D1252 PDF
D1252 PDF
D1252 PDF
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense. Consult the DoD Index of Specifications and
Standards for the specific year of issue which has been adopted by the Department of Defense.
D 1252
4.4 The oxidation of up to 1000 mg/L of chloride ion is biological or natural chemical processes due to impurities in
inhibited by the addition of mercuric chloride to form stable water. Typically this measurement is used to monitor and
and soluble mercuric sulfate complex. The maximum chloride control oxygen-consuming pollutants, both inorganic and
concentration that may be tolerated with the procedure for low organic, in domestic and industrial wastewaters.
COD, Test Method A (15.11), has not been established. 5.2 The relationship of COD to other water quality
4.5 The chemical reaction involved in oxidation of materials parameters such as TOC and TOD is described in the
by dichromate is illustrated by the following reaction with literature. 5
potassium acid phthalate (KC8H5O4):
6. Interference and Reactivity
41 H2SO4 1 10K2Cr 2O7 1 2 KC8H5O4
→ 10 Cr2~SO4!3 1 11 K2SO4 1 16 CO2 1 46 H2O 6.1 Chloride ion is quantitatively oxidized by dichromate in
Since 10 mol of potassium dichromate has the same acid solution. (1.0 mg/L of chloride is equivalent to 0.226 mg/L
oxidation power as 15 mol of oxygen, the equivalent reaction of COD.) As the COD test is not intended to measure this
is: demand, concern for chloride oxidation is eliminated up to
1000 mg/L of chloride by complexing with mercuric sulfate.
2 KC8H5O4 1 15 O2 1 H2SO4 → 16 CO2 1 6H2O 1 K2SO4
6.2 Oxidizable inorganic ions, such as ferrous, nitrite,
Thus 2 mol of potassium acid phthalate consumes 15 mol of sulfite, and sulfides are oxidized and measured as well as
oxygen. The theoretical COD of potassium acid phthalate is organic constituents.
1.175 g of oxygen per gram of potassium acid phthalate (Table
1). 7. Reagents
5. Significance and Use 7.1 Purity of Reagents—Reagent grade chemicals shall be
used in all tests. All reagents shall conform to the specifications
5.1 These test methods are used to chemically determine the
of the Committee on Analytical Reagents of the American
maximum quantity of oxygen that could be consumed by
Chemical Society, where such specifications are available. 6
TABLE 1 Test Method A, Recovery of Theoretical COD for 7.2 Purity of Water—Unless otherwise indicated, reference
Various Organic Material to water shall mean reagent water conforming to Specification
Reactivity, Percent of Theoretical D 1193, Type II.
1 2B 3C 4D 5E
Aliphatic Compounds
8. Hazards
Acetone 98 ... 96 94 ... 8.1 Exercise extreme care when handling concentrated
Acetic acid 92 92 98 ... ...
Acrolein 62 ... ... ... ...
sulfuric acid, especially at the start of the refluxing step (15.7).
Butyric acid 89 93 ... ... ... 8.2 Silver sulfate is poisonous; avoid contact with the
Dextrose 95 ... ... ... ... chemical and its solution.
Diethylene glycol 93 ... ... 70 ...
Ethyl acetate 95 ... ... 85 ...
8.3 Mercuric sulfate is very toxic; avoid contact with the
Methyl ethyl ketone 98 ... ... 90 ... chemical and its solution.
Aromatic Compounds
Acetophenone 89 ... ... ... ... 9. Sampling
Benzaldehyde ... ... ... 80 ...
Benzene 60–98 ... 41 ... ... 9.1 Collect the sample in accordance with Practices D 3370.
Benzoic acid 98 ... ... 100 ... 9.2 Preserve samples by cooling to 4°C if analyzed within
Dioctyl phthalate 83 ... ... ... ...
Diphenyl 81 ... ... ... ... 24 h after sampling, or preserve for up to 28 days at 4°C and
o-cresol 95 ... ... 95 ... at pH < 2 by addition of concentrated sulfuric acid. The
Toluene 83 ... ... 45 ...
Potassium acid 100 ... ... ... ...
addition of 2 mL of concentrated sulfuric acid per litre at the
phthalate time of collection will generally achieve this requirement. The
Nitrogen Compounds actual holding time possible without significant change in the
Acrylonitrile 48 ... ... 44 ...
Adenine ... ... ... ... 59
COD may be less than 28 days, especially when easily
Aniline 80 ... ... 74 ... oxidizable substances are present. It is the responsibility of the
Butyl amine 57 ... ... ... ... users of the test method to ensure the maximum holding time
Pyridine 0 ... 1 ... 2
Quinoline ... ... ... ... 87
for their samples.
Trimethylamine 1 ... ... ... ...
Tryptophane ... ... ... ... 87
Uric acid ... ... ... ... 61 Handbook for Monitoring Industrial Wastewater, U.S. Environmental
Hamilton, C. E., unpublished data. Protection Agency, Aug. 1973, pp. 5-10 to 5-12.
Moore, W. A., and Walker, W. W., Analytical Chemistry, Vol 28, 1956, p 164. Reagent Chemicals, American Chemical Society Specifications, American
Dobbs, R. A., Williams, R. T., ibid., Vol 35, 1963 p. 1064. Chemical Society, Washington, DC. For suggestions on the testing of reagents not
Buzzell, J. C., Young, R. H. F., and Ryckman, D. W.,“ Behaviors of Organic listed by the American Chemical Society, see Analar Standards for Laboratory
Chemicals in the Aquatic Environment; Part II, Dilute Systems,” Manufacturing Chemicals, BDH Ltd., Poole, Dorset, U.K., and the United States Pharmacopeia
Chemists Association, April 1968, p. 34. and National Formulary, U.S. Pharmaceutical Convention, Inc. (USPC), Rockville,
Chudoba, J., and Dalesicky, J., Water Research, Vol 7, No. 5, 1973, p. 663. MD.
D 1252
10. Scope solution to cool. Titrate with the ferrous ammonium sulfate
10.1 The amount of dichromate consumed in Test Method A solution to be standardized, using the phenanthroline ferrous
is determined by titration rather than the spectrophotometric sulfate indicator as directed in 15.10. Calculate the normality
procedure used in Test Method B. This test method is as follows:
appropriate where larger sample volumes would provide better N 5 ~A 3 B!/C
precision and better representativeness of where equipment or
space limitations exist. where:
10.2 The precision of this test method in standard solutions N 5 normality of the ferrous ammonium sulfate solution,
A 5 potassium dichromate solution, mL,
containing low-volatility organic compounds has been
B 5 normality of the potassium dichromate solution, and
examined in the range of approximately 10 to 300 mg/L. C 5 ferrous ammonium sulfate solution, mL.
11. Summary of Test Method 14.2 Ferrous Ammonium Sulfate Solution (0.025 N)—
Dilute 100 mL of 0.25 N ferrous ammonium sulfate solution to
11.1 The sample and standardized dichromate solution, in a
1 L. Standardize against 0.025 N potassium dichromate
50 % by volume sulfuric solution, is refluxed for a 2-h
solution as in 14.1. This solution is required only if COD is
digestion period.
determined in the range of 10 to 50 mg/L.
11.2 Excess dichromate after the digestion period is titrated
with a standard ferrous ammonium sulfate solution using 14.3 Mercuric Sulfate—Powdered mercuric sulfate
ortho-phenanthroline ferrous complex as an internal indicator. (HgSO4).
14.4 Phenanthroline Ferrous Sulfate Indicator Solution—
12. Interferences Dissolve 1.48 g of 1,10-(ortho)-phenanthroline monohydrate,
12.1 The test method does not uniformly oxidize all organic together with 0.70 g of ferrous sulfate (FeSO4·7H2O), in 100
materials. Some compounds, for example, are quite resistant to mL of water. This indicator may be purchased already
oxidation, while others, such as carbohydrates, are easily prepared.
oxidized. A guide to the behavior of various types of organic 14.5 Potassium Acid Phthalate Solution, Standard (1
materials is provided in Table 1. mL 5 1 mg COD)—Dissolve 0.851 g of potassium acid
12.2 Volatile organics that are difficult to oxidize may be phthalate (KC8H5O4), primary standard, in water and dilute to
partially lost before oxidation is achieved. Care in maintaining 1 L.
a low-solution temperature (about 40°C) and permitting 14.6 Potassium Dichromate Solution, Standard (0.25 N)—
oxidation to proceed at the lower temperature for a period of Dissolve 12.259 g of potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7) primary
time before reflux is initiated will result in higher recoveries of standard grade, previously dried at 103°C for 2 h, in water and
theoretical COD of volatile organics. dilute to 1 L in a volumetric flask.
14.7 Potassium Dichromate Solution, Standard (0.025
13. Apparatus N)—Dilute 100.0 mL of 0.25 N potassium dichromate solution
13.1 Reflux Apparatus—The apparatus consists of a 500-mL to 1 L. This solution is necessary only for determination of
Erlenmeyer or a 300-mL round-bottom flask, made of heat- COD in the range of 10 to 50 mg/L.
resistant glass connected to a 300-mm (12-in.) Allihn 14.8 Sulfuric Acid-Silver Sulfate Solution—Dissolve 15 g of
condenser by means of a ground-glass joint. Any equivalent powdered silver sulfate (Ag2SO4) in 300 mL of concentrated
reflux apparatus may be substituted, provided that a ground- sulfuric acid (sp gr 1.84) and dilute to 1 L with concentrated
glass connection is used between the flask and the condenser, sulfuric acid (sp gr 1.84).
and provided that the flask is made of heat-resistant glass.
13.2 Sample Heating Apparatus—A heating mantle or hot 15. Procedure
plate capable of delivering sufficient controlled heat to 15.1 Homogenize the sample by blending if necessary.
maintain a steady reflux rate in the reflux apparatus is Place 50.0 mL of the sample in a reflux flask. If less than 50 mL
satisfactory. of the sample is used, make up the difference in water, then add
13.3 Apparatus for Blending or Homogenizing Samples—A the sample aliquot and mix. Samples containing more than 800
household blender is satisfactory. mg/L COD are diluted and mixed precisely with water and 50.0
mL of the diluted sample are placed in a reflux flask.
14. Reagents
14.1 Ferrous Ammonium Sulfate Solution (0.25 N)— NOTE 1—If the sample is diluted, it must consume at least 5 mL of
dichromate. Dilute the sample if more than 20 mL of the titrant is needed
Dissolve 98.0 g of ferrous ammonium sulfate solution
to reach the endpoint.
(FeSO4·(NH4)SO4·6H2O) in water. Add 20 mL of sulfuric acid
(H2SO4, sp gr 1.84), cool and dilute to 1 L. Standardize this 15.2 Place 50 mL of water in a reflux flask for the blank
solution daily before use. To standardize, dilute 25.0 mL of determination.
0.25 N potassium dichromate solution (K2Cr2O7) to about 250 15.3 Place the reflux flasks in an ice bath and add 1 g of
mL. Add 20 mL of sulfuric acid (sp gr 1.84) and allow the powdered mercuric sulfate, 5.0 mL of concentrated sulfuric
D 1252
acid, and several glass beads or boiling stones. Mix well to of mercury-containing waste solution properly. Refer to Test Method
complete dissolution. D 3223, Appendix XI for instructions.
15.4 With the flasks still in the ice bath, add slowly and with 15.10 For waters of low COD (10 to 50 mg/L), use 0.025 N
stirring, 25.0 mL of 0.25 N standard potassium dichromate potassium dichromate and ferrous ammonium sulfate solutions
solution. (14.2 and 14.7). If the COD is determined to be higher than 50
15.5 With the flasks still in the ice bath, add 70 mL of mg/L after using these reagents, reanalyze the sample, using
sulfuric acid-silver sulfate solution slowly such that the the more concentrated reagents.
solution temperature is maintained as low as possible, 15.11 To check the validity of the test results, make a
preferably below 40°C. standard determination using potassium acid phthalate solution
NOTE 2—If a particular waste is known to contain no volatile organic (14.5). (A COD of 500 mg/L should be obtained on a 25.0-mL
substances, the acid mixture may be added gradually, with less precaution, aliquot of the standard solution diluted to 50 mL.)
while the flask is immersed in the iced bath.
15.6 Attach the flasks to the condensers and start the flow of 16. Calculation
cold water. 16.1 Calculate the COD in the sample in milligrams per litre
NOTE 3—Caution: Take care to ensure that the contents of the flask are as follows:
well mixed; if not, superheating may result and the mixture may be COD,mg/L 5 ~~A 2 B!N 3 8000!/S
expulsed from the open end of the condenser.
15.7 Apply heat to the flasks and reflux for 2 h. Place a where:
A 5 ferrous ammonium sulfate solutions required for titra-
small beaker or other cover over the open end of each
tion of the blank, mL,
condenser to prevent intrusion of foreign material.
B 5 ferrous ammonium sulfate solution required for titra-
15.8 Allow the flasks to cool and wash down the condensers
tion of the sample, mL,
with about 25 mL of water before removing flasks. If a N 5 normality of the ferrous ammonium sulfate solution,
round-bottom flask has been used, transfer the digestate to a and
500-mL Erlenmeyer flask, washing out the reflux flask three or S 5 sample used for the test, mL.
four times with water. Dilute the acid solution to about 300 mL
with water and allow the solution to cool to about room 17. Precision and Bias 7
15.9 Add 8 to 10 drops of phenanthroline ferrous sulfate 17.1 The overall precision of Test Method A within the
solution and titrate the excess dichromate with 0.25 N ferrous range from 10 to 300 mg/L varies with the quantity being
ammonium solution. The color change at the end point will be tested according to Fig. 1.
sharp, changing from a blue-green to a reddish hue. If the 17.2 The data used in the calculation of precision are from
solution immediately turns a reddish-brown upon the addition EPA “Method Research Study 3” (1971) that involved two
of the indicator, repeat the analysis on a smaller sample aliquot. levels of COD, 12.3 mg/L (86 laboratories) and 270 mg/L (82
laboratories), and EPA “Water Pollution Laboratory
NOTE 4—To avoid unnecessary pollution of the environment, dispose Performance Evaluation, No. 8” (1982) that involved two
levels of COD, 40.2 mg/L (65 laboratories) and 92 mg/L (67
17.3 The test data were obtained on reagent grade water and
these precision and bias values may not be applicable to more
complex water matrices. It is the user’s responsibility to ensure
the validity of this test method to waters of untested matrices.
17.4 The precision obtained by the interlaboratory study is
overall, St. Since very carefully standardized samples in very
pure water were used rather than natural samples collected by
usual sampling procedures, the estimates do not include the
increase in precision statistics and the potential change in bias
that may be attributed to the sample collection activities.
17.5 The trend of the approximately 5 % negative bias is
shown in Fig. 2.
17.6 Prepared Standards—Recoveries of known amounts
of COD in the series of prepared standards (previously
described) were as shown in Table 2.
Supporting data were taken from “Method Research Study 3” (1971) and
“Water Pollution Laboratory Performance No. 8” (1982), Environmental Protection
Agency, National Environmental Research Center, Analytical Quality Control
FIG. 1 Test Method A, Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Precision Laboratory, Cincinnati, OH. These documents are available from ASTM
of Determination as Overall Standard Deviation Headquarters as RR:D 19-1044.
D 1252
18. Scope 19.3 After sealing, the ampule or tube is heated in an oven,
18.1 This test method is essentially equivalent to Test sand bath, or heated block at 150 6 2°C for 2 h. The COD
Method A, but it utilizes micro volumes of the same reagents concentration is determined spectrophotometrically after
contained in a sealable ampule or a screw-top culture tube and digestion. In the low COD range (5 to approximately 50 mg/L),
a spectrophotometer or filter photometer to measure the loss of hexavalent chromium is measured at 420 nm, while
absorbance or transmittance at selected wavelengths. This test for the high range (50 to approximately 800 mg/L), the
method is applicable where only small sample volumes are increase in trivalent chromium is measured at 600 nm. The
available and where large numbers of samples need to be ampule or tube serves as the absorption cell.
analyzed. This test method requires less space per analysis and
uses less of the reagents, minimizing costs and volume of 20. Interferences
wastes discharged. 20.1 Interferences identified in Section 6 are also applicable
18.2 This test method was tested on Type II reagent water. to the micro procedure.
It is the user’s responsibility to ensure the validity of this test 20.2 Volatile materials will be lost if the sample is mixed
method for waters of untested matrices. with the reagents before the ampule or tube is sealed. Volatile
materials will also be lost during sample homogenization.
19. Summary of Test Method 20.3 Potentially, the loss of volatile organics in the micro
19.1 The dichromate reagent and silver catalyst used in this procedure will be less than that which may occur in Test
test method are similar to those used in Test Method A, but the Method A. Thus, results between the two methods may differ if
volumes employed are 1⁄20th of those in Test Method A. volatile materials are involved.
19.2 A sample aliquot is introduced carefully into an ampule 20.4 Spectrophotometric interferences may exist due to
or screw-top tube so that the sample is layered on top of turbidity of precipitated salts that are too colloidal to settle in
previously introduced reagents and remains there until the a reasonable period of time. Centrifugation may be used to
ampule or tube is sealed. This technique limits evolution of speed separation of the salts. This test method does not address
heat of solution until the container is sealed, minimizing the a titration procedure for the micro-volume, but if the digested
loss of volatile organics. samples do not clear or spectrophotometric interference is
D 1252
suspected, the COD result can be determined by titration.8 sulfate (HgSO4) to about 750 mL of water, mix, and cool.
20.5 The ampule or tube must have window areas that are Dilute the solution to 1 L with water and mix thoroughly.
free of scratches or smudges. If a suitable window area is not 22.4 Ferrous Ammonium Sulfate Solution (0.10 N)—Dilute
available, do not consider transfer of the sample. The sample 400 mL of 0.25 N ferrous ammonium sulfate solution (see 14.1
and the blank may be titrated and the results used to calculate to 1 L. Standardize against 0.25 N potassium dichromate
a COD value (see 24.10). (K2Cr2O7) as in 14.1.
21. Apparatus 22.5 Ferrous Ammonium Sulfate Solution (0.01 N)—Dilute
40 mL of 0.25 N ferrous ammonium sulfate solution (see
21.1 Spectrophotometer or Filter Photometer, suitable for section 14.1) to 1 L. Standardize against 0.025 N potassium
measurements at 600 nm and 420 nm using the ampules or dichromate (K2Cr2O7) as in 14.1.
tubes in 21.3 or 21.3.1 as absorption cells. Filter photometers 22.6 Phenanthroline Ferrous Sulfate Indicator Solution—
and photometric practices shall conform to Practice E 60. See 14.4. If desired, the indicator may be diluted 1:5 for use in
Spectrophotometers shall conform to Practice E 275. For some this test method.
spectrophotometers, poor sensitivity at 420 nm has been
observed. A suggested minimum sensitivity for the 23. Calibration
spectrophotometer readout is 0.002 absorbance units per
23.1 High Range—Dilute the following volumes of COD
milligram per litre of COD for the low range procedure.
standard solution (see 22.2) to 50 mL with water. The high
21.2 Heating Oven, sand bath, or block heater capable of
range procedure may be used for COD determination as low as
maintaining a temperature of 150 6 2°C throughout. If an oven
25 mg/L at the discretion of the analyst.
is used and screw-top tubes are employed, ascertain that the
caps can withstand the oven temperature and solution pressure.
Potassium Acid Phthalate
The heating device must be equipped with a high temperature Standard Solution, mL COD, mg/L
shut-off set at 175 to 185°C. 2.5 50
21.3 Culture Tubes, borosilicate glass, 16 by 100 mm, with 5 100
10 200
TFE-fluorocarbon-lined screw caps. Protect the caps and 20 400
culture tubes from dust contamination. 30 600
21.3.1 Ampules, borosilicate glass, 10 mL, may be 40 800
substituted for the culture tubes in 21.3. These ampules are NOTE 6—A typical COD calibration curve for spectrophotometric COD
rotated and uniformly sealed with a glass blowing torch after method, ampule technique (Test Method B) is shown in Fig. 3.
addition of sample and reagent solutions. The nominal path 23.2 Low Range—Dilute the following volumes of
length of these ampules shall be 15 to 20 mm. potassium acid phthalate standard solution to 200 mL with
21.4 Apparatus for Blending or Homogenizing Samples—A water. At the discretion of the analyst, the upper limit may be
tissue homogenizer is recommended. However, a household extended to approximately 150 mg/L.
blender may be used, but a suitable reduction in particle size Potassium Acid Phthalate
may not be obtained. Standard Solution, mL COD, mg/L
1 5
NOTE 5—A partial round robin, using cellulose filter paper as the 2 10
organic material, demonstrated serious difficulties in achieving a 4 20
representative subsample. The use of a blender followed by a tissue 6 30
homogenizer was required. 8 40
10 50
22. Reagents 23.3 Use the procedure in Section 24 to analyze the
22.1 Silver Sulfate Catalyst Solution—Dissolve 22 g of prepared standard solutions and a procedural blank of water.
silver sulfate (Ag2SO4) in a 4.09 kg (9 lb) bottle of For the high COD range, determine the spectrophotometric
concentrated sulfuric acid (H2SO4). absorbance of each standard and blank at a wavelength of 600
22.2 Potassium Acid Phthalate Solution, Standard (1 nm. For the low COD range, determine the spectrophotometric
mL 5 1 mg/L)—See 14.5.
22.3 Potassium Dichromate Digestion Solution:
22.3.1 High Range—Add 10.216 g of potassium dichromate
(K2Cr2O7) dried at 103°C for 2 h, 167 mL of concentrated
sulfuric acid (H2SO4) (sp gr 1.84) and 33.3 g of mercuric
sulfate (HgSO4) to about 750 mL of water, mix, and let cool.
Dilute the solution to 1 L with water and mix thoroughly.
22.3.2 Low Range—Add 1.022 g of potassium dichromate,
(K2Cr2O7) (dried at 103°C for 2 h), 167 mL of concentrated
sulfuric acid (H2SO4) (sp gr 1.84) and 33.3 g of mercuric
Messenger, A. L., “Comparison of Sealed Digestion Chamber and Standard
Method COD Tests,” Journal Water Pollution Control Federation, Vol 53, Number FIG. 3 Typical COD Calibration Curve for Spectrophotometric
2, February 1981, pp. 232–236. COD Method, Ampule Technique (Test Method B)
D 1252
absorbance of each standard and blank at a wavelength of 420 24.8 Make spectrophotometric readings using the ampules
nm. Since the change in absorbance for the low range is or culture tubes as the absorption cells. Transfer of cooled
negative with increasing COD, it may be convenient to read the solution should not be considered because the solution is
blank and standards against water and plot the absorbance supersaturated and solids will precipitate that are difficult to
difference versus COD concentration. settle.
23.4 Prepare calibration curves for each range by plotting 24.9 Measure the absorbance of the low range solutions at
the absorbance of each standard on the abscissa and milligrams 420 nm and the high range solutions at 600 nm. (See Note 4.)
per litre of COD on the ordinate. For the low range procedure, 24.10 Precision and bias in this test method has not
the correlation will have a negative slope; for the high range addressed a titration procedure for the micro-volume, but if a
procedure, the slope is positive. spectrophotometric interference is suspected because of
turbidity or possibly high results, the result may be checked by
24. Procedure titrating the suspected sample and the blank. Add one drop of
24.1 Place 1.5 mL of digestion solution (22.3.1 for the high phenanthroline ferrous sulfate solution (22.6), and titrate to the
range procedure or 22.3.2 for the low range procedure) in a color change with 0.1 N ferrous ammonium sulfate solution
culture tube (21.3) or glass ampule (21.3.1). (22.4) for high range samples or with 0.01 N ferrous
NOTE 7—Accurate addition of the digestion volume in the low range
ammonium sulfate solution (22.5) for low range samples.
procedure is important because the loss of hexavalent chromium is Follow the same procedure with the procedural blank. The
measured. titrant volume for the blank will be about 3 mL. If this volume
is not available in the ampule or tube, the digested sample must
24.2 Add 3.5 mL of silver sulfate catalyst solution (22.1),
be transferred to a container of suitable volume for titration.
mix, and allow to cool. If the mixed reagents are to be stored,
Calculate the COD using the equation in Test Method A (16.1).
store the sealed or capped solution in the dark.
25. Calculation
NOTE 8—Several manufacturers offer similar catalyst and digestion
solutions already combined in ampules or culture tubes. If the commercial 25.1 Determine the COD value directly from the respec-tive
preparations are used, the manufacturers’ directions as to sample size calibration curves constructed for the purpose. See Section 23.
should be followed. The analyst should visually inspect any purchased 25.1.1 If the sample was prediluted, apply the appropriate
system to determine that reagent volumes are uniform and should develop dilution factor to the result.
calibration curves to confirm or replace precalibrated readouts.
25.2 Report all results in milligrams per litre.
24.3 Homogenize the sample if necessary.
24.4 Carefully add 2.5 mL of the sample, standard, or blank 26. Precision and Bias 9
down the side of the tube or ampule so that a layer is formed 26.1 Precision and bias information was developed in a
on top of the reagents. Cap the tubes or seal the ampules. collaborative test by seven laboratories with Type II water. For
24.5 Mix the sealed ampules or tubes thoroughly. It is other matrices, these data may not apply. Each prepared sample
feasible to mix tubes by holding the tube by the cap and was analyzed on three different days by the same operator in
shaking vigorously. Complete integrity of the TFE- each laboratory.
fluorocarbon liner in the screw cap is imperative. The ampule 26.2 Test samples were prepared by dissolving weighed
or tube will become hot because of heat of solution. amounts of potassium acid phthalate in Type II water. Four sets
of samples, two sets for the low COD range and two sets for
NOTE 9—Warning: If handling the ampule or tube directly, use
the high COD range, were submitted to the laboratories.
insulated gloves, or place the ampules or tubes in a rack for mixing. Use
normal laboratory precautions for possible contact with the hot, corrosive 26.3 The laboratories followed instructions to dilute one
reagents from broken ampules or tubes. sample set in each range with Type II water. The resulting
dilutions provided concentrations of 5, 12, 27, and 45 mg/L
24.6 After mixing, place the ampules or tubes in an oven or
COD in the low range and 27, 90, 350, and 750 mg/L in the
heating device at 150 6 2°C for 2 h.
high range.
24.7 Allow the ampules or tubes to cool at room
26.4 The other set of samples in each range was diluted with
temperature. After about 5 min, mix the contents of the ampule
Type II water plus 1000 mg/L of chloride ion to provide the
or tube thoroughly (to mix condensed water into the solution).
same COD concentrations in the low and high ranges as
Thereafter, permit the solution to cool and permit precipitated
identified in 26.3.
solids to settle (normally about 30 min). Rapid cooling will
26.5 Recovery, overall precision, and bias results for the
generate colloidal precipitates that are difficult to settle.
low range samples, Type II water, are presented in Table 3 and
are shown in Fig. 4.
TABLE 3 Test Method B, Recovery, Precision and Bias for Low
Range, Type II Water
26.6 Recovery, overall precision, and bias results for the
low range samples, Type II water plus 1000 mg/L of chloride
Amount Amount Standard
Bias, Significance ion, are presented in Table 4 and are illustrated in Fig. 5.
Added, Recovered, Deviation,
mg/L mg/L mg/L
6% (95% confi- 26.7 Recovery, overall precision, and bias results for the
dence level) high range samples, Type II water, are presented in Table 5 and
5 6.76 4.02 +35 no
12 13.10 3.37 +9 no
27 26.10 2.86 −5 no 9
Supporting data are available from ASTM Headquarters. Request RR: D19-
45 43.91 3.69 −2 no
D 1252
D 1252
D 1252
The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428.