Flight Planning
Flight Planning
Flight Planning
Ever wonder how it's done? I promise, it's not rocket science.
Here is an example.
I have a study area over Doaktown, NB of 4 km wide in the east - west direction and 4 km long in the north -
south direction (yellow lines on Map 1 below). Up is north. A camera having a 152.4 mm focal length lens and
a 230 mm (9" x 9") format is to be used. The desired photo scale is 1:10,000 and the nominal endlap and sidelap
are to be 60% and 30 %. Beginning and ending flight lines are to be positioned along the boundaries of the
study area. The only map available to me for the area is at a scale of 1:50,000. This map indicates that the
average terrain elevation is 90 m (300 feet) above sea level. Now, lets do the necessary computations to develop
a flight plan and draw a flight map.
Map 1
Flight direction will be west - east.
Now we will find the flying height above the terrain and add the mean site elevation to find flying height above
mean sea level:
= 0.1524 m + 90 m
= 1614 m
Now determine ground coverage per image from film format size and photo scale:
Determine ground separation between photos on a line for 40 % advance per photo (60 % endlap):
Let's assume we are flying the aircraft at 160 km/hr, the time between exposures is:
= 20.7 (use 20 secs) because the intervalometer can only be set in even seconds, the number is rounded down,
so 60 % coverage is ensured.
Now we have to recalculate the distance between photo centres, using the reverse of the previous equation:
Now we need to compute the number of photos per 4 km line by dividing this length by the photo advance. Add
one photo to each end and round the number up to ensure coverage:
Now we need to find the number of flight lines required to cover the 4 km study area width by dividing the
width by distance between flight lines. (this gives number of spaces between flight lines, add 1 to arrive at the
number of lines):
= 4000 m + 1
1610 m/line
= 3.48 (use 4)
= 4000 m
4-1 spaces
= 1333 m/space
1333 m x 1 mm
50 m
= 26.7 mm
Note: the photo centres marked here are for demonstration purposes, not the actual locations, but can be
obtained by NBDNR as a GIS layer or paper map.