) What should the sampling frequency of the ADC be? Could a sampling frequency of
10Hz cause aliasing? Why? 1 point

fsample=________________(Hz) Aliasing at 10 Hz? __Yes_____No


e) What variation in V7 will bring about a 1-bit change in the ADC reading? And in V 5?
What will be the output code of the ADC if T=62.5 °C? 1 point

1 bit change if ∆V7=__________________________________________(mV)

1 bit change if ∆V5=__________________________________________(mV)

If T= 62.5 ºC, V7 = ____________(V) ADC output code =________________

f) What is the minimum resistor-load that could be driven by the microprocessor

provided that its output current is limited? Choose a suitable R B to saturate the BJT if
RLOAD is 100Ω. 1 point

RLOADmin = ________________________________________________(Ω)

RB (if RLOAD = 100Ω) ________________________________________(Ω)

EET-DEE-UPC Test (4 points)
Surname: Name: 15-06-12
Nombre: Marking: right answer +1, wrong answer –1/3, no answer 0.

1. An anti-aliasing filter should have a cutoff frequency (fc)… c) both of the above.
a) more than 2 times the Nyquist frequency d) none of the above.
b) equal to the Nyquist frequency
c) more than ½ the sampling frequency 9. The gain in the circuit is…
d) less than ½ the sampling frequency
10R a) 10 at low
2. Which of the following ADC converters does not have a frequencies.
fixed conversion time?
a) Flash converter Vi R
b) 20 dB at
b) Dual slope converter - high frequencies.
c) Successive approximation converter + Vo
d) None of them has a fixed conversion time. c) - 10 at low
3. The least significant bit in the DA converter is…
V1 V2 V3 d) -20dB at
high frequencies.
2R 2R 2R 10. The gain in the circuit is…
2R R R RF a)1+ (RF/R1)
Vi R1
+ b)- (RF/R1)
Vo +
- Vo c)The open loop gain
a) The circuit is not a DAC. b) V1 c) V2 d) V3 d)None of the above
11. In an intrinsic semiconductor…
4. Spot the wrong statement in an ideal op-amp. a) Holes are the main carriers in the valence band
a) Zin = ∞ b) Ad = ∞ c) Zout = ∞ d) CMRR =∞ b) Pentavalent impurities (P, As, Sb) make a p-type
5. Which of the following parameters is zero in an ideal op- c) Its conductivity worsens when adding impurities
amp? d) All of the above
a) Output impedance
b) Input bias current 12. Which diode will be on in the circuit?
c) Input offset current
D 1
d) All of them a) D1
+ 5 (V )

6. If an operational amplifier has a 100 dB CMRR… D 2

b) D2
a) Its differential gain is 105 + 4 (V )
b) Its differential gain is 102 times its common mode gain R
c) Both
c) Its differential gain is 102
d) None of the above d) None
7. Regardless of the sign, the output of the circuit is… 13. What is the peak voltage across the resistor? (V is RMS, V γ is
threshold voltage)
V1 2R R
e) VMAX – 2Vγ

V2 2R
- f) VMAX – Vγ
- +
V1 2 4
+ Vo g) V√2 R

h) V – 2Vγ
a) The average of the input voltages

b) The sum of the input voltages 14. Which current is the biggest in a BJT?
c) Zero a) Emitter current
b) Collector current
d) Twice the sum of the input voltages c) It depends whether it is in saturation or not
d) It depends whether it is a pnp or an npn transistor
8. Selecting the highest gain for an instrumentation amplifier
means that 15. Which of the conditions ensures that the BJT will be in
a) the bandwidth will be less. saturation in the circuit?
b) the CMRR is higher.
a) Vbb > VBESat

b) Vcc > VCESat R c

c) IC/IB < β R b
Q 1
d) All of them

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