Using Backlog Management

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Oracle SCM Cloud

Using Backlog Management

Oracle SCM Cloud
Using Backlog Management

Part Number F39730-01
Copyright © 2011, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Author: Timothy Jayaraj

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Oracle SCM Cloud
Using Backlog Management


Preface i

1 Introduction 1
Why You Use Backlog Management ......................................................................................................................................... 1
Overview of Backlog Management Processes ........................................................................................................................ 1
Integration with Other Cloud Services ..................................................................................................................................... 2

2 Planning Setups 3
How to Enable the Backlog Management Work Area ........................................................................................................... 3
Data Preparation and Planning Configuration ....................................................................................................................... 3
Access Tasks as Quick Actions on a Home Page .................................................................................................................. 4
Backlog Planning Options ........................................................................................................................................................... 5

3 Planning Processes 7
Key Actions on Orders ................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Run Plans ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Review Planning Results ............................................................................................................................................................ 14
How You Troubleshoot Problems in Planning and Analytics ............................................................................................. 19
Release Planning Results ........................................................................................................................................................... 21

4 Simulate Changes to Attribute Values 23

When to Override Demand Priority ........................................................................................................................................ 23
When to Decommit Orders or Prevent Order Fulfillment .................................................................................................. 23
Example of How Decommiting Orders Impacts Planning Results ................................................................................... 24
Example of How Preventing An Order's Improvement Impacts Planning Results ........................................................ 25
When to Lock or Override Planning Results ......................................................................................................................... 27
How You Review Sets and Resolve Item Constraints .......................................................................................................... 27
Example of How You Resolve Item Constraints Within A Set ........................................................................................... 28
Oracle SCM Cloud
Using Backlog Management

5 Demand Priority Rules 31

Overview of Demand Priority Rules ........................................................................................................................................ 31
Define a Demand Priority Rule ................................................................................................................................................. 31
How User-Defined Demand Priority Attributes Are Added ............................................................................................... 31
How Demand Priority Is Calculated Using Demand Priority Rules .................................................................................. 32

6 Backlog Planning Rules 33

Overview of Backlog Planning Rules ...................................................................................................................................... 33
Backlog Planning Modes ........................................................................................................................................................... 33
Backlog Planning Rule Precedence ......................................................................................................................................... 35
How Supply is Considered in the Infinite Availability Based Mode .................................................................................. 35
How Supply Is Considered in the Lead Time Based Mode ............................................................................................... 36
How Supply Is Considered in the Supply Chain Availability Search Mode ..................................................................... 36
Supply Chain Availability Search Options ............................................................................................................................. 38

7 Sourcing Rules, Bills of Distribution, and Assignment Sets 41

Sourcing Rules and Bills of Distribution in Backlog Management ................................................................................... 41
How Assignment Set Hierarchy Determines Which Sourcing Rule Is Used in Backlog Management ....................... 43
How Assignment Sets, Sourcing Rules, and Bills of Distribution Work Together in Backlog Management ............. 45
Specify Catalogs for Assignment Sets ................................................................................................................................... 47
How You Edit a Backlog Planning Assignment Set Within a Spreadsheet ..................................................................... 47

8 Supply Network Model 49

How You Maintain Your Network Supply Model for Backlog Management .................................................................. 49
Associate Calendars with Supplier Sites ............................................................................................................................... 49
How You Define the Approved Supplier List for Supply Chain Planning ....................................................................... 50
Drop Shipments .......................................................................................................................................................................... 50
Set Up a Drop Shipment Validation Organization ................................................................................................................ 51
Set Up Drop Shipment Sourcing Rules ................................................................................................................................... 51
Oracle SCM Cloud
Using Backlog Management

9 Planning Data Collection 55

Overview of Data Collections for Supply Chain Planning .................................................................................................. 55
Global Entities .............................................................................................................................................................................. 56
Data Collection Types for Supply Chain Planning ............................................................................................................... 57
Manage Planning Source Systems for Data Collections .................................................................................................... 58
How the Order Orchestration and Order Promising Processes Use the Collected Planning Data ............................ 60
How You Enable Cross-References of Entities by Data Collections ................................................................................ 60
How Planning Processes Collect Different Work Definitions and Item Structures ........................................................ 61
Enable External Data Collection for the Oracle Fusion Source System .......................................................................... 63
Collect Planning Data from the Oracle Fusion Source System ........................................................................................ 64
Load Planning Data from Others and External Source Systems ..................................................................................... 69
Verify Collection Processes ...................................................................................................................................................... 89
Oracle SCM Cloud
Using Backlog Management
Oracle SCM Cloud Preface
Using Backlog Management

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Oracle SCM Cloud Preface
Using Backlog Management

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Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Backlog Management Introduction

1 Introduction

Why You Use Backlog Management

You use the Backlog Management work area to plan the fulfillment of orders that are at risk of delay. Let's first
understand the pain points associated with optimizing order fulfillment, and then learn how the backlog management
application can resolve them.

Pain Points in Order Management

Orders are scheduled in real time by Global Order Promising Cloud from Order Management. Orders that arrive first
get scheduled for fulfillment first. So, important orders may not get satisfactory scheduled dates if they were created
after other orders, which already consumed supply because they were scheduled earlier. Also, item supply availability
changes daily, so the current scheduled dates on orders may not be realistic. For example, some dates could have been
pulled in because of others, and some may be delayed or moved out because the supply situation got worse.

To change scheduled dates after identifying which orders are affected by changed supply availability, order managers
would have to first select orders in Order Management or in Global Order Promising and then simulate promising. This
is a manual, drawn-out process.

How Backlog Management Helps

Backlog Management makes it easy to identify orders with scheduled dates that are at risk and which can be improved.
The fulfillment for these orders can then be mass-planned manually or through a scheduled process. Orders are
prioritized for fulfillment based on a user-specified priority sequence. According to this priority sequence, supply is
allocated to orders to determine Planned dates on those orders. Users compare planned dates with existing scheduled
dates to understand how much an order's fulfillment prospects can improve.

Users can also perform a variety of simulations to influence the planning results. For example, they can reprioritize
orders, decommit some orders, and even change attribute values to run a planning simulation without impacting the
actual scheduling information. Any updates to the actual scheduling information happen only when the user releases
planning results after backlog planning.

Overview of Backlog Management Processes

Backlog management involves a sequence of four activities:
1. Planning the backlog. Do this using plan run actions in the Backlog Analysis UI or with a scheduled process
that can plan the backlog at a specific time.

◦ You specify a demand priority rule on the basis of which the orders are prioritized.
◦ You can plan your entire backlog or you can use filters to plan by specific items, categories, and

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 1
Using Backlog Management Introduction

2. Reviewing backlog planning results. You can do this in two ways:

◦ Using the Backlog Analysis UI, which tabulates results for each planned order. These results can be called
using a range of search criteria.
◦ Using the Backlog Analytics UI, which presents result statistical data in the form of graphs and infotiles.
3. Simulating and adjusting attribute values. After reviewing planned results, you can modify order attribute
values and replan those orders to see how fulfillment prospects vary. Here's what all you can do:

◦ Change the organization and shipping method

◦ decommit lower priority demands
◦ Plan the same orders using other demand priority rules
◦ Override priority on specific orders
◦ Remove constraining items from a shipment or arrival set
4. Releasing planning results to your order management system. Do this using release actions in the Backlog
Analysis UI, or have the application do it through a scheduled process.

Until you release your Planned values from Backlog Management, they remain as simulations within the
application, and can't impact actual order scheduling.

Integration with Other Cloud Services

Backlog Management integrates with Oracle Fusion Order Management, Oracle Fusion Global Order Promising, and
Oracle Fusion Supply Planning.

Cloud Service Name Integration with Backlog Management

Order Management Scheduled sales orders are collected from Order Management and planned in Backlog
Management. When backlog planning is completed and planning results for some orders
are released, the planning results automatically replace the scheduling information on these
orders in Order Management.

Global Order Promising Planning results on orders released from Backlog Management replace the scheduling
information on those orders in Global Order Promising in real time.

Supply Planning Planning results on orders released from Backlog Management replace scheduling information
on those orders in Supply Planning. This happens when demand data is refreshed during a
supply plan run.

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Backlog Management Planning Setups

2 Planning Setups

How to Enable the Backlog Management Work Area

To enable the Backlog Management work area, you must perform two setup tasks.
You can perform these tasks in any order, but you must do both before a user can access the work area.

• Opt in to the Order Backlog Management feature

• Assign a job role to the applicable users

Opt In to the Order Backlog Management Feature

You perform this opt in one time for your overall site.

• Offering: Supply Chain Planning

• Feature: Order Backlog Management

For more information regarding how to opt in to features, refer to the Using Functional Setup Manager guide, Offering
Configuration chapter in the Oracle Help Center.

Assign the Applicable Job Role to the Applicable Users

Assign the predefined Backlog Manager job role, or a job role with similar privileges that your enterprise defined, to the
user associated to each of your order backlog managers.

For more information regarding how to assign job roles to users, refer to the Securing SCM guide, Provisioning Roles to
Application Users chapter, in the Oracle Help Center.

Data Preparation and Planning Configuration

Before you plan your backlog, you must ensure that the following data setups are complete:
1. Verify that the sales orders you want to plan have been scheduled and collected.

Review the Supplies and Demands table in the Plan Inputs work area to verify that these orders have been
scheduled in Oracle Fusion Order Management.
2. Collect planning data using data collection tasks.

You can collect data from an Oracle Fusion source system or from an external source system. If your enterprise
uses Oracle Fusion Order Management, you collect scheduled sales orders and predefined sales order
attributes. If your enterprise uses an external source system, you can also collect unscheduled sales orders and
user-defined sales order attributes. To know more, Refer to the Collect Planning Data chapter.
3. Ensure that supply sourcing is set up.

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Backlog Management Planning Setups

Review your sourcing rules, bills of distribution, and assignment sets using the related task links. If your
enterprise uses Global Order Promising, the same assignment set definitions should be used in Backlog
Management. To know more, Refer to the Sourcing rules, Bills of Distribution, and Assignment Sets chapter.
4. Ensure that the drop-ship validation organization has been defined.

If you plan to use drop-ship organizations in planning, use the Maintain Network Supply Model task to define
the drop-ship validation organization and the time zones used to determine transit times. To know more, refer
to the Maintain Supply Network Model chapter.
5. Define a demand priority rule.

Define the rules that prioritize orders for fulfillment based on rankings of order attributes. The order priorities
determine which demands have more access to supply. You can create multiple demand priority rules, and
alternate between rules to understand how planning results change. To know more, refer to the Demand
Priority Rules chapter.
6. Configure your backlog planning options.

Configure default parameters for your backlog planning runs. To know more, refer to the Backlog Planning
Options topic.
7. Ensure that all items are assigned to a backlog planning rule.

Define rules that determine what kind of supply can be used for demand fulfillment. You can configure supply
items to be available infinitely, available after a lead time, or available based on their supply type. Specify
whether these rules apply to items, organizations, item categories, or to item-organization combinations. If
your enterprise uses Oracle Fusion Global Order Promising, items will already be assigned to these rules. To
know more, refer to the Backlog Planning Rules chapter.
8. Ensure that planners and planning calendars have been set up or collected.

If your enterprise has set up calendar and planner data in other cloud services like Supply Planning and Global
Order Promising, then that data will be respected during backlog planning.

Access Tasks as Quick Actions on a Home Page

Some tasks that are accessible by using the tasks panel drawer in a supply chain planning work area are also available
from the home page as quick actions. Click the Show More link on the home page to display all of the available quick
actions for which you have access. You don't have to first navigate to a supply chain planning work area to take an
action. For example, use quick actions to create a sourcing rule to purchase components from a new supplier without
having to first select a planning work area.
In addition, there are work area-specific preferences that enable you to change your default page layout without having
to first launch the work area. These preferences are useful if you configured a content-heavy default page layout that's
taking too long to load. In such cases, you can change your default page to a different page layout that opens quicker
and then edit the content-heavy page layout to make it perform better.

Here's some additional information about quick actions on a home page:

• You must have the applicable privileges associated with the task to see the task as a quick action on the
home page. Each quick action is secured by its related privilege or privileges. For example, if you have the
Manage Planning Sourcing privilege, then you should see the Manage Sourcing Rules task in the tasks panel
drawer in the work area. You should also see the task as a quick action on the Supply Chain Planning or Order
Management (in the case of Global Order Promising) home pages.

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Backlog Management Planning Setups

• You must have access to the work area to see the associated manage preferences quick actions. For example,
you must have access to the Supply Planning work area to see the Edit Supply Planning Preferences quick
• You can't navigate to any other UI or open other tabs. When you click a quick access link, the UI opens in the
page, but you aren't in a work area.
• You can only return to the Supply Chain Planning home page when you close out of a task that you initiated
from the Supply Chain Planning home page.

Backlog Planning Options

Before you run plans in the Backlog Management work area, use the Manage Backlog Planning Options task to
configure key backlog planning attributes. Your configuration settings serve as default specifications for processes like
supply sourcing and reallocation. Here's the list of options:

Planning Horizon in Days: This is a duration measured from the horizon start date. Demands with requested dates
within this horizon only are planned. So if the horizon start date is today and you specify 100 as the planning horizon
value, then the planning process will plan orders with requested dates that fall within the next hundred days only.

Horizon Start Date: It's the date from which the planning horizon is calculated. The default start date is the present
day. If you change it to a future date, then the horizon will be calculated from that day.

Assignment Set Name: The name of the assignment set that contains the sourcing rules and bills of distribution used
to implement your supply chain network. If your enterprise uses Oracle Fusion Global Order Promising, the assignment
set up for order promising should be used for backlog management. If you do change the assignment set, you must run
the Import Supply Chain Data for Backlog Management scheduled process.

Demand Priority Rule: This is the rule that the backlog planning process uses to prioritize orders for fulfillment. The
rule you specify is the default demand priority rule, which means that this rule is always used unless you specify another
one before taking plan run actions.

Past-Due Supply and Demand Considered in Days: This is a duration measured backward from the horizon start date.
When a demand's scheduled date or a supply's expected date falls prior to the horizon start date, this demand or supply
is termed past-due. The duration you specify determines how many days prior to the horizon start date a past-due
demand or supply is valid for to be considered by the backlog planning process. You can override the value specified
here while defining a backlog planning rule.

Demand Fulfillment Lead Time in Days: The number of days from the order creation date within which your
customer, by contract, expects the order's fulfillment. This value is used to calculate the fulfillment lead time date.
So if you specify 5 as the value, and the order creation date is 1/20/2020, then the fulfillment lead time date would
be 1/25/2020, assuming that your requested date is between 1/20 and 1/25. If your requested date is later than your
fulfillment lead time date, say 3/25/2020, then the fulfillment lead time date is considered to be the same as your the
requested date.

Supply Plans: The existing supply plans in Oracle Supply Planning Cloud that you want to source supply data from, to
get the most accurate supply picture. You can select multiple supply plans. If you don't select a supply plan, the backlog
planning process uses whatever supply data is available from the collection process. To know more, refer to the Planning
Processes chapter.

Category Set: This is a group of item categories used by the backlog planning process while assigning backlog
planning rules by category. The default value is GOP_Catalog. You can't edit this value on this page because it's derived

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 2
Using Backlog Management Planning Setups

from the profile MSC_SRC_ASSIGNMENT_CATALOG in Oracle Fusion Global Order Promising. Whenever the category
set value changes, you must run the Import Supply Chain Data for Backlog Management scheduled process.

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 3
Using Backlog Management Planning Processes

3 Planning Processes

Key Actions on Orders

When you navigate to the Backlog Management work area, the Backlog Analysis table UI opens by default. Use this UI to
search for orders, to plan them interactively, and to simulate changes to attributes between plan runs. When you finish
planning, you can save planning results and take release actions in this UI.

Search Actions
Search for orders using search criteria, which include all order attributes. You can use the Add Fields action to include
attribute criteria that are hidden. You can also set up or save specific search results:
• Use the Manage Conditions action in the Search region to create a set of attribute-based search filters. Each
set is called a condition. Using a condition, you can filter the backlog to see search results only for orders that
meet your condition criteria.
• Use the Save action in the search region to save a particular search after giving it a name. This lets you
preserve search criteria and the results for those criteria, so that you can revisit this search using the drop-down
list of names in the Saved Search field.

After You Search

• Manage columns in the Search Results table and save multiple table layouts.
◦ To manage or search for saved layouts, use the Layout menu.
◦ To start a new layout, organize columns by clicking View > Manage Columns.
◦ To save a layout, click the Save Table Layout action.
◦ To undo your rearrangement of columns for an existing layout, click the Save Table Layout drop-down
button and select Reset Layout.
• Export search results into a CSV file. To view export actions, open the Actions menu.
◦ Click Export All to export individual order lines and set headers.
◦ Click Export All plus Set Lines to export individual order lines and set lines.
◦ Click Export Selected to export selected order lines and set headers.
◦ Click Export Selected plus Set Lines to export selected order lines and set lines belonging to selected
set rows.
Note: Set line exports also include set management attributes, such as Item Availability Date and
Constraint Rank.

Plan Run Actions

Use plan run actions Run Plan or Refresh and Plan to plan your backlog.
• All orders in your search results are planned.
• You can also change the demand priority rule and rerun the plan to see how fulfillment prospects change.

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 3
Using Backlog Management Planning Processes

You can also run plans using a scheduled process. To know more, refer to the Run Plans section in this chapter.

Review Actions
The plan run ranks your orders in priority sequence on the basis of the demand priority rule. It also calculates and
displays planning results for your orders that correspond to scheduling and requested information. Here's what you
need to do:
• Review and compare Planned values with their corresponding Scheduled and Requested Attributes.
• Some rows represent sets, and the set name will be displayed for such rows. Use the Manage Set action to
review results for set's constituent lines.
• To view analytics for the planned orders, use the page-level Open action and open the Backlog Analytics graph.

To know more, refer to the Review Planning Results section in this chapter.

Attribute Data Simulation Actions

Plan runs yield planning results, which you can review and take further action on, before rerunning the plan to get
new planning results. These actions control how the planning process treats your planning results and the existing
scheduling information in the next plan run. Here's the list of simulations:
• Changing the Enforce Current Commit column value to No
• Changing the Pull-in Enabled column value to No
• Locking planning results using the Lock Planning Results action, or by changing the Locked column value to
Yes for individual lines.
• Manually overriding planning results using the Override Planning Result action, or by changing the Manually
Overridden column value to Yes for individual lines.
• Removing constraining items from a set using the Remove from Set action.

Because these are simulations within Backlog Management, they don't impact actual scheduling information that's
visible to your customers. To know more about these simulations, refer to the Simulate Changes to Attribute Values
section in this chapter.

Release Actions
When you're satisfied with the Planned values, you need to prepare them for release and then release them to the order
management system:
• Use the Save Planning Results action to save Planned values to the backlog planning data repository.
• Use the Mark for Release action on selected rows to indicate that they're ready for release.
• Use the Release Planning Results action to release them to your order management system.

You can also release planning results using a scheduled process. To know more, refer to the Release Planning Results
topic in this chapter.

Run Plans
Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 3
Using Backlog Management Planning Processes

Overview of Plan Runs

After searching for orders, you need to plan them using demand priority rules. You run plans for two reasons:
• To view how orders are prioritized for fulfillment on the basis of the rule you specified
• To obtain planning results for each order. Planning results for an order correspond to the existing scheduling
information on that order, and they indicate whether an order's fulfillment can be improved beyond its
scheduled date.

Here's how the plan run process works:

1. You select a demand priority rule and click a plan action.
2. The planning process calculates priority values for each order based on the attribute ranking and attribute
value rankings specified in the rule.
3. Supply is redistributed among orders based on their calculated priority values. By default, supply is
redistributed so that scheduled dates on all orders are respected.
4. Based on how much supply is allocated to each order, the planning process determines Planned values, such as
the Planned Date and the Planned Shipping Method, that correspond to existing Scheduled Values.
Note: Backlog Management primarily uses supply that's already reserved for an order. Additional available supply
is considered only after reserved supply is used up. To know if an order has reserved supply, check if there's a chain
link icon at the start of the order row, or if the value in the Reservation Status column is Yes. You can also review
the reserved supply quantity, the reserved supply document number, and the reserved supply type for each order. To
know more about reservations, refer to the Reservations in Supply Chain Planning topic. Reservations are respected
whether or not the supply data is sourced from Oracle Supply Planning Cloud.

Related Topics
• Reservations in Supply Chain Planning
• Backlog Planning Options

Plan Run Types

You can run plans in three ways. This table explains them:

Plan Run Action Name Objective How You Do It

1. On the Backlog Analysis page, use

Run Plan To plan the backlog by reallocating supply search filters to view the orders you
that's already pegged to the orders in your want to plan.
search results.
2. Click Run Plan.

1. On the Backlog Analysis page, open

Refresh and Plan To plan the backlog after reading in latest the Run Plan menu.
supply data on the orders in your search
2. Click the Refresh and Plan action.
results. In this mode, enough supply is
retained to also honor scheduled dates
on orders outside the search results that
require the same supply items.

1. On the Scheduled Processes page,

Start Backlog Planning scheduled process To schedule a plan run at regular intervals, click the Schedule New Process
which reads in latest supply and demand action.
data from the collected data.

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 3
Using Backlog Management Planning Processes

Plan Run Action Name Objective How You Do It

2. Search for the Start Backlog

Planning job and click OK.
3. In the Process Options dialog box,
specify the demand priority rule. If
you don't specify a rule, the process
uses the default demand priority
rule that's defined on the Manage
Backlog Planning Options page.
4. Define values to plan orders by
organization, category, items, and
customers. If you don't specify any
of these, then your entire backlog
will be planned.
5. Specify whether to generate replay
data sets. Enable this setting when
you need to provide Oracle Support
with detailed plan run information,
which you can download as a ZIP
file from the process log of the Start
Filtered Backlog Planning child
6. Click Submit.

Note: The options in Step 4 are filters to

let you specify which orders you want to
plan. Let's say you specify just the item,
Item A. Then, all orders for Item A will be
planned. But let's say you also specify
the organization as ORG_M1. Then, all
orders that get Item A from ORG_M1 will
be planned. Orders that get Item A from
another organization won't be planned.

How You Use Supply Planning Integration for Backlog

To plan your backlog with an accurate supply picture, select existing supply plans from Supply Planning Cloud for use in
Backlog Management. To do so, open the Manage Backlog Planning Options task and select one or more plans from
the Supply Plans choice list.

How Backlog Management Plans with Supply Planning Information

When you run the backlog plan, supply from planned orders in a supply plan is read in by Backlog Management and
used to plan sales orders.

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 3
Using Backlog Management Planning Processes

Settings that Affect How Supply Planning Information Is Used

Backlog Management reads planned supply make, transfer and buy supply from the supply name:

• Make: Supply for the item that's made is created on the date of the planned order; the corresponding
component availability and resource requirements are reduced to keep the overall supply and demand
• Transfer: Supply for the planned transfer item is created at the destination organization and while supply at the
source organization is simultaneously reduced.
• Buy: Supply for the planned transfer item is created at the receiving organization and while supplier capacity is
simultaneously reduced.

Example of How Supply Planning Information Is Used

Let's say you have a planned make end item, END_ITEM_1, being built from a component COMP_1 and Resource RES_1.
Here are the availability details:

Planned Order and Planned Item, Component, and Quantity Date

Order Demand Resource

Planned Make Order ITEM_1 100 units 01/10/2021

Planned Make Order Demand COMP_1 200 units 01/05/2021


Planned Make Order Demand RES_1 5 hours 01/05/2021


The planned make supply information is that 100 units of END_ITEM_1 need to be manufactured on 01/10, from 200
units of COMP_1 using 5 hours of RES_1, both of which need to be consumed by 01/05.

Here's how Backlog Management reads in this information:

Item, Component, and Resource What Happens on 01/05/2021 What Happens on 01/10/2021

ITEM_1 - Increases by 100 units

COMP_1 Reduces by 200 units -

RES_1 Reduces by 5 hours -

Backlog Management increases supply availability for the end item by 100 units, and reduces the component and
resource availability on the date they have been consumed.

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 3
Using Backlog Management Planning Processes

Considerations While Using Supply Planning Integration

• Ensure that the Supply Plans you select on the Manage Backlog Planning Options page are feasible. If, say, the
supply plan you select was created in the Unconstrained mode, then planned orders will likely exceed resource
capacity. You might get an optimistic Planned Date for your sales orders.
• Ensure that the backlog planning rules assigned to item-organization combinations for supply planned orders
are defined with the Supply Chain Availability Search mode, with the Search components and resources
setting enabled.
• Ensure that Planned Orders is enabled in supply sources specification.

How Alternate Manufacturing Setups Are Used to Improve

While evaluating supply availability for your orders, the backlog planning process considers multiple manufacturing
setups to optimize fulfillment.

How It Works
Backlog Management reads the item's work definitions to check if components and resources are available to make this

• If only one work definition is associated with the item, and components and resources are insufficient, Backlog
Management substitute components or alternate resource within the work definition when the primary
components or resources are insufficient.
• If alternate work definitions are also associated with the item, and the primary work definition doesn't account
for sufficient components and resources, Backlog Management will use the alternative if it allows for quicker
fulfillment. Alternate work definitions at item subassembly levels are also considered.

To let Backlog Management consider alternate manufacturing setups, you must ensure that these conditions are met:

• The end item must be assigned to a backlog planning rule that uses the Supply Chain Availability Search mode,
with the Search components and resources setting enabled.
• For a resource to be considered, its Check Capable to Promise setting must be enabled from Oracle
Manufacturing Cloud. If your enterprise uses an external manufacturing application, this setting can be enabled
in the ScpResourcesImportTemplate FBDI file, using the Capable to Promise Indicator column.

Let's understand the three ways in which this feature helps fulfillment.

When An Alternative Work Definition Is Used

Let's say that 10 units of an item ITEM_1 are requested for 4/30/2021. ITEM_1 belongs to the sales order line SO_1. Let's
say that ITEM_1 has primary and alternate work definitions defined with these resource and component availability

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 3
Using Backlog Management Planning Processes

Work Definition Resource Availability Component Availability

WD_1 (Primary) Resource R1 is needed for 40 hours, and is 40 units of the component C1 are needed.
available for 100 hours. 100 units are available.

WD_1 (Primary) Resource R2 is needed for 40 hours, but is 40 units of the component C2 are needed.
unavailable. 100 units are available.

WD_2 (Alternate) Resource R1 is needed for 40 hours, and is 40 units of the component C1 are needed.
available for 100 hours. 100 units are available.

WD_2 (Alternate) Resource R7 is needed for 40 hours, and is 40 units of the component C2 are needed.
available for 100 hours. 100 units are available.

Because the primary work definition WD_1 doesn't account for sufficient resource availability, the planning process uses
the alternate work definition WD_2 to assume fulfillment by the requested date.

When An Alternate Resource from the Primary Work Definition Is Used

Let's say that 10 units of an item ITEM_1 are requested for 4/30/2021. ITEM_1 belongs to the sales order line SO_1. Let's
say that ITEM_1 has just one work definition defined, with these resource and component availability details:

Resource Availability Component Availability

Resource R1 is needed for 40 hours, 40 units of the component C1 are needed. 100 units are available.
but is available for just 15 hours.
Alternate resource ALT_R1 is available
for 60 hours.

Because R1 is available for just 15 hours, ALT_R1 is checked for availability. It is available for 60 hours. The planning
process then assumes that the item can be manufactured on time using the 15 available hours from R1 and 25 hours
from ALT_R1.

When A Substitute Component from the Primary Work Definition Is Used

Let's say that 10 units of an item ITEM_1 are requested for 4/30/2021. ITEM_1 belongs to the sales order line SO_1. Let's
say that ITEM_1 has just one work definition defined, with these resource and component availability details:

Resource Availability Component Availability

Resource R1 is needed for 40 hours. 40 units of the component C1 are needed but only 15 units are available. 60 units of the
It's available for 100 hours. substitute component SUB_C1 are available.

Because only 15 units of C1 are available, SUB_C1 is searched for availability, and 60 units of SUB_C1 are available. The
planning process then assumes that the item can be manufactured on time using the 15 available units of C1 and 25
units from SUB_C1.

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 3
Using Backlog Management Planning Processes

Simulation Demands
If your enterprise uses an external order management system, you can simulate and plan entire orders before they're
actually created. This helps you anticipate how real orders with the same data will impact planning results in Backlog
Management. These mock orders are called simulation demands or inquiry demands.

How You Create, Delete, and View Simulation Demands

You use the FBDI process to load sales order data through CSV files, in which you specify order attribute values.
• To define an order as a simulation demand, specify Yes the Inquiry Demand column of the CSV file.
• To delete a simulation demand, go back to the FBDI document, set the Delete Indicator value to No, and reload
the file.

In the Backlog Analysis table, simulation demands appear together with real sales orders. To tell them apart, check if the
Simulation Demand column value is Yes or No.

Considerations While Using Simulation Demands

• The Simulation Demand attribute is a demand priority attribute. So, you can create and use a demand priority
rule that prioritizes simulation demands over real ones.
• Real demands and simulation demands are planned using the same planning logic. But planning results for
simulation demands don't impact backlog analytics, unlike the planning results of actual sales orders.
• You can't release planning results for simulation demands.

Tip: Have your simulation demand data cleared regularly. To do so, use the Delete Backlog Planning Session Data
scheduled process. In the Process Details dialog box, select the Delete inquiry demands check box.

Related Topics
• How You Load Planning Data from Files
• Define a Demand Priority Rule

Review Planning Results

How You Review Results on Individual Orders and Sets
Planning results on individual orders and sets are updated in the Backlog Analysis table when you run the plan. Here's
how you review them:
• Compare the Planned dates with their corresponding Scheduled and Requested dates to know whether your
order's fulfillment prospects have changed.
• Review results for other attributes like the Planned organizations, Planned shipping method, and so on.
• Review calculated priority values.
• Some rows represent sets. Use the Manage Set action to view constituent order lines. Compare the requested,
scheduled, and planned values with the Item Availability Date, the Planned Date Without Item, the Improvement

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 3
Using Backlog Management Planning Processes

Potential Without Item, and the items' Constraint Rank values. The planned date for the most constraining item
is the planned date of the set.

If you're satisfied with the results, save them. Remember that the Save Planning Results action doesn't automatically
deliver planning results to the order management system; it only saves results to the backlog planning data repository
so that they can be displayed in subsequent user sessions, until new results for the planned orders are saved.

Tip: You can take actions to lock or override planning results. You can also decommit some orders or prevent the
planning process from considering some orders for fulfillment. While reviewing sets, you can remove constraining
items. To know more, refer to the Simulate Changes to Attribute Values section in this chapter.

Key Order Attributes

Reviewing planning results involves the comparison of some key order attributes. We group them as Requested
attributes, Scheduled attributes, Planned attributes, Calculated attributes, and Backlog Planning Control attributes.

Requested Attributes
Requested attribute values are specified during order creation. They're collected during the data collection process, and
you can simulate changes to some of them in the Backlog Analysis table. Here are the key requested attributes:

• Requested Date. The date for which the order was requested.
• Request Type. Orders can be of the shipment or arrival type, as specified by the customer. If the type is
shipment, the customer has requested for the order to be shipped. If it's arrival, the customer has requested for
the order to be delivered at the customer site.
• Requested Ship-from Organization. The value defaults to the organization on the order line, but you can
change it.
• Requested Drop Ship Supplier Site.
• Requested Item.
• Requested Shipping Method. This is the concatenation of shipping information, namely the requested carrier,
requested mode of transport, and requested service level. You can edit the method value, but you can't change
values for individual method components.

In addition to these, your customer also defines the Earliest Acceptable Date and Latest Acceptable Date for an order.
The order also carries a Demand Fulfillment Lead Time value that your enterprise and the customer agreed upon. You
can't change them, and the engine respects them during planning.

Scheduled Attributes
Scheduled values are determined by Global Order Promising, and are always available only if your enterprise uses Oracle
Fusion Order Management. Here are the key scheduled attributes:

• Scheduled Ship Date and Scheduled Arrival Date.

• Scheduled Date. It's the same as the Scheduled Ship Date if the request type is Shipment. It's the same as the
Scheduled Arrival Date if the request type is Arrival.
• Scheduled Ship-from Organization, also known as the drop ship supplier.
• Scheduled Shipping Method..

You can't edit Scheduled values.

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 3
Using Backlog Management Planning Processes

Planned Attributes
Planned attribute values are determined in Backlog Management. Planned attributes are displayed only after you run
plans. Here are the key planned attributes:
• Planned Ship Date and Planned Arrival Date.
• Planned Date. It's the same as the Planned Ship Date if the request type is Shipment. It's the same as the
Planned Arrival Date if the request type is Arrival.
• Planned Ship-from Organization, also known as the drop ship supplier.
• Planned Shipping Method. This is the concatenation of shipping information, namely the requested carrier,
requested mode of transport, and requested service level. You can edit the method value, but you can't change
values for individual method components.

You can override Planned values to simulate different planing outcomes.

Calculated Attributes
Some attribute values are calculated during the backlog planning process on the basis of planned, scheduled, and
requested attributes:
• Fulfillment Lead Time Date. This value is calculated using the demand fulfillment lead time, which is the
number of days post the order creation date within which the order must be fulfilled. This lead time value is
mutually decided by your enterprise and your customer, and can be updated through a REST service or on the
Manage Backlog Planning Options page. The fulfillment lead time date can also be specified through a REST
service. If the requested date is later than the fulfillment lead time date calculation, then the fulfillment lead
time date is matched to the requested date.
• Calculated Priority. The planning process calculates a priority value for every order using the demand priority
rule you specified. These values are always in multiples of ten, with 10 being the highest priority value. If a row
represents a set, the displayed calculated priority value will apply on the entire set, and all constituent items will
have the same value.
• Scheduled Days of Delay. It's the difference in working days between the Scheduled Date and the Requested
• Planned Days of Delay. It's the difference in working days between the Planned Date and the Requested Date.
• Days of Improvement. The difference between the planned days of delay and the scheduled days of delay. A
positive value implies that the planned values are an improvement on the scheduled values.
• Order Revenue. It's the product of the selling price and the requested quantity. A row that represents a set
displays the total order revenue of all lines in the set. Selling Price and Requested Quantity are both collected
• Order Margin. It's the difference between the order revenue and the order fulfillment cost, which is a collected

Set-Related Attributes
When you review planning results for a shipment or arrival set, remember that the planned date for its most constrained
item becomes the planned date for the entire set, and this is planned date displayed for the row that represents the set.
For such a row, the order revenue displayed is the total revenue of all its constituent lines. In addition to the requested,
scheduled, and planned values, there are a few more relevant attributes that you compare while reviewing a set:
• Item Availability Date. The date when an item will be available. All items with an item availability date later
than the requested date are treated as constraining items, and they get constraint-ranked.

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 3
Using Backlog Management Planning Processes

• Constraint Rank. Values that indicate which items are more constraining, with 1 being the most constrained
• Planned Date Without Item. The planned date of the set with regard to a specific constraint rank, if all items
with an equal or higher constraint rank are removed from the set.
• Improvement Potential Without Item in Days. The number of days by which the planned date of a set with
regard to a specific constraint rank will improve if all items with an equal or higher constraint rank are removed
from the set.
• Original Set Name. The name of the set a line belonged to before it was removed from the set.

Backlog Planning Control Attributes

You use some attributes in the Backlog Analysis UI to control how the planning process respects your scheduled and
planned values:
• Override Priority. This attribute retains the corresponding calculated priority value, but you can override that
calculated value in this column and rerun the plan.
• Enforce Current Commit. When the value is Yes, the scheduled date on the order will be respected. If you
change it to No, its planned date can end up being later than its scheduled date.
• Pull-in Enabled. When the value is Yes, the planning process considers the order for improvement. If you
change it to No, the order won't be considered for improvement, but its scheduled date will still be respected.
• Locked. A lock icon at the start of a row indicates that the planning results for that order were locked. You
can lock results by setting the Locked Status value on an order to Yes or by using the Lock Planning Results
action on multiple orders.
• Manually Overridden. A pencil icon at the start of a row indicates that the planning results for that order which
were determined by the planning process were overridden manually. You can override results by first setting
the Manually Overridden value on an order to Yes or by using the Override Planning Result action on orders.

These attributes are specific to Backlog Management and aren't included in collected data. To know more about
enforcing current commits, pulling in orders, locks, and manual overrides, refer to the Simulate Changes to Attribute
Values section in this chapter.

Other Attributes
There are a few more attributes worth considering when you review planning results:
• Simulation Demand. An order simulation that's loaded into Backlog Management using the collection process,
that's planned just like a real sales orders. If the column value is Yes, the row doesn't represent a simulation
demand. Planning results on simulation demands don't affect analytics and can't be released.
• Reserved. An order for which supply has been reserved is marked with a chain-link icon. Reserved lines are also
identifiable by the Yes value in the Reserved column.
• Configuration Item. The top-level configured item for CTO orders.
• Demand Source System. The source system the demand was collected from.
• Demand Class. A classification of customers or demand sources for an order. This is a collected attribute that
you can't modify.
• Error Text. If the order isn't modeled viably for planning, an error message is displayed when you attempt a
plan run. The error text column displays one of these values: Requested Date Out of Range, Sourcing Failed,
Invalid Item and Organization Combination, or Invalid Organization and Ship Method Combination
• Fulfillment Cost. The cost of fulfilling the order. It is collected from Oracle Fusion Order Management.
• Item Type. The type of the requested item. It can be Standard or ATO Model.

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 3
Using Backlog Management Planning Processes

• Last Updated By. The user who updated the demand most recently. If the demand was updated by a
scheduled process, the value displayed is FUSION_RUNTIME.
• Last Updated Date and Time. The date and time when the demand was last updated.
• Notes. Users can add notes for an order. Notes are retained when the order is replanned.
• Order Creation Date and Time. It's a collected attribute.
• Planner. The planner responsible for a demand line. It's a collected attribute.
• Selling Price. The price of an item per unit. It's a collected attribute used to calculate the order revenue.
• Ship-to Organization. It's a collected attribute valid only for orders sourced from Oracle Fusion Order

Note: Your enterprise may have loaded additional attributes into Backlog Management. Values for these attributes
appear in the Additional Information column in the Backlog Analysis table. To know more about user-defined
attributes, refer to the How User-Defined Attributes Are Added topic in the Demand Priority Rules chapter.

How You Review Backlog Analytics

After running a plan, you need to review planning results. Analytics are one way in which results are presented. To view
backlog analytics in the Backlog Management work area, save your planning results and open the Backlog Analytics
graph. This page presents three infotiles:
• Planned Fulfillment Changes by Demand Value
• On Time Fulfillment
• Fulfillment by Lead Time Date

Planned Fulfillment Changes by Demand Value

This infotile depicts the value of orders whose dates can be improved versus the value of orders whose dates will
be delayed. The time difference between the Scheduled date and the Planned date determines whether there is
improvement or delay.

Drill down to view analytic data by organization:

• Review the Planning Results by Organization table. It includes the total demand line count and the revenue of
orders that are delayed, unchanged, and improved. You can click on these values to view these orders in the
Backlog Analysis table.
• Use the Top Delayed Demands graph to view the ten most delayed orders from a specific organization. Use the
Drill To action to view these orders in the Backlog Analysis table.

On Time Fulfillment
This infotile depicts the percentage of orders that are scheduled to be fulfilled by their requested date versus the
percentage of orders that are planned to be fulfilled by their requested date.

Drill down to view analytic data by customer, organization and item category:
• These graphs account for the top ten high-revenue customers, organizations, and item categories.
• They contrast the percentages of scheduled and the percentage of planned orders for each metric, while also
displaying revenues.
• While reviewing a graph, select a revenue bar and use the Drill To action to view results for orders in the
Backlog Analysis table, for a specific customer, organization, or item category.

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 3
Using Backlog Management Planning Processes

Fulfillment by Lead Time Date

This infotile depicts the percentage of orders that are scheduled to be fulfilled by their lead time date versus the
percentage of orders that are planned to be fulfilled by their lead time date. This date is calculated from the demand
fulfillment lead time, which is the number of days from the order creation date within which your customer, by contract,
expects the order's fulfillment. So if the fulfillment lead time is 5 days, and the requested date is 1/20/2020, the lead
time date would be 1/25/2020, assuming that your requested date is between 1/20 and 1/25. If your requested date
is later than your fulfillment lead time date, say 3/25/2020, then the fulfillment lead time date is matched to your the
requested date.

Drill down to view analytic data by customer, organization and item category:
• These graphs account for the top ten high-revenue customers, organizations, and item categories.
• They contrast the percentages of scheduled and the percentage of planned orders for each metric, while also
displaying revenues.
• While reviewing a graph, select a revenue bar and use the Drill To action to view results for orders in the
Backlog Analysis table, for a specific customer, organization, or item category.

Note: The lead time date may be directly specified on an order, or may be calculated from the lead time specified for
these orders on the Manage Backlog Planning Options page.

How You Troubleshoot Problems in Planning and

This topic addresses some concerns you might have while planning your backlog, and while reviewing your planning
results and analytics.

Troubleshoot Planning Issues for Individual Order Lines and Sets

Issue Cause Resolution

You can't find the Backlog Analysis table The Backlog Analysis table hasn't opened Click the page-level Open action and
when you enter the Backlog Management by default. select to open the Backlog Analysis table.
work area.

The Refresh and Plan action fails because Only one Refresh and Plan action can run Use the Run Plan action. If you want to
another Refresh and Plan process is at a time. use Refresh and Plan, wait for the process
running. identified in the message to end. Track the
status in the Scheduled Processes UI.

No planned dates are calculated after a The requested date may be too far out in Check the Error Text column for details.
plan run. the future or past.

Sales orders are planned late, at the Supply that might be available might not Collect planning data.
Infinite Time Fence or at the End of the have been collected.
planning horizon.

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 3
Using Backlog Management Planning Processes

Issue Cause Resolution

Demands with scheduled dates in the past The Past-Due Supply and Demand On the Manage Backlog Planning Options
aren't getting planned. horizon might not be suitable. page, ensure review and edit the value
for the Past-Due Supply and Demand
Considered In Days field. If this value was
also defined for the backlog planning rule,
the value defined for the rule overrides
the value defined on the planning options

High-priority demands don't improve Supply is first allocated so that all Decommit low-priority demands by
significantly even though there's enough demands are met by their scheduled date. setting their Enforce Current Commit
supply. There might not be enough supply to value to No.
further improve specific demands after
this allocation.

Some demands get planned after their These demands might have been Set their Enforce Current Commit value to
scheduled date even though there's decommitted. Yes.
enough supply for all demands to be
planned on schedule.

You can't see rows for each line in a set. For sets, only a header row is visible and To see constituent lines, select the set row
the sales order information displayed and click the Manage Set action.
accounts for the entire set.

The item availability date isn't appearing The item availability date is calculated only You need the item availability date only
on the Manage Set page. when a set is delayed. to identify constraining items in the set. If
the set is scheduled on time, then there's
enough supply for all items.

Troubleshoot Issues for Backlog Analytics

Issue Cause Resolution

There's no Scheduled data in the On Time No sales orders have been collected. Check the Supplies and Demands table in
Fulfillment and Fulfillment by Lead Time the Plan Inputs work area to verify if sales
Date infotiles. orders have been collected. If not, then
collect planning data.

There's no Planned data in the On Time You didn't run the plan. Planned data is Schedule the Start Backlog Planning
Fulfillment and Fulfillment by Lead Time calculated during a plan run and displayed process without specifying parameters for
Date infotiles. when the run completes. the organization.

There's no significant difference between The Fulfillment Lead Time Date of the On the Manage Backlog Planning Options
the data in the On Time Fulfillment and demands being planned might be the page, review and edit the Default Demand
Fulfillment by Lead Time Date infotiles. same as their Requested Date. The lead Fulfillment Lead Time Date value, or
time date defaults to the requested date if update it through a REST service.
the lead time date wasn't specified and the
requested date is too far out.

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 3
Using Backlog Management Planning Processes

Release Planning Results

If you're satisfied with the results of your plan run, you can release them to your enterprise's order management system.
You can release planning results from the Backlog Analysis page or from the Scheduled Processes page. Here's how you
do it:
From the Backlog Analysis page:

1. Use the Save Planning Results action to register these results in the backlog planning data repository.
2. Select the orders whose results you want to release and use the Mark for Release action to make the results on
these lines eligible for release. You can undo this using the Unmark for Release action.
3. Use the Release Planning Results action to actually release them.
Note: The Release Status column tells you if an order has been marked for release. After planning, if planned values
are different from scheduled values, the status is Release. If you mark the order for release, the status changes to
Marked for Release. If you use the Unmark for Release action on the order, the status reverts to Release.

From the Scheduled Processes page:

1. Click the Schedule New Process action.

2. Search for the Release Backlog Planning Results job and click OK.
3. In the Process Options dialog box, define values for the parameters that will control your process run.
4. Click Submit.
After release, scheduled information in Order Management, Global Order Promising, and Supply Planning is updated. If
your enterprise uses an external order management system, the release process generates a CSV file that can be used
to feed planned information into that system.

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 3
Using Backlog Management Planning Processes

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 4
Using Backlog Management Simulate Changes to Attribute Values

4 Simulate Changes to Attribute Values

When to Override Demand Priority

When you run the backlog plan, orders are prioritized based on the demand priority rule, and supply is allocated
accordingly. The order priority is inferred from the Calculated Priority values, which are in multiples of 10, with 10
being the highest-ranked value. But let's say you may want a critical order, Order X, prioritized over others, but without
changing the priority sequence. To do this, you can specify an Override Priority value of, say, 1, on that order. Here's
what happens when you run the plan then:
• Order X gets top priority, and its Calculated Priority value is 1.
• The former calculated priority values of other orders remain the same.

Note: Because supply needs to be redistributed when you plan after overriding priorities, the planning results of low
priority orders could worsen.

Related Topics
• How Demand Priority Is Calculated Using Demand Priority Rules

When to Decommit Orders or Prevent Order Fulfillment

When you run the backlog plan, orders are prioritized based on the demand priority rule, and supply is allocated
accordingly. During this process, the fulfillment prospects for some of your orders may not change, or may worsen
instead of improving. Either way, it's because supply for these orders is being used to fulfill demands of other orders.
But even within the prioritization sequence, you can prevent supply from reaching some orders so that it can be
redistributed to other orders. You do this using two backlog planning attributes: Enforce Current Commit and Pull-in

Enforce Current Commit

You can regulate supply allocation by forcing the planning process to respect the scheduled date for a demand. To do
so, use the Enforce Current Commit option. Here's how it works:

• When the Enforce Current Commit value for some orders is Yes, the scheduled dates for these orders are
retained as their planned dates. This is because the supply for the selected orders is retained, and isn't
reallocated to fulfill higher priority demands.
• If you change the Enforce Current Commit value for an order to No, the supply from this order can be
reallocated to another order, and this order's planned delay can be worse than its originally scheduled delay.

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 4
Using Backlog Management Simulate Changes to Attribute Values

Pull-in Enabled
You can also improve supply for some orders by not letting the backlog planning process consider other orders for
improvement. To do so, set the Pull-in Enabled value for the latter to No and rerun the plan. Here's how it works:

• When the Pull-in Enabled value for some orders is No, the scheduled dates for those orders will be retained as
planned dates, but they can't be improved.
• If you leave the Pull-in Enabled value as Yes, the order can be improved up until its requested date.

Example of How Decommiting Orders Impacts Planning

Let's say you're planning three orders for the same item, sourced from the same organization. Let's chart out the sales
order attributes that are relevant before and after planning. We will review two planning scenarios: in the first, the
Enforce Current Commit value will be Yes for all three orders, and in the second we will decommit one of them.

This table depicts the attribute values relevant for planning.

Order Number Requested Date Requested Quantity Scheduled Date Enforce Current

Order 1 01/04/2020 15 01/11/2020 Yes

Order 2 01/06/2020 10 01/18/2020 Yes

Order 3 01/12/2020 5 01/25/2020 Yes

Supply Availability Information

• 15 units on 01/11/2020
• 10 units on 01/18/2020
• 5 units on 01/25/2020

Key Settings for the Plan Run

• We select a simple demand priority rule REQDATE, which prioritizes demands by just by their requested date. It
gives highest priority to the order with the earliest requested date.
• The Enforce Current Commit value is Yes for all three orders.

Planning Results When All Scheduled Dates Are Enforced

The plan was run. Our table now also includes calculated priority values and planned dates.

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 4
Using Backlog Management Simulate Changes to Attribute Values

Order Number Calculated Requested Requested Scheduled Planned Date Enforce

Priority Date Quantity Date Current

Order 1 10 01/04/2020 15 01/11/2020 01/11/2020 Yes

Order 2 20 01/06/2020 10 01/18/2020 01/18/2020 Yes

Order 3 30 01/12/2020 5 01/25/2020 01/25/2020 Yes

Orders are prioritized based on their requested date. You infer that the planned dates are no later than the scheduled
dates.. This is because the planning process respected the scheduled dates, based on the Enforce Current Commit

Now let's see what happens when the Enforce Current Commit value of Order 2 is changed to No.

Planning Results When One Order Is Decommitted

Order 2 was decommitted and the plan was run. Our table now displays new planned dates.

Order Number Calculated Requested Requested Scheduled Planned Date Enforce

Priority Date Quantity Date Current

Order 1 10 01/04/2020 15 01/11/2020 01/11/2020 Yes

Order 2 20 01/06/2020 10 01/18/2020 01/25/2020 No

Order 3 30 01/12/2020 5 01/25/2020 01/18/2020 Yes

You infer that the planned date of Order 2 is later than its scheduled date. Meanwhile, the planned date of Order 3 has
improved. This is because the planning process used supply for the decommitted Order 2, which would be available
from 01/18, to fulfill Order 3 on 01/18, which is earlier than its scheduled date.

Because 5 units of supply were taken away from Order 2, and because the next 5 units of supply are available on only
01/25, Order 2 can be fulfilled only on 01/25.

Example of How Preventing An Order's Improvement

Impacts Planning Results
Let's say you're planning three orders for the same item, sourced from the same organization. Let's chart out the sales
order attributes that are relevant before and after planning. We will review two planning scenarios: in the first, the

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 4
Using Backlog Management Simulate Changes to Attribute Values

Pull-in Enabled value is Yes for all three orders, and in the second, we prevent one order from being considered for

This table depicts the attribute values relevant for planning.

Order Number Requested Date Requested Quantity Scheduled Date Pull-in Enabled

Order 1 01/04/2020 10 01/15/2020 Yes

Order 2 01/06/2020 4 01/15/2020 Yes

Order 3 01/12/2020 6 01/15/2020 Yes

Supply Availability Information

• 10 units on 01/11/2020
• 10 units on 01/15/2020

Key Settings for the Plan Run

• We select a simple demand priority rule REQDATE, which prioritizes demands by just by their requested date. It
gives highest priority to the order with the earliest requested date.
• The Pull-in Enabled value is Yes for all three orders.

Planning Results When All Orders Are Considered for

The plan was run. Our table now also includes calculated priority values and planned dates.

Order Number Calculated Requested Requested Scheduled Planned Date Pull-in

Priority Date Quantity Date Enabled

Order 1 10 01/04/2020 10 01/15/2020 01/11/2020 Yes

Order 2 20 01/06/2020 4 01/15/2020 01/15/2020 Yes

Order 3 30 01/12/2020 6 01/15/2020 01/15/2020 Yes

Orders are prioritized based on their requested date. You infer Order 1 has been improved beyond its scheduled date.
This is because 10 units of supply were available on 01/11 to satisfy the request from Order 1. Another 10 units of supply
were available on 01/15, of which 4 units can be allocated to Order 2 and 6 units to Order 3, as requested.

Now let's see what happens when the Pull-in Enabled value of Order 1 is changed to No.

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 4
Using Backlog Management Simulate Changes to Attribute Values

Planning Results When One Order Isn't Considered for

The plan was run and Order 1 wasn't considered for improvement. Our table now displays new planned dates.

Order Number Calculated Requested Requested Scheduled Planned Date Pull-in

Priority Date Quantity Date Enabled

Order 1 10 01/04/2020 10 01/15/2020 01/15/2020 No

Order 2 20 01/06/2020 4 01/15/2020 01/11/2020 Yes

Order 3 30 01/12/2020 6 01/15/2020 01/12/2020 Yes

You infer that the planned date of Order 1 is the same as its scheduled date. This is because it wasn't considered for
improvement. The supply of 10 units available on 01/11 can now be used to fulfill the demand of Orders 2 and 3, for
which 4 and 6 units were requested, and so their planned dates improve beyond their scheduled date. The 10 units of
supply are available on 01/15, and this supply is used to fulfill Order 1.

When to Lock or Override Planning Results

During a plan run, orders are prioritized based on the demand priority rule, and supply is allocated accordingly. You
might want to ship or deliver critical orders by a particular date, and your plan run may yield desirable or undesirable
Planned dates for those orders. Here's what you can do in each case:

• If the Planned values are satisfactory, you can use the Lock Planning Results action to freeze the Planned
values. This ensures that the Planned values for this order line are retained when you rerun the plan.
• If the Planned values are unsatisfactory, you can use the Override Planning Result action to manually specify
Planned values for this line.

How You Review Sets and Resolve Item Constraints

Order lines may be grouped into shipment sets or arrival sets, but if one item in a set is more constrained than others, it
can delay the fulfillment of the set. This is because the planned date on the most delayed order line comes the planned
date for the entire set.

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 4
Using Backlog Management Simulate Changes to Attribute Values

Review A Set
To review the set that an order belongs to, select the order and click the Manage Set action. Here's how you understand
the constraints:

• Compare the Planned Date and Item Availability Date values to know if an item will be available in time. The
planned date for a set depends on the latest item availability date.
• Click the View Constraints button for a graphical depiction of constraining items.
• Review the Constraint Rank values to know which items are more constraining.
• Review the Planned Date Without Item values to know what the set's planned date is if certain constraining
items are removed from the set.
• Review the Improvement Potential Without Item in Days values to know how much the planned date
improves if certain constraining items are removed from the set.

Resolve Item Constraints

To improve the fulfillment prospects of a set, you can remove constraining items in the set using the Remove from Set
action. The items then become standalone lines within your saved search, but you can also view them on the Manage
Set page by clicking the View All Lines action. You can undo removals using the Add Back to Set action.

Note: You can't remove an order line from a set that's sourced from Oracle Fusion Order Management. The Remove
from Set action is grayed out for such sets.

Example of How You Resolve Item Constraints Within A

After a plan run, let's assume you want to manage the fulfillment of the set BLM_SHIP_SET that contains 10 order lines,
three of which constrain the set. This means that the item availability dates for these three lines falls after the requested
date. Let's use a table to chart out the relevant attribute values for these three lines from the Manage Set page:

Order Line Item Requested Item Planned Date Constraint Planned Date
Number Date Availability Rank Without Item

Line 3 Item 3 01/15/2020 01/25/2020 01/25/2020 1 01/22/2020

Line 1 Item 1 01/15/2020 01/22/2020 01/25/2020 2 01/19/2020

Line 2 Item 2 01/15/2020 01/19/2020 01/25/2020 3 01/15/2020

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 4
Using Backlog Management Simulate Changes to Attribute Values


• The most constraining line is Line 3, because Item 3 is has the latest item availability date. Because the planned
date of a set is the planned date of its most constrained line, the planned date for this set is 01/25/2020. If you
remove Line 3 from the set, the planned date for the set becomes 01/22.
• If you remove just Line 1 and Line 2, the planned date will still be 01/25/2020, because the most constraining
line, Line 3, is still in the set.
• If you want the set planned on time, you must remove not only Line 2, but also Line 1 and Line 3.

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 4
Using Backlog Management Simulate Changes to Attribute Values

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 5
Using Backlog Management Demand Priority Rules

5 Demand Priority Rules

Overview of Demand Priority Rules

Use demand priority rules to define how orders are prioritized for fulfillment.
A demand priority rule is made up of uniquely ranked demand priority attributes. Demand priority attributes are the
various considerations that impact fulfillment, like dates, lead times, customers, and items. You apply one demand
priority rule while running the backlog plan, and review the demand fulfillment priorities determined by that plan run.
You can specify how demand attributes should be considered when your orders are being prioritized during backlog
planning. To review multiple fulfillment options, you can rerun the plan as many times as you want using a different
demand priority rule each time.

To manage your demand priority rules in the Backlog Management work area, open the Tasks panel and click the
Manage Demand Priority Rules link.

Define a Demand Priority Rule

Here's how you define a demand priority rule:
1. Go the Backlog Management work area.
2. Open the Tasks panel and select the Manage Demand Priority Rules link.
3. On the Manage Demand Priority Rules page, in the Search Results section, click the Create icon, the Duplicate
icon, or the Edit icon.
4. Provide a name for your demand priority rule. You can also provide a description for it.
5. In the Attribute column, select a demand priority attribute. You can add as many attributes as you want.
6. In the Sort Order column specify the order in which values for this attribute will be prioritized.
7. Review the attribute ranking. You can change it by clicking on an attribute row and then using the Move buttons
to move the attribute up or down in the list.
8. Save your demand priority rule.
Tip: If you need a rule that's similar to an existing rule, then consider duplicating the existing rule. When you
duplicate an existing rule, say Rule XY_Z, the duplicate rule's name defaults to Copy of Rule XY_Z, but you can
change it.

How User-Defined Demand Priority Attributes Are

The set of demand priority attributes includes predefined attributes and attributes added by your enterprise, referred to
as user-defined attributes. User-defined attributes are added as flexfields from the Setup and Maintenance work area.
These attributes are supported for externally sourced sales order demands only, and not for demands sourced from
Oracle Fusion Order Management.

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 5
Using Backlog Management Demand Priority Rules

Related Topics
• Overview of Flexfields
• Considerations for Managing Flexfields

How Demand Priority Is Calculated Using Demand

Priority Rules
On the Backlog Analysis page, you select a demand priority rule and click the Run Plan button. The backlog planning
process then calculates fulfillment priorities for the demand lines in the Backlog Analysis table.

Settings That Affect Rule-Based Priority

• The ranking of the demand priority attributes in the rule
• The ranking of attribute values

Let's assume that you selected a rule called REV_REQDATE, which is made up of the attributes Order Revenue and
Requested Date. This table shows the attribute and attribute value rankings within the rule:

Attribute Attribute Ranking Attribute Value Ranking

Order Revenue 1 Larger to Smaller

Requested Date 2 Earlier to Later

How Demand Priority Is Calculated

When you run the backlog plan, the first tier of prioritization is the attribute's rank, and the second is the ranking of
the attribute values. When orders are prioritized based on the first attribute, the second attribute is factored in and the
prioritization is refined.

So, using the rule REV_REQDATE, the backlog planning process first considers the orders by revenue, giving high-value
orders more priority. Then the process prioritizes orders by their requested dates, and calculates priority values for each
order. If the highest order revenue is the same for two orders, then the order with the earlier requested date gets the
higher priority value. Priority values are calculated in multiples of 10, and the highest priority value is 10.

Note: You can override a calculated priority value by specifying a different value in the Override Priority column. You
must rerun the plan for this override to take effect.

Related Topics
• When to Override Demand Priority

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 6
Using Backlog Management Backlog Planning Rules

6 Backlog Planning Rules

Overview of Backlog Planning Rules

Use backlog planning rules to control how supply availability is considered during backlog management. You can create,
edit, and delete backlog planning rule using the Manage Backlog Planning rules task in the Backlog Management work
area. Defining the backlog planning rule involves two tasks: specifying the backlog planning mode, and assigning the
backlog planning rule.
Note: Backlog planning rules share data with ATP rules in Oracle Fusion Global Order Promising. So if your enterprise
uses Global Order Promising, then changes to a backlog planning rule may impact the corresponding ATP rule.

Backlog Planning Mode Selection

The backlog planning mode determines which supply and demand attributes are evaluated when supply availability
is being considered. You pick a planning mode depending on the nature of your supply, your preferred supply and
demand source types, and a variety of time constraints. To do so, use the Backlog Planning Mode tab. There are three
backlog planning modes:
• Supply Chain Availability Search mode: You use this mode when your supply is for items that are of high
value or highly constrained.
• Lead Time Based mode: You use this mode when your supply is for items that are made-to-order.
• Infinite Availability Based mode: You use this mode when your supply is for items that are easily available or
of low value.

To know more about these modes, refer to the Backlog Planning Modes topic.

Backlog Planning Rule Assignment

You can control supply availability for an item, for a category of items, for all items in an organization, or for a specific
item from an organization, by associating them with backlog planning rules. To do so, use the Backlog Planning Rule
Assignment tab. Remember that for an item to be used in the planning process, it must be assigned to backlog planning

Because there are four assignment bases, multiple backlog planning rules can be applicable to an item. But the
granularity of the assignment bases determine which rule is used for the item. To know more, refer to the Backlog
Planning Rule Precedence topic.

Backlog Planning Modes

Specify a backlog planning mode to control which supply and demand attributes are evaluated when supply availability
is being considered. There are three modes:
• the Infinite Availability Based mode
• the Lead Time Based mode

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 6
Using Backlog Management Backlog Planning Rules

• the Supply Chain Availability Search mode

Infinite Availability Based mode

You use this mode when your supply is for items that are easily available or of low value. Here are the attribute
considerations in this planning mode:
• The item is planned on the requested date irrespective of availability.
• No availability search is performed.
• Calendars are respected during planning.
• The backlog planning engine doesn't generate any pegging.
• Transit time constraints are respected; therefore, requests within transit lead times are planned after
accounting for the transit lead time. No other attributes are associated with this mode.

Lead Time Based mode

You use this mode when your supply is for items that are made-to-order. Here are the main attribute considerations of
this planning mode:
• Orders are planned after a specified lead time, as planned dates are always offset from the requested date by
the specified lead time.
• No supply availability search is performed.
• Lead time can be specified in multiple ways.
• The backlog planning engine doesn't generate any pegging.
• Calendars and transit time constraints are respected.

When you create backlog planning rules in lead time planning mode, you use one of these lead time attributes:
• Total lead time
• Cumulative manufacturing lead time
• Cumulative total lead time
• User-defined lead time

Supply Chain Availability Search mode

You use this mode when your supply is for items that are of high value or highly constrained. Here are the main features
of this planning mode:
• A detailed availability search is performed across supply chain depending on the options that you select when
you create the rule.
• Pegging information is generated by the engine.
• Lead times, calendars, capacities, transport modes, and supply chain network are considered during planning.

When you create backlog planning rules in supply chain availability search mode, you make specifications to control
several aspects of the search. Here's what you specify:
• Whether the process must search components and resources
• Which types of supply and demand it must consider
• Which lead time it uses for the infinite availability fence

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 6
Using Backlog Management Backlog Planning Rules

• The time fence for considering past-due demand and past-due supply

Backlog Planning Rule Precedence

You can control supply availability for an item, for a category of items, for all items in an organization, or for a specific
item from an organization. Because of these many assignment bases, multiple backlog planning rules can be applicable
to an item, but only one rule is finally applied. This is determined by the granularity of the assignment bases associated
with the item

Here's the backlog planning rule override sequence in the order of most specific assignment to least specific

• Item and Organization

• Item
• Category
• Organization

So if you assign backlog planning rules to the item and to its category, the rule assigned to the item overrides the rule
assigned to the category. The planning process then uses the rule assigned to the item while considering supply.

How Supply is Considered in the Infinite Availability

Based Mode
When applying a backlog planning rule in the infinite availability based mode, the planning process bypasses supply
consideration and determines the planned date from the requested date. Because supply is assumed to be infinite for all
days, a request is always planned on the requested date, except in cases where transit lead times are violated.

Settings That Affect the Infinite Availability Based Mode

The type of the requested date impacts the infinite availability mode. If the request type specified by the customer was
Shipment, then the requested date is the requested ship date. If the request type specified by the customer was Arrival,
then the requested date is the requested arrival date.

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 6
Using Backlog Management Backlog Planning Rules

How Supply Is Considered

The backlog planning process assumes infinite availability on all days, so no supply and demand matching is done for
infinite planning. However, the process must still respect certain constraints for the organization when determining the
planned date from the requested date.

• If the requested date is the requested arrival date, the process respects calendar constraints and transit lead
time constraints.
• If the requested date is the requested ship date, the process respects calendar constraints.

How Supply Is Considered in the Lead Time Based Mode

In the lead time based mode, the planned date is delayed from the requested date based on the lead time defined in the
rule being applied.

Settings That Affect the Lead Time Based Mode

• Type of lead time. It can be the total lead time, the cumulative manufacturing lead time, the cumulative total
lead time, or a user-defined lead time.
• Type of requested date. If the request type specified by the customer was Shipment, then the requested date
is the requested ship date. If the request type specified by the customer was Arrival, then the requested date is
the requested arrival date.

How Supply Is Considered

If the requested date is a ship date, then the backlog planning process applies the lead time offset defined in the
backlog planning rule and plans using the requested date plus lead time offset after inflating the calendar date to
account for any holidays. The process doesn't check whether there is availability of the item because even if there is
availability of the item, the availability must be ignored.

If the requested date is an arrival date, the backlog planning process first derives the requested ship date by applying a
transit time offset to determine the requested ship date. To determine the offset, the default carrier, shipping mode, and
service level associated between the ship-from date and the ship-to date is considered. To derive the planned ship date,
the process then applies the lead time defined in the backlog planning rule to the derived requested ship date. Then to
calculate the planned arrival date, the process applies the transit time for the specified or default ship method. When
determining dates, the process accounts for any calendar constraints.

The planned date is offset from the requested date based on the lead time defined in the backlog planning rule.

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 6
Using Backlog Management Backlog Planning Rules

How Supply Is Considered in the Supply Chain

Availability Search Mode
The results of the supply chain availability search are affected by a number of settings.

Settings That Affect the Supply Chain Availability Search Mode

The behavior of the supply availability search is primarily determined by four factors:

• Constraints specified on the fulfillment line, such as the specification of a ship-from warehouse and whether
splits are allowed.
• Attribute settings for the rule that's being applied.
• The supply chain defined by the assignment set in use and the sourcing rules that it contains.

Additional settings determine other significant considerations. The following must be true for the supply chain
availability search to consider capable-to-make when determining availability:

• The item is built from components, and the rule has been enabled to search for components and resources.
• Inventory is maintained at the component level.
• Modeling of bills-of-material and routings have been collected into the planning data repository from the
applicable fulfillment systems.

How Supply Is Considered

If the fulfillment line has many constraints specified, such as Substitutions Not Allowed, the nature of the alternative
options generated by the supply chain availability search changes. In the most constrained case, when a ship-from
warehouse is specified and substitution and splits aren't allowed, planning options are generated from only the
specified ship-from warehouse for the specified item, possibly by considering different shipping methods that deliver
the item to the customer site.

The fewer constraints specified on the fulfillment line, the more possibilities the supply chain availability search can
consider. For example, if a ship-from warehouse isn't specified, and splits and item substitutions are allowed, the
supply chain availability search looks for the best possible ways of planning the fulfillment line by looking across all
warehouses specified in the applicable sourcing rules and by considering splitting by date, or substituting items, or both.
The backlog planning process determines a default availability option as well as availability options that represent the
best possible availability from each warehouse.

Unless the constraints on the fulfillment line restrict it from doing so, the supply chain availability search always
considers the supply for the item at other warehouses, also known as transfer capable-to-plan, and the supply for
the item at suppliers, also known as buy capable-to-plan. If the rule being applied has enabled the consideration of
components and resources, the supply chain availability search considers the availability of the components and
resources consumed during manufacturing, also known as make capable-to-plan, For example, if the settings enable a
capable-to-plan search, and an end item is made of two components, C1 and C2, which are assembled on a resource R1,

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 6
Using Backlog Management Backlog Planning Rules

if supply is available for the components, but not for the end time, the fulfillment line is planned by using the available
supply of the components and by considering the resource availability.

Two more cost attributes are factored in for make capable-to-plan:

• The cost associated with resource consumption defined as cost per unit of resource consumed
• The cost of the components required to make the end item

Supply Chain Availability Search Options

While defining a backlog planning rule in the supply chain availability search mode, you specify some planning attribute
values. These planning attributes influence how the backlog planning process will determine fulfillment options and
fulfillment option priority when applying the rule to determine planning results.

Search Components and Resources

This defines whether the backlog planning process will search components and resources to find backlog planning
options that include making the item. Select the Search components and resources check box to let the backlog
planning process consider whether the end item can be made using its component and resources if an item isn't
available at a requested location. When the planning process is applying a backlog planning rule with search
components and resources enabled, the process can determine planning results by looking into the availability of the
components and resources required to make the item being planned. In make-to-order environments, inventory is often
not available for the ordered item, so it's necessary for the planning process to look at components and resources to
plan the order. The process respects all relevant calendars, lead times, and capacities when searching components and

Truncate Order Fulfillment Quantity to Nearest Integer Attribute

Defines whether the backlog planning process will truncate the value of the order fulfillment quantity to the nearest
integer when splits are allowed in the fulfillment line. Select the Truncate order fulfillment quantity to nearest
integer check box to let the backlog planning process truncate the value of the order fulfillment quantity to the nearest
integer when splits are allowed in the fulfillment line. Selecting this attribute will ensure that the split quantities are in
integer values of the ordered units of measure (UOM), and the planning process never splits the fulfillment quantity
into a decimal value because of factors like the availability of fractional components for building the supply on time, and
UOM conversion.

Infinite Availability Time Fence

The backlog planning process assumes infinite supply availability after the time period defined by the infinite availability
fence. For requested dates after the time fence, the process plans on the requested date without checking availability. If
the requested date is beyond the infinite time fence, no real supplies are used for planning. For requested dates within
the infinite availability time fence, the backlog planning process conducts a supply chain availability search.

Select one of these lead times to define a lead time based infinite availability time fence:

• Total lead time

• Cumulative manufacturing lead time
• Cumulative total lead time

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 6
Using Backlog Management Backlog Planning Rules

• User-defined lead time

Note: You should define an infinite availability time fence. If you don't define an infinite availability time fence, the
backlog planning process uses the horizon of a year, which incurs a large increase in the memory used by backlog
planning engine.

Past-Due Demand Considered

Past-due demand is a demand with a scheduled date earlier than the current date. Most past-due demands need to
be considered and accounted for as they're expected to ship in the future. However, you may have a number of days
of past-due beyond which you no longer consider the demand valid. You specify the number of days of past-due for
past-due demand to be included when the planning process determines planning results. The process doesn't consider
any past-due demand due before the number of days you specify. If you don't specify a value for past-due demand
considered, all demands with scheduled date earlier than the horizon start date will be ignored.

Past-Due Supply Considered

Past-due supply is a supply, usually in the form of a purchase order, for which the expected date is earlier than the
current date. Most past-due supplies need to be considered as the expectation of supply is still considered valid. You
specify the number of days of past-due supply to be included when the planning process determines planning results.
The process doesn't consider any past-due supply expected before the number of days you specify. If you don't specify
a value for past-due supply considered, all supplies earlier than the horizon start date will be ignored.

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 6
Using Backlog Management Backlog Planning Rules

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 7
Using Backlog Management Sourcing Rules, Bills of Distribution, and Assignment Sets

7 Sourcing Rules, Bills of Distribution, and

Assignment Sets

Sourcing Rules and Bills of Distribution in Backlog

To define the sources of supply for your supply chains and to define your date-effective sourcing strategies, create
sourcing rules and bills of distribution in the Backlog Management work area. Within each sourcing rule or bill of
distribution, you define one or more supply sources and a combination of rankings and quantity-based sourcing
specifications for each source to define priorities across the supply sources. For each source, you also select one of
three source types, and you specify the value for the attributes applicable to the selected source type.
This table lists the three replenishment source types, the definition of the source type, and the attributes to specify for
each source type.

Source Type Source Type Definition Attributes to Specify

Buy from Sourced from an external supplier. Specify the supplier and supplier site.

Make at Sourced from an internal organization that Specify the manufacturing organization.
manufactures the item.

Transfer from Sourced through an interorganization Specify the organization from which items
transfer. will be transferred.

Note: When you create sourcing rules and bills of distribution, you specify how you will replenish items. You don't
specify what items that you will replenish. To specify which sourcing rules or bills of distribution that you will use to
replenish what items, you create assignment sets.

You define the following aspects of sourcing rules and bills of distribution to define your sources of supply and your
sourcing strategies:
• Global sourcing rules
• Local sourcing rules
• Bills of distribution
• Effectivity dates
• Source ranks, quantity-based sourcing specifications, and allocation percentages

Tip: When first designing your sourcing rules and bills of distribution, start by envisioning your assignment set.
Determine what set of global sourcing rules, local sourcing rules, bills of distribution, or combinations of rules and
bills that you need to implement your assignment set while minimizing the number of rules or bills to maintain. For
example, you may be able to define a global sourcing rule in such a way that you will need only a few local sourcing
rules to assign for exceptions to the global rule.

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 7
Using Backlog Management Sourcing Rules, Bills of Distribution, and Assignment Sets

Global Sourcing Rules

Global sourcing rules can specify two of the source types: the buy-from or transfer-from source types. Any organization
can potentially replenish items by buying from any of the suppliers specified in the buy-from sources, or transferring
from any of the organizations specified in the transfer-from sources. For example, if you create a global sourcing rule
with a buy-from source with Super Supply Company specified for the supplier, any of your organizations can potentially
buy from Super Supply Company.

If you have a source that's applicable to most of your organizations, create a global sourcing rule for that source and
local sourcing rules for the organizations for which the source isn't applicable. For example, if there are 20 organizations
in your company, and 19 of the organizations transfer supply from the Munich organization, create a global sourcing
rule specifying transfer-from the Munich organization, and create a local sourcing rule specifying where the Munich
organization gets supply from.

Local Sourcing Rules

Local sourcing rules can specify all three source types. Because a local sourcing rule is applicable to one, and only one,
organization, you specify which organization the rule is being created for when you create the rule. The replenishment
sources defined in the rule are applicable only to the organization for which the rule was created. For example, if you
create a local sourcing rule with M1 as the organization for which the rule is being created, and you add a buy-from
source to the rule with XYZ Supply Company specified for the supplier, and you have no other sourcing rules or bills
of distribution with XYZ Company specified for the supplier, then only the M1 organization can buy from XYZ Supply

Bills of Distribution
If you have designed multiple local sourcing rules with material flowing through three or more organizations, you can
choose to create one bill of distribution to implement the sources instead of creating multiple local sourcing rules.
Choosing to create a bill of distribution instead of sourcing rules is a personal or organizational preference. Any scenario
that you can implement by creating a bill of distribution, you can also implement by creating multiple local sourcing

For example, the following sourcing scenario could be implemented by three local sourcing rules or one bill of
• Organization M1 sources items by purchasing from a supplier, XYZ Supply.
• Organization M2 sources items by transferring from M1.
• Organization M3 sources items by transferring from M2.

Effectivity Dates
Use sourcing effectivity dates to modify sourcing rules and bills of distribution when sources change, such as a new
supplier contract is established or a manufacturing facility is shut down. Each rule or bill can have multiple, non-
overlapping ranges of effectivity start dates and end dates, with a different set of sources specified for each range. For
example, if you have a sourcing rule that currently specifies a buy-from source with Acme Supplier specified for the
supplier, but your company has decided to start buying from Winter Widgets instead, you would modify the sourcing
rule by specifying the applicable end date, the date you will no longer buy from Acme Supplier, for the current effectivity
date range. You add a new effectivity date range, specifying the date when you will start buying from Winter Widgets for
the start date, and then you add a buy-from source for the new effectivity date range with Winter Widgets specified for
the supplier.

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 7
Using Backlog Management Sourcing Rules, Bills of Distribution, and Assignment Sets

Source Ranks, Quantity-Based Sourcing Specifications, and Allocation

For each source in a sourcing rule or bill of distribution, you designate a rank to specify the order in which the sources
within the rule or bill will be considered by the backlog planning process when the rule or bill is applied during a supply
chain availability search. The source with the lowest number rank will be considered first, and the source with the
highest number rank will be considered last. If your sourcing strategy includes using specific sources for specific
quantities, you designate a from quantity, a less-than quantity, or both, for one or more sources.

Note: Because sourcing rules collected from some source systems might include split allocations for planning
purposes, multiple sources that include the same rank and quantity range might exist, but the allocation percentages
must add up to 100 percent. The backlog planning process doesn't split the quantity when it determines availability.

The backlog planning process checks the source with the highest allocation percent first within a group of sources with
the same rank. If the source with the highest allocation percent has enough supply, that source is used for the entire
requested quantity. If the source with the highest allocation percent doesn't have enough supply, then the source with
the next highest allocation percent will be checked for the entire quantity. Because split allocations aren't applicable to
backlog management sourcing strategies, the examples provided here don't include split allocations.

The following table is an example of a sourcing rule with three ranks. Quantity-based sourcing isn't being used in this
example. If a supply chain search is conducted using this rule, the backlog planning process checks if organization M2
can make the desired quantity first. If organization M2 can't make the desired quantity, the backlog planning process
will then check if there is enough quantity at organization V1 for an interorganization transfer. If there isn't enough
quantity at organization V1, then the backlog planning process will check if the desired quantity can be bought from
supplier Winter Widgets.

Replenishment Source and Applicable Rank Allocation Percent

Attribute Value

Make at manufacturing organization M2 1 100

Transfer from organization V1 2 100

Buy from supplier Winter Widgets 3 100

How Assignment Set Hierarchy Determines Which

Sourcing Rule Is Used in Backlog Management
The sourcing assignment levels that you select when you create sourcing assignments in an assignment set formulate
a sourcing hierarchy for that assignment set. The backlog planning process uses the sourcing hierarchy to determine
which sourcing rule or bill of distribution to follow to find a source for a specific item. It always uses the most specific
sourcing rule or bill of distribution that's applicable in the hierarchy.

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 7
Using Backlog Management Sourcing Rules, Bills of Distribution, and Assignment Sets

Note: When the planning process conducts a supply chain search, a profile option, the Default Order Promising
Assignment Set profile option, designates which assignment set will be applied. The planning process uses the
sourcing hierarchy to determine which sourcing rule or bill of distribution to follow from the rules or bills within the
designated assignment set.

Settings That Affect the Sourcing Hierarchy

The position of a sourcing rule or a bill of distribution in the sourcing hierarchy is determined by these two factors:
• The assignment level at which you assigned the sourcing rule or bill of distribution to the assignment set.
• The rule or bill type which can be global sourcing rule, local sourcing rule, bill of distribution, or source
organization. Source organization is the type used to designate when the set of item attribute values is what
determines the source instead of a sourcing rule or bill of distribution.

Tip: Understanding and using the power of the sourcing hierarchy in an assignment set can make the designing and
managing of sourcing relationships easier.

For example, if a plant initially receives all items belonging to a specific item category, such as the Fasteners item
category, from Supplier A, then the sourcing rule to buy from Supplier A can be assigned at the Category assignment
level for the Fastener item category.

If you then determine that a specific fastener is to be sourced from a different supplier, Supplier B for example, then you
can assign a different sourcing rule to buy from Supplier B at the item level for the specific fastener. The detailed-to-
general hierarchy determines that the specific fastener will be sourced from Supplier B, while all other fasteners are still
sourced from Supplier A.

How the Sourcing Hierarchy Determines Which Rule Is Used

The sourcing hierarchy can be envisioned as a detailed-to-general table where each row in the table is a combination of
assignment level and rule type. The first row, the row where a sourcing rule is assigned at the item and customer and
customer site assignment level, is the most specific row. The last row, the row where a global sourcing rule is assigned at
the global assignment level, is the most general row. You use the sourcing hierarchy to answer which sourcing rule, bill
of distribution, or set of item attribute values will be used to find a source for a specific combination of values of these
four criteria:
• Assignment set
• Date
• Organization
• Item

For the sourcing rules and bills of distribution within the assignment set where the effective date of the sourcing
assignment meets the date criteria, each rule or bill is associated with a specific row in the sourcing hierarchy. The
sourcing assignment attribute values, such as the item value, determine which of the rules, bills, and set of item
attributes are applicable to the specific criteria set. Multiple rules, bills, or item attributes can be applicable; therefore,
multiple rows can be applicable. The rule, bill, or set of item attributes associated with the highest row in the hierarchy is
the rule, bill, or set of item attributes that will be followed to determine the source.

From the Manage Assignment Sets page, you can click the View Sourcing Hierarchy button to view a table containing
rows of the sourcing hierarchy.

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 7
Using Backlog Management Sourcing Rules, Bills of Distribution, and Assignment Sets

This table lists the sourcing hierarchy. The most specific, most granular, row is the first row. The least specific, least
granular row, is the last row.

Assignment Level Sourcing Rule Type

Item and organization Sourcing rule

Item and organization Source Organization

Category and organization Sourcing Rule

Item Bill of Distribution

Item Sourcing rule

Category Bill of Distribution

Category Sourcing Rule

Organization Sourcing Rule

Organization Source Organization

Global Bill of Distribution

Global Sourcing rule

Tip: You can view the sourcing hierarchy and initiate a search to ask "Where does this organization get this item on
this date?" If you need to analyze why the process returned results that were different than what you expected, you
can view and search the sourcing hierarchy to determine which sourcing rule would be used for your set of criteria.

How Assignment Sets, Sourcing Rules, and Bills of

Distribution Work Together in Backlog Management
You create assignment sets in the Backlog Management work area to implement the supply chain networks for your
sourcing strategies. You implement your supply chain network by selecting the appropriate sourcing assignment level
when you assign a sourcing rule or bill of distribution to an assignment set. You create alternative assignment sets, with
different sourcing assignments, to model alternative supply chains.

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 7
Using Backlog Management Sourcing Rules, Bills of Distribution, and Assignment Sets

The following figure shows an example where three sourcing rules and one bill of distribution are assigned to two
assignment sets:
• The first sourcing rule, SR1, is assigned to the first assignment set, AS1, at the item and organization
assignment level for item B241 and organization M1.
• The bill of distribution, BD1, is assigned to the first assignment set, AS1, at the item assignment level for item
• The second sourcing rule, SR2, is assigned to the first assignment set, AS1, at the organization assignment level
for organization M2.
• The second sourcing rule, SR2, is also assigned to the second assignment set, AS2, but is assigned to AS2 at the
item assignment level for item C105.
• The third sourcing rule, SR3, is assigned to the second assignment set AS2, at the organization assignment level
for organization M2.

When the supply chain network implemented by assignment set AS2 is followed, Item C105 is replenished according to
the sourcing means specified in the sourcing rule SR2. When the supply chain network implemented by assignment set
AS1 is followed, Item C105 is replenished according to the sourcing means specified in the bill of distribution BD1.

Sourcing Rule
Assign to Item B241 and Organization M1

Bill of Assignment Set

Assign to Item C105 AS1
Distribution BD1

Assign to Organization M2
Sourcing Rule
SR2 Assignment Set
Assign to Item C105 AS2

Sourcing Rule
Assign to Organization M2

Assigning Sourcing Rules or Bills of Distribution to Assignment Sets

When you create sourcing rules and bills of distribution in the Backlog Management work area, you create descriptions
of the means by which you replenish items, but you don't associate these means with any specific items. You create
assignment sets to define your supply chain sourcing and transfer links by assigning sourcing rules and bills of
distribution to specific items, customers, organizations, categories, demand classes, or regions. For each sourcing
assignment within an assignment set, you select the applicable sourcing assignment level to implement the scope of the
sourcing rule or bill of distribution for the specific sourcing assignment.

When you add new replenishment sources, change your strategies for using your existing sources, or you delete
replenishment sources, you edit existing assignment sets, or create assignment sets, to incorporate these changes into
your supply chains. When you edit assignment sets, you add new sourcing assignments to the assignment set, delete
existing sourcing assignments from the assignment set, or make changes to the assignment level and assignment

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 7
Using Backlog Management Sourcing Rules, Bills of Distribution, and Assignment Sets

attributes for existing sourcing assignments. You edit assignment sets on the Edit Assignment Set page, or in a
worksheet by selecting to edit in worksheet while on the Manage Assignment Sets or Edit Assignment Set pages.

Specify Catalogs for Assignment Sets

A catalog is a collection of categories used to classify items that you can organize into a hierarchy. A catalog can have a
flat or single-level structure of categories or you can have a hierarchical structure of categories.
When creating assignment sets, you must specify a catalog for each assignment set. You associate an assignment set
with a catalog to:

• Use the categories associated to that catalog in your assignment set.

• Link the sourcing assignments to the categories associated with the catalog.

If you do not specify a catalog for an assignment set, the assignment set uses the Catalog for Sourcing Assignments
(MSC_SRC_ASSIGNMENT_CATALOG) profile option as the default catalog.

To create an assignment set and specify a catalog, use the Manage Assignment Sets task in one of the Supply Chain
Planning work areas.

Note: Assignment sets are not applicable to the Demand Management work area.

How You Edit a Backlog Planning Assignment Set Within

a Spreadsheet
When managing or editing assignment sets, you use the Edit in Spreadsheet button on the Manage Assignments Sets
page in the Order Promising work area to use a spreadsheet to add, edit, or delete the sourcing rule or bill of distribution
assignments for an assignment set. If you're managing assignment sets, you must select an assignment set before you
can choose to edit in spreadsheet.

Related Topics
• Guidelines for Using Desktop Integrated Excel Workbooks

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 7
Using Backlog Management Sourcing Rules, Bills of Distribution, and Assignment Sets

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 8
Using Backlog Management Supply Network Model

8 Supply Network Model

How You Maintain Your Network Supply Model for

Backlog Management
Use the Maintain Supply Network Model page to view your collected data that includes details of organization,
customers, suppliers, carriers, and interlocation shipping networks. To access the Maintain Network Model page,
navigate to a Supply Chain Planning work area. Click the Tasks panel tab and then select the Maintain Supply Network
Model link.
You use organizations to represent your business facilities or functions. Typically, if your business has a single physical
facility that performs two different functions, then you model it as two organizations. For example, you have one facility
that's a manufacturing plant and a distribution center. You can model them as two separate organizations. Additionally,
if your business has one function located in two separate physical facilities, you can model those as one organization. If
you modeled your facilities as one organization, you can create separate subinventories to represent inventory for each

Review the Collected Data

Based on your search results, use the information on the Organization tab to do the following:

• Review organizations, including the time zones associated with the organizations, for all source systems.
• Select the drop ship validation organization. For each source system, you can select only one organization as
the drop ship validation organization. You can also assign a calendar to a drop shop validation organization.

Use the Customer and Supplier tabs to review collected data and assign time zones to customer sites and supplier
sites. If the customer site or supplier site doesn't have an associated time zone, then the customer site or supplier site is
assumed to be in the same time zone as the organization that's associated to the demand or supply.

Use the Carrier and Interlocation Shipping Locations tabs to review collected data on carriers, shipping methods, and
transit times.

Associate Calendars with Supplier Sites

Use a supplier site calendar to measure processing lead times for purchases from a supplier site. You can associate a
Supply Chain Planning calendar with a supplier site to use for all items sourced from that supplier site. The calendar is in
the collected planning data.
You can associate a calendar with supplier sites to use if there is no calendar defined through the Approved Supplier List
upload for a supplier site-item combination. From a Supply Chain Planning work area, navigate to the Maintain Supply
Network Model page, Suppliers tab. In the Supplier Site Calendar column for a supplier, select a calendar name from
the list of collected calendars. You can only edit this field if the supplier row contains a supplier site.

When you run the plan, the planning process uses the selected calendar on the Maintain Supply Network Mode page
if the approved supplier list calendar for the supplier site-item is blank. If the approved supplier list calendar for the

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 8
Using Backlog Management Supply Network Model

supplier site-item is blank, and you do not associate a calendar with a supplier site on the Maintain Supply Network
Model page, then the planning process uses the 24/7 calendar.

How You Define the Approved Supplier List for Supply

Chain Planning
An approved supplier list (ASL) is a repository of information that links items to the suppliers and supplier sites that
provide them to either a specific ship-to organization or the entire enterprise. An ASL can be global or specific to an
organization; however, supply planning only recognizes global ASLs.
To determine the supplier and supplier sites for items, the planning process collects ASLs from the CSV file upload,
Oracle Fusion Procurement, or both.
• Use the Load Planning Data from Flat Files process to load data directly into the planning ASL by using the
Approved Supplier List CSV template (ScpApprovedSupplierListImportTemplate.xlsm).
• You can also define some ASL attributes in Oracle Fusion Procurement and then upload a CSV file that defines
the attributes that you want supply planning to use. For example, define the following item-to-supplier
relationships and order modifiers in Oracle Fusion Procurement:
◦ Supplier
◦ Supplier site
◦ Minimum order quantity
◦ Fixed lot multiple

To upload additional attributes for supply planning to use, you can create and collect the ASL from purchasing. You can
then use the CSV file upload to define additional attributes such as the following:
• Item-supplier lead time
• Supplier capacity calendar
• Daily supplier capacity

Oracle Fusion Supply Planning supports the approved supplier list for a base model. However, approved supplier lists
aren't supported for configured items and won't be copied into a supply plan.

Related Topics
• Supplier Capacity Options
• How You Maintain Your Supply Network Model

Drop Shipments
Drop ship is an order fulfillment strategy where the seller does not keep products in inventory. Instead, the seller relies
on suppliers or contract manufacturers to build, store, and ship orders to customers. Material flows directly from the
supplier to the end customer. In this flow, the shipment is called a drop shipment.
The drop ship flow includes the following steps:
1. A customer places an order for a product.

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 8
Using Backlog Management Supply Network Model

2. The seller issues a purchase order for the item and provides instructions for shipping directly to the customer.
3. The suppliers or contract manufacturers ship the product.
4. The seller earns a profit.

Set Up a Drop Shipment Validation Organization

The supply planning process uses a special organization called drop shipment organization for drop ship demands and
supplies. Use the drop shipment validation organization to get various item organization attributes, such as lead times
and time fences for drop ship items. You must specify a drop shipment validation organization for each source system
that supports drop shipments. Specify the drop shipment validation organization value on the Manage Organizations
page in the Maintain Supply Network Model task.
Caution: Supply Planning sources all demands against the drop shipment validation organization with drop shipment
planned orders. For this reason, the drop shipment validation organization should not be a standard inventory
organization with transactions, as there could be unexpected results.

Use the drop shipment validation organization for the following purposes:
• As the source for organization-item attributes when creating drop shipment planned orders.
• As a proxy for the organization for drop shipment forecasts and manual demands.
• As a proxy for the organization during the collections of drop shipment sales orders and drop shipment history.

Specify the drop shipment validation organization when you generate a forecast or create a manual demand. Drop
shipment sales order bookings and shipments history are collected with the drop shipment validation organization
when items are shipped from the warehouse. Demand forecasting can create forecasts for the drop shipment validation
organization and release the forecasts for planning supplies. The drop shipment validation organization can be the item
master for a source system, but it's not required.

The drop ship validation organization can be the item master for a source system, but it's not required.

Note: The drop shipment validation organization must be an item organization. When you set up the drop shipment
validation organization, if the item master holds any transactions, create a new drop shipment validation organization.

To set up a drop shipment validation organization:

1. Define an item organization in the Product Information Management work area.
2. Enable the new item organization for collection from the Oracle Fusion source system.
3. Run collections to collect organization entities.
4. Perform the following steps in a Supply Chain Planning work area to complete the drop shipment sourcing

a. Navigate to a Supply Chain Planning work area.

b. Click the Tasks panel tab.
c. In the Tasks panel, click Maintain Supply Network Model.

Note: You can enable only one organization for each source system as the drop shipment
validation organization.
d. In the Organizations region, select the Drop Ship Validation Organization option.

You have completed the drop shipment validation organization setup.

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 8
Using Backlog Management Supply Network Model

Set Up Drop Shipment Sourcing Rules

To properly plan for drop shipments, you must first define the drop shipment sourcing rules that determine which
supplier sites support drop shipments. These are sourcing rules with a buy from supplier and supplier site source. When
defined, you can assign the drop shipment sourcing rule to various aggregate levels of item and customer location.
Valid item levels are item and category. Valid customer location levels are customer site, region/zone, and all locations.
When you assign a drop shipment sourcing rule, you determine which supplier sites can drop ship to which customer
You can apply drop shipment sourcing rules only to the independent demands. The demand sourcing hierarchy is
applied for drop ship cases. If a level 1 rule is found for an item and customer or customer site, then that rule is used.
Otherwise, if the highest level rule is assigned to a category-customer level, then that rule is used.

The following table lists the ranking of various demand sourcing hierarchies:

Rank Demand Sourcing Hierarchy

1 Item - Customer or Customer Site

2 Item - Customer

3 Item-Demand Class

4 Item - Region

5 Category - Customer or Customer Site

6 Category - Customer

7 Category - Demand Class

8 Item

9 Category - Region

10 Category

11 Customer or Customer Site

12 Customer

13 Demand Class

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 8
Using Backlog Management Supply Network Model

Rank Demand Sourcing Hierarchy

14 Region

15 Global

If an assignment set contains drop shipment rules that are already assigned to an item or a category, then you
must define organization-specific rules for an item or category that's both drop shipped and also shipped to an
inventory organization. If the sourcing rule for the drop ship demand includes a transfer from source or a make at,
the transfer from source and make at is ignored. If there are multiple buy from sources, then the buy from sources are
reapportioned to equal 100%.

Create Drop Shipment Sourcing Rules

To create drop shipment sourcing rules:
1. Define a global sourcing rule and specify a buy from supplier, supplier site, and supplier source system.
2. In the assignment set, assign the global sourcing rule to an assignment level that includes an item or a
category. Assign the global sourcing rule to a customer or a zone as required, but you can't assign the rule to an

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 8
Using Backlog Management Supply Network Model

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 9
Using Backlog Management Planning Data Collection

9 Planning Data Collection

Overview of Data Collections for Supply Chain Planning

To run plans from one of the Supply Chain Planning work areas, you must collect data into a planning data repository.
Order promising and order management processes also use the planning data repository to promise and manage
To collect data into the planning data repository, you can perform these tasks from one of the Supply Chain Planning
work areas:

• Collect Planning Data: Use this task when you collect data from the Oracle Fusion source system.
• Load Planning Data from Files: Use this task when you collect data from a completely external source system.

Depending on your security privileges, you may need to manually add these tasks. In the Setup and Maintenance work
area, use the following:

• Offering: Supply Chain Planning

• Functional Area: Supply Chain Planning Configuration
• Task: Collect Planning Data
The following figure illustrates the collections processes that you can use to populate the planning data repository.

Oracle Fusion Pull

Source System

Collect Staging Table Load Process

Planning Data

CSV Files Push Data

Load Planning
Data from Files

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 9
Using Backlog Management Planning Data Collection

Collect Planning Data

There are two steps involved in the data collection process. The Collect Planning Data process first pulls data from the
Oracle Fusion source system into staging tables. The process then loads data from the staging tables into the planning
data repository.

On the Collect Planning Data page, use the following tabs to select what data you want to collect:

• Reference Data
• Demand Planning Data
• Supply Planning Data

Most of the reference data are global entities. Global entities are common for all source systems. For example, Units of
Measure (UOM) is common for all source systems. The supply planning and demand planning data are transactional
data. Most of the transactional data are local entities. Local entities are specific to each source system. For example, On-
hand Quantity is specific for each source system.

You can also select collection filters to further refine what data you want to collect. You can save your selections to
collection templates.

Load Planning Data from Files

Use this option to populate the planning data repository using CSV files:

To load the planning data from files, follow these steps:

1. Create the CSV files. To create the CSV files, you can use a predefined set of Microsoft Excel files as import
2. Import the CSV files. From the navigator, click File Import and Export, and create a new import. Specify scm/
planningDataLoader/Import for the account.
3. Submit the Load Planning Data from Files process. When you submit the process, the process first pushes the
data from the CSV files into the staging tables. The process then loads the data from the staging tables into the
planning data repository.

Related Topics
• Update Existing Setup Data

Global Entities
Within data collections, Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Planning refers to certain business entities as global entities. Global
entities are specific for each instance and are common for all source systems. They are common without regard to
whether they are collected from the Oracle Fusion source system or collected from an external source system using the
file-based data import (FBDI) method.
When collecting data for a global entity, the planning data repository stores only one record for each instance of the
global entity. The data collections process removes the source system reference from the global entity and stores the
data in the data repository. If the data collections process collects the same instance of a global entity from more than
one source system, the data repository stores the value from the last collection.

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 9
Using Backlog Management Planning Data Collection

For example, the following scenario describes the collection method of the global entity called units of measure (UOM)
from three source systems, namely source system A, B, and C respectively.

• Source system A has an instance of UOM. During the collection of UOMs from source system A, the kilogram
UOM is collected. This is the first time the kilogram UOM is collected. The data collections process creates a
kilogram record in the data repository.
• Source system B does not have any instances of UOM. During the collection of UOMs from source system B,
the data collections process does not collect the kilogram value. Since there was no record for the kilogram
UOM in source system B, the data collections process does not change the kilogram record in the data
repository. The record of the kilogram value from source system A is still valid.
• Source system C has an instance of UOM. During the collection of UOMs from source system C, the kilogram
UOM is again collected. The data collections process registers the kilogram record in the data repository to
match the values from source system C.

Note: When you use the FBDI collection method, the global entity files require a source system. The collections
framework validates that the source system matches each record's source system. A source system identifier marks
each data record.

In Supply Chain Planning, the following entities are classified as global entities:

• Order Orchestration Reference Objects

• Units of Measure and UOM Conversions
• Demand Classes
• Currency and Currency Conversion Class
• Shipping Methods (Carrier, Mode of Transport, Service Level)
• Customer and Customer Site
• Suppliers and Supplier Sites
• Regions and Zones
• Approved Supplier List
• Supplier Capacity
• Planners

Data Collection Types for Supply Chain Planning

When you collect planning data, one of the parameters you specify for the Collect Planning Data task is the Collection
Type parameter. You can select this task from any of your Supply Chain Planning work areas. For the Collection Type
parameter, you can select one of the following values:
• Targeted: Choose the Targeted collection type when you want to collect a significant volume of source system
data. Typically, you use the Targeted collection type in scenarios such as bulk upload of transaction data,
instance upgrade, and change in collection filters.
• Net change: Choose the Net change collection type when you want to collect changed data and new records
since the last successful collection cycle.
• Automatic selection: Choose the Automatic collection type when you want the planning process to decide and
automatically select an appropriate collection type for each of the entities.

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 9
Using Backlog Management Planning Data Collection

You use the Targeted collection type when you want to perform a complete refresh of the data in the data repository.
In this mode, the planning process deletes the existing data for the selected entities from the data repository. Next, if
subsequently collected from the source, the data for the selected entities replaces the deleted data.

Note: For the following data collection entities, you can use only the Targeted collection type: Item Costs, Resource
Availability, Fiscal Calendars, and all Shipment and Booking History data.

Net change
When you use the Net Change collection type, you collect data incrementally. The Net Change collection type collects
only changed or new data. Collecting data using the Net Change collection type is usually faster than using the Targeted
collection type. You typically use the Net Change collection type when you have previously performed a Targeted
collection, and now you want to keep your planning data current with your execution system data. You cannot select the
demand planning data when the collection type is Net Change.

Automatic selection
You use the Automatic collection type when you are not sure which collection type to select and you want the planning
process to decide the collection type for each entity. The planning process evaluates each entity on multiple factors,
such as the last collected date for an entity, and decides whether to perform a Targeted or a Net Change collection for
the entity. You can manually select the entities that you want to collect or you can use one of the predefined templates
to select your entities. If you select one of the predefined templates, you can't make any changes in the Reference Data,
Demand Planning Data, and Supply Planning Data tabs.

Manage Planning Source Systems for Data Collections

To populate the planning data repository, also known as the order orchestration and planning data repository, you
collect data from the Oracle Fusion source system. On the Manage Planning Source Systems page in one of the Supply
Chain Planning work areas, enable organizations for collections. Depending on your security privilege, you can also
enable organizations from the Setup and Maintenance work area.
In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the following:
• Offering: Supply Chain Planning
• Functional Area: Supply Chain Planning Configuration
• Task: Manage Planning Source Systems

The Oracle Fusion Source System

The Oracle Fusion source system is included as a source system for data collection. Supply chain planning, order
orchestration, and order promising processes use data that are stored in the planning data repository. You ensure the
Collections Allowed check box is enabled and manage which organizations you enable for collections.

To open the Manage Trading Community Source Systems page, navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area and
use the following:
• Offering: Supply Chain Planning

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 9
Using Backlog Management Planning Data Collection

• Functional Area: Supply Chain Planning Configuration

• Task: Manage Trading Community Source System

External Source Systems

You can also allow collections for external source systems if you will be loading planning data from files for Oracle
Fusion Global Order Promising. You must first define the external source system on the Manage Trading Community
Source Systems.

There are two types of external source systems: Others and External.

Version External
The version External source system indicates that the source system is not connected to any other Oracle Fusion
applications. This source system is not integrated with Oracle Fusion Product Data Model, Oracle Fusion Trading
Community Model, and Oracle Fusion Order Management Cloud. The external source system is also referred as a
completely external source system. You cannot enable any other source system settings that are related to other Oracle
Fusion applications. You can select the Collections allowed check box now or later depending on when you want to start
collecting data. This enables the source system for data collections using the file-based import process.

Version Others
The version Others source system indicates that the source system is connected to other Oracle Fusion applications.
This source system is integrated for Oracle Fusion Product Data Model, Oracle Fusion Trading Community Model, and
Oracle Fusion Order Management Cloud. The following conditions are applicable when the external source is Others.
• External system data for Items, Item Structures, and Catalogs is uploaded to Oracle Product Data Model Cloud
• External system data for Customers, Customer Sites, Regions and Zones is uploaded to Oracle Trading
Community Model Cloud
• External system data for Sales Orders is uploaded to Oracle Order Management Cloud

For more information on types of data that can be collected for each source system, see the Import Templates Used to
Create CSV Files for Supply Chain Planning topic.

Organizations Enabled for Data Collections

The process for enabling organizations varies depending on the version of the source system.

To enable organizations for data collections when the source system version is Oracle Fusion, perform the following
1. Click the Manage Organization List button for your Oracle Fusion source system.
2. Click the Refresh Organization List button to update the organizations list
3. Select the Enable for Collections check box for the organizations from which you want to collect data.
Tip: When performing collections during your initial setup, collect order orchestration reference objects from the
predefined Oracle Fusion source system, and consider collecting organizations. After enabling organizations for
collection, collect organizations first. You can confirm the collection results on the Supply Network Model page.

To enable organizations for data collections when the source system version is External (completely external source
system), upload organizations using the file-based import process. The organizations are automatically enabled for

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 9
Using Backlog Management Planning Data Collection

To enable organizations for data collections when the source system version is Others, perform the following steps:

1. Define an organization as an item-organization in the product data model.

2. Upload the organization using the file-based import process and associate the organization with Others source

Related Topics
• Considerations for Enabling Organizations for Data Collections
• Define Flexfield Mappings

How the Order Orchestration and Order Promising

Processes Use the Collected Planning Data
You perform data collections to populate the planning data repository. In addition to being used by Supply Chain
Planning processes, the collected data is used by Oracle Fusion Order Management order orchestration processes and
by Oracle Fusion Global Order Promising processes.

Data Collections
You must perform data collections to populate the planning data repository, also called the order orchestration and
planning data repository, with data from the Oracle Fusion source system or from a completely external source system.
When you load data from an external source system, use the XLSM files to organize your data in the required format
and then convert the data into CSV files. You can then upload the CSV files to the planning data repository.

Order Orchestration
Order orchestration processes use some reference data directly from the planning data repository. You must perform
data collections for the order orchestration reference entities even if you are not using the Supply Chain Planning work

Note: Before collecting data from your Oracle Fusion source system, you must define at least one organization for
the source system. After you have set up at least one organization, you must update the organization list on the
Manage Planning Source Systems page and then enable at least one of the organizations for collections. If you have
not enabled any organization, then the collections process ends with an error.

Order Promising
The Global Order Promising processes use an in-memory copy of the data from the planning data repository. When
order orchestration processes send a scheduling request or a check availability request to Oracle Fusion Global Order
Promising, the order promising processes use the data stored in main memory to determine the response to send back
to order orchestration. You must refresh the Global Order Promising data store after every collections so that the main
memory always reflect the current.

Related Topics
• Refresh the Global Order Promising Server

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 9
Using Backlog Management Planning Data Collection

How You Enable Cross-References of Entities by Data

Cross-references enable you to locate the correct source value for each cross-referenced entity. When you enable
entities for cross-referencing, data collection pays attention to the cross-references that you have set up for certain
To enable cross-referencing of entities, click the Manage Planning Data Collection Processes task from your supply
chain planning work area. Select the source system from the list, and then enable the available entities that you want to
cross-reference during data collections.

You can view the cross-referenced data for each entity on the Cross-Reference Relationships for Collected Data page in
the Plan Inputs work area.

How Planning Processes Collect Different Work

Definitions and Item Structures
You may be concerned that the work definition and item structure data in your supply chain planning work area does
not match with what was defined in Oracle Manufacturing Cloud. You don't need to worry. The planning application
collects and uses data based on how the work definitions and item structures are defined and associated in the
manufacturing source system.

Work Definitions and Item Structures in the Source System

The work definition is a primary source of data for the planning application. The planning process uses the work
definition of make order items to determine component and resource requirements. In case the work definition is not
defined, the planning process uses the defined item structure, but to plan for components only. If a work definition
is defined and no item structure is associated to it, then you can manually add ad hoc components to it. If an item
structure is associated to it, you can still add ad hoc components to the work definition, alongside the components in
the item structure. Remember that while a work definition can be associated with only one item structure, one item
structure can be associated with several work definitions within the parent item.

Work Definitions and Item Structures in the Planning Data

In the manufacturing source system, the work definitions and item structures for an item can be defined and associated
in different ways. The following table lists the most common source system combinations and how the collections and
run plan processes proceed accordingly:

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 9
Using Backlog Management Planning Data Collection

Manufacturing Cloud Definition Item Structure Name and Work Planning Collections Processes
Definition Name in the Planning Data

Only item structure is defined for an item. Item structure name exists, no work The planning process collects the item
No work definition is defined. definition name structure information but does not collect
information for routing, operations, or
item resources.

The planning process uses item structure

to plan components and does not plan

Only work definition is defined for an item. Work definition name exists, no item The planning process collects the work
No item structure is defined. structure name definition information to populate the
item structure and routing information.

The planning process populates the

component information and operation
sequence number in the item structure
based on the ad hoc components and
operation assignment available in the
work definition.

The planning process uses the work

definition information to plan both
components and resources.

Both item structure and work definition Both work definition name and item The planning process uses the
are defined for the item. structure name exist components that are associated
with the work definition to plan. The
planning process does not consider any
components of item structure that are
not associated with the work definition.
You can override the item structure
component usage within the work

The planning process collects component

attributes (such as component effectivity)
from the item structure if the components
are associated with the work definition.

The planning process uses the work

definition to plan resources.

Both item structure and work definition Work definition name exists, no item The planning process collects the
are defined for the item, but the work structure name components from the work definition and
definition does not refer to the item not from the item structure in the Oracle
structure. Ad hoc components are Fusion Product Information Management
assigned to the work definition operations. solution.

The process plans components based on

work definition operation assignments

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 9
Using Backlog Management Planning Data Collection

Manufacturing Cloud Definition Item Structure Name and Work Planning Collections Processes
Definition Name in the Planning Data

and plans resources based on the work


Enable External Data Collection for the Oracle Fusion

Source System
Enable external data collection if you want to load transactional data from external systems. Typically, you do this if
some of your supply chain processes are managed in external applications. You load the transactional data from these
applications using file-based data imports (FBDI).
You can use external data sources for these functional areas: Inventory and Materials Management, Procurement, Order
Management, and Manufacturing. When you enable external data collection for a functional area, be aware of these

• You can't use configure-to-order, drop shipment, and back-to-back fulfillment.

• The entities associated with the functional area are no longer available for Oracle Fusion source collection. For
example, if you enable Order Management, the Sales Orders entity won't be available on the Collect Planning
Data page for you to select for Oracle Fusion source collection.

This table lists the entities for each functional area.

Functional Area Entities

Inventory and Materials Management On-hand Quantity and Transfer Orders

Procurement Purchase Orders and Requisitions

Order Management Sales Orders and Reservations

Manufacturing Work Order Supplies, Resource Availability, Resources, Work Definitions, and Item Structures

Enable External Data Collection

Use these steps to enable external data collection:

1. Select the Manage Planning Source Systems task in the Tasks panel from any Supply Planning work area
page. Or use this task in the Setup and Maintenance work area:

◦ Offering: Supply Chain Planning

◦ Functional Area: Supply Chain Planning Configuration

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 9
Using Backlog Management Planning Data Collection

◦ Task: Manage Planning Source Systems

2. In the list of source systems, select the row that has Oracle Fusion in the Version column.
3. In the Actions menu, click Select Data Sources.
4. Select the Enable External Data check box, and then select the functional areas that you want to source
transactional entities for.
Note: Every time you enable or disable external data collection, you must run a targeted data collection to ensure
complete refresh of data in the data repository.

Collect Planning Data from the Oracle Fusion Source

How You Collect Different Data Types for Supply Chain Planning
When you collect data, you collect data from three categories: reference data, demand data, and supply data. On the
Collect Planning Data page there is a tab for each of these categories.
The collected data are stored in the planning data repository.

The following figure illustrates the three categories of data that you collect from the Oracle Fusion source system to the
planning data repository.

Order Management
2 3
Planning Data Manufacturing
Demand Data Supply Data
Management Procurement

Reference Data

Costing Product Information


Explanation of Callouts
1. Reference data is primarily sourced from Oracle Fusion SCM Cloud
2. Demand data comes from Oracle Order Management Cloud Service and Oracle Materials Management Cloud

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 9
Using Backlog Management Planning Data Collection

3. Supply data is sourced from Oracle Inventory Management Cloud Service, Oracle Manufacturing Cloud Service,
and Oracle Purchasing Cloud Service

Reference Data
The collection process begins with reference data, which is primarily sourced from Oracle Fusion SCM Cloud. You collect
the data collection entities, such as basic item, resource, organization, customers and suppliers, and calendar data.

Note: Oracle Fusion Sales and Operations Planning uses the Bill of Resources entity to link the make items with their
associated components and resource requirements. For more information on collecting Bill of Resources from an
external source system, see the Loading Planning Data from Files section.

You also use Oracle Supply Chain Planning Cloud to collect the following items:

• Item structures: To explode item-level demand into component demands and supplies.
• Work Definitions: To assign the component and resource requirements for make items.
• Units of measure: To align plan data and to convert plans from one set of units to another.
• Costs: To review plans in financial terms and evaluate the financial impact of planning decisions.

Demand Data
You collect demand data from two potential sources:

• Sales orders that flow from Oracle Order Management Cloud Service: You can use this as the basis of the
demand forecast, while current orders can consume the demand in near-term forecast time buckets.
• Shipment history from Oracle Materials Management Cloud Service: You can use this to generate a shipments

Supply Data
You collect supply data from three sources:

• Oracle Inventory Management Cloud Service: This provides data related to on hand inventory, reservations,
material transfers, in-transit supplies, and receipts.
• Oracle Manufacturing Cloud Service: This provides work in process status and any manufacturing work orders.
• Oracle Purchasing Cloud Service: This provides purchase requisitions and purchase orders.

Collection Filters and Collection Templates

You use collection filters and collection templates when you need to collect some common set of entities repeatedly.
The collection filters and collection templates are located on the Collect Planning Data page. To open the Collect
Planning Data page, click the Collect Planning Data task from one of the Supply Chain Planning work areas.
Depending on your security privileges, you can also open the Collect Planning Data page from the Setup and
Maintenance work area. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the following:

• Offering: Supply Chain Planning

• Functional Area: Supply Chain Planning Configuration
• Task: Collect Planning Data

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 9
Using Backlog Management Planning Data Collection

Collection Filters
Use collection filters to improve the performance and efficiency of the collections process, and to avoid accumulation of
irrelevant data in the planning data repository. You can use several filter criteria while performing collections, such as by
employing catalogs, order types, and price lists. You can also use date-based filters for collecting shipment and booking
history information.

Enabling Collection Filters

To enable collection filters, you must first run the schedule process called Load Filter Names for Planning Data
Collection from the Scheduled Processes work area. When you run the scheduled process, the filters get enabled in the
Collect Planning Data page. Then, you can apply the filters from the next collection.

Collection Templates
Use collection templates when you want to collect a set of data repeatedly over a period. You can select either one of the
predefined templates that serves your specific need, or you can create your own template and save it for future use.

When you select a predefined template from the list, the Collection Type field is defaulted to Automatic selection and
you cannot edit the field. Also, when you select a predefined template, the Select Collection Filters field is disabled.

You can create a collection template on the Collect Planning Data page by selecting the data collection entities and
saving the template for future use. For example, if you frequently collect certain supply planning transactional entities,
such as On Hand, Purchase Orders, and Purchase Requisitions, then save these entities as a collection template. It
reduces the overhead of selecting the same entities for subsequent collection cycles.

If the template file contains any error during the upload process, rectify the issue found in the log file and upload the
template file again.

Collect Data Using the Targeted Collection Type

To perform a complete refresh of the data repository used by the Supply Chain Planning products, run a targeted
collection. You can run the targeted collection immediately or you can schedule the process to run later. Demand
planning data can only be collected by using the Targeted collection type.
Note: Before collecting demand planning data, you must successfully run the Load Filter Names for Planning Data
Collection scheduled process.

Perform the following steps to collect reference data, demand planning data, and supply planning data using the
Targeted collection type.

1. Access the Collect Planning Data page from a Supply Planning work area or the Setup and Maintenance work

◦ If you are in one of the Supply chain Planning work areas:

i. Click the Tasks panel tab.

ii. In the Tasks panel drawer, click the Collect Planning Data link.
◦ If you are in the Setup and Maintenance work area, then select the following:

• Offering: Supply Chain Planning

• Functional Area: Supply Chain Planning Configuration
• Task: Collect Planning Data

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 9
Using Backlog Management Planning Data Collection

2. On the Collect Planning Data page, complete the following steps.

◦ On the Parameters tab:

i. Select your source system.

ii. For the collection type, select Targeted.

Demand planning data can only be collected by using the Targeted collection type.
iii. Click Select Collection Filters to select the collection filters.
◦ On the Reference Data subtab, move the required reference entities to the Selected Entities area.
◦ On the Demand Planning Data subtab, set options to collect the historical demand data in the planning
data repository. The planning process uses the historical demand data for statistical forecasting.

• Collection Time Frame Options: You can specify a fixed or rolling date range for which to collect

The Fixed Date Range option enables you to collect history data within a fixed date range that you

The Rolling Date Range option enables you to collect the history data for the number of days that
you specify. For example, if you forecast weekly, specify 7 in the Number of Days to Collect field
to collect the demand history data once per week. The data collections collect the demand history
data for the latest week.

Select Roll off time periods automatically to truncate the history data by the number of days that
you specify in the Number of days to keep field each time you run collections for the demand
history data. For example, if you prefer to forecast each week based on the history data of 52
weeks, select the Roll off time periods automatically check box and specify Number of days
to keep as 364 days. This setting ensures that as you collect data every week, you keep the most
recent history of 52 weeks and automatically purge history data older than 52 weeks.
• History Measures and Attributes: Select your shipments history and bookings history measures.
• Collection for ETO Items: Select Collect history from associated base models to collect
bookings and shipments history for Engineer to Order (ETO) items from the associated base
models. When you don't select this option, the history is collected from the standard ETO items.
• History Data Options: To collect only specific order types, select from the Order Types to Include
list of values. By default, all order types are included.

Select Organization - Consumption Inventory Transactions to Include to collect consumption

inventory transactions at the organization level. You can collect only the transfer orders inventory
transactions or all consumption inventory transactions.

Select Subinventory - Consumption Inventory Transactions to Include to collect consumption

inventory transactions at the subinventory level. You can collect only the transfer orders inventory
transactions or all consumption inventory transactions for the organizations that you enabled for
subinventory planning.

Select the Collect amount data for history check box to collect amount data.
• Additional Options: Select additional options for collections.

Collect Price Lists: Collect the price lists specified in the collections filter for price lists, or collect all
price lists if no filter is specified.

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 9
Using Backlog Management Planning Data Collection

Collect Configure to Order Data: If you selected history measures and attributes, then select the
relevant check boxes to collect shipment history options and booking history options.
Sales Organization Hierarchy: Select Enable sales organization hierarchy collection to collect
one or more sales hierarchies.
◦ On the Supply Planning Data subtab:
i. Move the required supply entities to the Selected Entities area.
ii. If you collect resource availability, then select a date range type: Fixed or Relative to collection
run date.
If you selected Fixed, then provide a start date and an end date for collecting resource availability.
If you selected Relative to collection run date, then enter a number of days in the Collection
Window in Days field. The number that you enter determines a collection window in days to
collect resource availability based on a rolling time window. That rolling time window adjusts itself,
based on the date that you run collections. For example, if you specify 90, then resource availability
is collected for the next 90 days each time from the date of the collection run.

Note: You can save your date range type selection for resource availability collection as
a collection template to use later.
iii. You can collect the existing data for the resource availability.
iv. You can also regenerate the resource availability data and then collect the data. If you select the
Regenerate data, and then collect option, the collections process runs the Update Resource
Availability Job scheduled process first and then collects the resource availability data.
3. (Optional) Click the Schedule tab and set collections to run as soon as possible or schedule to run at a different
4. Click Submit to start the collections process.
5. Monitor the collection status using the Scheduled Processes page.
6. Review the collected data in the Plan Inputs work area.

Related Topics
• Set Up Forecast Consumption for Transfer Orders

Collect Data Using the Net Change Collection Type

You can collect data from the Oracle Fusion source system by running the net change collection or by scheduling to run
the process later. Before running a Net Change collection, you must run a Targeted collection for the selected entities.
After the first Targeted collection, you can run Net Change collections.
Perform the following procedure to collect reference data and supply planning data using the net change collection
1. If you are in one of the Supply Chain Planning work areas, then click the Tasks panel tab. In the Tasks panel
drawer, click the Collect Planning Data task. If you are in the Setup and Maintenance work area, then use the
◦ Offering: Supply Chain Planning
◦ Functional Area: Supply Chain Planning Configuration

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 9
Using Backlog Management Planning Data Collection

◦ Task: Collect Planning Data

2. Complete the following parameters for the Collect Planning Data process:
a. Select your source system.
b. Select the collection type as Net change.

Note: You cannot make any changes to the filter criteria and demand planning data in the
net change collection type.
c. In the Reference Data tab, move the required reference entities to the Selected Entities area.
d. In the Supplies Planning Data tab, move the required supply entities to the Selected Entities area.
3. (Optional) Click the Schedule tab and set collections to run as soon as possible or schedule to run at a different
4. Click Submit to initiate the collections process.
5. Monitor the collection status using the Scheduled Processes page.
6. Review the collected data in the Plan Inputs work area.

Related Topics
• Update Existing Setup Data

Enable Organization Group Collection for the Net Change

Collection Type
You can use organization groups to limit the net change data collection from a source system to specific organizations.
Using organization groups for collection also eliminates the chances of data overlap when multiple instances of net
change collections are run at a time. Planners can run collections for their organizations without waiting for each other.
Let's take a simple example where your organization considers only the D1 and D2 distribution centers in your source
system for shipments to your customers. In such a case, you can create an organization group, assign D1 and D2 to the
organization group, and collect net change data specifically for this group.

Note: Before you begin, ensure that you have your organization groups created. A supply planner creates and
manages organization groups using the Manage Organization Groups button on the Maintain Supply Network Model

Do these to collect net change data for an organization group.

1. Access the Collect Planning Data page or Load Planning Data from Files page from a Supply Planning work
2. Select the source system. Organization groups are managed within the source systems.
3. Select the Net Change collection type. You can select an organization group for data collection only when the
collection type is Net Change.
4. Enable the organization group collection, and then select an organization group.
5. Perform the net change data collection. Refer to the Collect Data Using Net Change Collection Type topic in this
chapter for instructions.
Note: After selecting your organization group and other data collection entities, you can also save your selections as
a template. Refer to the Collection Filters and Collection Templates topic in this chapter for additional information.

Related Topics
• How You Maintain Your Supply Network Model

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 9
Using Backlog Management Planning Data Collection

Load Planning Data from Others and External Source

How You Load Planning Data from Files
You upload data using CSV files for specific business objects using the targeted or net change method.
Note: To create the CSV files, you can use a set of Microsoft Excel template files that are provided for this purpose.
You can download the templates from the File-Based Data Import for SCM Cloud guide in the Oracle Help Center.

You use the targeted mode when you want to refresh data for selected entities in the planning data repository. You use
the net change mode to collect data incrementally. The net change collections mode collects only the changed or new
data. Data collection using the net change mode is fast compared to the targeted mode. The net change mode is used
to retain planning data to current with that of the executing system.

The following figure illustrates the process of collecting data from files.

Prepare the Data Files

Run the Load Process

Verify the Load Process

Review the Loaded Data

To load planning data from files, you perform the following steps:

1. Create CSV files using Microsoft Excel template

2. Run the process to load planning data from files

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 9
Using Backlog Management Planning Data Collection

3. Verify the load planning data process

4. Review the loaded data

Create CSV Files to Load Planning Data

To perform the Load Planning Data from Files task in one of the Supply Chain Planning work areas or Setup and
Maintenance work area, you must prepare the data you want to load. You must create the necessary CSV files used to
create files for import. This procedure explains how to create CSV files to prepare planning data for loading.
1. Locate the applicable file import templates (XLSM files) in the following guide: File Based Data Import for Oracle
Supply Chain Management Cloud. Extract the templates to a local space.

For additional information about creating and importing CSV files, see the following section in the Oracle SCM
Cloud Implementing Common Features for Oracle SCM Cloud guide: External Integration chapter, External Data
Integration Services for Oracle Cloud section.
2. Open the template file for the entity you are preparing and complete the file import template worksheet.

You must enable the macros in the template file before generating the CSV file.

Caution: For the cells that contain dates, ensure that the data is set to the correct format in the
data type. For example, date must be set to YYYY/MM/DD.

3. After you finish preparing the data in the worksheet, generate the CSV file. The Generate CSV File button is
located in the Instructions and CSV Generation worksheet of the workbook.
4. When you save the generated CSV file, you must use the suggested name of the entity. You can add
underscore and add additional characters to the file name. For example, you can name the CSV file as
ShipmentHistory_abc.csv and you can name the file as
5. Compress the CSV file into a zipped file format using a compression utility. You can provide any name to the
zipped file.

Note: You can include multiple CSV files in a single compressed file for a source system. The load
process uploads them in a sequential order. Select the CSV files and compress them directly. Do not
compress the parent folder that contains the files.

This completes the preparation of a file that you will upload to collect planning data.

Data Collection Sequence

This topic explores the sequence that you should follow for data collection. Data collection involves collecting entities
in a predefined sequence. The collected entities form the basis for supply planning calculations. To have accurate data,
you must ensure to collect the entities in a proper sequence. You cannot collect some entities without collecting their
precursor entities. The data collection sequence is very crucial when you collect data from an external source system
using CSV files.

If you run targeted collections for all entities, you can ignore the sequence for collections because targeted collections
automate the collection sequence for all entities within a single collections request. If you collect many entities in a
single request, collections will process them according to the sequences shown in this topic. If you collect only a few

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 9
Using Backlog Management Planning Data Collection

entities, then you must be aware of the collections sequence information. For example, you should not collect work
orders before you collect items or resources.

To make the workflow simple, the collection sequence is divided into two parts - Part A and Part B. The collection
entities in Part B are dependent on the collection entities in Part A. You must collect the entities in Part A before you
collect the entities in Part B. Also, the collection entities are grouped together for easier presentation. The data groups
in Part A are:

• Collections Sequence Part A for Item Data

• Collections Sequence Part A for Region, Location, and Customer Data
• Collections Sequence Part A for Currency, Calendar, Demand Class, and UOM Data

The data groups in Part B are:

• Collections Sequence Part B for Sales Order and Assignment Sets

• Collection Sequence Part B for Work Orders, Work Definition, and Item Structure

Every collection sequence in Part A starts with defining a source system where the collected data will reside. If you are
collecting data to the same source system, you define the source system only once. Then, use the same source system
to collect all the entities.
The following figure provides an overview of the data collection sequence. The overview shows how Part A and Part B
fit together to form a complete data collection flow.

Data Collection Sequence Overview

Collection Sequence
Collection Sequence
Part A for Currency,
Part A for Region, Collection Sequence
Part A Calendar, Demand
Location, and Part A for Item Data
Class, and UOM
Customer Data

Continue to
Collection Sequence
Part B

Part B
Collection Sequence
Collection Sequence
Part B for Work
Part B for Sales
Orders, Work
Order and
Definition, Item
Assignment Sets

Collections Sequence Part A for Item Data

The following image shows the collections sequence to follow while collecting Item data from external source systems.
This image represents only half of the entities for collecting Item data.

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 9
Using Backlog Management Planning Data Collection

Note: The Organization entity is marked with an asterisk because you can collect other entities such as Planner, Item
Cost, Subinventory, Carrier, Calendar Assignment, Supplier, and Supplier Site after collecting Organization. For more
information on the collection sequence for these entities, see the Collections Sequence Part A for Currency, Calendar,
Demand Class, and UOM Data figure. Refer to the entities that are collected after Organization. Also, ensure that you
collect Location before collecting Supplier Site.

Collection Sequence Part A for Item Data

Define Source
Create Organizations Organization*

Load UOM Load Items in PIM Items

Customer Specific
UOM Class
Item Relationships Item Relationship Item Costs

Item Structure Item Catalog Safety Stock Level

Continue to
Item Structure Catalog Category
Collection Sequence
Component Association
Part B

Item Category

When you collect the data described here, continue to the collection sequence Part B described in the following

• Collection Sequence Part B for Sales and Order and Assignment Sets
• Collection Sequence Part B for Work Orders, Work Definition, and Item Structure

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 9
Using Backlog Management Planning Data Collection

Collections Sequence Part A for Region, Location, and Customer Data

The following image shows the collections sequence to follow while collecting Regions, and Customers data from
external source systems. This image represents only half of the entities for Item data.

Collection Sequence Part A for Region, Location, and

Customers Data

Define Source Load Customers,

System Regions in TCA

Load Customer Sites

in TCA

Location Customer Region

Ship Methods
Customer Sites

Sourcing Rules,
Customer Specific Sourcing
Item Relationships Assignments, Source
Receipt Organization

Continue to
Collection Sequence
Part B

When you collect the data described here, continue to the collection sequence Part B described in the following

• Collection Sequence Part B for Sales and Order and Assignment Sets
• Collection Sequence Part B for Work Orders, Work Definition, and Item Structure

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 9
Using Backlog Management Planning Data Collection

Collections Sequence Part A for Currency, Calendar, Demand Class, and UOM Data
The following image shows the collections sequence to follow while collecting Currency, Calendar, Demand Class, and
UOM data from external source systems. Also, ensure that you collect Location before collecting Supplier Site.

Note: The Calendar entity is marked with an asterisk because there are other entities that are associated with
Calendar that you must collect in a sequence. To collect other entities associated with Calendar, see the Calendar
Upload Sequence figure.

Collection Sequence Part A for Currency, Calendar, Demand

Class and UOM Data

Define Source

Currency Calendar* Demand Class UOM

Currency Conversion

Currency Conversion
Rate UOM Conversions

UOM Class

Continue to the next


Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 9
Using Backlog Management Planning Data Collection

Continue from the

previous diagram,
after Organization

Planner Subinventory Carrier Supplier

Item Cost Supplier Site


Continue to
Collection Sequence
Part B

When you collect the data described here, continue to the collection sequence Part B described in the following

• Collection Sequence Part B for Sales and Order and Assignment Sets
• Collection Sequence Part B for Work Orders, Work Definition, and Item Structure

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 9
Using Backlog Management Planning Data Collection

Collection Sequence for Calendar Data

The following image shows the collections sequence to follow for collecting the Calendar data. Calendar data is a part
of the data collection in Part A. You collect the Calendar data in the following subsection: Collection Sequence Part A for
Currency, Calendar, Demand Class, and UOM Data.

Calendar Upload Sequence


Calendar Shifts Calendar Exceptions Period Start Days Week Start Dates

Generate Calendar
Calendar Workday
Dates Post

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 9
Using Backlog Management Planning Data Collection

Collections Sequence Part B for Sales Order and Assignment Sets

The following image shows the collections sequence to follow while collecting Sales Order and Assignment Sets data
from external source systems. The data entities in Part B are dependent on Part A. So, you must collect entities listed in
Part A before you collect the entities in Part B.

Collections Sequence Part B for Sales Orders and Assignments Sets

Sequence Part

Continue to
Collection Sequence
Part B

Ship Methods Forecasts

Sales Orders ASL, Supplier

Capcity Planned Orders

On Hand Purchase
Transfer Order

Sourcing Rules,
Sourcing Assignments,
Source Organization,
Receipt Organization

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 9
Using Backlog Management Planning Data Collection

Collection Sequence Part B for Work Orders, Work Definition, and Item Structures
The following image shows the collections sequence to follow while collecting Work Orders, Work Definition, and Item
Structure data from external source systems. The data entities in Part B are dependent on Part A. So, you must collect
entities listed in Part A before you collect the entities in Part B.

Collection Sequence Part B for Work Orders, Work Definitions,

and Item Structures

Part A

Continue to
Collection Sequence
Part B

UOM Department
Work Orders
Conversions Resources

Work Order
Resource Work Definition
Reservations Resource

Work Order Bill of Item Structure

Material Resources Component
Requirement Operations

Resource Item Structure

Availability Component

Import Templates Used to Create CSV Files for Supply Chain

You can use the Microsoft Excel templates (XLSM files) to prepare the data for the supported collection entities. The
templates are listed in the following guide: File-Based Data Import for Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud. Extract

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 9
Using Backlog Management Planning Data Collection

the templates to a local drive, enter appropriate data as described in the template, and generate CSV files. Compress
the CSV files to a zipped file format and upload the .zip file to the Universal Content Manager using the File Import and
Export utility. The data is then loaded from the Universal Content Manger to the planning data repository.
Collect Data from the Oracle Fusion Source

The following table lists the collections entities that can be loaded into the planning data repository for the Oracle
Fusion source. The Collection Entity column provides the name of the entities for which you can collect the data.
The XLSM File Name column provides the template name that you will download for the respective collection entity.
Download the XLSM template from the File-Based Data Import for Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud guide (FBDI
guide). The Link in Data Import Guide column provides the name of the topic in the FBDI guide from where you will
download the template. For example, to collect data for the Item Costs collection entity, refer to the Item Cost Import
topic in the FBDI guide.

Collections Entity Link in Data Import Guide XLSM File Name

Item Costs Supply Chain Planning Item Cost ScpItemCostImportTemplate.xlsm

Customer Specific Item Relationships Supply Chain Planning Item Substitute ScpItemSubstituteImportTemplate.xlsm

Planners Supply Chain Planning Planners ScpPlannersImportTemplate.xlsm

Item Suppliers Supply Chain Planning Approved Supplier ScpApprovedSupplierListImportTemplate.xlsm


Demand Classes Supply Chain Planning Demand Classes ScpDemandClassImportTemplate.xlsm

Allocation Assignments and Allocation Supply Chain Planning Planning Allocation ScpPlanningAllocationRulesImportTemplate.xlsm
Rules Rules

ATP Assignments and ATP Rules Supply Chain Planning Available-to- ScpATPRulesImportTemplate.xlsm
Promise Rules

Supply Update Rules Supply Chain Planning Real Time Supply ScpRealTimeSupplyUpdatesImportTemplate.xlsm

Measures Supply Chain Planning Measures ScpMeasuresImportTemplate.xlsm

Booking History Supply Chain Planning Bookings History ScpBookingHistoryImportTemplate.xlsm

Option Booking History Supply Chain Planning Option Bookings ScpOptionBookingHistoryImportTemplate.xlsm


Shipment History Supply Chain Planning Shipments History ScpShipmentHistoryImportTemplate.xlsm

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 9
Using Backlog Management Planning Data Collection

Collections Entity Link in Data Import Guide XLSM File Name

Option Shipment History Supply Chain Planning Option Shipments ScpOptionShipmentHistoryImportTemplate.xlsm


Price Lists Supply Chain Planning Price List ScpPriceListImportTemplate.xlsm

Causal Factors Supply Chain Planning Causal Factors ScpCausalFactorsImportTemplate.xlsm

Forecast Measures Supply Chain Planning Forecast Measures ScpForecastMeasureImportTemplate.xlsm

Note: This template has been

superseded by the generic template
ScpMeasuresImportTemplate.xlsm, but
will continue to be supported. Future
enhancements will be made only to the
generic measures template.

Fiscal Calendars Supply Chain Planning Fiscal Calendars ScpFiscalCalendarImportTemplate.xlsm

Forecasts Supply Chain Planning External Forecasts ScpExternalForecastImportTemplate.xlsm

Safety Stock Levels Supply Chain Planning Safety Stock Levels ScpSafetyStockLevelImportTemplate.xlsm

Supplier Capacity Supply Chain Planning Approved Supplier ScpApprovedSupplierCapacityImportTemplate.xlsm


Planned Order Supplies Supply Chain Planning Planned Order ScpPlannedOrderSupplyImportTemplate.xlsm

Note: This template is only used to load
planned order supply to Global Order

Sourcing Rule and Assignments Supply Chain Planning Sourcing Rules ScpSourcingImportTemplate.xlsm

Cross-Reference Mapping Information Supply Chain Planning Cross-Reference ScpCrossReferenceDataImportTemplate.xlsm


Collect Data from External Source - Version Others

The following table lists the collections entities that can be loaded into the planning data repository from an external
source, where the version is Others. The Collection Entity column provides the name of the entities for which you can
collect the data. The XLSM File Name column provides the template name that you will download for the respective
collection entity. Download the XLSM template from the File-Based Data Import for Oracle Supply Chain Management

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 9
Using Backlog Management Planning Data Collection

Cloud guide (FBDI guide). The Link in Data Import Guide column provides the name of the topic in the FBDI guide from
where you will download the template. For example, to collect data for the Items and Item Costs collection entities, refer
to the Item Cost Import topic in the FBDI guide.

Collections Entity Link in Data Import Guide XLSM File Name

Item Costs Supply Chain Planning Item Cost ScpItemCostImportTemplate.xlsm

Customer Specific Item Relationships Supply Chain Planning Item Substitute ScpItemSubstituteImportTemplate.xlsm

Planners Supply Chain Planning Planners ScpPlannersImportTemplate.xlsm

Organizations (Warehouses) and Supply Chain Planning Organizations ScpOrganizationImportTemplate.xlsm

Organization Site (Including Organization
Site - Internal Location Mapping)

Subinventories Supply Chain Planning Subinventories ScpSubInventoryImportTemplate.xlsm

Suppliers and Supplier Sites Supply Chain Planning Suppliers ScpPlanningSupplierImportTemplate.xlsm

Item Suppliers Supply Chain Planning Approved Supplier ScpApprovedSupplierListImportTemplate.xlsm


Interlocation Shipping Networks Supply Chain Planning Interlocation ScpInterLocationShipMethodsImportTemplate.xlsm

Shipping Methods

Currencies, Currency Conversion Types, Supply Chain Planning Currencies ScpCurrencyImportTemplate.xlsm

and Currency Conversion Rates

Units of Measure, Units of Measure Supply Chain Planning Units of Measure ScpUOMImportTemplate.xlsm
Conversions, and Units of Measure Class

Calendars, Calendar Exceptions, Calendar Supply Chain Planning Calendars ScpCalendarImportTemplate.xlsm

Shifts, Week Start Dates, Period Start
Dates, and Calendar Shift Workday Pattern

Calendar Associations Supply Chain Planning Calendar ScpCalendarAssignmentsImportTemplate.xlsm


Demand Classes Supply Chain Planning Demand Classes ScpDemandClassImportTemplate.xlsm

Ship Mode of Transport, Ship Class of Supply Chain Planning Carriers ScpCarrierImportTemplate.xlsm
Service, and Carrier

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 9
Using Backlog Management Planning Data Collection

Collections Entity Link in Data Import Guide XLSM File Name

Allocation Assignments and Allocation Supply Chain Planning Planning Allocation ScpPlanningAllocationRulesImportTemplate.xlsm
Rules Rules

ATP Assignments and ATP Rules Supply Chain Planning Available-to- ScpATPRulesImportTemplate.xlsm
Promise Rules

Supply Update Rule Supply Chain Planning Real Time Supply ScpRealTimeSupplyUpdatesImportTemplate.xlsm

Freight Terms, FOB Points, Invoicing and Supply Chain Planning Order ScpOrderOrchestrationImportTemplate.xlsm
Accounting Rules, Shipment Priorities, Orchestration
Payment Terms, Return Reason, Tax
Classification Code, Tax Exemption
Reason, Sales Credit Type, Activity Type,
Document Categories, Payment Methods,
and Receipt Methods

Measures Supply Chain Planning Measures ScpMeasuresImportTemplate.xlsm

Booking History Supply Chain Planning Bookings History ScpBookingHistoryImportTemplate.xlsm

Option Booking History Supply Chain Planning Option Bookings ScpOptionBookingHistoryImportTemplate.xlsm


Shipment History Supply Chain Planning Shipments History ScpShipmentHistoryImportTemplate.xlsm

Option Shipment History Supply Chain Planning Option Shipments ScpOptionShipmentHistoryImportTemplate.xlsm


Price Lists Supply Chain Planning Price Lists ScpPriceListImportTemplate.xlsm

Causal Factors Supply Chain Planning Causal Factors ScpCausalFactorsImportTemplate.xlsm

Forecasts Measures Supply Chain Planning Forecast Measures ScpForecastMeasureImportTemplate.xlsm

Note: This template has been

superseded by the generic template
ScpMeasuresImportTemplate.xlsm, but
will continue to be supported. Future
enhancements will be made only to the
generic measures template.

Fiscal Calendars Supply Chain Planning Fiscal Calendars ScpFiscalCalendarImportTemplate.xlsm

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 9
Using Backlog Management Planning Data Collection

Collections Entity Link in Data Import Guide XLSM File Name

Forecasts Supply Chain Planning External Forecast ScpExternalForecastImportTemplate.xlsm

User-Defined Hierarchies Supply Chain Planning User-Defined ScpUser-

Hierarchies DefinedHierarchyImportTemplate.xlsm

Safety Stock Levels Supply Chain Planning Safety Stock Levels ScpSafetyStockLevelImportTemplate.xlsm

Supply Reservations to Sales Orders Supply Chain Planning Reservations ScpReservationImportTemplate.xlsm

On Hand Supply Chain Planning Supply On Hand ScpOnhandImportTemplate.xlsm

Purchase Orders, Purchase Requisitions, Supply Chain Planning Purchase Order ScpPurchaseOrderRequisitionImportTemplate.xlsm
PO in Receiving, and In Transits Requisitions

Transfer Orders Supply Chain Planning Transfer Orders ScpTransferOrderImportTemplate.xlsm

Supplier Capacity Supply Chain Planning Approved Supplier ScpApprovedSupplierCapacityImportTemplate.xlsm


Resources and Resource Shifts Supply Chain Planning Resources ScpResourcesImportTemplate.xlsm

Resource Availability Supply Chain Planning Resource ScpResourceAvailabilityImportTemplate.xlsm


Work Definition (Including mapping Supply Chain Planning Routings ScpRoutingsImportTemplate.xlsm

between Item Structures and Work
Definitions), Work Definition Operations,
and Work Definition Operation Resources

Work Order Supply Supply Chain Planning Work Order ScpWorkOrderSuppliesImportTemplate.xlsm


Work Order Material Requirements Supply Chain Planning Work Order ScpWIPComponentDemandsImportTemplate.xlsm
Component Demands

Work Order Resource Requirements Supply Chain Planning Work Order ScpWIPOperationResourceImportTemplate.xlsm
Operation Resources

Planned Order Supplies Supply Chain Planning Planned Order ScpPlannedOrderSupplyImportTemplate.xlsm

Note: This template is only used to load
planned order supply to Global Order

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 9
Using Backlog Management Planning Data Collection

Collections Entity Link in Data Import Guide XLSM File Name

Sourcing Rule and Assignments Supply Chain Planning Sourcing Rules ScpSourcingImportTemplate.xlsm

Cross Reference Mapping Information Supply Chain Planning Cross-Reference ScpCrossReferenceDataImportTemplate.xlsm


Key Customer Options Supply Chain Planning Key Customer ScpKeyCustomerOptionsImportTemplate.xlsm


Collect Data from External Source - Version External

The following table lists the collections entities that can be loaded into the planning data repository from an external
source, where the version is External. The Collection Entity column provides the name of the entities for which you can
collect the data. The XLSM File Name column provides the template name that you will download for the respective
collection entity. Download the XLSM template from the File-Based Data Import for Oracle Supply Chain Management
Cloud guide. The Link in Data Import Guide column provides the name of the topic in the File-Based Data Import for
Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud guide (FBDI guide) from where you will download the template. For example,
to collect data for the Items and Item Costs collection entities, refer to the Item Cost Import topic in the File-Based
Data Import for Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud guide. All the planning-related entity names are prefixed with
Supply Chain Planning in the FBDI guide.

Collection Entities Link in FBDI Guide XLSM File Name

Items Supply Chain Planning Items ScpItemImportTemplate.xlsm

Item Costs Supply Chain Planning Item Cost ScpItemCostImportTemplate.xlsm

Item Relationships Supply Chain Planning Item Substitute ScpItemSubstituteImportTemplate.xlsm

Catalogs, Categories, and Item Categories Supply Chain Planning Catalogs ScpCatalogImportTemplate.xlsm.xlsm

Item Structures Supply Chain Planning Item Structures ScpBillofMaterialImportTemplate.xlsm

Bill of Resources Supply Chain Planning Bill of Resources ScpBillOfResourcesImportTemplate.xlsm

Planners Supply Chain Planning Planners ScpPlannersImportTemplate.xlsm

Customers and Customer Sites Supply Chain Planning Customers ScpCustomerImportTemplate.xlsm

Regions Supply Chain Planning Regions ScpRegionsImportTemplate.xlsm

Zones Supply Chain Planning Zones ScpZonesImportTemplate.xlsm

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 9
Using Backlog Management Planning Data Collection

Collection Entities Link in FBDI Guide XLSM File Name

Region-Zone Mapping Supply Chain Planning Region Zone ScpRegionZoneMappingImportTemplate.xlsm


Locations and Region-Location Mapping Supply Chain Planning Locations ScpLocationsImportTemplate.xlsm

Organizations and Organization Sites Supply Chain Planning Organizations ScpOrganizationImportTemplate.xlsm

Subinventories Supply Chain Planning Subinventories ScpSubInventoryImportTemplate.xlsm

Suppliers and Supplier Sites Supply Chain Planning Suppliers ScpSupplierImportTemplate.xlsm

Item Suppliers (Approved Supplier List) Supply Chain Planning Approved Supplier ScpApprovedSupplierListImportTemplate.xlsm

Interlocation Shipping Networks and Supply Chain Planning Interlocation ScpInterLocationShipMethodsImportTemplate.xlsm

Transit Times Shipping Methods

Currencies and Currency Conversions Supply Chain Planning Currencies ScpCurrencyImportTemplate.xlsm

Units of Measure, Units of Measure Supply Chain Planning Units of Measure ScpUOMImportTemplate.xlsm
Conversions, and Units of Measure Class

Calendars, Calendar Exceptions, Shifts, Supply Chain Planning Calendars ScpCalendarImportTemplate.xlsm

Shift Workday Pattern, Week Start Dates,
and Period Start Dates

Calendar Associations Supply Chain Planning Calendar ScpCalendarAssignmentsImportTemplate.xlsm


Demand Classes Supply Chain Planning Demand Classes ScpDemandClassImportTemplate.xlsm

Carrier, Ship Mode of Transport, and Ship Supply Chain Planning Carriers ScpCarrierImportTemplate.xlsm
Class of Service

GOP Allocation Rules and Rule Supply Chain Planning Planning Allocation ScpPlanningAllocationRulesImportTemplate.xlsm
Assignments Rules

GOP ATP Rules and Rule Assignments Supply Chain Planning Available-to- ScpATPRulesImportTemplate.xlsm
Promise Rules

GOP Supply Update Rules Supply Chain Planning Real Time Supply ScpRealTimeSupplyUpdatesImportTemplate.xlsm

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 9
Using Backlog Management Planning Data Collection

Collection Entities Link in FBDI Guide XLSM File Name

Order Orchestration Reference Objects: Supply Chain Planning Order ScpOrderOrchestrationImportTemplate.xlsm

Freight Terms, FOB Points, Invoicing and Orchestration
Accounting Rules, Shipment Priorities,
Payment Terms, Return Reason, Tax
Classification Code, Tax Exemption
Reason, Sales Credit Type, Activity Type,
Document Categories, Payment Methods,
and Receipt Methods

Cross Reference Mapping Information Supply Chain Planning Cross-Reference ScpCrossReferenceDataImportTemplate.xlsm


Measures Supply Chain Planning Measures ScpMeasuresImportTemplate.xlsm

Booking History Supply Chain Planning Bookings History ScpBookingHistoryImportTemplate.xlsm

Option Booking History Supply Chain Planning Option Bookings ScpOptionBookingHistoryImportTemplate.xlsm


Shipment History Supply Chain Planning Shipments History ScpShipmentHistoryImportTemplate.xlsm

Option Shipment History Supply Chain Planning Option Shipments ScpOptionShipmentHistoryImportTemplate.xlsm


Price Lists Supply Chain Planning Price Lists ScpPriceListImportTemplate.xlsm

Causal Factors Supply Chain Planning Causal Factors ScpCausalFactorsImportTemplate.xlsm

Forecast Measures Supply Chain Planning Forecast Measures ScpForecastMeasureImportTemplate.xlsm

Note: This template has been

superseded by the generic template
ScpMeasuresImportTemplate.xlsm, but
will continue to be supported. Future
enhancements will be made only to the
generic measures template.

Fiscal Calendars Supply Chain Planning Fiscal Calendars ScpFiscalCalendarImportTemplate.xlsm

Measures, Sales and Operations Planning Supply Chain Planning Measures ScpMeasuresImportTemplate.xlsm
Backlog, Inventory, and Production History

User-Defined Hierarchies Supply Chain Planning User-Defined ScpUser-

Hierarchies DefinedHierarchyImportTemplate.xlsm

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 9
Using Backlog Management Planning Data Collection

Collection Entities Link in FBDI Guide XLSM File Name

Forecasts Supply Chain Planning External Forecasts ScpExternalForecastImportTemplate.xlsm

Sales Orders Supply Chain Planning Sales Orders ScpSalesOrderImportTemplate.xlsm

Safety Stock Levels Supply Chain Planning Safety Stock Levels ScpSafetyStockLevelImportTemplate.xlsm

Supply Reservations to Sales Orders Supply Chain Planning Reservations ScpReservationImportTemplate.xlsm

On Hand Supply Chain Planning Supply On Hand ScpOnhandImportTemplate.xlsm

Purchase Orders, Purchase Requisitions, Supply Chain Planning Purchase Order ScpPurchaseOrderRequisitionImportTemplate.xlsm
PO in Receiving, In Transits Requisitions

Transfer Orders (including expense type Supply Chain Planning Transfer Orders ScpTransferOrderImportTemplate.xlsm

Supplier Capacity Supply Chain Planning Approved Supplier ScpApprovedSupplierCapacityImportTemplate.xlsm


Resources, Resource Shifts Supply Chain Planning Resources ScpResourceImportTemplate.xlsm

Resource Availability Supply Chain Planning Resource ScpResourceAvailabilityImportTemplate.xlsm


Work Definition (including mapping Supply Chain Planning Routings ScpRoutingsImportTemplate.xlsm

between Item Structures and Work
Definitions), Work Definition Operations,
Work Definition Operation Resources

Work Order Supply Supply Chain Planning Work Order ScpWorkOrderSuppliesImportTemplate.xlsm


Work Order Material Requirements Supply Chain Planning Work Order ScpWIPComponentDemandsImportTemplate.xlsm
Component Demands

Work Order Resource Requirements Supply Chain Planning Work Order ScpWIPOperationResourceImportTemplate.xlsm
Operation Resources

Planned Order Supplies Supply Chain Planning Planned Order ScpPlannedOrderSupplyImportTemplate.xlsm

Note: This template is only used to load
planned order supply to Global Order

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 9
Using Backlog Management Planning Data Collection

Collection Entities Link in FBDI Guide XLSM File Name

Sourcing Rule and Assignments Supply Chain Planning Sourcing Rules ScpSourcingImportTemplate.xlsm

Key Customer Options Supply Chain Planning Key Customer ScpKeyCustomerOptionsImportTemplate.xlsm


Run the Load Planning Data from Files Process

To load planning data from files, first you must prepare the data you want to load. To prepare the data, download the
relevant XLSM template, update the XLSM template with required data, and create the necessary CSV files for upload.
This procedure explains how to load planning data from files after you have prepared the data and created CSV files.
1. From the Navigator, use the File Import and Export page to upload the previously prepared and zipped CSV
files to the Universal Content Manager. Use the account scm/planningDataLoader/Import to upload the zipped

Note: For more information about uploading files to the Universal Content Manager server, see the
following section in the Oracle SCM Cloud Implementing Common Features for Oracle SCM Cloud
guide: External Integration chapter, External Data Integration Services for Oracle Cloud section.

2. From one of the Supply Chain Planning work areas or Setup and Maintenance work area, Supply Chain
Planning offering, select the Load Planning Data from Files task.
3. Complete the following parameters on the Load Planning Data from Files page:

a. Select the source system.

b. Select Collection Type: Net change or Target.
c. Select the .zip file you previously imported into the Universal Content Manager.
4. Click Submit. Make a note of the process ID. You will need this process ID to review the status of the process.

Verify Collection Processes

Verify the Load Planning Data from Files Process
Perform the following steps to verify the process status of the uploaded file and review log file for any errors or
1. In the Navigator, click Scheduled Processes.
2. In the search area, enter the process ID you noted when you submitted during the Load Planning Data from
Files process. Click Search.
3. Monitor the process to verify completion.

If the process completes with warnings, select the request that shows the warning status and click the View
Log button to review the details.

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 9
Using Backlog Management Planning Data Collection

4. For the rows with errors, resolve the issues found in the log file, and then upload the CSV file again. To load only
the revised rows, use the Net Change option.

Review Data in the Planning Data Repository

You can review the data collected or loaded into the planning data repository using two different options. The option
you use depends on which data collection entities you want to review.
To review the data collected or loaded into the planning data repository, use one of the following options:
• Review data using the Plan Inputs page layout
• Review data using the Maintain Supply Network Model page

To review the following entities, use the Maintain Supply Network Model page:
• Organizations
• Customers
• Suppliers
• Carriers
• Interlocation Shipping Networks

To review data that's not part of the supply network model, use the Plan Inputs page layout. You can view the following
data in the Plan Inputs page layout
• Supply data
• Demand data

You can view Carriers and Suppliers using either option.

Review Data Using the Plan Inputs Page Layout

Perform the following steps to review the planning data that you loaded.
1. In the Navigator, click Plan Inputs.
2. From the Plans menu, right-click Plan Inputs and click Open.

Tip: You can set the preview pane to Full Pane for viewing your data in full pane. Click Change and select
Full Pane.

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 9
Using Backlog Management Planning Data Collection

3. On the Plan Inputs page, click Open, and click Full Pane.
4. On the Open Table, Graph, or Tile Set page, search for the table name.
5. Enter the criteria for the data you want to verify and click Search.
6. Review the data in the Search Results table.

Review Data Using the Maintain Supply Network Model Page

Perform the following steps to review the planning data using the Maintain Supply Network Model page.
1. In the Navigator, click Plan Inputs.
2. From the Tasks menu, click Maintain Supply Network Model.
3. Enter the criteria for the data you want to verify and click Search.
4. Review the data in the Search Results table.

Oracle SCM Cloud Chapter 9
Using Backlog Management Planning Data Collection

Oracle SCM Cloud Glossary
Using Backlog Management

assignment set
A group of sourcing rules, bills of distribution, or both, in which each rule or bill is assigned to an assignment level, and
to attribute values for the attributes applicable to that assignment level. An assignment set defines a supply chain.

bill of distribution
A multilevel specification of the means by which several, specific organizations can replenish items.

global sourcing rule

A sourcing rule that is applicable to every organization.

local sourcing rule

A sourcing rule that is applicable to one, and only one, specific organization.

planning data repository

The set of data collected from source systems and stored for use by order management, order promising, and supply
chain planning processes.

profile option
User preferences and system configuration options that users can configure to control application behavior at different
levels of an enterprise.

sourcing assignment level

The scope, or level of granularity, for which a sourcing rule or bill of distribution is applicable when assigned within a
specific assignment set.

sourcing rule
A specification of the means by which organizations can replenish items.

Oracle SCM Cloud Glossary
Using Backlog Management


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