Using Production Scheduling
Using Production Scheduling
Using Production Scheduling
Cloud SCM
Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM
Using Production Scheduling
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Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM
Using Production Scheduling
1 Intoduction 1
Why You Use Production Scheduling ......................................................................................................................................... 1
How to Enable the Production Scheduling Work Area ........................................................................................................... 1
Production Scheduling Tasks and Business Flows ................................................................................................................. 2
2 Organization Setup 3
Overview of Scheduling Organizations ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Attributes .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Resource Parameters ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Resource Groups ............................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Changeover Rules .......................................................................................................................................................................... 6
User-Defined Attribute Sequences ............................................................................................................................................. 7
Data Setup Reference for Scheduling Organizations ............................................................................................................. 8
3 Schedule Setup 11
Overview of Schedule Options ................................................................................................................................................... 11
Schedule Scope .............................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Schedule Parameters .................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Advanced Schedule Parameters ................................................................................................................................................ 14
Schedule View Settings ............................................................................................................................................................... 16
Data Setup Reference for Schedule Options .......................................................................................................................... 16
4 Schedule Processes 19
Overview of Schedule Actions ................................................................................................................................................... 19
Refresh and Solve Actions .......................................................................................................................................................... 19
Schedule Analysis and Adjustment ......................................................................................................................................... 20
Release Analysis and Actions .................................................................................................................................................... 24
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Using Production Scheduling
Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Chapter 1
Using Production Scheduling Intoduction
1 Intoduction
You can perform these tasks in any order, but you must do both before a user can access the work area.
• Opt in to the Production Scheduling feature
• Assign a job role to the applicable users
For more information regarding how to opt in to features, refer to the Using Functional Setup Manager guide, Offering
Configuration chapter in the Oracle Help Center.
Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Chapter 1
Using Production Scheduling Intoduction
For more information regarding how to assign job roles to users, refer to the Securing SCM guide, Role Provisioning
chapter in the Oracle Help Center.
Related Topics
• Role Provisioning and Deprovisioning
• Overview of Configuring Offerings
• Before creating a schedule for an organization, this organization must be defined as a scheduling organization.
Click the Manage Scheduling Organizations button to add, manage, and delete scheduling organizations. To
know more, refer to the Organization Setup chapter.
• To create a schedule, click Create on the Production Schedules page to define and configure your schedule. To
know more, refer to the Schedule Setup chapter.
• To work with an existing schedule, use the actions menu for that schedule. To know more, refer to the Schedule
Processes chapter.
Note: Only users with data access to a specific organization can access schedules and schedule data for the
corresponding organization. You can configure the data access using the Manage Data Access task in the Setup and
Maintenance work area.
Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Chapter 2
Using Production Scheduling Organization Setup
2 Organization Setup
Note: Removing an organization from the Production Scheduling work area does not delete it from other work areas.
Note: You can't refresh data before attribute groups are added using the Manage Attributes page.
Attributes are aspects of your items or work definition operations that impact scheduling. For example, if your
organization manufactures ice cream, multiple attributes, such as flavor and size, might be considered, and
combinations of these attributes are referred to as attribute groups.
To manage attributes, open the actions menu for an organization and click Attributes.
Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Chapter 2
Using Production Scheduling Organization Setup
Tip: Refresh organization data after adding manufacturing and item attributes.
Attribute-Resource Assignments
You need to assign relevant attributes to specific resources using the Resource Attributes tab. These assignments are a
prerequisite to defining changeover rules. To assign an attribute to a resource, you first select a work center. You then
pick the resource and specify the attribute you're assigning. You can also dissociate an attribute from a resource using
the Delete action.
Resource Parameters
Use resource parameters to define changeover-related and constraint-related aspects of a resource. To manage
resource parameters, open the actions menu for an organization and click the Resource Parameters option.
Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Chapter 2
Using Production Scheduling Organization Setup
◦ If you select Constrained, the solver will respect both calender events and resource capacity constraints.
◦ If you select Relaxed, the solver ignores calendar events and resource capacity constraints.
◦ If you select Relaxed for capacity only, the solver will respect only calendar events.
5. Select the changeover calculation type.
◦Use Concurrent when multiple attribute changes need to occur simultaneously. The solver will consider
the maximum duration of all attribute-based changeover rule durations.
◦ Use Sequential if multiple attribute value changes need to happen in sequence. The solver will consider
the sum of all attribute-based changeover rule durations.
6. Select the changeover position.
◦ Use Cleanup if attribute-based changeovers on the resource should happen when an operation ends.
◦ Use Setup if attribute-based changeovers on the resource should happen before an operation begins.
7. Specify whether the horizon start date and time must be enforced.
◦ When Enforce horizon start is enabled, all work order operations will be scheduled to begin after the
horizon start.
Note: This preference will be overridden if the solver was configured to respect firm work orders in the
Schedule Options UI.
◦ If you disable it, then firm work order operations can be scheduled to begin before the horizon start.
8. Specify whether the user-defined attribute sequence will be applied.
◦ If you enable Apply user-defined attribute sequence, the solver uses the attribute sequence you
defined using the resourceAttributeSequences REST service.
◦ If the setting is left disabled, the solver devises an attribute sequence.
◦ For the user-defined sequence to be applied, the schedule must be configured to use scheduling buckets
using the Schedule Options UI.
Tip: Apply the user-defined sequence to a single stage in the production process, preferably to a bottleneck
If you don't configure parameters for any resource in your schedule, the following default values will be considered:
Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Chapter 2
Using Production Scheduling Organization Setup
Resource Groups
Use resource groups to simplify data maintenance and schedule analysis.
• Simplify changeover rule definitions using resource groups instead of resources. For example, you can use a
single changeover rule for a group of resources, instead of defining rules for each resource individually.
• Focus on a set of resources for schedule analysis via the Gantt Chart. You can select a set of resources to view
operations and adjust the schedule only for those resources.
• Include outside supplier resources that will be relaxed for capacity.
Tip: Limiting the number of resources displayed in the Gantt Chart will improve application performance.
Changeover Rules
Use changeover rules to specify the time it will take to prepare a resource for the production of an item. Preparation
activities are cleanups or setups that must be done when the item being produced on a resource changes. To manage
changeover rules, open the actions menu for an organization and click the Changeover Rules option.
Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Chapter 2
Using Production Scheduling Organization Setup
2. Specify a sequence number to indicate when the changeover occurs. You can use decimal values.
3. Select either the resource group or the work center and resource. You can edit all fields using the REST service.
4. Select the attribute on which the changeover will occur.
5. Select the current and changed attribute values
6. Specify the duration of the changeover and the duration unit of measure.
7. Specify the cost of the changeover. It's considered when the user-defined attribute sequence is set to Reverse.
During schedule calculation, if multiple changeover rules are applicable between two work order operations, then the
rules with a lower sequence number are applied. Hence the more specific rules with respect to resources, attributes,
and attribute values should be assigned lower sequence number and the more general catch-all type rules should be
assigned higher sequence number.
Changeover rules can also be defined using the Supply Chain Planning/Production Scheduling Organizations/
Changeover Rules REST service. To know more, refer to the REST API for Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud
The following settings must be enabled so that the solver considers the sequence you define:
• Apply user-defined attribute sequence, for applicable resources, in the Resource Parameters UI.
• Use scheduling buckets, in the Schedule Options UI.
Note: Define attribute sequences on a single production stage only to prevent contradictory scheduling behavior.
You can also define defined attribute sequences using the Supply Chain Planning/Production Scheduling
Organizations/Resource Attribute Sequences REST service. To know more, refer to the REST API for Oracle Supply
Chain Management Cloud guide.
Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Chapter 2
Using Production Scheduling Organization Setup
• If you select Restart, the attribute value sequence restarts for the new scheduling bucket, in the order of the
user-defined sequence. This can effect changeovers across scheduling buckets.
• If you select Continue, the attribute value sequence continues through the new scheduling bucket. This will
reduce changeovers across scheduling buckets but will restart the sequence in order.
• If you select Reverse, the attribute value sequence can potentially reverse for the new scheduling bucket. This
can be useful when you need to cycle up and down a user-defined sequence. For example, by going from Small
to Large and then back down from Large to Small.
Note: Alternate resources must use the same cycle rule, attribute sequence, and attribute value sequence as the
primary resource to prevent contradictory scheduling behavior.
Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Chapter 2
Using Production Scheduling Organization Setup
Note: Only users with security privileges to access the work area of origin can verify these setups. These privileges
are granted by your enterprise administrator.
Related Topics
• Overview of Flexfields
Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Chapter 2
Using Production Scheduling Organization Setup
Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Chapter 3
Using Production Scheduling Schedule Setup
3 Schedule Setup
While creating a new schedule, you first define schedule options. To edit schedule options for an existing schedule,
open the action menu for that schedule and click Schedule Options.
Schedule Scope
The scope determines what data gets considered for scheduling.
Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Chapter 3
Using Production Scheduling Schedule Setup
Tip: You can improve scheduling performance by reducing the number of operation-resource records considered by
the application. To do so, limit the schedule horizon, the number of items, or the past-due supply horizon.
Schedule Parameters
Schedule parameters mark key horizon settings and determine scheduling behavior.
◦ If you select Rolling, the duration of the fixed time fence stays constant while the start date shifts by a
day, each day.
- If the anchor time is midnight, and the schedule refresh is performed after midnight on the same
day, the fixed time fence will be counted from midnight on that day, regardless of what time the
schedule refresh is performed.
- If the anchor time isn't midnight, let's say it's 8:00 a.m. today, and a schedule refresh is done after
8:00 a.m. today, then the horizon start and fixed time fence start is 8:00 a.m. today. But if a refresh
Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Chapter 3
Using Production Scheduling Schedule Setup
is performed before 8:00 a.m. on a given day, the horizon start time fence start will be 8:00 a.m.
the previous day.
◦ If you select Dynamic, the horizon start is the current day, and the time fence shrinks with each passing
day until it reaches a time fence minimum duration. When this minimum value is reached, the time fence
gets extended. If you select this extension type, you must also specify the time fence minimum duration
and time fence extension duration.
- The time fence shrinkage is the difference between the fixed time fence duration and the number
of days between the current day and the last day of the time fence. So if the anchor date and time
is Monday 12:00 a.m., the fixed time fence duration is 7 days, and you're refreshing the schedule
at Thursday 12:00 a.m., the time fence has shrunk to 4 days. If you set the minimum as 4 days and
the extension as 7 days, then from Friday 12:00 a.m., the time fence will have shrunk to 3 days,
Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Chapter 3
Using Production Scheduling Schedule Setup
which is below the limit of 4 days, and will extend by the extension duration of 7 days. This results
in a total time fence duration of 10 days.
Tip: The dynamic mode works best if the fixed time fence duration is a multiple of 7.
3. Specify the resource constraint horizon, a duration that's counted from the horizon start date. Resource
capacity constraints and calendar events within this horizon are respected during scheduling.
4. Select the anchor date and time, which is used to calculate the fixed time fence start, the schedule horizon
start, and, if scheduling buckets are used, the scheduling bucket start date and time. The schedule horizon start
and fixed time fence start will be the last time value of the anchor date and time before a schedule refresh; the
scheduling bucket start will be the anchor date and time.
5. Specify the release horizon, a duration that's counted from the horizon start. Work orders with start dates
within this horizon only will be released.
6. Specify the lateness tolerance in hours. Lateness tolerance is the number of hours from a Need By date by
which a demand or work order is considered late by the application.
7. Specify whether to firm released work orders that begin during the fixed time fence period.
8. Specify the work order release status settings when the schedule is published.
◦ If you select Mark work orders as released, the work orders irrespective of their current status will be set
to Released when the schedule is published.
◦ If you select Retain current work order status, the work orders retain their current status when the
schedule is published.
Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Chapter 3
Using Production Scheduling Schedule Setup
◦If you select Earliest completion time, work order operations are assigned to resources that allow them
to be completed relatively sooner.
◦ If you select Changeover and idle time aware, work order operations are assigned to resources such
that changeover and idle time is minimized locally.
2. Specify whether to use scheduling buckets.
If the Use scheduling buckets setting is enabled, the schedule horizon is divided into buckets, and the
scheduling bucket starts from the anchor date and time. If you enable this setting, you must also specify the
scheduling bucket size.
Note: If you want to use buckets and the horizon extension is dynamic, your bucket must align with the fixed
time fence, in that the end of the fixed time fence must match the bucket limit.
If the Use accelerated dispatching setting is enabled, the solver uses a simplified algorithm for faster
dispatching, used in scheduling models where only one production stage is constrained.
4. Specify whether to respect firm work orders within the fixed time fence.
If the Respect firm work orders setting is enabled, the application schedules firm work order operations such
that their assigned start dates will be respected throughout the fixed time fence. Production Scheduling may
move firm work orders outside the fixed time fence in order to respect constraints.
5. Specify the duration of a scheduling bucket.
6. Select whether to prebuild relaxed upstream resources.
When this setting is enabled, operations on a relaxed upstream resource will be scheduled regardless of when
operations on a constrained downstream resource are scheduled to begin, which means upstream operations
can complete well in advance of when downstream operations begin. If the setting isn't enabled, upstream
operations will be scheduled to complete just as downstream operations begin.
7. Specify a prebuild maximum duration.
It's the number of days in advance of the Need-by Date, that a work order can be scheduled for. This duration
determines the bucket to use for scheduling work orders that run on resources with a user-defined attribute
Note: The prebuild maximum duration is considered only when scheduling buckets are used.
8. Select whether to use the anchor date as the horizon start date.
If you enable this setting, the schedule horizon is no longer calculated from your local date and time but
from the anchor date and time, making it constant. Then, the schedule data isn't affected by any differences
between the anchor date and time and your current date and time. The past-due windows for both supplies
and demands also stay constant with respect to the schedule horizon dates.
Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Chapter 3
Using Production Scheduling Schedule Setup
Note: Limiting the number of resources to be displayed might improve application performance.
Note: The selection of a default resource group can be done only after refreshing the schedule.
2. Specify the default display horizon in terms of days. This allows to set the number of days the Gantt chart
considers to display data when you open the schedule view.
Scheduling organizations Production Scheduling, added from the Manage Scheduling Organizations UI.
Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Chapter 3
Using Production Scheduling Schedule Setup
Note: Only users with security privileges to access the work area of origin can verify these setups. These privileges
are determined by your enterprise administrator.
Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Chapter 3
Using Production Scheduling Schedule Setup
Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Chapter 4
Using Production Scheduling Schedule Processes
4 Schedule Processes
You can review a schedule after either action, by clicking Open in the action menu. You can also solve the schedule
using the Solve button in the schedule view.
Note: You must refresh a schedule after its last release, or else changes to the schedule for some work orders made
after that release may not get released in the next one.
Release a Schedule
Use release actions to review the number of work orders slated for release, and to release the schedule to your
manufacturing application.
Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Chapter 4
Using Production Scheduling Schedule Processes
• A refresh discards the existing scheduling solution to make way for the new data, so if you need to retain an
existing solution, release the schedule before refreshing it.
• A schedule refresh only updates the schedule with new data from Oracle Fusion Cloud Manufacturing, and the
work order operations you see in the Gantt chart will be as retrieved from Manufacturing.
If you want the solver to automatically generate a new solution after a refresh, click Refresh and Solve.
Tip: If you need to review a refreshed schedule before solving it, click the Refresh action, then open the schedule to
review it. You can then solve it using the Solve action in the schedule view.
• Before working with the Gantt Chart, you can review these analytics:
◦ Late Work Orders: Number of work orders scheduled for completion after their need-by dates.
◦ Changeover Time: Sum of all changeover time durations.
◦ Labor Utilization: Percentage of labor resource usage
◦ Equipment Utilization: Percentage of equipment resource usage.
Note: On work center resources that are setup with default units greater than one, the work order operations
cannot be seen individually on the Gantt chart. In such cases, the resource usage is indicated via different
colors. The darker shades of the color are used to denote heavier usage of resources.
• In the Gantt chart toolbar, select a resource group. Use the Resource Group list to specify whether to review
data for all resources or for a group of resources for schedule analysis.
Note: When the Default Units Available value for a work center resource is more than 1, you can review
resource levels using colors in the Gantt chart. Individual operations aren't displayed.
Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Chapter 4
Using Production Scheduling Schedule Processes
• Identify operations by attribute. Use the Highlight Attribute options to select an attribute in order to highlight
all work orders or items defined with that attribute. For example, if your attribute is Pack Size, then all
operations with the Pack Size attribute will be highlighted, and those with the same pack size value will be
displayed in the same color that was assigned to that size.
• Identify task dependencies. Select any operation to view upstream and downstream operations in the work
order routing, indicated with arrows.
• Identify and review idle times, changeovers, and downtime events.
You can change resource assignments and manage downtime events in the Gantt Chart.
a. Move an operation from a resource to an alternate resource by dragging and dropping it, or move it
backward or forward in time on the same resource. You can also select a sequence of operations to drag
and drop.
Note: For resource offloading to work within Production Scheduling, the resource sequence number of
the work order operation must match the resource sequence number of the work definition operation
in the Supply Chain Execution work area.
Note: Phantom components with resource alternates in their work definition may not be offloaded
by the system. This may be because phantom explosion process in Work Execution during work order
creation can introduce inconsistencies in resource sequence numbers.
b. Specify the operation start time and click Save. If you selected multiple operations, specify the new start
time of the first operation in the sequence.
c. Click Repair to ensure that the schedule accommodates the adjustment.
• Manage downtime events.
Click Solve to ensure that the schedule accommodates the new downtime.
Note: The solve process discards manual adjustments to work order operations, including those saved using the
Repair action, and calculates a new schedule.
Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Chapter 4
Using Production Scheduling Schedule Processes
Select a resource from the resource list, and review operation details for each work order. Filter for relevant columns by
using the View By field to review only scheduling attribute data, customer service data, maintenance work order data, or
work order operation data. For more work order information, you can click the View Work Order icon in the Work Order
Column to view the work order in the Supply Chain Execution work area.
Here's what you can do to manage operation start times and operation sequences.
• Change the sequence of work order operations. Use the sequence arrows to move an operation or block of
consecutive operations ahead of or behind other operations. Repair the schedule to save your sequence.
Note: Production Scheduling will attempt to schedule contiguous operation-resources on the same resource
only if the same set of resources and resource alternates are defined.
• Change an operation's start time. Double-click the Start Time cell for a work order and specify the date and
time. Repair the schedule to save this change.
• Override the need-by date. Double-click the Need-by Override cell for a work order and specify the date and
time; then solve the schedule to save the override. The solve process uses the new date to target the work
order's completion. The override date isn't released to your manufacturing application when you release the
Note: The solve process discards manual adjustments to work order operations, including those saved using the
repair process, and calculates a new schedule.
Review start and end times for each work order with their need-by dates to understand whether they will be completed
on time.
Here are the fields that you can edit in order to influence scheduling.
Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Chapter 4
Using Production Scheduling Schedule Processes
Note: Need-By Override and Earliest Start dates aren't released to the manufacturing application.
Note: Filtering data by Gantt chart selection and operation highlighting are accurate only after a solve action.
• For more item quantity information, you can click the View Item Quantities icon in the Item column to view the
work order in the Inventory Management work area.
Use the On-Hand Inventory View to review on-hand supply, on-hold supply, and supply shortages for items.
• If there is more demand than supply, say, due to the cancellation of a work order, a shortage quantity is
reported. The operations that consume shortage quantity are highlighted separately.
Note: The highlighting for items with shortage inside the fixed time fence is not accurate and should be
• Hold date is the date when an inventory lot that's currently on hold comes off hold and can be consumed.
Inventory lots are listed only if their hold date is after the horizon start. All other inventory lot quantities are
aggregated and displayed as the on-hand quantity.
Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Chapter 4
Using Production Scheduling Schedule Processes
Note: Filtering data by Gantt chart selection and operation highlighting are accurate only after a solve action.
Review inbound quantities and their requested dates for purchase orders or transfer orders to know whether they'll
arrive on time. Orders are including for scheduling based on the schedule options.
• Purchase orders are included if their requested date falls within the schedule horizon and the horizon to include
past-due supplies.
• Transfer orders are included if their Expected Delivery date or Need-By date falls within the schedule horizon
and the horizon to include past-due supplies.
Note: Filtering data by Gantt chart selection and operation highlighting are accurate only after a solve action.
Review demand quantities and their requested dates for sales orders or outbound transfer orders to know whether
they'll be met on time. Orders are included for scheduling based on the schedule options.
• Sales orders are included if their requested ship date falls within the schedule horizon and the horizon to
include past-due demands.
• Transfer orders are included if their scheduled ship date or requested delivery date falls within the schedule
horizon and the horizon to include past-due demands.
Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Chapter 4
Using Production Scheduling Schedule Processes
Note: If the schedule wasn't refreshed after the previous release, changes to the schedule for some work orders may
not be released.
Note: After each Solve and Repair process, if the start date of a work order falls within the Release Horizon, the work
order is automatically selected for Release. Using the Selected for Release switch in the work order table, you can
select or deselect individual work orders for release.
Note: Work orders in Pending Approval status are not updated in SCM execution.
Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Chapter 4
Using Production Scheduling Schedule Processes
Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Chapter 5
Using Production Scheduling Troubleshooting and Best Practices
Access to these work areas is granted by your enterprise administrator by means of roles, privileges, and additional
security entitlements.
Tip: Provide your administrator the information in the data setup reference topics so that they can help you find
answers to specific setup-related questions easily.
For an exhaustive list of security roles, privileges, and other access entitlements refer to the Security Reference for
Supply Planning.
If your production scheduling requests take too long to complete,, it's possibly because of the schedule or organization
configuration. This topic covers best practices and related configuration settings to optimize scheduling performance.
• Specify a short schedule horizon. For example, if a schedule is generated every day, and the longest lead times
are less than a week, then having a schedule horizon of several months adds no value, but unnecessarily
increases the data volume and the size of the schedule.
• Select only those item categories that need to be included in the schedule.
Note: In the Product Information Management work area, item categories can be defined with scheduling
needs in mind. This would allow for scope definitions with items that are actually relevant to scheduling.
Access to the Product Information Management work area is managed by your administrator.
Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Chapter 5
Using Production Scheduling Troubleshooting and Best Practices