Using Common Features
Using Common Features
Using Common Features
Oracle Applications Cloud
Using Common Features
Part Number F24371-01
Copyright © 2011, 2019, Oracle and/or its aliates. All rights reserved.
Authors: Dan Hilldale, Essan Ni Jirman, Ambarish Marodkar, Arun Raj, Barnali Roy, P. S. G. V. Sekhar
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Oracle Applications Cloud
Using Common Features
Preface i
1 Get Started 1
About This Guide ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1
System Requirements .................................................................................................................................................................. 2
Sign In and Get Started ............................................................................................................................................................... 3
Overview of Work Areas .............................................................................................................................................................. 9
Change Your Password .............................................................................................................................................................. 12
Work as a Proxy ........................................................................................................................................................................... 12
FAQs for Geing Started ........................................................................................................................................................... 13
2 Search 17
What's the dierence between the various searches on the page? ................................................................................. 17
Global Search ................................................................................................................................................................................ 17
Page-Level Search ....................................................................................................................................................................... 19
3 Watchlist 25
Overview of Watchlist ................................................................................................................................................................ 25
Create Watchlist Items ............................................................................................................................................................... 25
FAQs for Watchlist ...................................................................................................................................................................... 26
6 Social Network 51
Why should I care about social networking in my application? ........................................................................................ 51
What does social networking have to do with my job? ...................................................................................................... 51
Where to Find Information About Social Networking ......................................................................................................... 51
7 Scheduled Processes 55
Overview of Scheduled Processes .......................................................................................................................................... 55
Process Sets ................................................................................................................................................................................. 55
Submit Processes ........................................................................................................................................................................ 56
Manage Processes and View Output ..................................................................................................................................... 59
FAQs for Scheduled Processes ................................................................................................................................................ 66
8 Business Intelligence 67
Overview of Analytics and Reports ........................................................................................................................................ 67
View Analytics, Reports, and Dashboards ............................................................................................................................ 68
Where to Find More Information About Analytics and Reports ...................................................................................... 70
9 Personalization 71
Springboard .................................................................................................................................................................................. 71
Infolets ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 71
10 Preferences 75
How can I set general preferences for myself? .................................................................................................................... 75
What's the display name language preference? .................................................................................................................. 75
Change Your Photo .................................................................................................................................................................... 75
Set Up the Accessibility Modes ............................................................................................................................................... 75
Change Your Password ............................................................................................................................................................. 77
Proxies ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 77
Watchlist ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 78
Oracle Applications Cloud
Using Common Features
11 Help 81
Get Help in the Application ....................................................................................................................................................... 81
Find Your Way Around the Oracle Help Center ................................................................................................................... 82
12 Troubleshoot 83
Troubleshoot Issues ................................................................................................................................................................... 83
Diagnostic Tests .......................................................................................................................................................................... 83
Record Issues to Troubleshoot ................................................................................................................................................ 88
FAQs for Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................................................ 88
13 Accessibility 91
Overview of Application Accessibility ..................................................................................................................................... 91
Accessibility Features ................................................................................................................................................................. 91
Keyboard Shortcuts .................................................................................................................................................................... 92
Oracle Applications Cloud
Using Common Features
Oracle Applications Cloud Preface
Using Common Features
This preface introduces information sources that can help you use the application.
Use help icons to access help in the application. If you don't see any help icons on your page, click your user image
or name in the global header and select Show Help Icons. Not all pages have help icons. You can also access the Oracle
Help Center to nd guides and videos.
Watch: This video tutorial shows you how to nd and use help.
You can also read about it instead.
Additional Resources
• Community: Use Oracle Cloud Customer Connect to get information from experts at Oracle, the partner
community, and other users.
The following table explains the text conventions used in this guide.
Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates user interface elements, navigation paths, or values you enter or select.
monospace Monospace type indicates le, folder, and directory names, code examples, commands, and URLs.
Oracle Applications Cloud Preface
Using Common Features
Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website.
Videos included in this guide are provided as a media alternative for text-based help topics also available in this guide.
Contacting Oracle
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 1
Using Common Features Get Started
1 Get Started
Let's look at the general tasks that you can do in the application.
Search the business objects you want to see or manage. While most searches are specic to one object, use the search
in the global header to search across many business objects.
Use your Watchlist in the global header to track key items and open pages where you work on those items. You can
control whether to show or hide specic items in your Watchlist.
Data Management
These data management tasks are available for many business objects:
• Work with a spreadsheet: Create or edit records in a Microsoft Excel le and upload the records back to the
• Use aachments: Provide additional information for business objects, for example receipts aached to expense
• See your audit history: See when business objects were created, updated, and deleted, who did the actions,
which aributes were aected, and more.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 1
Using Common Features Get Started
Social Network
Got something important and exciting to discuss? Use Conversations and other social networking options to chat and
collaborate with others about business objects on Oracle Social Network.
Scheduled Processes
Run scheduled processes to manage batches of data, and in some cases generate output as reports.
Business Intelligence
Turn your numbers into graphs, tables, or charts to make beer business decisions. You can use analyses, dashboards,
or reports, and also create or edit analytics and reports if you have an appropriate role.
Set accessibility preferences to use the application in accessibility mode. Here are a few things you can do:
System Requirements
Before using Oracle cloud applications in browsers and on your mobile devices, check the supported browsers and
other system requirements. For information about system requirements, see hps://
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 1
Using Common Features Get Started
requirements/. For previous releases, scroll to the end of the page and nd the system requirements link for the
applicable previous release.
Related Topics
• System Requirements for Oracle Applications Cloud
Use the application link your company gave you to open the Sign In page. Then enter your user ID and password to land
on the home page. You can use icons on your home page to get to work areas where you do your tasks. Or, you can nd
the main menu, called the Navigator, and other options in the global header and go from there. The global header is on
every page in the application.
Your administrator chooses your home page layout as panel, banner, or news feed. Here's the panel layout. The banner
layout looks similar, but a horizontal banner appears in the upper region of the home page.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 1
Using Common Features Get Started
1 2 3
Whichever layout you're using, your home page includes the UI elements listed in this table. The global header, which
includes the Navigator and Seings and Actions menu, is available on every page. The work area icons help you
navigate quickly to your main work areas. But to nd a full list of work areas, use the Navigator.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 1
Using Common Features Get Started
Note: The content of the Navigator is generally the same as the work area icons. But based on setup and
other factors, you might not nd some icons on your home page. In which case, look for the menu item on the
Tip: Aside from using the page control icons to navigate between views, you can use the Next and Previous
icons, if available, on the sides of the home page.
In this layout, you have some other ways to get to your work areas. For example, you might come across some home
page icons that contain three dots, which indicate that they're actually group icons. When you click a group icon, all the
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 1
Using Common Features Get Started
work area icons within that group appear, and you can click any of them depending on which work area you want to go
to. For example, click the Tools icon and then click Set Preferences to set your general preferences in the application.
3 2
2 Apps section
Go to your work areas.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 1
Using Common Features Get Started
You might also nd some important information displayed in specic sections of your home page.
Things to Finish View a list of your open notications, and take required actions. For example, you can approve
or reject a new notication even without opening it.
News and Announcements Read all relevant news, such as articles, events, and insights.
Analytics View infolets, mostly arranged in tabs. If you see an infolet's content at the top level (without
any tabs), that means you have just one visible infolet.
Note: If you see dierent section names in your home page, that's because your administrator renamed them
while seing up your home page.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 1
Using Common Features Get Started
Note: Some SCM or Procurement Cloud infolets might function dierently from other infolets.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 1
Using Common Features Get Started
Sign Out
Once you're done working in your application, you can sign out using the Seings and Actions menu. Click your user
image or name to open this menu, and select Sign Out.
Note: If you leave your application idle for 30 minutes, your session will time out. But the timeout period
varies on certain pages, for example, pages that automatically refresh or UIs that open up in separate browser
windows or tabs.
Related Topics
• Change Your Photo
• Congure Home Page Navigation
• Overview of Conguring Themes and Home Page Seings
• How You Use and Personalize Infolets in Oracle SCM and Procurement Cloud
A work area is a set of pages that provides everything you need to accomplish a business goal. Let's explore a couple of
work areas to see their common features.
You can use the Navigator to open work areas. The rst thing you see when you open any work area is the landing
page. Landing pages typically summarize data and let you drill down to more details. Often you can change the records
in the summary list by running a dierent search or clicking an infotile. In some work areas, you can display the list as a
grid instead. Let's look at some examples.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 1
Using Common Features Get Started
This table shows the available UI elements on the landing page and explains what you use them for.
In this work area, you land on a page with a row of infotiles. Each infotile gives you key information about a specic
business object. You select an infotile to see the related set of records, and you can click links in the infotile to lter
the records. Suppose you want to see the expense reports that you need to act on. First, you click the Expense Reports
infotile, and then click the Requires Action link. The summary table lists the matching records. You click a record to see
more details or to take some quick actions, such as aach receipts to a hotel expense record.
Some pages have tabs to take you to another page in the work area or to other parts of the same page.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 1
Using Common Features Get Started
1 3
And here's the same information in a list view, which displays the record in a table (1). With either view, you can open
and edit any of the records, or select the action you want to take from the Actions menu (2).
In either view, you can usually select actions to take on specic records, or open up the record to see or edit details on
another page.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 1
Using Common Features Get Started
From an infolet, you can usually open other pages in the same work area or another work area. You can also personalize
the infolet page by moving or hiding infolets.
Related Topics
• How You Use Tables
Work as a Proxy
You must have the Impersonate User (FND_IMPERSONATE_USER_PRIV) privilege to work as a proxy, which means on
behalf of another user.
1. Click your user image or name in the global header.
2. Click Switch To and select the user you want to work on behalf of.
3. Enter your password.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 1
Using Common Features Get Started
Only one work area within a specic That one icon is displayed at the top level
Less than 16 work areas total, with These work area icons appear in their respective groups
duplicate work areas, that means,
multiple work areas with the same
16 or fewer work areas total, which All these icons appear at the top level
are all unique
14 or fewer work areas total outside These icons appear at the top level, and only the icons within the Conguration and Tools
the Conguration group and the groups remain in the respective groups
Tools group
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 1
Using Common Features Get Started
Related Topics
• Create and Enable an Announcement
• Dene Home Page Appearance
Related Topics
• Overview of Conguring Themes and Home Page Seings
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 1
Using Common Features Get Started
The following gure shows a work address with the contextual address icon.
Related Topics
• Set Up the Mapping Service for Contextual Addresses
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 1
Using Common Features Get Started
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 2
Using Common Features Search
2 Search
Global Search
Examples of Using Wildcards and Quotation Marks in Global
The following scenarios provide examples of using wildcards or quotation marks in global search. Actual search results
may vary, depending on factors such as how the search is set up or what data is available. For example, if you enter
account ID as the search term, you should get all records with both words. But if there are no results with both words,
then you get records with only one of the words.
Note: The global search:
• Is not case sensitive
• Ignores characters that are not in the indexed language
Using Wildcards
Use the asterisk (*) wildcard to get records that replace the wildcard with zero or more characters. Use the question
mark (?) to replace the wildcard with exactly one character.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 2
Using Common Features Search
country c*
Phrases such as country code or country club
Words such as expense or expanse
exception \*
The phrase exception *
How can I select the groups to include in the autosuggest for the global search?
If personalization is available for the global search (based on setup):
1. Click in the search eld.
2. Click the Personalize icon in the autosuggest.
3. In the Autosuggest Groups tab, select what you want to see in the autosuggest, and set the order that the
groups appear in.
4. Click OK.
Why isn't the global search providing the results that I expect?
Results are based on indexes that are refreshed on a regular basis. Until the next refresh, you might not nd recently
created records, or aribute values might be outdated.
The business object you're looking might not be included in the search.
• Personalize the global search (if enabled) and make sure the search category is selected.
• If you don't see a corresponding search category to select, then the business object isn't set up for the
global search. Instead, use the search in the work area for that object, especially if you want to see the latest
information in the search results.
If you ran a saved search, you're likely to get results that are dierent from when you created the saved search. The
results themselves aren't saved, so records could have been added, edited, or deleted in the meantime.
Finally, make sure that you're correctly using symbols (for example wildcards) in search terms.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 2
Using Common Features Search
How can I change the criteria in saved searches for the global search?
In the global search:
1. Run the existing saved search.
2. In the search results, click the Show Filters buon if the lters are hidden.
3. Update keywords or lters.
4. Click the Save buon.
5. Leave the name as is to overwrite the existing saved search.
6. Close the Edit Saved Searches dialog box.
How can I rename or delete saved searches for the global search?
In the search results for global search:
1. Click the Show Filters buon if the lters are hidden.
2. Click the Save buon.
3. Select your saved search.
4. Rename the search or click Delete.
5. Close the Edit Saved Searches dialog box.
Page-Level Search
Examples of Using Wildcards and Quotation Marks for Searches
on the Page
The following scenarios provide examples of using wildcards and quotation marks in search elds. Actual search results
may vary, depending on factors such as how the search is set up or what data is available. These examples apply only to
searches on the page, not in the global header.
Note: In most cases, the search eld is not case sensitive.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 2
Using Common Features Search
Using Wildcards
Use the percent (%) wildcard to get records that replace the wildcard with zero or more characters. Use the underscore
(_) to replace the wildcard with exactly one character.
• Enter % or _ at the beginning (only in search elds that are conditionally required or not required), middle, or
end of a word.
• You can use the wildcard more than once in one word.
• If the search criterion has an operator, you must select Starts with or Contains for the wildcard to work.
• To include % or _ in your search results, precede the symbol with a backslash (\) when you enter the search
term. The symbol would not act as a wildcard, but as any other character in your search term.
If you're using an operator other than Starts with or Contains, then you don't need to precede % or _ with \,
for the same eect.
Words such as expense or expanse
Words such as especially or experience
amount \%
The phrase amount %
In some cases, the _ wildcard might not match spaces or symbols that separate words. For example, currency_code
might not match currency code or currency/code.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 2
Using Common Features Search
The following gure shows an example of a search with multiple search criteria elds and a Save buon. For each eld,
you can select an operator and enter search terms. You can also select from the Saved Search list to use an existing
saved search.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 2
Using Common Features Search
◦ Show in Search List: The saved search is available for you to select and run on this page.
• You can still nd hidden saved searches in the Personalize Saved Searches dialog box.
• You can't change this seing if the saved search is currently selected on your page.
Note: Some seings can't be changed for predened saved searches. What you do change applies
only to you, unless you're editing the saved search within Page Composer.
5. If you selected a saved search that you created, then you can rename or delete it. You can't do so for predened
saved searches.
6. Save your changes and close the dialog box.
Related Topics
• Create Watchlist Items
What gets saved when I create a saved search for searches with multiple criteria?
The saved search includes the:
• Visible search elds
• Operator and value for each eld
• Search mode, either basic or advanced
• Query By Example lters, in some cases
You don't save the current set of search results or the search result sort order.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 2
Using Common Features Search
◦ Click the Personalize icon to show, hide, or reorder lters, and click OK.
4. Apply lters as follows, depending on which type of lters is available:
◦ Set lter values, and click the Search buon.
◦ Select a lter or set a lter value to automatically refresh results accordingly, and use additional lters to
narrow down results further.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 2
Using Common Features Search
5. For user-dened saved searches only, you can also rename or delete the saved search.
6. Click OK.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 3
Using Common Features Watchlist
3 Watchlist
Overview of Watchlist
Use the Watchlist to track important business objects and open the pages where you work on those items. Items are
organized into categories, and the Watchlist tells you how many of each item you have. For example, in the Expenses
category, one Watchlist item is the Reports awaiting submission link. You can click the link to open the Expenses work
area, and edit and submit those two expense reports. To open your Watchlist, you can click the Watchlist icon in the
global header, only if your default home page layout is Panel or Banner.
Aside from using predened Watchlist items, you can create your own items, based on saved searches. You can use
the Watchlist page in the Set Preferences work area to determine which categories and items to show or hide in your
Related Topics
• Show or Hide Watchlist Items
• Why are some items not displayed in my Watchlist
• Why can't I see some icons in the global header
If you deleted the saved search rst, then also deselect it from the Manage Watchlist dialog box. Otherwise, it remains in
the Manage Watchlist dialog box and your Watchlist until the next refresh.
Related Topics
• Show or Hide Watchlist Items
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 3
Using Common Features Watchlist
Related Topics
• Save Searches with Multiple Criteria
Why is the count dierent between a Watchlist item and the page
that the item link takes me to?
Watchlist item counts are refreshed periodically. Relevant records could have been created, edited, or deleted since the
last refresh.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 4
Using Common Features Notications and Approvals
Access to Tasks
When a task is assigned to you, you get a notication in the application and in your email. Your worklist has all the tasks
relevant to you. To access workow tasks, you can use the:
• E-mail notications
• Notications list in the global header
• Things to Finish section on your home page, if your administrator has selected news feed as the default home
page layout
• Worklist: Notications and Approvals work area (Navigator > Tools > Worklist)
• Worklist: Notications and Approvals region on My Dashboard, if your administrator has added the region to
the dashboard
Examples of interaction with workow tasks include:
• When you submit a transaction for approval, you automatically create a workow task that gets routed to your
approvers. If an approver sends the task back to you for more information about your transaction, your action
is to provide the requested information. When the transaction is ultimately approved or rejected, you simply get
a notication that requires no action from you.
• If you're a manager and your employee submits a transaction that requires approval up the management
chain, your action is to approve or reject the transaction. Other options might be available; for example, you can
delegate the task so that someone else does the approval for you.
This table describes some possible actions you can take on workow tasks.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 4
Using Common Features Notications and Approvals
Action Description
Approve Approve the task, and the task completes or moves on to the next approver.
Claim Assign the task to yourself so that you can act on it, if the task is currently assigned to a group.
Create Subtask Create a child task to be completed as part of the original task.
Delegate Pass the task to someone else to take action for you, but the task is still assigned to you.
Dismiss Close the task and acknowledge that you received it. You don't need to take action because the
notication is only for your information.
Reject Reject the task and send it back to its creator in a nal state.
Release Make the task available for other approvers in the group to claim.
Renew Give yourself more time (seven days is the default) to act on the task, if the task is about to
Request Information Ask the task creator or any of the previous approvers for more information.
Submit Information Send the information that was requested of you regarding the task.
Suspend Put the task on hold until it's resumed. In the meantime, no one is assigned to act on it.
Withdraw Remove the task from the workow (available only if you created the task).
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 4
Using Common Features Notications and Approvals
This table describes some possible statuses, or states, for workow tasks.
State Description
Expired Current assignee hasn't addressed the task within any dened renewal period.
Suspended Task is put on hold by the task creator and not assigned to anyone to address.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 4
Using Common Features Notications and Approvals
The following gure shows the notications list in the global header. In this example, the Notications icon indicates
that there are 27 pending notications, one of which is a new notication and just FYI. The other notication in the
gure requires action, and you can approve or reject even without opening the notication.
The language of the notication title might not be the same as the language that you selected when you signed in to the
application. The title is always displayed in the language that was used when something generated the notication.
Addressing Notications
To view and act on notications:
In the list that opens up, the Unread icon (a blue dot) identies any new notications. Even if you close the list
now without doing anything else, the same notications are no longer new the next time you open the list.
2. Click the drop-down buon next to the window title to switch between pending notications and all
notications. You can also:
The notication is considered acted upon and taken o the pending list.
4. For a notication that doesn't require action, you can:
◦ Click the Clear icon that appears when you hover over the notication, to dismiss the notication.
◦ Click the notication title to open the details.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 4
Using Common Features Notications and Approvals
◦ Do nothing except read the notication title, if the title is just text and not a link because there are no
details to display.
In all cases, the notication is considered read and taken o the pending list. To keep a notication as pending,
you can click the Undo link that temporarily appears next to the notication title after you click the title or Clear
The following gure shows the alternate notications list. In this example, you can approve or reject the new notication
even without opening it. For the other notication, you can use the Actions buon to act on the task.
With news feed selected, the Things to Finish section on the home page, as shown in the following gure, and the
Notications page are also available.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 4
Using Common Features Notications and Approvals
• Assigned to Me: The number of open notications, in this case 34, assigned to you either to act on or just as
FYI. The rest of the cards in the Things to Finish section are the notications assigned to you. These are the
same notications you see in the global header.
• Created by Me: The number of workow tasks you submied that are still pending nal approval, in this case
To view and act on notications in the Things to Finish section, the global header, or the Notications page:
1. Click the Notications icon in the global header, or go to the Things to Finish section on the home page.
To view and manage all your notications on the Notications page, you can click the:
◦ Show All link from the notications list in the global header
◦ Numbers on the rst Things to Finish card to open the corresponding tab on the Notications page,
Assigned to Me or Created by Me
◦ Show More link in the Things to Finish section
Tip: In the Things to Finish section, you can click the Close icon just to remove the card. The
notication is still assigned to you, so you can still nd it, for example, in the global header or
the Assigned to Me tab on the Notications page.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 4
Using Common Features Notications and Approvals
◦ Click the Dismiss buon or, on the Assigned to Me tab on the Notications page, the Dismiss All buon.
◦ Click the notication title to open the details.
Do nothing except read the notication title, if the title is just text and not a link because there are no
details to display.
4. On the Created by Me tab on the Notications page, you can see the workow tasks you submied that are
pending nal approval or already completed. Where available, you can take action on the pending items, for
example to withdraw your request.
No maer what you do for steps 2 or 3, the notication is taken o the list in the global header and is no longer assigned
to you in the Things to Finish section or the Notications page. You can still nd the notication on the All tab on the
Notications page.
Tip: To act on a task without viewing the task details, you can select the row and use the
Actions menu in the table toolbar.
5. For tasks requiring your action, use the buons or Actions menu on the task details page. Possible options in
the Actions menu include:
◦Request Information: Select the person you want information from, and specify what you're asking
for in the Comments eld. Indicate if the task should come directly back to you or go through the usual
workow process, after the assignee has provided the requested information.
◦ Reassign: Select whom to pass the task on to. Indicate if you're reassigning the task or just delegating it
for someone to act on your behalf.
6. In the task details, you might also be able to:
◦ Click the Create icon in the Comments section to add your own comment about the task.
◦ Click the Add icon in the Aachments section to aach a le to the task.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 4
Using Common Features Notications and Approvals
View the approval history in the History section. For example, for a task that you created, you can see
who already acted on your request and whose approval you still need. The table and graph present two
views of the same history, listing past assignees in sequential order and indicating the status of each
assignment. Hover over the boxes in the graph to see more information.
7. For additional things you can do with your worklist, click View from the table toolbar in the Worklist:
Notications and Approvals work area. Select Servers and click the Worklist link
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 4
Using Common Features Notications and Approvals
Related Topics
• Synchronize Notications in the Global Header with Workow Tasks
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 4
Using Common Features Notications and Approvals
Find Transactions
Follow these steps:
1. Click Navigator > Tools > Transaction Console.
2. If you see tabs, click the Transaction Summary tab.
3. On the Transaction Manager: Transactions page, check the Last Refresh time stamp after the page title to see
when the transaction statuses were last updated. Click the Last Refresh icon if needed. You can refresh any
time as long as someone else didn't already start a refresh.
◦ You can also set the Refresh Transaction Administrator Console Transaction Status scheduled process to
run on a schedule, to automatically refresh the statuses on a regular basis. Start by seing it to run once
every hour, and then see how it goes and adjust from there.
◦ If you open the details for a specic transaction (step 5), its status also refreshes and you see the latest
on the details page.
4. The page shows transactions with a default Status lter applied, for example Failed. You can remove this lter
to get results for all statuses. Or, use the searches and lters to apply your own criteria, for example, to nd
transactions that are priority 1 or submied by a specic person.
◦ You can use the search to nd results based on keywords in the Name or Process Name column, or
specically use the Name or Process Name lters. Name is the person or object the workow task applies
to, and the process reects the type of workow task.
◦ You can personalize lters to add or hide lters, and create saved searches for future use.
5. Act on the transactions right there from the results table, or click the transaction in the Name column to see
details, such as diagnostic information for failed transactions, and go from there.
For failed transactions, you can get information about the issues and, if you're an administrator, usually take some sort
of action:
1. Select an issue from the Issues list, if the transaction has more than one issue.
2. Review the information in the Instructions and Details sections, including any description and resolution for the
issue, as well as the related workow task and approval rule.
3. Click the Download link to get the diagnostic log.
4. Use the Issue Priority list to set an issue priority, if you want to later lter on the priority to nd this transaction.
5. From the Assigned To list, select the person who should x the issue, for tracking and ltering purposes.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 4
Using Common Features Notications and Approvals
6. Add comments, for example to track what you're doing to address the issue, or note down any service request
IDs. You and others can see these comments only in the Transaction Console, not with the workow task in the
7. If you can, take action to address the issue. Here are some examples of how you might go about it:
◦ Open the Actions menu and select an action.
◦ Follow up with the person you assigned the issue to or your help desk. Give them the diagnostic log and
other information from the transaction details.
◦ Recongure the approval rule that the transaction is based on, and have the workow task resubmied.
8. Select another issue from the Issues list, if any, and go through the same process.
9. Click Save and Close.
Related Topics
• Use Filters with Keyword Searches
• Save Keyword Searches with Filters
• Submit Scheduled Processes and Process Sets
Status Description
Auto Recovery The transaction ran into some issues, but the application is trying to x them without any
action on your end.
Completed All approvals are done and the transaction successfully went through all processes.
Draft The transaction is saved but not submied yet. This status doesn't apply to all product families.
Failed The transaction has one or more errors, for example, due to a network or database outage, or
an issue in the approval rules setup.
In Progress At least one approval is still pending for the transaction before it's all done.
Stuck The transaction was submied, but ran into issues so the workow task doesn't exist yet.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 4
Using Common Features Notications and Approvals
Status Description
Submied The transaction was just created and hasn't moved on yet to another status. This status
doesn't apply to all product families.
Action Description
Add Comment Add your notes for the transaction, for example to track what you're doing to address the
issue, or to jot down any service request IDs. You and others can see these comments only in
the Transaction Console.
Alert Initiator on Error Notify the submier if the transaction ends up in error.
Approve Approve the transaction if the workow task is currently assigned to you to approve or reject.
Reassign Reassign the workow task to an approver, the submier, or someone else.
Recover Restart the process after the transaction stopped due to errors. After you address the issue,
use this action to get the application to pick up where the process last left o and retry
whatever had ended up in error.
Reject Reject the transaction if the workow task is currently assigned to you to approve or reject.
Terminate Process Completely end the transaction so that no one can see or act on the workow task again.
Withdraw Remove the workow task from the workow. You can ask the submier to submit again, for
example, after an issue is resolved.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 4
Using Common Features Notications and Approvals
• It reassigns the direct reports of a terminated manager to that person's line manager and also assigns any
pending notications to the line manager. Only actionable notications will be reassigned.
• It reassigns pending approval notications based on the number of days you specify using the Past Period in
Days Considered for Reassigning Pending Approvals parameter.
Related Topics
• Submit Scheduled Processes and Process Sets
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 4
Using Common Features Notications and Approvals
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 5
Using Common Features Data and Files
How You Use Tables
You can nd tables on many pages. Some tables are simple, while others give you several options to view and manage
the data. Many of these options are described here, and they may or may not be available on the particular table you're
using. You can nd most of the options in the table toolbar, which usually has menus such as Actions, View, or Format.
Select Data
To select a row or column:
• Row: Click anywhere within the row. Or, hover over the small cell beside rst column, and click when your
cursor becomes an arrow.
• Column: Hover over the column heading and click when your cursor becomes an arrow. In tables that allow
multiselect, you can use the Shift or Control key to select multiple rows at once.
Note: Some items in the table menus or toolbar are disabled until you select a row or column. For example,
only after selecting a row can you then select About This Record from the View menu, to see who created and
last updated the record, and when.
View Data
To help you view the data in the table, you can:
• Use lters in the toolbar or Query By Example to narrow down the data. Query By Example is the row of elds
that precedes the column headings.
• Click Refresh in the toolbar, or select Refresh from the Actions menu. You reload the table with the latest
available data.
• Click Detach in the toolbar, or select Detach from the View menu. You can see more of the table in the
detached view.
• Select a column and click Wrap in the toolbar, or select Wrap from the View menu. You can see all the text in
each cell within the column.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 5
Using Common Features Data and Files
• Click Export to Excel in the toolbar, or select Export to Excel from the Actions menu. You get a Microsoft Excel
le with the data in the table.
Sort Data
To sort the data in the table:
• Hover over the column heading of the column you want to sort by, and click the Sort Ascending or Sort
Descending icon.
• Select Sort from the View menu.
Edit Data
To edit data in a table, you can:
• Select a row and click Edit in the toolbar to open a dialog box or another page.
• Click a link in the row to open a dialog box or another page.
• Click a row to make that row editable within the table.
Manage Columns
To determine which columns to see and how they appear, you can:
◦ To move a column, click the column heading and, when your cursor becomes two double-pointed
arrows, move the column to a new position.
◦ To reorder multiple columns, select Reorder Columns from the View menu.
• Freeze: Select the column that you want to freeze, and then either click Freeze in the toolbar or select Freeze
from the View menu.
Query By Example
Use Query By Example
Query By Example is the row of elds that precedes the table column headers, used for ltering the data in the table.
1. Click Query By Example on the table toolbar if the row of elds isn't displayed.
2. Enter lter values in any or all of the Query By Example elds.
3. Press Enter.
The table now shows only the records that meet the criteria you entered in all Query By Example elds.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 5
Using Common Features Data and Files
Note: The lter applies even if the Query By Example elds are hidden.
If not, then:
1. Delete what you entered in each Query By Example eld.
2. Refresh the table.
To clear not just Query By Example but any other table lters:
1. Select Clear from the View menu or click Clear on the table toolbar, if available.
2. Refresh the table.
This table describes the operators that you can enter in Query By Example elds.
Operator Description
and And
Note: You can use this operator only in conjunction with other operators, for
example: >0 and <=1000.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 5
Using Common Features Data and Files
Operator Description
or Or
This table describes the Query By Example wildcards that you can use at the beginning, middle, or end of your entered
value. All other symbols are ignored.
* Multiple characters
Entered Value: add*
? Single character
Entered Value: exp?nse
Export to Excel
What's the dierence between Export to Excel and desktop integration for Excel?
You use the Export to Excel buon or menu option to download data from your table as a Microsoft Excel le. You can
then use this le to view or analyze your data.
You use desktop integration for Excel to create or edit records in Excel workbooks, and then upload them back into the
application. This comes in handy when you have to work oine or make mass updates. In most cases, you download
the desktop integrated workbook from a link in a panel tab or your table.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 5
Using Common Features Data and Files
• You're working with a table that shows a certain number of rows per page or view. Try going to subsequent
pages or views to export.
Translation Editor
Enter or Edit Translated Text
For a row in a table or for a eld in a form, you can use the Translation Editor icon (when available) to view, edit, or enter
the translated text for the supported languages. You don't need to sign out of your current session to do this task.
1. Click the Translation Editor icon on the table toolbar or in the form.
2. On the Edit Translations dialog box, select the row of your preferred language and enter or edit the translated
text in the editable elds. You can enter translation text for multiple languages.
3. Click OK.
If the translated text is in a language that's the same as that of your current session, you can see the translation apply to
the UI immediately.
Related Topics
• How can I determine which languages appear in the Translation Editor
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 5
Using Common Features Data and Files
◦ Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Oce Runtime (VSTO Runtime)
The add-in installer does check if you have these already, and would download and install them if needed. But,
you can manually install them rst, especially if you run into issues installing them as part of installing the Excel
Caution: Avoid using the Windows Task Manager and clicking End Task to close Excel. Doing so might
disable the add-in.
Some column headers in the integrated workbook might include [..]. This means that you can double-click or right-click
within any cell in the column to open a dialog box, which lets you select a value to insert into that cell.
To use the Status Viewer:
1. Open the tab for your task in the Ribbon, if available. For example, if you downloaded a workbook to create
expense items, the tab is called Create Expense Items.
2. Click Status Viewer.
3. In the worksheet, click any table row to see the status of the row, including messages for any errors. The Status
Viewer always shows the status of the entire worksheet.
Some integrated workbooks have searches. To search within the workbook, you must be signed in to the application.
When you click the search buon, the application prompts you to login if you haven't already logged in.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 5
Using Common Features Data and Files
1. Download the latest version of the health check tool from How to use ADF Desktop Integration Client Health
Check Tool (2010222.1) on My Oracle Support at hps://
2. Run ClientHealthCheck.exe as you would other programs on your computer, and review the result for each
checked item.
3. Select any item that has a problem, and read the help text.
4. Fix some of the problems by clicking the Fix Problems buon. Otherwise, follow the instructions in the help
5. If you need more assistance, click the Save Report As buon to prepare information for your help desk.
6. Review the report and remove any sensitive information.
7. Contact your help desk and provide your report.
How can I delete aachments?
Use the Delete icon buon. Alternatively, you can use the Manage Aachments icon buon to open the Aachments
dialog box and delete specic aachments.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 5
Using Common Features Data and Files
Audit History
You can use audit history to view changes to the application data, such as the business objects that
were created, updated, and deleted. You must have a role with the assigned privilege View Audit History
(FND_VIEW_AUDIT_HISTORY_PRIV) to view the history or to create a report. For appropriate assignment of roles and
privileges, check with your security administrator.
To open the Audit History work area, click Navigator > Audit Reports.
The default search displays a summary of the audit history in the search results table. It includes key data such as date,
user, product, event type, business object type, and description. For a detailed report, search again with modied search
criteria. You can export the report summary to Microsoft Excel.
This table lists the search parameters used and the outcome of their selection in the detailed report.
Business Object Type • Narrows the search results to that specic business object within the selected product.
• Enables the Show Aribute Details check box.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 5
Using Common Features Data and Files
Note: This parameter is
applicable only for the
business objects that belong to
Oracle Applications Cloud.
Include Child Objects Displays all the child objects that were listed for that business object when audit was set up. For
example, a sales order object that contains several items as child objects.
Note: Displays the objects at the immediate parent-child level only. You can view
the children at subsequent levels, by selecting the child object as the business
object type and search again.
Show User-Related Details Displays the user ID, and the name and ID of the impersonator who modied the objects
during an impersonation session.
Show Aribute Details Enables the aribute list so that users can select either all aributes or a specic aribute to
view the changes. Based on the selection, the search results indicate whether the aribute is
created, updated or deleted, and the corresponding old and replaced values.
Show Additional Object Identier Displays the instances (contexts) in which the business object was used. The context values
Columns identify the objects and the transactions in which they were used. Each context is unique and
assigns a unique description to the business object.
Note: The default report displays a standard set of columns that contain prominent details of the audit
history. To view additional details, you can change the display of columns.
These events trigger the audit process and the event details are stored in the audit table. Along with audit history, you
can view which events triggered the changes to the object data within a given period of time. However, for events to
trigger the audit process for the business objects, you must rst enable the objects for auditing.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 5
Using Common Features Data and Files
The aributes of the audited object data can be used in lookups and foreign keys to display values in the audit history.
Oracle Applications Cloud supports displaying the audited information as per the application's language seings.
For Oracle Fusion Middleware products, events such as failed sign in aempts are used as triggers. In absence of an
audit table, the information is stored in the sandbox and presented only in English.
Note: This topic focuses on the create, update, and delete event types available in Oracle Applications Cloud.
For details on events used in the Oracle Fusion Middleware products, refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Using Common Features Social Network
6 Social Network
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Using Common Features Social Network
Get Started
• View social activity surrounding business objects.
See: How do I get to Oracle Social Network?
• Get an overview of recent social activity, keeping you up to date on the business objects you're interested in.
See: How do I use the Oracle Social Network user interface?
• Share a business object in the social network to enable easy collaboration with the appropriate people.
See: How do I share or join a Social Object in the social network?
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Using Common Features Social Network
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 6
Using Common Features Social Network
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 7
Using Common Features Scheduled Processes
7 Scheduled Processes
Process Sets
A process set is a scheduled process that's based on a job set. So, when you submit a process set, you're running more
than one job.
Note: When you submit certain scheduled processes, the job logic causes other processes to automatically
run. But in this case, you're not submiing a process set that includes those other processes.
When you submit a scheduled process, you can use its parameters to control which records are processed and how.
For example, a process includes only the transactions that were edited by the person you select for a Last Updated By
parameter. Some processes don't have parameters.
As part of the submission, you can also set up a schedule for the process, for example to run once a week for two
months. Every time a process runs, there's a unique process ID.
Some scheduled processes provide output in PDF, HTML, and other formats. For example, a process can import records
and also produce output with details about those records. There are many types of output, for example a tax document
or a list of transactions.
Process Sets
A process set is a type of scheduled process that's based on a job set and contains at least two processes. So you can run
many processes in one go, for a specic purpose. These processes run in a certain order, in serial or parallel, or by some
other logic. For example, let's say we have a process set with three processes to do these three tasks:
• Validate and clean up records.
• Import the records.
• Give a report on the imported records.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 7
Using Common Features Scheduled Processes
Submit Processes
Submit Scheduled Processes and Process Sets
Watch video
Use the Scheduled Processes work area to run all the scheduled processes that you have access to, including process
sets. You can also submit many processes from other work areas. Some of the processes that give you output are also
reports that you can view from the Reports and Analytics work area or panel tab. You can nd that panel tab in some
work areas
It's quick to submit a scheduled process with the bare minimum steps. But there are many additional options you can
set, for example, if you want to run the process on a schedule.
1. Open the Schedule tab and select Using a schedule for the Run option.
2. Select a frequency.
◦ Select User-Dened if you want to enter the exact dates and times to run the process.
◦ You can select Use a Saved Schedule to use an existing schedule, if there are any.
3. Depending on the frequency, dene when the process should run.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 7
Using Common Features Scheduled Processes
Tip: You can also print the output as part of the steps for nishing the submission, instead of
adding a printer destination here.
7. To add more output documents, repeat steps 2 to 6.
Set Up Notications
You can have notications sent out depending on how the process ends. Use the Process Details dialog box in
Advanced mode to set that up.
1. Open the Notication tab.
2. Click Create Notication.
3. In the Recipient eld, enter the user ID of the person you want to send the notication to.
4. In the Condition list, select when to send the notication, for example when the process ends in error.
5. Click OK.
6. To send notications to more people, repeat steps 2 to 5.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 7
Using Common Features Scheduled Processes
2. In the Process details dialog box, set parameters for individual processes in the set. A process set itself doesn't
have parameters.
Related Topics
• View Analytics, Reports, and Dashboards
• Your seings aect the data to be processed and what you get in the output
• If the process is running on a schedule, your seings apply to every run.
• The seings override what's set in general preferences, which you can get to by clicking your user name in the
global header and selecting Set Preferences.
Let's take a look at some examples of process options that you can set.
You set the language process option to Spanish, while the Current Session eld is set to Japanese in your general
preferences. So, your output is in Spanish. If you don't set the language process option, the output is in Japanese.
You set the currency process option to Euro, while your general currency preference is set to Yen. The scheduled
process makes calculations based on the Euro, and the output shows all monetary amounts in Euro.
Tip: If a job shows up more than once in the process set, use the path information to dierentiate
between those instances.
• The Job Set column shows the direct parent of each job in the process set.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 7
Using Common Features Scheduled Processes
Let's try to understand what we are looking at in the Processes tab. Say you're submiing a process set based on a job
set called Master Import, which contains a job set and two jobs, with one of the jobs showing up twice:
• Clean Records job (with a step ID of CleanRec1)
• Quick Import job set (QuickImpo1), which has two jobs:
This table shows what we see in the Processes tab for this example.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 7
Using Common Features Scheduled Processes
Error Auto-Retry The process ended with errors but will No (in progress)
automatically run again.
Error Manual Recovery The process ended with errors and Yes
requires an administrator to move the
process to a nal state.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 7
Using Common Features Scheduled Processes
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 7
Using Common Features Scheduled Processes
In this screenshot showing a part of the Scheduled Processes Overview page, you can see details for the selected
process. In this case, the selected process nished successfully.
Let's get started. These steps are for the Scheduled Processes work area, but you can do some of the same things in
other work areas where a similar section is available.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 7
Using Common Features Scheduled Processes
The Search Results table shows processes that match the default saved search.
Note: The table might always start out empty if you're not on the Scheduled Processes work area.
Refresh to see processes.
3. Refresh the search results at any time to see the latest status of the process in the Status column.
4. Do any of these tasks to check on the progress of the process:
◦ For more details about the status, click the status link. For example, if a process is in the Ready status,
you can click the Ready link in the Status column to see where the process is in the submission queue.
◦ Check the Start Time column to see if the process has started running yet. If it has, you can select the
row and click View Log to get information about how the process is running.
◦ In the Search Results table, nd the This Job's Items Processed / Errors / Total column. For some
scheduled processes, this column shows what's geing processed and how things are going. For
example, if the value is Lines 50/2/?, then this is what that means:
• The scheduled process is processing lines, for example lines from a le that's geing imported.
• 50 lines are successfully processed.
• Two lines ended up in error.
• The total number of lines to process is unknown right now. If 100 was displayed instead of the
question mark, that would mean there are 100 lines in total, 52 of which are already processed, and
48 more to go.
Even after the scheduled process reaches a nal state, the rst two numbers might not add up to the
total, for many reasons. For example, if you cancel the process before it's done, then not all items got
processed. Or, you have set a process parameter to end the process if at least 50% of the items geing
processed ends in error. In which case, the scheduled process itself could still successfully end, but not
everything was actually processed.
◦ Open the Parameter Names with Values subsection to see the parameters from the Process Details dialog
box and the values that were entered when the process was submied.
◦ Use the All Parameter Values subsection for troubleshooting purposes, if you need to see the parameters
and values in their actual, technical format. This subsection might have more parameters. For example,
some processes run with additional parameter values that are derived from the parameter values you
entered when you submied the process.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 7
Using Common Features Scheduled Processes
◦ Edit Schedule: Change the submission schedule, for example to submit it biweekly instead of weekly.
◦ Edit Output: If the process generates output, you can change output options, for example from HTML
format to PDF.
• If the process is running, you can click Put On Hold to pause it, or Release Process so that a process that's on
hold continues to run.
Cancel a Process
Select the scheduled process in the Search Results table, and click Cancel Process. Sometimes it takes a while for a
process to nish canceling. So, you can use the Actions menu to end it. The option you get depends on the process.
• Hard Cancel: To end the process shortly after you canceled it, without waiting for the cancellation to nish by
• Force Cancel: To end a process that has been canceling for over 30 minutes but isn't done yet.
Some processes run on a remote server. When you click Force Cancel, even though the status is changed to Canceled,
the process might still be running on the remote server. With the scheduled process still selected in the Search Results
table, you check the status of the remote process in the Details section that appears after the table. The Remote Status
eld might display any of these statuses for the remote process (not for your scheduled process):
• Completed Successfully: The remote process was successfully canceled within the 30 minute grace period.
• Running/Unknown: Your scheduled process is in a Canceled state, but the remote process is still running.
• Terminated: Your scheduled process is in a Canceled state, and the remote process is successfully canceled
after the 30 minute grace period.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 7
Using Common Features Scheduled Processes
• Ready
• Running
• Completed
• Blocked
• Hold
• Paused
• Pending Validation
• Schedule Ended
• Error Auto-Retry
4. Use the Search section to change your search results, if you need to.
5. Select Cancel Processes in Bulk from the Actions menu.
Resubmit Processes
To resubmit scheduled processes using the same parameters:
1. Click Navigator > Tools > Scheduled Processes.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 7
Using Common Features Scheduled Processes
2. In the Search Results table, select your process and take a look at its details, including parameter values.
3. Click Resubmit.
a. In the Process Details dialog box, select a process on the Processes tab.
b. Change any of the parameters.
c. Repeat and change parameters for any of the other processes in the process set.
d. Dene anything else as part of the submission, for example the schedule.
e. Click Submit.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 8
Using Common Features Business Intelligence
8 Business Intelligence
Analysis Data in an interactive format, for example Summarize or break down simple, real-
a table or graph. time data, which helps you in taking short-
term decisions.
Dashboard A collection of analyses and other content, Get various pieces of information about a
presented on one or more pages, or tabs. particular subject.
Report Data in a predened format that provides Get high-volume data in a high-delity
lile or no interaction. output optimized for printing, for
example in documents to support internal
operations, statutory requirements, and
other business needs.
Note: You can export tables on UI pages to Microsoft Excel workbooks, where available, and use the exported
data for analytical purposes.
For more information, see the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports guides and the Using Analytics and
Reports guides (if available) for your products.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 8
Using Common Features Business Intelligence
For more information about creating and editing analytics and reports, see the Creating and Administering Analytics
and Reports guides for your products.
There are dierent ways to view and work with your analytics and reports. You can view analyses, dashboards, and
reports in the course of your work, on your usual pages and infolets. Or you can nd them in the business intelligence
catalog with the Reports and Analytics work area and the Reports and Analytics panel tab.
1. Use the page controls and Previous and Next icons to explore infolet pages in the home page. You may also
nd infolets in some work areas.
2. You may nd analytics in infolets with summaries and aggregations or performance metrics.
3. Click an infolet to open a detailed analysis. So for example, if an infolet has transactions summed to a total,
click it to view details of the underlying transactions.
4. Click Done to return.
1. Explore your pages. Some may include analysis and report links or embedded objects, sometimes in tabs or
panel tabs.
2. Some work areas have a Reports and Analytics panel tab, where you explore catalog folders for relevant
analyses and reports for the work area. And if you have permission, you can map more objects to the work area
if they're appropriate.
Here are some things you can do in the Reports and Analytics work area.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 8
Using Common Features Business Intelligence
View Analyses
An analysis queries against your company's data and answers business questions with visualizations, such as charts and
tables. They may appear in your pages, or as parts of a dashboard.
1. From the catalog folders or search results, open an analysis to view.
2. Click Refresh to rerun the analysis and refresh its data.
3. Click Print and select either Printable PDF or Printable HTML to open a printable version.
4. Click Export to get analysis data in various formats, for example PDF, Excel, PowerPoint, and XML.
View Reports
Reports show data in a predened format that's optimized for printing.
1. From the catalog folders or search results, open a report.
2. Click the View Report icon if you want a dierent format.
◦ Choose HTML or PDF to display the report in a format for printing. Because it's optimized for printing,
PDF often provides the best results.
◦ You can also export the report as RTF for editing in a word processor, or as Excel or PowerPoint.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 8
Using Common Features Business Intelligence
◦ Click Edit to edit the report properties, layout, and data model.
◦ Click Report History to see details about past submissions of the report.
◦ Click Schedule to schedule the report to be run.
• In the Oracle Help Center, review videos, guides, and other resources for using and creating analytics and
◦ Engagement
Related Topics
• Oracle Help Center
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 9
Using Common Features Personalization
9 Personalization
How can I personalize the page entries on my home page?
You can personalize the home page content that you use to navigate in the application. Based on your requirements,
you can show or hide the groups and page entries that appear on the home page for navigation. You can't personalize
the content of the Navigator.
If your default home page layout is:
• Panel or banner, click the Personalize Springboard icon on the home page, and select or deselect the groups
and page entries that you want to show or hide on the springboard.
• News feed, click the Personalize Springboard icon in the Apps section of the home page, and select or
deselect the page entries that you want to show or hide in that section.
Related Topics
• Overview of Conguring Themes and Home Page Seings
• Sign In and Get Started
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 9
Using Common Features Personalization
Personalize Infolets
Use infolets to aggregate key information for a specic area, for example, social networking or your personal prole. On
the home page, to open infolets and view important information at a glance, you can:
• Click an icon in the page control, if your default home page layout is panel or banner.
• Click a tab in the Analytics section, if your default home page layout is news feed.
Note: If the infolet icons aren't available on the home page, administrators can enable infolets using the
Home Conguration page of the Structure work area.
You can:
1. Click the Actions icon on the top right corner of the infolet, and select Edit Title and Views.
2. Edit the infolet title, and enable or disable the infolet views.
3. Click Save and Close.
Reorder Infolets
To change the position of an infolet within an Infolet page, follow these steps:
Tip: To select multiple infolets, press the Ctrl key, and then select them.
3. Click Apply.
Tip: Alternatively, click the Actions icon on the top right corner of the infolet, and select Hide.
To show a hidden infolet on an infolet page, click the Infolet Repository icon, and select the infolet from the list of
Related Topics
• Congure Home Page Navigation
• Why is the icon for my infolet page not available in the page control on the home page
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 9
Using Common Features Personalization
• Flip or expand the card to view additional details about the object featured in the infolet card.
• Drill down to more details by navigating to relevant manage pages from the infolet view.
• Change the context of the card either at page level or at view level.
• Hide infolet cards.
• Reorder infolet cards.
• Click the Back View icon present on the infolet card to see the back view with additional information about the
◦ To return to the front view, click the Front View icon present on the infolet card.
• The expanded view is available from either the front view or the back view. Click the Expanded View icon to see
useful information about the objects. Click the Front View or Back View icon to return to the view you started
Additional Pages
Click the number or an element like a segment on the pie chart of the infolet card to navigate to relevant manage pages
with additional, in-context information. Drill down to view additional relevant information on related objects that will
help you to act on the latest and critical data points. For example, suppose you have an infolet card that displays draft
orders with errors. Each number or the segment of the graphical element represents the dierent error conditions such
as pricing errors, processing constraint errors, and so on. Click the segment that represents draft orders in pricing errors
to see the names and additional details of all the draft orders with pricing error.
Context Selector
To view dierent perspectives of the same data, use context selectors. Two types of context selectors are available: at
the page level, and at the view level. Only some of the infolet cards have the view-level context selectors, while only
some pages with infolet cards have page-level context selectors. Context selectors aren't present on all infolet cards and
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 9
Using Common Features Personalization
pages. If you change the context of the card on any view of the card, these changes may not necessarily reect on the
alternate views of the infolet card.
• Each view of the infolet card may have a view-level context selector located after the title of the card. Select
from the list of available contexts and the view is updated based on that context. The view-level context can be
dierent on each view of the card.
For example, you may have an infolet card that displays information about fullled orders for dierent time
periods. Use the context selector to see information about orders that were fullled in the last three months.
• The page-level context selector is available on a tool bar of the page. The page-level context selector is similar
to the view-level context selector, except that all the cards on the page will display data as per the lters set in
the page-level context list. Click the View By icon on the tool bar of the page. Select the contexts from the two
available lists in the Page Context dialog box.
Examples include updating all of the cards to show data only for the last week, or only for a particular business
Hide Card
Click the Actions icon present on the infolet card, and select Hide. The selected card is hidden. You can also hide cards
by clicking the My Infolets icon present on the page. A list of infolet cards is displayed. Deselect the check box of the
infolet card that you want to hide.
Rearrange Cards
The infolet cards can be moved around and can be rearranged or re-ordered on the page in any way you want.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 10
Using Common Features Preferences
10 Preferences
Related Topics
• Set General Preferences for All Users
Note: You may also update your photo using the My Photo page in general preferences.
Click the image or name in the global header and go to Personalization > Set Preferences >
My Photo
2. Click Browse and select the photo to upload. Keep these points in mind when selecting the photo:
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 10
Using Common Features Preferences
Follow these steps:
1. In the global header, click your user image or name and select Access Accessibility Seings.
Tip: You can also nd the Accessibility icon in the global header using the Tab key.
2. If you rely on screen reader assistive technologies, switch to the Screen Reader mode. Selecting this mode
changes several aspects of the user interface. For example, tree components have additional columns that you
can use to select specic tree nodes.
3. Select additional options according to your preferences:
◦ If you run your operating system in a high contrast mode such as black on white, switch the color
contrast to High.
◦ If you run your operating system in a font size greater than 100% of normal size, switch the font size to
4. Click Save.
Related Topics
• Accessibility Features
• Overview of Application Accessibility
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 10
Using Common Features Preferences
• Manage Themes
Overview of Proxies
Let's say you're on vacation or busy with work, but you want to take care of some tasks. You can designate a proxy so
that someone else can sign in and do the tasks on your behalf in an impersonation session.
Note: If you're an HCM Cloud user, remember that your proxies will have access to your personal and
sensitive information, such as your salary details, national IDs, and so on.
Designate Proxies
Here's how you can designate a proxy to work on your behalf.
1. Click your user image or name in the global header, and on the Seings and Actions menu, select Set
2. Click Proxies.
3. Click Actions > Create.
4. Search for the person you want to designate as your proxy.
Note: If you can't nd the person you want to designate as a proxy, ask your administrator to
check if the person has the Impersonate User (FND_IMPERSONATE_USER_PRIV) privilege.
5. Verify the user details and click Apply.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 10
Using Common Features Preferences
6. Click OK.
7. Select the start and end dates.
8. Click Save and Close.
Related Topics
• Work as a Proxy
Show or Hide Watchlist Items
Use the Watchlist page in the Set Preferences work area to show or hide specic items or categories in your Watchlist.
Related Topics
• How can I rename Watchlist items
• Create Watchlist Items
• Why is the count dierent between a Watchlist item and the page that the item link takes me to
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 10
Using Common Features Preferences
• You deselected saved searches in the Manage Watchlist dialog box, so they're no longer used as Watchlist
• You deleted saved searches that were used as Watchlist items.
• Your administrator disabled specic predened Watchlist items or categories for all users.
• Your administrator disabled using saved searches (from specic pages) as Watchlist items.
• Your administrator revoked access to tasks or pages that used to be available to you.
In these cases, you can no longer see the corresponding Watchlist items in your Watchlist and in your Watchlist
Related Topics
• Create Watchlist Items
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 10
Using Common Features Preferences
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 11
Using Common Features Help
11 Help
We all can use a helping hand sometimes. To get help for what you're working on, use the help icons that are on many
of the pages you use. The icons open help windows that can have informational text, links to help content, or both, and
maybe even help that your company added.
◦ You see help links in your preferred language only if there's content in that language. If not, you see links
in English.
◦ Help content opens in a new browser tab so you can keep that open while you work.
◦ You can do more with the help than just read it. Options can include printing, downloading,
bookmarking, or emailing the help.
◦ The rst link takes you to the beginning of the relevant chapter.
◦ The second link takes you directly to the part of the chapter that contains the summary text that you see
in the search result.
Tip: To open the Oracle Help Center at any time, click your user image or name in the global header and
select Applications Help.
Related Topics
• Oracle Help Center
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 11
Using Common Features Help
The Oracle Help Center (hps:// has guides, videos, information about releases and updates, and
other resources for Oracle Applications Cloud. In the application, when you click links in help windows, most of the time
you open a specic guide in the Help Center. From there, you can search or browse to nd other content. Let's take a
look at how you can move around and nd what you're looking for in the Help Center.
1. In the Oracle Help Center, open the main menu and click Cloud Applications.
2. Click the name of your cloud service. This is also your starting point if you got to the Help Center by clicking
your image or user name in the global header and selecting Applications Help.
3. Select a release update for the cloud service, if you need to.
4. Get to a specic guide, video, or other resource.
◦ Here are some examples of where you might go on the cloud service page to browse for information:
• Learn What's New panel: Get information about new features and other changes for the release
• Tasks section in the navigation pane: Click a task category and then a specic task, to open the
guide that covers the task.
• REST API section in the navigation pane: Get reference information about REST APIs.
◦ Click the Videos or Books link in the navigation pane to get all the videos or guides for the cloud service.
• On the Videos or Books page, you can use the View list to lter by category.
• Most guides are available in multiple formats, for example HTML and PDF.
Tip: Use the breadcrumbs to get to other parts of the Help Center.
Related Topics
• Oracle Help Center
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 12
Using Common Features Troubleshoot
12 Troubleshoot
Troubleshoot Issues
When you run into issues that you can't easily x yourself, you can follow a general process to troubleshoot the issue.
This process can involve error messages, diagnostic tests, recordings of the issue, and your help desk.
Diagnostic Tests
Run Diagnostic Tests
Use the Diagnostic Dashboard to identify and resolve issues within your application. You can run and monitor
diagnostic tests and review the test results using the Diagnostic Dashboard.
To run a diagnostic test, ensure that your user account is associated with one of the following job roles:
• Application Diagnostics Regular User (ORA_FND_DIAG_REGULAR_USER_JOB)
• Application Diagnostics Advanced User (ORA_FND_DIAG_ADVANCED_USER_JOB)
• Application Diagnostics Administrator (ORA_FND_DIAG_ADMINISTRATOR_JOB)
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 12
Using Common Features Troubleshoot
3. From the search results, select the check box for the diagnostic test and click Add to Run. The selected test is
added to the Choose Tests to Run and Supply Inputs table.
4. In the Choose Tests to Run and Supply Inputs table, depending on the value that appears in the Input Status
column, perform the appropriate action. This table lists the values that may appear in the Input Status column
and the appropriate actions for each value:
Required Input Values Missing a. Click the Click to Supply or Edit Input Parameters icon in the Input Status column.
In the Input Parameters dialog box, specify the parameter values according to the
parameter type.
b. Click OK.
Note: To skip that test and its nested test steps, deselect the Select to Run
Test check box in the Choose Tests to Run and Supply Inputs table.
a. Click the Click to Supply or Edit Input Parameters icon in the Input Status column.
b. In the Input Parameters dialog box, review the existing parameters or specify new
input parameters, as applicable.
c. Click OK.
5. From the View menu in the Choose Tests to Run and Supply Inputs table, select Availability.
6. In the Diagnostic Test Availability dialog box, from the Select the Diagnostic Test for Details table, select each
test and check the icon displayed the Availability column.
◦ If the Availability column displays a check mark icon, then the selected test is currently available to be
◦ If the Availability column displays a warning icon, or if you want to determine whether the test is internal
or external, click Detach in the Available Details table header, and proceed to the next step.
If all the listed tests are available to be run, and you don't need to know whether they're internal or external,
proceed to Step 8.
7. In the detached table:
◦ If the Details of Required Test Components column contains the name of an Oracle Fusion application,
then the test is an internal diagnostic test. Otherwise, it's an external diagnostic test.
◦ If the Error column contains an error message, take appropriate action to correct it.
8. Repeat steps 4 through 6 to verify that all listed tests are now available to run, and proceed to the next step.
9. Optionally, you can enter a name for your test run in the Run Name eld in the toolbar of the Choose Tests to
Run and Supply Inputs table. If you use the word error, or if you leave the Run Name eld blank, the application
automatically assigns the test run a name.
10. From the Run Options menu, select the appropriate options depending on how you want the selected
diagnostic test or tests to run. This table lists the options available in the Run Options menu, and describes the
consequences of selecting each option.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 12
Using Common Features Troubleshoot
Run Now
Runs the selected test or tests immediately after you click Run.
Run Later
Schedules when the test or tests are run, if this option is available.
When you select Run Later, the Run buon on the toolbar changes to a Schedule Run
buon. Complete the following steps to schedule when the test or tests will be run:
No Prerequisites Runs the selected test or tests without running the prerequisite tests.
Run in Parallel Runs the selected test or tests using multiple threads. The default value is 3, and you can
select any value from 2 through 5.
Run Synchronously Runs the selected test or tests using a single thread.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 12
Using Common Features Troubleshoot
◦ Diagnostic Status: This column displays status information about whether the individual diagnostic tests
detected any problems before completing.
You need the Applications Diagnostic Administrator (ORA_FND_DIAG_ADMINISTRATOR) job role to cancel tests that
someone else ran.
1. Click your user image or name in the global header, and from the Seings and Actions menu, select Run
Diagnostic Tests. If you don't see this menu item, then your help desk can make it available to you.
2. Click the Run Status link in the Tasks pane.
3. In the Diagnostic Test Run Status table, verify that the Execution Status for the test you want to cancel is
4. Select the test you want to cancel and click Cancel.
Health Check
This example shows running a diagnostic test to verify that data is correct before starting a large-volume task.
1. You are a general ledger manager, and you periodically run diagnostic tests to check on data, setup, and
congurations, especially before closing the period.
2. You open the Diagnostic dashboard and run the General Ledger Misclassied Accounts Validations test, to
make sure that all accounts are correctly classied.
3. You review the test results and conrm that the accounts are ready for the period close process.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 12
Using Common Features Troubleshoot
This example shows running a diagnostic test to start the troubleshooting process.
1. You are a general ledger manager, and you run into issues with the period close process.
2. You open the Diagnostic dashboard and search for diagnostic tests using tags, with Financial Control and
Reporting as the tag name.
3. You browse the search results for tests with Close Ledgers as the tag value.
4. You nd and run the appropriate test, General Ledger Closing Validations.
5. The diagnostic test results can show issues that you can't x yourself: validation errors in setup, conguration,
or data integrity. In this case, it's incomplete accounting setup.
6. You notify your help desk about the diagnostic test results and describe your issue.
If the test results had shown issues that you can't x yourself, but didn't have validation errors, then you would
ask your help desk to create an incident. The help desk would take over in the troubleshooting process.
7. Your help desk performs a x and asks you to rerun the test.
8. You repeat steps 4 through 7 until the test completes with no issues identied.
Data Analysis
This example shows running a diagnostic test to collect data for analysis.
1. You are a purchasing buyer, and you notice unexpected data in a specic purchasing document.
2. You search in Applications Help for information related to purchasing documents, to see if you can nd any
relevant troubleshooting information. You nd a list of predened diagnostic tests, and you check if there is a
relevant diagnostic test.
3. You open the Diagnostic dashboard and run the appropriate test, Manage Purchasing Documents Lifecycle -
4. You review the test results, which give you all the details about the particular purchasing document.
5. You see the reason for the unexpected data and resolve the issue yourself.
Enter the cookie to identify the user session that you want to analyze.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 12
Using Common Features Troubleshoot
If you can't locate the cookie, then no application user session has been created for your application.
5. See the Content eld, which has the format pillar_name:session_cookie_value:timestamp. For the Application
User Session Cookie parameter, enter the session_cookie_value part, which appears between two colons.
Create a Recording
Follow these steps:
1. Open the page where your issue occurred. If the issue is that a page isn't opening or displaying properly, then
you can be on any page to start the recording before you try to open the problematic page again.
2. Click your user image or name in the global header and go to Troubleshooting > Record Issue. If you don't see
this menu item, then contact your help desk or security administrator.
3. For most issues, choose to collect page diagnostics while you're recording. Collect performance statistics only if
the issue is that the application is working too slowly.
4. Open the Advanced Options section (if you're given access) and set the recording time according to your help
desk or for as long as you think it would take to reproduce your issue. You can always stop the recording as
soon as you're done.
If you're collecting page diagnostics, you can take screenshots while you record and aach them to your
recording later. So take into account the time that it takes to capture screenshots.
5. If your help desk asks you to enter other advanced options, then ll out the rest of the section based on what
your help desk tells you.
6. Click Start Recording to record on the current page, or on the next page that you open immediately after you
click the buon.
If you open yet another page after that, then the recording will automatically stop.
7. Click Stop Recording or record until the alloed time runs out.
8. If you're collecting page diagnostics, optionally add notes and aach screenshots or other relevant les to the
9. Note down your recording ID, and click Submit.
Tip: You can later open the Record Issue dialog box again and click View My Recordings to
nd the ID and other information about this recording.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 12
Using Common Features Troubleshoot
What's an incident?
An incident is a collection of diagnostic information for a critical application error. This information shows the state of
the application at the time the problem occurred.
If you get an error message for an issue severe enough to prevent you from continuing your work, then an incident is
automatically created and forwarded to your help desk. Any diagnostic tests associated with the error message would
also run automatically, with the results added to the incident. Your help desk can also manually create incidents.
After the maintenance is completed, all modules return to their usual state.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 12
Using Common Features Troubleshoot
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 13
Using Common Features Accessibility
13 Accessibility
Keyboard Shortcuts
You can navigate the entire application without a mouse and access all relevant functionality using only the keyboard.
You don't need assistive technology to use keyboard-only navigation, which is available to all users. Keyboard shortcuts
enable you to perform user interface actions without using a mouse. For example, you can use keyboard shortcuts to
save a le or open a tab. Keyboard shortcuts for specic UI elements come from the Oracle Application Development
Framework components that they're based on. You might also nd keyboard shortcuts that are specic to a particular
feature or product.
Related Topics
• Oracle's Accessibility Program
• Set Up the Accessibility Modes
Accessibility Features
You can use assistive technology products, such as screen readers, while you work in the application. Certain
components render dierently in the screen reader mode. For example, date elds in the default mode have a date
picker. You can either use the date picker to choose a date, or manually enter the date as text. In screen reader mode,
you only enter information as text because date pickers aren't available.
You can also use a keyboard instead of a mouse. Some of the accessibility features discussed here are:
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 13
Using Common Features Accessibility
Isolated Display
In screen reader mode, when you open a menu or a dialog box, the display is isolated on the open component until you
close it. For example, when you open the Actions menu, only the Actions Menu heading and menu items are displayed.
In addition to the menu item names, the isolated display provides contextual information for each item. For example,
each item has Menu Item or Menu as a sux, with the laer identifying submenus that you can open. For dialog boxes,
the isolated display also provides additional information, for example to identify elds with invalid data entry.
Related Topics
• Set Up the Accessibility Modes
Keyboard Shortcuts
Keyboard Shortcuts for Oracle Application Development
Framework Components
The application is based on Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF) components which come with standard
keyboard shortcuts. In some cases, you might nd dierent keyboard shortcuts specic to the page, feature or product
that you're using.
Oracle ADF keyboard shortcuts are described in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Web User Interface Developer's Guide for
Oracle Application Development Framework.
Default Mode
• Refer to the following sections in the guide for the corresponding keyboard shortcuts.
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 13
Using Common Features Accessibility
◦ Shortcut Keys for Table, Tree, and Tree Table Components in Screen Reader Mode
◦ Shortcut Keys for ADF Data Visualization Components in Screen Reader Mode
Action Shortcut
Select and deselect the check box in
My Infolets
Oracle Applications Cloud Chapter 13
Using Common Features Accessibility
Action Shortcut
Related Topics
• Set Up the Accessibility Modes
Oracle Applications Cloud Glossary
Using Common Features
The kind of access, such as view or edit, named in a security policy.
A selection of data displayed in one or more views, such as a table or chart, to provide answers to business questions.
Business intelligence objects such as analyses and dashboards that provide meaningful data to help with decision
Suggestions that automatically appear for a search field, even before you finish typing your search term. You can select
any of the suggestions to run your search.
business object
A resource in an enterprise database, such as an invoice or purchase order.
A collection of analyses and other content that gives in-depth insight to help with business decisions.
A page that gives quick access to key tasks and summary information for a business process or object.
The single strip of icons that you can use to open other pages. The strip appears between the global header and the
page title.
Oracle Applications Cloud Glossary
Using Common Features
global header
The uppermost region in the user interface that remains the same no matter which page you're on.
global search
The search in the global header that lets you search across many business objects.
A collection of diagnostic information about a critical error, providing details about the state of the application when the
issue occurred.
A small, interactive widget on the home page that provides key information and actions for a specific area, for example
social networking or your personal profile. Each infolet can have multiple views.
The menu in the global header that you can use to open the work areas and dashboards that you have access to.
panel tab
A tab that provides supplemental information or functionality for the page. Each panel tab is on the right side of the
page, has an icon as the tab label, and slides out when you open the tab.
A change that users make to control the look or behavior of the application. Personalizations impact only the user
making the change.
Oracle Applications Cloud Glossary
Using Common Features
A grant of access to functions and data; a single, real world action on a single business object.
process set
A scheduled process that contains multiple individual processes or other process sets.
Query By Example
The icon for filtering data in a table.
An output of select data in a predefined format that's optimized for printing.
Controls access to application functions and data.
scheduled process
A program that you run to process data and, in some cases, generate output as a report.
The grid of icons on the home page that you can use to open pages.
work area
A set of pages containing the tasks, searches, and other content you need to accomplish a business goal.
An automated process that passes a task from one user (or group of users) to another to view or act on. The task is
routed in a logical sequence to achieve an end result.
Oracle Applications Cloud Glossary
Using Common Features