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Effects of Superstrate on Electromagnetically and Gap Coupled Patch


Article  in  International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies · October 2014

DOI: 10.5815/ijwmt.2014.03.03


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3 authors, including:

Ravindra Kumar Yadav Jugul Kishor

Skyline Institute of Engineering & Technology JIMS Engineering Management Technical Campus Greater Noida


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Antenna as a Sensor View project

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I.J. Wireless and Microwave Technologies, 2014, 3, 26-35
Published Online October 2014 in MECS(http://www.mecs-press.net)
DOI: 10.5815/ijwmt.2014.03.03

Available online at http://www.mecs-press.net/ijwmt

Effects of Superstrate on Electromagnetically and Gap Coupled Patch

Ravindra Kumar Yadav1, Jugul Kishor2 and R. L. Yadava3

Department of ECE, JRE Group of Institutions, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
Department ECE, I.T.S Engineering College, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
Department of ECE, Galgotia's College of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India


In this paper the effects of water loading (termed as superstrate) on the characteristics of an electromagnetically
(EM) and coupled pentagonal patch antennas operating in the ISM band have been described. The proposed
antenna structures are analyzed using HFSS and the influence of the superstrate on resonant frequency,
bandwidth, VSWR and radiation characteristics have also been analyzed. The obtained results also reveal that a
larger bandwidth can be found in case the dielectric substrate is separated by air gap spacing. In addition,
though impedance matching is little deteriorated due to loading, however the operating frequency band (BW)
shifted to lower side significantly.

Index Terms: Electromagnetically coupled (EMC), electromagnetically gap coupled (EMGC), microstrip
patch antenna, stacked antenna, pentagonal patch antenna.

© 2014 Published by MECS Publisher. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of the Research
Association of Modern Education and Computer Science

1. Introduction

Generally during rainy environments water may easily get accumulated over the surface of patch antennas
being used in the open atmosphere. Hence exposure of patch antenna to the snow fall and buildup of snow or
ice over its patch surface, or exposure to rain water and accumulation of water over its patch surface should be
taken into account during the design phase. For a microstrip patch antenna which is a narrow band device
exposure to such environmental conditions causing its resonant frequency getting lowered [1, 2]. Effect of
dielectric superstrate on parameters such as resonant frequency, input impedance, radiation efficiency, etc. for
single element microstrip patch antenna is already reported in the literature [3–6]. In past many researchers
have worked on electromagnetically coupled patch antenna; First Q. Rao presented an electromagnetically
* Corresponding author.
Email address: [email protected]
Effects of Superstrate on Electromagnetically and Gap Coupled Patch Antennas 27

coupling fed broadband low profile microstrip antenna (MSA) array [7]. Radiating element is an E-shaped
MSA that is fed by an electromagnetically coupled strip and covered by a low loss radome. In September 2007,
Deosarkar et al. designed high gain two-layer electro-magnetically coupled patch antenna in the ISM band [8].
Latter, in March 2008, Ikeda enhanced bandwidth of a low profile microstrip antenna which is
electromagnetically coupled with a Folded Inverted L-shaped Probe [9]. However, Lee et al. have described
and characterized, an electromagnetic coupled patch antenna covered with superstrate and found that for the
antenna operating in the high-gain region, the resonant input impedance increases and the 3 dB beam-width
decreases with the dielectric thickness [10-12]. F.R. Cooray and J.S. Kot has analyzed radiation of a
cylindrical-rectangular microstrip patch antenna loaded with a superstrate and an air gap between the substrate
and the superstrate, using the full-wave approach as well as the electric surface current model. They presented
the results in the form of normalized radiation patterns for various thicknesses of the air gap and for superstrate
made of lossy dielectric material [13].
However, the effects of a water as superstrate on the centre frequency and bandwidth of electromagnetic
coupled and gap coupled pentagonal patch antenna have not yet studied though both structures shows
significant alteration in their performances. Therefore, authors have made an attempt to investigate and
describe the effects of the water layers on the surface of the electromagnetically and gap coupled probe fed
pentagonal antennas.

2. Design of Proposed Patch Antennas

2.1. Design of pentagonal antenna

In general the major advantages of a pentagonal patch antenna over the rectangular patch antenna that, it
supports both linear and circular polarizations [14]. The pentagonal patch antenna provides circular polarization
with only one feed where as rectangular patch antenna requires multiple feeds to get circular polarization.
Hence a probe fed pentagonal antennas is chosen here for study because of its better impedance matching. The
pentagonal antenna size calculations were done considering the invariance of the electrostatic energy below the
pentagonal and circular patches, however maintaining their areas remain constant. Fig. 1 shows the geometry of
a regular pentagonal shape, however the design specifications are given in Table 1.

r2 r1

Fig. 1 Geometry of a regular pentagonal shape

The relationship between the circles (r1) to the side arm of the regular pentagon (r2) is given in equation (1).

 r1

r2 2  (1)
28 Effects of Superstrate on Electromagnetically and Gap Coupled Patch Antennas

Side arm of the pentagon (r2) = 1.175 r1

In the derivation of the equation (1), the pentagonal patch is assumed to be a resonant cavity with perfectly
conducting side walls. Because a circular disc is the limiting case of the polygon with large number of sides, in
this case number of sides are 5. The resonant frequency of the dominant as well as for the higher order modes
can be calculated from the formula given below [15]:

X np c
fnp= (2)
2 r1 r

Where X′np are the zeros of the derivative of the Bessel function Jn(x) of the order n, as is true for TE mode
circular waveguides, however for the lowest order modes;

Xnp =1.84118 (3)

The lengths of each side of the pentagonal antenna are calculated by using equations (1) & (2). For coaxial
feed, the location of the feed point is usually selected to provide a good impedance match. The schematic of a
pentagonal patch antenna is shown in Fig. 1 and design specifications are given in Table 1.
Table 1. Design parameters of the proposed antennas

Parameters Electromagnetically coupled antenna EMC gap coupled antenna (gap

size,d =0.4 mm)
Designed frequency (GHz) 2.39 2.41
Substrate 1(FR-4) εr1 = 4.4, tanδ = 0.02, εr1 = 4.4, tanδ = 0.02,
h1=0.8 mm h1=0.8 mm
Size of the pentagon (l1=l2) 28.52 mm 28.52 mm
Substrate 2(Plexiglas) εr2 = 3.4, tanδ = 0.001, h2=0.8 mm εr2 = 3.4, tanδ = 0.001, h2=0.8
Dielectric cover(Water) εr = 81, tanδ = 0.0 εr = 81, tanδ = 0.0
Feed location 9.0 mm from the centre 9.0 mm from the centre

2.2. Design of electromagnetically coupled patch antenna geometry

The side views of the proposed antennas are shown in the Fig. 2 (a & b). The lower pentagonal patch is fed
by a coaxial cable and upper pentagonal patches are coupled through the fringing field.

h2, εr2,
h1, εr1,

Fig. 2a Schematic diagram of electromagnetically coupled patch antenna

Effects of Superstrate on Electromagnetically and Gap Coupled Patch Antennas 29


h2, εr2,
h1, εr1,


Fig. 2b Schematic diagram of electromagnetically coupled patch antenna with dielectric cover (water layer)

However the photograph of fabricated electromagnetic coupled patch antenna surface with feed line and
pentagonal patch antenna are shown in Fig.3.

Fig. 3 Structure of electromagnetically coupled patch antenna fed with coaxial feed

2.3. Design of electromagnetically gap coupled antenna geometry

The geometry of the electromagnetic gap coupled patch antennas are shown in Fig. 4a &b. The dimension of
the side arm of the pentagonal patch antenna is l1 and l2. The thickness of the lower substrate is h1 and the
permittivity is εr1 while h2 and εr2 are the substrate thickness and permittivity of the upper patch respectively.
The two patches are also separated by an air gap having a distance of d that can be adjusted to 0.4 mm.

(a) (b)
Fig. 4(a) Schematic diagram of electromagnetically gap coupled Fig. 4 (b) Schematic diagram of electromagnetically gap
patch antenna coupled patch antenna with water layer
30 Effects of Superstrate on Electromagnetically and Gap Coupled Patch Antennas

However the photograph of fabricated electromagnetic gap coupled patch antenna surface with feed line are
shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5 Fabricated prototype of electromagnetically gap coupled patch antenna

3. Results and Discussions

The results of observed return loss (dB) against frequency over the operating band of the EM coupled
antenna are plotted in Fig. 6 in which t = 0 represents an antenna without any layer while t = 0.1,0.2 and 0.3
mm represents the thickness of the water layer poured on the patch surface. It can be observed from this figure
that there is change in return loss over the entire frequency band due to the change in the water layer superstrate
thickness (0.1 mm to 0.3 mm). However, the centre frequency and the bandwidth are also slightly changed. So,
we can conclude that EM coupled antennas loaded with dielectric superstrate like water, which has very high
dielectric constant, show relative change in the resonant frequency. The obtained results are also summarised in
Table 2. A network analyser is used for measurements of the S-parameter and the measured results are in
excellent agreements with the simulated results, which is shown in the Fig. 6 and summarized in Table 3. From
the Fig. 7, it is observed that, though impedance matching is little deteriorated, the operational frequency band
will be slightly changed.

Fig. 6 Comparisons of return loss characteristics of the electromagnetically coupled patch antenna
Effects of Superstrate on Electromagnetically and Gap Coupled Patch Antennas 31

Fig. 7 Comparisons of Input Impedance EM Coupled patch antenna

Table 2 Simulated parameters of the proposed electromagnetically coupled patch antenna

Types Electromagnetically coupled antenna

Without With dielectric cover
dielectric t = 0.1 t = 0.2 t = 0.3
cover mm mm mm
Designed frequency (GHz) 2.39 2.3 2.27 2.26
Return loss(dB) -26.83 -16.84 -15.54 -14.2

Impedance (Ω) 47.15 40.06 37.12 33.9

VSWR 1.095 1.335 1.401 1.484
BW (MHz) 62.3 53.8 48.8 47.2
Gain 0.89208 1.1577 --- ---
Radiated Power(mW) 19.408 116.14 --- ----

Table 3 Measured parameters of the proposed electromagnetically coupled patch antenna

Types Electromagnetically coupled antenna

Without dielectric With dielectric cover with
cover thickness t = 0.1 mm

Designed frequency (GHz) 2.39 2.3

Return loss(dB) -21.90 -30.80
Band Width(MHz) 60 60

The results of EM gap coupled antenna also reveals that return loss (dB) against frequency over the
operating band of the antenna are plotted in Fig. 8 in which t = 0 represents an antenna without any layer
while t = 0.1,0.2 and 0.3 mm are the thickness of the water layer poured on the patch surface. It can be
observed from this figure that there is change in return loss over the entire frequency band due to the change in
the water layer superstrate thickness (0.1 mm to 0.3 mm). The variation of the resonant frequency of the
antenna can be explained by the variation of the effective permittivity with accumulation of the water level on
the surface of the antenna. The obtained results are also summarised in Table 4 which shows that the
accumulation of the water level on the surface of the patch antenna reduces the antenna parameters such as
32 Effects of Superstrate on Electromagnetically and Gap Coupled Patch Antennas

return loss, impedance, VSWR, etc. A network analyser from Agilent Technologies™ is used for
measurements and the measured results are slightly different from simulated results, which is shown in the Fig.
8 and summarized in Table 5. The difference in the measure and simulated result are minimized by accurate
measurement of water layer thickness on the patch surface and by uniform distribution of water layer on the
patch surface. From the Fig. 9, it is observed that, though impedance matching is little deteriorated, the
operating frequency band will be slightly changed.

Fig. 8 Comparisons of return loss characteristics of the electromagnetically gap coupled patch antenna

Fig. 9 Comparison of Input Impedance of electromagnetically gap coupled patch antenna

Table 4 Simulated parameters of the proposed electromagnetically gap coupled patch antenna

Types Electromagnetically coupled antenna

Without With dielectric cover
dielectric t = 0.1 t = 0.2 t = 0.3
cover mm mm mm
Designed frequency (GHz) 2.39 2.3 2.27 2.26
Return loss(dB) -26.83 -16.84 -15.54 -14.2
Impedance (Ω) 47.15 40.06 37.12 33.9
VSWR 1.095 1.335 1.401 1.484
BW (MHz) 62.3 53.8 48.8 47.2
Gain 0.89208 1.1577 --- ---
Radiated Power(mW) 19.08 116.14 --- ----
Effects of Superstrate on Electromagnetically and Gap Coupled Patch Antennas 33

Table 5 Measured parameters of the proposed electromagnetically Gap coupled patch antenna

Types Electromagnetically Gap coupled antenna

Without With dielectric cover with
dielectric thickness t = 0.1 mm
Designed frequency (GHz) 2.39 2.23
Return loss(dB) -25.3 -8.1
BW(MHz) 70 0

4. Conclusion

The behaviour of the EM couple and EM gap coupled patch antenna operating in ISM band due to the
formation of a water layer superstrate on its surface is investigated. It is found that the bandwidth remains
practically unaffected due to rain water accumulation on the patch surface. However, the exact value of return
loss, at any particular frequency within the bandwidth, undergoes change which needs to be taken into account
during system design. Analysis also shows that for t = 0.3 mm, antenna structure totally stops responding as
bandwidth is almost goes zero. So, one may conclude that accumulation of rain water on the top of the antenna
surface (EM coupled and EM gap coupled) makes them prone to frequency shift as well as impedance
mismatch. So effects of environmental conditions should be taken into account during the design phase of an
antenna. If due care is not taken during the design phase, the system may fail to respond as per requirement.


The authors express their appreciation to Dr. B. K. Kanaujia, Professor, Department of Electronics and
Communication, Ambedkar Institute of Technology, New Delhi for allows us to use HFSS simulation software
and experimentations


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34 Effects of Superstrate on Electromagnetically and Gap Coupled Patch Antennas

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Dr. Ravindra Kumar Yadav is an Professor in the Department of Electronics &

Communication Engineering at JRE group of Institutions, Greater Noida, U.P. Technical
University Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. He is B.E from B. N. College of Engineering, Pusad,
Maharastra and M.E. from M.S. University, Baroda, Gujrat. And PhD in the field of
antenna. He has 17 years of teaching experience in the field of microwaves and EM waves
and also published the several papers to his credit in international/national journals,
conferences and symposiums on antennas and fractal antennas. He has guided several B.
Tech and M. Tech project. He is also the member of IEEE

JUGUL KISHOR received his M. Tech degree in Microwave Electronics from

University of Delhi South Campus, New Delhi, India, in year 2008 and B.Tech degree
from Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology, Sultanpur, India He is currently working as
Assistant Professor with the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
ITS Engineering College, Greater Noida G. B Nagar, U. P., India. His recent research
interest activities have focused on the novel antennas Design, Characterization and
application of periodic structure and microwave wireless communication. He has done
various projects in SAMEER-CEM; Chennai under Antenna division. He has authored
various research papers in international and National Conferences proceeding paper and guided one M. Tech
Effects of Superstrate on Electromagnetically and Gap Coupled Patch Antennas 35

Dr. R.L.Yadava, is Professor in the department of ECE, Galgotias College of Engg and
Technology, Gr. Noida, U.P. During his doctoral work he was associated with R & D
project funded by DST, Govt. of India. After receiving Ph.D. degree, he joined VIT
University, Vellore T.N, in 2001 and served as Head of Microwave Division, Co-
ordinator R& D and Co-ordinator (UG) of Electrical Sciences. He has also been
coordinator of M.Tech programme of U.P.Technical University, 2007-08. During his
service at VIT, he was deputed as visiting faculty to KIGALI UNIVERSITY, KIGALI
Center Africa. Dr. Yadava has organized several guest lectures, short-term training
programmes and conferences in the field of Microwaves and Antennas. His research areas includes:
Waveguides, Microwaves and Microstrip Antennas. He has guided several B.Tech and M.Tech projects and ten
Ph.Ds are in progress under his supervision. He has 35 publications in International/ National Journals,
Conferences and Symposiums. He is associate editor of Journal of Information, Intelligence and Knowledge,
USA and also the member of ISTE, SEMCE (I) and IEEE.

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