InCAP2019 Paper 291
InCAP2019 Paper 291
InCAP2019 Paper 291
Abstract— GaAs based Photoconductive antennas (PCAs) proportionality of laser beam size to Coulomb and radiation
have widespread industrial uses as terahertz (THz) emitters. It screening, also plays a crucial role on the radiated spectrum.
is now well known that a periodic metallic structure at the edges The extensive study of PCAs design [7,8] exhibits the
of the antenna electrodes, similar to plasmonic PCAs, can dependency of the shape, size, antenna gap and materials to
extraordinarily increase the antenna performance. Here, we obtain required THz radiation. Some of the key features of
have described that Interdigitated-Slot Photoconductive these radiations include non-ionizing capability, penetration
Antennas (IPCAs) can be a better THz generator than no-slot through paper, clothes, plastic, absorption by water and certain
IPCAs because of its higher screening electric field. IPCAs have organic substances, accompanied with high chemical
been simulated using CST MWS software. Having a teeth length
sensitivity. The presence of such notable characteristics,
of 20 µm, width of eight µm and a slot of two µm in the center,
the reflection coefficient of -33 dB at 4.65 THz with 0.515 THz
extends its application in medical imaging, biological sensing,
has been achieved, whereas, with two slots around the center, security screening, and spectroscopy applications [9-16]. M.
the reflection coefficient is -17 dB at 2.84 THz. The result shows Imran Kazim et al. [17] used LT GaAs based interdigitated
how frequency tunability and dual band radiation can be photomixer, which provided easy fabrication and scope for
achieved by optimization of antenna parameters. These micro THz applications. While dealing with small bandwidths,
antennas may be the future of several applications. dipole and slot antennas containing single and dual elements
extend efficient power benefits [18].
Index Terms — Interdigitated-Slot Photoconductive Antenna,
Terahertz generation and detection, Micro-antennas
In this paper, we have made a comparison between
interdigitated structures with and without slots. J. Made´o et
al. [19], worked with interdigitates photoconductive emitters,
by varying their electrode spacing. Consequently, they
I. INTRODUCTION observed a shift towards higher frequencies on decreasing the
Like other regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, THz spacing. We have observed an up-shift in frequency when the
technology is not closely matured; many useful applications length of the periodic metallic structure at the edges of the
from materials studies to life sciences have been proposed and antenna electrodes is more. Moreover, if the Gaussian laser
many are presently in progress. The major hurdle to produce spot matches at the center slot of the PCA, reflection
THz radiation is to find suitable source and detector, coefficient is higher, hence efficient THz radiation observed.
moreover, that should be reliable, efficient, easy to fabricate
This paper is divided in the following sections: Section II:
and cost effective and portable. To get high electric THz
Antenna Circuit Analysis, Section III: Antenna Design,
fields, people are mostly dependent on nonlinear frequency
Section IV: Results and Section V: Conclusion.
mixing processes such as, difference frequency generation and
optical rectification, in nonlinear crystals (e.g. ZnSe, GaP, II. ANTENNA CIRCUIT ANALYSIS
LiNbO3, etc.) [1], but it needs high power ultrafast laser
sources and laboratory like controlled environment. The gap between the electrodes (2 µm) is generally smaller
Therefore, to make a portable device in THz regime which can than the wavelength of the generated THz waves. Hence it is
be used anywhere for spectroscopy, imaging, communication possible to model the antenna as an equivalent time varying
and other purposes, researchers are in search of alternative lumped-element circuit operating in the THz frequency range.
solution [2]. In that respect, among the various natural and Fig. 1 shows the proposed equivalent circuit.
artificial sources, photoconductive antenna (PCA) is a popular
technique for THz generation and detection [3], though it
suffers from two photon absorption in presence of high power
laser. However, with the ongoing research in PCAs, this
drawback could be overwhelmed. Furthermore, PCAs are
suitable for optical and RF applications, offer similar
characteristics of impedance matching, equivalent circuit
analysis and resonance [4]. PCAs based on these
implementations, can be easily demonstrated in terms of
lumped circuit models [5]. L Hou and W Shi [6], proposed the
effect of laser beam size on the Terahertz emission from the
antenna. The optical pulse is incident on the antenna gap (G),
spreads into the photoconductor, and initiates to create Fig.1. Equivalent Circuit for Antenna
electron-hole pairs (photocarriers) inside the photoconductor
as it is absorbed. In presence of DC bias field, the produced The carrier density, electric field intensity and power
photocarriers are accelerated and creates a transient transmitted to the semiconductor can be calculated from
photocurrent at the metal-dielectric interface, drives the Drude-Lorentz model as follows [20]:
antenna and re-emits as a THz radiation. The inverse
(a) (b)
d w
Fig.3 Combined Return loss analysis for all the designs
Fig.2 a) PCA having no-slot, (b) PCa having two slots around the centre and
(c) PCA having one slot at the centre
Fig.10 Far-field Gain for two slots antenna at 5THz
Fig.4 Far-field Gain for no-slot PCA at 4THz
The variation in number of teeth followed by number of
slots, provided some interesting results. The addition of a
centre-slot increased the center frequency to 4.645THz and
return loss to -33.26 dB. If two slots are added around the
centre, the center frequency reduces to 2.695THz and return
loss becomes -17 dB.
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