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3rd World Congress on Genetics Applied to Animal Science Department

Livestock Production


Evaluation and Utilization of Tropical Breeds for Efficient Beef

Production in the Tropics: Challenges and Opportunities
Assefaw Tewolde
Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza

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Tewolde, Assefaw, "Evaluation and Utilization of Tropical Breeds for Efficient Beef Production in the
Tropics: Challenges and Opportunities" (1986). 3rd World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock
Production. 28.

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namico Tropical de Investigaci6n y Ensenanza
centro Agro Turrialba, Costa Rica


. results bet\'.Ben tropical breeds and european beef breeds

~sbreed~~eed (mainly Zebu) genetic variability for some economically
as W~~ is revie\'.Bd. Heterosis of between 9% to 11% has been reported
t tra~ts owth rate, 2% to 11% for p09t\'.Ban~g and carcass traits as
~~g1~ for reproduction related tralts lD crosses lDvolvlDg 80s
• ~ to t urus cattle. Maximum heterosis was observed in crosses
and 80S ~ Crio110 cattle, both \'.Bll adapted to the tropics. Within
~ zebUparameter estimates under tropical conditions are still scanty.
~t~C oduction environments and after a review of the literature
the pr opportunities and challenges in animal breeding and genetics
Je research
to the tropicS are dlScussed.

Beef production in the Latin American tropics is based. on either special-

ensive ranching or the dual purpose system. The earher system normally
ues 80S indicus (referred to in this text as Zebu), 80s taurus beef breeds
errecfto asEiirOpean) , 80s taurus breeds adapted to the tropics (referred
the Criollos) or crosses involving Zebu, European and Criollos . The latter
~ based on crosses bet\'.Ben Zebu types and specialized dairy breeds for
tion of both milk and beef. About 40% of the beef in the tropics
by the dual purpose system while the rest come::; either from special-
ensive ranching and to a certain extent from dairy ~roduction systems
10, 1983) .

nr tropics are generally known for their adverse environmental conditions

high solar radiation and humidity , diseases and parasites , inadequate
lOOal levels, drou~' .t and flooding to which the cattle have had to adapt.
(1979) Wicates that this adaptation has occurred through a lowering
bon and reproduction levels from those of the temperate zones. This
long calving intervals, low fertility, high calf mortality delayed
at first calving and attainment of mature weights. Several isolated
projects in beef production have been carried out in the Latin American
mainly with the intention of increasing -::he production and reproduction
of cattle . Most have involved crossbreeding systems using zebu, european
wUo cattle (Luna, 1964; Plasse et al, 1968; Munoz and Martin, 1969 ab;
UuUe et ali 1976; Madalena and Hinojosa, 1976; Bailon et al, 1976).
f Ie research has been done in the tropics in the area of selection schemes
or sare lSolated genetic parameter estimations made using field records.
lye of such estimates has been to evaluate breeds in terms of the
varUiliility they posses for certain traits . In addition to the above,
to lncrease overall production have -been made by increasing cattle
lens (FAO, 1983) without much success.
The objective of this review is to summarize results on
and crossbreeding evaluation and utilization with respect to
duct ion in beef cattle as well as to point out possible
and opportunities in the Latin American tropics.


Crossbreeding Performances from Beef Cattle in the Tropics.

In beef production, the breeds that have generally been

experirrents or by usjng field records have been zebu, european
criollo were originally introduced into Latin America by the
Portuguese during the 16th century (Plasse, 1981). The capacity
breeds for beef production has been studied and evaluated through
systems that have involved i) zebu x criol1o; ii) european x (zebu
iii) european x zebu and iv) zebu x zebu (Plasse, 1983). In this
from work done in several Latin American countries were conSidered.
he reported heterosis values of 9%, 12%, 11%, 30% and 16% for birth
preweaning average daily gain, weaning weight, post-weaning average
and post weaning weight, respectively by crossing criollo and zebu.
puberty and pregnancy percentage had heterosis values of -11% and
from two lactations), respectively. When the F1 (Zebu x Criollo)
crossed back to Zebu, Criollo or Charolais they produced 14%, 5%
calves at weaning, respectively than the purebred Zebu and Criollo
of the above values are unweighted rreans. In a previous work,
(1975) also reported an increase in the number of cows calving per
cows exposed to a bull when crossing Criollo x Zebu over that of
Criollo. In general, in the tropics but without regard to ~V~IC~~C
it is evident that crossing Zebu and Criollo is advantageous
weaning growth as well as for fertility and maternal traits.
above results shed serre light on the possible advantage that could
by considering european beef breeds, such as Charolais in well
crossbreeding scherres. More irrportantly, the results show that the
x Zebu crosses have higher performance levels being themselves well
to the Latin American tropics. This errphasizes the urgent need for
germplam conservation and evaluation under tropical environrrents as
discussed by Phillips (1981).

Crossbreds from el ~-opean breeds, Criollo and Zebu have been

have better growt~, better fertility, shorter calving .intervals
mothering abilities as rreasured by calf growth (Luna, 1964; Plasse
Munoz and Martin, 1969 ab; Plasse et al, 1975; Madalena and Hil10jloslSi
Duarte, 1985). Work done in the wet and humid tropics of Costa
grazing conditions carparing weights at birth and weaning of
(SG), Brahman (BR), Criollo (CR) and their reciprocal crosses
heterosis values for birth weight, slaughter weight and carcass
on the specific cross involved (Munoz and Martin, 1969 ab). Tl'Yase
reported heterosis values of 6.59%, 0.52%, 7.57% for birth weight
(both sexes) involving BR-SG, SG-CR, BR-CR crosses, respectively.
values for weaning weight of calves were 9.12%, 3.71% and 10.56%,
involving BR-SG, SG-CR, BR-CR. In the sarre work, heterosis
weight and carcass weight were 11.0% and 1.5%, 2.1% and 3.8% arxi
for the crosses involving BR-SG, SG-CR and BR-CR. From these re.!;Ul~·
clear that crossing BR and CR results in higher heterosis value than
awth and carcass traits with the exception that the SG-CR
---.eaning gr, higher heterosis value ,for ~cass weight. Difference
~~-¢ulted 11lf r birth weight and wean:rng we1.ght revealed the maternal
d<JIl breedS f~les coopared to SG and CR (Munoz and Martin, 1969 a).
10!1tY of BRfran the sane locati<;>n and genetic:: groUI?s as the above showed
_-iCJUS stud~ alue s for birth we1.ght and wean:rng we1.ght (Luna, 1964) .
... : he t er<JS1.5 v
the heteros is levels shown above depend on the type of cross
AlthOU~' 'cate a possible interaction between heterosis and breeding
~fore ~1.reflect higher heterosis in the tropics than those documented
, theY st~8). For example t~ wei~h~ed average heteros is , v~l~e for ~aning
ck (19 , crosses involv:rng Br1.t1.Sh breeds. The poss1.b1.11.ty of high 4.~:e ll1tropiCS for growth rate, viability of crossbred calf, fertility
15 lfI ability of the crossbred cow was discussed by Rendel (1978) .
..,uerlflg higher heterosis is observed in the tropics could rrean that the
fact tha~ are genetically divergent thus provoking such large increases
lfIVOl If this is the case, it is surprising to see that Criollo cattle
~ce~trcduced into Latin Arrer~ca only in the 16th century still s~ow
~ canbination when crossed the zebu, e.g. Brahma. The poss1.ble
equences of heterosis was explained by Willham (1970) and its basis
~ (1969). From the previous results, it should be noted that cross-
l)1dIeI'S:ys a very irrportant role in beef production systems within the
~ rrost of the results from crossbreeding have care from different
although, still within the tropics. The latter could influence the
U (lbseI'ved if inportant heterosis by location interaction exists. In
1 15 obvious from Plasse (1983) that heterosis values varied from location

In rrost of the crossbreeding work coming from the Latin Arrerican tropics
as far as the present review could identify, it seems that interest
ganerally concentrated on growth performance and reproduction, with little
100 paid to other cooponents of adaptability as they apply to cattle in
~~. Such components include resistance to direct climatic stress (heat
ity) , resistance to disease and parasites arrong others. This is parti-
Y lqlOrtant if the advantage of crossbreeding is looked at from the point
of maximizing total output per female. In qddition, no work could be
ified in the literature concerning production efficiency (including costs)
to crossbreeding systems. Work from Australia (Turner and Short, 1972)
that crosses i n volving Bos indicus resist better external parasite
100. For example Bos indICUs x Bos taurus carried less external para-
Earl of 20-30 ticks-per side) than -'those Bos taurus x Bos taurus crosses
of 75-100 ticks per side). Those crosses involving BosilldICUSSuffer
fran environrrental adversity and therefore are rrore suitable biological
IIIder conditions where there are such parasite problems. Little is known
SUCh resistance in the region considered in this review.

Variation within Breeds in the Tropics.

In the Latin Arrerican tropics breed evaluation has mainly been based
=~ and interpretation of field records. Traits rrostly evaluated

•:n:n , eed (rrostly zebu types) basis include growth traits such as birth
g ~ight and preweaning growth rates as well as reproductive traits 1.ntervals, services per conception (where such data are availa-
ble) and age at first calving (Bailon et aI, 1976; Berruecos et
Barsotti, 1976; Le6n-Velarde et aI, 1976; Verde and Plasse, 1976.
Tewolde, 1982; Duarte, 1985; Silerio and Tewolde, 1985) . I n most
studies heritabilities (h 2 ) and to a certain extent repeatabilit o
were estimated. Heritability estimates varied from 0 . 28 to 0.35 ~
weight of calves (mostly Brahman) while those h 2 estimates f or b Oor
(also mostly in Brahman) ranged from . 20 to .34 . Heritabilit y uth
birth and weaning weights in Indobrasil and Gyr are within t he
in Brahman (Proal and Tewolde, 1982; Silerio and Tewolde , 1985).
of birth weight and weaning weight also ranged from . 24 to 0.4
related with reproduction ranged from .10 to . 45. The literat~e
that there is very little experimental work whose final obj ective
estimates of genetic parameters for various economi call y important
beef cattle in the tropics. Rendel (1978) noted that lit tle is
the h 2 under tropical conditions, which. is still probabl y t rue

The above h 2 estimates , despite their limitations , however

existence of sufficient genetic variation for '
warrant selection. Barlow (1978) indicates that selecti on for
weight or average daily gain to weaning can increase l ive weight
from birth to maturity although he does not specify the br eed or
This may be so , because weaning and pre-weaning growth have
emphasis where animals are finished on pasture than growth
the case of the Latin Arrerican tropics too, animals are
pasture. The overall effect of selecting for weaning we ight on
duction could , however , be negative as mentioned by Barl ow (1978).
mation is little known in the tropics . Very little work has been
lifetime cow productivity in such areas . Ornelas ( 1985) r eported a
phenotype correlation (0.33) between a cow's own weaning weight am
weaned by herself for Indobrasil (Zebu) cattl e in the Mexi can
the value was not significantly different from zero . Again it
that Ornelas' (1985) data came from field records.

Morris (1980) did an extensive review of the possible

could be obtained in lifetime production where breeding of l ~ ~t~~
at a younger age. Although most of his survey was l arge ly based
European origin , these data from New Zealand (where production
based on pasture) could be relevant to the Latin Arrer ican
management conditions arE. employed. In the same area of concem
( 1980) from Ne.l Z,)aland reported preliminary results in Angus and
showing clear evidence of the possibility of selecting for
with positive correlated responses in growth. In t his s t udy too
considered were weights at birth, weaning , 13 months of age and
age. In addition, it was shown that each of the growth traits was
to direct selection.

In the tropics, the weaning and pre-Weaning growth t raits of

also measures of maternal ability have been found to be heritable ,
is very little information regarding the correlation between
and maternal genetic effects in the literature concerning the
regard Crail (1985) working with Indobrasil field records in
reported a genetic correlation of -.26 between weaning weights
the post-weaning growth of their paternal half brothers. TOO
different from zero. Also, Munoz and Martin (1969a) using
~ificantlY n breeds of darn were able to conclude that the Brahman has
~ betwe~itY for birth weight and weaning weight , the Santa Gertrudis
terna l ab~ternal ability and the Criollo being the interrrediate. Using
t)l:l tJeSt differe nce and . breed of darn difference it can be roughly shown
i:teed of SlI~, on between breed additive and breed maternal genetic effects
~ ~lat~ve although close to zero . Several investigators have reported
o be ne;~ions between additive genetic and maternal genetic effects on
c corre~h traits in Bas taurus beef breeds and in some Bas taurus x
gr asses. (Deese and Koger , 1967; Brown and Galvez , 1969 ; Hohenboken
~ ~71 . Koch, 1972; Dillard et aI, 1980). In general , even though
srinJcS, 1 nd~ncy for negative antagonism between additive and maternal
~ a t et they seem to conclude that such antagonism is close to zero.
c effec s
Latin American tropics, knowledge of such correlations may be
n~re pecially in the dual purpose system . As indicated earlier, about
f ~f in the tropics is produced in a dual purpose system utilizing
he f animals mentioned earlier in this review. The possibility of using

5 a. s is very attractive even though there is no sufficient data to
ith straight bred sires for the improvement of beef and dairy

5 and Opportunities

In the foregoing discussion results from the literature have been

ted for varioUS traits of economic importance in beef production in the
. Also , an attempt has been made to review literature regarding the
Ie breed resources in the tropics . From these, and considering the
f~ors that affect the efficiency of beef production it is advisable
out the challenges and opportunities that exist in relation to the
resoorces of the tropics for efficient beef production .

challenges in using the ,breed resources include: i) develop-

programmes and strategies of an~l improvement com-
the tropical regions. The present reality of the
that production per animal unit is still very low
of production is very high. ii) Identification of the major constraints
1 mprovements in the Latin American tropics is needed. iii) Conser-
prograrrrres of the-::riollo type breeds well adapted to the tropics is
llJ vi<=w of the promising results that they have shown in crossing with
Hc7.Iever, such programmes, should compare critically the biological ef-
of the Criollos with other alternative breeds. In this case the small
00 size of the criollos may be seen to be a problem , but this could
ly solved through use of modern biotechnology such as that of embryo
. Nicholas and Smith (1983) estimated a rate of genetic improvement
of up to 30% if 1024 transfers could be made per year and milk record
fenales is registered annually.

The existing opportunities to increase beef production in the Latin Ameri-

ICS could be surrmed up as the following: i) More work on breed evaluation
c:attxrring the Zebu, Criollo and other European beef breeds under
~gement and nutritional conditions (genotype by environment inter-
~~antee sustained improvement over wider ecological zones within
Itself . ii) Study of total cow productivity as a maternal trait
- - -- -
in each of the breeds and its relationship with the cow's own Vleanin
Vleight. Also needed is the study of the effect of heterosis on totaI
tivity. iii) Consider the existing beef production systems,
production and dual purpose system, in studying and detennining the
the existing breed resources play in each system. Special attention
be given to the dual purpose system as it is not yet clear how much
be given to the milk production cmponent and how much to the beef
cmponent. This is particularly ilTportant in view of the fact that
may vary depending on the specific country within the tropics under
Such research is totally lacking in the region under consideration.
parison of total productivity betVleen purebred and crossbred sires
conditions. v) A very good opportunity exists, without
time being the cost involved in studying the genetic potential that
breeds have for disease and parasite resistance. There is evidence
sistance to external parasites, such as ticks, is more heritable in
(Seifert, 1971) at least under the Australian conditions . Such work
greatly ilTprove the level of beef production in the Latin American


In conclusion it can be said that the breeds adapted to the

including Bos indicus (Zebu) and Bos taurus (Criollo) have ~",,,,.,~,,,,L.QJ.;'_
fonnance which could still be increased by considering other european
breeds in a carefully designed crossbreeding system. It can also be
that most genetic parameter estimates reported for different pnnn,~;;~1
ilTportant traits in the tropics are not fonn experimental data.
reflect sufficiently the existence of genetic variability so as
Vlell defined breeding prograrrrres to be in effect. Finally , it
more work is needed to be done in the Latin American tropics to
production on a per animal unit basis.


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