Glicerol en Ensilaje 2013 Imp
Glicerol en Ensilaje 2013 Imp
Glicerol en Ensilaje 2013 Imp
CstageS of maturity
: Effect of grazing,
at harvest,
chemical composition of wheat silage first hollow stem. After the assembly After the 45-d ensilage period, DM
preensiling and postensiling. of the second grazing exclosure, 67 concentration was determined by sep-
kg/ha of N and 100 kg/ha of K2O arating approximately 100 g of fresh
MATERIALS AND METHODS equivalent rates were applied to the sample and drying in a forced-air
fall and spring restriction areas. drying oven at 55°C until a constant
Site Description weight was achieved. Furthermore, the
Forage Samples and Analyses pH of fresh samples was measured im-
This project was conducted as an mediately upon opening the ensilage
on-farm producer demonstration in Forage was harvested from approxi- bags. For this, 30 g of fresh sample
central Arkansas (35°03′ N, 92°33′ W). mately one-half of each of the 6 plots was mixed with 300 mL of deionized
The farm site consisted of Gallion silt (grazing exclosures) on April 22, 2008, water and stirred occasionally until
loam and Roxana fine sandy loam soil (anthesis) and the remaining one- pH was measured after 30 min had
with 0 to 1% slope (NRCS, 2010). half the following May 7 (soft dough) elapsed. Remaining sample material
On October 7, 2007, a locally avail- and weighed for yield determination. was transferred to a Ziploc bag (S.C.
able pasture wheat variety (Amazin The samples were then transferred to Johnson and Son Inc., Racine, WI)
Grazin, Agri Coop Supply, Morrilton, facilities at the University of Arkan- and stored at −15°C. Samples previ-
AR) was no-till drilled into 4.5 ha of sas, Animal Science Department, ously used for determination of DM
an existing bermudagrass [Cynodon Fayetteville. Samples were placed content were ground in a Wiley mill
dactylon (L.) Pers.] sod of unknown on a dry, clean concrete surface in a (Thomas Scientific, Swedesboro, NJ)
variety. Beginning on November 27, covered barn and shredded using a to pass a 1-mm screen and stored at
2007, 53 fall calves were weaned onto commercial lawn mower (Honda HRX room temperature until further chemi-
the site. In addition to the research 2172, Alpharetta, GA). Material was cal analysis.
site of no-till drilled wheat, calves collected in a bag attached to the Neutral detergent fiber and ADF
had continuous access to an ad- mower. Average particle length after were determined according to the
ditional 18 ha of wheat (var. Coker shredding was 1.8 cm. procedures described by Van Soest
9663, Agri Coop Supply, Conway, Random samples from all treat- (1963) and Goering and Van Soest
AR) that had been broadcast after ments were then monitored for (1970). Crude protein was determined
disking on October 7, 2007, (fertil- moisture concentration by repeatedly according to AOAC (1995).
ized with N at 135 kg/ha and K2O at placing subsamples in a microwave In vitro DM disappearance was
100 kg/ha) and 38.5 ha of fallow crop oven to evaporate moisture. Dry mat- determined by batch procedures out-
ground that produced winter annual ter was calculated by subtracting final lined by ANKOM Technology Corp.
grasses (Bromus spp.) and volunteer from initial weight. After the samples (Fairport, NY). Rumen fluid was
annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum reached a DM concentration of 40%, obtained from a ruminally cannulated
Lam.). Because this project involved large plastic bags were filled with crossbred steer that was offered a
observing the influence of grazing on bulk samples, closed, and immedi- diet of 80% alfalfa (Medicago sativa
a producer farm in which the research ately transferred to the laboratory L.) and 20% concentrate at a main-
leaders had no control over cattle for further processing. Samples were tenance level of intake. The steer was
management, there was no animal prepared by adding predetermined adapted to the diet for 10 d before
care committee review of the project. amounts of glycerol (0, 5, 10, and 15% the rumen fluid was collected.
By observation, it appeared the farm of DM) to the original sample mate- Volatile fatty acids were analyzed
was implementing industry-accepted rial. Target weight for each particular using an automated Hewlett Packard
beef cattle management practices sample was 500 g. Sample material 5890 gas chromatograph (Hewlett
regarding animal health, performance, was weighed and thoroughly mixed in Packard Co., Palo Alto, CA) fitted
and value improvement, such as de- large plastic buckets with the assigned with a Nukol fused silica capillary col-
horning and castrating. Observations amounts of glycerol before mate- umn (30 m × 0.25 mm i.d. × 0.25 μm
of calf body condition while collect- rial was transferred to plastic bags film thickness; Supelco Inc., Bellefon-
ing forage data suggested that these (Applica Consumer Products, Miami te, PA), a 5 m × 0.25 mm i.d. fused
cattle were not malnourished during Lakes, FL), cut to size, and closed silica intermediate polarity guard
any phase of the study. with a vacuum sealer (FoodSaver, column (Supelco Inc.), and an flame
Before fall grazing, 3 grazing Signature series V 825, Tilia Inc., San ionization detector. Chromatographic
exclosures measuring 2.4 × 4.9 m Francisco, CA). Sealed samples were peaks were qualified by comparing
were assembled on the no-till drilled wrapped again with another bag and retention times of sample compo-
paddock. On February 28, 2008, a vacuum sealed to prevent rupture and nent peaks to those of a volatile acid
second set of grazing exclosures with to ensure near-anaerobic conditions standard mix (Supelco Inc.). Fatty
the same dimensions was assembled throughout the experiment. Samples acid amounts were quantified by using
adjacent to the original 3 exclosures were then incubated at 20°C in dark- a known amount of 2-ethyl butyrate
to simulate calf removal just before ness for 45 d. as an internal standard within each
Influence of grazing and glycerol addition on wheat silage 259
Table 1. Effect of grazing restriction and stage of wheat plant maturity on yield and preensiling chemical
Graze ×
Item Anthesis Soft dough Anthesis Soft dough SE Graze Maturity maturity
Yield, kg/ha 2,035 3,408 1,709 2,672 281.5 0.04 <0.001 0.14
Moisture, % 60.4 50.4 62.9 50.1 2.38 0.69 <0.01 0.60
CP, % 11.0 10.9 12.3 11.7 0.60 0.19 0.55 0.64
NDF, % 63.3a 56.9c 59.9b 57.4c 1.07 0.13 <0.01 0.03
ADF, % 33.9a 30.7b 31.3b 31.0b 1.02 0.18 0.04 0.06
IVDMD, % 70.6b 74.9a 72.8a 73.6a 0.38 0.18 0.001 <0.01
Least squares means within a row with different superscripts differ (P < 0.05).
sample. Lactic acid concentrations ing (P = 0.04) and stage of maturity forages compared with grazed forages.
were determined according to proce- at harvest (P < 0.001). Grazed wheat For instance, the NDF content was
dures described by Gloster and Harris and removal before first hollow stem 6.4 percentage units lower at the soft
(1962). In addition, the lactate-to- produced on average 530 kg less DM dough stage for nongrazed wheat but
acetate ratio and total organic acid per hectare in comparison with wheat only 2.5 percentage units lower for
concentration were calculated. that was never grazed. However, aver- grazed wheat. Harvesting at the soft
aged across the 2 stages of maturity, dough stage resulted in a significant
Statistical Analyses the grazed wheat still produced more (P < 0.05) reduction in NDF and
than 2,000 kg/ha of harvested for- ADF, whereas IVDMD increased.
Forage yield and preensiling chemi- age. The initial forage harvest oc- Crude protein was not affected by
cal composition were analyzed as curred during anthesis, whereas the stage of maturity (P = 0.55) or its
a split plot within a randomized second harvest occurred 2 wk later interaction with grazing restriction
complete block design. The whole-plot when wheat was in soft dough stage. date (P = 0.64).
unit was grazed versus nongrazed and Averaged across grazing treatments, Several authors have addressed the
the subplot unit was anthesis versus this 2-wk delay in harvest resulted effect of maturity on ruminal digest-
soft dough stage of maturity. Forage in a 1,168-kg increase in forage per ibility. Beck et al. (2009) reported
quality was initially analyzed as a hectare. that maturity of wheat forage at har-
split-split plot within a randomized Forage moisture at ensiling was not vest, preservation method, and their
complete block design; however, the affected by grazing (P = 0.69) or the interaction did not affect (P ≥ 0.15)
effect of grazing or any interaction interaction of grazing with stage of ADG in calves when wheat was fed as
with grazing was not significant (P > maturity (P = 0.60); however, the 20 or 40% of the diet. Furthermore,
0.05) for any of the forage chemical moisture content of wheat harvested these diets did not affect (P ≥ 0.13)
composition measures. As a result, at anthesis contained 62% moisture at passage rate, ruminal retention time,
forage chemical composition data ensiling compared with 50% moisture or fecal output. However, DM and
were analyzed as a split plot within at ensiling for wheat harvested at NDF digestibility of 40% boot-stage
a randomized complete block. The soft dough (P < 0.01). Both levels of wheat forage were greater (P < 0.01)
whole-plot unit was stage of matu- moisture were acceptable for ensil- than those of diets containing forage
rity and the subplot unit was level of ing forages where 55% moisture is a harvested in dough stage. There is
glycerol addition before ensiling. Data commonly accepted target for grass sufficient evidence that digestibility
analysis was completed using PROC silages. decreases with increasing plant matu-
MIXED (SAS Inst. Inc., Cary, NC). None of the forage chemical con- rity. Coblentz et al. (2000) reported a
stituents measured were affected reduction in DM disappearance of 14
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION independently by grazing. However, percentage units from boot to dough
an interaction between grazing restric- stage in wheat forage.
Preensiling Responses tion and stage of maturity at harvest In our study, IVDMD increased by
was detected for NDF (P = 0.03), 4.3 percentage units preensiling under
The response of yield and forage ADF (P = 0.06), and IVDMD (P < a nongrazed treatment. It is not clear
chemical composition before ensiling 0.01). The change in quality charac- why IVDMD slightly increased in this
is presented in Table 1. Forage yield teristics measured from anthesis to situation, especially given opposing
was affected independently by graz- soft dough was greater in nongrazed evidence and the general assumption
260 Gadberry et al.
Table 2. Effects of plant maturity and level of glycerol addition1 on nutritive value (in % of DM) in wheat after 45
d of ensilage in vacuum-sealed plastic bags
that plant tissue digestibility de- MD observed under nongrazed wheat Moisture level tended to differ (P =
creases with increasing maturity. One in our study were not present under 0.08) by level of glycerol addition and
possible explanation may be that as the grazed treatment, unless grazing averaged 58.6, 57.3, 56.6, and 56.0%
the digestibility of the wheat inflores- influenced plant maturity, altering moisture for 0, 5, 10, and 15% glyc-
cence should increase between anthe- the IVDMD response. As previously erol, respectively. Crude protein was
sis and soft dough stages, so should noted, fiber measures were lower and not affected by maturity (P = 0.44),
the whole-plant digestibility, given the CP numerically greater in the grazed glycerol addition (P = 0.42), or their
relatively high inflorescence-to-stem wheat. interaction (P = 0.85). The effect
weight ratio during the grain-filling of maturity on NDF (P < 0.01) and
phase. Zebrowski (1999) reported that Postensiling Responses ADF (P = 0.01) remained significant
in late milk stage, the wheat inflores- after preservation. The addition of
cence accounts for 85% of the weight The results are summarized in glycerol affected (P < 0.001) NDF
of stem plus inflorescence. These Tables 2 and 3. Grazing had no effect and ADF concentrations. This in
authors removed the leaves before re- on any postensiling chemical constitu- part can be attributed to the fact
cording the weights, but other authors ents measured and was removed from that glycerol does not contain struc-
(Siddique et al., 1989) reported a the postensiling chemical composi- tural carbohydrates and any addition
sharp increase between terminal spike- tion analysis. The effect of preensil- should result in a reduction in mea-
let and anthesis, with weight ratios ing moisture differences resulted in sures of plant fiber. However, calcu-
changing from 20 to 50%. However, it a significant difference (P = 0.03) in lated levels of NDF and ADF at dif-
is not clear why differences of IVD- postensiling moisture level between ferent levels of glycerol addition were
the 2 stages of maturity at harvest.
Table 3. Effects of plant maturity and level of glycerol addition1 on organic acid composition in wheat after 45 d
of ensilage in vacuum-sealed plastic bags
Maturity ×
Item 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 SE Maturity Glycerol glycerol
pH 4.2 4.2 4.1 4.1 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 0.05 0.12 0.28 0.42
Acetate, Mmol/L 11.4b 10.3b 10.0b 11.7b 11.4b 14.3a 13.9a 11.9b 1.74 0.18 0.73 0.01
Propionate, 0.12c 0.16bc 0.14bc 0.12c 0.20ab 0.14bc 0.18bc 0.22a 0.06 0.30 0.81 <0.01
Butyrate, Mmol/L 0.09 0.83 0.10 0.04 0.65 0.18 0.00 0.01 0.32 0.86 0.26 0.24
Lactate, Mmol/L 25.9 24.6 23.9 23.8 24.8 22.4 24.2 23.5 1.94 0.66 0.72 0.91
Lactate:acetate 2.4 2.5 2.5 2.2 2.4 1.6 1.8 2.1 0.39 0.27 0.39 0.10
Lactate, % of 68.9 68.8 70.0 66.4 66.9 59.7 62.7 65.3 4.86 0.31 0.63 0.40
total acids
Least squares means within a row with different superscripts differ (P < 0.10).
Glycerol was added at levels of 0, 5, 10, and 15% of DM for each sample.
Influence of grazing and glycerol addition on wheat silage 261
lower than actual measures. In vitro research including an economic analy- 48–49 in Arkansas Animal Science Depart-
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