EBS Citaro-Cito

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Electronically controlled
Brake system
in the city bus CITARO /

System and functional


1. Edition

© Copyright WABCO 2003

Vehicle Control Systems

An American Standard Company


The right of amendment is reserved

Version 001/03.00
EBS Table of Contents

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Advantages of EBS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

System structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Description of components
Brake signal transmitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Central module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Proportional relay valve. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3/2 relay valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Axle modulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Description of a 4S/4M- and 6S/6M- system

Function of the electro-pneumatic unit . . . . . . . 10
Function of pneumatic redundancy . . . . . . . . . . 10
Additional redundancy on the front axle . . . . . . 10
Rear axle redundancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Control functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Backup functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Halt brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Error recognition.................................................... 13

EBS ”emergency modes” ..................................... 14

EBS test types........................................................ 14

Introduction / Advantages of EBS EBS

The demands made on braking systems are increasing
steadily. Therefore, the development and introduction of
an electronic braking system (EBS) is a logical step.

EBS increases traffic safety through reduced stopping

distance and improved brake stability. The full diagnosis
and surveillance functions as well as the display of brake
lining wear offer an effective fleet logistics.

Advantages of EBS
EBS reduces service costs considerably.

n The electronic braking system has a lot of

functions. The aim is to maximise braking safety
at reduced costs, for instance by optimising wheel
brake lining wear.

n Setting pressure, according to wear criteria, to the

front and rear axle results in uniform lining wear.
Overall wear is minimised by making the load on
all wheel brakes uniform. Moreover, servicing and
lining replacement are done at the same time. This
reduces down-time costs.

n Depending on the vehicle utilisation profile and

other factors, this also means considerable
savings for the vehicle user. In terms of wheel
brake service costs alone, a firsthand owner will
save more money with an electronically braked
bus than with a vehicle with a conventional braking

braking system

stopping distance

EBS System structure in the CITARO

WABCO EBS construction kit

The design and structure of WABCO EBS allow high the most complex demands can, therefore, be met. To
flexibility for vehicle manufacturers during system meet the main needs of the vehicle owner, WABCO
construction. In terms of range recommends an EBS with an individual pressure control
unit on the front and rear axle, and which provides for
n subsystem or full system pneumatic redundancies in all brake circuits.
n addition and cut-off redundancy
n electrical interfaces


third axle

halt brake


AME = Axle modulator

BWG = Brake signal transmitter
ECAS = Electronically Air Suspension System
EMR = Electronically engine control
PRV = Proportional relay valve
REDV = 3/2 relay valve (redundancy valve)
RET = Retarder
RV = Relay valve
S = Speed sensor
V = Wear indicator

The EBS described here consists of a dual-circuit, purely desired value sensors and brake switches, as well as a
pneumatic unit and a superimposed single-circuit, proportional relay valve and two ABS valves for the front
electro-pneumatic unit. This configuration is described as axle.
2P/1E system. In terms of structure, the dual-circuit pneumatic unit
The single-circuit, electro-pneumatic unit comprises a basically corresponds to that of a conventional braking
central electronic control device (central module), the system. This unit serves as redundancy and only
axle modulator with integrated electronic unit for the rear becomes active in case of electro-pneumatic circuit
axle, and, if necessary, the axle modulator for the third failure.
axle, a brake signal transmitter with two integrated

Description of components EBS

Brake signal transmitter

480 001/ 002 ... 0
The brake signal transmitter is used to produce electrical
and pneumatic signals, and to increase and decrease the
air pressure of the electronically controlled braking sys-
tem. The device has a dual-circuit pneumatic and a dual-
circuit electrical structure. Actuation start is recorded
electronically by a double switch. The operating tappet’s
route is controlled and transmitted as pulse-width modu-
lated electrical signal. Further pneumatic redundancy
pressure is delivered in circuits 1 and 2. The pressure in
the second circuit is retained slightly in the process. In
case of (electrical or pneumatic) failure of a circuit, the
other circuits remain functional.
Depending on bus type, the brake signal transmitter is
actuated via a running plate (480 002 ... 0, e.g. CITO) or
via a hanging pedal and tappet (480 001 ...0 in the

How it works:

3/2 relay valve (redundancy valve) EBS central module

EBS Description of components

EBS central module 446 130 ... 0

The central module is used to control and monitor the
electronically controlled braking system. It determines
the vehicle’s nominal delay from the signals received by
the brake signal transmitter. The nominal delay and the
wheel velocity measured by the speed sensors are input
signal for the electro-pneumatic control unit, which uses
it to calculate nominal pressure values for the front axle
and rear axle. The front axle’s nominal pressure value is
then compared with the measured actual value, and any
existing deviations corrected with the help of the propor-
tional relay valve. Moreover, the wheel velocity is evalu-
ated so that in case of locking, an ABS control can be
carried out by modulating the braking pressure in the
brake cylinders. The central module exchanges EBS
system bus related data with the axle modulators. The
central module communicates with other systems (en-
gine control unit, retarder, etc.) via a vehicle data bus.

4- and 6-channel
ASR rocking switch *
ABS rocking switch *

* optional
halt brake

pin 30b
pin 30a

pin 31
pin 15

Brake Signal

Central module

Axle Modulator
Axle Modulator third axle *
Redundancy valve

Wear indicator

Wear indicator
Wear indicator

Wear indicator

Wear indicator
Wear indicator

Speed sensor
Speed sensor
Speed sensor

Speed sensor

Speed sensor
Speed sensor

Relay valve
ABS Valve
ABS Valve

Description of components EBS

Proportional relay valve 480 202 ... 0

The proportional relay valve is used in the electronically
controlled braking system to modulate the braking
pressure on the front axle.

It comprises the proportional solenoid valve, relay valve

and pressure sensor. Electrical drive and monitoring
takes place via the central module of the hybrid system
(electro-pneumatically / pneumatically).

The control current impressed by the electronic unit is

transformed via the proportional solenoid valve into a
control pressure for the relay valve. The proportional
relay valve’s output pressure is proportional to this
pressure. The pneumatic drive on the relay valve takes
place via the brake signal transmitter’s redundant (back-
up) pressure.

How it works:

Brake signal transmitter EBS central module

Air Reservoir

Air Reservoir
Brake Actuator
Front axle

Rear axle

EBS Description of components

3/2 relay valve 480 205 ... 0

The 3/2 relay valve is used to supply air to and remove
air quickly from the brake cylinder on the rear axle in case
of redundancy, and comprises several valve units which
must fulfil the following functions, among others:

n 3/2 solenoid valve function for restraining

redundancy in intact electro-pneumatic braking
n Relay valve function, to improve the time
behaviour of redundancy,
n Pressure retention, to synchronise the beginning
of pressure level control on the front and rear axle,
in case of redundancy
n In case of redundancy, rear axle is controlled. 1:1
The 2/2 relay valve also has a 3/2 directional control
valve to which current is supplied in case of ABS and is
thus meant to prevent an involuntary drive through of the
rear axle redundancy pressure during ABS control.
Port 43 must be plugged.

How it works:
EBS central module

Brake signal

Axle modulator

Air Reservoir

Description of components EBS

Axle modulator 480 103 ... 0

The axle modulator controls the brake cylinder pressure
on the two sides of a single or dual axle.

It has two pneumatically independent pressure control

channels with an air admission and bleeder valve each,
individual pressure sensors and a joint electronic control
unit. Desired pressure definition and external
surveillance take place via the central module.

Moreover, wheel rotation speed is measured and

evaluated via two speed sensors. In case of wheel-lock
or wheel-spin, the set nominal value is modified.

Provision has been made for the connection of two

sensors to detect brake lining wear.

The axle modulator has an additional connection for a

redundant pneumatic braking circuit. A two-way check
valve on each side drives the higher pressure (electro-
pneumatic or redundant) through to the brake cylinder.

How it works:
EBS central module

Air Reservoir

Tristop® Tristop®
Cylinder Cylinder

3/2 relay valve (redundancy valve)

EBS Description of components

Function of the electro-pneumatic each wheel brake. The sensor signals from the front axle
are recorded by the central module whereas those from
unit the rear axle are recorded by the axle modulators.

The electro-pneumatic unit of the bus and its signal path Signals are processed and errors monitored for the rear
work via axles in the axle modulators, so that the sensor values
can be subsequently transmitted to the central module
n Brake signal transmitter via the data bus.
two distance sensors determine the nominal value
which is transmitted as pulse-width modulated Function of pneumatic redundancy
signal; two integrated switches are used for
nominal value confirmation, among others Front and rear axle circuits work with different
n Central module redundancy methods. The front axle circuit works
for determining the desired pressure for each axle, according to the additional redundancy principle, the rear
and system control axle circuit is equipped with a redundancy unit which can
be activated with a valve.
n Proportional relay valve
for pressure control on the front axle Additional redundancy on the front axle
n ABS solenoid valves
for the quick ABS pressure control cycles on the The front axle circuit which functions pneumatically and
left and right wheel brakes of the front axle serves as redundancy works via

n 3/2 relay valve (redundancy valve) n Brake signal transmitter

for restraining the rear axle redundancy pressure with 2 pneumatic circuits (front and rear axle)
n Axle modulators n Proportional relay valve
with integrated control unit for regulating brake relay valve with combined pre-control via
pressures on each side of the rear axle(s). pneumatic front axle circuit and the proportional
solenoid valve
EBS can be activated electrically via the driving switch
(pin 15) or by actuating the brake signal transmitter via on the front axle brake cylinder.
the integrated brake switches.
Electro-pneumatic pressure is delivered via the
The measured brake pedal distance is interpreted as the proportional valve when the brake signal transmitter is
desired delay and converted by the central module into activated. Depending on the control force, pressure is
desired pressure standards for the rear and front axle, supplied to the proportional valve by the brake signal
using various criteria. transmitter in a delayed, pneumatically redundant
The nominal value standard for the axle modulators is
transmitted by the central module via a central module. This is added to the pressure delivered already electro-
The axle modulators regulate and record the braking pneumatically. The pressure delivered by the proportion-
pressures of the rear axles’ left and right wheel brake. al valve is adjusted to the set desired pressure by varying
The braking pressure of the front axle is regulated by the the electro-pneumatic pressure.
central module via the proportional relay valve with
integrated pressure sensor. In case of electro-pneumatic unit failure, the pneumatic
pressure part alone affects the proportional valve which
The wheel rotation speeds are recorded via the sensors can be raised to pmax by actuating the brake pedal
known to the ABS system and serve, among others, as further.
input quality for the pressure control algorithms, for the
ABS function and for the ASR function. Due to the need to restrain the front axle redundant brake
pressure vis-à-vis the electro-pneumatic pressure output
Before carrying out a wear control operation, the brake (for instance, measures to optimise wear, or integration
lining wear sensors analyse the brake lining wear on of endurance brake), the ”electrical” nominal value

Description of a 4S/4M- and 6S/6M- system EBS

predominates the pneumatic front axle pressure output The EBS system status, for instance available errors, is
on the brake signal transmitter (2nd pneumatic circuit of transmitted by the EBS to a display unit via the vehicle
the brake signal transmitter). bus (data line).

Rear axle redundancy Potentiometers must be provided (or possibly alternative

limit switches for drum brakes) for sensing brake lining
The pneumatic redundancy of the rear axle works via wear, and which are read in for the front axle by the
central module. The activities of each rear axle wear
n Brake signal transmitter sensor is recorded by the axle modulator; the results are
with 2 pneumatic circuits (front and rear axle) transmitted via the system bus brake to the central
module. The sensors are supplied individually and per
n 3/2 relay valve (redundancy valve) axle with short circuit-proof 5V.
with a 2/2 solenoid valve, a 3/2 way valve and a
relay valve
Control functions
n Relay valve
for the additional axle Endurance brake integration
n Shuttle valves The braking system has an integrated brake
integrated in the rear axle modulator management function which always regulates the
endurance brake when the brake pedal is activated
on the brake cylinder of the rear axles. based on an optimum delay of the vehicle. Optimum
service brake wear is attained through the distribution of
During hitch-free EBS operation, i.e. an electronic endurance and service brake. This function is an
pressure control is possible on the rear axle, the 3/2 important part of delay control. The integration of
solenoid valve in the 3/2 relay valve is set to ”switch off endurance brake can be deactivated via the switch.
redundancy”, due to the electronically controlled
pressure at the left rear wheel. Delay control
Delay control is used to adapt the braking pressure level
The brake signal transmitter is separated electrically and to the driver’s desired braking rate (def. As z in %).
has a dual circuit. The actuation process is recognised
via two switches. The switches have the following When the same amount of pressure is applied on the
functions: pedal, the vehicle is often braked in the same manner,
irrespective of the amount of load it is carrying.
n Sensing the beginning of the braking process
n activating the EBS (if the driving switch is in the If the coefficient of friction on a wheel brake changes (for
”off” position) instance when the vehicle is moving downhill), the delay
control unit ends every adaptation process when a
n the offset values of the nominal value sensors are predefined, fixed maximum is attained, to enable the
calibrated and monitored without being activated driver to also to feel the deterioration.
The inactivated distance sensors transmit the electrical
brake nominal value as pulse-width modulated signals to Adapting to the braking system hysteresis is also part of
the central module. Both signals of the redundant delay control. Each time the brake is released, the
electrical transmitter are evaluated equally. releasing process is chosen in such a way that an
immediate braking force modification is adjusted. This
The braking pressure on the front axle is regulated with function results in quick release of the brakes, i.e. car
electrically controlled proportional valves. The actual- feeling.
pressure sensors are integrated into the valve
subassemblies. The actual values are transmitted as Braking force distribution
analogue signals. The distribution of braking forces on the front and rear
axles depends, among others, on the comparison made
Axle load sensing is not required. The braking pressure in the program range ”Delay control” between the actual
on each axle is determined by a special braking force and nominal value of vehicle delay. The pressure on the
distribution function. The valves are actuated by the front and rear axles is set in such a way that there is
central module. optimum braking pressure output on these axles.

EBS Description of a 4S/4M- and 6S/6M- system

Brake lining wear control Drag torque control

When the brake is applied partially, the braking pressure Drag torque occurs in the drive line due to actuation or
distribution is adjusted, notwithstanding the available change of gas. The resultant braking torque can lead to
driving wheel locking and thus to vehicle instability. Drag
wear signals, i.e. the detected wear difference. The
torque control prevents this situation. When a slip state is
pressure on the wheel brakes with more lining wear is
exceeded, the engine torque increases and the brake
reduced slightly, whereas the pressure on the wheel torque is reduced, irrespective of the driving wheel
brakes with less lining wear is increased adequately, so velocity. The function of the traction control system ends
that there is no change in the overall braking rate when the driving wheel values become stable again.
required by the driver.
Backup functions
The EBS contains the following renowned functions:
Generating brake nominal value
Anti-lock braking system (ABS) The brake pedal distance measured by the sensors in
the brake signal transmitter is transmitted to the central
The control logic determines from the wheel rotation module where it is ”processed”. The distance is
speed whether one or more wheels can be blocked and converted into a nominal delay, based on the
decides whether to decrease, maintain, or increase the characteristic curve described in the chart.
braking pressure on it. The rear axle wheels are
controlled in their optimum area in a similar manner
(individual control ðIR). á
On roads with extremely different adhesion levels
between the right and left sides, vehicles are
uncontrollable or difficult to control using the different
braking forces in ABS (yawning moment development).

As a result, the braking pressure on the front axle brakes

is not adjusted independent of each other, so that the
driver can have a steering reaction (modified individual sà
control ð MIR).

Determining brake nominal value

If the driving wheels are locked when the endurance
brake is applied on low adhesion levels, possibly
Pressure control on the front and rear axles
resulting in vehicle instability, the ABS endurance brake
The nominal pressure derived from the brake nominal
is deactivated via the vehicle’s CAN bus to maintain
value using the higher control algorithms is controlled in
vehicle stability.
the front and rear axle’s pressure control circuits. In order
to improve the pressure control properties, the solenoid
Traction control system (TCS) current in the solenoid valves are controlled.
Just like in the ABS function, while the vehicle is in
Wheel speed sensing and wheel adjustment
motion, the electronic control system determines
whether the wheels are in the stable area of the µ slip Wheel speed sensing corresponds to the sensing
curve. function known to ABS. Automatic wheel adjustment
makes up for the nominal wheel sizes and thus the rolling
circumferences between the axles. If unacceptable
In case of wheel-spin, the engine output and/or driving wheel combinations are used, this is recognised as an
axle wheel braking is adjusted by the axle modulator via error.
the CAN bus and engine control system. An activated
traction control system is displayed on the functions If the wheel sizes change, the system requires a change
display. of parameters.

Failure diagnostics EBS

Halt brake The EBS monitors EBS-specific solenoid valve

When the halt brake switch in the dashboard is activated, control.
the command ”Activate halt brake” is transmitted to the
central module via the FPS and the emergency switch Front axle proportional relay valve
”release halt brake”. This latter sends the command to The frequent solenoid (pressure proportional to the
the proportional relay valve and axle modulator(s), so solenoid current) of the front axle proportional relay valve
that 2 bar braking pressure is exerted on the brake is checked to see whether control is carried out correctly.
cylinder of the front and rear axle.
Either the halt brake is released or actuation is given via Rear axle redundancy valve
door electronic unit and afterwards with the brake signal The rear axle redundancy valve’s solenoid switch is
transmitter, the requirement ”halt brake” via FPS, monitored to see that control takes place correctly.
emergency switch and central module is cancelled.
Rear axle modulator’s inlet and discharge valve
The rear axle’s inlet and discharge valves are located
Failure diagnostics inside the axle modulator. The solenoid cables are not
accessible from outside.
Error recognition functions are used to avoid the effects
of system failures and/or to inform the driver about The EBS monitors braking pressure control. The
functional problems. The error recognition principles electrically controlled braking pressure and the
correspond partly to those of a conventional ABS device
pneumatically redundant pressure are also
(monitoring the ABS valves, the wheel speed sensors,
the computer hardware).

Too low front axle braking pressure

On the other hand, a big part of the surveillance functions The availability of minimum braking pressure (on the
concerns EBS-specific functions (EBS-specific sensor front axle at a certain solenoid current supply level) is
analysis, EBS-specific solenoid control, braking pressure checked.
control, data transmission via CAN bus).
Too high rear axle pressure deviation (from left to
In addition to the wheel speed sensor signals, the EBS right)
evaluates many other sensor signals and checks that In normal braking processes (neither ABS nor traction
these signals are error-free. control system – TCS -controls) the measured braking
pressure on the left and right sides of the rear axle must
Nominal value sensing (sensors and switches) almost be equal. If the braking pressure deviation
The brake signal transmitter provides two sensor and two exceeds the admissible value, an error is reported.
switch signals. The (pulse-width modulated) sensor
signals are checked to see whether they conform with Rear axle redundancy fails
the authorised values, and for mutual deviations. The In certain situations (vehicle stand still, parking brake in
correctness of the (digital) switch signals are then tested. stop position), an electonically control of brake pressure
on front- and rear brake is prevented. If the driver will now
Braking pressure sensing (on the front and rear actuate the pedal, brakes on front- and rear brakes are
axles) controlled via pneumatical redundancy. If the front axle
braking pressure exceeds a certain value, the rear axle
The pressure sensor’s (analogue) signals in the pressure
must have a specified minimum pressure. A faiIure is
control circuits are checked to see whether they
recognized if this not applies.
correspond to the authorised values.
Rear axle redundancy cannot be switched off
Note: The cabling for the two rear axle sensors is not Normally, pneumatic redundancy pressure control in the
accessible from outside, since it is an internal axle rear axle is prevented by the redundancy valve. If an
modulator cabling. error makes this deactivation impossible, the rear axle
braking pressure can no longer be reduced during ABS
Wear sensing (on the front and rear axles) control, etc. (because there is inlet of non-ABS-
The (analogue) signals from the wear sensors are compatible rear axle redundancy pressure into the rear
checked to see whether they correspond to the axle brake cylinder). Error recognition takes place in this
admissible values. case.

EBS Emergency modes/control possibilities

EBS monitors data transmission EBS test types

n between the EBS central module and the axle
modulator (System bus) The following peculiarities must be observed
n between the EBS and other system control while testing the electronically controlled
devices (vehicle bus) braking system:
If communication is impossible or is suddenly cut, an
n Test of the 3/2 relay valve (redundancy valve)
error is reported.
A vehicle stand still, with parking brake in stop
position and ignition on together with an actuation
EBS ”emergency modes” at the brake pedal will switch off the axle
modulator. Now, the function of the redundancy
As a rule, certain EBS functions are deactivated when an valve can be tested with a pressure gauge,
error is detected. Functions not impaired by the failure connected to the rear axle's brake cylinder. The
are maintained. For the EBS-drive with limited functions, failure of the electronical circuit is simulated. The
the term ”emergency mode” is used. measured pressure must correspond to the supply
The following functions can be deactivated if an n Maximum pressure level control: When the
error occurs: brake is applied > 80% of the pedal stroke and
ignition is off, the full pressure must work on the
Operation without ABS function front and rear axles.
The ABS function can be deactivated on a wheel, an
axle, or the entire vehicle. Possible causes: faulty speed n Roller dynanometer test:
sensor signal, ABS valve error, etc.) (Roller dynanometer function)
A roller dynanometer function was integrated into
Operation without ASR function the EBS electronic unit so that an electronically
braked bus can be tested on a roller dynanometer.
The traction control system can be switched off
This function is used to test the braking pressure
completely or partially. Complete deactivation means
at full load (permitted total weight).
that both the braking system and the engine control unit
The roller dynanometer function is activated if the
are deactivated. Partial deactivation means that only the
EBS is not switched on via the ignition (pin 15)
braking system is deactivated. Possible causes: (faulty
when the vehicle is braked again, but rather
speed sensor signal, etc.)
through activation of the brake signal transmitter
via the integrated brake switches. The front axle
Pressure control / auxiliary pressure control
and/or rear axle speed must be < 3 km/h.
Normally, braking pressure control requires braking Special EBS controls such as endurance brake
pressure sensor signals. When these signals are no integration, delay control and brake lining wear
longer available, electrical braking pressure can be control are not active when the roller dynanometer
produced. In this case, we talk in terms of pressure function is active. The maximum braking pressure
control operation or auxiliary pressure control. However, can now be measured. The EBS is working
the accuracy of this pressure production is limited, correctly if the measured braking pressure
compared to hitch-free pressure control. Possible corresponds to the basic loaded vehicle design.
causes: Pressure sensor signal failure, etc.)

Redundancy operation
If electrical pressure control becomes impossible, the For WABCO Diagnosis tools please refer to brochure
corresponding axle is braked with the help of the 820 001 029 3
pneumatic redundancy pressure. Possible causes:
damaged solenoid, or faulty solenoid cabling, etc.)


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