RF Design of Input Cavity Structure of A Low Frequency, High Average Power IOT
RF Design of Input Cavity Structure of A Low Frequency, High Average Power IOT
RF Design of Input Cavity Structure of A Low Frequency, High Average Power IOT
Abstract Inductive Output Tube (IOT) is a vacuum electron tube capable of amplifying
RF power with very good efficiency. IOT has been extensively used in TV services as UHF
transmitters to amplify both audio and video signals. Its moderate power gain, high efficiency
and long life make it suitable for this application. Besides that, this tube has been proving its
capability and reliability in scientific areas like in high energy particle accelerators and fusion
plasma heating purposes. The paper will present the RF design of input cavity of a low frequency
( 350 MHz) IOT carried out at CSIR-CEERI. It is an important component of the device. The
simulation of the cavity has been carried out in CST and MAGIC2D codes. The CAD drawings
have been prepared and the cavity structure has been fabricated. The details of design approach
using CAD tools shall be presented in this paper.
The IOT was invented in 1938 by AV Haeff but it took long time to recognize the ability and
potential of this device. The tube came in prominence when it was used in UHF transmitters
where its performance impressed the microwave researchers [1]. The structure of the device is
similar to any other linear beam tube, like klystron, having some major differences in its operation.
The input RF cavity, being an important part of the device, has to be designed with many technical
constraints. The velocity modulation occurs in the interaction gap of the cavity which is placed
onto the gun part.
The major components of IOT are electron gun, input/output cavities, input/output couplers,
focussing magnet and collector, as shown in Figure 1. Pierces type gridded electron gun is used
for electron beam generation. The RF input signal is applied between cathode and a grid which is
positioned close to and in front of the cathode.
The inner wall of the cavity is connected between the cathode and grid the two electrodes
both of which are at a large negative potentials. Further, it is necessary to maintain the outer wall
of the cavity and its tuning mechanism at ground potential. The method used to form bunches
is somewhat different from the conventional linear beam tubes. The modulated beam passes into
the RF output interaction region of the IOT. The device has no intermediate cavities. An output
coupler connects the cavity to the output feeder system. The electron beam is focused using a
suitable magnetic focussing system. The spent electron beam is dissipated in a copper collector
either air cooled or liquid cooled depending on the power level involved [24].
IOTs are widely used in TV services as UHF transmitters to amplify both audio and video
signals. It has average power gain, very high efficiency and sufficient long life which make it
suitable for this application. Apart from this, IOTs significance has now being recognized for
scientific applications too. They are used as RF source in a number of international high energy
particle accelerators such as Diamond, CERN and LANSCE [5].
IOT has only two resonant cavities- one input and one output cavity. The velocity modulation will
occur in the input cavity where the nose cone gap is the distance between the cathode and grid.
The cavity should be smartly positioned so that the cathode-grid gap plays the role of cavity drift
gap and contributes to the interaction between electron beam (emitting from the electron gun) and
the input RF signal (applied at the cathode-grid gap). As the cathode-grid distance is very small
in the range of 0.3 mm, the design of the cavity should be such that the required field pattern (E
and H) could be obtained within the cavity for proper modulation. One key issue is that the cavity
operates in grounded mode and in this case, the inner wall of the cavity is connected to the cathode
and grid, having high negative potential, hence proper isolation of the input circuit is mandatory
for its successful operation.
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The paper presents the simulation results of a 350 MHz input cavity carried out in CST and
MAGIC PIC software. The cavity structure shown in Figure 2 is chosen for properly placing the
cavity onto the cathode-grid gap. The inner conductor, shorted at one end and open at other end
(which makes the cathode-grid gap), acts as cathode which is emitting electron beam from its face
and the outer conductor dimensions (diameter and length) are the deciding factor of the desired
resonance of input RF signal in the cavity. The design is so chosen because in this structure, E
field peaks at the gap and B field maximises at the short end which is the desirable field profiles
for coupling the input power to this cavity.
For choosing the initial dimensions of the cavity, there are some limitations and considerations.
Within the inner conductor of the cavity, in actual, cathode has to be placed. Therefore, the inner
conductor has to be of sufficient diameter so that the cathode will be inserted in it properly. Hence,
the inner conductors diameters estimation is taken from the cathode diameter (which is already
simulated according to the beam parameters). The outer conductors diameter is optimized through
various iterations to get the resonance of the desired frequency in the cavity. The critical dimension
is the cathode-grid gap. The gap is taken so small ( 0.3 mm) to have only 12 percent of the
RF cycle being interacted with the electron beam so that proper and efficient velocity modulation
takes place for sufficient bunching of the electrons. On the other hand, decreasing the gap distance
below the specified value will cause breakdown issues. Therefore, this gap is chosen within safe
limits to properly serve its purpose of modulation in the cavity.
The cavity structure is similar to a radial cavity whose inductance, capacitance and resonant
852 PIERS Proceedings, Prague, Czech Republic, July 69, 2015
where L is the inductance produced in the cavity wall, is the permeability, C is the capacitance
in the cavity gap, 0 is the permittivity of free space, fr is the resonant frequency, r is the
relative permittivity of the material of the cavity, a and b are radius of inner and outer conductor
respectively, d is the cathode-grid gap, l is the height of the cavity and c = 3 108 m/s is the
velocity of light in vacuum.
Figures 3 and 4 provide the information about the resonant frequency and E field pattern
obtained in CST and MAGIC respectively. Based on the results obtained, the input cavity has
been fabricated as shown in Figure 5. The cold test measurements are planned for validating the
simulation results. The experimental results will also be presented in the talk.
IOTs are now widely recognized as a useful vacuum tube for various microwave applications. The
results of input cavity of an IOT under development at CSIR-CEERI are presented in this paper.
The eigen-mode analysis of the cavity has been done in CST as well as MAGIC codes and is
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium Proceedings 853
fabricated in the CEERI workshop. From simulations, it can be concluded that the cavity structure
presented in the paper will be suitable for generating resonance of the RF input signal in an IOT.
The design adopted is also suitable for putting it onto the electron gun structure which is necessary
for the velocity modulation of the electron beam.
The authors are thankful to Dr. Chandra Shekhar, Director, CSIR-CEERI, for allowing us to
present the paper.
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