4500 - PH Value (H+) PDF
4500 - PH Value (H+) PDF
4500 - PH Value (H+) PDF
4500-H⫹ A. Introduction
* Approved by Standard Methods Committee, 2000. Editorial revisions, 2011. † p designates ⫺log10 of a number.
1. General Discussion potential for poisoning the hydrogen electrode, the glass elec-
trode commonly is used. The electromotive force (emf) produced
a. Principle: The basic principle of electrometric pH measure- in the glass electrode system varies linearly with pH. This linear
ment is determination of the activity of the hydrogen ions by relationship is described by plotting the measured emf against
potentiometric measurement using a standard hydrogen elec- the pH of different buffers. Sample pH is determined by extrap-
trode and a reference electrode. The hydrogen electrode consists olation.
of a platinum electrode across which hydrogen gas is bubbled at Because single ion activities, such as aH⫹, cannot be measured,
a pressure of 101 kPa. Because of difficulty in its use and the pH is defined operationally on a potentiometric scale. The pH
pH VALUE (4500-H⫹)/Electrometric Method
measuring instrument is calibrated potentiometrically with an c. Quality control (QC): The QC practices considered to be an
indicating (glass) electrode and a reference electrode using Na- integral part of each method are summarized in Table 4020:I.
tional Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) buffers
having assigned values so:
2. Apparatus
pH B ⫽ ⫺ log10a H⫹
a. pH meter consisting of potentiometer, a glass electrode, a
where: reference electrode, and a temperature-compensating device. A
circuit is completed through the potentiometer when the elec-
pHB ⫽ assigned pH of NIST buffer. trodes are immersed in the test solution. Many pH meters are
capable of reading pH or millivolts and some have scale expan-
The operational pH scale is used to measure sample pH and is
sion that permits reading to 0.001 pH unit, but most instruments
defined as:
are not that precise.
For routine work, use a pH meter accurate and reproducible to
F(E x ⫺ E s) 0.1 pH unit with a range of 0 to 14 and equipped with a
pHx ⫽ pHB ⫾
2.303 RT temperature-compensation adjustment.
Although manufacturers provide operating instructions, the
where: use of different descriptive terms may be confusing. For most
instruments, there are two controls: intercept (set buffer, asym-
pHx ⫽ potentiometrically measured sample pH,
F ⫽ Faraday: 9.649 ⫻ 104 coulomb/mole,
metry, standardize) and slope (temperature, offset); their func-
Ex ⫽ sample emf, V, tions are shown diagramatically in Figures 4500-H⫹:1 and 2.
Es ⫽ buffer emf, V, The intercept control shifts the response curve laterally to pass
R ⫽ gas constant; 8.314 joule/(mole °K), and through the isopotential point with no change in slope. This
T ⫽ absolute temperature, °K. permits bringing the instrument on scale (0 mV) with a pH 7
buffer that has no change in potential with temperature.
NOTE: Although the equation for pHx appears in the literature The slope control rotates the emf/pH slope about the isopo-
with a plus sign, the sign of emf readings in millivolts for most tential point (0 mV/pH 7). To adjust slope for temperature
pH meters manufactured in the United States is negative. The without disturbing the intercept, select a buffer that brackets the
choice of negative sign is consistent with the IUPAC Stockholm sample with pH 7 buffer and adjust slope control to pH of this
convention concerning the sign of electrode potential.1,2 buffer. The instrument will indicate correct millivolt change per
The activity scale gives values that are higher than those on unit pH at the test temperature.
Sorenson’s scale by 0.04 units: b. Reference electrode consisting of a half cell that provides a
constant electrode potential. Commonly used are calomel and
pH (activity) ⫽ pH (Sorenson) ⫹ 0.04 silver: silver-chloride electrodes. Either is available with several
types of liquid junctions.
The equation for pHx assumes that the emf of the cells con- The liquid junction of the reference electrode is critical be-
taining the sample and buffer is due solely to hydrogen ion cause at this point the electrode forms a salt bridge with the
activity unaffected by sample composition. In practice, samples sample or buffer and a liquid junction potential is generated that
will have varying ionic species and ionic strengths, both affect- in turn affects the potential produced by the reference electrode.
ing H⫹ activity. This imposes an experimental limitation on pH Reference electrode junctions may be annular ceramic, quartz, or
measurement; thus, to obtain meaningful results, the differences asbestos fiber, or the sleeve type. The quartz type is most widely
between Ex and Es should be minimal. Samples must be dilute used. The asbestos fiber type is not recommended for strongly
aqueous solutions of simple solutes (⬍0.2M). (Choose buffers to basic solutions. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendation on
bracket the sample.) Determination of pH cannot be made accu- use and care of the reference electrode.
rately in nonaqueous media, suspensions, colloids, or high-ionic- Refill nonsealed electrodes with the correct electrolyte to
strength solutions. proper level and make sure junction is properly wetted.
b. Interferences: The glass electrode is relatively free from c. Glass electrode: The sensor electrode is a bulb of special
interference from color, turbidity, colloidal matter, oxidants, glass containing a fixed concentration of HCl or a buffered
reductants, or high salinity, except for a sodium error at pH ⬎ chloride solution in contact with an internal reference electrode.
10. Reduce this error by using special “low sodium error” Upon immersion of a new electrode in a solution, the outer bulb
electrodes. surface becomes hydrated and exchanges sodium ions for hy-
pH measurements are affected by temperature in two ways: drogen ions to build up a surface layer of hydrogen ions. This,
mechanical effects that are caused by changes in the properties together with the repulsion of anions by fixed, negatively
of the electrodes and chemical effects caused by equilibrium charged silicate sites, produces at the glass–solution interface a
changes. In the first instance, the Nernstian slope increases with potential that is a function of hydrogen ion activity in solution.
increasing temperature and electrodes take time to achieve ther- Several types of glass electrodes are available. Combination
mal equilibrium. This can cause long-term drift in pH. Because electrodes incorporate the glass and reference electrodes into a
chemical equilibrium affects pH, standard pH buffers have a single probe. Use a “low sodium error” electrode that can operate
specified pH at indicated temperatures. at high temperatures for measuring pH ⬎ 10 because standard
Always report temperature at which pH is measured. glass electrodes yield erroneously low values. For measuring pH
pH VALUE (4500-H⫹)/Electrometric Method
⬍ 1 standard glass electrodes yield erroneously high values; use Consult Table 4500- H⫹:II for accepted pH of standard buffer
liquid membrane electrodes instead. solutions at temperatures other than 25°C. In routine use, store
d. Beakers: Preferably use polyethylene or TFE* beakers. buffer solutions and samples in polyethylene bottles. Replace
e. Stirrer: Use either a magnetic, TFE-coated stirring bar or a buffer solutions every 4 weeks.
mechanical stirrer with inert plastic-coated impeller. b. Saturated potassium hydrogen tartrate solution: Shake vig-
f. Flow chamber: Use for continuous flow measurements or orously an excess (5 to 10 g) of finely crystalline KHC4H4O6
for poorly buffered solutions. with 100 to 300 mL distilled water at 25°C in a glass-stoppered
bottle. Separate clear solution from undissolved material by
3. Reagents decantation or filtration. Preserve for 2 months or more by
adding one thymol crystal (8 mm diam) per 200 mL solution.
a. General preparation: Calibrate the electrode system against c. Saturated calcium hydroxide solution: Calcine a well-
standard buffer solutions of known pH. Because buffer solutions washed, low-alkali grade CaCO3 in a platinum dish by igniting
may deteriorate as a result of mold growth or contamination, for 1 h at 1000°C. Cool, hydrate by slowly adding distilled water
prepare fresh as needed for accurate work by weighing the with stirring, and heat to boiling. Cool, filter, and collect solid
amounts of chemicals specified in Table 4500-H⫹:I, dissolving Ca(OH)2 on a fritted glass filter of medium porosity. Dry at
in distilled water at 25°C, and diluting to 1000 mL. This is 110°C, cool, and pulverize to uniformly fine granules. Vigor-
particularly important for borate and carbonate buffers. ously shake an excess of fine granules with distilled water in a
Boil and cool distilled water having a conductivity of less than stoppered polyethylene bottle. Let temperature come to 25°C
2 mhos/cm. To 50 mL, add 1 drop of saturated KCl solution after mixing. Filter supernatant under suction through a sintered
suitable for reference electrode use. If the pH of this test solution glass filter of medium porosity and use filtrate as the buffer
is between 6.0 and 7.0, use it to prepare all standard solutions. solution. Discard buffer solution when atmospheric CO2 causes
Dry KH2PO4 at 110 to 130°C for 2 h before weighing but do turbidity to appear.
not heat unstable hydrated potassium tetroxalate above 60°C nor d. Auxiliary solutions: 0.1N NaOH, 0.1N HCl, 5N HCl (dilute
dry the other specified buffer salts. five volumes 6N HCl with one volume distilled water), and acid
Although ACS-grade chemicals generally are satisfactory for potassium fluoride solution (dissolve 2 g KF in 2 mL conc
preparing buffer solutions, use certified materials available from H2SO4 and dilute to 100 mL with distilled water).
the National Institute of Standards and Technology when the
4. Procedure
greatest accuracy is required. For routine analysis, use commer-
cially available buffer tablets, powders, or solutions of tested
quality. In preparing buffer solutions from solid salts, ensure a. Instrument calibration: In each case, follow manufacturer’s
complete solution. instructions for pH meter and for storage and preparation of
As a rule, select and prepare buffer solutions classed as pri- electrodes for use. Recommended solutions for short-term stor-
mary standards in Table 4500-H⫹:I; reserve secondary standards age of electrodes vary with type of electrode and manufacturer,
for extreme situations encountered in wastewater measurements. but generally have a conductivity greater than 4000 mhos/cm.
Tap water is a better substitute than distilled water, but pH 4
buffer is best for the single glass electrode and saturated KCl is
* Teflon or equivalent preferred for a calomel and Ag/AgCl reference electrode. Satu-
pH VALUE (4500-H⫹)/Electrometric Method
Primary standards:
Potassium hydrogen tartrate (saturated at 25°C) 3.557 ⬎ 7 g KHC4H4O6*
0.05 potassium dihydrogen citrate 3.776 11.41 g KH2C6H5O7
0.05 potassium hydrogen phthalate 4.004 10.12 g KHC8H4O4
0.025 potassium dihydrogen phosphate ⫹ 0.025 6.863 3.387 g KH2PO4⫹ 3.533 g Na2HPO4†
disodium hydrogen phosphate
0.008 695 potassium dihydrogen phosphate ⫹ 7.415 1.179 g KH2PO4 ⫹ 4.303 g Na2HPO4†
0.030 43 disodium hydrogen phosphate
0.01 sodium borate decahydrate (borax) 9.183 3.80 g Na2B4O7 䡠 10H2O†
0.025 sodium bicarbonate ⫹ 0.025 sodium 10.014 2.092 g NaHCO3 ⫹ 2.640 g Na2CO3
Secondary standards:
0.05 potassium tetroxalate dihydrate 1.679 12.61 g KH3C4O8 䡠 2H2O
Calcium hydroxide (saturated at 25°C) 12.454 ⬎ 2 g Ca(OH)2*
* Approximate solubility.
† Prepare with freshly boiled and cooled distilled water (carbon-dioxide-free).
rated KCl is the preferred solution for a combination electrode. Remove electrodes from first buffer, rinse thoroughly with dis-
Keep electrodes wet by returning them to storage solution when- tilled water, blot dry, and immerse in second buffer. Record
ever pH meter is not in use. temperature of measurement and adjust temperature dial on
Before use, remove electrodes from storage solution, rinse, meter so meter indicates pH value of buffer at test temperature
blot dry with a soft tissue, place in initial buffer solution, and set (this is a slope adjustment).
the isopotential point (4500-H⫹.B.2a). Select a second buffer Use the pH value listed in the tables for the buffer used at the
within 2 pH units of sample pH and bring sample and buffer to test temperature. Remove electrodes from second buffer, rinse
same temperature, which may be the room temperature; a fixed thoroughly with distilled water and dry electrodes as indicated
temperature, such as 25°C; or the temperature of a fresh sample. above. Immerse in a third buffer below pH 10, approximately
pH VALUE (4500-H⫹)/Electrometric Method
3 pH units different from the second; the reading should be Reference electrode troubles generally are traceable to a
within 0.1 unit for the pH of the third buffer. If the meter clogged junction. Interruption of the continuous trickle of elec-
response shows a difference greater than 0.1 pH unit from trolyte through the junction causes increase in response time and
expected value, look for trouble with the electrodes or potenti- drift in reading. Clear a clogged junction by applying suction to
ometer (4500-H⫹.B.5a and b). the tip or by boiling tip in distilled water until the electrolyte
The purpose of standardization is to adjust the response of the flows freely when suction is applied to tip or pressure is applied
glass electrode to the instrument. When only occasional pH to the fill hole. Replaceable junctions are available commer-
measurements are made, standardize instrument before each cially.
measurement. When frequent measurements are made and the
instrument is stable, standardize less frequently. If sample pH 6. Precision and Bias
values vary widely, standardize for each sample with a buffer
having a pH within 1 to 2 pH units of the sample. By careful use of a laboratory pH meter with good electrodes,
b. Sample analysis: Establish equilibrium between electrodes a precision of ⫾0.02 pH unit and an accuracy of ⫾0.05 pH unit
and sample by stirring sample to ensure homogeneity; stir gently can be achieved. However, ⫾0.1 pH unit represents the limit of
to minimize carbon dioxide entrainment. For buffered samples or accuracy under normal conditions, especially for measurement
those of high ionic strength, condition electrodes after cleaning of water and poorly buffered solutions. For this reason, report pH
by dipping them into sample for 1 min. Blot dry, immerse in a values to the nearest 0.1 pH unit. A synthetic sample of a Clark
fresh portion of the same sample, and read pH. and Lubs buffer solution of pH 7.3 was analyzed electrometri-
With dilute, poorly buffered solutions, equilibrate electrodes cally by 30 laboratories with a standard deviation of ⫾0.13 pH
by immersing in three or four successive portions of sample. unit.
Take a fresh sample to measure pH.
7. References
5. Troubleshooting
1. BATES, R.G. 1978. Concept and determination of pH. In I.M. Kolthoff
& P.J. Elving, eds. Treatise on Analytical Chemistry. Part 1, Vol. 1,
a. Potentiometer: To locate trouble source, disconnect elec- p. 821. Wiley-Interscience, New York, N. Y.
trodes and, using a short-circuit strap, connect reference elec- 2. LICHT, T.S. & A.J. DE BETHUNE. 1957. Recent developments concern-
trode terminal to glass electrode terminal. Observe change in pH ing the signs of electrode potentials. J. Chem. Educ. 34:433.
when instrument calibration knob is adjusted. If potentiometer is 3. DURST, R.A. 1975. Standard Reference Materials: Standardization of
operating properly, it will respond rapidly and evenly to changes pH Measurements. NBS Spec. Publ. 260-53, National Bur. Stan-
in calibration over a wide scale range. A faulty potentiometer dards, Washington, D.C.
will fail to respond, will react erratically, or will show a drift
8. Bibliography
upon adjustment. Switch to the millivolt scale on which the
meter should read zero. If inexperienced, do not attempt poten-
CLARK, W.M. 1928. The Determination of Hydrogen Ions, 3rd ed.
tiometer repair other than maintenance as described in instru-
Williams & Wilkins Co., Baltimore, Md.
ment manual. DOLE, M. 1941. The Glass Electrode. John Wiley & Sons, New York,
b. Electrodes: If potentiometer is functioning properly, look N.Y.
for the instrument fault in the electrode pair. Substitute one BATES, R.G. & S.F. ACREE. 1945. pH of aqueous mixtures of potassium
electrode at a time and cross-check with two buffers that are dihydrogen phosphate and disodium hydrogen phosphate at 0 to
about 4 pH units apart. A deviation greater than 0.1 pH unit 60°C. J. Res. Nat. Bur. Standards 34:373.
indicates a faulty electrode. Glass electrodes fail because of LANGELIER, W.F. 1946. Effect of temperature on the pH of natural water.
scratches, deterioration, or accumulation of debris on the glass J. Amer. Water Works Assoc. 38:179.
surface. Rejuvenate electrode by alternately immersing it three FELDMAN, I. 1956. Use and abuse of pH measurements. Anal. Chem.
times each in 0.1N HCl and 0.1N NaOH. If this fails, immerse tip 28:1859.
BRITTON, H.T.S. 1956. Hydrogen Ions, 4th ed. D. Van Nostrand Co.,
in KF solution for 30 s. After rejuvenation, soak in pH 7.0 buffer
Princeton, N.J.
overnight. Rinse and store in pH 7.0 buffer. Rinse again with KOLTHOFF, I.M. & H.A. LAITINEN. 1958. pH and Electrotitrations. John
distilled water before use. Protein coatings can be removed by Wiley & Sons, New York, N.Y.
soaking glass electrodes in a 10% pepsin solution adjusted to KOLTHOFF, I.M. & P.J. ELVING. 1959. Treatise on Analytical Chemistry.
pH 1 to 2. Part I, Vol. 1, Chapter 10. Wiley-Interscience, New York, N.Y.
To check reference electrode, oppose the emf of a question- BATES, R.G. 1962. Revised standard values for pH measurements from
able reference electrode against another one of the same type that 0 to 95°C. J. Res. Nat. Bur. Standards 66A:179.
is known to be good. Using an adapter, plug good reference AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION. 1964. Simplified Procedures for
electrode into glass electrode jack of potentiometer; then plug Water Examination. Manual M12, American Water Works Assoc.,
questioned electrode into reference electrode jack. Set meter to New York, N.Y.
WINSTEAD, M. 1967. Reagent Grade Water: How, When and Why?
read millivolts and take readings with both electrodes immersed
American Soc. Medical Technologists, The Steck Company, Aus-
in the same electrolyte (KCl) solution and then in the same tin, Tex.
buffer solution. The millivolt readings should be 0 ⫾ 5 mV for STAPLES, B.R. & R.G. BATES. 1969. Two new standards for the pH scale.
both solutions. If different electrodes are used (i.e., silver:silver- J. Res. Nat. Bur. Standards 73A:37.
chloride against calomel or vice versa) the reading will be 44 ⫾ BATES, R.G. 1973. Determination of pH, Theory and Practice, 2nd ed.
5 mV for a good reference electrode. John Wiley & Sons, New York, N.Y.