Oracle Talent Management Cloud

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Oracle Talent

Management Cloud

Implementing Performance
Oracle Talent Management Cloud
Implementing Performance Management

Part Number F22483-01
Copyright © 2011, 2019, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved.

Authors: Richard Kellam, Sweta Bhagat, Megan Wallace, Michael Laverty, Gayathri Akkipeddi

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Oracle Talent Management Cloud
Implementing Performance Management


Preface i

1 Introduction 1
Overview of Implementing Performance Management ........................................................................................................ 1
Guide Structure .............................................................................................................................................................................. 2

2 Overview and Integrations 7

Overview of Dene Worker Performance ................................................................................................................................ 7
How Performance Document Components Work Together ............................................................................................... 7
How Performance Documents Work with Proles ................................................................................................................ 9
How Performance Documents Work with Goals ................................................................................................................... 11
FAQs for Overview and Integrations ....................................................................................................................................... 15

3 Questionnaires 17
Questionnaires ............................................................................................................................................................................. 17
How You Congure Questionnaire Templates ..................................................................................................................... 18
Questionnaire Questions and Responses .............................................................................................................................. 21
Create a Questionnaire .............................................................................................................................................................. 22
How to Use Translation Editor with Questionnaires and Questions ............................................................................... 23
How to Use Questionnaires in Performance Documents .................................................................................................. 24
How Performance Documents Work with Questionnaires ................................................................................................ 25
FAQs for Questionnaires ........................................................................................................................................................... 27

4 Descriptive Flexelds 29
Descriptive Flexelds for Oracle Fusion Performance Management .............................................................................. 29

5 Prole Options 31
Oracle Fusion Performance Management Prole Options ................................................................................................. 31
Contextual Notes in Application Pages .................................................................................................................................. 33
FAQs for Prole Options ........................................................................................................................................................... 34
Oracle Talent Management Cloud
Implementing Performance Management

6 Performance Roles 35
Performance Roles: Explained ................................................................................................................................................. 35
Participant Feedback .................................................................................................................................................................. 36

7 Matrix Management 41
How You Use Matrix Management with Performance Evaluations ................................................................................. 41
Congure Matrix Management for Performance Documents ........................................................................................... 41

8 Eligibility Proles 47
How You Use Eligibility Proles with Performance Documents ....................................................................................... 47
Examples of Using Eligibility Proles with Performance Documents ............................................................................. 49
Eligibility Proles and Performance Analytics ...................................................................................................................... 50

9 Eligibility Batch Process 53

Performance Document Eligibility Batch Process ............................................................................................................... 53

10 Performance Process Flows 55

Options for Performance Process Flow Setup ..................................................................................................................... 55
Examples of Performance Process Flows ............................................................................................................................. 59
Concurrent Worker Evaluation Tasks ..................................................................................................................................... 61
Participant Feedback Task Options ........................................................................................................................................ 63
Options for Conguring Performance Documents to Display Performance Ratings to Workers .............................. 64
How Performance Document Completion Status Is Determined ..................................................................................... 65
Performance Document Approvals ........................................................................................................................................ 70
Oracle Talent Management Cloud
Implementing Performance Management

11 Performance Template Sections 73

Considerations for Creating Performance Template Sections .......................................................................................... 73
Calculated Ratings ...................................................................................................................................................................... 77
How You Use Fast Formulas in Performance Documents ................................................................................................ 78
Guidelines for Seing Up Calculated Ratings in Performance Templates and Sections ............................................. 78
Considerations for Using Performance Template Section Calculation Rules ................................................................. 81
Options for Item Processing in a Performance Template Section ................................................................................... 83
How Performance Ratings Using the Average Method Are Calculated .......................................................................... 85
How Performance Ratings Using the Sum and Band Methods Are Calculated ............................................................. 91
Writing Assistant ......................................................................................................................................................................... 96
How You Upload Writing Assistant Data Using Spreadsheets ......................................................................................... 97
How You Set up Writing Assistant for Performance Documents .................................................................................... 98
Create a Performance Template Section for Prole Content ........................................................................................... 99
Create a Performance Template Section for Performance Goals .................................................................................. 103

12 Review Periods 109

Review Periods in Talent Management ............................................................................................................................... 109

13 Performance Document Types 111

Overview of Performance Document Types ......................................................................................................................... 111

14 Performance Templates 113

Guidelines for Seing Up Performance Templates ............................................................................................................ 113
Anytime Performance Documents ......................................................................................................................................... 116
Guidelines for Dening Processing Roles for Performance Template Sections ........................................................... 117
Performance Document Task Alert Notications ............................................................................................................... 119
Interim Evaluations in Performance Documents ............................................................................................................... 120
Guidelines for Seing Up Performance Document Periods ............................................................................................. 122
Guidelines for Associating Eligibility Proles with Performance Templates ................................................................ 124
Create a Performance Template ............................................................................................................................................ 125
Options for Updating In Use Performance Templates ...................................................................................................... 141
Set Up Interim Evaluations in Performance Templates .................................................................................................... 143
FAQs for Performance Templates ........................................................................................................................................ 146

15 Check-In Templates 147

Check-In Template Options .................................................................................................................................................... 147
FAQs for Check-In Templates ................................................................................................................................................ 147
Oracle Talent Management Cloud
Implementing Performance Management

16 Feedback Templates 149

Feedback Templates ................................................................................................................................................................ 149
FAQs for Feedback Templates ............................................................................................................................................... 149

17 Target Ratings Distribution 151

Rating Model Distributions ...................................................................................................................................................... 151
Considerations for Creating Rating Model Distributions .................................................................................................. 151

18 Performance and Potential Box Chart Labels 155

How You Compare Workers Using the Performance and Potential Box Chart ............................................................ 155
Oracle Talent Management Cloud Preface
Implementing Performance Management

This preface introduces information sources that can help you use the application.

Using Oracle Applications

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Additional Resources
• Community: Use Oracle Cloud Customer Connect to get information from experts at Oracle, the partner
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• Training: Take courses on Oracle Cloud from Oracle University.

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Convention Meaning

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monospace Monospace type indicates le, folder, and directory names, code examples, commands, and URLs.

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Oracle Talent Management Cloud Preface
Implementing Performance Management

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Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 1
Implementing Performance Management Introduction

1 Introduction

Overview of Implementing Performance Management

This guide describes the setup and implementation tasks for Performance Management work area in the Workforce
Development oering. Using these tasks you can implement and maintain Oracle Fusion Performance Management to
set up performance documents to review workers as part of a performance evaluation.

Oracle Fusion Performance Management Cloud Service is part of the Workforce Development oering of Oracle Human
Capital Management Cloud. To start an implementation of Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud, a user with the
Application Implementation Consultant role (ORA_ASM_APPLICATION_IMPLEMENTATION_CONSULTANT_JOB) must
opt into the oerings applicable to your business requirements. Refer to the Oracle Applications Cloud Using Functional
Setup Manager guide to manage the opt-in and setup of your oerings. This topic:

• Lists where to nd information about prerequisite tasks and pertinent information about implementing Oracle
Fusion Performance Management
• Describes the Worker Performance functional area of the Workforce Development oering

Before seing up Performance Management you must implement either:

• HCM Base
• Talent Management Base

You are also required to congure other applications and elements. The table lists sources of information, including
guides and help topics, and a description of what they contain, to help you set up the conguration that ts your
business needs and processes.

Source Contents

Oracle HCM Cloud Geing Started Provides an overview of Talent Management Cloud options, purchasing and activation options,
with Oracle Talent Management basic information for implementing Talent Management applications, and describes work
Cloud areas.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Describes user and role synchronization, implementation user setup, enterprise and workforce
Implementing Talent Management structures, workforce proles, approvals, help conguration, and more.

Oracle Global Human Resources Describes user and role synchronization, implementation user setup, enterprise and workforce
Cloud Implementing Global Human structures, workforce proles, approvals, help conguration, and more.

Human Capital Management Cloud Describes integration types, how to use le-based and spreadsheet loaders, integrations with
Integrating with Oracle HCM Cloud Oracle Taleo Recruiting Cloud Service, web services, and coexistence.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 1
Implementing Performance Management Introduction

Source Contents


Human Capital Management Cloud Describes Oracle Human Management Cloud security, types of roles and how to create them,
Securing Oracle HCM Cloud managing user accounts, types of security proles and managing them and Oracle Fusion
  Transactional Business Intelligence and Business Intelligence Publisher security.

Workforce Development Oering

Use this oering to congure and dene the worker performance. The functional area in the oering and primary
features are available in the following table.

Functional Area Description

Worker Performance Use this functional area to congure worker performance seings such as value sets, lookups,
  prole options, notications, performance roles, Talent eligibility proles, scheduled processes,
document types, templates, target ratings distribution, performance and potential box chart

Related Topics
• Oracle Applications Cloud Using Functional Setup Manager
• Plan Your Implementation

Guide Structure
This topic includes the guide structure, summary of each chapter, and describes where to nd additional information
for the tasks in the Worker Performance functional area.
The primary features of the Workforce Development oering are explained in this guide. For the full list of
functional areas and features in this oering, use the Associated Features report that you review when you plan the
implementation of your oering. This topic describes the contents of each chapter included in the following sections of
the guide:

• Introduction
• Questionnaires
• Performance Management Seings
• Performance Management Application Implementation

The following table provides the chapter number, chapter name, and chapter contents.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 1
Implementing Performance Management Introduction

Chapter Title Contents

2 Overview and Integrations An overview of Oracle Fusion Performance

    Management implementation and
description of how it integrates with other

The following table provides the chapter number, chapter name, and chapter contents.

In addition, this guide includes the Manage Questionnaires setup tasks from the Dene Workforce Proles task list so
you can use questionnaires as part of a performance evaluation.

Chapter Title Contents

3 Questionnaires Creating questionnaire templates,

    questionnaires, and questions to use in
the Manage Participant Feedback task in a
performance evaluation.

Performance Management Seings

The following table provides the chapter number, chapter name, and chapter contents.

Chapter Title Task Contents

4 Descriptive Flexelds Manage Worker Performance Describes the available

    Descriptive Flexelds exelds for Performance
  Management and where they
are used.

5 Prole Options Manage Worker Performance Describes how to congure

    Prole Option Values the prole options for
  Performance Management
and the eects of the seings.

Performance Management Application Implementation

The following table provides the chapter number, chapter name, and chapter contents.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 1
Implementing Performance Management Introduction

Chapter Title Contents

6 Performance Roles Creating roles that can access

    performance documents to provide
feedback and enter ratings and comments
about a worker.

7 Matrix Management Conguring roles, process ows, and

    performance templates to use matrix

8 Eligibility Proles Creating eligibility proles to restrict

    availability of performance documents to
a specic population based on criteria you
set up.

9 Eligibility Batch Process Describes how to run the eligibility batch

    process to determine which performance
documents a population of workers is
eligible to use for their performance

10 Performance Process Flows Conguring process ows to determine

    the tasks, and their sequence, used by the
performance template for performance

11 Performance Template Sections Conguring sections that are required for

    the tasks in the process ow, including
section type, calculation rules and rating
models used in the sections, weighting,
and adding content items.

12 Review Periods Create review periods to link performance

    management and goal management
business objects to measure and achieve
results within the review period time line.

13 Performance Document Types Create performance document types to

    associate with performance templates to
create performance documents, and goal
plans to determine which goal plan is used
to populate performance documents with

14 Performance Templates Conguring performance templates used

    to create performance documents to
specify the process ow denition, the
sections, and the document type, add
review periods, static content, and roles
that can access the document.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 1
Implementing Performance Management Introduction

Chapter Title Contents

15 Check-In Templates Creating check-in templates to meet

    your organization requirements and
facilitate the process of creating check-
in documents by the manager and

16 Feedback Templates Creating feedback templates to meet your

    organization requirements and facilitate
the process of seeking feedback in the
organization all through the year.

17 Target Ratings Distribution Creating a rating model distribution

    to set target percentages for worker
overall performance ratings that your
organization prefers for each rating level
of a rating model.

18 Performance and Potential Box Chart Conguring the box labels for the
  Labels Performance and Potential box chart by
  selecting the performance rating model to
associate with the box chart and entering
labels for each box.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 1
Implementing Performance Management Introduction

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 2
Implementing Performance Management Overview and Integrations

2 Overview and Integrations

Overview of Dene Worker Performance

Use the Dene Worker Performance activity to dene and maintain the elements used to create performance document
templates. Application implementors and human resource (HR) specialists can use these templates to create the
performance documents used to rate workers.
To create and manage performance documents, the performance management business activity requires that workers
have a manager record.
For both setup and maintenance tasks, implementors and HR specialists can:

• Create document types, sections, process ows, and roles to use in performance document templates.
• Create performance document templates to determine the structure and task ow of performance documents.
• Create default content and target ratings within performance templates and sections.
• Create and edit rating distributions to set the target percentages for worker overall performance ratings for
each rating level.
• Create and edit box labels for the Performance and Potential matrix.
• Manage talent eligibility proles and eligibility batch processes to specify eligibility for performance documents.
• Manage seings for email notications that the application sends to workers and managers to remind them of
upcoming events and tasks.

For setup tasks only, they can also:

• Congure prole options to specify the:

◦ Default rating model for Oracle Fusion Performance Management analytics and HR comparisons
◦ Number of years in the past and the future for which to display performance documents to managers
and workers based on the document end date
◦ Autosave interval to specify the number of minutes before the performance document saves
• Manage descriptive exelds to add company-dened aributes to entities, and dene validation and display
properties for them.
• Manage performance value sets for descriptive exelds.
• Manage performance lookups, the lists of values that appear in Performance Management pages.

Use the Setup and Maintenance work area to access the tasks in the Dene Worker Performance task list. You can also
use the Performance Management work area to access the maintenance tasks.

Related Topics
• Options for Performance Process Flow Setup
• Considerations for Creating Performance Template Sections
• Guidelines for Seing Up Performance Templates

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 2
Implementing Performance Management Overview and Integrations

How Performance Document Components Work

To create a performance document you need a performance template. The performance template contains a document
type, template sections, and a process ow. Create these either when creating the performance template, or select
previously-congured ones.

Document Types
Document types categorize the types of performance documents that are valid for an organization, such as annual
evaluation or semiannual evaluations, a project evaluation, and so on. You set the dates to determine the time period
that a document type is valid.

Performance Template Sections

Sections form the structure of a performance document. The sections support the process ow used by the template.

In the sections you congure the types of content that can be rated and the processing options for ratings. You also
determine the sources of content, and how the performance documents integrate with:
• Proles from the prole management business process
• Performance goals from the goal management business process
• Development goals from the career development business process

Sections can also contain options for managers and workers to provide nal feedback about the evaluation.

Process Flows for the Evaluation Process

Create process ows to determine which tasks workers, managers, and participants perform as part of the evaluation
process. For example, you can include tasks to set goals, let managers and participants evaluate workers, and workers
evaluate themselves. You can create as many process ows as required to correspond to the dierent evaluation
requirements of your enterprise.

The process ow dictates which sections are required for the performance template. For example, if the process ow
includes the task for managers to rate workers, you must set up Prole Content, Performance Goals, or Development
Goals sections where managers can rate workers on competencies or goals, or an Overall Summary section where
managers provide an overall rating.

Performance Templates
Performance templates bring together the information that is used to create performance documents. In the
performance template, you:
• Select the roles that can access the performance documents created from the template.
• Select existing eligibility proles to restrict the performance documents to qualied workers.
• Specify the processing rules for the document.
• Enter the periods for which the performance documents are valid.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 2
Implementing Performance Management Overview and Integrations

• Select the document type, sections, and process ows to use, and any additional content on which to rate
workers. You can edit sections as required in the template.

Related Topics
• Examples of Performance Process Flows
• Considerations for Creating Performance Template Sections
• Guidelines for Seing Up Performance Templates
• Options for Creating Performance Documents

How Performance Documents Work with Proles

During a performance evaluation, the line manager or worker can update a performance document to include
competencies from the worker's job prole and content library. When the performance document is completed the
worker's person prole is updated to reect competency prociency levels in the performance document.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 2
Implementing Performance Management Overview and Integrations

This gure illustrates the sources of competencies for the performance document, and how proles are updated from
the performance document.



Job Profile Content Library

Worker Profile

Adding and Updating Prole Content in the Performance Document

When created, the performance document may contain competencies that the performance template is congured
to provide. These can include competencies from the content library or from the worker's model prole or another
specied prole. Weights and minimum weights associated with competencies from a model prole are also populated
in the performance document. During the evaluation process workers and managers can add additional competencies
from the content library. They can also update the performance document to reect any changes in model prole
competencies to ensure that they have the most recent content. The weight and minimum weight are only populated in
the performance document when the competency is added to the performance document. Subsequent changes to the
competency weight and minimum weight in the model prole don't update the weights for competencies that already

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 2
Implementing Performance Management Overview and Integrations

exist in the performance document. In the performance document, the manager can edit the minimum weight, and
both the manager and worker can edit the weight. The ability to add and update competencies from model proles and
the content library depends on the seings for the template used to generate the performance document.

To update competencies in the performance document, workers and managers use the Update Goals and
Competencies action on the pages used to evaluate the worker or set document content. However, they must remove
previously-added competencies manually from the performance document.

When adding competencies by updating from a model prole, only those that are associated with the model prole to
which the performance document applies are added. Competencies associated with proles for which the worker has
another active performance document aren't added. However, managers and workers can add these competencies
directly to the performance document by adding them from the content library.

Updating Proles from a Completed Evaluation

When the performance document is completed the application updates the worker's prole to include the changes
made in the performance document, if the performance document is congured to do so. Updated content includes
the overall rating, competencies and their prociency rating levels provided by the manager, and the competencies
and goals section ratings. The ratings provided by the worker are not included. After the performance document
is completed, it becomes a static document, and any changes to the job competencies are not reected in the
performance document.

Related Topics
• Guidelines for Seing Up Performance Templates

How Performance Documents Work with Goals

During a performance evaluation, the line manager or worker can update a performance document to include
performance goals and development goals. Workers and managers can create goals directly in the performance
document. If Oracle Fusion Goal Management or Oracle Fusion Career Development are used, workers and managers
can add goals from the goal library and the worker's goals from those business processes. Workers and managers can
maintain goals either in the performance document or using the goal management and career development business
processes, and the goals are updated in the respective business process.
In the performance document:

• Performance goals are maintained in the Performance Goals section

• Development goals are maintained in the Development Goals section

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 2
Implementing Performance Management Overview and Integrations

The gure shows how performance documents integrate with the goal management and career development business
processes, and how goals update the worker prole.


Performance Goals

Worker Profile


Goal Library

Manager Record Requirements

To use the performance management business process to manage performance documents, workers must have both a
job and a line manager on their assignment record.

Adding Goals to the Performance Document

Depending on conguration, goals can be added to performance documents in these ways:

• The performance template can include performance and development goals that are added directly to the
performance document.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 2
Implementing Performance Management Overview and Integrations

• Workers and managers can add performance and development goals directly to a performance document.
• Workers and managers can import performance and development goals from the workers' other performance
• Workers' performance goals from Goal Management populate the performance document.
• Workers' development goals from Career Development populate the performance document.

When created, the performance document may contain goals that the performance template is congured to provide. If
Goal Management is used, the goals in the Performance Goals section may include the worker's own performance goals
and others selected from the goal library. If Career Development is used, the goals in the Development Goals section
may include the worker's own development goals or others added from the goal library. Only approved performance
and development goals populate the performance document, if approvals are used in the goal management and career
development business processes.

During the evaluation process the worker and manager can create goals, and add goals from the goal library, if it's
enabled. If they add a goal to the Performance Goals section, it becomes a performance goal. If they add a goal to the
Development Goals section, it becomes a development goal. The worker and manager can also use the Import Goals
and Competencies action to copy the worker's goals (but not ratings or evaluation comments) from another of the
worker's performance documents. The Import Goals and Competencies action creates a new goal, but copies its key
aributes from an existing goal in another performance document. The action is found on the pages used to evaluate
the worker or set document content.

Performance and development goals created in a performance document aren't added to the goal library and aren't
visible there. The performance goal can be viewed from the worker's person spotlight and on all other pages where the
goal is included except in the library. Development goals can be viewed only on the Career Development pages.

Updating Performance Documents from Goal Management

Performance and development goals that workers or managers add or edit in Goal Management, Career Development,
or in performance documents are maintained such that they are consistent in their respective applications. For example,
primary goal characteristics, such as the goal name, description, success criteria, and completion date, are kept identical
in both locations. Any aachments to goals are also displayed in the performance document.

The goal details held in performance documents and the goal management or career development business processes
have some dierences:
• Goal ratings that the worker or manager provides in the performance document aren't available on the Goal
Management or Career Development pages.
• Performance goal weights added on the Goal Management pages are added to the performance document
when the goal is initially added to the document. Afterward, the weights from Goal Management update in
the performance document, if congured to do so, when the manager or worker uses the Update Goals and
Competencies action in the performance document.
• Evaluation comments added to the performance document don't show on the Goal Management or Career
Development pages. However comments from the Goal Management and Career Development pages appear in
the performance document.

Workers and managers can add performance goals on the Goal Management pages and the goals are pulled into
the workers' performance documents when the documents are created. Goal plans are required to manage goals in
Goal Management. The goals in a goal plan associated with the review period and document type selected for the
performance document appear in the document when it's created.

Development goals from Career Development populate the performance document when the dates of the development
goal overlap any portion of the performance document dates. For example, a development goal with a start date before
the performance document start date and either an end date after the performance document end date, or no end

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 2
Implementing Performance Management Overview and Integrations

date, is pulled into the performance document. Future development goals that start after the performance document
concludes and those that are inactive can also populate the performance document, if congured to do so.

When managers or workers edit the worker's existing goals in Goal Management or Career Development, the changes
are reected in the performance document when it's opened. To copy new goals into the performance document from
the goal management or career development business processes they must use the Update Goals and Competencies
action in the performance document. Goals aren't automatically removed from the performance document and must be
manually removed.

Updating Goal Management from Performance Documents

Updates made to the performance document are displayed in Goal Management and Career Development when the
performance document is saved or submied.

When a worker or manager adds a performance goal to the performance document, they can select the goal plan
to which to add the goal. The selected goal plan must be one of those that were used to populate the performance

Updating Proles from a Completed Evaluation

When the performance document is completed the application updates the worker's prole to include the goals section
ratings for both the Performance Goals and Development Goals sections. Ratings for individual goals are maintained in
the performance document only.

Completing Goals in the Performance Document

When the performance document is completed the performance goals are updated in Goal Management and
development goals are updated in Career Development. After that process concludes, managers and workers can't
update goals in the performance document either directly, or by using Goal Management or Career Development. They
can continue to add or update goals in Goal Management or Career Development, but those changes aren't reected in
the performance document.

Seing Up the Performance Template to Use Goals

To manage goals in performance documents, implementors must:

• Create a Performance Goals performance template section to manage performance goals and add it to the
performance template.
• Create a Development Goals performance template section to manage development goals and add it to the
performance template.

To use Goal Management and the goal library with performance documents, they must also:

• Enable the Goal Management Business Process Enabled (HRG_USE_GOAL_MANAGEMENT) prole option
using the Manage Administrator Prole Values task.
• Enable the Goal Library Enabled (HRG_ENABLE_GOAL_LIBRARY) prole option.
• Select the Populate with worker goals check box in the Performance Goals performance template section
• Optionally, select the Allow update goals action to update goal weights from goal management business
process check box in the Performance Goals performance template section.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 2
Implementing Performance Management Overview and Integrations

• Select a review period and performance document type for the template associated with a goal plan for the
performance template period.

To use Career Development and the goal library with performance documents, implementors must:

• Enable the Goal Library feature choice in the Workforce Development oering.
• Select the Populate with workers development goals covering any part of evaluation period check box in
the Development Goals performance template section.
• Optionally select the Include future development goals starting after evaluation period and Exclude
inactive development goals check boxes in the Development Goals performance template section.

Related Topics
• Guidelines for Seing Up Performance Templates
• How You Remove Goals Contained in a Performance Document

FAQs for Overview and Integrations

How can I diagnose any issues with Oracle Fusion Performance
Management data?
Run the Performance Management Integrity Validations test. In the global header of the Diagnostic Dashboard, select
Seings and Actions - Troubleshooting - Run Diagnostic Tests. The test generates a report identifying invalid rows,
which you can repair or remove.
The test validates that:

• Business groups are valid and exist.

• Foreign key aributes aren't null.
• Field level aributes match the business rules set up in Performance Management.
• Row counts on setup tables are greater than zero.
• Data in the setup tables matches the business rules set up in Performance Management.
• Data in the document tables matches the business rules set up for evaluations in performance documents.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 2
Implementing Performance Management Overview and Integrations

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 3
Implementing Performance Management Questionnaires

3 Questionnaires

You can create questionnaires to gather information in applications that support them. For example, you can use
questionnaires to collect feedback in a performance evaluation. This topic describes aspects of questionnaire creation
and maintenance. Use the Manage Questionnaire Templates, Manage Questionnaires, and Manage Question Library
tasks in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Subscriber Applications
Applications which are eligible to use questionnaires are called subscriber applications. You must select the subscriber
application for each questionnaire. When you select the subscriber on the Manage Questionnaires page, you can create
questionnaires for the selected subscriber only. In addition, the subscriber lters your search results to display only
questionnaires created for that subscriber.

Note: Some subscriber applications use Setup and Maintenance tasks to manage questionnaire components
while others provide their own tasks or don't allow modication of questionnaires. See the documentation for
the subscriber applications for more information.

You maintain folders to store questionnaires. For each subscriber application, you can create as many folders as
required to dierentiate or identify the questionnaires.

Questionnaire Templates
All questionnaires are based on templates, which promote consistency. When creating a questionnaire, you must
select a template on which to base the questionnaire. The template can provide default seings or enforce mandatory
requirements such as specic sections and questions that must be in all questionnaires created using the template. You
can congure templates for:
• Specic applications
• General audiences, such as an entire organization or all internal customers
• Targeted audiences, such as particular roles (managers, for example)
• Specic purposes, such as providing feedback for performance evaluation periods or rate worker potential in an
assessment for a talent review

You can create questionnaires only from templates that were created for the same subscriber as the questionnaire.

Questionnaire Presentation
You can specify how the questionnaire appears in the subscriber application. For example, you can:
• Make the questionnaire single- or multiple-paged.
• Add sections to group questions by type or other classication.
• Mark questions as required.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 3
Implementing Performance Management Questionnaires

Questions and Responses in the Question Library

You create questions in the question library. Four types of questions exist:
• Text
• Single choice
• Multiple choice
• No response

For each question type, you also congure responses and select a presentation method. For example, for single-choice
questions, you can specify that the possible responses appear either in a list or as radio buons.

For the Single-Choice and Multiple-Choice question types, you can create conditional questions by selecting Display
the question conditionally check box. You need to specify the controlling question code and response. Based on the
respondent's answer to a previous question, you can display a question. The conditional question and the controlling
question must both exist in the questionnaire to display the conditional question.

For example, for a controlling question such as, Did you receive assistance with this form? If the controlling response
is Yes, then you can display the conditional question, Which type of assistance did you receive?

You can also add response feedback visible to respondents to display a targeted message to their response, if the
subscribing application uses response feedback.

Tip: You can assign your own response codes to the responses that you create in choice-based questions.
The application provides the response code by default. But you can remove the response code and enter a
code of your choice so that it is meaningful and helpful in organizing your setup.

Questionnaire and Question Scoring

For subscriber applications that support scoring, you can congure questions that score the responses provided by
respondents. You can congure questionnaires to calculate the cumulative total of responses (Sum), the average score,
or the percentage based on the maximum available score.

Questionnaire and Template Access

You can control access to questionnaires and templates by seing privacy options. If you set the Privacy option to
Private, only the named owner can edit the questionnaire or template. Otherwise, anyone with access can edit the
questionnaire or template.

How You Congure Questionnaire Templates

This topic describes how questionnaire template options aect questionnaires generated from the template. You can
override some of these options in individual questionnaires.
Use the Manage Questionnaire Templates task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Questionnaire Scoring and Calculation Rules

You can select Score Questionnaire to congure the questionnaire to calculate scores based on responses.
Questionnaires made from the template can then be scored for subscribers that support scoring. A questionnaire

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 3
Implementing Performance Management Questionnaires

based on a scored template doesn't have to be scored. To score a questionnaire, you must also select the overall score
calculation rule that species the formula used to calculate scores.
Note: Scoring only applies to subscriber applications that allow scoring.

If you edit the template and deselect Score Questionnaire, existing questionnaires made from the template aren't
aected. Only questionnaires made in the future from the template aren't scored.

Section Presentation and Order

A questionnaire has at least one section. You can use sections to group questions by type or category, for example.
The Section Presentation option controls how the questionnaire uses sections. This table describes the Section
Presentation values.

Value Description

One section appears that contains all questions.

No Sections  

Stack Regions Multiple sections appear as specied on the Section Order option.

The Section Order option controls section order. This table describes the Section Order values.

Value Description

One section appears that contains all questions.


Each respondent views the sections in a dierent order. Reviewers view the sections in
Random sequential order to provide consistency when reviewing responses.

You can specify whether questionnaires based on this template can override these values.

Question and Response Order

The Question Order and Response Order values control the order that questions and possible responses appear
to a respondent. Response order only applies to single-choice and multiple-choice questions, which contain a list of
This table describes the Question Order and Response Order values.

Value Description

Questions appear in the specied order.


Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 3
Implementing Performance Management Questionnaires

Value Description

Each respondent views the questions in a dierent order. Reviewers view the questions in
Random sequential order to provide consistency when reviewing responses.

You can override the default values of these options for individual sections. You can also specify whether
questionnaires based on this template can override these values.

Allowed Response Types

The Allowed Response Types controls whether a user can ask additional questions when requesting responses to
questionnaires. The additional questions will show up in the section with the Allow Additional Questions check box
selected. For example, Performance Evaluation Participant Feedback and Request Feedback are features where one
user requests that another user answers a questionnaire and can add additional questions to be asked only as part of
this request. If the questionnaire doesn't have a section that allows additional questions, then the user will not be able to
ask additional questions when making the request. Only questions with the selected response types can appear in the
For example:

• If you select neither Single Choice from List nor Radio Buon List, then you can't include single-choice
• If you select both Radio Buon List and Check Multiple Choices, then you can include both single-choice and
multiple-choice questions. However, each can use only the selected response type.

Section Format
The Allow Additional Questions option controls whether authorized users can add questions in the subscriber
application. For example, for performance documents, that could be managers or workers.
If you select the Required option, then respondents must answer all questions in the section.

If you select New Page option, the section starts a new page. A section may ll more than one page, depending on the
number of questions specied in the Maximum Number of Questions per Page eld.

Questions and Responses in Sections

In the Questions table, you manage questions for a selected section. You can:
• Add questions from the question library. You can change the response type for these questions.
• Create questions, either those that are scored, or aren't. Questions you create become part of the question
library. You must also add the question to the section after creating it from the section.
• Edit questions. Your edits are also reected in the question library.
• Remove questions.
• Change question order by dragging them in the section. Questions appear in this order in the questionnaire if
question order is Vertical for the section

If the section itself isn't required, then you can mark individual questions as required. Otherwise, respondents must
answer all questions.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 3
Implementing Performance Management Questionnaires

You can use the Preview action to review sections, questions, responses, response feedback, and test scoring.

Questionnaire Questions and Responses

You can include text, single-choice, multiple-choice, and no response questions in questionnaires. This topic explains
how to construct questions of each type and dene the expected responses. You can manage questions using the
Manage Question Library task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
You can also create, edit, and copy questions directly in questionnaire templates and questionnaires. Use the Manage
Questionnaire Templates and Manage Questionnaire tasks in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Subscriber Applications
When creating a question, you must select a subscriber application for the question and a folder in which to include it.
You can create folders for each subscriber application to store questions for the subscriber. A question is only available
to questionnaires with the same subscriber.

Text Questions
Respondents enter their responses in a text eld. For the response, you can specify:
• Both a minimum and a maximum number of characters.
• Either plain text or rich text. Select rich text to let respondents use formaing, such as bold and underline.

Single-Choice Questions
Respondents select one response from several. You specify whether the responses appear in a list or as radio buons.
You can select a rating model to quickly provide consistent responses. When you select a rating model, the rating levels
appear as responses. You can add, remove, or edit the responses. If you change the rating model, the question doesn't
update to reect the changes. For example, if the rating model contains ve rating levels, the short descriptions for each
level appear as responses from which the respondent can select.

You can add feedback to display messages to respondents for responses. The response feedback appears when the
respondent submits the questionnaire.

When you congure a single-choice question as a radio buon and specify that it isn't required, the No opinion
response appears automatically as a response. This option allows respondents to change their responses to no opinion
if they already selected a response that they can't deselect.

Multiple-Choice Questions
Respondents can provide one or more answers. Specify whether the responses are presented as check boxes or a
choice list. You can set both a minimum and maximum number of required responses. As with single-choice questions,
you can associate a rating model with the response type. You can add response feedback to multiple-choice questions,
as with single-choice questions.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 3
Implementing Performance Management Questionnaires

No-Response Questions
Use this question type when no response is required. You can use it to add instructions or information to the section.

Response Scoring
You can congure single- and multiple-choice questions to score the responses. To score responses, you can either set
them up to use user-dened scoring or select a rating model to use the predened numeric rating. Responses using
rating models are only scored when the question is congured for scoring. The application uses the score from the
responses to calculate the score of questionnaires that are congured to be scored. With the rating models, you can edit
the short description and score.

Note: The Potential Assessment, a specic questionnaire type, calculates potential ratings. The potential
assessment is available only in the talent review business process. Set up the potential assessment using the
Manage Potential Assessment task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

For all types of questions, including no-response questions, specify whether respondents can add aachments.

Create a Questionnaire
This topic summarizes how to create a questionnaire. Use the Manage Questionnaires task in the Setup and
Maintenance work area. Select Navigator > Setup and Maintenance.

Selecting the Questionnaire Template

1. In the Folders section of the Manage Questionnaires page, select the subscriber application for the
2. In the Search Results section, click Create. The Create Questionnaire dialog box opens.
3. Enter Questionnaire Template ID or Name values, if available. Alternatively, click Search to list all available
4. In the Search Results section, select a template and click OK. The Create Questionnaire: Basic Information page

Entering Questionnaire Basic Information

1. A unique numeric questionnaire ID appears automatically. You can overwrite this value.
2. If this is a scored questionnaire, an overall score calculation rule appears. You can select a dierent rule.
3. Enter a questionnaire name and select a folder. Use folders to organize questionnaires by type or purpose, for
4. Leave the Owner eld blank and the Privacy value set to Public if anyone who can access the questionnaire
can edit it. Otherwise, select an owner and set Privacy to Private.
5. Leave the Status value set to Draft until the questionnaire is ready.
6. In the Instructions and Help Materials section, enter and format any instructions for questionnaire users. This
text appears at the top of page one of the questionnaire.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 3
Implementing Performance Management Questionnaires

7. Add le or URL aachments, if appropriate. Links appear at the top of the questionnaire and beneath any
instruction text.
8. Click Next. The Create Questionnaire Contents page opens.

Entering Questionnaire Contents

The Section Order, Section Presentation, and Page Layout values are as specied in the questionnaire template.
Depending on template seings, you may be able to change these values. Sections appear as dened in the
questionnaire template. Depending on template seings, you can edit some or all section seings. You can also delete
predened sections and create additional sections.
1. Select the rst section to view its questions in the Questions section. You can delete a question or change its
response type and Required seing.
2. If you create additional sections, you add questions to them. In the Questions section, click Add to open the
Add Questions dialog box. Search for a question, select it, and click OK.
3. You can also create questions for a section. Select a section, and in the Questions section, click Create to
open the Create Question page. Select the folder, and enter question and response details, and click Save and
Close. The question becomes available in the question library as well. Add the question to the section using the
instruction in step 2.
4. Edit questions as required. Select a question and click Edit to open the Edit Question page. Enter question and
response details, and click Save and Close. The question is updated in the questionnaire and the question
5. When all sections and questions are complete, click Next to open the Create Questionnaire Review page.
6. Click Preview to preview the questionnaire. For scored questionnaires, click Test to verify the scoring.
7. Click OK to close the Preview dialog box. Click Save to save your questionnaire.
Set the questionnaire Status value to Active when the questionnaire is ready for use.

How to Use Translation Editor with Questionnaires and

You can translate questionnaire templates, questionnaires, and questions using the translation editor. With the
translation editor, you can review and translate text for more than one language at a time without signing out of your
current session. For each translatable eld, the translation editor helps to ensure your data is translated the way you
intend. The translations appear wherever the questionnaire templates, questionnaires and questions appear.

Eligible Languages
The languages that you can translate are those that are that are installed and active in the application. The translated
text appears in the application for the respective language a user selects when signing in.

Text that Can Be Translated

Using the translation editor, you can translate any text elds that you can edit in questionnaire templates,
questionnaires, or questions. For questionnaires and templates, you can translate:
• Name, description, and introduction

• Section title, description, and introduction

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 3
Implementing Performance Management Questionnaires

For questions, you can translate:

• Question text
• Question response short description
• Question response feedback

Translation Editor Usage

Click the Translation Editor icon to edit the translatable text in a questionnaire, questionnaire template, or question.
The icon appears on the pages and sections where the elds you can appear. In the Edit Translation dialog box that
appears, you can enter text for any available language for each eld. The translated text appears in the application
for the respective language a user selects when signing in. For example, if you translate a question from English to
Spanish, a Spanish-speaking user sees the Spanish translation. If the translated text is in a language that's the same as
the language of your current session, you can see the translation apply to the UI immediately.
When you create a new questionnaire, template, or question, you must rst save it before using the translation editor.
Once the object is saved to the database, the translation editor becomes available.

Translation Inheritance
Questionnaires inherit translations from the template. You can edit the translations to change them. Question
translations that you congure are also inherited by that question if it's used later in another questionnaire or template.
You can edit the translation either in the Question Library, or in the questionnaire or template in which it's used.

Related Topics
• Enter or Edit Translated Text

How to Use Questionnaires in Performance Documents

Create questionnaires to add to performance documents to gather feedback about workers from participants other than
direct managers. Managers can use the feedback to help them evaluate workers.
Questionnaires enable you to:
• Capture feedback in performance documents
• Collect information on a worker other than competencies and goals
• Congure questions for specic audiences and periods

You create questionnaires using the Manage Questionnaires task in the Setup and Maintenance and Performance
Management work areas. You can also use the Manage Questions, Manage Questionnaire Templates, and Manage
Questionnaire tasks in the Performance Management work area.

Capturing Feedback in Performance Documents

Using questionnaires allows your organization to get feedback from multiple sources to provide a more rounded
evaluation and view of a worker's performance. Use questionnaires to capture feedback from the worker being
evaluated, the worker's manager, peers, colleagues, other managers, internal customers, or any other role in
the organization. Participant feedback captured in a performance document can't be used to rate workers in the
performance document, but managers can use it to help determine how to rate workers.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 3
Implementing Performance Management Questionnaires

Respondents access questionnaires in the performance documents. Managers, workers, or both, manage participant
feedback to select participants, and assign them roles to determine which questionnaires they respond to.

Collecting Information on a Worker Other than Competencies and Goals

You can use questionnaires to gather data about workers that isn't specically about competencies and goals, thus
increasing the range of information concerning the worker's performance and development.
For example, you can ask the manager or worker to:

• Identify strengths of the worker, or areas that require more development.

• Describe the top three achievements of the worker during the previous year.
• Discuss the worker's satisfaction in the current role.

Conguring Questions for Specic Audiences and Periods

You can congure questionnaires to target general audiences, or specic groups, such as managers, workers, peers or
other roles. You must associate questionnaires with performance template periods, and assign the roles that respond to
the questionnaire. This enables you to create questionnaires that concentrate on specic periods, or can be used over
multiple periods.

Related Topics
• Participant Feedback

How Performance Documents Work with Questionnaires

You can add questionnaires to performance documents to enable participants to provide feedback during a
performance evaluation. To add questionnaires to performance documents, you must rst create questionnaire
templates and questionnaires, and congure the elements that make up a performance template to include

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 3
Implementing Performance Management Questionnaires

This gure illustrates the steps required to add questionnaires to performance documents and track feedback.

Create Create Roles to

Questionnaire Answer
Template Questionnaires

Add Roles and

Create Process Flow
Create Questionnaires to
with Manage
Questionnaire Roles in Document
Participant Feedback
Section Period in

Create Manage
Performance Participant
Document Feedback

You manage questionnaire templates and questionnaires, questions, roles, process ow performance template sections
and performance templates in the Setup and Maintenance and Performance Management work areas. You manage
participant feedback in performance documents in the Performance Management work area.

Questionnaire Template
Create a questionnaire template from which to create a questionnaire and assign Performance 360 as a subscriber
application to make it available in performance documents. In the template, you can format the layout and questions to
include in the questionnaires made from it. You can create as many questionnaire templates as needed.

Create the questionnaire from an available template. Create as many questionnaires as required for your business
process. For example, if your organization requires feedback from multiple roles, such as other managers, peers, or
internal customers, you may need a dierent questionnaire for each role. You may also require dierent questionnaires
for each performance evaluation period, or that cover all periods. You can edit questionnaires created from the
template as required.

You must create all the roles that will access questionnaires in a performance document, with the exception of manager
and worker, which are default roles. You associate roles with the questionnaire in the performance template to make

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 3
Implementing Performance Management Questionnaires

them available to the role. Managers, workers, or both, select the roles that apply to each participant when managing
participant feedback to determine which questionnaire a participant uses.

Create a Questionnaire section to include in the performance document. The Questionnaire section is the only section
type that can contain questionnaires. The questionnaire appears as a tab in the performance document. Add all the
roles that will access the questionnaire to the section.

Process Flow
To make participant feedback available in a performance document, you must create a process ow that includes the
Manage Participant Feedback task. Specify whether managers, workers or both, can manage and track participant

Performance Template
In the performance template you add the roles, process ow, and Questionnaire section that you created for the
questionnaire. To the document periods you add the roles that you want to be able to access the questionnaire,
and specify the questionnaire to associate with each role. Managers and workers can also be requested to answer
questionnaires. To do so, you must add them to the document period.

In the template, you can also specify the minimum number of participants required to answer the questionnaire for
each role, and a total minimum number of participants for each document. These seings are guidelines and aren't

Performance Document and Participant Feedback

After the performance document is created, the manager, worker, or both, can select participants, send requests for
feedback, and manage the feedback. Depending on the seings in the questionnaire, managers or workers can add
additional questions to the questionnaire. The ability to manage participant feedback is determined by the process ow

Participants, other than workers and managers, can access the Questionnaire section of the performance document.
Depending on how the performance template and process ow are congured:
• Participants can provide comments that appear in the Overall Summary section for managers and workers to
• Workers and managers can access the Questionnaire section to view participant feedback

When the manager submits the performance document, the participant feedback is locked and participants can't
add or edit feedback. Any feedback participants didn't submit before the document is locked won't be included in the
performance document.

Related Topics
• Participant Feedback

FAQs for Questionnaires

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 3
Implementing Performance Management Questionnaires

What happens if I edit a questionnaire that's in use?

You're prompted to either create a new version of the questionnaire or update the existing version.
If you update the existing version, the status remains Active, the questionnaire version remains the same, and the In
Use status is Yes. The changes take aect as soon as you save the questionnaire. Respondents see the modied version
when they start a new response, open a saved response, or view a completed read-only questionnaire. If respondents
answered questions and saved the questionnaire prior to the change, their saved responses continue to appear when
they reopen it after the change. You can edit the questionnaire as needed; however it's best to limit the modications to
those that have a minimal impact, such as changing text. Adding questions, marking questions as required, or changing
responses to choice-based questions can result in issues for questionnaires that are already completed.

If you create a new version, the previous version isn't aected. The status of the new version is set to Draft and the
questionnaire version number increases by one. The In Use status is set to Prior Version. When a questionnaire is
completed using this version, the In Use status changes to Yes. The changes take eect when you set the status to
Active and save the questionnaire. Respondents see the new version when they start a new response or open a saved
response. Completed questionnaires display the questionnaire version under which it was completed. If respondents
answered questions and saved the questionnaire prior to the new version, their saved responses don't appear when
they reopen the new version.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 4
Implementing Performance Management Descriptive Flexelds

4 Descriptive Flexelds

Descriptive Flexelds for Oracle Fusion Performance

You can use descriptive exelds to add company-dened aributes for a Oracle Fusion Performance Management
entity, and dene validation and display properties for them. For example, you can create a descriptive exeld for a
performance document to ask workers if they are willing to be a mentor.

Dening Descriptive Flexeld Segments

Use the Manage Descriptive Flexelds task to dene a segment for a descriptive exeld for Performance Management.
You can add more information related to a Performance Management entity, such as document type, section,
performance template, performance template section, and evaluation detail of a performance document.

There are ve descriptive exelds available in Performance Management.

Descriptive Flexeld Description

HRA_ DOC_TYPES_B Fields for document type displayed on the Create and Edit Performance Document Type

HRA_ SECTION_ DEFNS_B Fields for section details displayed in the Details region of the Create and Edit Performance
  Template Section pages.

HRA_ TMPL_DEFNS_B Fields for performance template details displayed on the General tab of the Create and Edit
  Performance Template pages.

HRA_ TMPL_SECTIONS Fields for performance template section details displayed on the Structure tab in the Additional
  Information region of the Create and Edit Performance Template pages.

HRA_ EVALUATIONS Fields for evaluation details used in a performance evaluation displayed in the Additional
  Information region of a performance document.

Note: Descriptive exelds HRA_EVAL_ITEMS and HRA_EVAL_RATINGS in Performance Management are

not currently in use.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 4
Implementing Performance Management Descriptive Flexelds

Activating Descriptive Flexelds

To activate a descriptive exeld, you must also dene lookup codes and value sets along with the descriptive exeld
segment. For more information on using exelds for company-dened aributes, see the Oracle Applications Cloud
Conguring and Extending Applications guide.

Related Topics
• Overview of Descriptive Flexelds
• Overview of Flexelds

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 5
Implementing Performance Management Prole Options

5 Prole Options

Oracle Fusion Performance Management Prole Options

Set prole options for Oracle Fusion Performance Management to dene the rating model used in analytics and
worker comparisons, the range of years of performance documents to display while processing eligibility, and autosave
interval. You can only change the Site Level seings for each.

To manage prole options, use these tasks in the Setup and Management work area:
• Manage Administrator Prole Values
• Manage Worker Performance Prole Option Values

Default Rating Model for Performance Management Analytics

The value of the prole option Default Rating Model for Performance Management Analytics (Prole Option Code:
HRA_DEFAULT_RATING_MODEL) denes the rating model that performance documents use for the ratings that display
in analytics and comparisons of workers. The worker's overall rating for the latest performance document using the
prole value is displayed on the pages of other business processes. You can use it to make comparisons between
workers or a worker's past and present ratings.

The ratings and comparisons can appear in the:

• Box chart matrix on the Oracle Fusion Talent Review meeting dashboard
• Rating History analytic on the Performance tab in the person spotlight
• Compare feature
• Rating Distribution analytic
• Performance and Potential box chart

Note: Dierent versions of some of these analytics appear on the My Organization page in the Performance
work area. They use ratings taken from the performance documents the manager selects to view rather than
the default rating model. These analytics include:
• Rating Distribution
• My Organization Performance Summary
• Performance and Potential
These overall ratings may not use the prole option rating model. The Rating History analytic that appears on
the performance document pages displays the history for the other performance documents using the same
performance template as the performance document.

Number of Years of Performance Documents to Display

Specify the number of years of completed and not started performance documents that appear to managers and HR
administrators when managing eligibility for performance documents. The seing also determines the range of years of
performance documents that appear on choice lists where HR specialists view performance documents. By specifying a
low number, you can prevent managers and HR administrators from having to sort through a long list of past and future

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 5
Implementing Performance Management Prole Options

You specify two dierent prole options to determine the number of years of performance documents to display. The
table shows the two seings and the eects of specifying the values.

Prole Option Code Prole Display Name Eect Default

HRA_ PD_ DISPLAY_ Number of future years from Determines how many years 2
FUTURE_YRS the current date ahead of the current date  
    to display performance
documents. This includes all
performance documents with
an end date that's within the
range of the future date. For
example, if the value is 2, and
the current date is January
1, 2017, documents with an
end date equal to or before
January 1, 2019 can appear on
the list.

HRA_ PD_ DISPLAY_ Number of past years from the Determines how many 3
PAST_YRS current date years before the current  
    date to display performance
documents. This includes all
performance documents with
an end date that's within the
range of the past date. For
example, if the value is 3, and
the current date is January 1,
2017, documents with an end
date equal to or after January
1, 2014 can appear on the list.

The value you select aects the range in years of documents on choice lists that appear on the following pages:

• Manage Eligibility Batch Process

• Manage Performance Document Eligibility

Regardless of the prole option seings, in progress documents always appear in the performance document choice

Managers and HR specialists can still use search to nd and view performance documents that fall outside the specied
number of years.

Performance Autosave Interval

This table shows the prole option that determines the autosave interval in performance documents.

Prole Option Code Prole Display Name Eect Default

HRA_ PERF_ AUTOSAVE_ Performance Autosave Indicates the number 10

INTERVAL Interval of minutes before the  
    performance document saves

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 5
Implementing Performance Management Prole Options

Prole Option Code Prole Display Name Eect Default

Related Topics
• Autosave Performance Documents
• Rating Models
• Performance Information in Comparison Results: Explained
• Overview of Prole Options

Contextual Notes in Application Pages

Enhance Talent Management application pages using the Notes resource catalog component for persons and objects
using Oracle Page Composer. The Notes feature is similar to the Feedback feature in employee's Person Spotlight and
Performance Document. The Contextual Notes is an extension of the existing Anytime Feedback feature.
You can embed the Notes component on persons and objects using Oracle Page Composer. The Notes component
appears with the title, Feedback or Notes, based on the component conguration, Person Notes and Object Notes.

The following image shows the person notes embedded in the Goal Details page:

You can create and share notes about employees by conguring the Notes resource catalog component in the following
Talent Management scenarios:
• Notes for an employee in the context of an employee's performance goal
• Notes for an employee in the context of a performance goal plan
• Notes for an employee in the context of a performance review period
• Notes for an employee in the context of an employee's development goal

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 5
Implementing Performance Management Prole Options

• Notes for an employee in the context of an employee's career development

You can create and share object notes by conguring the Notes resource catalog component in the following Talent
Management scenarios:

• Notes for a talent review meeting

• Notes for a succession plan
• Notes for a talent pool

Related Topics
• For more information, see Implementing Contextual Notes in Oracle HCM Cloud Talent Management
(2375556.1) on My Oracle Support at hps://
• Contextual Notes

FAQs for Prole Options

What happens when I enter the default rating model prole
The overall ratings appear where performance ratings are compared between workers, or between a worker's past and
present ratings, for workers rated using the default rating model. You can select either a rating model you create, or a
predened one, as the default rating model.
The rating comparisons can appear in the:

• Performance and Potential box chart on the My Organization page in the Performance Management work area
• My Organization Performance Summary on the My Organization page in the Performance Management work
• Box charts that use performance ratings on the Oracle Fusion Talent Review meeting dashboard

The ratings must be provided in performance documents created from performance templates using the default
rating model to appear on the Performance Manager Overview page. The ratings can be provided in the performance
document, or during a talent review, to appear on the Talent Review meeting dashboard.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 6
Implementing Performance Management Performance Roles

6 Performance Roles

Performance Roles: Explained

Create roles to expand the scope of the performance evaluation to include feedback from participants other than the
worker and the worker's manager. To implement multiparticipant feedback, you must rst dene the roles that can
participate in the process. You create performance roles using the Manage Performance Roles task in the Setup and
Maintenance and Performance Management work areas.
To make roles eligible to provide feedback, you must:

• Dene performance roles.

• Provide a description for the role.
• Make roles available for the performance document.
• Associate questionnaires to the roles when using questionnaires.

Dening Performance Roles

You can create as many roles as required for the evaluation process that your organization employs. For example, you
might have roles such as peer or mentor, or additional managers as part of a matrix management review. Every role
that you create is classied as a participant role type.
To enable the role you create to view ratings and comments submied by workers, managers, and other participants,
select Allow role to view worker and manager evaluations. For participants with this role, they can view all ratings,
comments, and questionnaires submied by all other roles when they open the performance document from the My
Feedback Requests page.

You also have to set the From Date and To Date. These dates have to overlap with the template dates to be valid for
use in that template. For example, the role From Date can be before the template date, as long as the role To Date isn't
before the template From Date. The role To Date can also be after the template To Date, as long as the role From Date
isn't after the template To Date.

The manager and worker roles are required; you can't delete or edit them. You can, however, create performance
templates that don't require either the manager or worker role to answer a questionnaire or rate workers. In this case,
you must add the role names to the template to permit the manager or worker to view feedback.

Providing a Role Description

Along with the role name, you can add a description for the role. The description appears on the Manage Participant
Feedback pages to assist users in determining which role to assign to each participant.

Making Roles Available to Access the Performance Document

The participant roles you create, along with the manager and worker roles, are eligible to access the performance
document to provide ratings and comments on content, and feedback on questionnaires. You must select the roles in
the performance template to make them available to access the performance document.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 6
Implementing Performance Management Performance Roles

Associating Questionnaires with Roles

Each role is eligible to respond to only one questionnaire for each performance document within a performance period.
However, you can assign more than one role to participants so they can complete more than one questionnaire. You
associate roles with the questionnaires that the role uses in the performance template. You assign roles to participants
using the Manage Participant Feedback task in the Performance Management work area.

Participant Feedback
The Manage Participant Feedback task enables individuals other than the line manager and worker to provide
direct feedback into the worker's performance document. Additional roles providing feedback might include peers,
mentors, customers, and other managers, such as matrix managers. The additional roles providing feedback are
called participants. Participants can evaluate workers on content items by providing ratings, comments, or both, and
respond to a questionnaire to provide a 360-degree evaluation. Participant feedback is recorded as part of the ocial
performance evaluation. By including a variety of participants who have worked to some capacity with the worker, the
manager can obtain a broader view of the worker's performance to assist in the evaluation.
The Participant Feedback process provides the ability to:

• Specify who can request and track participant feedback.

• Provide multiparticipant feedback according to role.
• Use questionnaires to provide feedback.
• View participant names, roles, and feedback.
• Submit feedback and complete the Participant Feedback process.
• Print feedback.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 6
Implementing Performance Management Performance Roles

The following gure shows the steps for gathering participant feedback.

HR Specialist

Performance Questionnaire
Process Flow Required?


Create Performance
Questionnaire Template

Line Manager,

Select Track
Send Feedback
Feedback Participant
Participants Feedback Status

Line Manager,
Provide Participant
Feedback Feedback

Specifying Who Can Request and Track Participant Feedback

The human resource (HR) specialist congures the process ow to specify whether managers, workers, or both, can
select participants to provide feedback, add questions to the questionnaire, and track feedback request and completion
status. Managers and workers use their respective versions of the Manage Participant Feedback page to perform the
participant feedback tasks.
When the manager or worker requests feedback, participants receive workow notications of the request. Participants
access the performance document on the My Feedback Requests page or from links on their worklist.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 6
Implementing Performance Management Performance Roles

Managers and workers can track participant feedback to monitor its status to see whether it's started, in progress, or
completed. Depending on conguration, workers can also see the feedback itself and the names of the participants who
provided the feedback.

Managers and workers can remove a participant from a performance evaluation, or change the role (for example,
change a mentor to a peer), provided the participant hasn't yet provided feedback.

Providing Multiparticipant Feedback by Role

HR specialists create the participant roles that can rate worker competencies, goals, overall performance, and answer
questionnaires. They can congure a role that allows participants also to view ratings, comments, and questionnaires
provided by the worker, other managers, and participants. In the performance template, the HR specialist selects the
roles that can provide feedback in the Prole Content (Competencies), Performance Goals, Development Goals, and
Overall Summary sections. The HR specialist can associate separate questionnaire templates, with dierent questions,
to each role.
Managers and workers, if permied, can select participants of varying roles to provide feedback and notify them
to provide feedback. The managers and workers can add the same participant more than once to a performance
document. They can select the same role or a dierent one for the participant. The participant responds to the
questionnaires associated with the roles, even if the questionnaires are the same.

Participants can't add or edit content, such as competencies or goals in the performance document, unlike managers
and workers.

Using Questionnaires to Provide Feedback

Participants, as well as managers and workers, provide feedback by answering questions about the worker on
a questionnaire that the HR specialist adds to the performance document in the performance template. The
questionnaire is a performance template section, and appears as a tab in the performance document, just as do other
sections, such as the Performance Goals, Development Goals, or Overall Summary sections.
The manager and worker, if allowed, can add questions they create to the questionnaire that's provided for the
performance document. They can add questions only to the questionnaires that are associated with the participant
roles they select. You must also congure the questionnaire to allow them to add additional questions.

The HR specialist creates questionnaires using the Manage Questionnaire Templates and Manage Questionnaires tasks
in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Viewing Participant Names, Roles, and Feedback

Line managers, matrix managers, and workers, if allowed, can view the names and roles of the requested participants,
along with the ratings, comments, and feedback they provided. You can congure the performance template so that
participants can provide overall comments about the worker instead of answering questions on the questionnaire.
Participants can't view ratings, comments, or questionnaire responses provided by the worker, manager, or other

Submiing Feedback and Completing the Participant Feedback Process

Line managers, matrix managers, and workers if allowed, can view ratings, comments and feedback when the
participant submits the performance document and questionnaire. Participants can continue to provide feedback until
the manager either locks the feedback process or completes the Manager Evaluation of Workers task and submits the
performance document to continue the performance evaluation process.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 6
Implementing Performance Management Performance Roles

Printing Feedback
Managers and workers can print participant feedback, as they can with other performance document content. They can,
however, only print the content which their role is congured to see. For example, if the performance process ow is
congured so the worker can't view participant feedback, the worker can't print it.

Related Topics
• How Performance Documents Work with Questionnaires
• How to Use Questionnaires in Performance Documents

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 6
Implementing Performance Management Performance Roles

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 7
Implementing Performance Management Matrix Management

7 Matrix Management

How You Use Matrix Management with Performance

Matrix management functionality allows managers other than the worker's line manager to evaluate the worker, and
view ratings and comments submied by the worker, and other managers and participants.

Matrix Managers
A matrix manager is a manager of a type other than line manager (for example, project manager, team manager,
functional manager). You add manager types to workers using the Manage Employment task in the Person
Management work area.

Note: In some cases, the line manager might not be the manager who controls the performance document. In
this topic, the line manager is assumed to be the performance document manager.

In a performance evaluation, matrix managers are participants with a specic congured role that gives them the
added ability to view ratings and comments submied by others. You create the performance role using the Manage
Performance Roles task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

During a performance evaluation, matrix managers can:

• Evaluate the worker by providing ratings and comments

• Review the submied ratings, comments, and questionnaire responses provided by the worker, other
managers, and other participants

Matrix managers can only provide and view ratings and comments in sections to which they are granted access in the
performance template. They can't add or remove content items, such as competencies or goals, from a performance

Notication and Access

When the worker submits the completed self-evaluation, matrix managers receive notication, if that notication
option is enabled. The matrix manager accesses the document from the My Feedback Requests tab in the Performance
Management work area. You set up the Performance Management notications in the Setup and Maintenance work

On the Manage Participant Feedback page, line managers (and workers, if congured to do so), can view the names of
the matrix managers.

They can add matrix managers as participants to evaluation on the same page. Line managers can also remove matrix
managers, even if they were automatically assigned. If the line manager or worker adds a matrix manager as a reviewer,
they must send a notication to alert the matrix manager that the document is available for review.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 7
Implementing Performance Management Matrix Management

Congure Matrix Management for Performance

This topic summarizes how to congure performance roles, process ows, and templates to use matrix management
in performance documents. Matrix managers can then access performance documents on the My Feedback Requests
page in the Performance Management work area to evaluate workers.
Matrix managers for a worker are additional managers who aren't dened as the worker's line manager. You assign
managers to workers using the Manage Employment task (Navigator > Person Management).

Create the sections required by the process ow, including:
• Prole Content (Competencies)
• Performance Goals
• Development Goals
• Questionnaire
• Overall Summary
• (Optional) Worker Final Feedback
• (Optional) Manager Final Feedback

Creating a Role
You can create participant roles that can access:
• Performance documents to review workers and view the ratings, comments
• Questionnaires submied by workers and other managers and participants

Use the Manage Performance Roles task in the Setup and Maintenance work area (Navigator > Setup and

1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, select the Manage Performance Roles task.
2. In the Search Results section of the Manage Performance Roles page, click Create. The Create Performance
Role page opens.
3. Enter a role. The role can be that of additional managers who are expected to review workers, or any other
name. The role is eligible to select for inclusion in the performance template.
4. Enter a description. Descriptions appear on the Manage Participant Feedback pages to assist users in
determining which role to assign to each participant.
5. Enter the From Date and To Date. These dates must be the same as or extend beyond the date range of the
performance templates in which they're used.
6. Set the Status value set to Inactive until the role is ready.
7. Select Allow role to view worker and manager evaluations so the matrix manager role is eligible to view
evaluations performed by the worker and other managers.
8. Click Save and Close.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 7
Implementing Performance Management Matrix Management

Creating a Performance Process Flow

You must add the Manage Participant Feedback task to the performance process ow so additional managers can:
• Add ratings and comments
• View ratings and comment submied by the worker and line manager

Use the Manage Performance Process Flows task in the Setup and Maintenance work area (Navigator > Setup and
1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, select the Manage Performance Process Flows task.
2. In the Search Results section of the Manage Performance Process Flows page, click Create. The Create
Performance Process Flow page opens.
3. Enter a name and optionally, a description.
4. Enter the From Date and To Date. These dates must be the same as or extend beyond the date range of the
performance templates in which they're used.
5. Set the Status value set to Inactive until the process ow is ready.
6. Optionally, in the Set Goals section, select the Set Goals options to include the task in the process ow.
7. In the Manage Worker Self-Evaluation and Manager Evaluation section, select Include worker self-evaluation
task so workers can evaluate themselves.
8. Select Include manager evaluation of worker task so line managers can evaluate their direct reports.
9. Select Evaluation tasks can be performed concurrently to let workers and managers evaluate the worker at
the same time.
10. In the Participant Feedback section, select Include manage participant feedback task to make participants
eligible to access the performance document.
11. Select other options as required by your business process.
12. In the Approval, Review and Meetings, and Set Next Period Goals sections, select the options required for your
business process.
13. Click the Task Names tab.
14. Enter the sequence numbers and names for the tasks.
15. Click Save and Close.

Conguring the Performance Template General Tab

You must add all roles, including the matrix manager roles you created, to the performance template in the Participation
section of the General tab, and to the sections on which you rate workers so they can view and provide ratings and
comments. Use the Manage Performance Templates task in the Setup and Maintenance work area (Navigator > Setup
and Maintenance).
1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, select the Manage Performance Templates task.
2. In the Search Results section of the Manage Performance Templates page, click Create. The Create
Performance Template page opens.
3. On the General tab, enter a name and optionally, comments.
4. Enter the From Date and To Date. The From Date must be the same or later than, and the To Date the same
as or earlier than the From Date and To Date range of the performance document type, process ow, roles, and
sections used in the template.
5. Set the Status value set to Inactive until the role is ready.
6. Select a document type.
7. In the Eligibility Prole section, add eligibility proles to limit the performance documents to eligible workers, if
required by your business process.
8. Optionally, in the Participation section, select Set the minimum number for each participant role to warn
managers and workers when they don't select the minimum numbers of participants.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 7
Implementing Performance Management Matrix Management

9. In the Total minimum number of participants required in the document eld, enter the minimum
participant number for the entire performance document.
10. In the Participation section, click the Add icon.
11. In the Role column, select the Manager role.
12. Repeat steps 10 and 11, for the Worker role, the roles you created for matrix managers, and any other
participants who use performance documents created from the template.
13. For each participant role, enter the minimum number of participants required per role if you specied that
participant feedback is required.
14. Click the Process tab.

Conguring the Performance Template Process Tab

On the Process tab, you add the process ow and congure participation options for matrix management.
1. In the Process Flow eld, select a process ow that contains the Manage Participant Feedback task.
2. Congure the Alerts, Calculation Rules, and Processing Options sections as required for your business process.
3. In the Participant Options section, select the options to achieve the wanted results as shown in the table.

Note: The options in the table are available only if you add a matrix manager role to the
Participation section of the General tab.

Option Impact

Participant feedback is required Requires managers to send at least one feedback request to a participant.

Worker can view the participants Workers can see participants' names in the performance document, if congured on the
added by manager Structure tab of the template.

Auto-populate matrix managers of Matrix managers appear automatically on the participant list in the Manage Participant
the worker as participants Feedback task, and line managers don't have to manually select matrix managers as

Default participant role Assigns the selected role to auto-populated matrix managers.

Allow matrix managers to access Matrix managers can access the document as soon as it's created. If this option is not
worker document automatically selected, then the line manager must send a notication manually on the Manage
  Participant Feedback page.

4. Click the Structure tab.

Conguring the Performance Template Structure Tab

On the Structure tab, you add and congure the sections required by the process ow. You add and congure roles in
the Processing by Role section.
1. In the Sections section, select the Prole Content section. You might have named it with a dierent name.
2. Congure the Section Processing, Item Processing, and Section Content sections as required to conform to
your business process.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 7
Implementing Performance Management Matrix Management

3. In the Processing by Role section, click the Add icon.

4. In the Role column, select Manager to grant access to the section.
5. Complete the elds as wanted for the manager as shown in this table. For all other processing options, leave
the default values, or select others as wanted. Repeat steps 3 through 5 for granting access to workers, matrix
managers, and other participants. Complete the elds, as shown in this table.

Role Share Ratings Share Comments Participant Name Participant Role Can
Can Be Viewed by the Be Viewed by the
Role Role

Manager Yes to share ratings

  with worker Yes to share Yes to let manager Yes to let manager
  comments with worker view participant view participant
name, No to display role, No to display
participants only as participant roles as
Participant Participant

  Yes to share Yes to let worker view Yes to let worker view
comments with worker participant name, No participant name, No
to display participants to display participants
only as Participant only as Participant

Matrix Manager Yes to share ratings Inherits Manager Inherits Manager

  with worker Yes to share seing seing
  comments with worker    

Participants Yes to share ratings Not available Not available

  with worker Yes to share    
  comments with worker

6. Click the Content tab.

Congure the Performance Template Content, Document Periods, and

Summary Tabs
Complete the performance template by conguring the Content, Document Periods, and Summary tabs. On the
Document Periods tab, you can add questionnaires and assign roles to access them.
1. Add content to the Prole Content, Performance Goals, and Development Goals sections as required for your
business process.
2. Click the Document Periods tab.
3. Add periods as required for your business process.
4. In the Eligibility Prole for the Period section, add eligibility proles if required by your business process.
5. In the Due Dates section, enter task due dates.
6. In the Questionnaires for the Period section, click the Add icon. Questionnaires are optional to provide
participant feedback.
7. In the Role eld, select a role that can access the questionnaire.
8. In the Questionnaire eld, select an existing questionnaire.

Note: The worker's line manager can select a dierent questionnaire for the role in the
Manage Participant Feedback task.
9. Repeat steps 6 through 8 to add additional roles and questionnaires.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 7
Implementing Performance Management Matrix Management

10. Click the Summary tab.

11. Review your selections and click Save and Close.

Related Topics
• Create a Performance Template
• Performance Roles
• Options for Performance Process Flow Setup

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 8
Implementing Performance Management Eligibility Proles

8 Eligibility Proles

How You Use Eligibility Proles with Performance

You can use eligibility proles to restrict availability of performance documents to a specic population based on criteria
you set up. If you don't associate eligibility proles with a performance document, the document is accessible by
everyone in the organization.
This gure shows the steps required to set up and use eligibility proles for performance documents.

Eligibility Profile

Associate Eligibility
Profiles to

Run Individual
Run Eligibility
Worker Eligibility
Batch Process


Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 8
Implementing Performance Management Eligibility Proles

Creating Eligibility Proles

You create eligibility proles to match the business requirements for your performance evaluation business process. For
example, you can create eligibility proles to evaluate workers in a specic department, job, location, or other criteria.
You can also combine criteria. For example, you can create a performance document to evaluate every person in the
Sales department who is a manager level 3, and located in California. You can either create one eligibility prole with
those three criteria, or create three separate proles with each criterion. You create eligibility proles using the Manage
Talent Eligibility Proles task in the Setup and Maintenance and Performance Management work areas.
When creating an eligibility prole for performance documents, you can select any prole usage. However, because
eligibility for a performance document is determined by assignment, you must select Specic assignment as the
assignment to use. Specic assignment is automatically selected if you rst select Performance as the prole
usage. Then, when the eligibility process is run, it evaluates every assignment for a worker to determine which, if any,
performance documents the worker is eligible to use for each assignment.

Associating Eligibility Proles with Performance Templates

You select eligibility proles to associate with performance templates at the template level and on performance
document periods. When you select eligibility proles, the performance documents made from the template are
available only to the workers who meet the criteria.
You can associate eligibility proles for any prole usage to a performance template. However, only those with the
assignment to use set to Specic assignment are available to associate with performance templates.

Eligibility proles can either be required, or not required, and can be used in combination so that workers must match
some, or all criteria.

Running the Eligibility Process

To determine which workers are eligible for performance documents that use eligibility proles, you must run the
eligibility process. You can:
• Run a batch process to analyze a large worker population to determine who is eligible for performance
documents based on the parameters you enter.
• Process eligibility for a single worker to determine which documents the worker is eligible to use, and change
the worker's eligibility for a document.

To run the batch process, use the Manage Eligibility Batch Process task in the Setup and Maintenance and Performance
Management work areas. Process eligibility for a worker using the Determine Worker Eligibility for Performance
Documents task in the Performance Management work area.

Accessing the Performance Documents

When a worker is eligible for a performance document, it appears on the My Manager Evaluations page of that worker's
direct manager, along with documents that aren't associated with eligibility proles. Managers can view performance
documents for which their direct or indirect reports, or workers for whom they are the document manager (such as for
a project), are eligible. The document also appears on the worker's My Evaluations page. Both the worker and manager
can access the document.
If the worker has created that performance document and the eligibility process is run again, but now the worker is
ineligible, that document remains visible to both the worker and manager. Both can continue to access the document.

However, if the worker didn't create the performance document and the eligibility process is run again, making the
worker no longer eligible for the document, that document disappears from the My Evaluations page for that worker.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 8
Implementing Performance Management Eligibility Proles

Neither the worker nor the manager can access that document for the worker. If other direct reports of that worker's
manager are still eligible for the document, it remains available on the My Manager Evaluations page for those workers.

Related Topics
• Guidelines for Processing Performance Document Eligibility for a Single Worker
• Performance Document Eligibility Batch Process
• Eligibility Proles

Examples of Using Eligibility Proles with Performance

With eligibility proles, you can target performance documents to evaluate a specic population of workers. These
scenarios illustrate how human resource (HR) administrators can create eligibility proles and run the eligibility process
to make the documents available to workers and managers.

Creating Eligibility Proles and Running a Batch Process for an

The organization wants to create a performance document to compare how the sales force is performing across
all departments in the US. The HR administrator creates an eligibility prole, called US Sales Team, and selects
Performance for the prole usage. The assignment to use value automatically becomes Specic assignment. The HR
administrator selects criteria for all active workers who are:

• Active, not on leave

• Located in the US
• Employed in the Sales job family

The HR administrator or implementor completes these steps:.

1. Creates a performance template, with a performance document period for the current evaluation period named
US Sales Annual Evaluation.
2. Adds the US Sales Team eligibility prole to the document period.
3. Runs the eligibility batch process to nd all eligible salespeople to make the US Sales Annual Evaluation
performance document available to them and their managers to start the evaluations.
You run the eligibility batch process using the Manage Eligibility Batch Process task in the Setup and Maintenance and
Performance Management work areas.

Adding Eligibility when a Worker Transfers to an Organization

A new worker, Lee Smith, is hired into the Sales department under manager John Hsing after the batch process was
already run and performance documents were created for the Sales team. Lee isn't initially eligible for the US Sales

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 8
Implementing Performance Management Eligibility Proles

Annual Evaluation period document, but should be, since she joined Sales midway through the evaluation period. The
HR administrator completes these steps:
1. Navigates to the Determine Worker Eligibility for Performance Documents page in the Performance
Management work area, and selects Lee Smith.
2. On the Manage Performance Document Eligibility page, selects US Sales Annual Evaluation as the single
document to process for Lee.
Lee and John can then access the performance document to begin the evaluation at the appropriate time.

Forcing Eligibility when a Worker Transfers from an Organization

Taylor Wong transfers from the US Sales department to the Hong Kong Sales department midway through the period
covered by the US Sales Annual Evaluation performance document. The HR administrator has run the batch eligibility
process for the last time after Taylor transferred, making Taylor ineligible to use the US Sales Annual Evaluation
performance document. However, the organization process requires that Taylor be evaluated using performance
documents for both his old and new locations.

The HR administrator completes these steps:

1. Navigates to the Determine Worker Eligibility for Performance Documents page, and selects Taylor Wong.
2. On the Manage Performance Document Eligibility page, clicks the Change Eligibility buon, selects the US Sales
Annual Evaluation performance documents, and species to force it eligible.
Even though Taylor no longer meets the eligibility criteria, he and his new manager can access the performance
document to perform the evaluation.

Related Topics
• Eligibility Proles

Eligibility Proles and Performance Analytics

Worker eligibility for performance documents determines the values that appear in Performance Management
analytics. This topic describes how eligibility proles are accounted for in the analytics. The analytics appear in the
Performance Management work area.

Active Performance Documents

The table shows how eligibility proles aect the analytics for active performance documents.

Analytic Eect of Eligibility Prole

Rating Distribution Calculates values only for workers who are eligible for the selected performance document.
Task Completion Status

Performance and Potential Displays only the ratings for workers who are eligible for the selected performance document,
  and who have both performance and potential ratings.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 8
Implementing Performance Management Eligibility Proles

Analytic Eect of Eligibility Prole

My Organization Performance Displays all managers and workers who are direct and indirect reports of the person accessing
Summary the tables; an icon appears next to the names of managers who have no direct reports who are
  eligible for the selected performance document.

Past Performance Documents

When you select a past performance document, the calculated analytics display values and names only for those eligible
workers who are in the current assignment hierarchy of the manager.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 8
Implementing Performance Management Eligibility Proles

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 9
Implementing Performance Management Eligibility Batch Process

9 Eligibility Batch Process

Performance Document Eligibility Batch Process

You can run the eligibility batch process to determine which performance documents a population of workers is
eligible to use for their performance evaluation. When the process is complete, the documents are available to
workers and their managers to begin the evaluation. Use the batch process to process eligibility for all workers in
an organization, and either indeterminate or specic documents, for a specic date or date range. By default, those
with the Performance Management Administration duty and Performance Management Implementation duty can
run the batch process. To run the batch process, they use the Manage Eligibility Batch Process task in the Setup and
Maintenance and Performance Management work areas.

How the Batch Process Works

The batch process evaluates the worker population for a selected date and matches workers with the performance
documents for which they're eligible based on the eligibility prole criteria. The eligibility proles used to determine
eligibility for a performance document are those associated with the performance document period in the performance
template. The batch process only analyzes the worker population to which the human resource (HR) administrator has
data security access.
The batch process analyzes the worker population based on the worker assignment for the selected date. Workers with
more than one assignment, for example, could be eligible for a dierent performance document for each assignment.

Filtering Performance Documents

You can set parameters to lter performance documents to process all those available for the current or a selected date,
a specic document, or all documents of a selected type.
You can set ltering parameters to process:

• Performance documents that fall between the specied performance document start and end dates
• Specic performance documents
• All documents of a selected type that are active on the selected date

This table describes the parameter options available for the batch process.

Parameter Description

Eective as of Date
  This required date determines:

• Worker assignments on that date.

• When a performance document appears on the My Manager Evaluations and My
Evaluations pages. When you enter a future date, the performance document won't
appear until that date.

For scheduled processes, select Current Date to use the system date every time the process

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 9
Implementing Performance Management Eligibility Batch Process

Parameter Description

Document Type Select a document type in this optional eld to restrict the performance documents that
  appear in the Performance Document Name list to those of the selected document type.

Performance Document Name

  Select this optional parameter to specify a specic document to process and match to workers
who meet the eligibility criteria. If you don't specify a document, you must select a date range,
which matches workers to all documents with start and end dates within the selected range.

The documents in this list have eligibility proles associated with them, and t within the date
range in these Oracle Fusion Performance Management prole options:

• Number for future years from the current date

• Number of past years from the current date

For example, if the prole options specify a range of three years--one past and two future--
you see only documents ranging from the previous year to two in the future.

Performance Document Start Date If you don't specify a performance document, you must enter a start date. The process
  will include all performance documents that have a start date on or after the performance
documents start date that's entered.

Performance Document End Date Enter this optional parameter, along with the start date, to process all performance documents
  with start and end dates equal to or within the specied dates.

When to Run the Batch Process

You can run the eligibility batch process on demand or schedule it to run at a later time or on a recurring interval.
Run the batch process, for example when:

• A new performance evaluation period begins

• Eligibility proles are added to or removed from a performance document period
• An eligibility prole contains changes that are associated with a performance document period
• Worker status changes for criteria that are part of the eligibility prole, such as job, or location

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Performance Management Performance Process Flows

10 Performance Process Flows

Options for Performance Process Flow Setup

Set up the process ow to include the tasks, and their sequence, used by the performance template for performance
evaluations. You can create as many templates as you need, and each template supports an evaluation type, such as
annual, semiannual, and project evaluations. Your decisions determine the:
• Tasks and subtasks to include
• Task sequence
• Task names

You manage process ows using the Manage Performance Process Flows task in the:
• Setup and Maintenance work area, Workforce Development oering, Worker Performance functional area.
• Performance Management work area

Tasks and Subtasks

A process ow can contain up to 10 tasks. Some of the tasks contain subtasks. The following table shows the tasks,
along with whether the task includes a subtask, which roles can perform the tasks, and a description of the task

Task Subtask Role that Performs Task Task Function

Set Goals N/A Worker, manager, or both Add content to rate, such as
      competencies, performance
goals, and development
goals to the performance
document. Include this task
to let workers and managers
determine the content the
worker is evaluated on, and
expectations for the worker,
for example, at the beginning
of an evaluation period. If this
task isn't included, managers
and workers can still add
content in the Worker Self-
Evaluation and Manager
Evaluation of Worker tasks.
You can select whether to
allow workers, managers, or
both, to complete the task.
When they complete the
task, they can use the Share
action to allow the other role
to review the new content.
This task is required if the
Set Next Period Goals task is

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Performance Management Performance Process Flows

Task Subtask Role that Performs Task Task Function

included in the process ow

for the preceding evaluation

Worker Self-Evaluation Subtask 1: Track Worker Self- Subtask 1: Manager

  Evaluation   Worker evaluates self. Worker
  Subtask 2: Worker can also add content to be
Subtask 2: Worker Self-   rated to the performance
Evaluation document. The manager:
• Can track the worker
self-evaluation to
view any changes the
worker makes to the
performance document
• Can't view the ratings
and comments the
worker provides until
the worker completes
the subtask

Manager Evaluation of Worker N/A Manager

      Manager evaluates worker.
Manager can also add content
to be rated to the performance

Select Do not allow

additional edit of manager
evaluation task when
completed to prevent
managers from updating
ratings and comments once
they submit the task.

Manage Participant Feedback N/A Manager, worker, or both Select participants to provide
      360-degree feedback in a
performance evaluation by
providing ratings, comments,
or both and completing
questionnaires. Send requests
to the participants, add
questions to questionnaires,
and track participant feedback
to monitor the status of the
request and feedback.

First Approval N/A Manager

      First task for the approver
to approve the performance
document of the worker at
one stage of the evaluation.

Select Automatically submit

approvals when preceding
task is completed to submit
the performance document
for approval automatically

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Performance Management Performance Process Flows

Task Subtask Role that Performs Task Task Function

when the previous task is

completed. The automatic
submission for approvals
also applies when using
the Update Performance
Tasks task to move tasks
forward or back to a task that
precedes an approval task.
The seing applies to both
the First Approval and Second
Approval tasks

Second Approval N/A Manager Second task for the approver

      to approve the performance
document of the worker at a
later stage of the evaluation.

Share Performance Document Subtask 1: Share Performance Subtask 1: Manager

  Document   The manager shares the
  Subtask 2: Worker document so that the worker
Subtask 2: Acknowledge   can view the manager's
Document ratings, and the worker
  acknowledges viewing the

Managers can select to either:

• Share and edit, to share

the document with the
worker while continuing
to edit the document.
• Share and release, the
document to share
the document with the
worker but no longer
edit it.

The seings to determine

whether the worker can view
the manager ratings and
comments are made when
dening the performance
template sections.

Conrm Review Meeting Held Subtask 1: Conduct Meeting Subtask 1: Manager After the worker and
      manager meet to discuss
Subtask 2: Acknowledge Subtask 2: Worker the evaluation, the manager
Review Meeting   indicates that the meeting
  was conducted, then the
worker acknowledges that the
meeting took place.

Provide Final Feedback Subtask 1: Worker Provides Subtask 1: Worker The worker, but not the
  Final Feedback   manager, can provide
  Subtask 2: Manager nal comments about the
Subtask 2: Manager Provides   evaluation in the Worker
Final Feedback Provides Final Feedback
  subtask. The manager, but not

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Performance Management Performance Process Flows

Task Subtask Role that Performs Task Task Function

the worker, can provide nal

comments in the Manager
Provides Final Feedback
The Include digital signature
processing option is available
to compel workers to verify
that they're the people
submiing the performance
document. The option is
available only in the Worker
Provides Final Feedback
subtask, so the task must be
included in the process ow
to activate it. If the option
is selected, the signature is
required from the worker.

Set Next Period Goals N/A Manager, worker, or both Create the performance
      document for the period
The roles are those specied following the active
for the Set Goals task for the performance document
performance document for and add content to it, for
the subsequent period. example performance and
  development goals, and
competencies. This task is the
same as the Set Goals task
for the active performance
document. This task is only
available for standard, and
not anytime performance

Task Sequence
After you select the tasks to include as part of the process ow, you can change the task sequence. Some tasks are
logical in sequence. For example, it's likely that you would place the Set Goals task before the Worker Self-Evaluation
and Manager Evaluation of Worker tasks, and those before the First Approval task. However, you may decide not to use
all of those tasks. Your enterprise may not require the Set Goals task, and lets workers and managers add performance
goals, development goals, and competencies to the performance document as part of the evaluation tasks.

Other tasks have more exibility. For example, you may want to schedule the Share Document task either before, or
after, the First Approval task, depending on when you prefer to let workers see the manager ratings.

During the performance evaluation, all tasks must be completed by the role that performs the task before the next task
can be started, even if the same role performs both tasks.

This rule doesn't apply to these tasks:

• Set Goals
• Set Next Period Goals
• Manage Participant Feedback
• Worker Self-Evaluation

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Performance Management Performance Process Flows

• Evaluate Worker

The Set Goals task can be performed at the same times as the Manage Participant Feedback task, but must be
completed before other tasks. The Set Next Period Goals task can also be performed at any time, as long as the
performance document template for the subsequent period is available and the document can be created.

You can congure the process ow to allow workers to perform the Worker Self-Evaluation and managers the Evaluate
Worker tasks concurrently. When you do so, managers and workers can perform their respective worker evaluation
tasks simultaneously or at dierent times. To use concurrent Worker Self-Evaluation and Evaluate Worker tasks, select
Evaluation tasks can be performed concurrently and consider the following:
• With the exception of two tasks, you must also specify the two tasks to be consecutive in the process ow so
there are no tasks between them.
• The two tasks that can appear between the Worker Self-Evaluation and Evaluate Worker tasks are Manage
Participant Feedback and Set Next Period Goals.
• When you congure the sequence, you must specify that one task or the other is completed rst.
• No maer which task is designated as the rst, either task can be started rst.
• Managers and workers can provide ratings and comments, and add additional content to the performance
document concurrently until they complete and submit the document.
• The task that is designated as the rst must be completed rst.
• When the role that performs the rst worker evaluation task (typically the worker) submits the document after
completing the task, the other role can see the ratings and comments provided by the other.
• Workers can perform the Manage Participant Feedback and Worker Self-Evaluation tasks concurrently, but only
after the Set Goals task is complete, if it's part of the process ow.
• Managers can perform the Manage Participant feedback at the same time as the worker does the self-
evaluation, or when performing the Evaluate Worker task.

Task Names
You can congure the task and subtask names for both the manager and worker roles. The names you congure
appear on the application pages. You must congure task names separately for each process ow you set up.

Examples of Performance Process Flows

You create process ows that are referenced by performance templates to create specic evaluations. The following
examples illustrate how to use process ows for some common review situations.

Creating a Process Flow for an Annual Review

ABC Company has an annual evaluation for all employees. Company policy requires that:
• Employees and managers collaborate on adding content to the performance document.
• Both workers and managers also are required to rate the worker
• Managers are required to request and receive participant feedback from at least two sources to evaluate the
worker as part of the 360-degree evaluation.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Performance Management Performance Process Flows

When the manager and worker completes the evaluation, company policy requires this sequence of events:
1. The manager must seek approval for the completed performance document.
2. Once the document is approved, managers must conduct a formal meeting with the worker to discuss the
evaluation, which the worker must acknowledge.
3. After the meeting, the worker can comment on the performance evaluation or the process, which the manager
can then rebut, if necessary.
4. Workers and managers can begin to set the content for the following period's evaluation.
ABC plans to change the default names of the tasks and subtasks to reect the company nomenclature.

The tasks and subtasks in the following table constitute the process ow ABC Company creates for the performance
template used to create the performance documents for their annual review.

Task Order Default Task New Task Name Default Subtask New Subtask Roles
Name Name Name

10 Set Goals Set Competencies N/A N/A Worker

    and Goals      

20 Worker Self- N/A Subtask 1: Track Subtask 1: Track Subtask 1:

  Evaluation   Worker Self- Employee Manager
  Evaluation Evaluation  
    Subtask 2: Worker
Subtask 2: Worker Subtask 2:  
Self-Evaluation Evaluate Yourself

30 Manager Evaluate N/A N/A Manager

  Evaluates Worker Employee      

40 Manage Request Feedback N/A N/A Manager


50 First Approval Approve N/A N/A Manager


60 Conrm Review N/A Subtask 1: Conduct Subtask 1: Conrm Subtask 1:

  Meeting Held   Meeting Meeting Manager
Subtask 2: Worker Subtask 2: Subtask 2: Worker
Acknowledges Acknowledge  
Review Meeting Meeting

70 Provide Final N/A Subtask 1: Worker Subtask 1: Provide Subtask 1: Worker

  Feedback   Provides Final Feedback to  
  Feedback Manager Subtask 2:
Subtask 2: Subtask 2: Provide  
Manager Provides Final Feedback
Final Feedback  

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Performance Management Performance Process Flows

Task Order Default Task New Task Name Default Subtask New Subtask Roles
Name Name Name

80 Set Next Period Set Next Period N/A N/A Worker

  Goals Competencies and      
  Goals Manager

Creating a Process Flow for a Project Review

The company has a special project for a group of workers to deliver a new module within six months for their existing
mobile application to beat a competitor. ABC Company wants to perform a simplied review of the workers who worked
on this important project. The workers are also subject to the annual performance evaluation in a few months.

For the project review, the following applies:

• Managers provide all the goals and the reviews as part of the Manager Evaluates Worker task.
• Workers aren't required to provide any goals or perform a self-evaluation on the project so they can continue to
concentrate on their work responsibilities.
• Manager evaluations must be approved.
• Managers must share the documents with the workers because the workers are required to acknowledge that
they reviewed the manager ratings.
• No meetings are required, since those can be combined with the meetings following the annual review.
• ABC keeps the default names of the tasks and subtasks.

The following table shows the tasks, along with who performs them, and the order that is required to create the process

Task Order Task Subtask Roles

10 Manager Evaluates Worker N/A Manager


20 First Approval N/A Manager


30 Share Performance Document Subtask 1: Share Performance Subtask 1: Manager

  Subtask 2: Worker
Subtask 2: Worker  
Acknowledges Document

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Performance Management Performance Process Flows

Concurrent Worker Evaluation Tasks

The manager and worker can evaluate the worker concurrently during the performance evaluation when the
performance document is congured to allow it. With concurrent evaluations, managers and workers can perform
their respective worker evaluation tasks simultaneously or at dierent times. In either case, the managers and workers
can provide ratings and comments, and add additional content to the performance document until they complete
and submit the document. This allows, for example, managers to start working on the evaluation before the workers
complete it.

Conguring Evaluation Tasks for Concurrent Evaluations

The performance document must be congured to allow concurrent evaluations to use the feature. Even though
evaluations can be performed concurrently, the document is structured so the worker must complete the self-
evaluation task rst, or the manager must complete the evaluate worker task rst. Typically, performance documents
require the worker to complete the self-evaluation task rst.
The human resource specialist congures the process ow to allow concurrent evaluations, and the task order, on the
Manage Performance Process Flows page in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Adding, Removing, and Updating Content

Both the manager and worker can add performance goals, development goals, and competencies to the performance
document even while the other person is actively reviewing the worker. They can update goal details only when the
other role isn't currently performing the evaluation task.
The following rules apply to removing content:

• The manager can remove content items during the evaluation, even if the worker has provided ratings or
comments for them.
• Workers are restricted to removing content items that they added, and for which their managers haven't
provided ratings or comments.
• Neither the worker nor the manager can remove content items when they're performing their respective
evaluation tasks at the same time or after the manager submits the document.

Viewing Added Competencies and Goals

When the worker or manager adds goals or competencies:
• They're available to the other role in the performance document immediately.
• The content is visible when the performance document is opened.
• If both the worker and manager are performing the evaluation tasks at the same time, they can see the added
content when the section it was added to is refreshed.

For example, if a manager adds a goal to a performance document, the workers sees it when he selects the tab for the
section containing goals. If the worker is already on the goals section, he must select another tab in the document, and
return to the goals section to see the goal.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Performance Management Performance Process Flows

Viewing Ratings and Comments

Ratings and comments aren't visible to the person who performs the nal worker evaluation task until the other role
submits the performance document. For example, if the worker is required to submit the performance document rst,
the manager can view the ratings and comments provided by the worker after the worker submits it. The manager
ratings are visible to the worker after the manager submits the document, or when the manager shares the document, if
the Share Performance Document task is available.

Participant Feedback Task Options

You can include the Manage Participant Feedback task as part of the process ow to let participants evaluate workers
by providing ratings and comments. Managers, workers, and participants can also supply feedback on a questionnaire
as part of a multiparticipant evaluation. You can congure the Manage Participant Feedback task so that managers,
workers, or both, can:
• Select participants
• Request feedback
• Add questions to the questionnaire
• Track participants

Congure process ows using the Manage Performance Process Flows task in the Setup and Maintenance and
Performance Management work areas.

Including the Manage Participant Feedback Task

When you include this task, you enable others, such as peers, colleagues, matrix managers and other managers to
evaluate workers by providing ratings, comments, or both, on competencies, goals, and overall performance. You also
allow the manager, worker, and invited participants to answer a questionnaire in the performance document to gather
feedback to help the manager evaluate a worker. You create questionnaires using the template in the Questionnaires
feature of the Oracle Fusion Prole Management business process, and add the questionnaire to the performance
template as a section.

To include participant ratings, you add the participant roles to the Prole Content, Performance Goals, Development
Goals, and Overall Summary sections in the performance template. To gather feedback on a questionnaire, you add the
participant roles to the Questionnaire section. You congure performance templates using the Manage Performance
Templates task in the Setup and Maintenance and Performance Management work areas.

Selecting Participants
You can specify whether managers, workers, or both, can select participants to provide ratings, comments, and
questionnaire feedback. When using questionnaires, managers or workers select the participant role, which determines
which questionnaire is available to the participant. Questionnaires are associated with particular roles in the
performance template.

Requesting Feedback
Managers can always request feedback by sending a request directly to a participant, who's notied by email of the
request. You can also specify whether to permit workers to request feedback directly to a participant without manager

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Performance Management Performance Process Flows

approval. If you don't select the Worker can request feedback option, the worker can still add a participant to the list of
potential participants. However, when the worker sends the request, the manager receives notication that the worker
has added a participant. The manager can then send the request directly to the participant if the manager supports
the request. You manage participant feedback from the Manage Participant Feedback page, which you open from
performance documents.

Adding Questions to the Questionnaire

Specify whether to enable managers, workers, or both, to add questions they create to the questionnaire. The
questionnaire must also be congured to enable managers and workers to add questions. They can add questions only
to the section of the questionnaire that's congured to enable questions to be added.

Tracking Participants
You can specify whether managers, workers, or both, can track the status of participant feedback to see whether
a request was sent, the participants replied to the request, or they completed the feedback. The Worker can
view feedback before manager evaluation is visible option determines when workers can view feedback in the
performance document. If you don't select the option, a worker can see the participant feedback only after the Manager
Evaluation task is shared with the worker.

Options for Conguring Performance Documents to

Display Performance Ratings to Workers
You can congure a performance document to make performance ratings and comments available to workers at
dierent points of a performance evaluation, or not at all. The availability of performance ratings and comments to
workers depend on congurations you make to the:

• Process ow
• Sections in the performance template

Conguring the Process Flow

The point at which performance ratings and comments are visible to workers depends on the inclusion and order in the
process ow you congure for the following tasks:

• Manager Evaluation of Workers

• Share Performance Document
• Approval

You must include the Manager Evaluation of Workers task to add the sections in which managers can rate and
provide comments on worker performance. Performance ratings and comments are available in four sections in the
performance document: Overall Summary (overall rating) Prole Content (competencies), Performance Goals, and
Development Goals. You congure process ows using the Manage Performance Process Flows task in the Setup and
Maintenance work area.

The table shows when the ratings and comments are available to workers depending on the tasks you added to the
process ow, and the order of the tasks.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Performance Management Performance Process Flows

Task Scenario Impact

Share Performance Document is

included in process ow If the Share Performance Document task is included in the process ow, workers can view
  performance ratings and comments when the manager clicks either of these buons:

• Share and Edit

• Share and Release

Approval and Manager Evaluation of • If you place the Approval task after the Manager Evaluation of Workers task, workers
Workers tasks are included in process can view performance ratings and comments when the task is completed.
ow; Share Performance Document • If you place the Approval task before the Manager Evaluation of Workers task, workers
task isn't included can view performance ratings and comments when the Manager Evaluation of Workers
  task is completed.

Manager Evaluation of Workers Workers can view performance ratings and comments when the Manager Evaluation of
task is included in process ow; Workers task is completed.
Share Performance Document and  
Approval tasks aren't included

Conguring Sections in the Performance Template

Add and congure the Overall Summary, Prole Content, Performance Goals, and Development Goals sections in the
performance template so managers share the ratings and comments and workers can access the sections. Consider the

• You can add any, or all of the sections when the Manager Evaluation of Workers task is included in the process
• You congure the sections on the Structure tab of the performance template.
• You create and edit performance templates using the Manage Performance Templates task in the Setup and
Maintenance work area.

On the Structure tab, for the section you are conguring, in the Processing by Role section, add a row and select
Manager. In the Manager row, select Yes in the Share Ratings column to share ratings with the worker. Select Yes in
the Share Comments columns to share comments. The default seing for both is No.

To make the section visible to the worker, add another row and select Worker. The Share Ratings and Share
Comments seings refer to the manager being able to view ratings and comments provided by the worker. These are
set to Yes and can't be changed.

How Performance Document Completion Status Is

You dene the tasks and subtasks that are included in a performance document in the process ow. The process ow
is used by a performance template to create performance documents. The status of tasks and subtasks determines the
completion status of the entire performance document.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Performance Management Performance Process Flows

Seings That Aect Performance Document Completion Status

Each task and subtask has a status. For example, the Set Goals task can be not started, in progress, or completed. When
a task has subtasks, its status derives from the status of its subtasks. The status of a performance document derives
from the status of all tasks in the document's process ow.

The following table shows the task statuses.

Task Roles Valid Statuses Has Subtasks?

Set Goals Worker Not started No

Manager In progress

Worker Self-Evaluation Worker Not started No

In progress

Manager Evaluation of Worker Manager Not started No

In progress

Manage Participant Feedback Worker Not started Yes

Manager In progress

First Approval Manager as Requester Not started No


Second Approval Manager as Requester Not started No


Share Performance Document Worker Not started Yes

Manager In progress

Conduct Meeting Worker Not started Yes


Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Performance Management Performance Process Flows

Task Roles Valid Statuses Has Subtasks?

Manager In progress (visible only to

  the manager after sharing
the document with the
worker, before the worker
acknowledges the meeting)

Final Feedback Worker Not started Yes

Manager In progress

Set Next Period Goals Worker Not started No

Manager In progress

Note: The Manage Participant Feedback Task can be performed concurrently with the Worker Self-Evaluation
and Manager Evaluation of Worker tasks. It's completed when the manager submits the performance
document or locks the feedback to prevent any participants from providing additional feedback. The
application permits the Manage Participation Feedback task to be completed whether or not any participants
submied feedback.

In addition, two statuses appear for tasks in the performance evaluation business process that don't factor in the
completion status calculation:

• Ready indicates that the task is ready to be started and the status of the previous task in the process ow is
Completed. Not Started, by contrast, indicates the task hasn't been started and isn't ready to be started as the
status of the previous status isn't Completed.
• Missing indicates that a performance document hasn't been created. This status doesn't really exist in the same
way as other performance document statuses; it appears in the analytic Task Completion Status.

For subtasks, the status changes from Not started to In progress when the person performing the subtask saves a
performance document. When that person submits the performance document, or uses an equivalent action, such as
sharing or acknowledging the performance document, the subtask status changes to Completed. The following table
shows a summary of the possible subtask statuses.

Task Subtask Roles Valid Statuses

Share Performance Document Share Performance Document Manager Not started

In progress

Share Performance Document Share Performance Document Worker Not started


Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Performance Management Performance Process Flows

Task Subtask Roles Valid Statuses


Conduct Meeting Conrm Review Meeting Held Manager Not started


Conduct Meeting Conrm Review Meeting Held Worker Not started


Final Feedback Provide Final Feedback Worker Not started

In progress

Final Feedback Provide Final Feedback Manager Not started

In progress

How Completion Status Is Calculated

The performance document status is derived from the task status, which is derived from the status of any subtasks
within the task. For tasks that have subtasks, the status is Completed when all the subtasks within the task are

The performance document statuses and the condition leading to each status for all available tasks are shown in the
following table.

Document Status What the Status Means

Not started No tasks are started


In progress At least one of the following tasks are in progress or completed: Set Goals, Worker Self-
  Evaluation, Manager Evaluation of Worker, Manage Participant Feedback

Submied Manager submied the performance document for approval


Approved Approver approved the performance document


Document shared with worker Manager completed the Share Performance Document subtask

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Performance Management Performance Process Flows

Document Status What the Status Means


Document acknowledged Worker completed the Share Performance Document subtask


Review meeting held Manager completed the Conrm Review Meeting Held subtask

Review meeting acknowledged Worker completed the Conrm Review Meeting Held subtask

Worker nal feedback provided Worker submied nal feedback


Manager nal feedback provided Manager submied nal feedback


Completed All tasks and subtasks are completed, excluding Set Next Period Goals

Canceled Human Resource (HR) specialist or the manager canceled the performance document

On the My Organization page, you can see the number of documents where a task (for example, Set Goals) is in a
particular status (for example, Completed) expressed as a percentage of the number of performance documents for a

Relationship of Subtask Status to Task Status for One Subtask

If the process ow includes a task that has subtasks but only one subtask is congured, then the task status is the same
as the subtask status.

Relationship of Subtask Status to Task Status for Two Subtasks

The process ow denition includes the Final Feedback task. Both subtasks are congured: Worker Final Feedback
and Manager Final Feedback. The Manager Final Feedback subtask can't begin until the Worker Final Feedback task is

Subtask Status: Worker Final Feedback Subtask Status: Manager Final Task Status: Final Feedback

Not started Not started Not started


In progress Not started In progress


Completed Not started In progress


Completed In progress In progress


Completed Completed Completed

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Performance Management Performance Process Flows

Subtask Status: Worker Final Feedback Subtask Status: Manager Final Task Status: Final Feedback


Performance Document Approvals

Guidelines for Conguring Performance Approvals
You can set up approvals for performance documents to include multiple approval tasks, and a hierarchy of approvers.
When the manager or worker submits the document for approval, approvers receive notication that the document is
ready for approval, and they can approve or reject the document in multiple locations.

Conguring Approval Tasks in the Process Flow

To use approvals, you must congure the process ow to include an approval task. You set up process ows using
the Manage Performance Process Flows task in the Setup and Maintenance work area. You can set up process ows
to require one, two, or no approval tasks. If you include approval tasks, you can place them in whatever order your
business process requires. For example, you might want to create a process ow with the First Approval task after the
Manager Performs Worker Evaluation task, and the Second Approval after the Final Feedback task.
When each approval task is reached, the manager must submit the performance document for approval, even if the
worker performs the task before the approval task. The document goes through the entire approval process so all
required approvers must approve the document before the evaluation continues.

Conguring Approval Hierarchy and Notications

The predened approval chain includes the manager of the manager of the worker being evaluated. However, you can
add additional levels of approvers and other roles, such as HR specialist. Other roles must have the correct privilege
for approvals and a data security prole that lets that includes access to the worker whose performance document
they're asked to approve. You set up approvals and the associated notications on the Manage Approval Rules and
Notications page. To add the HR specialist as an approver, you must also add an area of responsibility for the HR
specialist using the Manage Areas of Responsibility task in the Person Management work area. Both pages are found in
the Setup and Maintenance work area.

When you activate notications, each approver receives worklist and email notication that a document was submied
for approval. The notication contains a link to the performance document so the approver can view it. When all
approvers have approved or rejected the document, the worker's manager receives notication whether the document
was approved or rejected. The approval process is repeated if a manager resubmits a document after rejection, or a
second approval task is congured in the process ow.

Actions for Performance Document Approvals

When a manager or worker submits a performance document for approval, approvers receive notication that the
document is ready for approval. They can then approve or reject the document in multiple locations. They can also

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Performance Management Performance Process Flows

perform other actions, such as requesting more information, or reassigning or delegating the approval to another
manager. Human resource (HR) specialists can bypass the approval task for performance documents.

Approval Actions and Locations

As part of the approval process, approvers can take a number of actions on a performance document. These actions
• Approve
• Reject
• Request Information
• Reassign
• Delegate
• Suspend
• Resume

The locations where approvers can perform approval process actions are shown in the table.

Location Details

Worklist and email notications Use the Actions menu to approve or reject the document, or perform other approval process
  actions. Request Information isn't available in email. The notications also contain a link to the
performance document, where you can approve or reject it.

Performance document
  Select the Approve or Reject buons on the performance document. No other approval
process actions are available on the performance document.

My Organization page Approvers who are managers can approve, reject, or perform other approval process actions in
  the Performance Document Approvals section on the My Organization page.

Task Status After Rejection

If a performance document is rejected, the Manager Evaluation of Workers task is set to In progress so the manager
can update the document. If you need to change the status of other tasks before resubmiing the manager evaluation,
the HR specialist can use the Update Performance Tasks task in the Performance Management work area.

Reassigning and Delegating Approval

Approvers can either reassign or delegate approval to another manager. Reassignment and delegation are valid only for
one approval task. If a second approval task is required for a document, the normal approval process applies.

Bypassing Approvals
The Approval task, along with other tasks, can be bypassed to continue the evaluation process when approvers are
unable to approve the performance document, for example because they are unavailable. The HR specialist can
advance the performance document to the next task using the Update Performance Task page in the Performance
Management work area.

Related Topics
• How You Dene Approvals for Human Capital Management

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 10
Implementing Performance Management Performance Process Flows

• Approval Management Conguration Options for Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Performance Management Performance Template Sections

11 Performance Template Sections

Considerations for Creating Performance Template

You must create a section for each task that requires a section used in the process ow. You create sections using the
Manage Performance Template Sections task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

To create a section, you must specify the section type, and depending on the section type, also specify:
• Whether the section is rated or weighted
• Which calculation method to use to determine worker ratings, if using calculated ratings
• Which rating model to use to rate workers
• Content item processing options
• Content items to include

Once created, the sections are available for you to use in the performance template. In the performance template, you
can create sections or select and edit previously-created sections.

Section Types
The section types are:
• Prole Content, to rate worker competencies
• Performance Goals, to rate worker performance goals
• Development Goals, to rate worker development goals
• Questionnaire, to allow managers, workers, and participants to provide feedback about the worker
• Overall Summary, to provide the overall rating of the worker
• Worker Final Feedback
• Manager Final Feedback

You must dene a section for the tasks that appear in the process ow that require a section. Each section appears as a
tabbed page in the performance document. Only one section of each type can appear in a performance document. The
tasks that require a section, and the sections they require, appear in the following table.

Task Required Section

Set Goals
  At least one of:
Set Next Period Goals
  • Prole Content
• Performance Goals
• Development Goals

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Performance Management Performance Template Sections

Task Required Section

Worker Self-Evaluation
  At least one of:
Manager Evaluations of Workers
  • Prole Content
• Performance Goals
• Development Goals
• Overall Summary

Manage Participant Feedback

  At least one of:

• Prole Content
• Performance Goals
• Development Goals
• Overall Summary
• Questionnaire

Worker Provides Final Feedback Worker Final Feedback


Manager Provides Final Feedback Manager Final Feedback


Section Ratings and Weighting

For the Prole Content, Performance Goals, Development Goals, and Overall Summary sections, you can select whether
to enable section ratings, comments, or both. When you enable section ratings and comments, managers, workers, and
participants can select a rating for the section and provide comments. For the Prole Content, Performance Goals, and
Development Goals sections, they can rate the section separately from the individual content items contained within the
section. For the Prole Content section, the content items are competencies. The Performance Goals section contains
performance goal items. The Development Goals section contains development goal items.
Managers, workers, participants, and matrix managers can use the calculated ratings as a guide to manually select their
ratings. For the Prole Content, Performance Goals, and Developments Goals sections, the application calculates ratings
based on ratings on individual items in the section. For the Overall Summary section, the application calculates ratings
using the section ratings from the Prole Content, Performance Goals, and Development Goals sections

You can select to weight a section, or items, in a section to place more or less importance on the section or item. The
application can use the weights to calculate section and overall ratings.

Calculation Rules
You can have the application calculate the employee's performance rating in addition to having workers and managers
manually enter ratings in these sections:

• Overall Summary
• Prole Content
• Performance Goals
• Development Goals

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Performance Management Performance Template Sections

For the Overall Summary section, the calculation rule you select is used to determine overall ratings for performance
based on the calculations for the Prole Content, Performance Goals, and Development Goals sections. Select one of
the following calculation methods for the sections:
• Average
• Sum
• Band
• Fast formula

For the calculation rules, you must also specify the:

• Fast formula (if used)
• Decimal places
• Decimal rounding rule
• Mapping metric
• Mapping method

Rating Models
In the Overall Summary, Prole Content, Performance Goals, and Development Goals sections, you use rating models to
rate the workers. You set up rating models in the prole management business process using the Manage Prole Rating
Models task in the Setup and Maintenance work area. If you use a particular rating model to rate the items in a section,
you can either:
• Use the same rating model to rate the section itself
• Select a dierent model to rate the section

Note: The ratings that appear on the My Organization page are taken from the performance document that
the manager selects to view, and may not use the prole option rating model.

Content Item Processing

For the Prole Content, Performance Goals, and Development Goals sections, you select the ratings and calculation
rules to use to determine rating scores for the content items, goals and competencies, if your organization uses
calculated ratings. If you use performance rating types for the section, you can select dierent rating models to rate
individual items in the section. The calculation rules are applied to each item, then combined using the calculation rule
you selected for the section to determine the section rating. To use this feature for the Prole Content section, you must
select the Prociency and performance, or Performance rating type. For the Performance Goals and Development
Goals sections, the Performance rating type applies automatically. Only items added directly to the template are eligible
for separate rating models. Items added to the performance document by managers or workers use the performance
rating model specied for the section.

Section Content
In the Section Content section, you specify the source of content items. You can also designate additional items to
appear in the section.

Information Sources for Prole Content Section

For the Prole Content section, you can specify to populate competencies from the model prole related to the worker's
job, job family, position or organization. You can also select a specic prole from which to populate competencies.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Performance Management Performance Template Sections

Proles are maintained in prole management business process. When you create the performance template you can
also add competencies directly to it. Weights and minimum weights associated with competencies from a model prole
are also populated in the performance document.

Workers and managers can also pull updated prole content into the performance document by using the update
action. The document updates to include additional content added to the model proles since the performance
document was created or last updated. The weight and minimum weight are only populated in the performance
document when the competency is added to the performance document. Subsequent changes to the competency
weight and minimum weight in the model prole don't update the weights for competencies that already exist in the
performance document.

Writing Assistant
In the Prole Content section, you can select Enable the writing assistant for manager to assist managers in writing
useful comments about worker competencies in the performance document. The writing assistant feature provides
suggestions for comments that are associated with competencies and their correlated prociency levels.

Information Source for Performance Goals Section

For the Performance Goals section, select Populate with Worker Goals to add goals from goal plans in the goal
management business process to the performance document. To update goals in performance documents with weights
that are revised in the goal management business process, select Allow update goals action to update goal weights
from goal management business process.

When managers or workers edit the worker's goals in the goal management business process that already exist in the
performance document, the changes are updated in the document using two methods:

• When the manager or worker opens the performance document, all edits to performance goals, except weights,
are reected in the performance document.
• When the manager or worker uses the Update Goals and Competencies action in the performance document,
goal edits, including weights appear in the document.

To populate the performance document with new performance goals from the goal management business process they
must use the Update Goals and Competencies action.

Information Source for Development Goals Section

For the Development Goals section, select Populate with workers development goals covering any part of
evaluation period to add goals from the career development business process. You can select additional options to
determine which development goals appear in the performance document:

• Include future development goals starting after evaluation period

• Exclude inactive development goals

When managers or workers edit the worker's existing goals in the career development business process, the changes
are reected in the performance document when it's opened. To populate the performance document with new
development goals from the career development business process they must use the Update Goals and Competencies
action in the performance document.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Performance Management Performance Template Sections

Content Items
You can add content items to the Prole Content, Performance Goals, and Development Goals sections. In the template,
you have the option to pull these content items into the template when you add the section to it. The content items in
the template appear in the performance documents created from the template.

Related Topics
• Prole Types

Calculated Ratings
You can set up calculated ratings to automatically calculate ratings in performance documents. The application can
calculate the overall performance rating in the Overall Summary section, and section ratings in the Prole Content,
Performance Goals, and Development Goals sections.
The calculated rating derives from a score calculated from ratings provided by workers, managers, and participants
using the calculation rules dened in the sections. The application maps the calculated score to the actual calculated
rating based on the rating model used for the section.

In the performance template and performance template section, you can set up performance documents to:

• Calculate and display the ratings provided by workers, managers, matrix managers, and other participants.
• Display calculated ratings along with, or instead of, manual ratings.
• Use the provided calculation rules or company-dened fast formulas to calculate ratings.

Where Calculated Ratings Appear

Calculated ratings appear at the top of the section for which they apply. To view calculated ratings, all roles must click
the calculator icon that appears at the top of the section. Everybody who rates the worker can see their own calculated
ratings, if congured to do so. Managers and matrix managers can view calculated ratings provided by the worker and

The calculated rating appears as stars when star ratings are congured. The rating level description for the calculated
rating appears when star ratings are not congured. In both cases the calculated score appears in parentheses after the
ratings. The calculated rating is rounded to the closest rating level value as determined by the rounding and mapping

Calculated Ratings and Compensation Management

Calculated overall ratings, along with overall ratings provided by managers, can be used by Oracle Fusion Compensation
Management. The seings to determine whether they appear there are available in the Compensation Management
business process. The calculated ratings that appear in Compensation Management are the calculated scores.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Performance Management Performance Template Sections

Calculated Ratings Roll Up

You can set up the template so that any or all of the sections use calculated ratings. When you enable calculated ratings
in the Prole Content, Performance Goals, or Development Goals sections, the application:

• Uses the ratings that managers, workers, and matrix managers and other participants provide on individual
items in the section
• Performs roll-up calculations to determine the rating for the respective section automatically
• Uses the calculated ratings for the Prole Content, Performance Goals, and Development Goals sections to
determine the overall calculated rating in the Overall Summary section

Related Topics
• Create a Performance Template

How You Use Fast Formulas in Performance Documents

You can congure fast formulas to calculate section ratings for workers in a performance document.

Fast Formulas and Database Items

Fast formulas contain the items and rules used to calculate the section rating, and can be based on ratings provided
on the items by workers, managers, and participants. You create the fast formulas using the Performance Rating
Calculation type. To the fast formula you add Database Items (DBI). These items can calculate ratings on aributes
besides the overall item rating. For example, you can use DBIs to rate other aributes on a goal, such as the
measurement aributes, rather than the overall goal. You create fast formulas using the Manage Fast Formulas task in
the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Calculated Rating Setup in the Performance Template Section and

Performance Template
You congure the sections of the performance document to use fast formulas. Fast formulas can calculate ratings for
the Overall Summary, Prole Content (Competencies), Performance Goals, and Development Goals sections. You can set
up any, or all, these sections in a performance document to calculate ratings.

In the section, you must select the fast formula calculation rule. In addition, you select the fast formula rule. To use
calculated ratings, you must also select the option to use calculated ratings on the Process tab of the performance
template. You also must select which roles can see calculated ratings.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Performance Management Performance Template Sections

Guidelines for Seing Up Calculated Ratings in

Performance Templates and Sections
You can use calculated ratings to automatically calculate a worker's overall performance rating in the Overall Summary
section, and section ratings in the Prole Content, Performance Goals, and Development Goals sections. To congure
calculated ratings, you select from the following options:
• Calculated ratings activation and display options
• Section rating model and calculation rules
• Decimal places
• Decimal rounding rule
• Mapping metric
• Mapping method

You congure calculated ratings for the template on the Process and Structure tabs of the performance template. You
manage templates using the Manage Performance Templates task in the Setup and Maintenance work area. You can
also congure sections using the Manage Performance Template Sections task in the Setup and Maintenance work

Calculated Ratings Activation and Display Options

On the Process tab of the performance template, select Calculate ratings to enable the application to calculate section
ratings. When you select this option, all sections for which ratings are enabled, use calculated ratings. The overall
summary rating is always calculated using the calculated section ratings, not the manually entered section ratings.

You select from the following options to display the ratings, which apply to all sections:
• Display calculated ratings to worker
• Display calculated ratings to manager
• Display calculated ratings to participants
• Display calculated ratings to matrix managers

Calculated ratings of matrix managers and other participants display to both managers and workers if they're allowed to
see manually entered ratings.

If you select Use calculated ratings only, the following applies:

• Only calculated ratings appear and managers, workers and participants can't enter ratings manually
• Calculated ratings become the ocial section ratings

Section Rating Model and Calculation Rules

To enable calculated ratings in a section, you must select a rating model for the section.
In addition, you must select the type of calculation rules to use for rating the section. The options are: Fast formula,
Average, Sum, and Band. You can specify the calculation rules either using the Manage Performance Template
Sections task, or on the Structure tab of the performance template.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Performance Management Performance Template Sections

You can select dierent calculation rules for each section within a performance template. The application uses the
calculation rules for the Overall Summary section to determine the calculated overall rating.

For the Average, Sum, and Band methods you can weight sections and items within the sections. Weights let you place
more or less importance on particular sections and items.

Decimal Places
You can select the number of decimal places, up to a maximum of two, that appear in the performance document
or Compensation Management pages for the calculated numeric score used to determine the calculated rating. The
default value is 2.

Decimal Rounding Rule

In the performance section, you select the rounding rules to determine how the calculated numeric score is rounded to
the nal value. The rounding is applied to the rounding decimal, which is the last decimal set in the Decimal Places eld.
For example, if you set the Decimal Places value at 2, the rounding is applied to the second decimal. The default value is
The table shows the available rounding rules, the eects of selecting each rule, and examples of how the rules are used
to determine calculated ratings

Rounding Rule Eect Example

Rounds up when the rounding decimal is If the calculated rating is 3.4867, and
Standard 5 or greater, and down when the rounding the decimal place seing is 2, the nal
decimal is 4 or less. calculated rating is 3.49. If the calculated
  rating is 3.4849, and the decimal places
seing is 2, the nal calculated rating is

The value always rounds up. If the calculated rating is 3.4940 or 3.4960
Up   and the decimal place seing is 2, the nal
calculated rating is 3.50. If the calculated
rating is 3.49 and the decimal place seing
is 2, the nal calculated rating is 3.50

The value always rounds down. If the calculated rating is 3.4940 or 3.4960
Down   and the decimal place seing is 2, the nal
calculated rating is 3.49.

Mapping Metric
The mapping metric determines how to map the calculated numeric score to a rating level in the rating model. You can
select either of these aributes of the rating model to map the calculated score of the section to the rating level:

• Numeric rating--Maps the calculated numeric score to the single-value numeric rating, and the corresponding
rating level. Numeric rating is the default for the Average and Fast formula calculation rules for the section.
• Points range--Maps the calculated numeric score to the points range and the corresponding rating level. Points
range is the default for the Band calculation rule for the section.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Performance Management Performance Template Sections

Mapping Method
The mapping method determines the rating when no exact match exists between the calculated rating and a rating level
from the rating model used in the section. When rounding rules are used, the calculated rating value is mapped after
the rounding rule is applied.
The table shows the available mapping methods and the eects of selecting each one.

Mapping Method Eect for Numeric Rating Mapping Eect for Points Range Mapping Metric

Uses the next numeric rating greater than Uses the next review point greater than
Highest the calculated average. the calculated average.

Uses the next numeric rating less than the Uses the next review point less than the
Lowest calculated average. calculated average.

Uses the numeric rating closest to the Uses the review point closest to the
Nearest calculated average. calculated average.

Using the numeric rating for metric mapping, for example, assume the rating model has the following entries for
numeric rating and short description:

• 1-Weak
• 2-Poor
• 3-Average
• 4-Good
• 5-Excellent

If the application calculates a rating of 3.2 (between Good and Average, but closer to Average), the mapping method
determines which entry the application uses:

• Highest yields the next numerically highest rating--in this case 4, or Good.
• Lowest yields the next numerically lowest rating--in this case 3, or Average.
• Nearest yields the numerically closest rating--in this case 3, or Average.

If the calculated rating falls exactly halfway between two ratings in the rating model, the application assigns the
numerically higher of the two ratings.

Related Topics
• Create a Performance Template

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Performance Management Performance Template Sections

Considerations for Using Performance Template Section

Calculation Rules
To use calculated ratings, you must select the type of calculation rules to use for rating Prole Content, Performance
Goals, Development Goals, and Overall Summary performance template sections. You can change the calculation rule
for the section selected in the performance template where the section is used. The options are:
• Average
• Sum
• Band
• Fast Formula

Each of these seings has a default mapping metric to help determine the nal numeric level to assign to the rating.
However, you can change the mapping metric from the default to another. The mapping metric options are:
• Numeric rating
• Points range

To use numeric ratings, the rating model congured to rate the section and items in the section must have the numeric
rating aributes dened for the rating levels. To use the points range, the rating model must have dened review points
as well as point ranges (from points and to points).

Average Method
To use this method, the rating models associated with the section and its content items must dene numeric ratings
that correspond to the rating descriptions. The application rst calculates the average of the item ratings to determine
the section rating. Then the application calculates the average of the section ratings to determine the overall rating. The
application uses the numeric ratings to calculate a weighted average if weights are congured to be used; otherwise,
it calculates a straight average. It then converts this average back to a performance document rating, using the rating
For the points range mapping metric, the application:
• Calculates the total numeric score using the numeric ratings dened in the rating model
• Converts this total into the corresponding review rating for the section by mapping the total numeric score to
the points range

Sum Method
To use this method, the rating models associated with the section and the items in the section must also use numeric
ratings. The application:
• Uses the numeric ratings as dened in the rating model
• Calculates the total numeric score
• Converts this total into the corresponding review rating for the section by mapping the total numeric score to a
rating level
• Ignores items without ratings

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Performance Management Performance Template Sections

When using the sum method for the overall rating, section rating calculation rules can be sum or average only.

For points range metric mapping, the application:

• Uses the numeric ratings as dened in the rating model

• Calculates the total numeric score
• Converts this total into the corresponding review rating for the section by mapping the total numeric score to
the points range
• Ignores items without ratings

Band Method
This method is similar to the sum method, but is available only for the Overall Summary section of a performance
document. The Prole Content, Performance Goals, and Development Goals sections, however, use the average or sum
method. To use the band method, the rating model that is associated with the Overall Summary section must dene
review points as well as point ranges (from points and to points).

During the calculation process, the application:

• Calculates the total numeric score across all sections

• Maps this total into the equivalent rating level using the points range

For numeric rating metric mapping, the application:

• Calculates the total numeric score across all sections

• Converts this total into the corresponding review rating for the section by mapping the total numeric score to a
rating level

Fast Formula Method

Fast formulas are formulas you create from Performance database items. By default, these use numeric ratings metric
mapping. For numeric ratings, the application:

• Calculates the total numeric score based on the fast formula

• Maps the score to the rating level

For the points range mapping metric, the application:

• Calculates the total numeric score based on the fast formula

• Maps this total into the equivalent rating level using the points range

You can't congure weights to be applied to the results of a fast formula. However, you can build weights into the fast

Related Topics
• Rating Models

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Performance Management Performance Template Sections

Options for Item Processing in a Performance Template

When you enable content items for a section, you specify the:
• Rating type
• Item calculation
• Properties

You congure item processing on a section using the Manage Performance Template Sections task in the Setup and
Maintenance or the Performance Management work areas.

Rating Type
Rating types determine the rating models that are available for workers and managers to use to select the content item
ratings in the performance document and to calculate the item ratings.

For Prole Content sections, the available rating types are:

• Prociency: Workers and managers can select the prociency level for items on the performance document.
The rating model and descriptions used to rate the item are those set in the content library for the item.
• Performance: Workers and managers can select the performance rating on the performance document.
• Prociency and Performance: Workers and managers can select both a prociency level and a performance
rating on the performance document.

For the Performance Goals and Development Goals sections, only the Performance rating type is available.

When you select either Performance or Prociency and Performance rating types, you can use the same rating model
for content items that the section uses, or select another. You can also select dierent performance rating models for
individual content items. This enables your organization to rate some performance goals that may be specic to a
department using a dierent rating model than that used for organization-wide goals, for example.

Prociency levels are published to Oracle Fusion Prole Management when the performance document is completed.
Performance ratings for competencies and goals aren't published to Prole Management.

Item Calculation
The item calculation method determines how the item is rated.

When the rating type is Prociency and Performance, you can select:
• Prociency: Prociency ratings are used to calculate the score for a specic item.
• Performance: Performance ratings are used to calculate the score for a specic item.
• Prociency multiplied by performance: The application multiples the prociency point value by the
performance point value to calculate the score for a specic item.

When the rating type is either Prociency or Performance, the default values for the item calculation method are the
same and can't be changed.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Performance Management Performance Template Sections

You can select the aributes that you want to make available for items.
The eects of selecting the properties are shown in the table.

Property Eect

Target prociency levels appear for the items in the performance document. The target
Target Prociency Level prociency level that appears is the target prociency level for the item from the most specic
prole type used for the section, if one exists. For example, assume you select job prole as the
prole type used by the section. The target prociency levels in the performance document are
those for the competencies belonging to the worker's job prole.

You can select target performance ratings for the items you add to the section or the
Target Performance Rating performance template. In the performance document, workers can select target performance
ratings for items they add to the document. Managers can select target performance ratings
for items that they, or the workers, add.

Weight You can enter weights for items in the section and the performance template to determine the
relative importance of the items within the section. In the performance document, managers
and workers can change weights for:

• Items they add to the document

• Performance goals added from the goal management business process
• Development goals added from the career development business process

When using calculated ratings, this is available only when you select the Average calculation
rule for the section.

You can enter minimum weights for items in the performance template. In the performance
Minimum Weight document, managers can edit the minimum weights.

Required In the performance template section or the performance template, select the Required check
box to prevent workers and managers from editing or deleting the item in the performance
document. Use the Required seing to create a performance template that contains standard
competencies and goals, for example, to rate workers on the competencies for a particular job
prole type.

Related Topics
• Rating Models

How Performance Ratings Using the Average Method

Are Calculated
The application can calculate ratings for each section and the overall rating using the average calculation rule. You can
use the average rule to calculate ratings using various rating models and apply weighting, when weighting is selected.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Performance Management Performance Template Sections

You select calculation rules for sections using the Manage Performance Template Sections task in the Setup and
Maintenance or Performance Management work areas.

Seings That Aect Average Rating Calculations

The factors that determine average rating calculations are the:
• Rating models that are selected for each section and content item
• Weighting, which is optional, and can vary between sections and content items

How Performance Ratings Are Calculated

In the average method, the application rst calculates the average of the content item ratings to work out the section
rating. The application then calculates the average of the section ratings to determine the overall rating. The application
calculates ratings using precise values throughout the calculation process, and applies rounding at the end. Rounded
values can appear in the performance document for the sections and overall ratings. The number of decimals displayed
is determined in the performance template section.

Example: Average Method Without Weighting

ABC Company uses the same rating model for the Competencies, Performance Goals, and Overall Summary sections,
with no weighting. The performance document contains no Development Goals section. The rating model has ve levels
in the scale, and the numeric values are 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Assume that all content items use the same rating model. The
performance template is set up to use the standard rounding rule, and the overall rating is set to display to two decimal
places. The mapping method is Nearest.

Assume the following performance template section congurations:

• Decimal rounding rule is Standard
• Decimal display is 2
• Mapping metric is Numeric Rating
• Mapping method is Nearest

The following table shows the ratings for the Competencies section.

Competency Item Numeric Rating Maximum Numeric Rating Decimal Score (Item Rating/
from Rating Model Maximum Rating)

Teamwork 4 5 0.8

Leadership 3 5 0.6

Communication 2 5 0.4

Analytical Skills 4 5 0.8


Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Performance Management Performance Template Sections

Competency Item Numeric Rating Maximum Numeric Rating Decimal Score (Item Rating/
from Rating Model Maximum Rating)

Ethics 5 5 1.0

Conceptual Thinking 4 5 0.8


The sum of the decimal scores is 4.4, from a possible maximum of 6.0. The 4.4 must be converted to a value on the
rating model for the section. The section maximum numeric rating is 5, so the formula to calculate the section rating is:

(Total Decimal Score) / (Total Maximum Decimal Score) x (Maximum Numeric Rating from Section Rating Model), or in
this example: (4.4 / 6) x 5 = 3.67.

In this example the calculated section rating for competencies is 3.67 out of 5, which maps to a numeric rating of 4.

The following table shows the ratings for the Performance Goals section.

Goal Item Numeric Rating Maximum Numeric Rating Decimal Score (Item Rating /
from Rating Model Maximum Rating)

Increase sales revenue 5 5 1.0


Cut expenses 3 5 0.6


Grow business in Asia 5 5 1.0


Participate in mentoring 5 5 1.0


The sum of the decimal scores is 3.6, from a possible maximum of 4.0. The 3.6 must be converted to a value on the
rating model for the section, just as for the Competencies section. The section maximum numeric rating is 5, so using
the same formula to calculate the section rating as for competencies, the section rating is: (3.6 / 4) x 5 = 4.5.

In this example the calculated section rating for goals is 4.5 out of 5, which maps to a numeric rating of 5.

To determine the overall rating, the application calculates the average numeric rating for the two sections. The overall
rating calculation is: (4.0 + 5.0) / 2 = 4.5. The calculated overall rating maps to a numeric rating of 5.

Example: Average Method with Weighting

The following year, ABC Company uses the same rating model for the Competencies, Performance Goals, and Overall
Summary sections as in the previous example. But, the company applies weights to the sections and individual content
items. The weights determine the relative value of one section compared to another section, or content items to one
another. Any content items that don't have weights are ignored in the calculations. The application validates that the:

• Sum of the weights for content items within a section is 100.

• Sum of the sections that contain content items (that is, the Competencies and Performance Goals sections)
within a performance document is also 100.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Performance Management Performance Template Sections

The following table shows the ratings for the Competencies section.

Competency Item Numeric Maximum Decimal Score Weight Weighted Score

Rating Numeric Rating (Item Rating / (Decimal Score x
from Rating Maximum Rating) Weight)

Teamwork 4 5 0.8 35 28.0


Leadership 3 5 0.6 5 3.0


Communication 2 5 0.4 10 4.0


Analytical Skills 4 5 0.8 20 16.0


Ethics 5 5 1.0 10 10.0


Conceptual 4 5 0.8 20 16.0


The sum of the weighted scores is 77.0, from a possible maximum of 100.0. The 77.0 must be converted to a value on
the rating model for the section. The section maximum numeric rating is 5, so the formula to calculate the section rating

(Weighted Score) / (Total Maximum Weighted Score) x (Maximum Numeric Rating from Section Rating Model), or in
this example: (77.0 / 100.0) x 5 = 3.85.

In this example the calculated section rating for competencies is 3.85 out of 5, which maps to a numeric rating of 4.

The following table shows the ratings for the Performance Goals section.

Goal Item Numeric Maximum Decimal Score Weight Weighted Score

Rating Numeric Rating (Item Rating / (Decimal Score x
from Rating Maximum Rating) Weight)

Increase sales 5 5 1.0 30 30.0


Cut expenses 3 5 0.6 30 18.0


Grow business in 5 5 1.0 25 25.0


Participate in 5 5 1.0 15 15.0


Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Performance Management Performance Template Sections

Goal Item Numeric Maximum Decimal Score Weight Weighted Score

Rating Numeric Rating (Item Rating / (Decimal Score x
from Rating Maximum Rating) Weight)

The sum of the weighted scores is 88.0, from a possible maximum of 100.0. The 88.0 must be converted to a value on
the rating model for the section, just as for the Competencies section. The section maximum numeric rating is 5, so
using the same formula to calculate the section rating as for competencies, the section rating is: (88.0 / 100.0) x 5 =

In this example the calculated section rating for performance goals is 4.40 out of 5, which maps to a numeric rating of 4.

To determine the overall rating, the application calculates the sum of the numeric ratings for the two weighted
sections, then converts the score to the rating model scale. ABC sets the Competencies section weight to 40, and the
Performance Goals section weight to 60. First, the application calculates the decimal scores of the weighted sections:
• Competencies: 4 / 5 = 0.8
• Performance Goals: 4 / 5 = 0.8

The application then calculates the weighted scores for each section, and adds them together. The total weighted
scores are out of a possible 100.0 points:
• Competencies: 0.8 x 40 = 32.0
• Performance Goals: 0.8 x 60 = 48.0
• Total Competencies and Performance Goals: 32.0 + 48.0 = 80.0

The application converts the scores to the rating model scale to determine the overall rating: (80.0 / 100.0) x 5 = 4.0,
which maps to a numeric rating of 4.

Example: Average Method with Weighting and Rating Model Variations

For a performance evaluation for a specic project, ABC Company uses various rating models for the Competencies,
Performance Goals, and Overall Summary sections. The performance document contains no Development Goals
section. The application applies the maximum numeric rating from each rating model to calculate the scores. Dierent
weights are also applied to the content items. Section weights are also applied. The performance template is set up to
use the standard rounding rule, and the overall rating is set to display to two decimal places. The mapping method is

Assume the following performance template section congurations:

• Section weights are applied
• Dierent weights are applied to the content items
• Decimal rounding rule is Standard
• Decimal display is 2
• Mapping metric is Numeric Rating
• Mapping method is Nearest

The following table shows the ratings for the Competencies section, which uses dierent rating models with dierent
maximum ratings for the individual competencies. The section rating model diers from those used for the individual
competencies, and the rating model maximum numeric rating is 7.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Performance Management Performance Template Sections

Competency Item Numeric Maximum Decimal Score Weight Weighted Score

Rating Numeric Rating (Item Rating / (Decimal Score x
from Rating Maximum Rating) Weight)

Teamwork 4 5 0.8 35 28.0


Leadership 3 3 1.0 5 5.0


Communication 2 4 0.5 10 5.0


Analytical Skills 4 5 0.8 20 16.0


Ethics 5 5 1.0 10 10.0


Conceptual 4 4 1.0 20 16.0


The sum of the weighted scores is 84.0, from a possible maximum of 100.0. The 84.0 must be converted to a value on
the rating model for the section. The section maximum numeric rating is 7, so the formula to calculate the section rating

(Weighted Score) / (Total Maximum Weighted Score) x (Maximum Numeric Rating from Section Rating Model), or in
this example: (84.0 / 100.0) x 7 = 5.88.

In this example the calculated section rating for competencies is 5.88 out of 7, which maps to the numeric rating 6.

The following table shows the ratings for the Performance Goals section. The Performance Goals section itself uses a
rating model with a maximum rating of 6.

Goal Item Numeric Maximum Decimal Score Weight Weighted Score

Rating Numeric Rating (Item Rating / (Decimal Score x
from Rating Maximum Rating) Weight)

Increase sales 5 5 1.00 30 30.0


Cut expenses 3 5 0.60 30 18.0


Grow business in 4 5 0.80 25 20.0


Participate in 4 5 0.80 15 10.0


Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Performance Management Performance Template Sections

The sum of the weighted scores is 78.0, from a possible maximum of 100.0. Because the maximum for the section
rating model is 6, the section rating is: (78.0 / 100.0) x 6 = 4.68, which maps to the numeric rating of 5.

To determine the overall rating, the application calculates the sum of the numeric ratings for the two weighted
sections, then converts the score to the rating model scale. ABC sets the Competencies section weight to 40, and the
Performance Goals section weight to 60. The overall summary section uses a rating model with a maximum score of 9.

First, the application calculates the decimal scores of the weighted sections:

• Competencies: 6 / 7 = 0.85
• Performance Goals: 5 / 6 = 0.83

The application then calculates the weighted scores for each section, then adds them together. The section weight for
the Competencies section is 40, and for the Performance Goals section it's 60. The total weighted scores are out of a
possible 100.0 points:

• Competencies: 0.85 x 40 = 34.0

• Performance Goals: 0.83 x 60 = 49.8
• Total Competencies and Performance Goals: 34.0 + 49.8 = 83.8

The application converts the scores to the rating model scale to determine the overall rating: (83.8 / 100.0) x 9 = 7.542.
When the rounding rules and decimal places are applied, overall rating is 7.54, which maps to the section numeric rating

Related Topics
• Create a Performance Template

How Performance Ratings Using the Sum and Band

Methods Are Calculated
The application can calculate ratings for each section and the overall rating using the sum method. You can use the sum
method to calculate ratings using any rating model. You can also use it to calculate the overall rating when at least one
of the Prole Content, Performance Goals, or Development Goals sections uses the average method, and the others use
the sum method.

Seings That Aect Sum and Band Rating Calculations

The factors that determine sum and band rating calculations are the:

• Rating models that are selected for each section and content item
• Numeric ratings and points ranges assigned to each rating level

Items without ratings aren't counted when calculating the ratings. For the band method, the numeric ratings must be
associated with a points range. The rounding rules, mapping metric, and mapping methods must also be set in the
performance template sections.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Performance Management Performance Template Sections

How Performance Ratings Are Calculated

In the sum method, the section rating is the sum of the numeric rating from the rating level for each content item. The
overall rating is the sum of the numeric ratings for the section ratings.

For the band method, as in the sum method, the application calculates the sum of the section rating. For the overall
rating, the application converts the numeric rating total from the sections to the points range associated with a rating

Example 1: Sum Method with Sum Sections

ABC Company uses the same rating model for the Competencies, and Performance Goals content items. The
performance document contains no Development Goals section. The following table shows the rating levels and the
numeric ratings assigned to each level.

Rating Level Numeric Rating

1-Weak 1

2-Poor 2

3-Average 3

4-Good 4

5-Excellent 5

The following table shows the rating model used for the Competencies and Performance Goals sections, and the rating
levels and numeric ratings assigned to each level.

Rating Level Numeric Rating

1-Weak 5

2-Poor 10

3-Average 15

4-Good 20

5-Excellent 25

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Performance Management Performance Template Sections

Rating Level Numeric Rating


The following table shows the rating model for the Overall Summary section and the rating levels and numeric ratings
assigned to each level.

Rating Level Numeric Rating

1-Weak 10

2-Poor 20

3-Average 30

4-Good 40

5-Excellent 50

The following table shows the ratings for the Competencies section.

Competency Item Numeric Rating

Teamwork 4

Leadership 3

Communication 2

Analytical Skills 4

Ethics 5

Conceptual Thinking 4

The score for the Competencies section is: 4 + 3 + 2 + 4 + 5 + 4 = 22, which maps to the section numeric rating 4-Good.

The following table shows the ratings for the Performance Goals section.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Performance Management Performance Template Sections

Goal Item Numeric Rating

Increase sales revenue 5


Cut expenses 3

Grow business in Asia 4


Participate in mentoring 4

The score for the Performance Goals section is: 5 + 3 + 4 + 4 = 16, which maps to the section numeric rating 3-Average.

To determine the overall rating, the application adds the Competencies and Performance Goals sections: 22 + 16 = 38,
which maps to the section numeric rating 4-Good.

Example 2: Sum Method with Average and Sum Sections

For a performance evaluation for a specic project, ABC Company sets up a performance template that uses the sum
method for the Overall Summary and Competencies sections, but the Performance Goals section uses the average
method. In the Competencies section, the content items use a rating model dierent than that of the section itself. The
section uses the same rating as the Overall Summary section. The Performance Goals section uses the same rating
model for content items as the Performance Goals section itself.

The following table shows the rating levels and the numeric ratings assigned to each level for the individual content
items in the Competencies section.

Rating Level Numeric Rating

1-Weak 1

2-Poor 2

3-Average 3

4-Good 4

5-Excellent 5

The following table shows the rating levels and the numeric rating assigned to each level for the Competencies section

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Performance Management Performance Template Sections

Rating Level Numeric Rating

1-Weak 10

2-Poor 20

3-Average 30

4-Good 40

5-Excellent 50

The following table shows the worker ratings for the Competencies section.

Competency Item Numeric Rating

Teamwork 4

Leadership 3

Communication 2

Analytical Skills 4

Ethics 5

Conceptual Thinking 4

The application calculates the sum of the item rating scores: 4 + 3 + 2 + 4 + 5 + 4 = 22. To determine the section rating,
the application uses the mapping rules for the rating model assigned in the performance template. In this example, the
mapping rule is Nearest, which assigns the section a rating level of 2.

The following table shows the ratings for the Performance Goals section, which uses the average method.

Goal Item Numeric Rating Maximum Rating from Decimal Score (Item Rating /
Rating Model Maximum Rating

Increase sales revenue 5 5 1.0


Cut expenses 3 5 0.6


Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Performance Management Performance Template Sections

Goal Item Numeric Rating Maximum Rating from Decimal Score (Item Rating /
Rating Model Maximum Rating

Grow business in Asia 2 5 0.4


Participate in mentoring 4 5 0.8


The sum of the decimal scores is 2.8, from a possible maximum of 4.0. The 2.8 must be converted to a value on the
rating model for the section. The section maximum numeric rating is 5, so the Performance Goals section calculated
rating is: (2.8 / 4) x 5 = 3.5.

To determine the Performance Goals nal section rating, the application uses the mapping rules for the rating model
assigned in the performance template. In this example, the mapping rule is Nearest and the calculated section rating for
goals is 3.5 out of 5, which maps to a numeric rating of 4.

To determine the overall rating, the application calculates the sum of the numeric ratings for the Competencies and
Performance Goals sections: 20 + 4 = 24, which maps to the section numeric rating 20.

Example 3: Band Method

ABC Company sets up a performance template in which the section ratings are calculated using exactly the same
parameters as in the previous example, but the band method is used for the Overall Summary section to calculate the
overall rating.

The following table shows the review point ranges set up for the Overall Section rating model to assign the rating level
for the overall rating.

Rating Level From Points To Points

1-Weak 0 5

2-Poor 6 10

3-Average 11 25

4-Good 26 40

5-Excellent 41 50

To determine the overall rating, add the section numeric ratings from the previous example. The Competencies numeric
rating is 20; the Performance Goals section numeric rating is 4. The total is: 20 + 4 = 24. Using the total numeric rating
and applying the point ranges shown in the table, the total score of 24 for the sections lies in the range of 11 to 25. The
worker's overall rating is 3-Average.

Related Topics
• Create a Performance Template

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Performance Management Performance Template Sections

Writing Assistant
Writing Assistant is a tool that provides suggestions for a manager when writing comments or feedback for a worker's
competency or rating level during performance evaluation. Writing Assistant suggests statements associated with
competencies and prociency levels within those competencies, to help describe a worker's observed and wanted
actions. The Writing Assistant data is displayed in the form of feedback suggestions and development tips. Use the
Export option on the Manage Content Items page in the Proles work area to generate the spreadsheet for uploading
writing assistant data.

Requirements for Using Writing Assistant Data

To use Writing Assistant, human resource specialists must upload data associated with a competency using an
application-generated spreadsheet. The application enables suggestions only for those competencies that have a
rating. Using Writing Assistant, managers can select a prociency level for a competency, view suggested comments for
the selected prociency level or for the competency as a whole, and copy and edit the suggested comments.

Related Topics
• How Writing Assistant Works with Performance Documents
• Guidelines for Seing Up Performance Templates

How You Upload Writing Assistant Data Using

Human resource (HR) specialists can upload and associate new Writing Assistant data for competencies using an
application-generated spreadsheet. Use the Export option on the Manage Content Items page in the Proles work area
to generate the spreadsheet for uploading writing assistant data. The uploaded data is associated with each separate
The application-generated spreadsheet for uploading Writing Assistant data contains the following two worksheets:

• Feedback Suggestions - Upload feedback suggestions for each prociency level for each competency.
• Development Tips - Upload development tips associated for each competency.

Spreadsheet Generation
You can generate the spreadsheet to upload and associate Writing Assistant data with competencies as follows:

1. Navigate to the Manage Content Items page from the Setup and Maintenance work area by querying on the
Manage Prole Content Items task and selecting Go to Task.
2. In the Search Results region, click the Export icon and select the Writing Assistant Excel Template action. A
File Download dialog box appears.
3. Click Save. Select a destination on your local hard disk to save the CompetencyFeedbackSuggestion.xlsx

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Performance Management Performance Template Sections

Upload and Update Feedback Suggestions

To upload feedback suggestions, specify all the required columns in the Feedback Suggestions worksheet and click
Upload. After you click Upload, click Save to commit the feedback suggestions for prociency levels for associated
competencies into the application database.

To update an existing feedback suggestion, click Download to download all feedback suggestions for competencies
into the spreadsheet. You can then update the suggested text and click Upload. After you click Upload, click Save to
commit the feedback suggestions for prociency levels for associated competencies into the application database.

Note: You can enter the same suggestion text for multiple competencies and for multiple prociency levels.

Upload and Update Development Tips

To upload development tips, specify all the required columns in the Development Tips worksheet and click Upload.
After you click Upload, click Save to commit the development tips for associated competencies into the application

To update an existing development tip, click Download to download all development tips for competencies into the
spreadsheet. You can then update the suggested text and click Upload. After you click Upload, click Save to commit the
updated development tips for associated competencies into the application database.

Note: You can enter the same suggestion text for multiple competencies.

Related Topics
• How Writing Assistant Works with Performance Documents
• Guidelines for Using Desktop Integrated Excel Workbooks

How You Set up Writing Assistant for Performance

Set up the Writing Assistant feature to assist managers in writing useful comments in the performance documents
of workers during a performance evaluation. The Writing Assistant provides suggestions that are associated with
competencies and their correlated prociency levels to managers. The suggestions help managers describe observed
worker actions, and those workers aspire to perform.
To set up the Writing Assistant, you must:

• Create the Prole Content section

• Upload development tips and feedback

Writing Assistant is available only for the Prole Content section type you congure for competencies.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Performance Management Performance Template Sections

Creating the Prole Content Section

To set up the Writing Assistant, you must create and congure a Prole Content section for competencies. You create
the Prole Content section using the Manage Performance Template Section or the Manage Performance Template
tasks in the Setup and Maintenance work areas.
Select the Enable writing assistant for manager option in the Section Content section of the Create Performance
Template Section page to make it available in the performance document.

The Writing Assistant provides suggestions only for competencies and their respective prociency levels. If you set
up the competencies section to use both prociency levels and performance ratings, the Writing Assistant provides
suggestions only for the selected prociency levels. If you set up the section to use only performance ratings, Writing
Assistant displays only development tips associated with the selected competency.

The Copy Worker Comments feature is available in the performance document when the Writing Assistant isn't
congured, or when the competencies section is congured to use only performance ratings. The feature is also
available on the Performance Goals, Development Goals, and Overall Summary section types.

Uploading Development Tips and Feedback

To use the Writing Assistant, you must also upload development tips and feedback suggestions for competencies using
a spreadsheet loader. You upload development tips and feedback suggestions on the Manage Content Items page for
competencies in the Oracle Fusion Prole Management business process.

Related Topics
• How Writing Assistant Works with Performance Documents

Create a Performance Template Section for Prole

This example demonstrates how to create a Prole Content section to rate competencies in the performance document
and use calculated ratings to determine the overall rating.
The following table summarizes key decisions for this scenario.

Decisions to Consider In This Example

What type of section is this? Prole Content section, for competencies


Calculate section ratings? With which Yes, the section uses the Average calculation rule
calculation rule?  

Which section rating model is used? Any


Weight the section? Yes, the weight complements the Performance Goals and Development Goals section weights
  so the sum of the sections is 100

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Performance Management Performance Template Sections

Decisions to Consider In This Example

Enable content items for the section? Yes


Rate content items? Yes, using the prociency rating type, and section rating model

What properties are included with the

content items? Weight, Required, Target Prociency Level

What is the source of competencies Worker job prole

for the content items?  

Do you require any content items to Yes, one content item is required
be added to the section?  

Enable the writing assistant to Yes

suggest comments managers can  
add for competencies?

Summary of the Tasks

Create a Prole Content performance template section.
1. Enter the section details.
2. Enter section processing details.
3. Enter item processing details.
4. Enter section content details.

Entering the Section Details

1. On the Set Up Workforce Development work area, click Manage Performance Template Sections to open
the Manage Performance Template Sections page.
2. Click Create.
3. On the Create Performance Template Section page, in the Section Details section, complete the elds, as
shown in this table.

Field Value


This section is used to rate competencies and calculate section ratings as part of the overall
Description ratings. The section weight section is 40 to complement the Performance Goals section.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Performance Management Performance Template Sections

Field Value

From Date  

To Date  


4. Click Save.

Entering Section Processing Details

1. In the Section Processing section, complete the elds, as shown in this table.

Field Value

Prole Content
Section Type  

Rate Section  

Calculation Rule for Section  

Decimal Places 2

Decimal Rounding Rule Standard


Mapping Metric Numeric Rating


Mapping Method Nearest


Section Rating Model  

Weight section  

Item Weight  

2. Click Save.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Performance Management Performance Template Sections

Entering Item Processing Details

1. In the Item Processing section, complete the elds, as shown in this table. Use the default values except where

Field Value

Enable items  

Add and remove items during task  
to set goals

Rate items  

Rating Type  

Use section rating model for  
performance rating

Item Calculation  



Target Prociency Level  

2. Click Save.

Entering Section Content Details

1. In the Section Content section, complete the elds, as shown in this table. Use the default values except where

Field Value

Use prole related to worker's job  

Job prole type

Prole Type  

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Performance Management Performance Template Sections

Field Value

Use specic content items  

Enable writing assistant for  

2. In the Content Items section, click Add.

3. In the Content Items section, complete the elds, as shown in this table. Use the default values except where

Field Value

Item Name  

Target Prociency Level  



4. Click Save.

Create a Performance Template Section for Performance

This example demonstrates how to create a Performance Goals section to rate performance goals in the performance
document and use calculated ratings to determine the overall rating.
The following table summarizes key decisions for this scenario.

Decisions to Consider In This Example

What type of section is this? Performance Goals


Calculate the section rating? With Yes, the section uses the Average calculation rule
which calculation rule?  

Which section rating model? Any


Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Performance Management Performance Template Sections

Decisions to Consider In This Example

Weight the section? Yes, the weight should complement the Competencies section weights so the sum of the
  sections is 100

Enable content items for the section? Yes


Give workers and managers the Yes

opportunity to add performance  
goals during the Set Goals task, if that
task is included in the process ow?

Rate content items? Yes, using the Performance rating type, and the same rating model as the section uses

What properties are included with the Weight, Required, Target Performance Level
content items?  

What is the source of performance Oracle Fusion Goal Management

goals for the content items?  

Add content items to the section? Yes, add one content item.

Summary of the Tasks

Create a Performance Goals performance template section.
1. Enter the section details.
2. Enter section processing details.
3. Enter item processing details.
4. Enter section content details.

Entering the Section Details

1. On the Set Up Workforce Development work area, click Manage Performance Template Sections to open
the Manage Performance Template Sections page.
2. Click Create.
3. On the Create Performance Template Section page, in the Section Details section, complete the elds, as
shown in this table.

Field Value

Performance Goals

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Performance Management Performance Template Sections

Field Value

This section is used to rate performance goals and calculate section ratings as part of the
Description overall ratings. The section weight section is 60 to complement the Competencies section.

From Date  

To Date  


4. Click Save.

Entering Section Processing Details

1. In the Section Processing section, complete the elds, as shown in this table.

Field Value

Performance Goals
Section Type  

Rate Section  

Calculation Rule for Section  

Decimal Places  

Decimal Rounding Rule  

Numeric Rating
Mapping Metric  

Mapping Method  

Section Rating Model  

Weight section  

Section Weight  

2. Click Save.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Performance Management Performance Template Sections

Entering Item Processing Details

1. In the Item Processing section, complete the elds, as shown in this table. Use the default values except where

Field Value

Enable items  

Add and remove items during task  
to set goals

Rate items  

Use section rating model for  
performance rating

Target Performance Level  




2. Click Save.

Entering Section Content Details

1. In the Section Content section, complete the elds, as shown in this table. Use the default values except where

Field Value

Populate with Worker Goals  

Allow update goals action to  
update goal weights from goal
management business process

Use specic content items

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Performance Management Performance Template Sections

Field Value

2. In the Content Items section, click Add.

3. In the Content Items section, complete the elds, as shown in this table. Use the default values except where

Field Value

Item Name  

Performance Rating Model  

Target Performance Rating  



4. Click Save.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 11
Implementing Performance Management Performance Template Sections

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 12
Implementing Performance Management Review Periods

12 Review Periods

Review Periods in Talent Management

Review periods are business periods that you use to link Oracle Fusion Talent Management business objects to
measure and achieve results within the review period time line. Review periods enable you to organize your processes
around goal management and performance evaluations into time bound business cycles. Review period is a common
component that ties to goal plans and performance document periods. For example, you can connect an employee's
performance to business objectives and results by associating goal plans in the Goals work area and performance
documents in the Performance Management work area with business periods using review periods.

Managing Review Periods

As an HR specialist, you create and manage review periods by using the Manage Review Periods task. You can open the
• In the Related Links panel on the Tasks tab in the Goals work area
• On the Tasks tab on the My Evaluations page in the Performance work area
• In the Setup and Maintenance work area

Each review period must have a unique name. You can create review periods any time, and later associate them with
goal plans, goal plan sets (if enabled), and performance documents. If a review period is in use by a business object,
then you can't modify the start and end dates of the review period. The application also adds the tag In Use to the
review period next to the Status aribute on the Edit Review Period page. If the review period isn't used by any business
objects, the application adds the tag Not in Use.

You can set the review period status to active or inactive any time. The business objects already associated with an
inactive review period will still use the review period. Inactive review periods are no longer visible to HR specialists when
creating a business object, such as a goal plan, goal plan set, or performance document. Workers can't view inactive
review periods on the application pages.

Associating Goal Plans, Goal Plan Sets, and Performance Documents with
Review Periods
You create review periods to associate with goal plans and performance documents that fall within the review period
dates. In the performance template, you select the review period to associate with a performance period from which
the performance document is created. This enables you to connect an employee's performance evaluation with the
progress on a performance goal in a goal plan within a business cycle. If goal plan sets are enabled, you must also
associate review period with sets within the review period time frame, thereby, associating all goal plans within a goal
plan set with the selected review period.

Related Topics
• Goal Plans
• Goal Plan Sets
• How Performance Documents Work with Goals

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 12
Implementing Performance Management Review Periods

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 13
Implementing Performance Management Performance Document Types

13 Performance Document Types

Overview of Performance Document Types

You must create performance document types to associate with performance templates to create performance
documents. You can use the document types to dierentiate performance templates used to evaluate workers.
You can also use performance document types to determine:

• Which performance documents provide interim ratings in later performance documents

• Which goal plans that performance goals added to performance documents are added to

This topic describes the aributes of performance document types and how document types are used by performance
templates and performance goal plans. Use the Manage Performance Document Types task in the Setup and
Maintenance work area.

Along with the name and optional description, you congure the following aributes:

• From Date and To Date: For the document type to be valid in the template, the following must be true:

◦ The from date must be the same as or before the performance template from date
◦ The to date must be the same as or later than the performance template to date

• Status: Set the status to Active to make it available for performance templates and performance goals plans.
Once it's used by a template or goal plan, you can't set it to Inactive.
• Worker can select manager when creating document: When selected, the worker can search and select a
dierent manager than the direct manager on the Create Performance Document dialog box. The selected
manager becomes the manager of the performance document. You can override this seing by selecting or
deselecting the Worker can select manager when creating document check box on the Processing tab of the
performance template that uses the document type.

About Performance Templates

You must select a performance document type to include in every performance template. You select the document type
on the General tab of the performance template.

In addition, if you congure the performance template to use interim evaluations, you must select at least one
document type to associate with the document period. The document types and review periods you select on the
Document Periods tab determine which interim ratings and comments appear in the later performance document.
The ratings, comments, or both (depending on conguration) from performance documents associated with those
document types appear in the document.

You can use the same document types, or create unique ones for the interim and nal performance documents.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 13
Implementing Performance Management Performance Document Types

About Goal Plans

To make a goal plan available to use in performance documents, when creating the goal plan you must select the
document types to associate with the goal plan. The document type, in conjunction with the selected review period,
determines which goal plan that performance goals added to the performance document are added to.

For example:

• Goal Plan A is associated with Performance Document Type B.

• Performance Document Type B is selected as the document type on the General tab of Performance Template
• Performance Document D is created using Performance Template C.

When a worker or manager adds a performance goal to Performance Document D, the goals are automatically added to
Goal Plan A.

Related Topics
• Interim Evaluations in Performance Documents
• Goal Plans

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Performance Management Performance Templates

14 Performance Templates

Guidelines for Seing Up Performance Templates

Dene performance templates to create the performance documents that managers, workers, and participants use to
evaluate workers' performance for a given time period or project. The performance template combines the process ow
denition, the section denitions and the document type. The performance template can also contain static content,
such as competencies and goals. When creating a performance template, you can select either of the following types:

• Standard, for typical performance documents, such as annual or project or company-wide evaluations
• Anytime, for performance documents that managers and workers can create at any time to evaluate the

When creating the performance template, you must determine:

• Document types and eligibility proles

• Participation roles
• Process ow
• Calculation rules, processing options, and participant options
• Structure
• Content
• Document periods

To create performance templates, use the Manage Performance Templates task in the Setup and Maintenance work

Document Types and Eligibility Proles

Select or create a document type to identify the type of evaluation that the performance template supports, such as
annual evaluation, or project evaluation.
Associate eligibility proles to the overall template, or to the document periods, to restrict the performance documents
made from the template to those who meet the eligibility criteria. Specify proles as required to limit access to the
document to workers who meet all required proles and one that isn't selected as required, if any. Workers must meet
the prole criteria for at least one of the not-required proles to use the document.

Participation Roles
Specify the roles that are eligible to access the performance document. You can select Manager, Worker, or any
participant roles created in the Manage Performance Roles task. On the Structure tab, you select which roles can access
the individual section in the performance document to provide ratings and comments, questionnaire feedback, and
perform other actions. For example, if you set up the performance template so that only managers rate workers, but
workers can see the results, then you must select both roles as participants. If, however, the manager rates workers
without the workers participating in the performance evaluation process or viewing results, then you can select only the
manager role.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Performance Management Performance Templates

In the Participation section, you also determine the minimum number of participants required for participant feedback,
and the minimum for each role. These seings aren't enforced but serve as a guideline for managers and workers when
they request participant feedback.

Process Flow
The process ow determines which tasks are included in the performance template. You can select a previously-dened
process ow or create one as you create the template.
The process ow also determines which sections you can add to the performance template. If the performance template
is used to rate workers, set goals, and let workers and managers provide nal feedback, the process ow you select
must include all those tasks. You can only add sections to the performance template that are required by the process
ow. For example, if the process ow doesn't include the Worker Final Feedback task, you can't add that section to the
performance template. If you are creating an Anytime performance template, you can only select a process that doesn't
include the Set Next Period Goals task.

You can enter the number of days before the tasks are due that an email alert is sent for both standard and critical
alerts. You enter the task due dates on the Document Periods tab. Alerts aren't available for Anytime performance

Calculation Rules, Processing Options, and Participant Options

Select whether to calculate ratings and display the calculated ratings for performance template sections. The sections
included in the performance template must be set up to use calculated ratings to use this feature.
Use processing options to select the following features:
• Designate whether managers, workers, and participants can select star ratings to rate items and sections. For
star ratings, the number of stars correspond to the rating descriptions set for each star. For example, one star
may represent the Foundation rating description, two stars may represent the Intermediate rating description,
and so on. Star ratings can be used only for rating models that use 10 or fewer rating levels. If you specify not to
use star ratings, managers, workers, and participants select the rating descriptions from a choice list. The rating
description displays no numeric rating, but the description corresponds to a rating number set up for the rating
model. The number that corresponds to the rating description selected by the worker or manager is used to
calculate ratings.
• Include digital signature to require workers to verify that they're the people submiing the performance
document as part of the Worker Final Feedback task.
• Display feedback notes on the nonprint versions of the performance document to use them as a guide to rate
workers while the evaluation is in progress. The Feedback link appears on the performance document, which
you use to enter and view feedback. Feedback isn't part of the ocial evaluation, so it doesn't appear on the
completed performance document. You can select the visibility of feedback to determine who can see it.
• Let workers select a manager other than their direct managers to manage and rate them. This approach can
be used, for example, when workers are assigned special projects working for managers other than their direct

Participant options let you determine whether participant feedback is required for the performance document, which
isn't enforced but serves as a guideline for managers and workers. You also specify:
• Whether to let workers view participants selected by the manager to provide feedback. When you choose this
option, it overrides other role options that you have set to allow workers to see participant feedback names or
roles, for example, in the Processing by Role section of the Structure tab.
• Whether to auto-populate matrix managers of a worker as participants to avoid manually adding them as

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Performance Management Performance Templates

• Default participant role assigned to matrix managers.

• Whether matrix managers can access worker documents automatically after they're created.

Add previously-dened sections or create ones that are required for the process ow selected for the template. You
must select or create one of each type of the sections that are required for this particular template. You can edit
previously-dened sections to suit the template requirements, including processing options, properties and content.
For each section, you must select which roles have access to the section in the performance document to view and
if applicable, provide ratings, comments, and questionnaire feedback. For the Prole Content, Goals, and Overall
Summary sections, you can select whether to require ratings and comments for the content items in the section. If you
enable section ratings for the Prole Content and Goals sections and select the option to require section ratings, the
process ow must include an Overall Summary section. For the Questionnaire section, you can select whether to require
comments only. If you require comments for the Questionnaire section, then you must also select the Participant Role
Can Enter Comments Visible to Worker for the section. If you give participants the option to provide comments on the
Questionnaire section, they can't provide comments on the Overall Summary section. Only one set of overall comments
can be provided.

For each section that contains content that can be rated, you can add content items directly to the performance
template so they appear on the performance document. For both Goals and Prole Content sections you can load
content that was included in the previously-dened section. For a Prole Content section, such as competencies, you
can also copy content from whatever prole the section uses as a source for content items. You must set up proles to
be used as a source in this case.
This lets you target this performance template as broadly or narrowly as you need. You can decide to load content items
from the section, for example, that apply to everyone who's rated using the performance document created from this
template. But you may decide not to copy content directly from a prole in the template because the population being
evaluated has varied proles. The workers and managers can then copy prole content on the performance document
itself (if the process ow is set up to let them). In this case, the prole content is specic to the worker.

Document Periods
You can create a single, or multiple document periods, within a performance template. Adding multiple periods enables
you to create performance documents from the same template for dierent periods. The performance documents are
treated as distinct documents, but contain the same process ows, sections, and processing rules. For example, you
can create a template for an annual evaluation to use every year. The content is updated for each worker because the
competencies are pulled from the selected prole type, and goals are pulled from the goal management and career
development business processes. Managers and workers can add additional content to the performance document as
The person who creates the performance document can change the performance document start and end dates if
desired. However, the performance document start end dates must be between the document period start and end

For the selected period, you must congure:

• Review periods: Select the review period for the document period.
• Performance document start and end dates: These must be the same as, or within, the review period start and
end dates.
• Short name: The name that appears in the rating history analytic.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Performance Management Performance Templates

• Available to use: Select to display the performance document on the My Manager Evaluations and My
Evaluations pages so managers and workers can access it.
• Due dates: Within each period, you can set the due date for each task that's included in the process ow used
by the performance template. Due dates aren't available for Anytime performance templates.

On the document periods you add, you can also add:

• Eligibility proles: Add additional eligibility proles or remove the ones inherited from the General tab, and
select whether they are required.
• Document types for interim and anytime evaluations: Add document types for any interim or anytime
evaluations you want to appear in the performance document for the selected period.
• Questionnaires: Add roles and associate them with questionnaires to give the role access to the appropriate
questions on which to provide feedback in the performance document.

Related Topics
• Considerations for Using Performance Template Section Calculation Rules
• Create a Performance Template Section for Prole Content

Anytime Performance Documents

You can create anytime performance documents to enable workers, managers, and HR specialists and matrix
managers to conduct performance evaluations at any time for any period. You can create impromptu anytime
performance documents for any purpose, in addition to standard performance documents used for annual or
semiannual evaluations, for example.
To enable an anytime performance document, you must create a performance template congured for it.

Security and Access

To create anytime performance documents using smart navigation actions or quick actions, you must have the
ORA_HRA_CREATE_ANYTIME_PERFORMANCE_DOCUMENT privilege. You must grant managers and workers the
privilege to enable them to create anytime documents in the Performance Management work area.

HR specialists, managers, and workers, can only create anytime performance documents for people to whom they have
data security access.

Creation of Anytime Performance Documents

HR specialists create anytime performance documents using the Create Performance Documents task. Workers and
managers, including matrix managers, can create anytime performance documents in the Performance Management
work area. They must select a review period that contains a performance document congured for Anytime
performance evaluations. They can then select the Add Anytime Document to create the document.

Workers, managers, including matrix managers, and HR specialists can also create Anytime performance documents in
the following locations:
• Person smart navigation window
• Quick Actions page

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Performance Management Performance Templates

When creating the performance document, a dialog box opens, prompting you to enter information about the
document. You can enter:
• Worker name (managers only)
• Review period
• Performance document name
• Description
• From date and to date
• Performance Document Manager

The description is appended to the performance document name. Since you can create multiple anytime documents for
a worker that have the same performance document name, the editable description provides a way to distinguish them.

Note: When you create an anytime document, it is associated to the primary assignment of the worker.
Anytime documents are not associated with secondary assignments.

Anytime Performance Documents in Other Evaluations

You can congure performance templates so anytime performance documents appear as part of another performance
document, such as an annual evaluation. The anytime performance documents appear in the information dialog box in
the annual performance document, as do interim evaluations.

Conguration of Anytime Performance Templates

Implementors congure a performance template from which to create Anytime performance documents. To create the
template, using the Manage Performance Templates task, they:
1. Select the Anytime template type.
2. Congure the remainder of the template using the same steps as creating a Standard performance template,
including document types, process ows, and performance template sections, and document periods.

Related Topics
• Options for Creating Performance Documents

Guidelines for Dening Processing Roles for

Performance Template Sections
Add roles to performance template sections and dene processing seings for each role so managers, workers, and
participants can access the sections to rate workers and provide feedback. You must decide:
• Which roles to add to each section
• Whether ratings and comments for items and sections are required
• Whether to share ratings and comments with workers
• Whether to update worker proles with ratings and content items
• Which roles can access questionnaires and feedback

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Performance Management Performance Templates

You add roles to sections on the Content tab of the Create and Edit Performance Template pages. You can nd those
pages using the Manage Performance Templates task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Adding Roles to Sections

You must add all the roles that require access to the section, whether to provide ratings or feedback, or view the section.
For example, if your organization requires only managers to rate goals, but workers can only view the goals and ratings,
you must add both the manager and worker roles to that section.
If the section type is used by a specic role to provide ratings or feedback, you must still add that role. For example,
workers provide feedback on the Worker Final Feedback section type. However, you must add the worker role to the
Worker Final Feedback section so the worker can access it. For the manager to be able to view worker comments on the
Worker Final Feedback section, you must also add the manager role.

The roles that are available to add to the section are those you added in the Participation section of the General tab of
the performance template.

Requiring Ratings and Comments

You can congure the section so ratings and comments are either required, or optional, for both items and the section.
The available options are:
• Optional with warning message: Warning message when no ratings or comments are provided. This is the
default value for all ratings and comments.
• Optional with no warning message: No message because ratings and comments are optional.
• Required: Error message when roles that are required to provide ratings or comments don't provide them.

You can set up the section so one role is required to provide ratings and comments, but for other roles, they are

To enable item ratings and comments, you must also select Enable ratings for items in the Ratings and Calculations
section of the section. To allow section ratings and comments to be used, you must select Enable section rating in the
Ratings section of the section.

Sharing Ratings and Comments with Workers

After adding the role, specify whether to share with workers the ratings or comments that managers or participants
provided in the Prole Content, Goals, or Overall Summary sections. You can congure dierent seings for each
participant role, so workers can see participant ratings and comments for one role, but not another. In the Manager
Final Feedback and Worker Final Feedback sections, specify whether workers can view the manager comments.
Ratings and comments provided by workers and participants are always visible to all managers who have access to the
performance documents. Participants can't view manager or worker ratings and comments.

Updating Worker Proles with Ratings and Content Items

For the Prole Content section type, specify whether to update the worker prole with the ratings provided by the
manager and any content items that were added to the performance document that aren't in the worker prole.

For the Overall Summary section, specify whether to update and display the overall performance rating provided by the
manager. When you select the option, the rating appears in the:
• Person prole
• Performance Evaluations graph on the Experience and Qualications portrait cards

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Performance Management Performance Templates

For both section types, you must select the person prole type to which the information is updated, if it is not
automatically selected.

If you elect to update proles, you can also specify the instance qualier to identify that the source of the ratings and
content items is the performance document. Instance qualiers must be set up and maintained in Oracle Fusion Prole
Management to use this feature.

Accessing Questionnaires and Feedback

When the Manage Participant Feedback task is included in the process ow used by the template, you specify which
roles can see the participant questionnaires. You specify whether:

• Line managers and matrix managers can see questionnaires and feedback provided by workers and
participants, including the participant names.
• Workers can see questionnaires and feedback provided by the manager and participants, including the
participant names.
• Line managers, matrix managers, and workers can see the participant names and their roles.

When you use questionnaires for participant feedback and congure the template so that workers can't view participant
feedback, you can set the Participant Role Can Enter Comments Visible to Worker seing to Yes for a participant
role. Participants with that role can then add overall comments to the questionnaire that are visible to both the manager
and worker. The worker can't view the name of the participants. This option is only available if participants aren't given
access to the Overall Summary section where they can provide overall comments.

Related Topics
• Instance Qualier Sets
• Options for Conguring Performance Documents to Display Performance Ratings to Workers

Performance Document Task Alert Notications

You can set up performance documents to alert workers and managers before a task is due. In the performance
template, you can set up one-time, or repeat notications, for standard and critical alerts. Use the Manage Performance
Templates task in the Setup and Maintenance work area, Workforce Development oering, Worker Performance
functional area.
If you set up the standard and critical alerts, notications are sent for all performance documents created from the
template. The notications are sent when the task is available to begin. For example, the task must be the rst in a
created performance document, or the previous task must be completed.

Standard and Critical Alert Days

Enter the number of days before a performance document task is due to send standard or critical alerts to remind
workers and managers of the deadline. The notication is sent once for each alert. You enter the number of days
before the due date on the Process tab of the performance template. Enter the due date for each task on the Document
Periods tab of the performance template.
You can enter either, or both, standard and critical alert days. The number of standard alert days must greater than the
number of the critical alert days as standard alerts are sent before critical alerts.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Performance Management Performance Templates

If you edit the task due dates for performance documents for specic workers using the Change Due Dates
administrative task, the seings in the template aren't aected. The notications are sent the specied number of days
before the task due date.

Repeat Standard and Critical Alerts

In the performance template, you can also select the options to send repeat standard and critical alerts until the task is
completed. Select the Repeat Standard Alert Until Task Completes and Repeat Critical Alert Until Task Completes
options that appear on the Process tab of the performance template.
To send notications for a task deadline, you must run an Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Service process. To launch this
process, use the Navigator > Scheduled Processes > Schedule New Process buon in the search results table. Use
the Send Performance Document Alert Notications job to send the notications, and set the schedule as appropriate
for your business processes. It is recommended that you set the process to send notications daily. If you select the
options to send both standard and critical alerts, workers and managers receive notications according to the following
• Standard notications are sent according to the process job schedule, such as daily, or weekly, starting from the
specied standard alert days before the task is due.
• Critical alerts are sent starting from the specied critical alert days, adhering to the process job schedule until
the task is completed.

For example, assume that you set the standard alert to be sent 14 days before a task is due, and the critical alert to
be sent 7 days before the task due date. In addition, you set the process schedule to send notications daily. If you
enable the repeat alerts for both the standard and critical alerts, the standard alert is sent every day between 14 and 7
days before the task due date. Then, the critical alert is sent daily for the 7 days before the task due date and continues
to until the task is completed. If you set only one or the other of the standard or critical alert days to repeat, the
notications are sent starting from the number of the days before the task is due until the task is completed, according
to the process job schedule.

The notications cease when the task is completed for the respective role or the performance document is completed.
For example, when the worker submits a completed a task, the worker no longer receives notications. However, for
tasks that aren't completed, you must turn o the notications to prevent them from continuing even after the task is
due. To turn o the notications, you must either:
• Deselect the options in the performance template and save the template.
• Turn o the Enterprise Scheduler Service process.

Interim Evaluations in Performance Documents

You can congure performance templates and document periods to display the ratings and comments from interim
evaluations in subsequent performance documents. This topic explains what interim ratings are and use cases for them,
how you congure them, and how to display them.

Use Cases for Interim Evaluations

You can use interim documents to view ratings and comments from previous performance documents in later, or
nal performance documents in an evaluation period. For example, you can congure interim and later performance
documents to capture and display ratings and comments for:
• Midyear or quarterly evaluations

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Performance Management Performance Templates

• Project evaluations
• Previous annual evaluations

You can congure interim documents to capture the same, more, or less information than, for example, an annual
evaluation. For example, you can congure the interim evaluation to require comments, but not ratings, for content
items and sections. Or, for simplicity, the interim evaluation may not contain tasks for participant feedback or approvals.

Available Ratings and Comments

The ratings and comments you congure to appear in each performance document are those that appear in the
later documents. You can congure ratings, comments, or both to appear for the Overall Summary, Prole Content
(competencies) and Goals sections, and ratings only for content items.

If you congure some ratings or comments to appear in the interim, but not the later performance document, the later
document doesn't display the ratings or comments from the interim document. For example, if you include section
ratings in the performance template for the interim evaluation, but not in the nal evaluation template, the section
ratings don't appear in the nal performance document.

About Conguring Interim Evaluations

Interim evaluations appear in subsequent documents based on conguration of:

• Review periods
• Document types
• Document periods on the performance template

Review periods must be the same for both the interim and later documents that consume the interim documents.

To make interim evaluations appear in later, or nal performance documents, you must select at least one document
type to associate with the document period for the nal document. The document types you select on the Document
Periods tab determine which interim ratings and comments appear in the nal performance document. The ratings,
comments, or both (depending on conguration) from performance documents associated with those document types
appear in the document.

Document types associated with the performance templates used for the performance documents can be the same, or
dierent for the interim and later documents, depending on your needs. The document types must be the same for all
interim evaluations that you want to appear cumulatively. For example, if your organization uses quarterly evaluations,
to see the ratings for all previous quarters in subsequent quarters, each must use the same document type. If you want
to isolate interim performance documents from each other, but have them appear in a nal document, the interim
performance documents must use dierent document types. You might use this approach, for example, if you have
both midyear and project evaluations and need neither to be visible to the other, but both to appear in an annual

In the document period of the performance templates you use to create the performance documents you select the
review period. In the document period for each later document in which you want interim documents to appear, you
also must select the document types for the interim evaluations you want to appear. If you have only one document
type, such as for cumulative quarterly evaluations, select the document type those documents use. If you have multiple
evaluations to display, such as for the midyear and project evaluations mentioned previously, select all document types
that apply.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Performance Management Performance Templates

Access to Interim Ratings

Interim ratings and comments appear in the nal document in this way:
• Section and Overall Summary ratings appear on the dialog box that appears when you click the Information
icon for the section.
• Content items appear on the dialog box that appears when you click the Information icon for the same content
items, and using the Interim link on the content item detail dialog box.

For individual content items, you can view ratings and comments from interim evaluations only for each matching
content item. For example, if you have a competency in Period 1, and the same competency in Period 2, you can select
the Information icon in Period 2 performance document to see the Period 1 information. If that competency isn't part of
the template or congured to appear as part of a prole in Period 2, it doesn't appear.

In the dialog box that appears, you can click the performance document name to open a PDF of the interim
performance document to see the entire interim performance document.

Guidelines for Seing Up Performance Document

You congure document periods on a performance template from which to create performance documents.
Performance documents are created from the document period and the congured aributes, such as the review
period, document types, and associated questionnaires. You can also associate eligibility proles to determine which
workers can access the documents. This topic describes the conguration options for document periods. You congure
performance templates using the Manage Performance Templates task.

Document Periods
You can add a single, or multiple periods, within a performance template. Adding multiple periods enables you to create
performance documents from the same template for dierent periods. This lets you create performance documents
that are treated as distinct documents, but contain the same process ows, sections, and processing rules.

The name of the document period is the name of the performance document created for the period.

Review Period
You must select a review period for the document period. The review period typically corresponds to the talent business
period, such as a calendar or scal year, or semiannual period. You can select dierent review periods for dierent
document periods. The review period also helps determine which goal plans any goals added to the performance
document are added to. The goals in the performance document are added to goal plans that are associated with both
• Review period selected for the document period
• Document type selected for the template

Goal plans are available only when Oracle Fusion Goal Management is enabled.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Performance Management Performance Templates

Performance Document Start and End Dates

The performance document start and end dates must be the same as, or within, the review period start and end dates.
The dates for periods can overlap, but can't be identical for the same template.

Short Name
The short name appears in the rating history analytic for each of the three years that appear, rather than the complete
performance document name.

Available to Use
Available to Use is the default seing, and enables managers and workers to create documents for the period.

Note: The prole option seings Number of future years from the current date and Number of past years
from the current date take precedence over this seing. Therefore, documents don't appear to managers
and workers outside the date range of the prole option seings.

When you deselect Available to Use:

• Managers and workers can't create the document.
• Human resource (HR) specialists can still search and select the document using the Create Performance
Documents or Monitor Missing Performance Document tasks.

You can deselect the Available to Use option to prevent access, for example, if you have created future periods, but
don't want to make them available yet. Documents that are already created aren't aected by the Available to Use

Eligibility Proles
Add eligibility proles to the period to associate the proles with the performance documents to restrict access to
the documents made from the templates. Only workers who meet the eligibility criteria can have the performance
documents created for them or access them. Managers can still access the performance documents even if they aren't
eligible for them. You can add dierent eligibility proles to each period. Eligibility proles added to the General tab
appear automatically on the Document Periods tab.
You can remove or select or deselect Required as needed for your business process. If you select eligibility proles for a
document period, the application assigns performance documents as follows:
• If all eligibility proles are marked as required, then an individual must meet criteria of all the eligibility proles.
• If no eligibility prole is marked as required, then an individual must meet criteria of at least one eligibility
• If some eligibility proles are marked as required and some aren't, then an individual must meet criteria of all
the required proles and at least one nonrequired prole.
• If only one eligibility prole is marked as required, then an individual must meet criteria of that eligibility prole.

Document Types for Interim and Anytime Evaluations

If you use interim evaluations, such as quarterly or anytime evaluations, as part of your review process, you must
congure the document period that consumes these evaluations. The ratings and comments in the interim documents
appear in the later performance document. Using the combination of the document type and review period used in the

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Performance Management Performance Templates

interim and nal performance documents, the application determines which interim documents are included in the nal

Interim evaluation ratings and comments appear in the nal performance document when:
• You add the document type for the interim evaluations to the document period of the later, or nal, evaluation.
You can add document types for each interim evaluation you want to appear in the nal evaluation.
• The review periods of the interim evaluations and the nal evaluation are the same.
• The performance documents from the interim evaluations are completed.

Due Dates
Within each period, you can set the due date for each task that's included in the process ow used by the performance
template. The due date for each task must be the same or later than the task before, with the exception of the Manage
Participant Feedback task. The due date for the Manage Participant Feedback task must be the same or earlier than the
Manager Evaluation of Workers task due date.
The due dates are guidelines and don't prevent performance documents from being created or tasks from being

When using participant feedback, you specify for a period which questionnaire to associate with each participant role,
including the manager and worker roles. The role then has access to the appropriate questions on which to provide
feedback in the performance document.

Related Topics
• How Performance Documents Work with Questionnaires

Guidelines for Associating Eligibility Proles with

Performance Templates
Add eligibility proles to a performance template to associate the proles with the performance documents to restrict
access to the documents made from the templates. When associating eligibility proles to performance templates, you
must decide whether to:
• Use eligibility proles
• Add eligibility proles at the template-level or period-level
• Require eligibility proles
• Add or remove eligibility proles when the template is in use

You manage performance templates using the Manage Performance Templates task in the Setup and Maintenance
work area.

Using Eligibility Proles

Add eligibility proles to performance templates to target performance documents to a specic population of workers.
This enables you to create an array of performance documents that are appropriate for specic review purposes. For

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Performance Management Performance Templates

example, you can add an eligibility prole to performance documents that are appropriate for the Sales team, and
another for the Information Technology department.

Adding Eligibility Proles to the Template General Tab and the Document
You can add existing eligibility proles to either, or both, the performance template on the General tab and the
document periods on the Document Periods tab. You can add as many proles as required to either the General tab or
document periods.
Eligibility proles you add to the General tab are inherited by the document periods when periods are added to the
template. You can add, remove, or change the eligibility proles for the document periods, and change the required
status as well. Only the eligibility proles associated with a document period are used to determine eligibility for
documents created for that period.

Requiring Eligibility Proles

You can specify whether or not an eligibility prole is required.
If eligibility proles are required for the document period, workers must satisfy all required proles and at least one that
isn't required, if any are added, to be eligible for the performance document.

When you add only eligibility proles that aren't required to the document period, workers must satisfy the criteria for at
least one of them to be eligible for the performance document.

Adding or Removing Eligibility Proles when the Template is in Use

You can add or remove eligibility proles from a template or document period even if the template or period is in use.
When you add an eligibility prole to a template, any previously-existing periods don't inherit the new eligibility prole.
You can remove all eligibility proles from the Eligibility Proles region of the General tab. However, if any eligibility
proles exist at the template level, you can't delete all eligibility proles from the document periods. You must leave at
least one associated with each document period. If the eligibility process is already run for a document period, you can't
delete all the eligibility proles associated with the period. At least one eligibility prole must be associated with that

Related Topics
• How You Use Eligibility Proles with Performance Documents

Create a Performance Template

This example demonstrates how to create a performance template that's used to create performance documents
containing most tasks in a process ow, and rate workers. You manage performance templates using the Manage
Performance Templates task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
The following table summarizes key decisions for this scenario.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Performance Management Performance Templates

Decisions to Consider In This Example

What type of performance template is Standard, for an annual performance evaluation


Add eligibility proles to either the Yes, add the same eligibility prole to both the template and the performance document
template or performance document periods, and specify it as required; add an additional eligibility prole to one period, and do not
periods, and are they required? specify it as required

Calculate section ratings and Yes, the worker, manager, participants, and matrix managers can see calculated ratings
the overall rating? Who can see  
calculated ratings?

Which section rating model to use? Any


Weight the sections? Yes, give the Prole Content section a weight of 40, and the Performance Goals section a
  weight of 60

Enable content items for the Yes, enable content items for the Prole Content and Performance Goals sections; add a
section? Include content added to content item to each section in the template
the performance template in the  

Is participant feedback required, and Yes, feedback is required with a minimum number of participants; participants should provide
is there a minimum requirement for ratings and comments on the Prole Content, Performance Goals, and Overall Summary
participants? sections, and a Questionnaire section is added to the template to capture additional participant

Enable options to automatically Yes

populate matrix managers as  
participants? Automatically grant
access to performance documents for
matrix managers?

Enable which roles to provide Manager, worker, colleague


Should managers share ratings with Yes, managers share their ratings with workers

Use ratings to update the worker Yes, use manager ratings to update the worker prole

Use the performance template for Yes, set up two performance document periods
more than one period?  

Use interim evaluations? Yes, use the rst performance period as an interim evaluation in the second period

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Performance Management Performance Templates

Decisions to Consider In This Example

Which review periods do I select for FY2017

the periods?  

Summary of the Tasks

Create a performance template.
1. Enter general information.
2. Enter process details.
3. Enter structure details.
4. Load and add content to the Prole Content and Performance Goals sections.
5. Add two document periods, one for each half of an annual evaluation.
6. Review template seings.

1. Create a document type that can be used for an annual evaluation.
2. Create a performance role for Colleague and one for Matrix Manager. Congure the Matrix Manager role to
enable viewing worker and manager evaluations.
3. Create a process ow with the following tasks and subtasks, in the following order: Set Goals, Worker Self-
Evaluation, Manager Evaluation of Workers, Manage Participant Feedback, First Approval, Share Documents,
Worker Must Acknowledge Document, Conduct Review Meetings, Worker Must Acknowledge Review Meetings,
Worker Final Feedback, Manager Final Feedback.
4. Create the following sections: Prole Content, Performance Goals, Questionnaire, Overall Summary, Worker
Final Feedback, Manager Final Feedback.
5. Create the review period named FY2017.

Entering General Information

1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, on the Workforce Development task list page, in the Task panel, click
2. On the Search page, click Manage Performance Templates to open the Manage Performance Templates
3. Click Create.
4. On the Create Performance Template page, in the General section, complete the elds, as shown in this table.

Field Value

Template Type Standard


Annual Performance Evaluation


Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Performance Management Performance Templates

Field Value

This template is used for an annual performance evaluation.


From Date  

To Date  


Any that can be used for an annual evaluation

Document Type  

5. In the Eligibility Prole section, click Add.

6. In the Eligibility Prole section, complete the elds as shown in this table.

Field Value

Eligibility Prole  


7. In the Participation section, click Add.

8. Select Manager.
9. In the Participation section, click Add.
10. Select Worker.
11. In the Participation section, click Add.
12. Select Colleague.
13. In the Participation section, click Add.
14. Select Matrix Manager.
15. In the Participation section, complete the elds as shown in this table.

Field Value

Set the minimum number for each  
role check box

Total minimum number of  
participants required in the

16. In the Colleague and Matrix Manager rows, in the Minimum Number of Participants Required Per Role
column, enter 1.
17. Click Save.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Performance Management Performance Templates

Entering Process Details

1. On the Process tab, complete the elds, as shown in this table. Use the default values except where indicated.

Field Value

The process ow you created as a prerequisite for this task.

Process Flow  

Calculate ratings  

Display star ratings  

Include digital signature  

Display feedback notes  

Participant feedback is required  

Worker can view participants  
added by manager

Auto-populate matrix managers of  
the worker as participants

Matrix Manager
Default participant role  

Allow matrix managers to access  
worker document automatically

2. Click Save.

Entering Structure Details

Add an available section of each type to the performance template, edit the existing seings for the sections, and add
the manager and worker roles to each section.

1. Enter structure details for the Prole Content section.

2. Enter structure details for the Performance Goals section.
3. Enter structure details for the Questionnaire section.
4. Enter structure details for the Overall Summary section.
5. Enter structure details for the Final Feedback sections.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Performance Management Performance Templates

1. Enter structure details for the Prole Content section

1. On the Structure tab, in the Sections section, click Add.
2. In the Section Name section, select the name of the Prole Content section that you created as a prerequisite
for this task.
3. In the Section Processing section, complete the elds as shown in this table. Use the default values except
where indicated.

Field Value

Prole Content
Section Type  

Rate Section  

Calculation Rule for Section  

Section Rating Model  

Weight section  

Section Weight  

4. In the Item Processing section, complete the elds as shown in this table. Use the default values except where

Field Value

Enable items  

Add and remove items during task  
to set goals

Enable ratings for items  

Use section rating model for  
performance rating

Item Calculation  

Target Performance Rating  

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Performance Management Performance Templates

Field Value



Target Prociency Level  

5. In the Processing by Role section, click Add.

6. In the Processing by Role section, complete the elds as shown in this table.

Field Value


Share Ratings  

Share Comments  

Update Prole  

Person Prole Type  

Evaluation Type
Instance Qualier Set  

Instance Qualier  

7. In the Processing by Role section, click Add.

8. In the Processing by Role section, complete the elds as shown in this table. Use the default values except
where indicated.

Field Value


9. Repeat steps 7 and 8, substituting Colleague and Matrix Manager for Worker.
10. Click Save.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Performance Management Performance Templates

2. Enter structure details for the Performance Goals section

1. On the Structure tab, in the Sections section, click Add.
2. In the Section Name section, select the name of the Performance Goals section that you created as a
prerequisite for this task.
3. In the Section Processing section, complete the elds as shown in this table. Use the default values except
where indicated.

Field Value

Performance Goals
Section Type  

Rate Section  

Calculation Rule for Section  

Section Rating Model  

Weight section  

Section Weight  

4. In the Item Processing section, complete the elds as shown in this table. Use the default values except where

Field Value

Enable items  

Add and remove items during task  
to set goals

Enable ratings for items  

Use section rating model for  
performance rating

Item Calculation  

Target Performance Rating  

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Performance Management Performance Templates

Field Value



5. In the Processing by Role section, click Add.

6. In the Processing by Role section, complete the elds as shown in this table.

Field Value


Share Ratings  

Share Comments  

Update Prole  

Person Prole Type  

Instance Qualier Set  

Instance Qualier  

7. In the Processing by Role section, click Add.

8. In the Processing by Role section, complete the elds as shown in this table. Use the default values except
where indicated.

Field Value


9. Repeat steps 7 and 8, substituting Colleague and Matrix Manager for Worker.
10. Click Save.

3. Enter structure details for the Questionnaire section

1. On the Structure tab, in the Sections section, click Add.
2. In the Section Name section, select the name of the Questionnaire section that you created as a prerequisite for
this task.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Performance Management Performance Templates

3. In the Section Processing section, select Questionnaire as the section type.

4. In the Processing by Role section, click Add.
5. In the Processing by Role section, complete the elds as shown in this table.

Field Value


Manager Questionnaire Can Be  
Viewed by the Role

Worker Questionnaire Can Be  
Viewed by the Role

Participant Questionnaire Can Be  
Viewed by the Role

Participant Name Can Be Viewed  
by the Role

Participant Role Can be Viewed by  
the Role

6. In the Processing by Role section, click Add.

7. In the Processing by Role section, complete the elds as shown in this table. Use the default values except
where indicated.

Field Value


Manager Questionnaire Can Be  
Viewed by the Role

Worker Questionnaire Can Be  
Viewed by the Role

Participant Questionnaire Can Be  
Viewed by the Role

Participant Name Can Be Viewed  
by the Role

Participant Role Can be Viewed by  
the Role

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Performance Management Performance Templates

8. In the Processing by Role section, click Add.

9. In the Processing by Role section, complete the elds as shown in this table. Use the default values except
where indicated.

Field Value


Participant Role Can Enter  
Comments Visible to Worker

10. Repeat step 9, substituting Matrix Manager for Colleague.

11. Click Save.

4. Enter structure details for the Overall Summary section

1. On the Structure tab, in the Sections section, click Add.
2. In the Section Name section, select the name of the Overall Summary section that you created as a prerequisite
for this task.
3. In the Section Processing section, complete the elds as shown in this table. Use the default values except
where indicated.

Field Value

Overall Summary
Section Type  

Rate Section  

Calculation Rule for Section  

Section Rating Model  

4. In the Processing by Role section, click Add.

5. In the Processing by Role section, complete the elds as shown in this table.

Field Value


Share Ratings  

Share Comments  

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Performance Management Performance Templates

Field Value

Update Prole  

Person Prole Type  

Instance Qualier Set  

Instance Qualier  

6. In the Processing by Role section, click Add.

7. In the Processing by Role section, complete the elds as shown in this table. Use the default values except
where indicated.

Field Value


8. Repeat steps 6 and 7, substituting Colleague and Matrix Manager for Worker.
9. Click Save.

5. Enter structure details for the Final Feedback sections

1. On the Structure tab, in the Sections section, click Add.
2. In the Section Name section, select the name of the Worker Final Feedback section that you created as a
prerequisite for this task.
3. In the Section Processing section, complete the elds as shown in this table. Use the default values except
where indicated.

Field Value

Worker Final Feedback

Section Type  

4. In the Processing by Role section, click Add.

5. In the Processing by Role section, complete the elds as shown in this table.

Field Value


Share Comments  

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Performance Management Performance Templates

6. In the Processing by Role section, click Add.

7. In the Processing by Role section, complete the elds as shown in this table. Use the default values except
where indicated.

Field Value


8. In the Section Name section, select the name of the Manager Final Feedback section that you created as a
prerequisite for this task.
9. In the Section Processing section, complete the elds as shown in this table.

Field Value

Manager Final Feedback

Section Type  

10. In the Processing by Role section, click Add.

11. In the Processing by Role section, complete the elds as shown in this table.

Field Value


12. In the Processing by Role section, click Add.

13. In the Processing by Role section, complete the elds as shown in this table.

Field Value


14. Click Save.

Loading and Adding Content to Sections

1. On the Content tab, complete the elds as shown in this table.

Field Value

The name of the Prole Content section you created as a prerequisite for this task.
Section Name  

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Performance Management Performance Templates

2. In the Section Items section, click Load Items from Section.

3. In the Section Items section, click Add, then complete the elds as shown in this table.

Field Value

Item Name  

4. In the Details section, complete the elds as shown in this table. Use the default values except where indicated.

Field Value

Target Prociency Level  

Performance Rating Model  


5. On the Content tab, complete the elds as shown in this table.

Field Value

The name of the Performance Goals section you created as a prerequisite for this task
Section Name  

6. In the Section Items section, click Load Items from Section.

7. In the Section Items section, click Add, then complete the elds as shown in this table.

Field Value

Item Name  

8. In the Details section, complete the elds as shown in this table. Use the default values except where indicated.

Field Value

Performance Rating Model  

Target Performance Rating  


9. Click Save.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Performance Management Performance Templates

Adding Document Periods

1. On the Document Periods tab, in the Document Periods section, click Add.
2. In the Document Periods section, complete the elds as shown in this table.

Field Value

2017 Performance Evaluation First Half


Review Period  

From Date  

To Date  

Short Name  

Available to Use  

3. In the Eligibility Prole for the Period section, complete the elds as shown in this table. Use the default values
except where indicated.

Field Value

Eligibility Prole  

4. In the Due Dates section, complete the due date for each task as shown in this table.

Task Due Date

Set Goals  

Worker Self-Evaluation  

Manager Evaluation of Workers  

First Approval  

Share Performance Documents  

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Performance Management Performance Templates

Task Due Date

Conduct Meetings  

Provide Final Feedback  

Set Next Period Goals  

5. In the Questionnaires for the Period section, click Add.

6. In the Questionnaires for the Period section, complete the elds as shown in this table.

Field Value

Template Role  

Questionnaire Name  

7. Repeat steps 5 and 6, substituting Worker, Colleague, and Matrix Manager for Manager.
8. On the Document Periods tab, in the Document Periods section, click Add.
9. In the Document Periods section, complete the elds as shown in this table.

Field Value

2017 Performance Evaluation Second Half


Review Period  

From Date  

To Date  

Short Name  

10. In the Document Types for Interim Evaluations section, click Add.
11. In the Document Type eld, select the document type selected on the general tab.
12. In the Due Dates section, complete the due date for each task as shown in this table.

Task Due Date

Set Goals  

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Performance Management Performance Templates

Task Due Date

Worker Self-Evaluation  

Manager Evaluation of Workers  

First Approval  

Share Performance Documents  

Conduct Meetings  

Provide Final Feedback  

Set Next Period Goals  

13. In the Questionnaires for the Period section, click Add.

14. In the Questionnaires for the Period section, complete the elds as shown in this table.

Field Value

Template Role  

Questionnaire Name  

15. Repeat steps 13 and 14, substituting Worker, Colleague, and Matrix Manager for Manager.
16. Click Save.

Reviewing Template Seings

1. On the Summary tab, review the seings you entered for the template.
2. Click Save.

Related Topics
• Options for Creating Performance Documents

Options for Updating In Use Performance Templates

You can edit performance templates that are already in use to change the aributes of the templates. When you edit a
template, all performance documents created from the template are updated to include the changes. Use the Manage

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Performance Management Performance Templates

Performance Templates task in the Setup and Maintenance work area, Workforce Development oering, Worker
Performance functional area.

Aributes You Can Edit

On the Process tab, you can update the following aributes of an in-use performance template:

• Display calculated ratings to: worker, manager, participants, and matrix manager, if the Calculate ratings
option is already enabled
• Display star ratings

On the Structure tab, you can update these aributes:

• In the Performance Goals section, you can select or deselect the Allow update goals action to update goal
weights from goal management business process option, if the Populate with Worker Performance Goals
option is already enabled
• In the Performance Goals, Development Goals, and Competencies sections, you can update these options in the
Processing by Role section:

◦ Item Ratings
◦ Section Ratings
◦ Section Comments
◦ Share Ratings
◦ Item Comments
◦ Share Comments
◦ Participant Name Can Be Viewed by the Role
◦ Participant Role Can Be Viewed by the Role

• In the Overall Summary section, you can update these options in the Processing by Role section:

◦ Section Ratings
◦ Section Comments
◦ Share Ratings
◦ Share Comments
◦ Participant Name Can Be Viewed by the Role
◦ Participant Role Can Be Viewed by the Role

• In the Questionnaire section, you can update these options in the Processing by Role section:

◦ Participant Name Can Be Viewed by the Role

◦ Participant Questionnaire Can Be Viewed by the Role
◦ Manager Questionnaire Can Be Viewed by the Role
◦ Worker Questionnaire Can Be Viewed by the Role
◦ Participant Role Can Be Viewed by the Role

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Performance Management Performance Templates

Automatic Updating of Performance Documents

When you save the updated performance template, a dialog box appears enabling you to review and the changes. When
you click OK, a process job starts automatically to update the template and all performance documents created from
the template. The changes appear when a performance document is opened. If there is already a process job running
for the template, you must wait until it completes before submiing it again.

Set Up Interim Evaluations in Performance Templates

You can create performance document types and congure performance templates and document periods to set up
interim evaluations to appear in later performance documents. You can congure the performance template to display
ratings and comments for individual content items, section ratings, and the overall summary rating. This topic describes
how to create document types and document periods to congure interim evaluations in which ratings and comments
appear in successive performance documents, a project evaluation, and an annual performance document.

Create performance process ows to include tasks for the manager and worker rating the worker for the annual and
quarterly evaluations, and the project evaluations. You can use the same process ow for both.

Create the sections required by the process ow, including at least:

• Prole Content (Competencies)
• Performance Goals or Development Goals
• Overall Summary

Create a review period to use in all performance document periods.

Creating Document Types

For this procedure, you create document types to use in two performance templates:
• Project Evaluation: Evaluate workers for a project completed within the annual evaluation period. Ratings and
comments for the project evaluation appear in the annual evaluation.
• Annual and Quarterly: Evaluate workers quarterly and annually. The ratings and comments for each interim
quarter appear in the subsequent quarter and annual evaluations.

1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, select the Manage Performance Document Types task.
2. In the Search Results section of the Manage Performance Document Types page, click Create to open the
Create Performance Document Types page.
3. In the Name eld, enter Project Evaluation.
4. Enter a description.
5. Enter the From Date and To Date. These dates must be the same as or extend beyond the date range of the
performance templates in which they're used.
6. Set the status to Active.
7. Select Worker can select manager when creating document to let workers select the manager who manages
their performance documents.
8. Click Save and Close to open the Conrmation dialog box.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Performance Management Performance Templates

9. Click OK to return to the Manage Performance Document Types page.

10. Repeat steps 2 through 9 to create the Annual and Quarterly document type. For step 3, enter the name Annual
and Quarterly.

Conguring the Project Evaluation Performance Template

In this procedure, you create the performance template for the project evaluation, which is one of the interim
documents that appears in the annual evaluation.
1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, select the Manage Performance Templates task.
2. In the Search Results section of the Manage Performance Templates page, click Create to open. the Create
Performance Template page.
3. Congure the General tab using the following steps.
a. On the General tab, enter a name and optionally, comments.
b. Enter the From Date and To Date. The From Date must be the same or later than, and the To Date the
same as or earlier than the From Date and To Date range of the performance document type, process
ow, roles, and sections used in the template.
c. Leave the status as Active. In the Document Type eld, select Project Evaluation.
d. In the Eligibility Prole section, add eligibility proles to limit the performance documents to eligible
workers, if required by your business process.
e. In the Participation section, select participant minimums, if required by your business process.
f. Click Add to add the roles that evaluate the worker.

Note: Ensure that you add manager and worker roles to the template as only their
ratings and comments appear in interim evaluations.
g. Click the Process tab.
4. Congure the Process, Structure, and Content tabs using the following steps.
a. In the Process Flow eld, select a process ow for the project evaluation.
b. Congure the Alerts, Calculation Rules, Processing Options, and Participant Options sections as required
for your business process.
c. Click the Structure tab.
d. In the Sections section, click Add to add the rst section required for the tasks required in the process
e. Congure the Section Processing, Item Processing, Section Content, and Processing by Role sections as
required to conform to your business process. Note: Ensure that you add manager and worker roles to
the section as only their ratings and comments appear in interim evaluations.
f. Repeat steps 4.4 and 4.5 for each section required by the process ow.
g. Click the Content tab.
h. Add content items to the Goals and Competencies sections, if required by your business process.
5. Click the Document Periods tab.
6. Congure the Document Periods tab using the following steps.
a. In the Document Periods section, click Add.
b. In the Name eld, enter a name. The name is the name of the project evaluation performance document.
c. Select a review period. The review period must be the same used for the annual performance template.
d. Edit the performance document start and end dates, if required for your business process.
e. Enter a short name for the period.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Performance Management Performance Templates

f. Add eligibility proles as required for your business process.

g. Enter due dates for each task.
h. Add roles and select questionnaires as required for your business process.
7. Click the Summary tab.
8. Review the template and click Save and Close to open the Conrmation dialog box.
9. Click OK to reopen the Manage Performance Templates page.

Conguring the Annual and Quarterly Performance Template

In this procedure, you congure the performance template used for both the annual and quarterly evaluations. On
the Document Periods tab, you congure the periods for each so that each quarterly performance document is an
interim evaluation. Ratings and comments for each appear in the subsequent quarterly and annual evaluations. You
also congure the annual document period so the project evaluation ratings appear.
1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, select the Manage Performance Templates task.
2. In the Search Results section of the Manage Performance Templates page, click Create to open the Create
Performance Template page.
3. Congure the General tab using the following steps.

a. On the General tab, enter a name and optionally, comments.

b. Enter the From Date and To Date. The From Date must be the same or later than, and the To Date the
same as or earlier than the From Date and To Date range of the performance document type, process
ow, roles, and sections used in the template.
c. Leave the status as Active. In the Document Type eld, select Annual and Quarterly.
d. In the Eligibility Prole section, add eligibility proles to limit the performance documents to eligible
workers, if required by your business process.
e. In the Participation section, select participant minimums, if required by your business process.
f. Click Add to add the roles that evaluate the worker.

Note: Ensure that you add manager and worker roles to the template as only their
ratings and comments appear in interim evaluations.
g. Click the Process tab.
4. In the Process Flow eld, select a process ow for the annual and quarterly evaluations.
5. Repeat steps 4.2 through 4.8 from the Conguring the Project Evaluation Performance Template procedure.
6. Click the Document Periods tab.
7. Congure the document period for the rst quarter evaluation using the following steps.

a. In the Document Periods section, click Add.

b. In the Name eld, enter a name for the rst quarter performance document.
c. Select a review period. The review period must be the same used for the annual performance period.
d. Edit the performance document start and end dates, if required for your business process.
e. Enter a short name for the period.
f. Add eligibility proles and select roles and questionnaires as required for your business process.
g. Enter due dates for each task.
8. Congure the document period for the second quarter evaluation using the following steps.

a. In the Document Periods section, click Add.

b. In the Name eld, enter a name for the second quarter performance document.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 14
Implementing Performance Management Performance Templates

c. Repeat steps 7.3 through 7.7 for the period. The short name must be unique for each period.
d. In the Document Types section, click Add.
e. In the Document Type eld, select Annual and Quarterly so the ratings and comments from the rst
quarter document appear in the document.
9. Congure the document period for the third quarter evaluation using the following steps.
a. In the Document Periods section, click Add.
b. In the Name eld, enter a name for the third quarter performance document.
c. Repeat steps 8.3 through 8.5 for the period.
10. Congure the document period for the annual evaluation using the following steps.
a. In the Document Periods section, click Add.
b. In the Name eld, enter a name for the annual performance document.
c. Repeat steps 7.3 through 7.7 for the period.
d. In the Document Types period, click Add.
e. In the Document Type eld, select Annual and Quarterly so the ratings and comments from each
preceding quarter appear in the annual document.
f. In the Document Types period, click Add.
g. In the Document Type eld, select Project Evaluation so the ratings and comments from the project
evaluation appear in the annual document.
11. Click the Summary tab.
12. Review the template and click Save and Close to open the Conrmation dialog box.
13. Click OK to reopen the Manage Performance Templates page.

FAQs for Performance Templates

What happens if I duplicate a performance template?
You have the option to copy all document period information, if it exists, including eligibility proles, from the original
template. Edit the document period name and short period name on the Document Periods tab to avoid having Copy
in the title. If you copy periods, the new template opens, otherwise the template appears in the search results list, from
where you can open it. You manage performance templates using the Manage Performance Templates task in the
Setup and Maintenance work area.
If the template you duplicate is in use, the In Use status of the copied template sets to No so you can edit it before
making it available. When using eligibility proles, documents made from the template aren't available until eligibility is

What's a participation role in the performance template?

A role that can access the performance document created from the performance template. You must add to the
template every role that is required to participate in viewing, or providing ratings or participant feedback in the
performance document. For example, if the process ow requires that managers rate workers and share the
performance document, but workers don't provide ratings, you must add both the manager and worker roles. You can
select a minimum number of participants required for each role to provide feedback, but the number is a guideline and
not enforced.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 15
Implementing Performance Management Check-In Templates

15 Check-In Templates

Check-In Template Options

Create check-in templates to meet your organization requirements by specifying options that need to be included
when the employee or the manager creates the check-in document. You can make the template available to eligible
employees by specifying one or more eligibility proles. You can limit the access to the check-in template to those
employees who meet the eligibility prole by selecting the Required option for the eligibility prole.

Check-In Template Content Options

You can include any of the check-in content in the template which is made available to the worker or manager when
they create the check-in document.

Check-In Content Options Description

Development goals When selected, workers or managers can create discussion topics for their active development
  goals in the check-in document.

Add default discussion topics for When selected, discussion topics are automatically created for the active development goals in
development goals the check-in document.

Performance goals When selected, workers or managers can create discussion topics for their performance goals
  in the check-in document.

Add default discussion topics for When selected, discussion topics are automatically created for the performance goals in the
performance goals review period in the check-in document.

General discussion topics When selected, workers or managers can create general discussion topics in the check-in

Questionnaire When selected, you must specify a questionnaire for the worker or manager or both.

Note: Ensure that you schedule the batch process to assign check-in templates to eligible proles as dened
in the check-in template.

FAQs for Check-In Templates

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 15
Implementing Performance Management Check-In Templates

Can I modify the check-in template?

Yes, you can modify an active check-in template for the Name, Description, and To Date aributes. However, you can't
change the check-in content options and eligibility prole. Instead you can end date the template so that users can't
create check-in documents after the specied date.
If the check-in template isn't in use, then you can set it to Inactive status and modify the check-in content and eligibility

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 16
Implementing Performance Management Feedback Templates

16 Feedback Templates

Feedback Templates
Create feedback templates as per your organization requirements. You need to specify a questionnaire and set
the template status to Active so that feedback templates are available when creating a feedback request. As an
administrator, you can manage feedback templates in: My Client Groups > Performance > Tasks > Setup and
Maintenance > Manage Feedback Templates
If the feedback template is in use, the application indicates it in the Manage Feedback Templates page. When the
feedback template is Active, you can modify the template name and description, but not the questionnaire. You can set
the template status to Inactive so that no feedback requests are created using the inactive template.

FAQs for Feedback Templates

Can I change the questionnaire in the Feedback template?
Yes, if the feedback template isn't in use.

Can I delete a feedback template?

Yes, if the feedback template isn't in use.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 16
Implementing Performance Management Feedback Templates

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 17
Implementing Performance Management Target Ratings Distribution

17 Target Ratings Distribution

Rating Model Distributions

Create a rating model distribution to set target percentages for worker overall performance ratings that your
organization prefers for each rating level of a rating model. You manage rating distributions using the Manage Target
Rating Distributions task in the Setup and Maintenance or Performance Management work areas.

Rating Distribution Analytic

The comparison of the target rating model distribution to the actual distribution of overall ratings for workers appears
in the Rating Distribution analytic that appears on the My Organization page. The ratings appear when the manager
rates the worker and saves the performance document. The analytic displays the number of performance documents
for each overall rating provided by the manager next to the number targeted by the rating model distribution. If you
don't create a rating model distribution, the Rating Distribution analytic appears only with the number of performance
documents for each overall rating the managers provide.

Considerations for Creating Rating Model Distributions

You can create rating model distributions to set target percentages for worker overall performance ratings for each
rating level of a rating model.
When you create a rating model distribution, consider the following:

• Performance template to associate with the rating model

• Percentages for each rating level
• Date limits for the distributions

You manage rating distributions using the Manage Target Rating Distributions task in the Setup and Maintenance or
Performance Management work areas.

Associating a Performance Template with the Rating Model Distribution

Select a performance template to associate the rating model distribution with a particular performance template so
managers can compare the overall ratings to the same rating distribution for all completed performance documents
created from the template. The rating model you use for the rating model distribution is the one used by the Overall
Summary section of the performance template. You can associate the rating distribution with multiple performance
Note: Before creating the rating model distribution, you must create a rating model and a performance
template to associate with the rating model distribution.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 17
Implementing Performance Management Target Ratings Distribution

Dening Percentages for Each Rating Level

Dene the distribution percentage of performance documents that your organization targets to achieve each overall
rating level for the rating model used by the performance template. The total percentage must be 100. The table shows
an example of a rating model distribution for a rating model with ve levels.

Rating Level Distribution Percentage

1 5

2 24

3 41

4 24

5 5

The application calculates the percentage of documents for the direct and indirect reports of the manager that would be
expected for each rating level. Using the gures in the table as an example, consider an organization in which manager
Chris Black has 200 direct and indirect reports. The table shows the overall ratings Chris awarded the reports, and the
targeted number of performance documents with those rating levels according to the rating model distribution. These
are the gures that are represented in the Rating Distribution analytic.

Rating Level Number of Performance Documents Target Number of Performance

with Manager Ratings at Each Level Documents for Each Rating Level

1 8 20

2 28 48

3 104 82

4 32 48

5 28 20

In this example, Chris has a lower number of performance documents than targeted for rating levels 1, 2, and 4, and a
higher number of performance documents for rating levels 3 and 5.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 17
Implementing Performance Management Target Ratings Distribution

Specifying Date Limits

Select the From Date to determine when the rating model distribution becomes available. You can optionally select
a To Date to set an expiration date for the model to replace it with another or discontinue using a rating model
distribution. To replace it with another, select a From Date for the new rating model distribution later than the To
Date of the one that expired. If you don't replace an expired rating model distribution with another, the rating model
distribution doesn't appear in the Rating Distribution analytic. However, the overall ratings the manager provides do

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 17
Implementing Performance Management Target Ratings Distribution

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 18
Implementing Performance Management Performance and Potential Box Chart Labels

18 Performance and Potential Box Chart


How You Compare Workers Using the Performance and

Potential Box Chart
The Performance and Potential box chart analytic gives managers a graphical view of the potential and performance
ratings for their workers. Managers can compare their workers, and distinguish high and low performers. The analytic
appears on the My Organization page in the Performance Management work area.
This topic discusses describes the key points of the box chart:

• Rating models
• Performance and potential data sources
• Box cell labels
• Analytic viewing options

Rating Models
The Performance and Potential box chart requires both a performance rating model you select, and the predened
potential rating model. For the Potential rating model, you must congure the aributes of the rating model, but you
cannot create and use a dierent one for the box chart. You congure rating models using the Manage Prole Rating
Models task is the Setup and Maintenance work area.

To create the box labels for the Performance and Potential box chart, you must rst select the performance rating
model to associate with the box chart. Use the Manage Performance and Potential Box Chart Labels task in the Setup
and Maintenance or Performance Management work areas to create and update box chart labels.

Select the rating model specied in the performance templates for the overall rating of the Overall Summary section.
This ensures that the box chart displays the data from the performance documents created from the templates. The
default performance rating model is the one selected in the Default Rating Model for Performance Management
Analytics prole option.

If you create a performance template that uses another rating model for the Overall Summary section, you must:

• Associate another box chart with that rating model

• Create labels for that box chart

This setup ensures that the data appears in the analytic on the My Organization page.

The performance rating model you select is used along the x-axis to plot performance ratings. The analytic graph uses
the potential rating model dened in Oracle Fusion Prole Management for the y-axis to plot potential ratings.

The number of cells that appear on the analytic depends on the rating categories dened for the rating models you
use in the analytic. The number of cells is calculated by multiplying the number of rating categories dened for the
potential rating model by the number of rating categories for the performance rating model. For example, if each rating

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Chapter 18
Implementing Performance Management Performance and Potential Box Chart Labels

model has three rating categories, the total number of cells is: 3 x 3, or 9. If the potential rating model has four rating
categories and the performance rating model has three, the total of cells is: 4 x 3, or 12.

Performance and Potential Data Sources

Performance ratings are collected from performance documents. The performance rating is the overall rating supplied
by the manager in the Overall Summary section of the most recently completed performance document.

Managers rate worker potential ratings using the Career Planning tab in the person spotlight and during a talent
review, which could be the most recent potential rating in the worker's prole. Performance and potential ratings are
maintained in Oracle Fusion Prole Management.

Box Cell Labels

You can label each cell in the grid with names that describe the level. For example, if the performance and potential
rating models for the graphic display low ratings in the lower left of the grid, you could name the lower left cell Novice.
The upper right cell that contains highest performers could be called Top Talent.

Manager Viewing Options

On the My Organization page, managers can select the performance document for which they want to view the ratings
in the analytic. Managers can lter the view to display the data for all their reports or just their direct reports.

Related Topics
• Rating Models

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Glossary
Implementing Performance Management

Any measurable behavior required by an organization, job, or position that a person may demonstrate in the work
context. A competency can be a piece of knowledge, a skill, an attitude, or an attribute.

content item
An individual quality, skill, or qualification within a content type that you track in profiles.

content library
A repository of the content types and individual content items that can be associated with person profiles and profiles
for workforce structures such as jobs and positions.

descriptive flexfield
Expandable fields used for capturing additional descriptive information or attributes about an entity, such as a customer
case. You may configure information collection and storage based on the context.

development goal
A goal that is geared toward facilitating the career growth of individuals so that they can perform better in their current
job or prepare themselves for advancement.

document type
A categorization of person documents that provides a set of options to control what document information to retain,
who can access the documents, whether the documents require approval, and whether the documents are subject to
expiry. A document type exists for a combination of document category and subcategory.

eligibility profile
A user-defined set of criteria used to determine whether a person qualifies for a benefits offering, variable rate or
coverage, compensation plan, checklist task, or other object for which eligibility must be established.

fast formula
A simple way to write formulas using English words and basic mathematical functions. Formulas are generic
expressions of calculations or comparisons that repeat with different input values.

goal library
A central repository of reusable goals maintained by the human resource specialist that managers and workers can
copy to use for their own goals.

goal plan
A collection of performance goals that are grouped by common characteristics, such as a specified time frame or a
particular department that must work on them.

Oracle Talent Management Cloud Glossary
Implementing Performance Management

Abbreviation for human resource.

instance qualifier set

A set of values that uniquely identifies multiple instances of the same profile item.

Person other than the manager who provides feedback about a worker's performance or development upon request.

participant feedback
Ratings, comments, and questionnaire responses about the performance of a worker provided by people other than the
worker or the worker's manager in a 360 evaluation.

performance document
Online document used to evaluate a worker for a specific time period. The document contains the content on which the
worker is evaluated, which could include goals, competencies, and questionnaires.

performance document content

The criteria, such as competencies and goals, contained in a performance document on which an individual is

performance goal
A results-oriented goal, often using specific targets, to assess the level of a worker's achievement.

performance process flow

The tasks, and the order in which those tasks are performed, in a performance evaluation.

question library
A central repository of reusable questions to include in questionnaires.

A set of questions presented in a specific order and format.

rating model
A scale used to measure the performance and proficiency of workers.

talent review
A series of meetings where organization managers evaluate trends, assess strengths, and address areas of risk for the


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