TOIBHO 2020 04 12 Page 15 Cropped
TOIBHO 2020 04 12 Page 15 Cropped
TOIBHO 2020 04 12 Page 15 Cropped
CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIBhopalBS PubDate: 12-04-2020 Zone: BhopalCity Edition: 1 Page: TOIBHC13 User: abdul.qureshi Time: 04-11-2020 19:54 Color: C
Luce mentions how he is now using antini’ and ‘virtual happy hour’ – new s the world slips into isolation,
n a recent column, writer Rega Jha ad- words daily that did not even exist a terms and phrases are flying in fast. one wonders just how we got
mitted to ‘doomscrolling’ – some- month ago. Some have found entry into Fashion commentator Sujata Assomull here. While we are eager to go
thing we all are doing but didn’t have the March editions of online dictionaries, says, the fact that some phrases are in the back to our old ways of life, some habits
a term for so far: our habit of being un- and some are on their way to become dictionaries proves that scholars believe we are getting used to right now must
able to stop consuming bad news at an bonafide lifestyle trends. From the more this pandemic has caused a major shift in continue for the survival of mankind…
obsessive pace. Along with it, we are liv- medical terms like ‘super-spreader’, ‘con- our approach to life. “Some of these
ing through a time when a new vocabu- tact tracing’, ‘community spread’, ‘flatten words will be our lingo for time to come. WHAT WE EAT
lary is being formed as we go through the curve’, ‘young vector’ to lifestyle For instance, I can imagine a Quarantini For animals, for the environment, and The
‘coronageddon’ (yes, another buzzword choices like ‘social distancing’, ‘social iso- used as normally as we use Cosmopoli- for your own health, going vegan looks world needs
for the new normal). lation’, ‘micro-socialising’, ‘cocooning’, tans, and WFH as regularly used as OOO like the inevitable move. “Innumerable to engage more
Brand expert Harish Bijoor says most of ‘self-quarantine’, ‘caremongering’ to (out of office).” scientific studies have established that with hands than
with gadgets
the new vocabulary is courtesy social me- changes in work, like ‘WFH’ (working plant-based food is completely nourish-
dia, which has the ability to grab the tail from home), ‘contactless delivery’, ‘dis- DEFINING LIFESTYLE ing for the human body, and we can
of a trendy word and make it go viral. Dramatic shifts in culture and technology choose to turn vegan/vegetarian – a travel meltdown, most people will re-
He notes: “Social media — partic-
ularly Twitter — is about crisp
language. Out there, there is a
neologism every minute. Ear-
often catalyse the formation of new vo-
cabulary. This period of lockdown has
also led to a lot of introspection.
“Over the years, social
health-nourishing choice for humans
and the planet at large,” says nutritionist
Manjari Chandra. While there is no evi-
dence linking the present pandemic to
³ In the long run,
travellers may wish to
look for less crowded,
view cancellation policies of hotels
with a hawk eye. Also, bookings will be
done much closer to the date of travel.”
So, think staycations, weekend moun-
off-the-beaten track
lier, pop culture used to media has made our use meat consumption, yet coronavirus destinations, maybe trying tain trips and slow train journeys.
evolve in and through of the language quite (along with HIV, Ebola and Nipah), is
for drivable places
the lyrics of musicians. flippant. But now, we zoonotic – which means all these diseases — Shoba Mohan, travel entrepreneur
Today, it evolves in the seem to be thinking originate from animals. This pattern is Work on your psychosomatic health. As
hashtags of tweets.” From about the true mean- hard to ignore and will urge meat-eaters leftover food, is being recycled because per research, infectious outbreaks have
#covidiot and #quarantini to #corona- ing of words. We will to review their food choices in the future. we have lesser resources at hand and shaped the psyche of humanity for
dosing – the lockdown lexicon is now use words like plenty of time to think this through. Be- years to come. Epidemics and pan-
just getting started. As Financial ‘hope’ and ‘fear’ in a more mean- HOW WE COOK fore we are done with this physical dis- demics propagate fear and erratic be-
Times writer and columnist Ed- ingful way,” adds Assomull. Now, that’s a Stock up but don’t hoard. This virus has tancing cycle, recycling might become a haviour long after they are over. “Go
ward Luce puts it, this is just the ‘coronarevelation’ (a life-altering made us get back to basics, make do with habit for us. In the longer run, it needs to back to self-correcting systems of
start of lockdown living. epiphany at the time of lockdown)! what’s available and not be dependent evolve into a mindset. To live with less… Ayurveda, yoga and herbalism and heal
on exotic produce. It has given us the 1. Start eliminating the unnecessary; 2. Stop your mind and body,” says Dr Manoj
THE PUNDEMIC home. Also, ‘Gen-C’ Disorder to help the lonely, anxious time and opportunity to learn to eat purchasing the latest and second question Kutteri, wellness expert.
Doomscrolling Covidiot When every cough concerns and vulnerable home-cooked food and get back to old every buy; 3. Select keepsakes with care
Obsessively scrolling for One who behaves with reck- Quarantime Pandemic Proposal (in pic.) cooking methods. We had forgotten that THE TAKEAWAY FROM THIS?
updates on the pandemic – less disregard for the safety The slow and unpredictable A marriage proposal that
to cook our own food and eat it before it HOW WE TRAVEL With enough time at hand now, the
even though there’s no good of others passage of time in isolation happens just because you are
Covidivorce Cove-dwellers stuck alone for so long loses its warmth is a luxury. This also Overtourism became a huge problem world is engaging in hobbies like
news. Also ‘coronadose’
(overdosing on bad news) Result of relentless spousal Those who are hunkering Pandemiquette gives us the freedom to engage the next last year with several countries warding sewing, gardening, embroidery, pot-
Quarantini intimacy down until the storm passes Social etiquette during generation in cooking, bond with them off bulk travellers. The current debacle tery. Hobbies and self-care rituals are
The cocktail people drink at Panicdemic Covid-22 a pandemic – no handshak- and pass on traditional recipes. has put that debate to rest for a long crucial in such times as people need
home while under quaran- The consequence of ‘corona- Pandemic related dilemmas, ing, coughing into the time to come. We are all going through to anchor on feelings of comfort and
tine. Also led to the trend of dosing’ or ‘doomscrolling’ for instance, balancing the elbow etc. HOW WE SHOP travel withdrawal symptoms following familiarity. The world needs to en-
‘virtual happy hour’ Bat-terfly effect need for fresh air with the — Source: various websites
Minimisation of waste has found a whole border closures and stay-at-home advi- gage more with hands than with
Coronials/Quaranteens When chaos theory becomes risk of leaving your house Do you have your own covidic-
Babies being conceived while chaos reality Caremongering tionary? Share with us at new meaning in our houses under lock- sories. Shoba Mohan, founder of a trav- gadgets. We need a one-on-one with
people are cooped up at Pre-traumatic Stress Spreading kindness and love [email protected] down. Everything, from plastic wraps to el company, says, “After the Covid-19 our planet.
nstagram — that inarguably created the colour. A softer shade of turquoise
FOMO culture –– is now full of mundane Add a bit of Easter cheer and green, it is an energising hue. Vinita Dawra Nangia
stuff. There are people posting pics of times, we can bring out the
house cleaning, daily dal-chawal cooking, giv- metaphor of the craft more than t would be most regrettable if we
ing laundry advice and uploading videos of creativity, and vent. FOMO has a new context ever to lift our spirits. The bagh This fun, free-spirited trend takes in- emerge the other side of Covid-19 the
closet cleanses. The days of brunch photos, now, it is all about missing out on popular (garden) resonates with life.” spiration from abstract expressionist same as before we went under. Some-
vacay selfies and concert stories are over. En- hashtags! “It is giving people an opportunity to Here’s how you can bring in pos- artwork. Artist Anu Malhotra says, thing must shift after such an earth-shat-
ter: intimate chronicling of days spent inside. find strength in this otherwise anxiety-pro- itive vibes… “Art with abstract energy enhances tering experience. Mistakes have been
The filters are off. voking situation,” she notes. Make things at home with the help of your kids the mood and energy of a space and made and we are paying for those. As we
In an article in The Atlantic, writer Kaitlyn Agrees psychiatrist Dr Samir Parikh, and 1. GO BOHO-CHIC lifts your spirits.” With bold geomet- limp out of the punishment zone, the
Tiffany asked people to post more – and with adds, “The ones making an effort to con- [email protected] Use neutral base and then add colour rics, hand-drawn sketches and playful only way to rebuild life is to do so with
abandon. After all, the content stakes are nect with friends, family are going and diverse elements. To give any blocks of colour, this look is all about new lessons learnt.
off. Psychiatrist Dr Shobhana Mittal The to come out of the lockdown with s the world is staying indoors, space that boho-chic touch, use expressing your personality. Last week this column spoke of the
says, “If social media had a true call- pressure to a positive frame of mind. The home space energy is being colourful flowers. fragility of life and preciousness of the
ing, NOW would be the time for the carefully curate is ones who aren’t, are going to looked upon as a science of 5. HOME SPA SPACE present moment. Of how the world is one
realisation of its ultimate potential – replaced by the need struggle for a long time.” At a joy. A good idea for Baisakhi is to bring 2. SMALL FLORAL DETAILS Beauty rituals in bathrooms are the and the only way out, to help save each
as a glue keeping us all together so- to document time when doing your bit for out your old phulkari dupatta and use It’s a minimal trend that brightens up new must-dos. Create your own other. We must learn to envisage the worst
cially while we sit physically apart.” daily your country is all about sitting at it as a throw on a couch, add some any space and is suitable for different space in bathrooms for that feel- and remain prepared for it. We spoke of
In fact, since the lockdown, social net- home, posting regularly could just be plants to the corner to create a happy decorative styles. It’s best to choose a good soak. Home space is where you how family and health score over every-
working apps have become the way forward for your ‘hero’ moment. space. Harinder Singh, of Phulkari small cactus, bonsai or orchid, etc. will heal. thing else.
people to express themselves, showcase their (Read the full text on Restoration Project, says, “In these Place in a strategic spot. (Read the full text on While we leave it to political leaders,
environmentalists and scientists to work
out how the new world emerges, till each
eat or delete individual assimilates the lessons the pan-
demic has taught us, nothing will change.
So, what changes do you hope to
f you are chronically stres- other digestive issues: It is ab- tioxidant-rich vegetable juice daily the bright side of this lockdown. to shore up immunity-building Cut dow wn on social life
& Clinical Dietician Adopt one creative indulgence: What
sed, your pet could be too. normal if such a condition lasts (just blend three different raw veg- With no maids/cooks, the charge sources of Vitamin B12 (while
gives you most solace these days?
They absorb our emotions. longer than 24 hours, or if diar- o, here we are in 2020. etables –– can lightly steam for 30- of the kitchen is in your hands found mainly in animal sources, Painting, singing, dancing, writing, knitting,
How can you find out if they are rhoea is bloody. Homebound. In this togeth- 60 seconds as a step of caution in and you can wonderful- both vegetarians and non-vegetar- cooking? Don’t give it up!
stressed, and what can you do Consult your veterinarian if er. And for those of you who these times –– in a blender. Add ly control what goes ians may need to take supple- Know your prejudices: List the things that
about it? Read on... these symptoms persist. They have to work from home, it could half the pulp to a glass, top up with into your system. ments, so do check with your doc- bug you. Make a conscious effort of work-
ing past them.
6 COMMON SIGNS OF STRESS can be due to various condi- be challenging to balance spread- water, season, mix, and drink up). tor accordingly), vitamins D3 and
Indulge yourself: The world need not know,
1. Decrease in appetite: If your tions, including hypothy- sheets with domestic distractions. REPLENISH C, as well as zinc. All of these are so long as your conscience is clear.
pet suddenly loses interest in roidism, anaemia, severe dehy- But the biggest mountain to climb REPURPOSE If you have a little found in food sources but can be Insttill discipline: Make at least two good
food or stops eating altogether, dration, diabetes, heart and liver could be your diet. Eating well dur- Use the time that you would more time on taken as supplements too. Lastly, things mandatory – your choice. For
it could be due to stress or un- problems, to name a few. ing quarantine is also an important have spent commuting your hands, turmeric is another wonderful im- instance, no breakfast till you exercise, or a
drink till you walk. No movie till you read
derlying health conditions. — The writer is a veterinarian way to maintain good immunity – use them munity-building gem. something, or no reading till you meditate.
2. Isolation and hiding: If your (BVsc & AH) especially vital at this time. If you AVOID... to pick
pet is constantly isolating want to get the best of this period, Unstock all the out lean- RELOCATE
Starting today, Times Life is
him/herself from other pets or take heed of 4 Rs: Routine, repur- unhealthy things er and Don’t eat at your desk. If you are
asking you to send us the
people, s/he is depressed. pose, replenish, relocate. that affect your healthi- working from the dining table, doubts adding to your
3. Increased sleeping hours: If immunity: alcohol, er op- clear your table for meals, or eat
aerated drinks, mental load during the
your pet is sleeping more than If you have queries related to ROUTINE tions, mindfully at another location. lockdown. We will get our
managing pets during the artificial
usual or seems overly lethargic, lockdown, for example, if you This means having scheduled sweeteners, like veg- Chew every bite, don’t work while experts to respond so that
it may be due to stress. can take your pet for a walk, if mealtimes and eating what you fruit juices, etables, you eat, and nourish yourself every you can continue to stay
4. Aggression towards people vet clinics are allowed to oper- would normally eat at office. Eat junk and lean meats, time you put food in your mouth. calm during the chaos.
or other animals... is a sign of a ate etc., send your queries to
[email protected]
every two hours (interspersing four fried foods. These may eggs, nutritious You’ll be surprised at how far this Write to us: TALK
[email protected]
stressed or sick pet. We will seek answers from rel- healthy balanced meals with initially spike your blood
sugar levels, but will also send
grains, milk and all careful approach can take you dur-
with your name, phone number
5. Obsessive licking... of paws
is one of the major signs of
evant authorities. Please keep
your questions brief.
pieces of fruit or a healthy crack-
them crashing down
other necessities
ing this crazy time in our world.
and city. OUT